Membrane washing liquid. The best powder preparations. Basic requirements for detergent compositions

Membrane fabric is used for sewing outerwear designed for outdoor activities in cold weather. It has special protective properties. To protect them, you need to follow certain rules in the washing process. This article will be of interest to those who do not know. And also what kind of detergent to use.

Membrane fabric is a combination of synthetic fibers and a thin film that has microscopic pores. This type of tissue was created artificially. Due to the multilayer, the material has the following characteristics:

Windproof- the porous structure of the fabric prevents the penetration of cold air into the product, which makes clothes made of membrane fabric comfortable in all weather conditions.

Waterproof- the top layer is covered with a special impregnation that retains moisture. Allows the skin to breathe. The pores allow sweat and excess heat to escape.

Lightweight and wear resistant— the special thickness of the membrane provides weightlessness and strength of the fabric. Therefore, it is used for tailoring sports and tourist clothing.

There are several types of membrane fabric depending on the texture: porous, non-porous and combined fabric. Porous fabric - prevents the penetration of moisture, while ensuring the removal of excess heat. Fabric without pores - consists of micro-cells in a sinuous shape. The structure of the fabric resembles an ordinary sponge. The combined membrane material is very expensive. Its peculiarity is that a layer without pores is laid outside, and inside with pores. Based on the strength and weight of the material, they are divided: two-layer with spraying, without spraying and three-layer. The former consist of a membrane and synthetic fiber. Additionally treated with protective impregnation. The second type does not have a protective layer. Three-layer consists of an outer fabric, a membrane and an inner mesh.

Basic requirements for detergent compositions

Clothing made of membrane fabric quickly loses its quality properties. The reason for this is a violation of the rules of care. Although not all things from the membrane require careful handling. The porous fabric is considered the most capricious in care, since it is not durable to wear. However, washing recommendations and requirements for detergents apply to all types of membrane fabric. When buying a product from a membrane, you need to immediately purchase means for its care. Before you start washing things, you need to study the label. On it, the manufacturer indicates the temperature regime and the method of washing.

You need to wash clothes with special products that are sold in sporting goods stores. Sprays and balms for the care of the membrane can be purchased in supermarket departments.

You can not wash things with ordinary powders, since they are not washed out of the membrane and damage its quality properties. This is due to the chemical composition of the powders. Membrane fabric detergent must meet the following requirements:

  • No chemical bleach. Chlorine-containing agents destroy the porous structure of the tissue. Oxygen bleaches fill in pores, which prevents heat and sweat from evaporating.
  • The presence of a minimum amount of enzymes is allowed. Their excess can spoil the impregnation of the fabric.
  • No surfactants, softeners or dyes. All these chemical additives soften the membrane and reduce water resistance.

Given these conditions, we can safely say that the following are not suitable for washing clothes made of membrane fabric:

  • Gels and granular powders. They contain enzymes, which is unacceptable for impregnation.
  • Detergents for washing delicate fabrics.
  • Universal powders: "Ariel", "Tide", "Rex" and "Persil".

How to wash membrane things

European manufacturers of clothing made of membrane fabric offer a wide range of care products. There are also quality products made in Japan and Korea.

NikWax Tech Wash. Recommended for fleece, breathable nylon fabrics and tarps. Suitable for Gore-Tex, Entrant, Sympatex and Ultrex fabrics. This detergent is concentrated, so it effectively removes various stains. It is not recommended to use for cleaning outerwear with down filler. Country of origin UK. Can be used for hand and machine wash.

Perwoll Sport & Active. Washing gel for thermal underwear, tracksuits, elastic and bolognese products.

Toko Eco Textile Wash. Swiss detergent that helps to restore the properties of the membrane. It is well rinsed out of the structure of the material. Does not cause allergic reactions.

Domal Sport Fein Fashion. The manufacturer of the balm is Germany. After repeated use, it retains the waterproof and heating properties of the fabric. Economical in consumption.

Hey Sport Tex Wash. Also a German product. Promotes gentle cleansing of membrane tissue. Retains its functionality. The composition does not contain surfactants, phosphates, enzymes and dye.

NikWax Down Wash. It is intended for care of outerwear with down filler. Helps remove stains from vegetable oil, grass and earth. Prevents the formation of lumps and fragility of fluff. Renews the heating properties of the pen.

Denkmit Fresh Sensation. Retains the moisture-repellent properties of the membrane. Removes the smell of sweat and pollution of various origins.

Granger`s 30 C° Down Cleaner. Used for washing items made of airtight fabric. This gel removes stains, dust and dirt without damaging the surface of the material. It rinses well with a porous membrane. Has a pleasant fresh scent.

Saiton wash- German shampoo for the care of products made of synthetics and membranes. After its application, things retain their original shape and color. Promotes quick cleaning of the material from dirt and dust.

You can replace specialized detergents with soap without a bleaching effect. It is crushed and diluted with water. It is recommended to wash with a solution of soap nut or soap root.

Washing in the washing machine

Before washing, clothes must be properly prepared. Membrane cloth refers to delicate tissues that require a special approach to this procedure. In order not to damage the impregnation, follow these steps:

  1. Examine clothing for stains. If they are, proceed to remove them. Apply a membrane cleaner to the stained area. Leave to act for 15 minutes. Then wash.
  2. Check pockets. They must be empty during the washing process. This will prevent damage to the material and lining.
  3. Fasten the zipper and Velcro.
  4. Turn clothes inside out.
  5. Fold in 2-3 layers. Then put in a special case.
  6. To improve the quality of washing.

Follow these rules:

  • Program one of the modes: "Hand wash", "Delicate wash", "Wool" and "Silk".
  • Temperature regime 30-40 С°.
  • Deactivate the "Spin" function.
  • Select the extra rinse option.

Immerse the product and balls in the drum. Then put the cap with detergent, or pour it into the powder container.

The positive result of washing clothes depends on proper drying. After washing, remove the product from the drum. Hang on a coat hanger over a tub to drain water. Then spread a terry sheet on a flat surface. Line up the sleeves and collar. Smooth out any wrinkles with your hands. Do not dry clothes near heaters. In the room, open a window for ventilation to prevent the formation of a damp smell. Use a floor dryer. After the product dries, it is treated with a water-repellent aerosol. Liquid protective agents are added to the water during the last rinse. This additional procedure is carried out through one wash. Frequent processing of the membrane leads to clogging of the pores.


When hand washing, remember that membrane clothing should not be brushed. Impregnation may be damaged. The procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Fill the container with water at a maximum of 40°C.
  2. Add a special cleaner or soap to the water. For ease of use, grate the soap in the bar. Use liquid baby soap.
  3. Submerge your clothes in the solution.
  4. Remember the hands of the fabric.
  5. Squeeze out the soapy water with your hands. Then transfer to a bowl of clean water for rinsing.
  6. Rinse the product at least three times.
  7. Send the product to dry.

  • Do not use rinse aid.
  • Do not wring or twist the material to keep the shape of the product.
  • Before washing, clean the powder container from the detergent that was used in the previous wash.
  • Do not use the soaking procedure, as the fragile impregnation will lose functionality.
  • Do not iron the membrane fabric. If wrinkles appear, iron with a warm iron inside the product.
  • If household stains form, proceed to remove them immediately. Use concentrated gel or soap. Do not use stain remover.
  • It is not recommended to dry in the machine.
  • Wash items separately from other clothes.

Care rules

  • Store products made of membrane fabric in special cases.
  • Treat the material with a water-repellent spray.
  • Wash clothes when soiled. Frequent washing will damage the product.

When buying clothes made of a membrane, ask the seller about cleaning methods and care rules. Follow the instructions on the tag. These precautions will extend the life of expensive clothing.

Due to the incredible convenience and practicality, membrane clothing is very popular. Do not forget that it requires a special, delicate wash. The use of conventional washing powders can lead to the fact that the structure of the material is broken, and the protective properties are lost. For proper care of membrane clothing, check out our helpful tips and find out about suitable cleaning products.

What is membrane clothing

Often with the use of a membrane they sew sportswear, things for children and tourists. It is a special layer located inside the material, in the form of a grid with small pores. On both sides it is covered with special protection. Due to modern technologies, a multilayer structure with several important properties is obtained. In general, she:

  • windproof, which makes the membrane products comfortable to wear in almost any weather;
  • repels water, due to which you can walk in a membrane jacket in the rain and not get wet;
  • "breathes" well, i.e. in waterproof clothes you will not sweat much, because the fumes will easily come out;
  • light and retains heat well, therefore, insulation is not made from membrane fabric, if you do not take into account down jackets and winter jackets.

How to wash membrane clothes

In order for the unique properties of the membrane tissue to be preserved for as long as possible, it needs special care. Conventional washing powders contain large abrasive particles that can destroy the membrane or get stuck in it. In this case, the appearance of the clothes will not suffer, but its specific qualities will be violated. For this reason, you need to choose the right detergent for washing membrane fabrics and follow some recommendations:

  • Take a close look at the clothes and identify the areas with the most dirt. In jackets and tops of sportswear, as a rule, the collar, cuffs and the area next to the zipper are most dirty. Pre-treat them using a special liquid or gel. In extreme cases, you can use a simple laundry soap, but then you will need an additional rinse to deeply clean the membrane layer. Do not use stain removers or bleaching soaps.
  • Decide on a washing method. This can be done by hand or using a washing machine. In any case, remember that you can only clean one thing at a time.
  • It is absolutely impossible to dry products made of material with membranes near an open fire or a battery. It is recommended to dry them on a horizontal surface at room temperature, and in a pre-flattened form. To prevent the impregnation of clothing from evaporating, avoid direct sunlight.
  • If you are afraid that the downy product falls off, then periodically correct it. Gently spread the fluff in the capsules with your fingers. If you feel that dense lumps have formed from the fluff, dry the clothes completely and lay them out on the bed. Then gently tap on it with a stick or walk with your hands, carefully kneading individual places.
  • When hand washing, do not twist the product. Be careful: without taking things out of the water, gently press them. The lack of foam should not alert you, because. all products for cleaning membrane products have this feature. Rinse the product thoroughly, then let the water drain freely. Pressing has a negative effect on the structure of the membranes.
  • For further care, it is recommended to use special impregnations that help restore the water-repellent properties of the fabric. It is easier to use liquids in the form of a spray, the main component of which is fluoride. They will provide not only the restoration of the membrane tissue, but also its protection from deep penetration of dirt.

In the washing machine

If you already have the right powder for membrane clothing, then you can proceed with the cleaning process. An easy option is to use a washing machine. Helpful Hints:

  • Shake the bottle of liquid detergent before applying it to clothes or adding it to the washing machine.
  • Choose the most gentle and gentle mode with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. When doing this, make sure that drying and spinning are turned off.
  • Try to avoid soaking. As soon as you send the clothes into the water, immediately begin the cleaning process. Prolonged contact with water can destroy the impregnation of the membrane tissue and make it more vulnerable.
  • Do not forget that it is not necessary to squeeze the product from the membrane in the machine. You need to do this manually. To do this, gently squeeze it in different places, but do not twist it. Or you can wrap the product in a cotton towel to absorb moisture.


Using a washing machine, although it makes work easier, it is better to wash clothes made of fabric with a membrane by hand. The fact is that even the delicate mode is not able to guarantee the absence of damage to the membranes. How to wash membrane clothes by hand - detailed instructions:

  • Warm up the water to 20-30 degrees. Soak clothes in water for 20 minutes. Wait until it is completely saturated. The top layer may not absorb liquid, so turn the products upside down to the surface of the water.
  • Rub the surface of the material with a suitable product. Do not add it to water, otherwise the composition will not be absorbed into the pores of the material. Direct application is possible only by hand without the use of brushes and sponges.
  • It is necessary to clean fabrics with a membrane in the basin using running water. After applying the detergent composition, rinse the material under the stream. Cold water will help wash out the remaining cleaning components.
  • Do not manipulate the fabric in any way. That is, it is necessary to rinse and wash off the components of the product with it without wringing or twisting.
  • Leave the membrane fabric to dry. You can also do this in a vertical position. Be sure to turn them over so that the drops that are stuck in the pores drain and evaporate faster.

Funding Requirements

To begin with, keep in mind that ordinary washing powder for membrane clothes will not work - you will need a special tool. You can order it in a specialized online store with delivery by mail. On sale you can find dozens of types of similar products, but to make the best choice, consider these requirements:

  • in the chosen detergent for washing membrane clothes there should be no chlorine, because. this component will spoil the water-repellent property of the material;
  • the powder should not contain a large amount of enzymes, because. they "perceive" the impregnation of the fabric as dirt and destroy it;
  • make sure that there is no oxygen bleach in the laundry products, otherwise it will clog the pores of the membrane and the fabric will no longer be “breathable”;
  • the composition should not contain large abrasive particles;
  • some other substances are also harmful to tissue with membranes: bioactive additives, softening components, aggressive surfactants.

Taking into account the described requirements, it is safe to list the list of products that are not suitable for washing membrane items. They are:

  • any conventional Tide, Persil, etc. powders;
  • ordinary liquid laundry detergents, because they contain enzymes;
  • compositions for delicate things like "Weasel", "Villi", etc .;
  • liquid soap;
  • stain removers, bleaches.


Modern manufacturers produce detergents for washing products made of membrane fabric in the form of liquid and gel. Before giving preference to one or another form of release, consider the features of each of them:

  • The gel is a solution of surfactants that are completely ready to use. Compared to conventional powders, the gel has a milder detergent effect, it can be used for daily washing. Such products are usually used in warm or cool water. The gel has a softer effect on the fabric, but it is very difficult to remove complex dirt or a heavily worn item. In addition, it does not have particles that can get stuck between the fibers of the fabric. Hand washing with gel is not as effective as using a washing machine. In the latter case, the so-called. mechanical activation, which, together with the chemical action of the agent, provides the desired washing effect.
  • Liquid formulations, like gel-like ones, are distinguished by their careful attitude to very demanding types of tissues. Due to the presence of a measuring cap, it is very convenient to calculate the required dosage. They do not leave streaks on clothes even without additional rinsing. have good solubility. The use of liquid products can ensure a longer operation of the washing machine due to the absence of absorbent particles and elements that corrode fabrics and device parts. True, like gels, liquid formulations are less effective in relation to everyday things made from coarse fabrics. At low temperatures, they cannot remove oil or grease stains.


On the shelves of stores in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities, you can find dozens of items for washing membrane products in the form of a liquid. On average, their price, depending on the volume and manufacturer, is 300-500 rubles. Many of them are efficient and environmentally friendly. Popular options:

  • Nikwax Tech Wash. Liquid composition for washing clothes made of waterproof fibers, cleaning and restoring the properties of fabrics with membranes. The agent does not create damage in the upper water-repellent coating. Dirt is removed gently. It can even be used to clean awnings, tents, tents, covers, etc. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to use Nikwax TX.Direct impregnation.
  • TOKO Eco Textile Wash. Environmentally friendly composition for washing membranes and other high-tech fabrics. Able to restore the optimal properties of the material, provide protection and deep cleaning. Does not contain phosphates, bleaches or dyes. Has excellent indicators of biodegradation. One bottle is enough for eight washes. Differs in efficiency in cold water.
  • HEY SPORT Tex Wash. An effective cleaning agent for products made of membrane fabric, which preserves the functional characteristics of the material and color saturation. Due to the deodorizing effect, it is able to neutralize unpleasant odors. Does not have a negative impact on the environment, because made on the basis of environmentally friendly components. Special additives can neutralize unpleasant odors. Contains no bleach.
  • Perwoll Sport & Active. Liquid products for cleaning dirt from overalls, thermal underwear, tracksuits, jackets, etc. Contains a softener. Has a pleasant aroma.
  • Salton Sport. Shampoo for washing things with climatic membranes. Due to a special combination of active ingredients, the composition penetrates deeply into the fibers, gently and effectively removing dirt. Helps eliminate unpleasant odors. Cannot be used with fabric softener.
  • Burti Sport & Outdoor. Liquid composition for sportswear, which washes gently, removing traces of dirt. It is able to neutralize the smell of sweat and maintain a feeling of freshness for a long time. Does not contain chlorine, phosphates, petrochemical derivatives. Safe for elastic, membrane fabrics.
  • Domal Sport Fashion. Concentrated balm for cleaning dirt from sports suits, products for outdoor activities, tourism, jackets, down jackets, etc. This product has a special composition, due to which it will thoroughly and gently clean the products, while maintaining their unique properties, including the waterproofness of the membrane material. It is economical - 1 bottle is enough to clean 12.5 kg of dry laundry.


Products in the form of a gel are able to penetrate the fibers no worse than liquid counterparts. Before you buy one or another option, familiarize yourself with the features of several compositions. So you can make the purchase of the optimal tool:

  • Weasel Active&Fresh Active care 3D. A composition that gently washes products for outdoor activities and sports. The 3D formula provides protection for things, gives freshness and neutralizes unpleasant odors. In addition, Laska has been developed for the membrane, therefore it retains the function of the membrane tissue. Suitable for both hand and automatic washing.
  • Perwoll Sport & Active. Modern products in the form of a gel, designed for delicate washing of sportswear made of membrane, fleece, synthetics and other fabrics. Does not destroy the fibers of the material and gives the product a pleasant fresh aroma. It has the effect of updating, restoring the color of things and at the same time does not discolor black, colored fabrics.
  • Denkmit Fresh Sensation. Gel-like product that copes well with odors and pollution. Gives fabrics water-repellent properties. Carefully washes items made of polyester, stretch, viscose, elastane and preserves the structure of micromembrane fibers. A 1.5 liter bottle is enough for 35 washes.
  • Cotico. Specialized low foam gel for sportswear and outdoor wear, including membrane fabrics. Effectively washes stubborn dirt, eliminating unpleasant odors. Able to maintain the properties of the membrane, water-repellent impregnation.
  • EcoWoo. A gel based on UV-treated water and vegetable oil. It has a high biodegradability of components - 97%. Suitable not only for materials with membranes, but also for feathers and down.

Any product used for washing clothes should not only remove all kinds of dirt, but also preserve the basic properties of the thing. Membrane clothing requires high-quality and careful care. Proper care directly determines how long it will last. Before choosing a detergent for washing membrane clothes, you need to learn more about this material.

Membrane properties

The membrane has important properties for humans, so it is quite common. Most often, these clothes are used for sports. In a product made of a membrane, a person feels comfortable in all weather conditions. More and more people choose membrane clothing, there are several reasons for this:

  1. The membrane has water-repellent properties, which is why it is often used for the manufacture of outerwear.
  2. Membrane fabric is able to protect not only from raindrops, but also from gusts of wind.
  3. Membrane fabric has a sufficient level of vapor permeability. Clothing made from this material does not interfere with the natural evaporation of sweat, so it is suitable for sports.

These properties are achieved through the technology of manufacturing membrane tissue. The membrane is a film of organic or inorganic matter. The fabric includes two layers:

  1. The top layer is wear-resistant. Performs the function of protection against wind, moisture and other external influences.
  2. The bottom layer is softer than the top layer.

As part of the membrane tissue, there are other layers of tissue, membranes that help provide protection from external factors.

Sophisticated manufacturing technology requires careful handling. It is not for nothing that the question often arises of how, for example, to wash a membrane overalls or a jacket.

Choice of cleaning agent

This stage in washing is almost the most important. It is necessary to choose the right, suitable tool:

  1. Detergent for membrane fabrics should not clog micropores. This leads to a loss of vapor permeability.
  2. Stain removers can also lead to a deterioration in the properties of the material, as they are also capable of clogging micropores.
  3. Chlorine-based bleaches make the fabric more permeable.
  4. Conditioners and rinse aids soften the material.

Liquid detergents are suitable for washing, but not all. It is undesirable to use products that do not contain enzyme components - they destroy the properties of the membrane.

Membrane detergent must be designed for this material. Gels intended for this, which are easily rinsed out and do not clog pores, have become widespread. They are often sold in sporting goods stores.

Here are the best tools for this purpose:

  • Perwoll Sport & Active

  • Domal Sport Fein Fashion
  • Denkmit Fresh Sensation

Detergents designed for classic fabrics may also be suitable. In this case, the package will indicate that this product can be used for this type of clothing.

Machine wash

Machine wash is safe for membrane fabric, but you should not resort to this method too often. The washing machine should only be used in cases of heavy soiling. Before washing, you need to find out how to wash membrane clothes in. All means intended for this or shavings from laundry soap will do.

Machine wash is carried out as follows:

  1. Check pockets for foreign objects.
  2. All fasteners (buttons, zippers) must be fastened.
  3. Paste decorative elements with adhesive tape in several layers to preserve their appearance.
  4. The fur must be unfastened, otherwise washing will damage it.
  5. If necessary, wash dirty areas with laundry soap.
  6. It is recommended to wash on a delicate mode, without spinning. Use for washing you need a product designed for the membrane.
  7. After washing, remove the item from the machine and hang it over the basin, bathtub, so that the water runs away.
  8. If possible, lay out clothes on a horizontal hard surface until completely dry.
  9. If streaks appear, repeat rinsing.


Hand washing is a more gentle option, it retains the original appearance of the clothes. Brief instructions on how to wash the membrane by hand:

  1. Check pockets, remove all unnecessary from them, unfasten the fur.
  2. Carefully consider the thing, remember where the most contaminated areas are.
  3. Pour medium temperature water (+30…40°С) into a container.
  4. Dilute the gel or other agent, guided by the instructions for use. In the case of using laundry soap, make a soap solution.
  5. Place item in water. It is important to immediately begin to remove contaminants without resorting to soaking.
  6. Light, sparing the top layer of movements to get rid of stains, other contaminants.
  7. Rinse item under cool water.
  8. Carefully wring out without twisting the product.

Care rules

Now it’s clear how to wash a membrane jacket. But this is not all recommendations for the care of the product.
After the dirt is removed, the item must be soaked with a fluorine-based agent. This contributes to the restoration of the DWR coating, due to which water resistance is achieved. Therefore, if the product began to lose its properties, you can try to restore it. There are two types of impregnations:

  • Moisture repellent sprays. After applying a special composition, the product is left to dry. However, it is worth considering that there is a risk of uneven application of the spray.

  • Special liquid impregnations. They are used as a conditioner for rinsing. The method has no drawbacks if you follow the rules of use. It is important not to apply a large amount of impregnation, otherwise the fabric will stop passing air.

It is strictly forbidden to iron membrane clothing: the top layer will melt and lose most of its properties. Drying on a battery, heaters and near an open fire can also lead to this unpleasant consequence.

Membrane clothing is very popular. Things from it are ideal for outdoor activities in the cold season. This is due to the heat-protective, water-repellent, windproof and breathable properties of the material. And in order to save them, you need to know how to properly care for the membrane material, how to wash and dry it properly, how to restore its protective properties.

How is membrane tissue arranged?

Membrane fabric is a synthetic material to which a polymer film of a special structure has been attached from the inside. Not only clothes are sewn from it, but also shoes, tents, sleeping bags. Products are ideal for outdoor activities, fishing, hiking in the forest and mountains, skiing and snowboarding. They do not get wet, but at the same time the body can “breathe” in them, unlike rubberized fabric. It is not cold in clothes made of membrane fabric, it is light, not blown by the wind and does not hinder movements.

Clothing made of membrane fabric is warm, light and not blown by the wind

Membrane: types and characteristics

There is a misconception that a membrane is always a porous material. But there are three types - porous, non-porous and combined fabrics.

porous or porous membrane

This is the most classic variety known to a wide range of people. It contains pores arranged according to a special principle: moisture and wind cannot penetrate the fabric inside, while the natural evaporation of the body is easily removed to the outside. This feature allows the fabric to breathe. Its advantage lies in the fact that as soon as a person begins to sweat, moisture from the inside immediately comes out. Over time and with improper care, the pores become clogged and clogged. Therefore, clothes made from such fabrics are less durable than those made from other types of membranes.

The peculiarity of the porous membrane is that moisture and wind do not penetrate the fabric inside, but the natural evaporation of the body is easily removed to the outside.

A non-porous membrane is a continuous film of moisture-attracting (hydrophilic) material and works on a different principle. Vapors from the body penetrate through the upper layer of the tissue due to active diffusion and go outside. Clothing made from such a membrane is durable, wear-resistant, less picky about care and belongs to the expensive segment.

A non-porous membrane is a continuous non-porous film, most often made of hydrophilic polyurethane.

Combined membrane

This fabric combines all the best from the first two types. On the inside, it is covered with a porous membrane, on top of which there is a thin coating in the form of a hydrophilic polyurethane film. Its only drawback is that expensive clothes are sewn from it, which not everyone can buy.

Types of membrane fabric by design

By design, membrane tissue also comes in several types:

  • two-layer (top fabric + membrane);
  • three-layer (top fabric + membrane + knitted mesh);
  • fabric of two and a half layers (fabric + membrane + protective coating).

It is also impregnated with special DWR compounds, which have water-repellent properties, but at the same time do not prevent the passage of air through the fabric.

Drops of water do not penetrate through the membrane fabric with moisture-repellent impregnation

How to wash membrane clothes: an overview of the most effective means

It should be noted right away that not all membrane clothing requires the same gentle care. All washing tips are more about porous fabrics, as they are the most short-lived, but at the same time the most inexpensive and popular. Basic care recommendations and prohibitions on a particular laundry detergent apply to all types of membranes. Before washing, be sure to look at what is indicated on the labels.

It is advisable to wash membrane clothes only with products intended specifically for this type of fabric. These are, as a rule, laundry gels that are easily rinsed out. They are often sold in sporting goods stores. Also in the lines of some manufacturers of conventional laundry detergents there are special care products for things made of this material (Perwolle, Domal, Dreft). You can buy them in big supermarkets.

When purchasing a thing from a membrane, it is advisable to immediately buy care products for it.

Some try to save money and wash membrane clothes with ordinary powders. But they can spoil the fabric and deprive the properties for which the membrane is so valued. The fact is that most universal laundry detergents contain substances harmful to this fabric:

  • chlorine;
  • oxygen bleaches;
  • aggressive surfactants;
  • bioactive additives;
  • enzymes;
  • softening ingredients.

Chlorine helps to open the membrane: the fabric becomes more breathable, but at the same time it begins to let water through. Oxygen bleaches do a good job of removing stains, but they clog pores and make the material no longer breathable. A variety of enzymes and anionic surfactants destroy the protective layer of the fabric: after several washes, it begins to lose its properties. As for a variety of conditioners and rinses, they not only clog into pores, but also soften the membrane tissue, which it definitely does not need. If you have already spent money on expensive clothes, then you probably count on its long service life. Do not skimp on the purchase of special care products.

Detergents for washing membrane clothes should be easily rinsed out

Specialized detergents for washing membrane clothes

Many manufacturers of technological clothing also offer care products. Most of them are made in Europe, although there are good products from Japanese and Korean brands.

  1. TOKO Eco Textile Wash. The Swiss product safely cleans clothes and restores the breathability and water repellency of the fabric. It is based on only biodegradable and easily rinsed components. It is dermatologist approved and recommended for washing Gore-Tex, eVENT, Evapora and other fabrics.
  2. HEY SPORT Tex Wash effectively cleans any technological clothing and preserves the functionality of fabrics, their color. The German product has a deodorizing effect, does not contain bleaches, phosphates, dyes, as well as aggressive and softening components. It removes stains from grass, earth, grease, soot. Suitable for the care of membrane products Gore-Tex, Sympatex, Schoeller, etc.
  3. Nikwax Tech Wash. The product is suitable for washing any clothes, including fleece, but is not intended for the care of jackets filled with down. For washing individual stains, it is used undiluted. Well clears and restores protective properties of fabric. Recommended for Gore-tex, Sympatex, Ultrex, Entrant and other materials. Made in the UK, sustainable and safe for the environment.
  4. Nikwax Down Wash. Suitable for washing clothes made of fluff, does not damage the water-repellent coating of the membrane fabric, effectively removes dirt, grease, residues of other detergents.
  5. Granger's Universal Spray Cleaner is a versatile spray cleaner that is suitable for all types of clothing, including membranes. Thanks to its special Spray and wipe formula, the product effectively removes stains and dirt without harming the fabric and without washing the entire garment. It is recommended to use for cleaning cuffs, areas around zippers, collars. The spray is applied to the soiled surface from a distance of 10–15 cm, and then wiped with a damp cloth until completely cleansed.
  6. Granger's 30˚C Down Cleaner is a laundry detergent for down-based garments, including membranes. Prevents fluff from churning, restores the original shape of things and does not dissolve the natural oils present in the filler. Contains an antimicrobial component that eliminates unpleasant odors from clothes. Does not spoil the functional properties of the membrane.
  7. Granger's 30˚C Cleaner is a water-based detergent designed for washing membrane and functional clothes made of synthetics. Gently cleans the fabric and has a protective property for water-repellent impregnation. Effectively removes dust and dirt, improves the functional characteristics of the material. Recommended for Gore-Tex, eVent and other waterproof and breathable garments. Granger's products are environmentally friendly. All products in the series are made in the UK.
  8. Perwolle Sport Active Care 3D is designed for washing sportswear, including membranes. Does not harm the impregnation, does not impair the water-repellent and breathable properties of the fabric. Effectively fights pollution. The Austrian-made product does not contain phosphates, but its composition cannot be called environmentally friendly.
  9. Salton Sport shampoo is recommended for washing clothes with climatic membranes and synthetics. Gently and effectively removes dirt, dust, sweat and eliminates unpleasant odors. Due to the special composition, things do not deform after multiple washes. Does not harm the membrane and impregnation. Made in Germany.

There are many other effective laundry detergents: Heitmann Spezial Wasch, Kongur, DM Fresh Sensation, Woly Sport Textile Wash, Storm, Domal Sport Fein Fashion, etc.

Photo gallery: special detergents for washing membrane clothes

Before washing membrane clothes in the machine, do not forget to set the correct mode.

How to wash a membrane thing in a washing machine

Although many do not recommend washing membrane clothing in the machine, following the recommendations described above, you will do this without harm to the fabric and do not spoil the product in any way. The main rule: wash only when it really needs to be cleaned, and not just refreshed. In other cases, soiled areas are cleaned manually. If the contamination is simple, then it is very simple to do this with a piece of cloth, cleanser or wet wipes.

If you do not spare money, then be sure to buy special sprays for cleaning membrane clothes from stains.

For all detergents, the algorithm of actions is the same:

  1. Close all zippers and pockets.
  2. Examine the product for stains and determine the dirtiest areas (usually cuffs, inside of the collar, areas near zippers and pockets).
  3. Treat particularly dirty areas with laundry soap.
  4. Load into the machine, add the right amount of liquid detergent and turn on the delicate mode.
  5. Repeat rinsing if streaks remain on the fabric.
  6. Take clothes out of the machine.
  7. Hang the washed product on a coat hanger and let the water drain (it is better to do this over the bathtub).
  8. Place in a horizontal position on a clothes dryer. If there is none, the clothes are dried on a coat hanger.
  9. Hide in a closet, wrapped in a special bag.

Drying of any products made of membrane fabric in the sun, battery or near fire is strictly prohibited. All products dry naturally.

How to wash by hand

Washing membrane clothes by hand is much harder, because you have to do everything yourself. And even in such a safe way, you can harm the membrane if you do not follow the recommendations.

  1. Fill a large basin with warm water (no more than 35 ˚C).
  2. Dissolve the laundry detergent.
  3. Immerse the product in water and start washing immediately.
  4. Use a soft sponge or brush for tough dirt.
  5. Wash with light pressure on the fabric, but try to do it as quickly as possible.
  6. Rinse in clean cold water, changing the water in the basin at least three times.
  7. Hang your clothes over your tub to let the water flow freely.
  8. Dry in a horizontal position in a well-ventilated place.

Membrane clothes are dried in a horizontal position

During washing, you may be surprised by the lack of abundant foam. This is fine. Specialized care products for membrane things, as well as children's phosphate-free gels do not form a lot of foam, but at the same time they effectively remove dirt.

How to wash a membrane down jacket

The down jacket can be machine washed, despite the widespread myth that it is strictly forbidden to do this. By adhering to simple recommendations, you will do this without harm to the membrane and filler. You will need detergents for washing down jackets: they are usually marked down wash.

If the product is dirty, but the fluff has not gone astray, then wash it from the front side. If the fluff is very stray and soaked with sweat, wash it inside out.

For washing membrane down products, you need to use special products marked down wash

Down jackets are washed in two stages. The first stage is, in fact, washing, and the second is straightening the fluff and drying the product.

Washing a down jacket in a typewriter

  1. Close all zippers and inspect the product.
  2. Wash dirty areas.
  3. Add laundry detergent according to instructions.
  4. Set the delicate mode to 30 ˚C.
  5. Disable spin.
  6. Rinse additionally.
  7. Hang a down jacket over the bath so that the water is glass (it will take a day).

It is worth throwing a few tennis balls into the drum. They will prevent chaffing.

To keep fluff from clumping, throw a few tennis balls into the machine

Straightening the filler and preparing the product for drying

The condition of the down jacket and its volume will depend on how well you cope with the second stage. After washing, the filler usually goes astray. It's not scary. Knocked down fluff can be straightened with your fingers, but this must be done when wet.

  1. Turn the product inside out.
  2. Start straightening stray fluff in capsules.
  3. Pay special attention to narrowed areas, like the edge of the hood and the insulated placket near the zipper.
  4. Repeat the procedure after 5-7 hours.
  5. Make sure that there are no lumps left and that the fluff is completely distributed throughout the volume of the capsules.
  6. Leave the clothes to dry naturally for 1-3 days (depending on the volume and initial weight of the product).
  7. Feel all the capsules again and remove the remaining lumps.
  8. Knock down lint in all places with vigorous pats with your hands to remove excess air and distribute the filler evenly.

Straightening the stray fluff is done manually while the product is still wet.

Video: how to wash and dry a membrane down jacket

How to wash adult and children's clothes without fluff

There is not much difference in washing pants, overalls and jackets. Specialized products are usually environmentally friendly, so they are suitable for children and allergy sufferers. Children's things require care much more often, but it is better to leave stains on clothes than the product will completely lose its functionality due to frequent washing, rubbing and washing with daily dirt.

How to get tough stains out

  1. Severe contamination - stains from engine oil, fuel oil, paint - are removed using purified gasoline. This should be done carefully and as quickly as possible in order to minimize contact of the agent with the membrane. After processing, the product is well rinsed.
  2. Grease stains are removed with dishwashing detergent. Ideally, use a concentrated laundry detergent. So impregnation will suffer the least.
  3. If the child is soiled in ordinary dirt, wait for the stains to dry. After that, they can simply be brushed off with a brush.
  4. If there is a dry cleaner in your city that specializes in cleaning membrane clothes, take the soiled item there. But before that, look at the label for information from the manufacturer whether dry cleaning is allowed for this product at all.
  5. Often, after treating stains, the water-repellent impregnation is damaged. You can restore it with the help of special tools.

In concentrated form, professional products can be used to safely remove stains on membrane clothing.

How to restore the membrane and impregnation

Over time, even with very careful care, the membrane becomes clogged and loses its properties. The same applies to fabric impregnation. It is possible to restore its breathability and water-repellency with the help of special means. Determining that restoration is required is fairly simple. This is necessary if:

  • moisture, getting on the fabric, does not roll off it, but penetrates inside and forms stains;
  • the product becomes heavier after contact with rain, which did not happen before;
  • after active use, the clothes seem damp from the inside;
  • you feel like you're sweating more often.

If the membrane can still be cleaned and restored to its former state by washing, then only a special agent with the inscription on the package water proof (impervious to water) can restore the impregnation. For clothing, they come in aerosol or liquid form. The first is sprayed directly onto the product, and the second is diluted in water and the product is immersed there. Aerosols restore only the top layer of the fabric, that is, they resume impregnation from moisture. Liquids restore the membrane completely, restore its breathability and water-repellent properties.

Impregnations restore the breathability and water-repellent properties of the membrane fabric

Before using any tool, you must carefully read the instructions. It is important not to overdo it with the impregnation, otherwise the clothes will stop letting air through. It is not recommended to carry out this procedure more often than after two washes.

It is possible to resume impregnation only on clean products. Application on dirty and sweaty things will only lead to even more clogging of the membrane pores.

How to use an aerosol

Since aerosols do not have a very pleasant smell, it is better to use them on the street or on the balcony. The product must be clean and dry.

  1. Hang your clothes on a hanger.
  2. Spray the product at a distance of 15-20 cm from the fabric.
  3. Let the product dry and hide in the closet.

How to use liquid impregnation

In this way, the impregnation is resumed after washing.

  1. Pour water into the bowl.
  2. Dilute the required amount in water.
  3. Immerse the washed product there, making sure that all areas are in contact with the impregnation.
  4. Hang clothes to dry as usual.

The British manufacturer Nikwax offers not only a detergent for washing membrane down jackets, but also a special water-repellent impregnation for down

If you need to restore the water-repellent properties of down, then it is better to turn the product inside out.

Video: how to restore impregnation on a jacket

Membrane clothing care

Technological clothing does not require complex care. In addition, it does not get very dirty and does not wrinkle after washing. Membrane clothes are not ironed. If for some reason the product is wrinkled, then ironing is carried out with a slightly heated iron through a towel. The fact is that high temperatures spoil the membrane and the fabric can melt.

  1. Clothes are stored only in a clean state in special cases to protect them from dust and friction with other clothes in the closet.
  2. My name is Olya, I am 29 years old. I like to write articles, make artistic product descriptions for websites. The following topics are in priority: jewelry, clothing, interior items, cooking, as well as useful tips (household). It is very important for me that readers, customers and, of course, myself like my texts!

When purchasing expensive outerwear, we hope that its service life will fully justify the money spent. However, there are a number of objective circumstances that make adjustments to these plans. For example, various kinds of pollution. And if the jacket, overalls are made of membrane fabric, then it seems to be just right to throw the thing away - after all, many people think that it is impossible to wash membrane clothes. It's time to dispel the myths.

Understanding terms

Membrane fabric is a combination of a base material (usually made of a synthetic fiber, such as 100% polyester) and the membrane itself. The latter is the thinnest film, the thickness of which is tenths or hundredths of a millimeter.

The main function of the membrane fabric is to keep moisture out

The peculiarity of the membrane is that it has microscopic pores that allow moisture to pass through on the one hand and retain it to almost zero permeability on the other.

This is interesting. One of the manufacturers of membrane fabric, the American company Gore-TeX, creates a high-strength material from Teflon, having 1.5 billion pores per 1 square centimeter.

The film is pressed to the base, that is, “welded”. Due to its structure, the resulting fabric removes sweat to the outside, which means it allows the skin to breathe. Due to the design features, the membrane fabric with high performance is light in weight and very durable. According to this criterion, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • two-layer (the membrane is fixed from the inside of the base);
  • three-layer (outer fabric, membrane, mesh from the inside);
  • 2.5-layer (membrane from the inside, but a protective coating is still sprayed on it).

The structure of the membrane can also differ, so tissues are

  • non-porous (the structure of the material resembles a sponge - micro-holes have a sinuous shape in which moisture condenses);
  • pore (moisture molecules seep from the inside, but the drops do not fit);
  • combined (the most expensive and high-tech, since a film with pores is laid inside, and outside without pores).

Membrane fabric is a high-tech material that can withstand any adverse weather conditions.

Purpose of membrane clothing

The complex production technology of the material is explained by the purpose of clothing. Similar things are recommended for activities involving high physical activity:

  • tourism;
  • mountaineering;
  • travel, etc.

Membrane things are convenient for both adults and children

However, fabrics with a welded film have a number of disadvantages:

  • clothes for membrane things should be made of fleece, polartec (for example, thermal underwear);
  • fabrics with a membrane are relatively short-lived;
  • such a wardrobe needs special care;
  • high price.

What to consider when cleaning

Until recently, it was believed that membrane fabrics cannot be washed. However, modern production technologies refute this assertion. Moreover, such things simply need to be cleaned. But at the same time, take into account some limitations.

  1. Ordinary washing powder clogs the pores of the membrane with its crystals, due to which it loses its main quality - air exchange.
  2. Chlorine-containing laundry detergents spoil the membrane, it ceases to reject water, it becomes wet.
  3. Rinsers and conditioners reduce the water-repellent properties of the fabric.
  4. Water temperatures above 40 degrees will glue the pores, and also give the fabric a gray-brown tint, since the film will simply weld. For the same reason, things should not be ironed or dried on a radiator.
  5. Spinning causes irreparable damage to the fibers of the fabric, they stretch and break.
  6. It is impossible to dry things from membrane fabric in the sun or in the wind. Ultraviolet will leave whitish spots on the fabric, which will make the restoration of the material impossible.

How to wash

The right laundry detergent will not only get rid of dirt, but also will not have a negative effect on the fabric.

Table. Detergents for membrane fabric

Special washing gels Application features Conventional means Application features
Nikwax Tech WashCleans, gives water-repellent functions, allows the fabric to breathe. Recommended for Gore-Tex, Sympatex, Entrant, eVENT and Ultrex fabricsPerwoll Sport & ActiveAdds aroma, prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor
DOMAL Sport Fein FashionRetains all protective properties of the fabricConcentrated remedy from AmwayIt washes well, especially children's things with characteristic stains from food and drinks.
DM Fresh SensationRecommended for fabrics Goretex, Sympatex, budget tool, but without water-repellent impregnationLaundry soap, ground on a graterGood for hand washing, removes grass stains, but leaves a very unpleasant odor.
Woly Sport Textile WashUniversal membrane cleaner, suitable for any fabricBaby soap (either liquid or grated)An alternative to laundry soap, it copes with stains a little worse, but does not leave a smell.
Shower gels, shampoosMild detergents for hand washing (since excessive foam is harmful to the washing machine) and not for the purpose of removing stains.
Liquid detergent "Laska"Removes dirt well, but ineffective for removing grass stains, suitable for children's clothes
Soap "Anti-stain"An effective remedy against greasy stains, after use it is recommended to wash the item completely.
Dishwashing gel FairyGreat for removing oil stains and can also be used as a mild detergent.

This is interesting. Regardless of the product chosen, after 20 hand or machine washing, membrane fabrics lose up to 20% of their thickness.

As a rule, manufacturers of membrane fabric produce care products, including those for washing clothes.

How to wash membrane clothes

In order not to damage the fragile membrane, a number of recommendations must be followed.

  1. Turn things inside out before cleaning.
  2. We take out the contents of the pockets.
  3. Fasten all zippers and buttons.


When choosing this type of membrane clothing cleaning, remember that even a stubborn stain cannot be rubbed strongly - the film may be damaged.


In the washing machine

Membrane things love space, that is, you should not load several wardrobe items into the drum at once. If the thing is overall (for example, overalls), then it should be washed separately from others.


How to dry

It depends on the correct drying whether the clothes will be able to perform their function 100% in the future. So the final drying step is very important.


And if you don't wash

Fresh, non-greasy stains can be removed without washing. To do this, the contamination is cleaned with a brush or cloth. At the same time, the dirt is shaken off, not rubbed. And you can also slightly moisten the stain and wash it. These cleaning methods are especially relevant for children's things. But oil stains cannot be removed without washing. This requires pre-treatment of the greasy trace. To do this, you can use the following tools:

Features of care

The life of any thing depends on how well it is stored. This rule also applies to clothes made of membrane fabric.