How to clean carpet from stains. Carpet cleaning at home with the best products. How to wash wool carpet at home

Carpets add comfort to a home. They come from different materials and vary in quality. Anyway appearance home carpet products deteriorate over time due to the appearance of household pollution and loss fresh color. After reading this post, you will learn all about how to clean the carpet at home without damaging the fibers, freshen it up and give it a tidy look.

The most common causes of carpet soiling

Very often, carpets become unusable due to the following factors:

  • contamination with the urine of the child (small children sometimes pee, children's urine, if not washed in time, will create on the floor and in the room Not nice smell);
  • stains from cat and dog urine (tags and petty hooliganism emit horrible smell and create unsanitary conditions);
  • remains on carpets a large number of hairs from domestic animals (in order to clean the carpet well from wool, it is not enough to simply work with a vacuum cleaner);
  • the most difficult stains include plasticine, dirt in the form of footprints, food and drink residues (if desired, a dirty carpet can be updated, you can remove the stains yourself with your own hands).

Of course, with what means to clean the carpet, you need to select according to what material it is made of and take into account the composition of the contaminants. If the disinfection method is chosen correctly, the aforementioned odors, germs and stains will disappear.

carpets can be cleaned with snow, laundry soap, washing powder, soda, vinegar, whiteness, but it is better to use special household chemicals

Effective ways to clean carpets with affordable products

How to clean carpet with snow?

What will be required:

  • choose the right weather;
  • take a tool for knocking out and sweeping with you.

In winter, there is a great opportunity to update the carpets. Not wet, fresh loose snow is suitable for this business, it should be frosty outside. Well, if there is no ice crust on a snowdrift. It is advisable to choose a free field so that you can shift the product several times to clean snow.

We lay out the carpets on the snow and act from the inside in any way: you can work by knocking out or walking on the surface. Thus, the fibers will be cleaned of the smallest dust and dirt particles. Next, you need to repeat this operation several times, changing the place in the snowdrift. After all efforts, turn the product over, generously sprinkle it with snow, carefully knock out and sweep out the pile.

Having finished cleaning, you should not immediately return the carpet home, it is useful to knock it out again, hanging it on the crossbar. At home, you will have to dry the product, for this you need to spread it on the floor and wait a while. It is better not to walk on wet pile. They say that snow removal kills moths, so this technique it can be considered a struggle for the environmental friendliness and safety of your home.

How to clean a light carpet?


  • laundry soap, sawdust and gasoline;
  • store-bought cleaner for light-colored carpets.

Should not be applied lemon juice for cleaning products light colors, otherwise there is a risk of fixing yellow shade. It is believed that the white carpet will be well washed and will not suffer from laundry soap. We lubricate the product with a soapy solution, wait 3 hours, then wash everything off.

For carpets in light colors, it is advisable to try an old proven product. We take 1 part of purified gasoline, combine with 10 parts of a thick soapy solution. Plentifully soak all small sawdust with soap and spread them on the rug. After the sawdust has dried, sweep the carpet with a brush.

You can protect the snow-white coating from darkening if you use a special tool, but first you need to study the instructions and find out if the composition is suitable for this type of matter.

Cleaning carpets with vinegar, baking soda and powder


  • vinegar, soda and washing powder;
  • water and grease remover.

To make the carpet brighter and cleaner, they use the well-known trio of improvised means that are probably available in the house. Pour into a small container hot water(⅔ cup), pour a large spoonful of baking soda. You will also need to add a third of a glass of vinegar and complete the process by adding a large spoon washing powder.

Mix everything and apply with a spray bottle to all existing spots. Using a neutral piece of cloth, we clean the stains, moving from the edges to the center. Then wipe the problem areas again with a damp cloth, trying to collect detergents. At the end, blot with a dry cloth and leave the carpet to dry.

According to reviews from different places Internet, the housewives found out that it is possible to include in the soap mixture not a powder, but a dishwashing detergent. For example, Fairy. This component qualitatively removes stains and freely dissolves in water.

Carpet steam cleaner

What you need:

  • steam generator for home;
  • vacuum cleaner.

Dirty carpeting in the house on the floor is a source of allergens and a breeding ground for microbes. Instead of a vacuum cleaner that cannot cope with greasy stains on rugs and carpets, steam cleaners are used. Particles of dirt and mold, after softening with steam, easily peel off from the fibers. If there are asthmatics or allergies in the house, you need to decide in time how and with what to effectively clean all existing carpets and upholstered furniture. Of course, complete disinfection with steam cleaners is not possible, but the products will become much cleaner.

Ideally, the carpet should first be vacuumed, the most difficult stains washed with a mild detergent, then treated with a steam generator. Water vapor is safe for people and animals, so working with a steam cleaner is called eco-cleaning. Any protein stains after steam treatment may not be removed and become more persistent. These include stains of blood, eggs and milk.

Citric acid for cleaning carpets


Inexpensive and safe means citric acid and baking soda are great for cleaning carpets. We take a large spoonful of any salt, dissolve it in a liter of water, add 2 small spoons citric acid. Instead of the last component, you can drip lemon juice. Thoroughly clean the carpet several times with a solution and a brush.

Carpet cleaning with ammonia

What will be required:

  • ammonia;
  • water.

A home first aid kit usually contains the familiar ammonia. It helps to refresh the pile of carpets. For cleaning, you need to measure 2 small spoons ammonia, dilute this amount in a liter of water, soak a piece of cloth or a gentle brush with the solution. Spread the liquid over the carpet, then wipe everything dry.

Removing drink stains from carpet


  • napkin, soap solution;
  • glycerol.

Often we spill coffee and tea on carpets, and they are known to permanently stain the fabric. First, as quickly as possible, you need to get the problem area wet using a cloth or paper absorbent napkin. After that, we apply soap dissolved in water with a brush.

To remove complex dried tea and coffee contamination, it does not hurt to apply glycerin for several hours, then clean with soapy water.

How to remove blood from carpet?

What is needed for this:

  • napkin;
  • cold water and a brush.

Sometimes bright spots get on our carpets. In this situation, it is better to act immediately, putting on traces of blood wet wipe. After softening the stain, you need to rub the contaminated area with a brush with cold water.

Removing traces of paraffin and wax from carpets

Items for cleaning:

  • iron and a piece of cloth;

Paraffin and wax stains can be removed with a heated iron or cold exposure. Wrap an ice cube with cellophane to prevent leaks, press it against the stain, then remove loose particles.

The second method of exposure is to apply a dry cloth to the pollution, iron it from above, setting a moderate temperature. After the wax has cooled, it can be collected.

Remember the ice method, as chewing gum can be removed from carpets in the same way.

Cleaning food stains from carpet

What you need:

  • grated soap;
  • water and wine vinegar.

As long as the dirt from chocolates and fruits is fresh, there is a chance to get rid of them forever. We take a small spoonful of household soap shavings, add wine vinegar, we also need a teaspoon of it. Pour a liter into the same container warm water. Wipe with the resulting mixture problem area then wipe with a damp cloth.

Carpet cleaning from alcohol stains

You need the following:

Stains after pouring liquor, beer or wine are quite persistent. But if they are removed in time, then there will be no trace. You will need liquid soap and warm water. A liter of water is enough, and a couple of teaspoons of soap. The brush is dipped in this solution, stains are cleaned. Then remove the traces of soap with a damp cloth. The final stage of cleaning from alcoholic beverages. Combine a small spoonful of vinegar with a liter of water and thoroughly clean the carpet with this liquid again.

carpet cleaner is selected according to the type of soiling and the material from which it is made

How to quickly clean the carpet with Vanish?

We need:

  • Vanish for carpets;
  • brushes or sponges for cleaning.

Not in every case you can do with only home remedies. Everyone knows that the popular Vanish carpet freshener works flawlessly. This brand exists in the form of a spray, active foam, shampoo for handwork, shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners and powder for dry cleaning without washing.

If the carpet has an unstable color, then Vanish can cause color fading. Products self made may also be corrupted. Before cleaning, we ventilate the room and vacuum the carpets in the usual way, without a washing vacuum cleaner. Only in the case of using shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners, the latter is appropriate.

The Vanish brand is good because it allows you to cover impressive areas of matter at low cost, eliminates neglected spots. The powder is convenient in that it does not need to be diluted, it is already wet. The stain remover spray completely removes fresh dirt. You just need to wait a while. The foam is applied for several minutes or hours, then washed off. The shape of the foam is good for high traffic areas - kitchen, stairs, corridors, hallways. The most important quality of Vanish is that it kills any unpleasant odors. It is believed that this tool is superior to cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner.

We clean carpets without chemicals with table salt

Necessary things:

  • salt;
  • soap.

In order to completely eliminate the contact of the carpet with household chemicals, you can use salt. We choose pure salt without unnecessary ingredients. It is advisable to give preference to small fractions. We apply salt liberally on the carpet, leave for 20 minutes, then take a broom moistened with a hot soapy solution. The carpet should be swept. This approach in many cases helps to clean the carpets of dirt and gives them a new life.

Karcher intensive carpet washing

What you need for cleaning:

  • karcher at the car wash;
  • shampoo.

Not always the listed methods of cleaning the carpet work. Some cannot remove old stains and strong smell, others do not have enough strength and time to process a large product. If cleaning at home is unacceptable or does not help, then you can take the carpet to a car wash. Karcher creates a powerful jet, so the wool carpet can suffer from this. It is better to find a more gentle technique for him. Natural carpets do not withstand such treatment. Glued rugs should also not be subjected to such a wash.

A carpet is spread on a clean concrete floor. We apply a layer of foam, then rinse with a stream of water. Well, if the product lies at an angle. Thus, the dirt will drain faster. The optimal angle of the jet relative to the carpet is 15-20 degrees, not 90. It is important to completely wash the foam particles from the fibers.

Removing mold from carpet

For cleaning you will need:

  • hydrogen peroxide and whiteness;
  • soda and vinegar, essential oils.

Mold in a residential area is a real threat to human health. If this problem discovered, we must fight it right now so that the mushrooms do not grow. I need to wash the carpet immediately. In addition, care should be taken to prevent the appearance of mold and to properly clean the air in this room.

Soap and water are ineffective against mold. Of course, it is better to use store-bought solutions, they are designed to fight the fungus. You can also add peroxide or whiteness. Bleach is known to be able to inhibit fungal growth only on a non-porous surface such as tile. The same can be said about a liquid called hydrogen peroxide. Despite this, two of these products are recommended for cleaning carpet from mold. It is necessary to combine peroxide or bleach with eight times the amount of water, apply, leave to absorb and dry the product.

Also, baking soda and vinegar will work properly against mold. Although the latter may not cope with every type of mold, it really oppresses many of them and does not allow it to grow. Soda has the same properties, and it also helps to kill unwanted odors. If you are sure that the vinegar will not corrode the matter, then apply undiluted liquid, soak for an hour, then rinse everything off. We will also describe the option with soda. Mix soda with water, put the gruel on the carpet. After absorption, remove the product with a vacuum cleaner or brush.

Also, many say that grapefruit and tea oil kill mold on carpets. They are probably credited with such qualities, because they have proven themselves as natural fighters against microbes and fungi. We take a glass of water, drip 10 drops of grapefruit oil there, also put a large spoonful of oil tea tree. We go through the carpet with a spray gun, then we erase the excess moisture with a piece of cloth and wait for it to dry.

How to clean a long pile carpet?

May be useful:

  • turpentine and soap;
  • product intended for the hygiene of long pile carpets.

Undoubtedly, fluffy carpet is beautiful and easy to use. But he has one feature that makes him less popular. The thing is that carpet-grass is difficult to clean. Some manage to treat long pile carpets with turpentine and soap. We put a large spoonful of grated gray soap and a large spoonful of turpentine per liter of warm water. This solution is applied with a brush, then washed off with a damp cloth after half an hour. Next comes drying. Remember that you use this technique at your own peril and risk.

Much more safe option- use a special shampoo for carpets with long pile, then it will be like new - soft and lush.

There are many options for non-standard folk remedies for cleaning carpets. For example, sauerkraut. If you have a very expensive or too vulnerable carpet, then you should not use dubious or too aggressive products. A delicate rug made of viscose or a silk carpet is better to give to specialists for dry cleaning. In other cases, it is better to test the substances on a small area, to assess whether they will cause harm. Also available on the internet detailed video from experts on delicate carpet renewal.

Carpets are found in many homes. They not only decorate the overall interior, but also create a cozy atmosphere in the room. But not all products can be dry-cleaned. There are a lot of ways to clean the carpet at home, for this you can use folk remedies or special equipment. In order not to spoil the product, the cleaning agent and method are chosen depending on its features: color, type of material and pile length.

How to clean different carpets

The dust that collects on the carpet eats into the pile and spoils its appearance. To prevent this from happening, the product is swept or vacuumed several times a week.

If you do not want use household chemicals and you don’t know how to wash the carpet at home without it, you can use a steam generator or a regular vacuum cleaner.

The use of chemicals

Chemical products that are sold in large assortment. They are divided into two types: professional and household chemicals. More effective means, it's professional. They are highly priced and can be purchased online. These are strong solutions that are used last, if simple household chemicals failed to clean . How to clean carpet without a vacuum cleaner a little more complicated, you need to know how to use such tools correctly:

Folk remedies for stain removal

The cheapest and effective method carpet cleaners are home remedies. To figure out how to clean the carpet at home quickly, you need to choose the right remedy and cook it. Which tool is better:

Carpet washing at home

In the bathroom, it is easy to wash small and medium-sized carpets. . To keep it from spoiling you need to know how to do it right.

Palace small size completely soaked in the tub. To do this, pour water into the bath and add detergent to it. When the carpet gets wet, the dirty water is drained, and the product is rinsed 2-3 times in clean water.

If you clean the carpet incorrectly, then its appearance will become worse. To prevent this from happening, removing dirt from the carpet with your own hands, follow some rules:

To make carpet cleaning easier, stains are removed immediately after they appear. Cleaning of the carpet is carried out with brushes with a short pile of medium hardness.

Attention, only TODAY!

Are the carpets covered in dust? Do they have stains and ugly divorces? Learn how to clean carpet at home and make it shine with freshness and cleanliness.

The current market offers a huge selection of carpets that differ in structure, pile length, material and colors. The choice of detergent, as well as the cleaning method, depends on this. Let's consider each option.

Long pile floor coverings

They are the most difficult to clean - debris, hair and wool are clogged into a long pile. Such carpets should not be rubbed with a hard brush - it will damage the base. It is better to use foam that goes inside and quickly dissolves the dirt.

Short pile carpets

The most popular type, unpretentious and easy to care for. It perfectly tolerates dry and wet cleaning. To freshen up the shade and make the carpet neater, prepare a mixture of water, a few drops of shampoo and ammonia. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and treat the surface. Let it dry completely and vacuum again.

Carpets made from natural materials

Natural fibers get dirty very quickly. In addition, they are attacked by moth, fungus and mold. They must be cleaned carefully, using a gentle method. So, sheepskin, wool, fur suits soda solution, while silk does not tolerate moisture - they can only be vacuumed.

Synthetic coatings

Unpretentious synthetics do not lose their bright colors, but, unfortunately, have short term suitability - synthetic carpet loses its appearance after 5-6 years, and the pile pressed by the cabinet will always be like that. Synthetic carpets need to be vacuumed 1-2 times a week. If necessary, you can clean with soda and a brush.

Dark and light carpets

Light pile cannot be cleaned with lemon juice - yellowness will appear. Replace it with laundry soap shavings or a strong soapy solution, which will remove almost all stains in two hours.

Soda, potatoes and starch are not suitable for dark pile. They remove stains, but leave streaks that will be more noticeable on a dark background. Use ammonia mixed with clean water. The stains will quickly disappear, and the pile will become much softer.

When is it time to clean the carpet?

Let's try to determine whether it is necessary to clean the carpet from stains. As a rule, these measures should be resorted to when:

  • stains remained on the carpet after holidays and feasts;
  • a lot of dust accumulated spring-cleaning has not been carried out for a long time;
  • the coating emits a very unpleasant odor;
  • there are small children and/or pets in the house.

Shop arsenal for home carpet cleaning

If you want to reliably clean the carpet from dirt, purchase any of these products at the store. They are included in the list of the best.

What tools are suitable?


Cleaning the carpet with Vanish is quite easy and simple - strong washing foam effectively removes the oldest stains. The disadvantages of this tool can be safely attributed only to the high price and not very large volume (one bottle is enough for 2-3 sessions).

It is a cleaning powder with anti-allergic properties. It can be used not only for rugs, but also upholstery, as well as other textiles. The tool copes well with dust and dust mites, but more difficult spots he will not be able to.


Another great helper in the fight against stains on carpets. Moreover, this tool allows you to get rid of unpleasant odors, including from cat urine.

It's environmentally friendly detergent preparation for carpets and upholstered furniture. It works very simply: the foam is absorbed into the pile, after which it dries and becomes a powder. It can be removed with the most ordinary vacuum cleaner.


A common remedy that does not contain harmful substances. Well dissolves dirt between the fibers of the carpet.
Spot Lifter

A unique powder that can be applied dry or wet. Suitable for all types of carpets.
"Extra Profi"

Removes blood stains from the coating, as well as from chewing gum and plasticine.

Folk remedies for cleaning coatings

If you do not have expensive detergents, try using homemade options. Record recipes!

Recipe 1 - ammonia

Cheap stain remover has been known since ancient times.

Mix 10 ml of ammonia, 1 tsp. washing powder and 0.5 liters of water. Apply the mixture to the carpet and scrub with a soft brush. Wipe the surface well and let the carpet dry.

Recipe 2 - sauerkraut

Very unusual way but environmentally friendly and efficient.

Take cabbage without vinegar and squeeze it well. If you are afraid of the aroma, rinse it under running water. Sprinkle cabbage all over the carpet and go over with a soft brush. When the cabbage becomes dirty, collect it in a scoop, rinse and repeat again. Keep doing this until the cabbage is clean. The carpet must then dry.

Recipe 3 - soda

Baking soda absorbs odor and absorbs dirt. It is enough to sprinkle the stains with a small amount of soda, leave for about 30 minutes, and then vacuum up.

Recipe 4 - lemon juice

Lemon juice corrodes even chronic stains. Apply lemon juice to pure form on the stain, leave for 2 hours and treat with warm water, otherwise the carpet will be sticky.

Recipe 5 - laundry soap

A simple brown block will take care of any stain. And in order not to stick the villi, do not soap the carpet, but grate the soap and mix with warm water (5 grams of soap chips per half liter of water). Spread this mixture over the surface of the carpet with a soft brush. Now wipe with a damp cloth and repeat the “wash” again.

Recipe 6 - table vinegar

If the stains are small and have not had time to eat into the pile, try regular vinegar. Mix it with water (2 tbsp. per 0.5 l) and use a soft brush to clean the dirty area. Do not worry about the aroma - after airing it will disappear by itself.

Recipe 7 - tea brewing

But for old stains, tea leaves are ideal. Put it on the spots for 1.5-2 hours. Then collect with a broom or vacuum. The stains will completely disappear, and the carpet itself will acquire a fresh and pleasant smell.

Recipe 8 - an explosive mixture

You can clean the carpet with baking soda and vinegar for dried stains. Mix vinegar with water (4:4) and apply on the carpet. Blot its surface with dry towels or napkins. After a few minutes, sprinkle baking soda on the stains, wait 30 minutes and vacuum up.

Recipe 9 - snow and ice water

Using water from the freezer, you will get rid of blood stains, traces of animals and dirt in a few minutes. Dip the brush into the water and scrub the carpet thoroughly.

Ordinary snow will also help clear the carpet of dust. It perfectly cleans even light carpets with thick and long pile. Throw the cover on the snow and beat it with a stick, broom or fly swatter. Then wash the carpet with snow - mark with a broom and sweep it very quickly. By the way, if you leave the carpet in the cold, you can kill the dust mite.

Video: how to effectively clean the carpet?

Recipe 10 - sawdust and gasoline

This the simplest recipe easily removes grease stains. Soak sawdust in gasoline (they can be replaced with starch, crushed chalk or talc). Pour the product on the stain, cover with a sheet of blotting paper and leave it overnight. Iron the paper in the morning and put new leaf. Repeat until paper is clean. If the spots are small, the sawdust can be collected after a few hours.

Recipe 11 - gasoline and soap solution

Gasoline copes with old pollution perfectly. Dilute 10 gr. in warm soapy water (100 ml) and rub the mixture into the stain.

Recipe 12 - potatoes

Grate 4 potatoes, pour 1 liter of water. After 2 hours, strain - a starch solution will come out. Dip a brush into it and clean the carpet. Once the starch dries, vacuum it up.

How to clean carpet with a steam cleaner?

This method is not suitable for covering wool. Use the steam cleaner in a warm and dry room, otherwise a musty smell will appear.

  1. Remove everything from the floor.
  2. Pour the desired amount of hot water into the steam cleaner.
  3. Start cleaning the carpet from the farthest wall, moving towards the door.
  4. First use the brush to lift the dust and dirt from the base of the carpet.
  5. Pick them up with a brush.
  6. Adjust the steam supply so that the carpet does not become wet.
  7. Walk on it with the device and let it dry completely. You can't walk on carpet!

Some more tips

Now you know exactly how to clean the carpet at home, but that's not all. A few more important points need to be clarified:

  • Hot water is contraindicated for carpets;
  • During cleaning, avoid movements "against the coat";
  • Wet cleaning should be repeated no more than once every three months;
  • Remove stains immediately, do not let them eat into;
  • Do not lay carpets on a wet floor;
  • Change the position of the carpet regularly to prevent scuffs;
  • Place pieces of rubber under the legs of heavy furniture;
  • Do not use hard brushes - you can clean the carpet from wool with a brush with a soft bristle;
  • If there is a fray on the carpet, sew it up with matching threads. Do this from the inside, and cut the front seams to make a pile.

Who does not dream of a soft fluffy carpet underfoot, which is so pleasant to walk barefoot on? Perhaps there are few people who will say that they love "bare" floors.

Some choose rugs in the interior, because they are much cozier and more comfortable. Others prefer carpeted floors, as small children do not sit still.

However, such items are capable of collecting a large amount of dust and dirt, and therefore require special high-quality cleaning. It is not enough just to walk on the carpet.

It is important to carry out wet cleaning in order to better remove dust particles that enter the air of the room, and then into the lungs of the household. And if stains of fat, blood, coffee, wine, resin appeared on the carpet?

In this case, how to clean the carpet at home? It turns out that such pollution can be quickly removed by available methods.

Any housewife knows that this is the most time-consuming task in the cleaning process. In order for the soft floor covering to last for more than one year, and the general cleaning of the carpet does not take much time and effort, it is important to properly care for it.

There are several standard secrets that will help extend the life of the product. They apply to all its types - dark and light colors, short or long pile.

  1. Vacuum your carpet or rug thoroughly. This should be done at least once or twice a week. With frequent use of the room in which the carpet is located, vacuuming should be done at least every other day. During cleaning, the vacuum cleaner must be turned on at full power in order to better remove the accumulated layers of dust. This will help straighten the pile, make it more voluminous. It is also worth using a vacuum cleaner to go through areas on the floor under the carpet, since it is there that the largest number dust.
  2. If finances allow, then worth having, which will not only pull dust from the pile, but also wash the carpet from dirt.
  3. Spots that appear must be removed immediately. until they have had time to be well absorbed and become difficult to remove.
  4. Carpets are well treated fresh air, That's why it is necessary to ventilate them on the street.
  5. Several times a year a carpet is needed beat out on the street.

If stains still appear, do not rush to get rid of the product. There are many ways that will help not only remove dirt, but also return the carpet to its original cleanliness and fresh look.

Some are applicable to carpets with short piles, others help to remove stains on bulky fluffy rugs. Knowing how to clean the carpet at home, you do not have to spend time on salon processing or calling specialists to help clean the carpet.

You can clean the carpet from stains and dust using chemicals intended for these purposes.

However, not all means are strong in the fight against old spots. Most are used for regular cleaning, which does not require much time and effort. They are best used with light pollution.

Complex stains

The most common contaminants are coffee, fat and blood. If you quickly begin to eliminate the consequences of carelessness of the household, then the stains can be removed without difficulty.

So, for example, soda will remove traces of wine spilled on a carpet or path. It must be mixed with washing powder, applied to the stain, rubbed with a brush or sponge, and removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Cold water will wash away fresh blood stains. If you didn’t catch it in time and the stain dried up, you just need to put a rag moistened with cold water on the stain for 30 minutes, then rinse with a brush and water, and let it dry.

To clean the carpet, the water should be cold or slightly warm!

Sprinkle the oily stain that appears immediately with talc or chalk, cover with blotting paper and iron. From the stain will not remain a trace! Also, the grease stain perfectly absorbs potato starch Or regular rock salt.

Coffee stains are removed with glycerin. It is applied to cotton pad and lubricate contaminated areas. Then washed with water with the addition of ammonia.

You can easily and quickly clean the carpet with ammonia and water. Dissolve 20 ml of alcohol and one tablespoon of washing powder in 1 liter of cool water. Moisten the stain with the resulting solution, rub with a soft brush, blot with a dry cloth and dry well.

With help regular napkins you can try to clean the carpet from the resin. Apply a napkin to the stain and carefully iron it with an iron. If this method does not help, then you can remove resin stains using special chemistry for cars.

To clean the carpet from stubborn dirt, including dried dirt or ink, and fresh lemon juice will help to add aroma. It is enough to squeeze it onto the stain, rub it with a hard sponge, rinse with water after drying. Citric acid corrodes even old stains.

You need to clean the white carpet very carefully with lemon, because lemon color may leave yellow.

The carpet will become fresh and clean if the contaminated places are sprinkled with salt, rubbed lightly and brushed off with a broom dipped in soapy water.

You can get rid of stains with a mixture of kerosene and powder. They are suitable for cleaning both short pile carpets and fluffy rugs. Before starting work, the carpet must be vacuumed. Then soapy water is prepared from the washing powder.

To the resulting water, you need to add kerosene in a small amount. You need to dip a sponge into the solution and walk it through all contaminated places. The result will be noticeable immediately!

How to clean carpet at home if it is amazing white color? Of course, such a coating is very easily soiled and requires special careful attitude. But no one is safe from stains, and dirt can appear quite unexpectedly.

Traditional baking soda will come to the rescue. Its powder must be sprayed on the place of contamination, and after 30 minutes the residues should be removed with a vacuum cleaner (preferably washing). After such processing, the white carpet will acquire its original light shade.

You can try to refresh the carpet using an unusual folk method - sauerkraut. You just need to squeeze out the brine and rub the cabbage with a brush into the contaminated area. If you are worried about the smell, then the cabbage should be washed with cold water.

After the cabbage becomes dirty, it must be collected and washed, then the carpet should be treated with it again. Repeat until cabbage is clean.

Table vinegar will help get rid of surface stains and clean the carpet. Dissolve three tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water. Intensively rub the dirty places on the carpet with a coarse brush dipped in vinegar solution.

Let the carpet dry well and be sure to ventilate the room. Specific smell disappear without a trace after a while.

Each housewife has her own secrets, which they will willingly share and bring to public discussion. Better experience in carpet cleaning do not get, than in the exchange of opinions on similar sites.

After finishing the carpet cleaning procedure, it is worth observing several conditions:

  • do not step on the carpet and do not walk on it until complete drying;
  • do not fold the product, as this can lead to bends in which the pile does not dry out enough, and an unpleasant smell of moisture appears;
  • dry the carpet properly - best of all in the air.

Thus, cleaning carpets at home is a time-consuming, but simple procedure. At right approach the carpet will again shine with cleanliness and smell of freshness!

If you want to remove stains or freshen up the look of your carpet, don't be in a rush to buy expensive cleaning products. To do this, you can use the soda, salt or gasoline available in every home. How to properly and how to clean the carpet at home, you will learn from our article, where we have collected proven methods of cleaning with our own hands.

We clean from dirt

If vacuuming does not bring the desired effect, and you want the carpet to look cleaner and fresher, we will help you helpful tips how to clean carpet at home with baking soda, vinegar and other home remedies. These methods remove dust, dirt, unpleasant odors. We advise you to combine this procedure with wet cleaning of upholstered furniture. So the dust from the carpet will not be able to settle on the sofas and armchairs.

If, after a feast, alcohol was spilled on the carpet, food was dropped. Wipe off moisture with an absorbent cloth. Scrub food and debris with a brush. Now prepare two solutions and wash the fleecy surface with them one by one.

Solution No. 1. Dilute dish detergent or liquid soap in warm water, stir until lather forms. Wet the sponge liberally and wash the pile.

Solution number 2. Pour a glass of vinegar into a bucket of warm water. Wet the cloth liberally and wipe over the carpet.

    Wet cleaning foam. Dilute washing powder in water or special agent for carpets. Whip up a rich foam and apply it to the pile. Wait until completely dry and vacuum.

    Deep cleaning from dust. Scatter thin layer table salt and a damp broom carefully sweep all debris from the carpet. Finally, vacuum. Use fine salt "Extra".

    Viscose carpet soda. Synthetic pile is effectively cleaned with soda. As in the situation with salt - sprinkle on the surface and clean with a broom, wetting it regularly in warm water.

    Drink tea for cleaning. To clean carpet from pet hair, dust and debris, brew strong loose leaf tea. Drain the liquid, and spread the wet leaves over the surface. Vacuum after drying. Do not use on light-colored carpets.

    Homemade detergent. Dissolve 2 tables in 5 liters of warm water. l. washing powder and 1 tsp. ammonia. Stir until smooth and wash the carpet with a soft cloth. This composition is comparable in effectiveness to expensive special equipment for carpets. Suitable for products with long pile.

    Washing with specialized products. If possible, use special detergents for carpets. Consumers consider Vanish shampoo to be the most effective, which is applied with foam and removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Advice. To better clean synthetic carpet, treat it with an antistatic agent before cleaning. The static charge holds the dust particles. Removing it will make your job easier.

A universal way is knocking out in the snow. IN winter time you can noticeably refresh the carpet from odors and clean it from dust with a broom or the so-called “beater”. Spread the carpet pile down, throw snow on top and beat it around the perimeter. Turn over, do the same. Repeat several times until the snow is clear.

We wash away stains

Knowing how to properly clean the carpet at home from household dirt, you can remove stains from food and other contaminants. Most of them are removed from the carpet by cleaning with vinegar, soda.

Advice. Advice. A washing vacuum cleaner will help to cope with cleaning more efficiently.

    Tea and coffee stains. Dissolve in cold water vinegar or glycerin (a tablespoon in a glass of water). Wet a cotton swab and wash the dirty area.

    Blood. fresh spots wash immediately with a cloth dampened with cold water. Cover dried ones with a damp, wet cloth, wait for softening and wash the stained area.

    Chewing gum. Cool the gum hard with ice to harden it, after which the rubber will easily move away from the fluff. Or cover it with paper and run it with a hot iron - the chewing gum will stick to the sheet.

    Chocolate, fruit, urine. Grate laundry soap (or take a cleaning powder), add 1 tsp. wine vinegar. Pour in 1 liter of warm water and stir until dissolved. Wet the cloth and wash the dirty areas.

    Grease spots. Mix the slurry of gasoline and starch. With a little effort, rub the mixture into the stain, leave to dry. Wash off with clean water.

    Ink. They are excreted with acetic or citric acid.

    Stubborn stains. Dissolve liquid soap in a small amount of water, add gasoline (one part gasoline to 10 parts water). Dampen the sponge and wipe off any dirt.

Refreshing the color

In order for the colors to play with the same strength and the carpet to regain its former attractiveness, use folk methods. Procedures are recommended to be carried out once a year.

    Pour 1 liter of water into a bowl, add 2 tsp. citric acid and 1 table. l. salt. Stir until dissolved. Clean the carpet with this solution using a soft brush.

    Dissolve 2 tables in 1 liter of water. l. ammonia. Wet a hairbrush with the solution and treat the surface. Then wipe with a dry cloth. Ventilate the room after finishing work.

How to clean to refresh a light carpet

Prepare potato infusion. Grate the tuber on a fine grater, pour warm water. Let it infuse for 2 hours, then drain the liquid and use it to clean light-colored carpet.

In cases where old, deeply ingrained stains do not lend themselves to self-deletion, the specialists of the cleaning company will come to your aid. They will return the carpet to its former freshness and purity, using powerful equipment and specialized substances. Do not forget that The best way get rid of stains - dry carpet cleaning at home!