Crafts from maple leaves and helicopter seeds on the theme of autumn for kindergarten and school. How to make a wreath, bouquet, crown of maple leaves with your own hands? Leaf crafts: new photo ideas, tips, instructions

Autumn is a beautiful season, full of all sorts of bright colors. This time is rich in various natural materials suitable for the implementation of creative ideas. With a little ingenuity and imagination, you can create original and unique autumn crafts. A handmade topiary will decorate any room interior and will be a great gift for a loved one.

What is a topiary

A decorative whimsical tree created by hand is called a topiary, or a tree of happiness. The first topiaries were gardens of originally trimmed shrubs, which prompted the designers to make trees with their own hands in the future. In this product, an important detail is the crown, which is decorated with a variety of materials: flowers, shells, coffee beans, colored paper elements, pebbles and much more. Autumn Topiary can be made from dry acorns, seeds, dried flowers and materials that have the color inherent in autumn. The shape of an ornamental tree is often round, but may have a cone shape or mimic a real plant. Sizes also have no limits: they are created from miniature products to solid trees. Aromatic topiary made from dried herbs and spices is very popular.

Basic elements for creating a topiary

Before the autumn, you need to draw a sketch of the future product and collect the necessary materials. The core of a decorative topiary, like any tree, is the trunk. The decoration and basis of the product is a spherical crown - the most commonly used form of the product. The tree definitely needs support in the form of a decorative stand, as well as any autumn materials donated by nature, for example, fallen leaves or with which you will decorate the topiary crown. The stand of the tree is also decorated with selected elements.

In order to assemble autumn topiary, you will need any quick-drying glue. For the stability of the trunk, you can use gypsum, alabaster, sand or stones. A flower pot, basket, bowl or vase can serve as a stand.

How is the crown made

The classic crown, which the autumn topiary has, is presented in the form of a ball. You can buy a foam base from craft supply stores, or you can make your own. To do this, you need to take a piece of foam, determine the size of the future product and cut out the cube with a paper knife. Then form a ball out of the cube, wrap it with paper and wrap it with thread for better bonding. This is necessary to increase and smooth the surface, since the figures cut out of the foam will not be perfect. In the made ball, you need to form a hole for the barrel and fasten the elements with glue.

In the absence of polystyrene foam, the crown can be rolled out of paper, alternately wrapping the layers with threads or tape, achieving the desired size. You can coat the paper with a paste for strength. To create the base, a plastic toy ball can be used, in which a hole is also cut to place the barrel in it.

What to create a trunk from

As a rod for creating a decorative tree, you can use a thick wire that is twisted into a bundle for stability. Then the tourniquet is decorated with ribbons, braid or twine, which is varnished or painted. Due to its flexibility, wire is used to create interesting curved and forked trunks with several crowns.

To make a topiary from autumn materials, it is better to take an interesting tree branch or a strong stick. It is not necessary to look for an even trunk - a curved shape will be more original. It is advisable to find a rod that is more authentic, given that on one side its part will plunge into the pot, and on the other there will be a ball. It will be necessary to remove the bark from the branch, sharpening the end, and cover it with stain. If desired, create two or three large turns of decorated wire around the stick from below and up to the crown - you will get a very original trunk.

Create and decorate a stand

Autumn created, must have its own pot. It can be any container, cup, vase, mayonnaise bucket, basket, glass, glass jar, plastic bottle. The main thing is to correctly decorate the stand for the future tree. It is also important to pay attention to the fact that the diameter of the container is not wider than the crown of the topiary.

The decor of the stand can be straw, corrugated paper, twine, satin ribbons, beautiful fabric, lawn. The selected material must be covered or pasted over the container. Pebbles are laid at the bottom and covered with sand, in which the trunk is neatly placed. Another option is to fix the rod in a container with alabaster or plaster diluted with water. The solution must be brought to medium density and quickly pour it into the trunk in a pot, holding it in an upright position. If the pot is heavy in itself and does not require a strict balance, you can use polyurethane foam as a fill. The top of the container at the base of the rod can be decorated with moss, autumn leaves and pebbles.

Decorative materials for the crown

The most interesting element in creating a topiary is its crown. This is the detail that requires the greatest care and wild imagination. Autumn topiary should contain yellow and red colors, yellowish green and yellow-brown shades. The decoration for the crown can be any material of appropriate tones. It can be both artificial and natural. Flowers and leaves can be made from colored paper or fabric, supplemented with dried flowers, moss, acorns. Based on chestnuts as a symbol of autumn, you can create an amazing product. Slightly flattened fruits are well suited for this, which are glued to the ball, and the gaps are filled with fragrant tea. Decorations in the form of butterflies, insects, birds and fungi look interesting. Elements are attached to the crown with hot glue, pins or wire.

Leaf decor

It is easy to create an original topiary from. To do this, beautiful, even and preferably multi-colored maple leaves are collected on the street. Leaves need to be worked on before they dry out. The edge of each leaf is folded across the central vein until a smooth edge is obtained. Then you need to twist the sheets into a tube, laying them alternately on top of each other. From several leaves you need to form a rosebud of the required size. Tie the resulting flower at the petiole with a thread. Make some more roses.

Prepared buds, individual leaves and dried flowers should be attached to the crown of the topiary. To do this, pierce a hole in the ball with a toothpick, drop glue into it and insert the bud. Continue to place flowers throughout the crown, leaving small gaps for decorating with other material. After the glue dries, fill the empty space with the remaining small leaves, you can add a little moss for a change.

floating bowl

Another unusual type of topiary is a floating cup, from which flowers flow like a waterfall. It is easily created from improvised materials, and looks very exclusive and original. To do this, you need a tea pair - a bowl and a saucer. In the autumn, it is better to take dishes of red shades. In this case, a thick wire will serve as the barrel, or you can replace it with an aluminum fork or spoon by breaking off the scoop. The barrel should not be too long, otherwise the structure will collapse. The ends of the cable or handle should be bent in opposite directions. One end is glued to the lower inner edge of the bowl, the other end to the saucer. To give stability, you need to bend the cup forward a little. Further, inside the bowl, then along the skeleton and up to the recess in the saucer, the selected decorations are glued. It can be not only classic flowers, but also coffee beans, amber crumbs, coins, autumn dried flowers. The composition can be supplemented with artificial butterflies and insects.

Charged with positive and the desire to create an original decorative decoration for your room, feel free to start working on the topiary. It's easy, you can do it!

Topiary ("tree of happiness", "European tree") is a small decorative tree that decorates interiors and exteriors, and is also often used for. Topiaries are good because they look very beautiful, and you can make them with your own hands in just 1 evening from improvised materials.

  • This means that you can make several decorations at once, for example, one pair for New Year's serving, another for Easter, and a couple more for the mantelpiece.

In this material you will find 1 basic instruction on how to make a DIY topiary for beginners, as well as 3 step-by-step master classes in addition to it and 45 photo ideas for inspiration.

Basic instruction for beginners

Topiaries of even the most complex design are made according to approximately the same principle. Having mastered the basic manufacturing technology, you can create a variety of topiary, changing only the materials for decoration.

So, to make a mini-tree with your own hands, you will need to create it:

  • Crown;
  • Trunk;
  • The base of the tree.

Step 1. Design planning

Topiary can be different not only in design, but also in terms of service life. Before starting work, think about why you need a “tree of happiness” and where will it live? The purpose and future place of the topiary will determine its style, color scheme, and even the materials for its creation.

If you want to make topiary for, then materials that are not too durable can be used - paper, napkins, sweets, fresh flowers, fruits. If you want to make a topiary as a gift or for interior decoration, then it is better to use a more reliable decor - cones, artificial flowers, coffee beans, ribbons, organza, etc.

In the next selection of photos, you can get design ideas for themed and festive topiaries.

Sweet candy topiary for a children's party

Halloween decoration with potted candy

Halloween decorations from pumpkin seeds, ribbons and candy in tea cans

Easter trees made from eggs, artificial flowers, satin ribbons and moss

Christmas topiary made of artificial leaves and holly berries, cones and ribbons with a branch trunk

Candy tree for the holiday table

Topiary for festive table setting made of artificial flowers, natural branches, dry moss and satin ribbons

And here is a selection of photo examples of the design of exclusively interior topiary (scroll through!).

Step 2. Prepare materials

To make a topiary with your own hands, you will need:

  • Styrofoam ball with a diameter of 8-12 cm(available at many stationery and art stores) or floral foam ball (available at gardening and flower shops).

If desired, the ball can be made independently from polystyrene foam, the same floral foam, polyurethane foam, papier-mâché, etc. However, the base of the crown can be not only in the shape of a ball, but also in the form of a heart, a star, a number, a letter, an animal figurine and etc.

  • Crown decor - depending on your idea, use flowers, satin ribbons, organza, coffee beans, banknotes, etc.
  • Trunk - it can be made from a dry and clean branch, a simple pencil or any other stick. In addition, a tall candlestick can replace the trunk and pot.
  • Barrel decor- the trunk can be at least covered with a matte varnish or painted. And as a maximum - wrap one or two tapes.
  • Planter - It is most convenient to pour the mixture into a clay pot, but any pretty cups, mugs, vintage buckets, etc. will also work.
  • Fixing mixture- the mixture of alabaster is best for making topiary with your own hands, as it quickly hardens, almost does not crack and is cheap. You can also use cement-sand mortar, gypsum or putty. However, not only binder mixtures can fix a tree in a pot, but also the same foam, floral foam or stones.
  • Everything for mixing- container, water, stick, etc.
  • Decor for masking the fixing mixture- to create an imitation of soil cover, it is best to use natural materials: dry moss, small pebbles, expanded clay, sisal fiber. Artificial moss and stones are also suitable. In the pots of "edible" topiary, you can put sweets and dragees.
  • Glue gun and some glue sticks- if necessary, it can be replaced with glue like "Moment", but it's best not to do this, since the glue in the gun is more convenient, and most importantly, it allows you to remove random "cobwebs".
  • Scissors or cutter.
  • Tailor's studs with a very small head(optional, used in addition to or instead of glue, for example, for fastening beads).
  • Side cutters or nippers for cutting the trunk or any decorative elements.

At the preparatory stage, divide the decorative details for the crown into groups - for example, large, medium and small. So it will be more convenient for you to alternate the decor and distribute it evenly over the ball.

Step 3Create the Crown

First, you need to mark the ball - mark the place for attaching the trunk and mark the border around it, beyond which you do not need to go for some time, sticking the decor. Thanks to this technique, in the future you can easily fix the barrel in the ball without ruining the decor.

As soon as the glue warms up, proceed to the design of the ball in the following order: “trying on” the part without glue - applying glue to the right place - fixing the part. Remember that you need to act quickly so that the glue does not have time to soak into the foam. That is why the decor is better to apply and try on first.

Here are a few more nuances:

  • You need to stick the decor on the ball, starting with large elements and ending with small ones. For example, if you are making artificial flower topiary, first glue the largest buds on the ball, then the medium ones, and only then the small flowers and additional beads.
  • Some decor can be attached to the ball with tailor's studs. But it is best to combine carnations with glue.
  • If some parts have wire bases (for example, the same artificial flowers), then about 2 cm should be left from their “tails”. Then you can not only glue the decor, but also stick it into the ball.
  • To make the white base ball less noticeable in the gaps between the glued parts, it can be painted to match the decor.

Now we need to work with the trunk. As already mentioned, making it with your own hands is not at all difficult from a branch, pencil or any stick.

If you use a branch, then you can not paint it, but only cover it with a matte varnish so that the natural beauty of the tree is visible. If you use a wooden stick, then it can only be slightly tinted, artificially aged, etc. If you want to completely mask the surface of the trunk, then you can wrap satin ribbons, fabric, paper, rope around it, or completely paint it.

What length should it be? Since the barrel deepens both into the pot and into the ball, its length can be calculated using the following formula:

  • Stem length = 1/3 ball diameter + pot height + desired stem length between crown and pot.

To fix the barrel, you need to make a hole in the ball with a depth of about 2-3 cm at the marking site with an awl and a knife (depending on its size). When the hole is ready, fill its bottom with hot glue and put the crown on the trunk until it stops. Then continue to hold the barrel and gradually fill the hole with glue around the barrel.

  • Keep in mind that the hot glue will melt the styrofoam and deepen the hole even more. To prevent the trunk from going deeper into the crown by more than 1/3 of its diameter, small pieces of paper can be laid between the layers of glue.

As soon as the barrel is fixed in the ball, mask the attachment point with decor.

Step 5. Prepare the binder mixture and fix the tree in the pot

It's time to "plant" the resulting tree in a pot. For this you need:

  • Stepping back from the edge of the pot about 2.5 cm, put a mark - the mixture will be poured to this level. If there is a hole in the bottom of the pot, you need to cover it with tape or hot glue.

  • Dilute the mixture according to the manufacturer's instructions and fill the pot with it.
  • Align and fix the topiary in the pot, holding its stem until the mixture hardens.
  • Leave the mixture overnight or overnight until completely dry.

Hint: As already noted, it is best to use alabaster as a binder mixture. To fill 1 medium pot, it is necessary to dilute approximately 1 kg of alabaster with 600 ml of water. The mixture is kneaded for about 1-2 minutes until the consistency of thick sour cream, and then quickly poured into a pot and the topiary is fixed in it for 2-3 minutes.

Hooray! The topiary is almost ready, it remains only to create an imitation of soil in a pot and mask the fixing mixture. If you are using sisal fiber (see photo), shells, artificial grass or moss, then they need to be fixed with a small amount of glue.

Master class 1. Corrugated paper topiary

Topiary with paper flowers is especially suitable for decorating a festive table or festive interior decoration. So, for example, this rose topiary was made for Valentine's Day.


  • Base ball with a diameter of 12 cm;
  • Corrugated (crepe paper) of medium density (corrugated paper in the form of a tape is used in the master class, but you can use regular rolls);
  • Floral foam bars and/or any fixative mixture (see basic instructions);
  • Planter or flowerpot for the base of the topiary;
  • The trunk is about 30 cm long;
  • Dry moss for pot decor;
  • Ribbon for decorating the trunk;
  • Glue gun.

Step 1. Cut the corrugated paper into strips 60 cm long and about 4.5-5 cm wide. If the paper is too thick and hard, knead the strips a little to make them more plastic.

Step 2. Now you need to roll the resulting ribbons into rosebuds. This is done very simply, just a couple of workouts and the principle becomes clear. Take one of the resulting paper ribbons and fold it 1/3 as shown in the photo below.

Then fold one end of the ribbon diagonally at a 45 degree angle and start rolling it into a roll. After three turns, you will get the core of the bud. Now wrap the free end to the outside, and continue to turn the core of the rose - voila, you have the first petal.

Step 4. Once the crown is completely covered with roses, attach the stem to it (see Basic Instructions). In this master class, the barrel was pre-painted with white spray paint.

Step 6 Lay dry moss on the "soil" and glue it in some places with hot glue. And finally, tie a bow on the trunk.

The following selection of photos presents other topiary design ideas that you can do with your own hands according to this master class, not only from corrugated paper, but also from satin ribbons, tissue paper, etc.

By the way, not only roses can be made from paper, but also lush peonies or hydrangeas. Methods for making such flowers are easy to find on the Internet.

, natural leather and other improvised materials for making crafts, from which we learned to make beautiful artificial flowers.

Autumn has long come into its own and painted the world around us with bright multi-colored colors. Autumn gave us wonderful natural materials for making unique DIY crafts - fallen from trees

autumn leaves different sizes and with bizarre shapes, as well as numerous flowers and inflorescences that we will use to make beautiful flowers, cute lamps , graceful bouquets with artificial roses, original compositions of vegetables and fruits for interior decoration.

And children will be happy to help their parents create amazing crafts from improvised, absolutely waste natural material . Such joint leisure is very useful for the development of imagination, fine motor skills of hands, sensory abilities of small children and elementary school students.

From autumn natural materials, you can make not only simple crafts, children's educational toys, applications and herbaria. Interior designers have long adopted the unique beauty and indescribable sophistication of autumn gifts. The walls of the rooms can decorate with exquisite panels and paintings with compositions in the form of flowers from autumn fallen leaves (maple, oak, chestnut), folded with their own hands in a special way. In order to use the fallen leaves of trees and dry flowers for making crafts , bouquets and compositions with your own hands, it is important to properly prepare these natural materials before work. You probably already know that autumn leaves can be laid between the sheets of albums (books, magazines, newspapers) and a load can be placed on top. This harvesting method is suitable for forming a herbarium, children's appliqué or collage.from dried leaves.

But for the manufacture of voluminous crafts and bouquets with flowers from autumn leaves fallen from trees, this method is not suitable. Before you start twisting such flowers from fallen leaves from trees (for example, roses from red maple leaves), it is important to process them correctly in order to crafts retained their original appearance long time. We will tell you about this in detail later in this article. In addition to tips and useful ideas for creating bouquets and compositions from natural materials, you will find here video lessons , as well as master classes with which you can quickly make simple compositions with your own hands (children's crafts from leaves, applications, figurines, collages), as well as complex bouquets and objects for interior decoration in the form of bouquets with flowers from autumn leaves topiary ) or compositions of dried flowers (see photo).

You will learn how to properly process and preserve maple leaves and autumn flowers so that they are made from them. beautiful crafts did not turn into brittle, shapeless and twisted objects. And you can make any of these natural autumn gifts of a wide variety of colors and with surprisingly different bizarre shapes. artificial flowers - big roses , small cornflowers, graceful chrysanthemums, cute daisies, chic water lilies . The color of these homemade flowers can be very different (not only yellow or red) - after all, dried autumn leaves can be painted with an acrylic primer with the addition of a color scheme of the desired color (and then coated with a colorless varnish). With the help of helium pens, you can apply different patterns and geometric shapes on the surface. artificial flowers autumn theme.

Ideas for creativity:

- Application.
Great idea for spending time with a child! Have you already collected a lot of beautiful fallen leaves and autumn flowers in the yard, dried them, made a colorful herbarium? Let's not stop there! We spread a large sheet of thick paper or cardboard on the table, spread out our "harvest" on it and put together an original composition, combining colors and different forms of natural materials . You can glue the details of the autumn composition on the base with PVA glue (but it is better to use photo glue or gum arabic);

- Collage.
You can fold together with your child a multi-layered bright collage under the frame. The lower layer is large dark and brown leaves, then greenish, the upper layers are small bright contrasting leaves of red and yellow. We add dry autumn flowers to the collage, adding different shapes from them and we get a beautiful three-dimensional composition.
And you can add letters or words (as well as figures) to the collage - press a sheet of cardboard with cut out letters tightly to the glued composition and carefully cut it out according to the letter pattern with a clerical knife (of course, with the hands of the parents, not the child);

- Educational game for the child.
A great idea that your preschooler will love! Glue a half of a fallen leaf onto a paper sheet (pre-cut the sheet vertically). The task of the child is to draw the missing half of the sheet with a pencil (felt-tip pen). Advise your child to choose the appropriate color of the pencil and carefully look at the shape of the half in order to accurately reproduce the mirror part of the composition. The most difficult option is a maple leaf, leave it for later and help the kid draw a little;

- Painted autumn leaves.
You can decorate both flat and voluminous crafts made of leaves with painting. For this work, use helium pens and felt-tip pens (with silver, gold, white and other colors). Bouquets with decorated artificial flowers will be fine and other interior objects;

- Bouquet of autumn leaves and dry flowers.
You will find information on how to fold flowers from maple leaves with your own hands and collect a bouquet from them, you will find information below. If you decorate such a bouquet with dried flowers and put it in a small wide vase, you will get an excellent compositional center for your room;

- Tree or topiary from autumn materials.
Another great option for decorating the interior. From fallen branches, you can fold a small tree and decorate it with homemade flowers made from leaves. Or
make your own topiary (see photo), attaching a lot of such flowers to a floristic ball (option: on a foam ball);

Tree (photo):

- Volumetric picture of the gifts of autumn.
As a base, you can use a large photo frame or a wooden picture frame. background can be made
from cardboard painted in the right color . We make interesting compositions with our own hands from maple leaves, dried flowers, fallen pine needles and other natural materials, attaching them to the base with a wire.

Helpful Hints:

How to prepare autumn leaves for making crafts and applications at home.

- for voluminous crafts in the form of flowers and bouquets.
We will not be able to fold voluminous crafts from dried leaves, as they are too brittle. Therefore, we will specially process the collected leaves. We divide the solution - 200 ml. glycerin per 400 ml. pure water. In a tight plastic bag, carefully put the leaves that have fallen from the trees and level them, then fill them with the prepared solution. The package with the contents must be hermetically sealed (with a heated knife) or sealed with adhesive tape. Leave this bag in a dark closet for 3-4 days, and then spread the leaves on a paper towel to dry. From these flexible leaves that retain their original appearance for a long time, you can add a variety of flowers (below - MK: how to make beautiful roses from maple leaves with your own hands);

- for flat autumn compositions (applications, collages).

Leaves and flowers collected in autumn are best dried in massive magazines and reference books. The collected natural materials must be thoroughly pressed with a weighty load placed on top of the reference book.

How to dry autumn flowers for crafts and compositions:

- iron drying.
Autumn leaves and many small flowers can be dried with an iron. To do this, lay out natural materials on thick cardboard. , cover with a thin paper sheet on top and iron with a not very hot iron until all moisture has evaporated;

- natural drying.
Great for drying fall flowers. Tighten the rope in a dry room with good air circulation. We put the collected flowers in bunches and hang them on a rope with inflorescences down;

- drying in the oven.
a wonderful way to dry large single flowers (roses, tulips, peonies) for making arrangements. The temperature in the oven should not be very high - about 50-60 ° C. Carefully monitor the process so that the flowers do not turn brown during drying and do not lose their shape;

- bulk drying of flowers.

According to many seasoned florists, this method of drying autumn flowers preserves their natural shape and color. The cut flower is placed in calcined dry sand for 4 weeks. As a container, you can use a box with a fine mesh at the bottom and a retractable bottom. Flowers with terry and voluminous inflorescences (lilies, dahlias, roses) are placed in the sand with stems down, and with flat inflorescences-baskets (buttercups, daisies, asters, forget-me-nots) - with stems up.

What tools and materials can be useful for making autumn crafts:

- Scissors.
Small scissors with blunt ends for a child and sharp long ones for an adult;

Stationery knife and stacks.
With the help of a clerical knife, it is convenient to cut multi-layered parts of crafts. Plastic stacks are great tools for a child to cut individual leaves for appliqué;

- Shilo.
For convenience, choose a tool with a wide wooden handle (length - 5-6 cm) and a not very thick piercing part;

- Long tweezers and tweezers.
It is convenient to move small parts of handicrafts with tweezers. Tweezers with a flattened twisted front can be borrowed from a manicure set. It is very convenient to twist individual parts of the product and wire with such tweezers;

- Thin wire.
It is often used to form the frame of crafts and toys made from natural materials. For fastening individual parts, it is desirable to use a flexible and durable copper wire with a diameter of 0.35 mm;

- Foil and foil paper.
For decorating autumn crafts, for applications and collages;

- Sewing needle and thread.
To connect the individual parts of handicrafts, to form bouquets of leaves and dried flowers;

- Paper.
The more different types of paper (different in color, density, thickness), the better. For the manufacture of crafts, applications, bouquets, panels and wall compositions from natural materials, you can use corrugated, wallpaper, velvet, parchment, landscape, wrapping, copy and other types of paper;

- Plasticine and plastic (polymer clay).
For fastening, as well as for sculpting individual parts that complement products from leaves, dry flowers. Your child can work with plasticine and polymer clay;

- Glue.
A variety of brands of glue can be useful in the work. Often use PVA, BF, "Mars". The safest options for a child to use are PVA and glue stick.
For gluing individual parts of the craft, brushes with a hard bristle will come in handy;

- Paints and brushes.
To create applications and collages - watercolor and gouache paints. For coloring volumetric crafts from autumn leaves and dried flowers - acrylic paints. It is most convenient to draw with squirrel soft brushes.


It is very easy to make such an artificial flower with your own hands! For work, prepare autumn maple leaves, strong threads, golden paints and sunflower oil. You can treat the leaves with a solution of glycerin (see the recipe above) for the durability of the assembled craft.

For the manufacture of a single flower, it is best to choose plain maple leaves. The rosettes from the leaves will turn out to be quite large. 5-7 such crafts are enough to make a beautiful bouquet. As leaves for this bouquet with artificial homemade flowers, you can use all the same maple leaves. Make roses red and yellow.

So, let's get to work:

- take a maple leaf and bend it in half (front side outward);

We bend the very tip and twist the leaf into a roll;

We take the second maple leaf of the same color, put the already twisted bud at its base (see photo);

We form a maple rose petal by bending the leaf and wrapping it tightly around the bud;

We wrap the third maple leaf in the same way. The more such rose petals there are, the more voluminous and bigger the rose will turn out. Move a little down each subsequent row so that the flower looks blooming;

A little above the petioles of the leaves we fix the craft with a thread;

Similarly, we will make 5-7 more of the same roses (yellow, red, greenish);

Lubricate maple roses with sunflower oil so that the bouquet retains its original appearance for a long time. Now you can cover the crafts with golden paint;

It remains to lower a few maple leaves into a small vase, and then form a beautiful bouquet of artificial roses.


Master class number 1:


Master class number 2:


Master class number 3:


Master class number 4:


Master class number 5:

Autumn is a truly magical time. And not only for romantics, but also for those who like to work with their hands. This season provides us with a lot of natural materials that, with a little imagination and patience, can be turned into beautiful crafts, appliqués or home decorations. When walking through a park strewn with fallen leaves, you will have the opportunity to spend time not only pleasantly, but also usefully: having collected a bunch of beautiful leaves, you can either just put them in a vase or try to turn them into something unusual.

In addition, in schools and kindergartens they often give the task of making crafts from leaves - and this is a great reason to take a walk with your child in the fresh air, collecting the gifts of autumn.

We have collected for you 25 craft ideas from fallen leaves, cones, acorns and nuts that will give you many unforgettable moments spent with your children.

1. First, let's try to make a butterfly from autumn leaves. This simple option is suitable even for the smallest. The only thing is that you first need to dry and straighten the leaves by placing them between the pages of books or under any other press for a day.

3. Such an unusual snail can be made from leaves of different colors and shapes.

5. Using a paper or cardboard puncher on fallen leaves, you can get a truly magical result!

7. Candles will help create a special homely atmosphere in autumn. With the help of a glass jar, leaves and ribbon for decoration, you can fill your home with comfort and warmth.

9. In autumn, chestnuts fall under your feet. Let your child show their imagination by drawing funny faces of people or animals on them - you can be sure that the child will not be torn away from this activity!

11. Having made such a cute hedgehog, you will provide a good mood for yourself and your baby for the whole day.

13. A variety of colors and shapes of fallen leaves opens up scope for imagination. Collect a whole zoo with your child - for him it will turn out to be an absolutely fabulous experience!

15. This idea is suitable not only for children, but also for decorating a gift for an adult or as a decorative element.

17. With the help of fallen leaves, you can create your own autumn landscapes. To do this, it will be enough to apply paint on one side of the sheet, and then press it to the paper. Feel like a master of painting without making any effort!

19. Don't be afraid to experiment with materials. For example, to create such a tree, you will have to take scissors and cut the leaves into small fragments. Paint the tree trunk in watercolor, let it dry, and then glue the cut leaves onto its branches.

21. A little glue, plasticine, fantasy and magic - and ordinary acorns turn into a miniature set for tea drinking or fairy-tale characters!

Unique autumn leaf topiary: gold decor for the interior

Leaf topiary is a great teacher's day gift or home decor decoration. It can be decorated with any natural material Leaves are the simplest autumn material from which you can make crafts of various kinds with your own hands. So is the topiary, that is, an artificial tree that serves as a beautiful decor. There are several options for how to make a tree out of leaves with your own hands, more than one master class is devoted to this. Some crafts will be discussed in more detail.

Do-it-yourself topiary from autumn leaves: where to start

For this craft, you will not need a lot of expensive materials, and the main elements are literally lying on the ground. So, collect a lot of beautiful, not very large, bright leaves. To make the color scheme impressive, take sheets lighter - as practice shows, brown and crimson do not look so elegant in topiary.

In addition to the leaves, you can use mountain ash, viburnum berries, cones, acorns - any materials bestowed by autumn nature

You will also need dry twigs and berries.

This master class also assumes the presence of:

  • Pot-vase;
  • wooden stick;
  • Styrofoam ball-blank;
  • Spray paints;
  • hot glue;
  • Thermal gun;
  • Masking tape.

For this craft, you will need two foam balls at once. You insert one of them tightly into the flowerpot, or better, fix it with hot glue. You need to stick a wooden stick into this ball and make it so that it rests on the bottom of the pot.

To make an autumn tree, you will need a flower pot, a base ball, a stick for the trunk, material for fixing and decor. Before decorating the crown, the base of the topiary must be fixed in a pot

  • The surface of the foam ball, what is in the pot, seal with masking tape. The pot itself and the stick-barrel are painted with spray paint. For example, golden, after all, the theme of the topiary is autumn. Masking tape is needed so that the foam does not stain. Also protect the surface where you are working from paint.
  • Place the second foam ball to the other end of the stick. This will be the basis for the crown. Leaves and twigs must be inserted into the upper ball, forming a crown.

A very important point - you can make a topiary from dry leaves, but its aesthetics will be in doubt. No, dry leaves have their own beauty, but this master class still offers to process the leaves with your own hands.

Maple Leaf Topiary: Leaf Processing

You can process the leaves with your own hands so that there is no need for artificial ones. After all, it's no secret that many autumn crafts are just the same made from artificial leaves.

Autumn leaves are an exceptional decor, which, unfortunately, quickly deteriorates. To prevent premature drying, the material must be treated before use.

The master class suggests the use of glycerin:

  • You need to make a solution of glycerin. To do this, take 2 parts of boiling water for 1 part of glycerin. Bring everything to a boil over medium heat, and then cool.
  • The solution must be poured into a heat-resistant container, cover with a lid and shake well.
  • Dip the stems in a hot solution so that it covers them at least 7-9 cm.
  • Place the container with submerged plants in a place where it is cool and not in direct sunlight. You will know that the glycerin has been absorbed when there are drops of moisture on the leaves.

As you can see, the master class is not difficult, but the process of soaking glycerin lasts at least 10 days, or even all three weeks. From time to time you will have to check how the plants are there. In some of them, glycerin penetrates faster. Sometimes dense stems are laid out with scissors so that glycerin penetrates them more quickly.

When everything is ready, the leaves can be taken out for crafts, they must be wiped with a dry cloth. True, you have to dry the leaves. Someone forces events, after a couple of days, removing the leaves hung on a rope, someone dries them for two weeks.

Leaves can be coated with waterproof colorless varnish. And after drying, you can definitely use it.

Roses from autumn leaves (video master class)

Leaf topiary step by step: a master class for beginners

Do-it-yourself leaves can decorate a tree. The main task is not to disturb the harmony of the craft. And you need to do this so that the crown is round, the color transitions are natural, and the berries only emphasize the autumn mood of the topiary.

The master class continues as follows:

  • Without additional decor, the topiary will be faded. Openwork ribbons, braid in the color of the tree will fit. The flowerpot can be decorated with beads, red buttons.
  • Fix a couple of leaves on the trunk - only small and neat.
  • In a pot, pour chopped threads from yarn, matching the crown. They will imitate an autumn carpet. You can also throw miniature cones and acorns there.
  • At the foot of such a tree, a small pumpkin can also be found, as another attribute of the autumn atmosphere.

To fix the sheet to the crown correctly, first a ball is punctured, a drop of glue is poured into the hole, and only then the sheet is fixed

As appetite comes with eating, so here - inspiration can come while working. You can complicate the master class with your own hands by adding different decor - bugs, dried flowers, artificial moss, etc.

You can also make a topiary from leaflets in a school theme. It will turn out to be a great decor for a classroom or a bright decoration for your student's desktop.

How to make rose leaf topiary

Topiary from autumn leaves can turn into a bouquet of roses. How, you ask, is it as easy as the previous master class.

The crown of such a tree is made according to the same principle as the previous one. But instead of whole leaves, you will insert rosebuds

How to make such flowers? Again, dry leaves will have to be abandoned; leaves treated with glycerin look more aesthetically pleasing.

But for making roses with your own hands you need:

  • Fold the maple leaf in half so that the front side is outside.
  • The leaf is rolled up, this will be the core of future roses.
  • Around the first roll, you need to line up row after row of petals. This time the front side should be inside.
  • Fold half of the leaf away from you. The fold line should be about a centimeter higher than the core roll.
  • Once again, bend the sheet outward, without smoothing the fold line. The roll wraps around on both sides.
  • This is how all rose petals are made. Below, at the base of the flower, they are fixed with threads. And so is every rose.

Detailed photo instructions for making maple leaf roses

If, nevertheless, you decide to use dry leaves for crafts, then after work sprinkle them with hairspray. When the rosebuds dry, they will not crumble and break. Just spray the maple rose buds carefully, sparing no varnish.

The buds on the base of the crown are attached to the glue with a heat gun. Such a tree must be made very carefully with your own hands so as not to deform the elements.

The pot can be decorated with birds, plants, fruits or animals - what is enough for your imagination

Crafts from roses are not only topiaries. More than one master class is devoted to bouquets of flowers, decorations, additional decor for other works.

Topiary "Green roses" from maple leaves (video)

The master class loves experiments, work, get inspired, offer your own decor options. Such a tree can decorate the house all year round, being an excellent addition to the bookshelf with the lyrics of great poets. Stylish and original, modest and unpretentious. Good autumn results, and skillful capture of natural beauty!