First relationship at age 15. Why you don't want relationships at an early age. Age of marriage and age of sexual consent

Can there be a serious relationship at the age of 14-16?

    Yes, there may be some more with subsequent cool development. I had many such examples before my eyes. One girlfriend from school, together with the boy, was friends at the same desk, and eventually married him after graduation. Another acquaintance, also from the 7th grade, was friends with the boy, went to another city, and the guy came there and got married. Of course, there can be serious relationships. It's just that every situation is different. Stereotypes give birth only to restrictions, and then it is painful to fight with them.

    Of course they can be. All ages are submissive to love.

    Some relationships are long-term, some for life, and some for a couple of days.

    I believe in love and feelings! Love does not ask how old you are, love works!

    It could be true. My girlfriend started dating a guy when she was barely 15 years old and he was 16.

    A wonderful stable family, they have been living for about 26-27 years, I don’t remember exactly.

    Another met the boy at the age of 13. She looked older, the guy had no idea that she was completely a jerk. He was 17.

    They have been living for 32 years, although it is difficult to call this marriage ideal.

    But, nevertheless, these are exceptions to the rule, it does not happen too often.

    When my best friend was 15 she met her future husband. Lived for 6 years, 2 daughters. The family is strong. The man plays a big role. A woman, to one degree or another, always wants a family. But a man may not want more until the age of 50.

    Well, if you are monogamous, then it’s possible. My sister and her current husband started dating, she was 15, and he was 16. Now they are married to them for 25-26 years. They have two beautiful children. A daughter and a son.

    Of course they can, all the same, at this age the first love occurs, and in some cases it can be throughout life. She is the brightest, and of course unforgettable. Nobody forgets their first love.

    Well, of course it is possible. My husband and I met when I was 16, and he was 20. We have been together for 5 years, got married 3 years ago and we had a son, he is a year old. I think this is fate.

    In modern society, everything is possible, including serious relationships at the age of 14-16, sometimes they lead to marriage, and sometimes young people still run away. People start dating at the age of 14, they think that everything is serious, in principle, for many, and everything is serious, they meet, live sexually, introduce everything to their parents like adults. But there is also a question of the seriousness of the intentions of young people. If they are serious, then I think it's possible!

    Of course, there can be serious feelings and serious relationships at such an early age, and a good example of this is the plot of Romeo and Juliet, but this happens very rarely, and even more rarely coincides with two partners at once. Usually, only one of the teenagers is seriously in love and considers his feelings for the object of love as a relationship forever, the other plays at love, and sometimes uses the love of the first, pursuing his own selfish goals:

    • satisfy sexual lust
    • practice in the first relationship
    • to have material gain from someone who is blindly in love, etc.

    Therefore, adults, experienced people / parents / friends / teachers / psychologists / venereologists / psychiatrists are advised not to rush into a serious relationship (at the age of 14-16), before reaching puberty, when a person already knows how to think more or less sensibly.

    at the age of 14 to 16, they can be serious, but they do not last long and therefore there is an option that a teenager after parting can fall into depression, and there can be anything

    Well, why shouldn't they be? From personal experience, I know many examples when a serious relationship began precisely at the age of 14-16, after which years passed, there was a wedding, children were born. All such examples that I know of are all successful. Couples live, everything is fine, families are strong. Therefore, I have nothing against such relationships, but only not so many relationships at the age of 14-16 really develop into serious ones and it comes to creating a family, more often such relationships fall apart.

    I have already given an answer to a similar question. I think that there can be relationships, but within reason. Now is the time when teenagers feel like adults and begin to do what even adults don’t do. There are plenty of exceptions, but the essence of this does not change. If relations appeared at the age of 14-16, then you should try to understand whether it is worth continuing them further, if you really want it. This also applies to teenagers. I heard there was such a fashion that guys had to pick up a girl in order to be among their stand out in some special way. That is, he must urgently meet with a girl who he does not like. A similar situation occurs with the female sex. There, in general, girls argue or guess at a guy - well, where does it fit. Where is it heard that at the age of 15 girls they go to fortune-tellers, or draw numbers in the right way (I don’t know exactly this fortune-telling process, but where I don’t come in all schools or other institutions, girls do this only).

    Relations in the period of 14-16 years can be. I have seen such cases that when a couple has met since their school years, they still live together, and it happens that they met for 1 day and that's enough.

    In general, I think that the first experience in a relationship comes precisely in such a period of 14-16 years, when the first kiss is in the camp, when the first love is at school ... And then such moments are not forgotten.

    In other words, relationships at this age are good. But you need to approach this seriously and responsibly, on the part of the teenagers themselves, and know the measure of relationships. Maybe even adults can't.

    In fact, the word serious is inappropriate here. Relationships at 14-16 are just a bunch of positive emotions and good memories.

    Serious, absolutely NO. but insanely emotional and bright, sooo sure!!!

    Oh youth,

    It can be if two people are serious about each other, then they can be eternal.

    It depends on what is considered serious if the birth of an illegitimate child, then yes, but if it is really serious, to wait to get married and together for life, but such a rarity. I met one couple, she gave birth at fifteen, her husband was 16, got married then gave birth to a second one after some time, and when I last saw them together they were already 20 years old, but this is a huge rarity. And she gave birth to a couple at 17, a husband 10 years older, also together for almost 30 years.

Early sexual life in psychology and sexopathology is considered deviant behavior (not the norm). What does early mean? That is, until the onset of full physiological and sexual maturity: for girls - up to 15-16 years, and for boys - up to 16-17 years.

Doctors assure that the early onset of sexual activity does not accelerate the development of adolescents, but, on the contrary, often causes undesirable consequences that pass into adulthood. According to statistics, the problems of 20% of couples suffering from infertility come precisely from the early onset of sexual activity by one of the partners or both.

What problems does early sexual activity lead to:

  • Sexual infections that become chronic due to the fact that adolescents are shy (fearful) and hide symptoms
  • Growth retardation and violation of the formation of a teenage body due to the fact that sexual activity takes energy from other areas
  • Decreased school performance and general curiosity - for the same reason
  • Problems in relationships with the opposite sex due to disappointments in the first partner, up to the impossibility of starting a family
  • Unwanted pregnancy. Abortion or the birth of a child is the strongest shock for the female body, and for an immature teenage girl - especially

It is not hormones that usually push teenagers to start having sex, but society - the information environment, communication with peers. At the same time, emotionally and psychologically, they have not yet matured to a relationship. Girls are looking primarily for romance, courtship, care. For boys, on the contrary, the process itself is important, and having received what they want, they move on to the next partners. On the other hand, the boys often do not even have time to start the process due to overexcitation, and if the failure causes ridicule from the girl, he too can have serious problems in the future.

According to doctors and psychologists, a person fully matures to sexual life only by the age of 18-19.

Age of marriage and age of sexual consent

In the Russian Federation, according to part 1 of Art. 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, marriageable age is 18(and the age of consent is 16). If there are valid reasons, the age of marriage can be reduced to 16 years, and in some regions of the Russian Federation - even to 14 years, for example, in case of pregnancy of a minor, the birth of a child by her, a threat to the life of one of the parties, the absence of both parents of the person entering into marriage, etc. .

According to the VTsIOM survey (December 2016), premarital sexual relations are considered widespread (59%) and acceptable, not only for boys (66%), but also for girls (61%). However, not all young people perceive sexual freedom as a guide to action: 16% of girls aged 18 to 24 consider extramarital intimate relationships unacceptable for themselves, 37% are ready to have sex only with those young people with whom they plan to start a family. The attitude towards sex among young men is traditionally more superficial, but even among them, every third (32%) is ready to have intimate relationships only in case of a serious relationship, and not with just anyone.

early pregnancy statistics

The diagram shows pregnancies at the age of 15-19 years, per 1000 girls of this age in countries with reliable pregnancy statistics for 2008-2011. (Russia - 2013).

According to data for 2013, in Russia every year 46 girls aged 15-19 per 1000 become pregnant. In fact, this means that one or two students in each school parallel become pregnant every year, starting from the ninth grade.

The following chart shows the ratio of births and abortions during early pregnancy in different countries according to data for the same years.

Born at 16

Nizhny Novgorod Tatyana Falina first became a mother at the age of 16. The pregnancy, of course, was unplanned, but neither the future husband Artyom, nor the girl's mother refused her help and love. Moreover, Tatyana decided to finish school, although the director of the educational institution, out of harm's way, suggested that she leave quietly with a certificate.

“Physiologically, my pregnancy was difficult,” Tatyana recalls today. - But psychologically, I felt good, because there were loving people nearby who were ready to support me. Perhaps that is why my daughter was born healthy and calm. I remember feeling very happy, although there were enough everyday problems. Early motherhood did not globally change my life: I entered the university, continued to communicate with friends. Two years later, she even decided to have a second child. Today I am 38 and I adore my children. By the way, my classmate also became pregnant with me. Her parents insisted on an abortion. And then the girl fell asleep ... "

Tatyana says that she is not a supporter of early motherhood, but if this happened, then both the girl’s relatives and society should try to make the situation have a happy ending.

Born at 16

Lilia Prokhorenkova became pregnant at the age of 16 from a 20-year-old guy after four months of dating. The future father did not try to escape from responsibility and even volunteered to inform the girl's parents about the pregnancy.
The young mother studied at an art school, she had to go to the correspondence department. “Thanks to my mother, I didn’t feel like I was missing my youth: I had the opportunity to visit or take a walk with my husband. In addition, the fears about lack of sleep due to the child did not materialize - my daughter slept until 11 am almost every day,” says Lily.
Lilia started working remotely shortly after the birth of her child, and at the age of 2 the baby was sent to a nursery, and she went to a second job. “I have never regretted my decision: I really like being a young mother, and now my husband and I are planning a second child,” Lilia shares.

She gave birth at the age of 15 in defiance of her mother

Alexandra Gladkovskaya gave birth at the age of 15, despite her mother's insistence on having an abortion. After the birth of a child whose father the schoolgirl never named, family life turned into a series of endless scandals. Two years later, the young grandmother decided that she knew better how to raise her grandson, put her daughter out of the apartment and began to seek the deprivation of Alexandra's parental rights. Later, the relatives reconciled, but whether their life became really peaceful - history is silent.

Born at 14

A resident of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Natalya Knyazkova, became a grandmother at the age of 29, thanks to her 14-year-old daughter Anastasia. The youngest grandmother in Russia took custody of little Nikita to enable her daughter and her 17-year-old boyfriend to finish school.

I gave birth at 14 from a teacher

The childhood of a schoolgirl from the Saratov region, Lyuba Bessudnova, ended in 2013. An exemplary student at the age of 14 gave birth to a son. It turned out that the father of the child was the 24-year-old math teacher Lyuba, and he was married. The teacher for a long time denied his involvement in the girl's pregnancy, so a DNA test was done, which confirmed paternity. But even after that, the man did not admit his guilt. An end to this story was put by the court, which found the teacher guilty and sentenced to 4 years in a colony-settlement. The grandmother, Lyuba's mother, took up the upbringing of the baby. The girl continued her studies at school.

Born at 12

Veronika Ivanova from Yakutia was very proud of her adult boyfriend in front of her friends - 19-year-old Valery drove a 12-year-old girl in a car, bought gifts. As it turned out later, he was repeatedly convicted of drug trafficking, and for seducing a minor Veronica sat for 8 years. Meanwhile, sixth-grader Veronika, who had been hiding her position from parents and teachers for a long time, gave birth to a daughter. The child was taken up by the grandmother to enable her daughter to complete her education at night school.

Born at 11 years old

Valentina Isaeva from Kapotny near Moscow became a mother at the age of 11. She became pregnant from a 17-year-old guest worker from Tajikistan Khabib Patakhonov. The young man rented a room in the apartment where Valya lived with her grandmother. When the pregnancy of the third-grader became known, a criminal case was opened against the guy, but the situation was resolved peacefully. The couple was allowed to start a family after the girl reached the age of majority. In 2010, when Valentina turned 18, the young people got married, three years later they had another son, Amir.

Valya worked as a cashier, and her husband worked as a storekeeper in a furniture warehouse. But alas, the story didn't end there. In 2015, Valentina ran away from home due to constant beatings caused by her husband's jealousy. In September 2017, the couple announced that they were divorcing. Valya herself spoke about this on the air “Let them talk” and stated that she already has another.

Who is to blame and what to do?

Usually such articles end with appeals about the need to introduce sex education in schools. Meanwhile, according to the VTsIOM survey for 2015 half (50%) of Russians are sure that the best way to learn sexual knowledge is a conversation with their parents. For comparison, thirty years ago, only one in five (19%) considered this method useful. At the same time, the topic of sexual relations in conversations with children over the years began to be touched upon even less frequently: in 1989 - 16%, in 2015 - 13%.

Modern people began to trust consultations with doctors on sexual matters more (31% versus 22% in 1989). Popular science literature is trusted by one in four (26%) versus almost half (44%) thirty years ago. The attitude towards popular science programs and films has hardly changed (24%, it was 27%).

It is noteworthy that 15% of modern Russians do not see anything wrong with getting information on sexual issues from their peers (thirty years ago, only 4% of respondents considered this path acceptable).

The number of opponents of sexual education has not changed - 2% of respondents do not see the need for it.

The majority of Russians (57%) believe that the central issue in the sexual education of young people should be the moral side of early sexual relations and instilling a sense of responsibility for one's actions (62% in 1989).

There has been a significant increase in the number of Russians who consider it a priority in sexual education to convey information about the means and methods of preventing sexually transmitted diseases (44%), as well as means and methods of pregnancy prevention (41%). In 1989, only 18% and 15% of Russians, respectively, considered these topics central to sexual education. A third of Russians advocate that the central topics in sexual education should be the impact of early sexual life on their own health and the health of future children (34%) and the impact of premarital sexual relations on the creation of families and later sexual life (33%). Every fifth respondent (19%) says that the central topic in sexual education should be the question of the impact of early sexual relations on education and acquiring a profession.

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In the modern world, the concept of "teenager" evokes the association of complexity, communication difficulties, incomprehensibility. It is difficult for adults to understand that, being in their youth, moving from childhood to adulthood (a life period of 13-15 years), a teenager feels like he has already grown up, in fact remaining a child. To remain in this difficult period for the child as his confidant is a great success, although it is incredibly difficult. To do this, you need to know about those features that appear at this stage of life and form his personality. The main action of the immediate environment (parents and friends of the older generation) is help and assistance, in other words, be attentive to him and communicate “in his language”. At this time, the young man is in a difficult period of his life. He is forming his views and his opinion on any issue and concept.

Teenagers shut themselves up

It is difficult for the surrounding people with a teenager because it is unbearably difficult for him with himself. He's not sure of anything. He is looking for his goal in life, focusing only on his opinion.

Stages of growing up

In this time period of his life, a young person begins to realize and motivate his own behavior in a new way. It is smart to lead them.

Psychologists often draw the attention of parents of children in their adolescence to this conditional transitional fragment (from 14 to 16 years old) in connection with the ongoing changes in them, both physiological and mental.

Because exactly this period, called the stage of personal and professional self-determination, is the most difficult in life for a growing teenager - a boy or a girl.

Emotional sphere of teenagers and motivation

At this time, the child is forming his individual personal position on all issues and situations. It often does not agree with the views and opinions on the same situation in adults, including parents, which leads to a conflict, the result of which may be the loss of mutual understanding and contact relations between them.

Manifestations of psychological neoplasms in adolescents 14-16 years old

In order to overcome this most difficult period of life less painfully for the family, it is necessary to understand the psychological neoplasms that occur in middle adolescence.

Depending on the development (maturation) of the child's personality, neoplasms in adolescents can appear from the age of 13 and last up to 15.

There are several such innovations.

Problems in communicating with peers in adolescents are increasing dramatically

Switching your constant communication from teachers and parents to friends - classmates and peers, a little older, but who are an authority for a particular teenager. At this time, he develops social interaction skills, that is, he learns to obey someone else's opinion, but at the same time defending his rights. The consequence of this is the manifestation of two contradictions - belonging to a group of peers and the desire for isolation, that is, the presence of one's own individual personal space.

Unwillingness to listen to parents and teachers

Changes in the cognitive sphere of a teenager. Development framework 13 -15 years

The term "cognitive sphere" refers to the union of all human cognitive processes. Such as - attention and memory, intelligence and the development of logical and verbal-figurative thinking. In a special way there is an accession and development of creative abilities.

The manifestation of a phantom sense of adulthood

While still essentially a child, a teenager (often his age is 13-5 years old) feels and decides that he has already grown up. He develops and manifests with increasing frequency the desire to become independent from the parental family. He is the birth of the first thought about the future profession. He strives to become "necessary", that is, useful for society and the family. And, of course, the emergence of close interest in the opposite sex.

Phantom adulthood in adolescents is manifested by prohibited actions

Possible occurrence of school maladaptation

The reason for it is ambiguous, usually complex, relationships with teachers or classmates.

Skills for the formation of communication and one's own individual personal position in a teenager

With the onset of an acute adolescence, especially the middle stage, in the life of a person 14-16 years old, there is a reorientation from intra-family communication between the parental family and the child to external communication - friends, peers - classmates and older adolescents who are authorities.

Most often, at the age of 14, an individual chooses a guide for himself - an ideal that becomes a life example and a confidant for him. Such communication is the main one at this age, as it is the main information channel. In addition, it is a specific type of emotional contact that develops in a teenager a sense of solidarity, self-esteem, emotional well-being and interpersonal relationships.

Under the influence of an idol, teenagers can change a lot

As a result of such contact, in order to be like his idol, the 14th teenager can change the appearance and style of communication with the people around him habitually.

There is a change in tastes, there is an interest in energy and alcoholic drinks and smoking, since these are the qualities that he associates with adulthood.

Changes in the cognitive sphere of a teenager

During adolescence, especially at its middle stage, there is an improvement in intellectual processes and thinking, which is the basis for the formation of personality.

An activity approach is being implemented in the growing up of a young person, under the influence of a comprehensive school education, part of which is the development of elements of the cognitive sphere of the personality, that is, the functions of the psyche of a teenager.

Adolescent absent-mindedness leads to learning problems

Such a process as perception, at this age, acquires a selective character, with the possibility of analytical and critical conclusions.

  1. Attention, during this period, acquires the possibility of clear switching and distribution. Its parameters are also improving and developing: the volume increases and stability is strengthened. It becomes arbitrary and controlled by the adolescent himself. This indicates the emergence and manifestation of selective attention.
  2. Memory also develops. It undergoes the same changes as attention - it acquires a completely meaningful character in terms of memorization and comprehension.
  3. In parallel with the above functions of the psyche of a teenager in the average period of growing up 14-16 years old, independent thinking develops. That allows the child to move and operate with individual conclusions.

Psychological protection is expressed in violations of behavior

Phantom sense of adulthood

Professional psychologists note that against the background of the developing cognitive sphere of personality, a teenager has a desire to "be like an adult." That is, he has a need to bear responsibility for a certain part (zone) of independently performed work.

At the same time, interest in people of the opposite sex awakens. The first platonic relationship arises between a boy and a girl, most often their age is 13-15 years. The first feeling of love appears. There is a desire to do something pleasant for the person you like, to show constant concern for him.

At this age, teenagers experience first love.

Parents should take into account that excessive interference in such a feeling and in this relationship can lead to a deterioration in mutual understanding between them and their child. As a result, cause alienation and isolation in him. Parents are advised not to interfere with the development of these relationships, but not to encourage them.

In the same period comes the desire to independently earn the first money. The motivation is the desire to become financially independent, so as not to once again beg for funds for their personal needs from their parents and not give them an account of where and how they were spent. It can also include motivation for socially useful activities, as a result, encouragement from authority and adolescent peers.

In adolescence, many try to earn their first money.

The emergence of school maladaptation

A family where there is a teenager aged 14-16 quite often faces such a manifestation as school maladjustment, that is, the inability to feel comfortable in a peer group.

The reason for the emergence of such a situation in the life of a child may be a violation of relations (conflict) with teachers, classmates or older students, as a result of the unwillingness of a teenager to obey their requirements and tasks.

School maladjustment - the main signs

Outwardly, school maladjustment is expressed in resistance and even a complete refusal to attend classes. The child stops doing homework. There is a complete disruption in his educational activities. He tries to communicate with his family less often, trying to solve the problem on his own, which only exacerbates it.

Parents should pay attention to the problem of their child (13-16 years old), through the above-described signals and try to help him as soon as possible, after consulting with a psychologist, without showing him the child.

You can also involve a school psychologist in the problem by asking him to monitor the behavior and reactions of a teenager. Based on the results of his observations, the specialist can offer a program of assistance in this particular case.

D.B. Elkonin wrote about this period of human ontogenesis as follows:

In recent years, in studies conducted under the guidance of T. V. Dragunova and D. B. Elkonin, it was found that in adolescence, “a special activity arises and develops, which consists in establishing intimate-personal relationships between adolescents. This activity was called activity communication It differs from other forms of relationships that take place in the business cooperation of comrades, lies in the fact that its main content is another teenager, as a person with certain personal qualities. "In personal communication, relationships can be and are built not only on the basis of mutual respect, but also on the basis of complete trust and community of inner life. This sphere of common life with a friend occupies a particularly important place in adolescence. The formation of relations in a group of adolescents on the basis The "code of partnership" and especially those personal relationships in which this "code" is given in the most pronounced form, is important for the formation of the personality of a teenager. The "Code of Partnership" in its objective content reproduces the most general norms of relationships that exist between adults in a given society.

The activity of communication here is a peculiar form of reproduction in relations between peers of those relations that exist among adults. In the process of communication, there is an in-depth orientation in the norms of these relations and their development.

Thus, there is reason to believe that the leading activity during this period of development is the activity of communication, which consists in building relationships with comrades on the basis of certain moral and ethical norms that mediate the actions of adolescents.

This text talks about communication between teenagers in general, but this principle can also answer the question: "why many people think that teenagers in their" meet "are like adults." And it can also be assumed that this love can be considered part of one of the leading activities of adolescence. Such behavior should not be condemned, but we should not forget about the existing laws on sexual contacts, etc. All the same, it is necessary to have some boundaries of what is permitted, because our society has its own well-established norms of behavior at every age. When there is a discrepancy between reality and some internal stereotypes of a person, he begins to resent: "Yes, how is it possible", "At your age I played cars", "And now I'm 78, and I drink milk and watch cartoons", etc. .d.

It can be said that the activity of intimate-personal relations and educational activity are necessary for a teenager in the same way as game activity is necessary for preschool age. But all the same, it is necessary to ensure that these harmless relationships do not turn into a criminal article.

Of course, if you ask the question: is it possible to truly fall in love at the age of fifteen for children of this age, many will answer in the affirmative. But, everyone understands that at fifteen, we exaggerate and look at the world through rose-colored glasses. But how are things really? At what age can you truly love? And in general, does age affect true love?

Most likely, the ability to love does not depend on age, but on upbringing, worldview and mind. Some people don't realize at thirty what others understand at fifteen. And this is not always influenced by social status and relationships with parents. This is about the concept of responsibility.

Many teenagers at the age of fifteen scream and cry that they are madly in love. But what exactly is love? Often at this age, everyone falls in love with ideals. Especially girls. There are just different standards at different times. Now the ideal guy who can, but rather needs to be loved is a representative of an informal culture who must play in a group, ride a skateboard, be a parkour player or have a bike. You can show such a young man to your friends and tell how much you love him. You can cry for this at night and worry about the fact that he does not pay attention. But, in fact, such love is invented. It's just that girls think that it's time for them to love and they are looking for ideals imposed by the Internet and television. These feelings pass quickly. Of course, there are also tragic cases when teenagers reach suicide. But, in fact, this is not at all due to the fact that they were in love for real. Simply, children want to draw attention to themselves and prove to the whole world that they are so unhappy because no one loves them.

There are other cases when teenagers sincerely worry about their feelings. But at this age, the concept of "love" is better equated with the concept of "like". Yes, of course, a girl can really like a boy, and she wants to be with him. But it is unlikely that the young lady thinks about what will happen after her dream comes true. Of course, the current generation is growing up very quickly. In this he is helped by a continuous flow of information that the young mind does not yet know how to filter. The problem is that teenagers are beginning to associate themselves with what they see on monitor screens. And these are: permissiveness, free relations and the like. They don't understand that love is a big responsibility. And the responsibility is not so much for yourself as for another person. After all, the Fox correctly said in all the well-known work: "We are responsible for the one we tamed." People tame with love, and when they realize that they cannot be responsible for their soul mate, they hurt. At a young age, such experiences are very tragic. But teenagers don't get it. Kissing in the moonlight and beer on the bench - that's what their love looks like. They do not yet realize that drinking and smoking a lot is not cool. And if a loved one behaves this way, he does not need to be praised and admired. He needs to be worried about. This example is just one of all the things you don't think about at fifteen.

But, are all teenagers so infantile? In fact, there are still exceptions. There are really wise guys beyond their years. These are the people who truly know how to love. Even at their young age, they understand that smoking and drinking is not cool at all. Often, such girls communicate with older and wiser guys and girls who do the right thing, and not fashionably. Also, these young ladies never choose a guy according to the pattern set by the next fashion trend of modern society. They take a long time to choose someone who is really interesting to them as a person. For them, a guy is not just another opportunity to brag to their girlfriends. This is the person with whom she plans the future and builds a serious relationship. Of course, with age, priorities change, and love can pass. But be that as it may, at that moment she really is real, because the girl understands her responsibility for the one who is next to her. She will not be happy that her boyfriend drinks six bottles of beer more than his friend and skips classes or couples.

On the contrary, she will try to help him get rid of bad habits and make sure that he does not start his studies. Such girls are very erudite. Even at the age of fifteen they understand what will really be necessary in life, and what will vanish like dust.

Of course, they also make mistakes, but they do not try to prove to the whole world that they are the smartest. On the contrary, they listen to the advice of older friends and girlfriends who already have experience and can really advise something correct and wise. Such girls do not act up over trifles, or at least try not to. If a loved one is older, they try to reach his level, grow up, understand and help in any way they can. Sometimes, in some things, such teenagers can be much smarter than people who are several years older than themselves. Of course, in some ways they remain children, but their behavior is very different from the behavior of many peers. By the way, like the worldview. Such girls, if necessary, can enter adulthood, where there is no parental care, but there is life, financial problems and much more that teenagers do not think about. They always try to solve their problems on their own, learn to earn money, and even looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, they can still consider the harsh reality quite well. They mature earlier than others and in some ways this is a minus. But in another - it's a big plus. It is these teenagers who can truly love at the age of fifteen, because feelings for them are not an opportunity to assert themselves and prove something. It is a state of mind for which they are willing to learn, change, and sacrifice.