Congratulations 1 month to the boy's parents are short. Congratulations for a baby for one month: girls and boys

Your hero, the boy is growing by leaps and bounds, so it's worth arranging a holiday in the style of Russian heroes. Invite guests to a truly Russian evening, where a scarlet bear cub will meet all those invited, let it be a beautiful celebration.

For your guests, the little heir has prepared assignments today, it will be an evening of questions and answers. Of course, mom will do everything in advance, but the guests will play, and the baby will receive gifts. Recall that on our site there is already a boy with 1 month of life.

Each guest, entering the house, receives a task - today he should be one of the heroes who endows the child with his strength, wisdom, courage. Of course, the guests have been warned and are ready to play the role of Dobrynya Nikitich or Ilya Muromets, so you will definitely succeed in the evening.

There are only Russian dishes on the roof today, sing folk songs and rock the baby in turn, giving him your rich gifts. And today the baby is wearing his first clothes, you will definitely have time to order a tiny Russian folk costume.

Thirty days have passed...
Life is so fast!
Well, thirty times rose
The sun is sparkling.

Here the days burst in succession -
Ah, the first anniversary!
And soon you will become an adult
You will invite your friends.

Well, for now, only a month -
And next to you
Gathered those for whom you -
Beloved and dear!

Today is your baby's month!
Of course, he has grown a little!
And we give you congratulations
Happy miniature birthday!
We wish you blessings
Love, health, wisdom, patience!
Let your baby grow day by day
And children's laughter will fill this house!

A month has passed - it flew by instantly.
There were worries, worries, deeds!
The son has grown up. Became obedient, exemplary
And his mother took him to kindergarten.
What Kindergarten? He's a great kid
He's only a month old, let him grow up!
And we baby, through a pile of diapers
Let's give our congratulations flight!

You are with us for a whole month!
To the joy of dad, mom!
And with your first month
We want to congratulate you!
Sleep tight, eat, don't get sick
And grow up, baby, hurry up!
We are close, we are always with you!
Grow up, our dear chick!

First month! First victory!
The first month is the first important day:
Mom and dad - forget about laziness,
The boy - do not know sorrows!
I look into the cradle now;
I still can't imagine...
Can I congratulate you on the first month?
Sleeping? OK then; then I you!

Thirty days already baby
Ringing the bell
Like birdsong from the rooftops.
And peace is already forgotten.
We hurry to congratulate you
Also hear from you
We definitely want
A story about a baby!

Glorious little boy is growing -
Dear angel!
Happy first month to you
Sweet granddaughter!
Grow up quickly
Listen to mom and dad!
Gain more strength
Eat well!
Grow strong baby -
Strong and healthy!
This is very good -
You will be the coolest!

Baby, we congratulate you
You've been making us happy for a month now
You appeared beloved, desired,
The embodiment of our dreams.
You are healthy and happy,
And light up the world with a smile,
Be smart and beautiful
And get up on your feet.

Here comes life, baby
And the first anniversary!
Then you start talking
You will invite your friends.
Well, it's only 30 days
And gathered with you
Those for whom you are forever
Beloved and dear!

In the first month of life, the child has not yet learned much, has not experienced it, he is subject to illnesses and ailments. Parents are quite excited about the future of the baby. After the child has lived the first month, it is safe to say that no ordinary illness threatens him anymore. This is a definite reason for pride! The first month from the date of birth of the baby must be celebrated, and this holiday is not only for the baby, but also for the parents, they really deserve it!

So a miracle of miracles happened a month ago,
In this family, a blessed baby appeared.
May the Lord keep you, lovely child,
I wish you great happiness, not a bit of a joke!
Grow in love big, baby, I sincerely wish
Congratulations on this wonderful holiday!
Let life cherish you, give only light,
Long, joyful, healthy years of your life!

You are our love, you have been with us for a whole month!
Shine for the joy of everyone, dad and mom!
Insanely glad to hear your sonorous voice,
Accept, today, baby, such a congratulation:
We wish God's blessings to you all,
Parents - love, comfort, wisdom, patience!
There are more smiles of the whole world, light and warmth,
Happiness, good health, good luck to come!

Our baby, she is a month old, congratulations today!
Every day to smile, we sincerely wish!
Be less capricious, don't cry every time
May the Lord keep you, I will say at this hour!
So that the charm grows right day after day,
Let happy children's laughter fill the house!
And to the joy of parents, let their eyes burn,
And so that happiness was in the house for two hundred years in a row.

We have our little one, happiness is not the limit,
Life is beautiful, we know for sure, that's the thing!
Dear sun, with your first month,
With all our hearts, we want to congratulate you!
Eat, sleep, don't cry, and just don't get sick!
Grow up and smile, many bright days!
Keeper - Angel may always protect you,
Let Hope, Faith and Love accompany you!

Let's all celebrate in full,
The baby is already a month old, as well as mom and dad.
Grow strong, healthy, big,
Do not be capricious much, sleep as sweetly as possible.
Let life give full happiness to the crumbs,
He will give a full cup of health, otherwise not to be!
Once again, I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
With great joy I raise this empty glass!

Our wonderful little one is already a month old!
Congratulations to the baby and his mother!
The eyes are shiny! Quite a baby!
But time is inexorable, goes forward stubbornly!
Let the baby grow up for the joy of parents!
The smile is bright, dear never fades,
All his life he will be his mother's love and weakness!
May the Lord always keep from all adversity!

Mom and dad urgently forget about laziness,
Today is the first, important... the most important day!
Little beloved has the first month,
Today we simply cannot count the joy!
Congratulations, dear ones, your first victory,
Happiness, May the Lord always keep from trouble!
To never know sorrows and worries,
Let the years be bright and easy!

Sleeping quietly in the cradle baby,
The month has already turned for him,
Let never touch his anxiety,
We wish the baby good health.
Let it grow to the joy of mom and dad,
May the good angel keep him
For everyone now he is the most important,
All love and tenderness is only for him.

The guy slowly frowns his eyebrows,
declares itself in a clear voice,
Dad is happy to change diapers,
Parent status today notes.
Happy 1 month, we congratulate the angel,
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
You added pleasant worries to your parents,
Grow up, baby, not knowing the troubles and troubles.

Your baby is a month old today
He is a beautiful color in God's bouquet,
For joy and happiness he was born,
We wish the baby many years to come.
Let the angels fly over the cradle
Let them always keep from troubles,
With the first month, we congratulate you, baby,
We wish you happiness, joy, warmth.

Nice sweet little man
In a dream, sniffs so sweetly
An angel flies above him
Keeps from troubles and failures.
Happy 1 month of your life, baby, congratulations,
We wish you good health and happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
May fate be generous to you
Let luck never pass by.

For a whole month already there are three of you,
This is happiness, and the greatest
An angel brought it to you on wings,
So that the baby grows with joy.
In the cradle you sleep peacefully
You smile in your sleep, you sniff,
We wish you health, happiness,
May there be much joy in your destiny.

Lips with a bow and pink cheeks,
Like an angel you smile in your sleep
All congratulations and wishes,
Happy first month, baby, to you.
Grow for the joy of everyone, for happiness,
May fate be kind to you
Let all bad weather fly by
May your life be long, long.

Baby's first holiday
First birthday!
Cakes, gingerbread and donuts,
Waffles and jams!

Only one month old baby
Can't eat it.
It doesn't matter, because there is a mother,
What will help him!

Congratulations to your child
Happy first anniversary!
And I wish that life with him
Became more fun!

Congratulations on your first month!
I wish you all the best little one!
Let your baby grow for happiness
Let troubles pass you by, bad weather!

Let the house be filled with children's laughter!
Be glad you children's success!
May your child grow up healthy
May it give you hope from the cradle!

And I personally wish the baby
Be healthy, cheerful and courageous,
So that he, growing up every day,
He was confident and skillful!

You have become quite big
To the joy of dad, mom!
Already you see the world of color,
You know everything with your eyes.

You are completely unrecognizable
On your first day of jam.
We hasten to wish you
Smiles and luck!

Now you're a month old baby
Not a newborn
Grow and rejoice, strong man
And be in love with the whole world!

A whole month behind!
Happy birthday baby!
Come on, little one, wait
And you've grown a little!

You are already looking around
You love to smile.
You grow up healthy, friend,
And you will be happy.

Feel free to go big!
We will help you
After all, for us, believe me, dear,
There is nothing more expensive!

Time does not stand still.
It's been a month since you've been together!
Your child is a miracle!
The embodiment of weight, height!

Happy birthday!
First month! First holiday!
You, parents, patience -
- Soon the prankster will grow!

Let the baby grow for happiness
Let it be healthy and strong.
Let bad weather pass you by
Everything else will come!

So thirty days have passed.
Your baby has grown up.
We are happy to come to you
For your first anniversary!

And we want to wish
Your little one to grow up
Be healthy and beautiful
And, of course, happy!

Well, we wish you
Hear children's laughter always
To be with the baby on "You"
On this day and forever!

How the month flew by.
Your birthday has already arrived.
You are growing by leaps and bounds.
What a great! I can't believe my eyes!

You already know mom and dad
You are already giving signs with a smile.
Your eyes shine like the light of the sun
There is no better happiness in this world!

We congratulate you, our dear!
Grow happy! We are always with you!
Health, joy, luck to you,
All the best in all your destiny!

Today is a very important day
- Your first birthday!
And we, dropping all things,

Just thirty days ago
We didn't know you
But nine months in a row
We have been waiting for you.

You are now a month old!
So accept gifts
Let joy shine on your cheeks
And childhood will be bright!

Time flies, like recently a woman went pregnant, and now a small child lives at home and everyone runs over him and pays all the attention. The child turned , this is his first little holiday. You began to notice how a baby or baby has already begun to form its look, the first facial expressions have appeared and you are just on 7th heaven with happiness.

For the first month of a child's life, you can gather a narrow company of friends and relatives to celebrate this small but very important event in your life. Guests who are going to this holiday can choose the appropriate congratulations on the first month of a child's life. Good luck!

Thirty days have already passed.
Time is a fast river!
Thirty times already risen
The sun is radiant!
You already know us
You look so closely
And you expect smiles from us.
This is amazing!

Happy birthday to you baby
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
With a good fairy tale, a bright book
And make friends with cartoons!

Today is your first anniversary.
It's been a month since you became parents!
We hasten to congratulate you, relatives, at this hour
With the miracle you dreamed of!
Let your baby smile more often
All this is simply called happiness.

Baby, we congratulate you
You've been making us happy for a month now
You appeared beloved, desired,
The embodiment of our dreams.
You are healthy and happy,
And light up the world with a smile,
Be smart and beautiful
And get up on your feet.

Parents, congratulations today
You with the first anniversary of the baby!
Let him be only a month old -
But his life is already so good:
Grows in care, affection and attention,
Swimming in a series of happy days.
He, despite his age, understands
Parents are loved and relatives!

Today is your baby's month.
During this period you have become experienced,
The father found out why diapers are needed,
And both of you slept very little.
You learned to feed in different poses,
And bathe in such a way that he likes it,
But most importantly, among other important things,
Give love to your child.

Here comes life, baby
And the first anniversary!
Then you start talking
You will invite your friends.
Well, it's only 30 days
And gathered with you
Those for whom you are forever
Beloved and dear!

In this article:

The birthday of a baby can be an occasion for a meeting in a narrow circle. If the child turns 1 month old, congratulations will be addressed not only to the baby, but also to his parents. So what's the best gift to give?

Ideas for congratulations

It is customary to go to birthday parties with a gift. But sometimes it's so hard to figure out how to please mom and baby. There are many ideas for congratulations on the life of a child, they depend on the relationship with the baby's family and financial capabilities.

How to congratulate a child

The choice of congratulations for a month-old baby usually causes difficulties for family friends and relatives. Do not pay attention to the age of the birthday. Today he is small, but he will grow up very quickly. Therefore, you can safely buy gifts that will be useful to him for up to a year. At this age, he needs mainly his mother's love and care, so you can keep within a modest budget.

The most common inexpensive gifts for a 1 month old baby:

  • Fluffy bath towel.
  • Toys for category 0+. Do not give soft toys. The child, when he grows up, will pull them into his mouth. They are not easy to wash, they can cause allergies. Do not give dolls or cars. Musical toys on the crib, bright rattles or rubber figures for bathing will be appropriate.
  • Soft book for kids.

How to congratulate parents

The baby is still so small that the main congratulations on the fact that he is 1 month old are addressed to his parents. Perhaps the best gift for parents of a baby of this age can be a nanny for an hour. A young family, especially a mother, will not be superfluous to be distracted from every second of being with a baby. Mom will be able to devote this hour to herself, go to the hairdresser, take a walk or do something else that she has long dreamed of.

An original and useful gift will be a paid photo shoot, which will allow the family to capture the happy moments of their family.

Most gifts, although intended for the baby, are indirectly given to the parents. Therefore, especially if the gift is expensive, you need to consult with grandmothers. It is better to buy something that a young family does not yet have. These can be swings, heaters, a car seat or a baby monitor.

Of the budget gift options, the leader is a cake from. The idea is not new, but still popular, because diapers are always needed. But it is better to give not a cake, but diapers in their original packaging. Still, this is a hygiene item, and it would be better if mom opens the pack herself. In order for diapers to fit, you need to buy those that the baby is used to, and suitable for him in size. This question should be asked in advance.

Clothing will be a universal gift on the first birthday. When choosing her, it is advisable to consult with her grandmother in order to guess with the needs and tastes of her parents in this.

Congratulating a baby at 1 month old may include buying a special diary that contains cute pictures, or a photo album. Mom will be pleased to record how the baby grows, or to store photos.

Congratulations to the boy

When a child is only 1 month old, it does not matter who the congratulations are for, a boy or a girl. Of course, you should consider the gender of the crumbs when choosing styles or colors of clothing and care items. And the rest of the donor is given complete freedom of choice.

By the way, a musical mobile for a crib is suitable, if you haven’t bought it yet, a high-quality rattle, a tumbler, a deck chair or a night light. To emphasize that the gift is for a boy, you can wrap it in blue paper or tie it with a blue ribbon.

Congratulations to the girl

For a girl at 1 month old, everything that is useful for a boy is suitable. There is no significant difference at this age. Therefore, you can safely choose what you like, adjusted for the style of clothing. Even the color scheme of gifts can be any, depending on taste.

When preparing a congratulation for a child at 1 month old, it should be remembered that it is also addressed to the mother. Therefore, you need to take into account her tastes and preferences. It will be best to consult with your grandmother or directly ask your mother about what they need and whether they like your gift idea.

Useful video about rattles for baby