Sex once a month and an Armenian mother-in-law: revelations from Russian women about marriage with Armenians. Why Russian men choose Armenian women

On the question of why Armenian men prefer Russian girls.
Armenians love the Russian language very much. I even have one fan who seems to communicate with me only to practice conversational Russian. Well, God bless him!)
Armenians love the Russian language so much that they speak Russian first of all with any tourist, even from Guatemala. Such a bizarre instinct works - if not in Armenian, then in Russian. But more than anything else in the world, Armenians (we are talking about men) love women. Sorry, Russian women and girls.
Who doesn't love it, you ask? But the Armenians - any Russian girl who has visited Armenia will tell you - love them in a special way. Here you have temperament, hospitality, Caucasian character, and the ability to appreciate beauty. Turns out,
Even in Soviet times, Armenia was considered the center of the USSR sex industry. But that was a long time ago, so what if it’s true?)
Much water has passed under the bridge since then, a lot of new things have been built in the country, society has begun to develop, or more precisely, to “advance” according to the templates of liberal-democratic standards. In short, everything is according to Heraclitus’s plan: “Everything flows, everything changes.” The only constant that remains is the love of Armenian men for Russian girls. This is how the hot Armenian macho explains this paradox. Read and ponder:
Why do we like Russian girls?
1. Because they know how to take care of themselves.
2.Shave in all places every day
3.They smell nice
4.They have a beautiful butt
5.They have long legs
6.They are mostly blondes
7. You make no effort to get them into bed
8.They also like faces of Caucasian nationality (I said it myself)
9.They are good in bed
10.They have no complexes

The whole tragicomic nature of this “sublime” love and uncontrollable passion lies in the fact that Armenians are drawn to Slavic women, but few will dare to marry a Slavic woman. Here it is necessary to say a few words about Armenian girls, too, because everything is learned by comparison. Ithacs: Armenian girls are a very special kind of girls (just like Armenian guys). The girls here are mostly modest, well-mannered and quiet. It often happens that you spend many hours in companies where there are many girls, but you never hear a single word from them. Some men really like it (may the Almighty forgive them). With all this, you can meet a completely different type of girl: European-minded, open, cheerful, sociable, energetic... at club parties. In order to find just such people, you don’t have to work hard. Just go to your nearest club.
It is clear that ease of access is inherent in both some Armenians and Russians... And there is hardly a nation where they are not easily accessible. And the dogma that some Armenian men and women like to trumpet at the top of their voices, about the superiority of Armenian women over everyone and in particular over Russian women, is complete nonsense and I would say the result of low mental development.
Judge for yourself, we constantly hear the same thing - Armenian women adhere to traditions, know how to behave (?), are good housewives, etc. and so on..
You might think that Russians don’t have any traditions and customs, they behave like pigs and their houses are an eternal mess. And then, if we talk about traditions, then what exactly are we talking about? As far as I understand, the word tradition is used in the mouths of many precisely as a symbol of innocence before marriage, and this is the whole essence of the fictitious paradigm about Armenian traditions. And before marriage, exclusively platonic love - this, of course, can be good, but it depends on when the girl gets married. What if no one asks you to marry??? After all, you marry someone without knowing about one of the most important things (admit it) in the relationship between a man and a woman, and you hope that everything will be fine in the future. What if the guy is unlucky? And in response there is silence.....
And the fact that today for many Armenian men the female ideal not in the form of a housewife with an apron in the kitchen, but in the form of a modern, intelligent and interesting woman is much more attractive and that there are very few of them among Armenian women, this is not said. However, I already said it!))))
Armenians, do not forget that many Armenian women stay at home (sometimes in the literal sense of the word), because 30% of all Armenians who go to work in Russia marry a Russian, and only 5% of Armenian women marry Russians. No ad-libbing - just bare statistics. So there is a reason to support the “domestic manufacturer”)))))
Please, to all Armenian men who read this post, do not forget that there are a lot of beautiful Armenian women who are waiting for you))))
p.s. Don't judge my cynicism harshly.

What are Armenian women like? The question is quite appropriate, especially on March 8th. Whatever Armenian men say, it will be biased to one degree or another. It is much more interesting and fair to hear an opinion from the outside, the opinion of a non-Armenian man. For example, the Estonian writer and publicist Kalle KASPER, the husband of an Armenian wife.

Kalle was married to the writer Gohar MARKOSYAN-KASPER, whose work “NV” turned to more than once. A native of Yerevan, she moved to Tallinn in 1991, abandoned her medical knowledge and experience and focused on literature. Author of six novels, short stories, poems and translations. Unfortunately, Gohar passed away two years ago. Kalle Kasper's words about Armenian women, full of undisguised admiration and love, are addressed primarily to her.

After getting married, I gradually entered a new and completely unfamiliar world. Previously, I divided humanity, on the one hand, into men and women, and on the other, into different nations, without bringing the categories of gender and nationality together, but now it turned out that such a classification is not enough. In front of me was a type of people that I could not identify before, but which clearly had certain specific characteristics that distinguished it from all the others - an Armenian woman.

Outwardly, they were not so different from other women; after all, how many combinations can nature offer? Armenians, of course, bear little resemblance to Estonians and other northern women; we almost never have such naturally black hair, as well as large, expressive brown eyes, but, for example, with Latin women, who can now be seen on any TV channel, they have more similarities (though Armenian women are not so vulgar). Ripsik drew my attention to the fact that her compatriots resemble Italians; indeed, if you meet, say, Sophia Loren on the street of Yerevan, you would not think that she was born outside of it - but the Monica Vitti type is less common in Armenia. It’s difficult for me to compare Italians and Armenians in terms of their behavior, I don’t know the former, however, judging them from movies, Armenian women seem more reserved, being in this sense more similar to Eastern women (however, they are much more faceless). I have already mentioned that Armenian women seem to be invisible and do not strive to communicate with strangers. Ripsik explained to me that such a habit is formed already in youth; if you even casually look at a random man on the street, he will immediately start pestering you. This is probably why Armenian women seem a little erotic at first glance - they are simply forced to hide this spark deeper, otherwise too strong a flame would flare up at every step. Another classmate of mine (not Armenian) once told me that with an Armenian woman it is most difficult to get a kiss, but then she belongs to you. I don’t know how right he is, but I would suggest as an image a well-protected bastion that hides priceless treasures from prying eyes. In any case, Armenian women do not fit the most common classification of women, which, as you know, sounds like this: “all women are divided into accessible and easily accessible” - they are difficult to reach.

If I had to define the essence of an Armenian woman in a few words, I would choose the expression “strong rear”. Surely you noticed that among Ripsik’s friends and relatives there was not a single unfaithful wife. When this happens to one or two women, it can be considered an accident, but if there are many faithful souls, you begin to see a pattern. From childhood, an Armenian woman is taught that her first duty and purpose in life is to be a faithful companion to her husband and a worthy mother to her children. This is achieved precisely by education, and not by intimidation, Armenia is not an Islamic country, there are no statutory punishments for treason here, an errant wife will not be stoned to death, she will simply be divorced. However, adultery is rare, mainly in some specific layers, for example, among people of art, whose morals are always less strict and under a complete veil of secrecy. It is completely unthinkable that an Armenian woman would invite her lover to her home or go out with him for a walk, not to mention introducing him to her husband (which was an honor I was repeatedly shown in Estonia). A public love story with a married woman is something so unusual that people talk about it decades later. Of course, a person is a person, and in Armenia, too, anything can happen, for example, Ripsik told me about one tragedy that shook the whole of Yerevan, when the bodies of lovers who died from intoxication were found in a garage in a car, both of whom were married. But this is an isolated case, an ordinary Armenian family is a stable whole. How much of this stability is influenced by Christianity? I think not so much, although Christianity in Armenia is a very old phenomenon, the Armenians are proud that they are the first people in the world to adopt this religion at the state level already in 301, when most European peoples did not exist at all. But at the same time, the influence of Christianity in Armenia has always been balanced by strong secular traditions, so already in the Middle Ages, in addition to religious poetry (Narekatsi), there was also Renaissance, cheerful-erotic poetry (Nahapet Kuchak), in a word, they are an educated people, “a fragment of Europe, accidentally ended up in Asia,” as Ripsik wrote in her novel. As for Armenia of the twentieth century, it was the same Soviet republic as all the others, and the same Soviet people lived there, that is, either atheists or semi-believers, who in their hearts, perhaps, even wanted to believe in God, but with their minds They understood that this was an anachronism. Rather, in relation to the Armenians, as in relation to the Jews, one can talk about a special way of life that was formed over many centuries, about such (in comparison with us barbarians) a subtle understanding of the world, where after a long search they realized that the family is not the primary unit society, but the essence of existence. No family, no life. And what kind of family can we talk about where women behave sexually indiscriminately? (Jews, as far as I can tell from my own limited experience, have a slightly higher degree of freedom; probably, their family is protected by some other regulators). That is why Armenian women are raised from childhood in the spirit of virtue and obedience in general. If, for example, in northern countries girls are allowed quite a lot, because they believe that, unlike boys, they do not misbehave, then in Armenia, on the contrary, girls are vigilantly watching every step, while boys are sometimes allowed even more than is possible (so as not to deprive them of their entrepreneurial spirit). It is still a custom in Armenian families that a daughter is innocent when she marries. Among the common people, this is strictly monitored; the bride is in danger of going back to her father’s house if her “sin” is revealed, which means a big scandal and shame (not much less than with adultery). The morals of the intelligentsia, of course, are not so harsh, but cleanliness is also valued here. And when a girl did not “walk” with several or even several dozen guys before the wedding, then later, when she is already married, she will not immediately spread her legs as soon as a strange man appears on the horizon.

Of course, in recent years, something has also changed in Armenia, for example, quite a lot of straw widows have arisen, whose husbands went abroad to earn money and created a new family there, and there are many such women who did not get a husband at all, all because the same emigration, since boys are easier to weigh anchor than girls, and if such women experience financial difficulties, then in order to improve their situation a little (but not at all from a thirst for pleasure), they are sometimes ready for sexual relations without demanding marriage, being content the fact that the lover is ready to support them; but I don’t believe that this all turned the Armenian way of life upside down. In Yerevan they described to me with horror how terribly prostitution had flourished there, they explained where exactly the girls gather in the evenings, out of curiosity I walked past this place several times, indeed, from under one awning three or four shabby girls cast inviting glances in the twilight , a little further on, several men, leaning out of cars, were bargaining with a single young woman who stood on the pavement and, as it seemed, was looking for a suitable partner; if this is the rise of prostitution, then what is happening in Berlin and Tallinn?

But a strong rear is not only the confidence that horns will not grow on the top of the head. After a grueling day's work, a man needs a place to relax. In general, this is what a home should be, but if dusty floors, dirty linens and dishes await you there, and a grumpy wife screaming: “Go cook your own food, why should I serve you?”, then you involuntarily begin to think, is it really so? I need a house like this. An Armenian man does not have such problems; when he comes home, he knows that the shirts are clean, the room is in order, and if the table is not yet set, it will be set quickly, because the tolma is already on the stove. Just as an Armenian woman is taught from childhood to be a worthy wife to her husband, so she is taught the art of running a home. For an Armenian woman, bustling around in the kitchen is something absolutely natural, it’s in her blood. I have seen more than once how after a festive (party) dinner, for example, a birthday, teenage girls present among the guests rush to help the hostess clear the table and wash dishes This is how mothers pass on one of the Armenian national prides to their daughters – cooking. If some Armenian women like other household chores, while others do them only out of a sense of duty, then almost everyone loves to cook, and it can be said without exaggeration that all Armenian women are good cooks. Armenian cuisine is homemade cuisine, often with complex recipes that require a lot of time to implement, but without extravagances (you won’t be offered ham roll in pineapple compote in Armenia). I don’t know whether their dishes are so tasty because Armenians like to cook, or whether Armenians like to cook because their dishes are so tasty - Ripsik believes that the main reason for kitchen feats is the desire to please her husband - but the fact remains that after After dozens of years of marriage to an Armenian woman, I wrinkled my nose even at the roast in Paris at the Café de la Paix.

Thus, Armenian men and children are always fed and, at least in this respect, happy with life. This effect is not completely unknown in our country, otherwise why is it customary among Estonian women to say: “a man’s love is born in his stomach”? But listen to how much contempt they put into this sentence! It’s as if they wanted to say: “Oh, you pathetic little people, you just don’t love us, although we are more than worthy of it, you definitely need to be fattened up, as if you couldn’t fry your own eggs...” Recently in a supermarket I I met a married man I knew, he looked very nervous, I asked how he was doing, and he admitted: “I’m looking for something to eat, there are circles in front of my eyes from hunger.” I did not ask where his wife was, because even if she was not on a business trip abroad, this does not mean that she did not find something more important to do than cook dinner for her husband. In Armenia, such a marriage is completely unthinkable, I think, even the president’s wife prefers to look after her husband herself, and if a woman became president in Armenia, then believe me, between two meetings she would run home to wrap the minced meat in grape leaves.

It is clear that many readers, primarily men, expect revelations from me about what Armenian women are like in their intimate lives - but they will not see this. Let the interested person himself try to catch some Armenian woman in his net, otherwise until now I have only heard about my compatriots that their wives cuckolded them with the Armenians. Surely there will be those who will perceive everything stated above skeptically - let, they say, the author say what he wants, but the reality is still much more prosaic, none of these Armenian women are angels. But I did not claim the latter. Armenian women are the same people as everyone else, and therefore, they are characterized by all the shortcomings that characterize a person as such: they can be selfish and selfish, greedy and envious, stingy and whining, stupid and even a little lazy, although I met the latter rarely. They are also by no means devoid of purely feminine weaknesses, they love to dress well, gossip and eat those pastries, cakes and cookies that they bake so beautifully - because, in addition to all other virtues, they are also born confectioners, which is why they tend to be overweight and suffer from this; but, in my opinion, the last list rather contains properties that suit a woman, just as earrings, rings, necklaces and other jewelry, rejected for some time by Western women, but still attractive to Armenians, suit her.

I wrote about something else – not about what unites Armenian women with women of other nationalities, but about what distinguishes them. I have no doubt that in the West there are women who are passionate and faithful and whose faces reflect obvious moral purity; but here it is an individual rather than a collective quality, while in Armenia it forms a culture of its own - a culture which at least still reflects the onslaught of the hedonistic mentality advancing from the West. We can mock girls who, when they get married, do not know what to do with a man in bed, but in this mockery, in addition to cynicism, there is also a considerable amount of envy, since we, gentlemen, often have to be content with wives who drunkenly said your virtue in the first bed you come across.

Maybe someday in the distant future, about two thousand years from now, when Estonians and many other European peoples begin to reach the age of today's Armenians and we create a harmonious family, maybe then our men will be able to be real masters in the house, like, which wives respect and obey, maybe then we will no longer drink like pigs, maybe by that time vodka will disappear from our genes, and maybe our women will also calm down, come to terms with their earthly purpose and understand that the only road fortunately follows in the man's footsteps - maybe, but I'm not sure about it.

Prepared by Eva KAZARYAN

YEREVAN, November 7 - Sputnik. In recent years, it has become fashionable to divide people into nationalities, identify character traits, and note peculiarities, and such fashionable terms as “mentality” and “temperament” have long been in wide use.

In this article, the Sputnik Armenia portal will look at what characteristics and mentality Armenian women have.

Armenian girls and women are different, both in appearance and in character. If you have ever had occasion to communicate with Armenian women during your life, then you most likely noticed a huge difference between them, in particular, in behavior, manners and appearance.

Appearance of Armenian women

The appearance of Armenian women is very diverse! Most of them have brown eyes and brown or ash-black hair. However, among Armenian women there are blue-eyed, as well as green-eyed and gray-eyed girls.

In Armenia, next to hot and fiery brunettes, girls with golden, red and light brown hair can live.

It is worth noting that this year one of the famous American sites recognized Armenian girls as the sexiest. Indeed it is. Most Armenian women are naturally blessed with seductive shapes and figures, but besides this, they carefully take care of themselves, constantly tidying up their naturally thick hair and delicate skin.

Of course, among Armenian women there are also not very attractive girls who are not at all discouraged because of this, and, as statistics show, they achieve a lot in this life.


In this case, it is impossible to give an unambiguous assessment. Armenian women are raised differently, in different families and in different countries. Large Armenian communities live in all major cities of the world, which plays an important role in the development of personality.

For example, Syrian and Iranian Armenian women are very similar to Syrian and Iranian women, not only internally, but even externally. Many girls who grow up in Slavic countries look a little like Slavs, and those who grew up in the West look absolutely European or American.

Naturally, the character of such girls is appropriate, since they grew up in a specific country, where a certain culture, customs and traditions influenced them. No matter how they were brought up in a traditional Armenian family, their character traits still directly depend on the environment in which the girl grew up.

At the same time, many young Armenian women are constrained and shy, which is also associated with the conservative views of her family members.

Despite respect for representatives of the older generation and men, humility and obedience, many Armenian women know how to stand up for themselves and will not allow themselves to be offended.

These girls are good and kind for the time being - until someone pisses them off. They can be hot-tempered, short-tempered, moody and stubborn. But this feature is characteristic of all girls living on planet Earth.

At the same time, Armenian women do not have any special habits. If there is only one thing - cleanliness.

Ideal wives

Most Armenian women are hardworking: if you come to visit her, then everything around is clean, tidy, tidy, the children are fed and washed, the husband is happy and well-fed. Her child occupies a special place in the life of an Armenian woman.

An Armenian woman is ready to do anything for her loved ones. Of course, many representatives of other southern and eastern nationalities are capable of literally tearing themselves apart so that the New Year and any other holiday table is the richest and most varied, but Armenians treat this with special trepidation. Many people like to prepare main dishes, salads and sweets with their own hands.

What is an Armenian holiday table without homemade dolma, gata and baklava?

Many Armenian grandmothers sew clothes for their loved ones, especially for their grandchildren, and knit warm clothes. And not a single Armenian grandmother, especially one who lives in Armenia, will let you leave her home without a treat.

But it happens that these invaluable qualities sometimes play against Armenian women. There are men who underestimate such dedication and hard work. Therefore, it’s time to think about the fact that first of all you need to love yourself, and then everyone else.

And finally

Today, Armenian women are very popular. We will not list the names and surnames of those beauties who won the hearts of not only Armenian men, but also overseas beauties.

It is worth noting that, according to research, Armenians are very well-read, educated and intelligent people. That is why many Armenian women in all corners of the globe have managed to achieve unrealistic heights in the fields of medicine, science, fashion and culture.

Some people manage to attract the attention of an Armenian easily and naturally, while others, despite all their efforts and attempts, fail. So, let’s try to answer the question: how to win the love of an Armenian man?

What is an Armenian man like?

Character of an Armenian man

First we need to find out what exactly do we know about Armenian men?

The image of a fatal handsome man with an ardent temperament and reverent attitude towards a woman has firmly settled in our thoughts. In fact, Armenian men do not stand out much among men of other nationalities. Armenians are distinguished by a sharp change in mood, jealousy, unconditional charisma, loyalty to traditions, reverence for family ties, and hard work. These are the main characteristics obtained from women living or communicating with men of this nationality. Armenians living in Russian cities are more socialized than their compatriots living in their homeland. But, it is necessary to remember that each person is an individual and people of Armenian nationality are no exception.

How to attract the attention of an Armenian man?

Before figuring out how to win the love of an Armenian man, you need to clarify how you can attract his attention to your person. There are no known facts that Armenian men prefer a certain type of woman. Therefore, it makes no sense to dye your hair from blonde to brunette, lose weight or gain weight. An Armenian may be attracted by mystery in a woman, or by the presence of a zest that seems to be visible, but is not solved. This way you can intrigue him and arouse his interest. If your meeting is casual and you would like to start a relationship with this person, under no circumstances impose yourself on him, try to gently push him to action and then very reluctantly give in to his request. Behave as unapproachable as possible, this will push him to further action, because Armenian men are essentially conquerors. Mystery, inaccessibility and well-groomed appearance are your main weapons on the first stage towards the goal.

How to win the love of an Armenian?

How to make an Armenian fall in love

So, now you need to consolidate the result obtained and move to a new level of relationship with the object of your dreams. You need to try to tie him to yourself. Learn to cook his favorite dishes and learn the Armenian language, this will flatter him and it will be much easier for you to communicate with his family when you get to know your relatives and friends in the future. And such an acquaintance will definitely take place. And for your relationship to become as strong and durable as possible, you need to please the parents of your Armenian man. It is the opinion of his family that will play a decisive role in your relationship. No matter how much affection the young man has for you, he will be able to break off relations with you if the family decides so.

If you are looking forward to a long-term relationship with your partner, then he will certainly be proud if you know his roots and understand all the “branches” of his huge family.

You will need to show your partner that he is the one who plays the main role in your relationship, but do not let him deprive you of his own opinion. This will earn him respect for you, and he will be proud that an independent girl recognizes him as the head of the relationship.

You should not test his feelings with jealousy. Armenians, as a rule, are very jealous and you can expect a scandal at best, or a complete break in relations at worst.

Learn to respect your Armenian boyfriend. Show him your intelligence, understanding and admiration. An Armenian man will be proud that he has such an intelligent and understanding girlfriend. And most importantly... If your relationship has grown into a serious one and you have achieved your initial goal, express your love for him. After all, every person needs to be loved.

And in the end...

You have put a lot of effort into getting the love of an Armenian man. What will you get in return? Armenian men, as a rule, are well-mannered, it is interesting to communicate with them, they look after you beautifully and show care. If you are planning to start a family with him, then according to statistics, Armenians are good husbands, caring fathers who put family first. They respect their wife and her opinion.

These tips are not at all a guide to action, since each person is, first of all, a formed personality with his own principles and worldview, and, accordingly, he needs a special approach. But, these tips can help you better understand the thoughts, feelings and affections of an Armenian, which in the future will help you create and strengthen your relationship with your beloved man.