How to clean a mink coat at home. Dry and wet cleaning of a white fur coat

In order for fur products not to lose their attractiveness for a long time, they need to be regularly and properly looked after. It is not necessary to take things to dry cleaning, you just need to know how to clean a white fur coat yourself.

How to clean a white fur coat at home

Before any cleaning, the product should be inspected to identify problem areas. Then the fur coat needs to be cleaned of dust - spread it out on a damp sheet, carefully knock out, dry in comfortable conditions. After that, you can proceed to the removal of more complex contaminants.

Knowing how to clean a white fur coat, you can save on dry cleaning.

On different types of fur, pollution is removed in different ways.

  1. Rabbit fur is easy to clean with ordinary flour, talc, starch. The product should be combed well, put on a flat surface, pour a thin layer of the selected product. It is easy, without pressing the fur, to rub the flour into the pile - the powder noticeably changes color, acquires a grayish tint. After that, the fur coat must be shaken out well or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner at low speeds.
  2. Beaver and muton fur coats can be cleaned of greasy plaque using starch - the powder should be diluted with refined gasoline to a thick slurry. Spread the mixture on contaminated areas, leave to dry completely, remove with a soft brush. The cleaned product must be well ventilated.
  3. Mink can be lightened with peroxide. Prepare a solution of 200 ml of water and 5 ml of peroxide, add 2 drops of ammonia to make the fur shine. Apply the mixture with a soft sponge against the villi.

Difficult stains from light furs can be removed with a mixture of 2 parts ammonia and 1 part warm water. Treat contaminated areas with a solution, comb well after drying.

How to clean a white fur coat from yellowness

Under the influence of sweat, rain and snow, white fur acquires an ugly yellow tint. Yellowness also appears with improper storage. You can get rid of an unpleasant color with the help of improvised means.

How to remove yellowness from white fur?

  1. Lay out the coat on a flat surface.
  2. Sprinkle thoroughly with potato starch.
  3. Mix 200 ml of warm water with 10 ml of detergent or regular shampoo in a spray bottle.
  4. Spray the fur coat with the solution, spread the mixture evenly over the entire pile with a soft sponge.
  5. Leave until completely dry.
  6. Remove residue with a clothes brush.

Any thing gets dirty sooner or later, no matter if it's a dress or a mink coat. It is quite easy to deal with dirt on a dress, but to clean a mink at home, you will have to make more effort and ingenuity. Of course, you can always just take the fur coat to the dry cleaner, but there is a high probability that the product will be spoiled there, and the cost of such a service is not cheap. Therefore, in most cases, fur cleaning can be done at home with the help of simple means. The most important thing is accuracy and strict adherence to the instructions, because any fur product requires a careful attitude.

How do you know if it's time to clean your fur, or wait?

To begin with, it is worth checking whether your coat needs deep cleansing, or you can get by with combing and airing.

Take the product in your hands, bring it to your face and blow until a funnel is formed, so that the skin is visible. Shake lightly. If there is no trace of your actions left, and the fur lay flat again - smell it. The absence of even a slight unpleasant odor will tell you that the fur does not need additional cleaning, so just comb it and hang it for ventilation, away from drafts and heating.

The fur has lost its luster, has become noticeably wrinkled, has lost its splendor and color - these are sure signs that it is time to clean it. But even if there are no obvious signs of pollution, the sheepskin coat should be cleaned after a long off-season storage, this will “wake up” and refresh it.

Mink fur cleaning steps

Cleaning mink fur involves two stages - the stage of mechanical cleaning, and the stage of deep cleaning using chemicals.

Mechanical cleaning, i.e. dry, is made by careful combing with a brush, in which the fallen hairs, lumps, hairs are removed. Mechanical cleaning is aimed, most often, at smoothing the pile, and does not give such a noticeable result as chemical cleaning.

With chemical, or wet, cleaning at home, various cleaning, washing chemicals will come to the rescue. This cleaning is deeper and more effective, but at the same time, it can cause irreparable damage to your mink fur if careless and inconsistent actions.

Effective methods for cleaning mink yourself

At home, you can quickly and effectively use many methods to clean your mink fur yourself. But, in any case, it is worth acting very carefully and carefully, because the skins of these animals are a capricious thing, and they will not tolerate a careless attitude.

  • The most common, but no less effective, is such a method of cleaning animal skins as semolina. This method is suitable if the fur coat is dusty from long wear, or “tired” of hanging in the closet. We lay out the fur coat on a hard, even surface, and sprinkle the most contaminated places with dry semolina (usually the dirtiest places are the sleeves, collar and pocket area). Then, with light movements, we simulate a regular wash for 30-40 seconds. We shake the product, and comb it out with a special brush.
  • Cleaning with starch is the same as cleaning with semolina. The color of the starch will tell you how dirty the fur was. It is worth repeating the cleaning with starch until the shaken off powder remains white - this will serve as proof that there is no more dirt and dust left.
  • Hot sand cleaning is also a gentle cleaning method for mink products. To do this, you need to take fine washed sand and heat it in a dry frying pan. Carefully lay out the mink fur product on a flat surface and sprinkle the most polluted places with hot sand. Wait until the sand has cooled, gently comb out with a soft brush. If the sand is not completely combed out, lift the product and shake vigorously several times.
  • Another way to update mink fur at home is brushing dipped in gasoline. Gently, lightly pressing, comb out in the direction of hair growth. Gasoline cleaning is dangerous, it is carried out only away from fire, in a well-ventilated area. After processing, be sure to take the product to fresh air for several hours, for thorough ventilation. But, if your fur coat is made of light material, this method will not work, as gasoline gives a yellowish tint.
  • Cleaning mink fur with vinegar is also ubiquitous. A 5% solution of table vinegar is prepared, then a cotton pad is wetted in it, and the product is processed in the direction of growth. The dirt will remain on the disk, and the fur will sparkle with new colors.
  • If you need to clean light furs, then instead of vinegar from the previous recipe, use hydrogen peroxide, also 5%. After each treatment, change the disc, and after wetting, be sure to wring it out - if it gets on the skin, the solution can ruin it and cause bald spots.
  • Also, mink fur can be cleaned with the most ordinary ammonia. To prepare a solution of the desired concentration, you need to take 4 tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of alcohol and mix well. Then you can moisten a cotton swab and process according to hair growth. Dry in the open air, in no case on a radiator or heater.
  • To remove serious dirt, prepare hardwood sawdust, mix with a small amount of clean gasoline and apply gruel. After a while, gently comb out with a soft brush.
  • Mink fur can also be cleaned with a regular hair shampoo. We dilute it in water, whipping a thick foam, and then apply this foam with a sponge. Let stand for a few minutes, carefully comb out and dry.
  • You can also remove a stain from tea, coffee or juice with a soapy solution and a soft brush. A stain from lipstick or foundation can be removed with a thick cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol.
  • After any method you use, dry and air the cleaned item only outdoors, away from heating elements and drafts. Do not under any circumstances iron!
  • Fur products after a long rest need a "walk". After removing the fur from storage, shake it, hang it on a coat hanger and hang it outdoors for about an hour or two. Then comb the product - it will shine and refresh.
  • If you want to give your favorite scent to a hat or coat, in no case spray perfume on the fur. Apply perfume to a special brush and comb the coat - the fragrance will last long and bright.

Mink fur has always been the most status, expensive and fashionable. After all, it is not only beautiful, but also relatively wear-resistant - with careful and careful wear and proper care, it can last you ten to twelve years. That is why an elegant mink coat or a chic mink coat was, and still is, the dream of many women. And, if your dream is already on your shoulders, then with a little work, you can prolong the life and beauty of this wonderful soft fur.

Fur coats made from natural expensive furs require special care. Careful, but thorough. Care is not difficult, but requires compliance with some immutable rules. Here, any “wrong move”, an incorrectly chosen method of cleaning and you can say goodbye to your favorite fur coat. Therefore, before cleaning a mink coat at home, weigh the pros and cons of such a risk. But there are a number of ways in which you can clean mink fur yourself.

Basic rules of care

You need to clean the fur as it gets dirty. Dry cleaning should be done only in case of severe contamination. On average, natural fur coats withstand 4-6 chemical cleanings (in general).

You can not store a fur coat in plastic (polyethylene) cases. Natural fur definitely needs access to oxygen. Natural hair fades from such storage, its strength and elasticity are greatly reduced.

Before storing a fur coat, you need to protect it from moths. To do this, you can use special tools that are sold at any hardware store. You can use the "folk" proven method - stuff your sleeves with newspapers. So the sleeves will retain their shape, and the moth will not encroach on the “shrine”. The smell of printing ink will scare away.

Do not store other products made of natural wool or fur next to a fur coat.

Natural fur absorbs odors very well. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to hang next to a fur coat (or sew inside a sleeve, for example) a sachet bag with a pleasant aroma or your favorite perfume smell.

Splashing perfume directly on a fur coat (even on a lining) is strictly prohibited! Perfume stains are not amenable even to dry cleaning.

Do not wear bags on your shoulder or elbow. Any, even the lightest and most stylish. From constant friction, the fur will wipe off, become greasy, and bald patches may appear at the place of wearing.

Strong pollution is better to entrust dry cleaning. Professionals know all the features of natural fur, they have special tools for cleaning it. It is easy to spoil an expensive fur coat with inept actions, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to restore it.

You should not expose a fur coat to such an experiment as "water cleaning". There are cases that after carrying out such manipulations, the fur coat “sat down” by one or two sizes.

It is best to take the mink beauty to dry cleaning in the spring. In this case, two goals are achieved at once: preventive treatment from pests and cleaning from winter dirt. It is in the spring that the larvae of various pests are most active, so this is the time to carry out a set of preventive measures.

In no case do not clean the fur with flour or starch.

Flour, starch are organic substances in which various pests are easily bred. Particles of flour or starch left between the villi can swell, creating an excellent breeding ground for insects, which will not be so easy to get rid of later. This method of cleaning a mink coat is common, there is an effect, but it does not last long, bringing with it more serious problems.

Mink fur should only be combed with a special mink brush.

Home cleaning methods

The following recipe will help to add shine to tarnished fur and clean dust: a handful of peeled walnuts should be placed in a gauze bag (2-3 layers) and beaten with a hammer. Then with this bag (still tied in a tight knot) you need to easily walk along the hairs. This method will not only clean the fur of dust, but also soften and give it its former shine;

Fur can be cleaned with talcum powder. Unlike flour and starch, talc is an inorganic substance; it does not create a breeding ground for pests. Lightly dusting the fur coat with talcum powder, gently rub the fur with your hands. The main thing is not to overdo it! Then you need to shake the coat well several times, and comb it with a special brush. Even the smallest particles of talc should not remain in the fur coat.

You can clean the fur from dust and simply comb it with a special brush for fur products.

If the dirt is extensive and cannot be removed with regular cleaning, then it is better to use the services of dry cleaning. But sometimes professional cleaning may not be available, in which case you can try to wash the fur coat yourself, as described in this article.

Stain removal

Consider how to clean a white mink from yellowness. You can remove yellow spots with 5% hydrogen peroxide. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in the liquid and lightly wipe the contaminated area in the direction of hair growth. At the same time, you can’t wet the mezdra, only the fur itself!

Grease stains (for example, from foundation or lipstick) can be tried to remove with rubbing alcohol. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in alcohol and walk over the stain in the direction of hair growth.

How to clean the lining of a mink coat

Ideally, in order to clean the lining of a mink coat, it should be ripped open and washed in accordance with the washing recommendations of the material from which it is sewn. Otherwise, the lining may “sit down” and then simply not fit in size to the fur coat itself.

You can try to clean it without tearing it off the product. To do this, you need a cloth dipped in soapy water, walk through greasy places. The main thing is not to wet the core.

In case of doubt in your abilities, it is better to entrust the dry-cleaner's fur coat.

How to clean a mink: care rules and cleaning methods

A beautiful mink fur coat is the dream of many women. This thing is valued for its presentable appearance, light weight, durability. In severe frosts in such a fur coat it is very warm and comfortable, the durable mezdra is not blown by the wind. The term of wearing a mink coat is twelve years. All these qualities make mink fur coats a very popular product. Having a mink fur coat in your wardrobe, you will always look fashionable and stylish. This expensive thing will require special care, you need to learn how to independently monitor its appearance. How to clean a mink coat at home if you have never done this before? There are ladies who prefer to give their favorite fur item for dry cleaning. Dry cleaning services are expensive, their result does not always justify the money spent. There are many cases when expensive outerwear was hopelessly damaged by dry cleaners. It will be possible to achieve justice and return the money for the damaged item only through the court. For this reason, many owners of mink coats clean them themselves.

How not to clean a mink coat

If you intend to put a mink coat in order on your own, you should know some of the features of working with fur. There are several prohibitions when working with fur, which cannot be neglected:

  1. No matter how dirty the fur product is, it is forbidden to wash it in water.
  2. To clean the fur coat, purchase a special hard brush; you cannot use a vacuum cleaner.
  3. A wet fur product is dried in a natural way - by placing it on a coat hanger away from heating radiators.

Fur coats are usually cleaned at the end of the season. When the fur coat is put away for storage, ventilate it once a month, avoiding direct sunlight, from which dark fur turns red, and white turns yellow.

Be sure to purchase a special cotton bag for storing a fur coat, in which it could fit in its entire length. In the closet, the fur product should hang freely, do not squeeze it with other things.

So that valuable fur is not spoiled by the ubiquitous moth, before sending the fur coat for storage, treat it with Armmol spray. You can also use special plates with lavender against moths by placing them in the pockets of your clothes.

How to clean a dark mink coat at home

The winners are those women who purchase dark mink coats, dirt is not so noticeable on them, however, they also need systematic cleaning. The most gentle way to clean a mink coat is dry cleaning, with its help, dust and dirt are removed from the fur product. If your fur coat was damaged during wearing, for example, a car splashed it with mud, or the product simply became dusty, you can put the fur in order with the help of a special brush. This brush with short and frequent metal teeth is an essential accessory for fur care. How to clean a mink coat in this case? Do it step by step:

  1. To begin with, outerwear should be hung on a coat hanger and dried at normal room temperature.
  2. When the product becomes dry, they take a brush in their hands and comb the pile in the direction of its growth.
  3. The procedure is repeated several times until the dirt completely disappears.
  4. After cleaning, the treated fur coat needs to be shaken, it is better to do this on the street or in the bathroom.

Brushing helps remove dirt, fur will also benefit from this procedure, it will sparkle like new.

Cleaning a dark fur coat with gasoline

The recipe below is only suitable for cleaning a dark fur coat, as we will be using gasoline. If you use this aggressive substance to clean white fur, it will perfectly clean the fur from pollution, but will leave obvious yellow spots on it. Working with a combustible agent requires compliance with safety precautions: it is imperative to open windows in the apartment and make sure that there is no source of fire nearby. Smoking while working with gasoline is prohibited. Cleaning with gasoline is carried out in two ways:

  • The brush is moistened in gasoline, the fur is carefully, gently, lightly combed without pressing on it.
  • For the second cleaning method, you will need sawdust from deciduous trees (maple, oak, linden). In order not to harm a mink coat by mistake, you need to know for sure that these are not coniferous sawdust, which contain resinous substances. Sawdust is soaked in water, pure gasoline is added there. How to clean a mink coat from dirt? It is laid out on the table, sawdust is placed on it, removing them from the gasoline solution.

You can use any method. Both methods should be completed with the same actions: carefully comb the fur with a brush, be sure to hang the fur coat for airing. The product should be ventilated for several hours in the fresh air - on the balcony, yard, garden plot.

How to restore shine to fur

Sometimes there is no visible pollution on a dark fur coat, but its fur looks aged, has lost its luster. In this case, ordinary vinegar will help us. An aqueous solution of vinegar will return the lost shine to the precious fur. You need to prepare a 5% vinegar solution, dip a cotton pad into it, squeeze out excess moisture from it. Wipe the pile with a damp (but not wet) cotton pad. If the fur is short, it is wiped against the pile, if it is long, in the direction of hair growth.

If you carefully wear outerwear, a mink coat can be used for up to two decades. The fur during this time may become glossy, lose its volume. If your coat is made from light-colored mink, you can dry clean it. Talc, starch and semolina will serve as consumables.

Why are these bulk products not used for cleaning dark mink? Everything is very simple, on dark fur coats they leave white stains. From the fur of a white mink, talc will remove fat, dust, and relieve the fur of an unpleasant odor. The semolina has the same effect - with its help, a light mink can be easily cleaned of greasy stains, returning its natural shine to the fur. Starch should only be used as a last resort. This is an excellent consumable for getting rid of stains and returning natural color, but it has one negative quality. Starch is not so easy to clean out of thick fur, and just imagine what will happen to your fur coat when it snows with rain, sleet outside. In problem areas where starch has been preserved, it may well form a hard-to-remove, sticky substance.

How to clean a white mink coat at home using semolina or talc? Spread the fur product on the table, talc or semolina is poured onto greasy spots, places of special pollution. Within one minute, absorbents are rubbed into the fur with light movements, almost without spending any physical effort. Bulk substances are shaken off your favorite fur coat, their remains are removed with a special brush. If you chose talcum powder to remove stains from a fur coat, be sure to wear gloves, otherwise this substance will stick to your hands and you will stain the entire product, right down to its lining.

Semolina for cleaning fur coats can be used in another capacity. To do this, boil porridge: take a tablespoon of semolina for one glass of milk. The porridge should turn out homogeneous, without any lumps. How to clean a white mink coat using semolina? When the porridge has cooled down, apply it to the fur product in a thin layer, distributing it evenly on all contaminated places. The fur coat should lie horizontally, it is best to place it on the table. Semolina should be on the fur product for six hours, during which time it will dry. Carefully remove the crumbs, comb the fur product with a comb with rare teeth.

How to wet clean a mink coat

Sometimes the fur coat is so worn out that it is impossible to do without wet cleaning of the fur product. There is a rule that you need to remember: when wet cleaning a mink coat, you need to act carefully, applying the solution to the fur, and not to the base. How to clean a mink coat of any color from fat? To do this, you will need warm, clean water and the usual shampoo that you use to wash your hair. They take a liter jar of water, add a little shampoo, close the lid, shake the contents sharply to get a plentiful foam.

With a cotton napkin or a sponge, very carefully, in a circular motion, apply the foam solution to the fur, trying not to get it on the base. After treatment, the remnants of the soap solution are removed with a damp cloth. The fur product should dry well at room temperature. After complete drying, comb the pile with a special brush, you will definitely like the result.

What to do if white fur turns yellow

If your white fur coat has lost its presentation, noticeably turned yellow, do not be upset. This is a common thing, as ultraviolet rays or electric lighting affect the white color. How to clean a mink coat, you can easily find a video about this procedure on the net. To restore the white color, you need 5% hydrogen peroxide. The substance will need to be diluted with water in proportions of 1: 1. The resulting liquid should be carefully poured into a spray bottle. The fur product is placed on the shoulders, carefully treated with the composition. The active substance should be evenly distributed on the fur coat. When both sides of the fur coat are processed, process the sleeves, not forgetting to raise them, the same must be done with the collar (hood).

If the yellowness is very bright, the solution can be made more concentrated. There is a rule that should not be forgotten - you should avoid getting the solution on the base of the fur. Sometimes the fur looks crumpled after processing, then walk over the crumpled places with a damp sponge. The fur will fully restore its properties if you comb it, dry it well. Having learned how to clean a white mink coat from yellowness, act, simple procedures will make it possible to completely restore the natural color of the fur.

Now you know how to clean a mink coat from yellowness, remove greasy stains and ordinary dirt from the fur. The most important thing when cleaning precious fur is not to wet or damage the core (the base of the fur), to dry the product properly. If you strictly follow the simple recipes listed in the article, your favorite fur coat will always look like you just bought it.

A white mink coat looks spectacular and elegant, but quickly loses its whiteness for one reason or another. To avoid such changes, you need to know how to clean a white mink.

Causes of yellowness

The fact that the white mink has turned yellow can indicate two things: improper storage or care. To protect a product dear to the heart and budget from yellowness, you need to follow a few simple but effective rules.

  1. It is not recommended to spray perfumes, hair sprays, deodorants and other aerosols in the immediate vicinity of the fur product, as this contributes not only to gluing the hairs, but also to an increase in the amount of dust deposited on the thing.
  2. A mink wardrobe item must be stored in special cases. Before this, it is recommended to use an anti-moth agent so that the mink product is preserved until the next season.
  3. When worn, a white mink coat should be combined with a scarf so that cosmetics from the face do not stain expensive fur.
  4. You should not wear this wardrobe item in wet weather: precipitation falls with a chemical composition, and therefore the product quickly begins to turn yellow and lose its attractive appearance.
  5. Dust and dirt also remain on the fur coat, and therefore it is necessary to regularly clean the product in order to avoid old stains that will be difficult to remove even in dry cleaning.
  6. Avoid drying white furs with heating appliances such as radiator pipes or hair dryers. Drying should be carried out under normal conditions, when the product hangs on hangers.

Subject to all the recommendations, the mink product should retain an attractive appearance for as long as possible, since all the causes of its yellowing have been removed. But at the same time, you should not think that time will spare fur things - they will still become unusable, but more slowly. Therefore, you need to know how at home you can simply clean a white mink coat and other products.

How to clean the product

Mink items require careful handling, as many products can ruin the fur, which will make it look unpresentable. In dry cleaning, things are damaged: the lining suffers mainly, which becomes more rigid and wrinkles begin to form on it.

It is required to know the methods of how to bleach a white mink so as not to damage its structure and fur. Funds for this can be found in almost every home, and therefore you will not have to spend large sums.

Immediately before cleaning the product, it is necessary to test the method used on a small area of ​​the product, which will not be visible, since the product may be damaged. It is recommended to comply with all conditions so that the disposal of dirt is successful.

Bulk solids

With the help of white talcum powder, chalk, starch and semolina, you can remove light dirt from a white mink. They can be dust. The method lies in the fact that the selected substance must be sprinkled on the product, laid out on a flat surface, and then gently rubbed. Subsequently, you only need to shake the fur wardrobe item with light movements and gently comb it with a special brush, which can be purchased either at the pet store or at the same place where the item was bought.

You can use the bran of various crops to remove the yellow tint from the item. To do this, you need to heat the bran in a pan, preventing them from burning, and then rub them into the mink product until they have cooled.

The absorbent properties of bran allow them to draw in various types of contaminants. When they are completely cooled, it is required to shake out the fur coat and comb the fur along its “growth”.

Liquid products

  • Potato starch can be mixed with gasoline until a homogeneous slurry is formed, which is applied to the pile of the product. It is required to wait until the composition dries and comb out the fur coat or hat with a brush with fine bristles.
  • Hydrogen peroxide will help whiten a mink wardrobe item from yellowness. Only a 3% solution is used so as not to harm the product. A teaspoon of the product is diluted with a glass of water. It is required to apply on a fur coat with a spray gun, but do not allow strong moisture, as this can harm the product. The product must dry naturally.
  • Salt must be mixed with ammonia in a ratio of 1: 1. Then the same manipulations are carried out: apply, dry, comb. You can use animal shampoo, which is diluted with water in equal proportions. It is necessary to beat a high foam and apply it exclusively (without water), and then wait until it dries completely.
  • At your own risk, you can try to bleach the product with blue. To do this, you need to prepare a very weak solution, which has a faint bluish tint. Using a spray gun, the product is applied to the mink product.
  • By mixing alcohol with salt and water, you can get a good bleaching agent that will help get rid of stubborn dirt - just apply the solution with a sponge to the thing.
  • It is required to mix lemon juice and acetic acid in equal proportions. Used to remove stains on a fur coat. Apply locally to dirt with a cotton pad. Do not remove stains from mink with conventional cleaning products.

Can white mink be dyed? Yes! But this is required to be done in special salons, and not at home, since with the wrong approach, fur can be mutilated, which makes it no longer possible to wear a wardrobe item.

The lining can be cleaned without removing it with ordinary soapy water. To do this, moisten the cloth with a sponge dipped in the solution, and then remove it with a clean cloth. It is possible to dry the lining a little with the help of dry cotton napkins.

Product care must be constant. As the product becomes dirty, less effort will be required to wash it. Stubborn stains are much harder to remove than new ones. At the same time, it is required to observe the conditions of storage and care of the mink so that it pleases with its snow-white beauty for as long as possible.