Quotes from Larisa Guzeeva, biography, interesting facts. The best sayings of Larisa Guzeeva

Honored Artist of Russia, mother of two children, wonderful talented actress, businesswoman in the restaurant business, TV show host. Larisa’s career began early with a leading role in Eldar Ryazanov’s film based on “The Dowry.” Beautiful face a young girl from a remote Russian village became popular overnight. The actress passed the test of fame successfully, thanks to strict education and amazing hard work. Possessing masculine character, Guzeeva works hard all her life, acts in films, devotes time to her children, takes care of her mother and at the same time loves her husband dearly. Quotes from Larisa Guzeeva characterize her as a wise woman who is able to interest and retain a man.

  • If I saw Brad Pitt, I would act like an idiot too!
  • Good men are taken apart as puppies
  • Married doesn't mean dead!
  • Your legs have already run out, but your dress hasn’t started yet!
  • I thought it was an orgasm, but it turned out to be asthma
  • ...and the prince is somewhere combing the tail of a white horse and is in no hurry to come to you...
  • Oh, and you got tossed around in other people's beds!
  • So are you a doctor? Why didn’t you say right away? I wouldn't press you. I thought you were a fool!
  • What kind of wife do you want? Well, buy an inflatable one!
  • Don't listen to your grandmothers anymore. They, you know, struggle through life themselves, and then pretend to us that they are just dandelions.
  • And mom has already laid everything... sorry, set the table...
  • Mom tells me: “When you lose your temper, don’t forget to close your mouth!”
  • To Rosa’s question: “What is Wi-Fi?” replied: “This is a microwave”
  • Rose: “I’m a former athlete!” Larisa: “Rose, what’s good about you?”
  • Contender: “I’m 16 at heart” Larisa: “Well, at heart Roza is also 11”
  • Bride (model Natalya): He only needed my appearance!
  • Larisa: Well, fear God! I'm more beautiful than you! Well, what are you driving?!
  • To spite my grandmother I will frostbite my ears
  • Marriage has two functions: you can enter, and you can leave!
  • “Oh, well, this guy is not for your character... and not for mine... I would just break him over the knee the next day!”
  • You need to wean off gradually... first change once a week, then once a month...
  • Applicant for a hand and a heart: “Well, I sang, danced...”
  • Larisa: “As my husband says: “As long as you don’t have to work!”
  • Best friends are leeches and frogs!!!
  • One of the suitors: “She was beautiful... But you are more beautiful than her”
  • “Yes, only Nadezhda Konstantinna Krupskaya is more beautiful than me”
  • Just like brushing your teeth, you also need to take care of a man.
  • A participant in the program complains that the man was indecisive.
  • Larisa: “What are you talking about! Men can be decisive only in one case: throw back the blanket on the bed and say “Welcome!”
  • Passion is when you love everything below your head.
  • Oh, I won't come between you. I'm so evil, it won't work out yet... I got married 48 times...
  • Why are we knocking our tails here?... (meaning we are reasoning)
  • The applicant gives the elderly but active groom fins. Rose: Do the fins have sizes? Larisa: It’s too early for you, Rosa! Live some more!
  • There is no need to try to drive a car and make love at the same time. Both will turn out badly.
  • "...you are 45 years old!...and you have neither a kitten nor a child..."
  • A man is a living person!!!
  • A simple man, wait on the threshold
  • Don't open your mouth to someone else's
  • She has nowhere to grow, so she stopped at size 6!
  • What's better than marrying you, a toad in the mouth!
  • A woman should act like this: her eyes are burning, and her chest is two tanks!
  • If they truly love you, then they love both the size of your ass and your anti-breasts!
  • Larisa (to the groom's matchmaker): Why are you licking your lips? Don't you get married!
  • God! How beautiful I am! Will I really die someday!?
  • If you don’t dig a garden bed, he will bury you in this garden bed.
  • Stop being picky! Get out! Come here at 70 years old! With a stick!
  • He turns his back to the sun, you can’t see the sun!
  • As if he stamps his thin foot, there is a hole in the floor.
  • Even if you are caught in bed, say that you were warming yourself! I'm frozen like a dog!
  • Happiness is a long-lasting state. Everything else is orgasm.
  • No need to exchange an orange for an enema
  • As long as he has a firm grip in his pants, he will have a soft heart
  • The groom said that his ex was indignant when he went into the kitchen in a robe. Larisa: “And she came out wearing diamonds, a fur coat and flippers?”
  • Thumbelina! These are the ones whose butts are an inch off the ground.
  • To a potential mother-in-law about her daughter’s past fiancé: Didn’t you try to pin him down with your large body in the kitchen?
  • Marco's groom complains that if women find out that he is a chef, they are afraid to cook. Larisa: It’s the same as if you live with a gynecologist, you’re afraid to sleep with him - I’ve seen more beautiful things....
  • There is such love that it is better to replace it with execution...

Larisa Guzeeva is a famous Russian actress and TV presenter. She played in such films as “Cruel Romance”, “Meet Me in the Subway”, “Rivals”, in theatrical productions, but her real popularity was brought to her by the role of a matchmaker in the TV show “Let's Get Married”.

For many years now, the program has been in the top views, and Larisa Guzeeva has received several awards as the most popular TV presenter. Behind caustic phrases and her witticisms were nicknamed the Faina Ranevskaya of our time.

Here are 40 of the best pearls from the famous matchmaker and actress Larisa Guzeeva:

Good men are taken apart when they are still puppies.

Married doesn't mean dead!

Your legs are already over, but your dress hasn't started yet!

I thought it was an orgasm, but it turned out it was asthma.

...and the prince is combing his tail somewhere white horse and he’s in no hurry to come to you...

Oh, and you've been thrown around in other people's beds!

So are you a doctor? Why didn't you say it right away? I wouldn't put pressure on you. I thought you were an idiot!

What kind of wife do you want? Well, buy an inflatable one!

Don't listen to your grandmothers anymore. They, you know, struggle through life themselves, and then pretend to us that they are just dandelions.

And mom had already laid everything out... sorry, she set the table...

Mom tells me: “When you lose your temper, don’t forget to close your mouth!”

Marriage has two functions: you can enter, or you can leave!

Oh, well, this guy is not for your character....and not for mine....I would just break him over the knee the next day!

You need to wean yourself off gradually: first change once a week, then once a month...

Contender for the hand and heart: “Well, I sang, danced...” Larisa: “As my husband says: “Just not to work!”

Best friends are leeches and frogs!

Only Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya is more beautiful than me.

Just like brushing your teeth, you also need to take care of your man.

Yes you! Men can be decisive only in one case - throw back the blanket on the bed and say: “Welcome!”

Passion is when you love everything that is below your head.

Don't try to drive a car and make love at the same time. Both will turn out badly.

You are 45 years old! And you have neither a kitten nor a child.

The man is a living person!

A simple man, stand on the threshold.

Don't open your mouth to someone else's.

Rather than marry you, I'd rather have a toad in my mouth!

If they truly love you, they will love both the size of your ass and your anti-breasts!

Why are you licking your lips? You're not the one getting married!

A woman should act like this: her eyes are burning, and her breasts are two tanks!

If you don’t dig a bed, he will bury you in that bed.

Stop being picky! You're getting out! Come here at 70 years old! With a stick!

Turn your back to the sun - you won’t see the sun!

As if he stamps his thin foot, there is a hole in the floor.

Even if you catch her in bed, say she was warming herself! Freezing like a dog!

Happiness is a long-lasting state. Everything else is an orgasm.

No need to exchange an orange for an enema.

As long as he has a hard seat in his pants, he will have a soft heart.

Thumbelina! These are the ones whose butts are an inch off the ground.

There is such love that it is better to replace it with execution

Larisa Guzeeva is a famous Russian actress and TV presenter. She played in such films as “Cruel Romance”, “Meet Me in the Subway”, “Rivals”, in theatrical productions, but her real popularity was brought to her by the role of a matchmaker in the TV show “Let's Get Married”.

For many years now, the program has been in the top views, and Larisa Guzeeva has received several awards as the most popular TV presenter. For her caustic phrases and witticisms, she was nicknamed the Faina Ranevskaya of our time.

Here are 40 of the best pearls from the famous matchmaker and actress Larisa Guzeeva:

Good men are taken apart when they are still puppies.

Married doesn't mean dead!

Your legs are already over, but your dress hasn't started yet!

I thought it was an orgasm, but it turned out it was asthma.

...and the prince is somewhere combing the tail of a white horse and is in no hurry to come to you...

Oh, and you've been thrown around in other people's beds!

So are you a doctor? Why didn't you say it right away? I wouldn't put pressure on you. I thought you were an idiot!

What kind of wife do you want? Well, buy an inflatable one!

Don't listen to your grandmothers anymore. They, you know, struggle through life themselves, and then pretend to us that they are just dandelions.

And mom had already laid everything out... sorry, she set the table...

Mom tells me: “When you lose your temper, don’t forget to close your mouth!”

Marriage has two functions: you can enter, or you can leave!

Oh, well, this guy is not for your character....and not for mine....I would just break him over the knee the next day!

You need to wean yourself off gradually: first change once a week, then once a month...

Contender for the hand and heart: “Well, I sang, danced...” Larisa: “As my husband says: “Just not to work!”

Best friends are leeches and frogs!

Only Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya is more beautiful than me.

Just like brushing your teeth, you also need to take care of your man.

Yes you! Men can be decisive only in one case - throw back the blanket on the bed and say: “Welcome!”

Passion is when you love everything that is below your head.

Don't try to drive a car and make love at the same time. Both will turn out badly.

You are 45 years old! And you have neither a kitten nor a child.

The man is a living person!

A simple man, stand on the threshold.

Don't open your mouth to someone else's.

Rather than marry you, I'd rather have a toad in my mouth!

If they truly love you, they will love both the size of your ass and your anti-breasts!

Why are you licking your lips? You're not the one getting married!

A woman should act like this: her eyes are burning, and her breasts are two tanks!

If you don’t dig a bed, he will bury you in that bed.

Stop being picky! You're getting out! Come here at 70 years old! With a stick!

Turn your back to the sun - you won’t see the sun!

As if he stamps his thin foot, there is a hole in the floor.

Even if you catch her in bed, say she was warming herself! Freezing like a dog!

Happiness is a long-lasting state. Everything else is an orgasm.

No need to exchange an orange for an enema.

As long as he has a hard seat in his pants, he will have a soft heart.

Thumbelina! These are the ones whose butts are an inch off the ground.

There is such love that it is better to replace it with execution.

Greetings to new and regular readers! Quotes from Larisa Guzeeva are apt and witty phrases that have become popular. In this, many compare it with.

The television program “Let’s Get Married” has been popular in Russia for many years, thanks to its host, Larisa Guzeeva. She does not lie and expresses her personal opinion to the guests of the program.

Larisa Guzeeva: biography, personal life

Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter. Born on May 23, 1959 in the village of Burtinskoye, Orenburg region. Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography.

Larisa Guzeeva and Nikita Mikhalkov in the film “Cruel Romance”

Her first major and most famous film role was the role of Larisa Ogudalova in the film “Cruel Romance” directed by Eldar Ryazanov.

In addition to “Cruel Romance,” the actress starred in sixty more films. Since 2008, she has been working as a TV presenter on Channel One in the “Let’s Get Married” program.

State awards:

  • 1994 - honorary title “Honored Artist” Russian Federation"- for services in the field of art.
  • 2009 - for her work in this program, Guzeeva became a laureate of the Russian national television award “TEFI” in the category “Best talk show host.”
  • 2011 - Order of Friendship - for great services in the development of national culture and art, many years of fruitful activity.

Personal life

Two failed marriages. In her third marriage, she is happy with Igor Bukharov. She had known him since she was 18, but married him at 40.

My husband is the President of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia. Children: son George (1992); daughter Olga (2000). Larisa Guzeeva’s height is 167 cm, her zodiac sign is Gemini. ABOUT personal life actresses will best tell her statements:

  • Poor mom. She taught at the school where I studied, and periodically said: “Daughter, please have pity on me! I can’t go into the teacher’s room - from all sides I hear: “And your Larisa!..”
  • I had a hectic life - sometimes with someone love relationships, married to someone. Having separated from her second husband, she moved with her five-year-old son to Moscow.
  • I was stuck in Leningrad, being a single mother, without money, in a bad apartment. Arriving in the capital, I dreamed of only one thing: to arrange my life. I really wanted everything at once.
  • I remember myself in my youth and understand: everything was leading to me either going to jail or being killed.
  • After “Cruel Romance” I traveled all over the world! I had money, I shared everything with my friends, took them to restaurants, bought them gifts.
  • But when the situation turned exactly the opposite, they behaved ugly towards me. And I cut these people out of my life forever. She left St. Petersburg and slammed and caulked the door to the past.
  • I brought out one truth: everything in life is unpredictable. Today someone is washing your floors, and tomorrow, you see, you will be doing the same thing for him.
  • I allowed myself the luxury of not communicating with people I didn’t like.
  • I'm tired of romances, passions, ups and downs. I don't want to pound anymore. I made an oath to everyone: I am good, I am only in the family.
  • I'm not having a midlife crisis. I managed to do everything - be overcome by passions, drown in novels, get married, divorced, give birth to children. I have nothing to regret!

Statements by Larisa Guzeeva

Quotes from Larisa Guzeeva are collected from statements in the TV program “Let's get married!” Bold and quite frank statements and quotes from Larisa Guzeeva have become popular; they can be considered advice:

  • Take care of yourself first - not externally, but internally. Become a person, do something for yourself in order to somehow secure your future...
  • I do not believe that a man should be considered as a means of survival, that he is in endless debt to a woman. He is someone’s son and someone’s brother and also needs care and tenderness.
  • The past cannot be dragged into real life. If they broke up, then they broke up. What kind of friendship can there be between former lovers? This causes pain and anxiety to the current companion.
  • - a word derived from a vulture, and it feeds on carrion. A woman who is proud of such a definition does not realize the meaning of the word.
  • If a man lives with you, eats your breakfast, sleeps with you, but doesn’t want children, he doesn’t love you.
  • Expecting gratitude is stupid, and being ungrateful is mean.
  • The first rule in a relationship is don’t get under your partner’s skin. Do not ask him anything - neither about the past nor about the future. We all have plenty of skeletons in our closets, and we don’t need to tell anyone about them. Leave your husband his territory. The more freedom you give him, the closer he will be to you.
  • A man is like sand. If you squeeze it in your fist, it starts to fall out through your fingers. And you open your palm - not a single grain of sand will go anywhere.
  • There’s no such thing as too much sex, money or work.”
  • Our weight is most often the result of our promiscuity. We wander to the refrigerator, not at all hungry. I just want to chew something tasty all the time. Of course, it’s hard to give up pleasure. Who said it was easy? But if you are not sick, you are not on hormones, then be kind, pull yourself together.
  • Queens are not late. The plebeks are late.

Video: photo of the actress

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Personally, I agree with almost all of her statements! Wise woman! Many people know Larisa Guzeeva from the films “Cruel Romance”, “Rivals”, “Meet Me in the Subway”, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins”. But the TV show “Let’s Get Married” brought her real fame, which has not lost its viewership ratings for many years. The actress very often gives advice to women and makes caustic jokes. But all her phrases are always accurate and appropriate.

Larisa Guzeeva is called the Faina Ranevskaya of our time. We bring to your attention 40 of the best pearls from the famous matchmaker and actress Larisa Guzeeva.

  • Good men are taken apart when they are still puppies.
  • Married doesn't mean dead!
  • Your legs are already over, but your dress hasn't started yet!
  • I thought it was an orgasm, but it turned out it was asthma.
  • ...and the prince is somewhere combing the tail of a white horse and is in no hurry to come to you...
  • Oh, and you've been thrown around in other people's beds!
  • So are you a doctor? Why didn't you say it right away? I wouldn't put pressure on you. I thought you were an idiot!
  • What kind of wife do you want? Well, buy an inflatable one!

Don't listen to your grandmothers anymore. They, you know, struggle through life themselves, and then pretend to us that they are just dandelions.

  • And mom had already laid everything out... sorry, she set the table...
  • Mom tells me: “When you lose your temper, don’t forget to close your mouth!”
  • To spite my grandmother I will frostbite my ears.
  • Marriage has two functions: you can enter, or you can leave!

Oh, well, this guy is not for your character....and not for mine....I would just break him over the knee the next day!

  • You need to wean yourself off gradually: first change once a week, then once a month...
  • Contender for the hand and heart: “Well, I sang, danced...” Larisa: “As my husband says: “Just not to work!”
  • Best friends are leeches and frogs!
  • Only Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya is more beautiful than me.
  • Just like brushing your teeth, you also need to take care of your man.
  • Passion is when you love everything that is below your head.
  • Don't try to drive a car and make love at the same time. Both will turn out badly.
  • You are 45 years old! And you have neither a kitten nor a child.
  • The man is a living person!
  • A simple man, stand on the threshold.
  • Don't open your mouth to someone else's.
  • Rather than marry you, I'd rather have a toad in my mouth!
  • If they truly love you, they will love both the size of your ass and your anti-breasts!
  • Why are you licking your lips? You're not the one getting married!