Poems about insects for children 5 6. Poems about insects for children - about butterflies, caterpillars, grasshoppers. E. Moshkovskaya "Song about the Maybug"

A selection of poems about insects


Insects on the road

We will see a lot

They are always easy to recognize.

If only there are six paws

You counted exactly

Be sure then

It's an insect!

(Censor O.V.)

The bee buzzes - it flies

To your honey meadow.

Moves, groans, A beetle crawls somewhere.

Spiders hanging on a thread

Ants are scurrying

Fireflies ready for the night

Your own lanterns.

Stop! Sit down! bend over

And look under your feet!

Surprised alive alive: They are akin to you!

(S. Mikhalkov)

About butterflies

  1. Butterfly

beauty butterfly,
I like it very much
Your dress!
You are such a nerd!
Mom says to me strictly:
"Let her fly, don't touch
Her wings!"
(E. Koryukin)

  1. Butterfly
    With white wings
    Waving cabbage.
    Just rise -
    It will go down right there.
    Leads with a spout
    Along the edge of the chamomile:
    Honey or tea
    In this white cup?
    (G. Glushnev)
  1. Butterfly
    Lives, decorating the Earth with itself,
    Fluttering from petal to petal!
    And without breaking the silence,
    She herself is a flying flower!
    (I. Efremov)

  2. I wanted to touch with my hands
    To the most beautiful flower
    And he, waving his petals,
    He fluttered and flew under the clouds!

(T. Nesterova)

  1. Butterfly

Look, daddy!
Oh! What a butterfly!
How many dashes and dots!
Sitting on a flower ... a flower!

(V. Bardanov)

  1. Butterfly

I saw a beautiful butterfly on the lawn.
And, holding my breath, I walk on tiptoe.
Mom's T-shirt was painted with flowers.
And the butterfly sat down on a flower bed in that garden.

Oh, mother, hush, hush, I'll catch a butterfly!
No need to move, stay a flower now!
In my hands suddenly the butterfly said: - I'm dying!
And the beauty disappeared, went out with a twinkle.

7. Butterfly

What a beautiful yellow flower!
It has veins, black dots,
Two mustaches, cherry belt,
And the edges are rosy, like cheeks.
Well, what a charm, what miracles!
He is caressed by the breeze and the sun.
The flower fluttered, rushed off into the sky -
He turned out to be a beautiful butterfly!

(G. head)

About ladybugs

  1. Ladybug

Dot, dot,
two hooks -
These are the legs of a beetle.
two shiny petals
Move apart slightly.
To the right is a dot, to the left is a dot,
In black dots on the sides.
I blow on the beetle -
Fly beyond the clouds!
Like a red helicopter
He'll go straight to the sky

(F. Grubin)

  1. Ladybug
    Ladybugs have thin wings
    Elytra red with black spots.
    She crawls onto the tip of a blade of grass, -
    Raising the wings, it takes off like a helicopter.
    (L. Postolov)

  2. Ladybug can be caught
    Count black dots.
    One, two, three... I didn't have time!
    My ladybug has flown away!

(O. Rebrikova)

  1. ladybugs

Ladybugs are different:

orange, yellow, red,

Like buttons, black dotted,

On the grass, like red droplets.

  1. Ladybug

Where are you flying?
They say in heaven
Do you visit often?

Is it really
Is your family there?
Maybe with you
Will you take me?

bright clothes,
Spots on back...
Where are your horns
It's not clear to me.

bug on me
Silently looked
Wings fluttered,
And then she took off.

I'm sitting wondering...
How do I know
Why a bug
Is it called God's?

Quiet buzzing
Received the answer:
- In the boundless skies
My kids are not.

I am called a cow, which is not great.
And I still have a drop of milk in me.
Because I am God's, that the whole world is dear to me!
Sun, sky, stars, pink dawn!

I bring salvation
Because I love the world.
On flowers, plants
I eat aphids.

Ladybug, give me the answer.
Can a person love the whole world?

If I learn to be useful,
Maybe you want to be friends with me?

Ladybug sat on the palm
And then she said, after a pause:
- If you live your life with love,
You will be called God's man.

(G. head)

6. Ladybug

Here, spread your wings
In all its glory
Running ladybug
On the runway.

Courageously rushes
From a blade of grass to grace!
And tell me you like it
Let go of cows?

(E. Zhdanova)

7. Ladybug

Ladybug was walking outside the city,
Deftly climbed the branches of blades of grass,
I watched the clouds float in the sky...
And suddenly the Big Hand came down.
And peacefully walking ladybug
She put it in a matchbox.
The cow was terribly angry at first,
Mooed and knocked on the walls of the box ...
But in vain! Forgot about her in the box
They closed the cow in the closet, in a jacket.
Oh, how the poor thing yearned in the box!
She dreamed of a lawn, and clover, and porridge ...
Is it possible to remain in captivity forever ?!
The cow decided to prepare an escape.

For three days and three nights she rushed to the goal.
And now, finally, it crawls out of the gap ...
But where are the trees, flowers, clouds?
The cow got into his jacket pocket.
However, she did not lose hope
Runs to freedom from stuffy clothes:
There the sun, and the wind, and the smells of herbs ...
But instead of freedom I saw a closet!
It's sad and scary for a ladybug.
Again she is in a dark deserted box.
Suddenly he sees: at the top, where the key is inserted,
A beam breaks through the crack in the closet!
More free! Cow bravely,
Closing his eyes, he storms the keyhole ...
And again ended up in a deaf box
With a huge chandelier on the ceiling.
However, Cow is extremely stubborn:
I found where the frame was not tightly slammed ...
And then she climbs out of the window -
Hooray! She is finally free!

And again on a familiar lawn a bug.
Under it, as before, porridge sways,
Clouds float above her...
But Cow looks at the world cautiously:
What if this is also a big box,
Where is the sun and sky inside the box?!

(A. Usachev)

About caterpillars

1. Caterpillar

I followed her for a long time.

And she from morning to night

That itself is longer

That itself is shorter

(G. Sapgir)

2. Caterpillar

From the sun the caterpillar into the shade
Creeps. And she's not too lazy to crawl?
"I will not hide from you,
It’s bad for me to sunbathe a lot.”
(V. Sibirtsev)

Leaves, greens, grass -
Ate everything downstairs
And, clinging to the paws,
Now I'm crawling up.

(A. Brushtunova)

About beetles

  1. Beetle woke up
    under a leaf
    The beetle woke up
    Stretched and shaken
    Abdomen, nose, eyes, mustache
    Washed with a drop of dew.
    (V. Biryukov)
  1. May beetle
    The white larva grows in the ground
    The May beetle grows out of it.
    May beetle flies between flowering trees, -
    Cleans gardens from pest caterpillars.(L. Postolov)

3. Beetle

We didn't see the beetle

And the winter frames were closed,

And he's alive, he's still alive

Buzzing in the window

Spreading my wings...

And I call my mother for help:

There is a live beetle!

Let's open the frame!

(A. Barto)

4. Beetle in your pocket



In the pocket

At the very depths.

At a depth,

At the very bottom

And he was quite happy.

Quite. It was really good here:

There was little food here.

It was dark and quiet here.

And then he sat - Weak and thin

And so

so frail

beetle, beetle, beetle

Groped, felt Hand, hand, hand!

And took it out, And threw the Beetle

Under the clouds!

“The end,” thought the Beetle. - *

Now on the ground - knock!

But suddenly

I saw a beetle

Fields... and forest... and loop...

And it even turned out

What he

was able


What a joy it is!

What a blessing!

And he hummed passionately

He muttered bitterly:

“Oh, it's terrible!

I'm in vain

Sat in the pocket!

(E. Moshkovskaya)

5. Giant

I watched, as for me
There was a bug, as if on a wall.
Walked along the rib-path,
And then fell into my pocket
And said:
- I'll sleep a little.
Do not crush, giant?
I said:
- I won't crush it.
I have loved little ones since childhood.

(G. Gleshnev)

6. Two beetles

There lived two beetles,
two beetles,
Their life was easy:
They dance, holding their sides,
Field trepak,
They tease wasps and spiders.
Not afraid of anything
Everyone is buzzing and having fun -
Two beetles
Two funny beetles
In green camisoles,
In beautiful boots
On thin legs.


7. Bug

It's raining outside
All night long.
Spilled turbulent
Stream at the gate.

window panes
Trembling in the rain
The dog got wet
And asks for the house.

Here in a puddle from a puddle,
Spinning like a top
Crawling clumsy
Horned beetle.

Fell upside down
Tries to get up.
Moved the horns -
And he got up again.

To a dry place
In a hurry to crawl
But over and over
River on the way...

He swims in a puddle
Not knowing where.
Carries him, circles
And the water runs.

On the shell of a drop
They knock with all their might
And the legs are weakened -
They can't row.

It's about to choke -
Ghoul ghoul! - and the end!
But no, don't give up
Brave swimmer.

Tired of the fight
The bug would be gone
How suddenly in front of you
I saw a bitch.

From an oak bowl
He sailed here.
Him from oak
Water came running.

And by doing at home
sharp turn,
To the remote bug
He walks fast.

Hurry to grab
Bug for him.
Now not afraid
Swimmer nothing.

By the will of the stream
In your shuttle
Floats on the wide
Deep river.

But the boardwalk is close
Leaky fence.
And the horned traveler
Went into the yard.

Made my way - and right
Headed to the house
Where are my mom and me
And we live as a dad.

He landed on dry land
To me in a box.
And for a long time I listened
How the beetle rubs.

But here's a little
The clouds are gone
And in the garden on the path
I took the bug.

(L. Kvitko)

8. About the bug

I'll put a bug in my palm -
Let him sit there for a while.
Oh oh oh! How he tickles!
Wants to get out soon!

(S. Bogdan)

About mosquitoes

  1. Komarikha
    The rain is over.
    Fresh and quiet.
    The mosquito ate: -
    It is joyful to live in the world,
    But who would you bite?

(A. Zachinyaeva)

  1. mosquitoes
    On the lawn by the mountain
    Under the green linden
    Lost mosquitoes
    Little violin.
    On the lawn by the mountain
    At the loophole trail
    Looking for, looking for mosquitoes
    Small violin.
    "Firefly, come here,
    Shine under the sticky.
    We can't find without you
    Little violin!
    Firefly here and there
    Glows like a match
    Looking for, looking for - not found
    Small violin.
    Evil and unhappy
    And probably since then
    Everyone bites hurt!
    (A. Ekimtsev)

  1. Although the "accurate" was a blow,
    But the angry mosquito laughs.
    I hurt my hand yesterday
    About such a mosquito!

(A. Marmazov)

  1. Mosquito sailor
    I am a mosquito
    I am a sailor
    For me, the sea is a trifle!
    I'm not afraid of the sea wave
    And I'm not afraid of the wind!
    The fly ran in fear.
    Komarihe buzzed:
    - Hurry up! Mosquito in a vest
    Drowning in a tea cup again!
    (S. Zhukov)

Latvian song

What's the rumble, what's the knock?

A mosquito sat on a bough in the forest.

Cracked bough under a mosquito -

That's where the knock and the thunder came from.

6. Mosquitoes

Everyone was exhausted from the heat.
It's cold in the garden now
But that's how mosquitoes bite
Why don't you run out of the garden!

Marina, younger sister,
Fights mosquitoes.
The stubborn temper of a mosquito
But she is stubborn!

She will drive them away with her hand,
They circle again.
She screams: - What a shame,
They attacked the chest!

And mom sees from the window
How brave Marina
Fighting alone in the garden
With a detachment of mosquitoes.

Two mosquitoes are sitting again
Baby on the finger!
Marina, brave sister, -
Clap on the blanket!

She killed mosquitoes -
Forget how to bite!..
But there is a loud roar
Frightened brother.

(A. Barto)

About grasshoppers

  1. Grasshopper
    In the morning, the grasshopper jumps on the blades of grass,
    jumping on the leaves
    Like the whole wide world
    he wants to jump.
    At noon he will sleep, climbing
    in the cool shade
    And he can't sleep all night. -
    Chirps until morning.
    (L. Postolov)
  1. Grasshoppers
    In the evening we will meet them in the grass,
    A chirp is heard here and there:
    These are mothers to small children
    Lullaby is sung.
    (E. Gribanova)
  1. Grasshopper
    The grasshopper jumped and disappeared
    All merged with green grass.
    "Try in the garden
    Play hide and seek with me."
    (V. Sibirtsev)
  1. Hey me!

I am a jumping grasshopper
I have three pairs of legs
Songs chirping loudly
And I jump where I want:
On a leaf, on a stump.
From cornflower to cornflower,
I have a big jump!
I could jump to the sun
It is a pity that the sun was hidden by the clouds!
Oh, how unlucky I am!

(T. Petukhova)

5. Grasshopper

Grasshopper knocked sharply
Not far from me.
It's probably made of iron.
Bending a horseshoe for a horse.

He knocks without getting tired
At his forge.
The grass is thick in the meadow
Hid his forge.

Louder then quieter
Continues "knock" yes "knock".
Come closer to him
The grasshopper suddenly shuts up.

I can't see
What is he forging in the meadow.

(G. Lyushnin)

6. Grasshopper

Grasshopper like no other

Proud of the left foot.

He doesn't write poetry for her.

The grasshopper hears with his foot.

About moths

  1. Butterfly Bright yellow moth
    Sat down to rest on a stalk.
    "I'll freeze in place for a moment,
    And I will become an autumn leaf.
    (V. Sibirtsev)
  1. Butterfly
    colorful moth
    He sat down on my visor.
    I say "Hi!" wanted
    And he took ... and flew away.
    (V. Sibirtsev)
  2. Moth sat on a branch.
    Resting. The path is far.
    From meadow to meadow
    Five steps and half a step.

(A. Shchedretsov)

4. Moth

Tell me moth

How do you live, my friend?

How do you not get tired

Day-to-day all flutter?

I live in the meadows

In the brilliance of a summer day;

Aromas of flowers -

That's all my food!

But my age is short -

He is no more than a day old;

Be kind man

And don't touch me!

(L. Modzalevsky)

About ants

  1. Ants
    Ants in the forest
    They live by their work
    They have their own customs
    And an anthill.
    Peaceful Residents
    Do not sit idle:
    In the morning, fighters run to the post,
    And nannies in kindergarten.
    The worker ant is in a hurry
    labor path,
    From morning to evening rustling
    In the grass and under the leaves.
    (S. Mikhalkov)
  1. Ant
    small ant,
    Small - remote,
    You always work
    But sometimes you wander.
    You are late
    In your house
    Only you are
    Not a coward -
    Spent the night under a mushroom...
    Played with a butterfly in the morning
    And had so much fun -
    Almost fell off the mushroom.(S. Kozlov)

  2. Long house of twigs
    Collected for the family
    Not sparing legs and backs,
    fidget ants.

(E. Nikolaeva)

  1. Ant

An ant carries a log

He sings a loud song:

“I am a mighty ant!

I am the strongest in the grass!

I easily carry a log

Even though it's huge!"

5. I love an ant

I love ants

I saw how he climbed through the ant forest,


dragged a log and another,

and one more, and one more!

In more often drags

and will not cry - it's not scary,

so in this thicket...

(E. Moshkovskaya)

6. Ant

I asked that Ant

Came to visit soon.

The ant answered yes! But now he is busy.

Will build a house

And then,

And then he will look.

(E. Moshkovskaya)

7. Ant Train

You are alive later
Never seen?

Where the pedestrian will not pass,
The horse will not pass
Back and forth
back and forth
Rolling wagons -


What are the wagons carrying?
Not iron, not fuel oil -
Chips and straws
For your mansion.

Here is one wagon behind,
M now on both sides
Two wagons
Rushing to help.

What's happened?
What's the catch?
Heavy wagon chip!

Got two wagons
A splinter for two ends,
Clinging tight -
The chip rolled!

Oh, goosebumps,
How good are:
Kohl will be tight
Help each other out!

(E. Serova)

  1. Ant

The ant found a blade of grass
She had a lot of trouble.
Like a log, hefted on his back,
He brings her home.

The loader is small.
The anthill is far away.
And the log is not easy to carry,
It's not even easy.

He bends under the burden
He crawls already with difficulty,
But what a good
Ants are building a house!

Sculpt exits and entrances
Without a saw and an ax
secret passages,
Storerooms for good.

Under a large, hundred-year-old spruce
Construction is fun.
Here he works as an artel
Friendly little people.

If a friend runs towards,
He will understand it without words -
I wear to take on my shoulders
A friend is ready.

A house has grown in a new place,
Housewarming is there.
Good to work together
Even small ants!

(Z. Aleksandrova)

  1. Ant

There lived a cheerful ant.
He had many friends
Under the high slope
In an ant heap.
He worked day and night,
To make their home more comfortable.
Hard work,
Endless care:
Sweet crumbs to collect
And get the pollen from the flower
Bring to the anthill
Stock up before frost.
The house is dry and warm
But it's always dark.
No daylight
Even if it's summer.
If evening is in the yard,
Ants in their hole.
Everyone closed the gaps
It's like doors.
Ants live together
Under the birch in the shade
Under the high slope
In an ant heap.

(I. Mordovina)

  1. Help!

Ant in the thicket
The oak is heavy.
Hey fellow friends
Save the ant!
When there is no help for him,
The ant will stretch its legs.

(translation S. Marshak )

  1. Ant

Ant braggart
Climb on a Christmas tree cone
What is the strength shouted:
I caught a monster
Terrible, prickly,
Creepy, creepy! -
All the ant people
I'm in awe of this picture.
A fly flew past
Ant heard:
- Oh, what a liar you are,
You caught a simple bump!

About flies

  1. Fly
    A fly interferes with a summer day
    Sleep: bites in the nose, then in the ear.
    Flies don't get along. -
    Then a fly will sit on the garbage,
    That will sit down on bread, -
    Without cleaning your paws,
    Then sweet will sit on the gingerbread.
    Escaping from such an annoying neighbor,
    Insert people in the summer in the windows of the grid.
    (L. Postolov) Fly
    Fly, sitting on the ceiling,
    Looking down at the pie.
    "Bite off, at least once,
    The cutest morsel!"
    (V. Sibirtsev)

A fly landed on my elbow.
Apparently, the fly has no hearing!
I tell her: - Shout out of here,
Or I will swear!

(A. Kropotin)

4. Fly

Where have you gone, bitch?

Into milk, into milk.

Are you okay, old woman?

Not easy, not easy.

You could get out a little.

I can't, I can't!

I give you a tablespoon

I'll help, I'll help.

You are better than me, poor thing,

Sorry, sorry.

Milk in another cup

Pass over, pass over!

(O. Mandelstam)

5. Clean fly

Once upon a time there was a Clean Fly.
The Fly was bathing all the time.
She bathed
On Sunday
In excellent
On Monday -
In cherry liqueur.
On Tuesday -
In tomato sauce.
On Wednesday -
In lemon jelly.
On Thursday -
In jelly and in resin.
On Friday -
In curdled milk
In compote
And in semolina ...
On Saturday,
Washed in ink
- I can't do it anymore!
Terribly, terribly tired,
But it seems

(B. Zakhoder)

6. About loud buzzing flies.

What's that noise? What's the hum?
Flies came to us
And buzz like helicopters
And spin around here and there.

In general, I'm not afraid of them,
But I sit on the sidelines
And I call my mother for help:
Let her drive the flies away!

"There are a lot of flies these days!
But take a closer look:
And they are afraid of you!
You are more than them!"

Here I will object to my mother:
I don't buzz on flies!
I don't run into them.
Quietly with books I sit!

So I ask out loud
Here the flies present
Quietly buzzing among themselves!
(If there are more than two of you).

(E. Albul)

About wasps

1. wasps
In striped vests wasps, like sailors.
They wield their sting like a wasp dagger.
Those who interfere with them are stinged by evil wasps. -
As long as they don't sting, they won't leave you alone.
Like bees, they build nests. Don't approach them! -
Do not touch the hornet's nest - go around.
(L. Postolov)

2. Wasp
A thunderstorm has begun in the forest
The wasp got excited here.
"What a riot
I can't stand rain."
(V. Sibirtsev)

We are in vests too, -
Wasps reasoned, -
So we can swim
At sea like sailors

(I. Nikolaevich)

4. round house
- Who built
Round house?
Who lives,
Tell me, in it?
- We are buzzing -
For all questions
The wasps answered in unison.
(Svetlana Pshenichnykh)

About bees

1. bees
The bee sat on the flower
Dropped her trunk
A mosquito flies up to her:
-What are you looking for there?
- Nectar.
Aren't you tired?
Tired of searching?
- No!
For those who are busy
Just never get bored!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

  1. Golden bee sweet honey ...
    golden honey bee
    Collected, flying, in a clay pot.
    Collected, flying through the fields, meadows,
    Tired of not knowing, a priceless gift to us.
    Collected, I will not hide, summer heat,
    So that it can warm us in winter.
    (T. Marshalova)

3. Bee

Only cherry blossoms
A bee flew into the garden.
I've been following her for a long time
She is looking for honey: Zhu-Zhu!

Where are you going, bee?
- Sorry, waiting for business!
Every little flower
waiting for me from morning to night

(O. Konaeva)

5. If you drank tea with honey,

You are well acquainted with her.

Collected a lot of honey

Working bee.

About fireflies

  1. Fireflies
    Fireflies, fireflies,
    Where are you flying?
    Fireflies, fireflies,
    What do you want?
    If you gather in the palm of your hand,
    The light bulb will shine.
    Bright, big
    Only mischievous.
    She shines bright
    Everything around will accept:
    Where are the flowers and where is the grass...
    Just spinning my head!
    Hundreds of little lights
    Flickering on the leaves.
    After warm sunny days
    The fireflies are playing.
    (I. Mordovina)


I'm not bored without fire -

I have a flashlight.

Look at it during the day:

You can't see anything in it

And look in the evening

-He has a green light

It's in a jar of weed

The firefly sits alive.

(A. Barto)

3. Firefly
Firefly, reveal the secret
How do you emit light?
"I'll tell you, don't melt,
I have a flashlight!”
(V. Sibirtsev)

4. Firefly

During the day - an ordinary worm,

At night - in a new role.

Your Grace, Firefly,

You are a Wizard, right?!

(Yu. Entin)

  1. forest beacon

In the dark more often a firefly -
Like a lighthouse in the sea.
He signals:
"There is no way,
The thicket is better to bypass!
In more often darkness-darkness,
Just creepy places!
But brave
little by little
He illuminates
the way.

(S. Wheat)

About dragonflies

1. You see everything dragonfly -
You have big eyes!
Your chirping flight
Like a helicopter in the sky.
You are in an emergency landing
You boldly stick out your paws.

2. Dragonfly

Why are you crying, dragonfly,
Is there a tear running down your cheek?
"Hey, don't hang your noses,
This drop of dew.
(V. Sibirtsev)

Ah, what a dragonfly!
Only wings and eyes!
Flutters in the air
And shines in the sun.

(N. Gubskaya)

4. helicopter

Fast, nimble, here -

over the cabbage

here - over the grass,

overhead - over raspberries

dragonfly helicopter.

(E. Moshkovskaya)

5. Dragonfly

Me and the navigator
And a pilot.
I'm flying my plane
I rise above the sedge
Above the rough and high.
Through my glasses I see clearly
Everyone and everything is much closer.
dragonfly wings
Voiced and long.
But in flight - that's a shame,
Our wings are not visible.
And they are strong
Surprisingly successful!
And it's easy for us to spin
Winged lace.

(E. Zhdanova)

About worms

1. Worm
The worm got into the apple.
“Well, I got the house!
I will live, yes live,
And expand the living space.
(V. Sibirtsev)

2. Worm
Round, pink barrel.
A worm crawls.
No arms, no legs.
How does it turn out
What is so fast on the ground
Is he moving?
Look at him -
Not a single tooth!
But then tell me
How does it happen
What is underground, as much as a meter,
Does the worm bite?
This tail from the head
You are unlikely to distinguish.
And there are no eyes anywhere.
But without delay
The worm will run away from you
In the right direction!
The worm has no enemy
Worse than a fisherman.
Well then tell me
How does it happen
What's with the fisherman all the time
Does the worm meet?
I have known for a long time
With a very nice worm.
If you are similar
Somewhere you will see
Give me your word that it
Do not offend in life!
(I. Lagerev)

Two cheerful old men
We saw a worm.
And they had a question:
Where does he hide his tail, where is his nose?
And where did he hide his legs,
To run on the track?

(G. Kurinin)

This topic will poems about insects for children - about butterflies, caterpillars, grasshoppers

About the grasshopper Antoshka

Very thin legs
At the grasshopper Antoshka.
He got up early, he washed,
Combed quickly,
I brushed my teeth and then
Dressed fashionably.
Then went outside
And then I saw a chicken.
She asked: "Ko-ko-ko,
Are you in a hurry, Antoshka, are you far away? -
I really love the swing
And I invite you.
All day long they rocked
They joked and laughed.
But by the evening we were tired
And slept soundly at night.
And in the morning - a little out of bed -
And again on the swing!
N. Abdulkhakova

… From a distance you recognize the swallowtail
by sunny tropical beauty:
swept along the ant slope
and sat on a dandelion by the highway.
The blow of the net, and a loud rustle in the net.
Oh, yellow demon, how you tremble!
I'm afraid to break jagged edges
and black thinnest tails.
You aim, but the branches get in the way;
you wave, - but he flashed, and was like that,
and pour out of the inverted mesh
only plucked crosses of flowers ...
About many six-legged
V.V. Nabokov

small ant,
Small - remote,
You always work
But sometimes you wander.
You are late
In your house
Only you are
Not a coward -
Spent the night under a mushroom ...
Played with a butterfly in the morning
And had so much fun -
Almost fell off the mushroom.
S. Kozlov

Ant in the thicket
The oak is heavy.
Hey fellow friends
Save the ant!
When there is no help for him,
The ant will stretch its legs.

About many six-legged
The beautiful and the bad
We to each of you
Let's talk without embellishment.
Yuri Entin

During the day - an ordinary worm,
At night - in a new role.
Your Grace, Firefly,
You are a Wizard, right?!
Yuri Entin

Moth is not far away
But I'll tell you a secret:
Dear Moth
The one that reaches for the light!
Yuri Entin

Mantis has the appearance of a monk,
But this is the habit of a predator:
All those who rush to him without fear,
He devours without a trace.
lumberjack beetle
Yuri Entin

You don't know the Woodcutter Beetle?
He eats his own house.
Beetle's appetite will soon be ruined.
He cuts the branch on which he sits!
mosquito bore
Yuri Entin

All night itched, itched Mosquito:
- I couldn't sleep, what a nightmare!
About this bore
I won't write poetry!
Yuri Entin

Horsefly sat on a horse:
- Admire me!
The horse wagged its tail slightly.
And Horsefly lies in a layer.
Yuri Entin

I walked through the woods barefoot
And was bitten by a wasp,
Wasp has no pity
Even a little bit!
Yuri Entin

Grasshopper like no other
Proud of the left foot.
He doesn't write poetry for her.
With his foot the Grasshopper hears.
Yuri Entin

Krylov, the Creator of clever fables, wrote about the Dragonfly.
I won't waste any more words
I agree with my grandfather.
Yuri Entin

You are familiar with such an ignoramus,
What feeds on clothes?
Do not know? Then let
I'll introduce Mole to you.
Yuri Entin

Sky Cow
She sat down on her palm.
I will throw it up deftly
And shout to the path:
- Ladybug,
Fly to the sky
Bring me bread
Pies, cheesecakes,
Crackers and dryers,
And a pack of cookies
And, of course... chewing gum!
Yuri Entin

The serenade does not stop:
- Um-tsa-tsa! sings the cicada.
But you take the Cicada in your hands -
Sounds fade immediately.
If you love a serenade
Let go of Cicada.
And the native "mind-tsa-tsa"
You will hear endlessly!
Yuri Entin

Locust swooped in
And let's chop from the shoulder:
- I threaten the harvest!
I love to eat!
That's all about the Locust -
Harvest executioner!
cabbage butterfly
Yuri Entin

Here's a beautiful Butterfly
But I don't like her.
Where the Butterfly will descend,
The cabbage will drop there.
Scarab beetle
Yuri Entin

I don't understand, for the life of me
Like a dung beetle scarab
Became the ancient Egyptians
Magic talisman.
I don't believe, even kill
That the sun rolls the scarab
And makes it shorter
Egyptian nights.
Baking cricket
Yuri Entin

They say in the white world
Nothing is eternal.
Well, have you heard, children,
About Cricket Zapechny?
Outside the window frost - snow falls,
And the Cricket sings praises the stove:
- You are good my stove,
For a carefree life.
Very warm place
For Cricket Zapechny.
annoying fly
Yuri Entin

Annoying Fly
The circle buzzes above the ear.
The circle buzzes over the ear
Annoying Fly.
Annoying Fly -
No voice, no hearing.
No voice, no hearing
Annoying Fly.
The doctor named bee
Yuri Entin

If illness comes to you,
Body bursts with heat
Doctor named bee
Your prescription will be:
- Hurry up from the flu you
Accept fake honey!
Yuri Entin

See other topics in this section here -

Russian ditties- an amazing folklore genre in which poems and sayings are combined with a song. Chastushkas in the Russian people are called funny short songs, which most often consist of 4 lines.

As a term, a ditty was introduced by G. I. Uspensky in 1889. Russian folk ditties were and remain very popular among both young people and adults. Chastushkas are sung at holidays, at various feasts, at children's matinees. Many ditties are invented by the people even now. They do not lag behind the times and remain both old and modern at the same time.

Russian folk ditties were often performed to the balalaika or accordion for one melody, but they could also sound without the support of an instrument. The listeners just laughed and clapped to the beat.

Like other oral folk art, ditties are quickly remembered by children. Chastushkas remain in the repertoire of holidays for preschoolers and schoolchildren. At the age of 3 to 5 years, kids easily and quickly memorize short funny ditties-songs and perform them with joy.

Go, hut, go, hut,
Go, chicken, crested,
Walk, canopy and threshold,
And sour cream and cottage cheese.

In the morning, mother, our Mila
Gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.

Lazy in the morning Vova
comb through,
A cow came up to him
I combed my tongue!

The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said "Kukarek!
Give soap and perfume
To love roosters!

Irishka rode down the hill -
Was the fastest;
Ira even their skis
Overtaken along the way!

If only, if yes, if only
Mushrooms grew on the nose
We would cook ourselves
Yes, and rolled into the mouth.

I'll go out, I'll go out to dance
In brand new shoes
All the guys say
What am I like a picture!

Play it, balalaika
Balalaika - three strings!
Sing along, don't yawn
Come out, dancers.

She drank tea,
I broke all the dishes -
She did the cooking.

We were walking with a sweetheart
Near our pond;
The frogs scared us -
Let's not go there again.

Mother sent me
Drive the goose
And I went out the gate
And let's dance!

I was sitting on the window
My dear rode on a cat,
Began to drive up to the window
Couldn't keep the cat.

On my sundress
Clubfoot roosters;
I myself am not a clubfoot -
Clubfoot groomsmen.

In the yard and on the meadow
Ducklings are running.
And I'm barefoot from the stove
I thought guys!

I'm not a chick
I'm not mommy -
I grew up on the street
The chicken took me.

If the girls
Were fish
Behind them would be boys
They jumped into the water.

Standing on the mountain
Large building.
I have no happiness in love -
One suffering.

Scream bullshit!
I would perform all day long!
I don't want to study
And ditties are not too lazy to sing!

Once Alyosha went himself
For cereals in the supermarket.
“Mom, there is no cereal there,
I had to buy candy!”

Lyoshka is sitting at the table
Picks in the nose
And the goat replies:
I still won't get out!

Yegor has two spatulas,
And Nina has molds.
I'm for it them tongue
I'll pop it out of the window.

I baked a cake
Treated Vanya.
He showed for it
I have a bug in a glass.

The grandfather taught the letter to the mouse,
And then the scribbles came out.
The mouse got a deuce.
And both wept bitterly.

The lazy mother says:
"Make your bed!"
And the lazy one: "Mommy,
I'm still small."

Sooty saucepan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Three hours under the shower Julia
My grandmother washed it afterwards.

Dressed Dima in the morning
And fell down for some reason:
He stuck it out for no reason
Two legs in one pant.

I washed my hands under the tap
I forgot to wash my face
Trezor saw me
He barked, "What a shame!"

Boiled milk
Went far away.
I approach him again:
There is no milk to be seen.

Folk ditties, funny songs, and develop children, introduce them to the musicality of the Russian language. The rhythm and cheerful melody calls the child to dance to the beat of the ditty, and the meaning makes them laugh. Together with nursery rhymes and pestushkas, kids should be introduced to the ditty. Singing a ditty, you can show the child simple movements, and the baby will repeat after you.

We danced with a friend
Boots are rubber.
The public was watching us
Everyone opened their mouths.

Oh, one more time
We bow down now
Let's start the dance
We will try for you!

We begin to sing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here
We can get lost!

I've grown an inch
And Vitek - by as much as five.
And Lariska got fat,
Don't hug the whole class.

Vanka sits at the gate
mouth wide open,
And people won't understand
Where is the gate, and where is the mouth.

I caught a mouse in a cage
And there he locked it tightly,
After all, without a mouse you can’t assemble
Turnip in the garden.

Rook dreams of spring
And the angler is about carp.
And my little sister
Just about the Barbie doll.

Like my girlfriend
Pierced ears.
She suits the earrings
Well, like Babka-Yozhka.

From girlfriends-laughers
So much noise, ringing
Like a hundred rattles
Even from a million!

Folk songs and nursery rhymes about insects for children


Will it rain or will it be sunny?

If there is sun, then fly

If it rains, sit down!

Only cherry blossoms

A bee flew into the garden.

I've been following her for a long time

She is looking for honey: “Zhu-zhu!”

zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu,

I'm sitting on a branch

I'm sitting on a branch

And the sound "Zh" I repeat.

The bees are buzzing -

They fly into the field.

From the field they go -

They carry honey.

A mosquito sits on an oak tree,

On green leaf.

He sits, plays the horn,

Flies amuses with song.

spring bees,

Wings of gold

What are you sitting

Do you fly into the field?

Al whips you with rain,

Does the sun bake you?

Fly to the high mountains

For green forests

On a round meadow

On an azure flower.


Fly on the cloud

Bring us from the sky

To be in summer

Beans in the garden

In the forest berries, mushrooms,

There is water in the spring,

Wheat in the field.

Here is a small hive.

The bees are there.

The bees hid

And you can't see them.

Here the sun warmed

And the bees fly

Bees fly, they want honey:

Poems by Russian poets about insects for children

E. Moshkovskaya "Ant"

I asked Ant

Came to visit soon.

The ant answered yes!

But now he is busy.

Will build a house

And then he looks

O. Mandelstam "Fly"

"Where have you gone, bitch?"

- Milk, milk.

"Are you okay, old woman?"

- Not easy, not easy.

- You could get out a little.

- I can't, I can't!

I give you a tablespoon

I'll help, I'll help.

You are better than me, poor thing,

Sorry, sorry.

Milk in another cup

Pass over, pass over!

S. Mikhalkov "The bee buzzes - it flies"

The bee buzzes - it flies

To your honey meadow.

Moves, groans,

A beetle is crawling somewhere.

Spiders hanging on a thread

Ants are scurrying

Fireflies ready for the night

Your own lanterns.

Stop! Sit down! bend over

And look under your feet!

Alive - be surprised alive:

They are like you!

S. Mikhalkov "Mosquitoes"

— Mosquitoes! Mosquitoes!

You be so kind

Don't bite me

So many times in broad daylight!

Mosquitoes answered:

We are so good to you

After all, we bite you,

Though to the blood, but loving!

E. Moshkovskaya "Helicopter"

over the cabbage

over the grass

overhead -

over raspberries

dragonfly helicopter...

E. Moshkovskaya "Grasshopper"

He jumped into the road...

And I put my foot

And almost came!

And almost killed me!

How that grasshopper jumped

He's funny! He is alive!

Good thing I noticed!

Good thing he's alive!

E. Moshkovskaya "Song about the Maybug"

I run across the field, and in my hand,

And in my hand is a net.

There is nowhere to hide from me

Not one bug.


Hello, sun-drenched field,

Fresh wind, blue river,

Kindergarten broke free

We caught the Maybug!

Butterflies are different

Some are blue, some are red.

I ran across the field and fell -



How did I overlook this?


I broke my golden net

And went home.


E. Moshkovskaya "Beetle in the pocket"

In the pocket,

At the very depths.

At a depth,

At the very bottom

And he was quite happy. Quite.

It was really good here:

There was little food here.

It was dark and quiet here.

And there he sat

Weak and thin.

so frail

beetle, beetle, beetle

Groped, felt

Hand, hand, hand!

And took out

Under the clouds!

The end, thought the Beetle. —

Now on the ground - knock!

I saw a beetle

Fields... and forest... and meadow...

And it even turned out

What he. was able

What a joy it is!

What a blessing!

And he hummed passionately

He muttered bitterly:

“Oh, it's terrible!

I'm in vain

Sat in the pocket!

E. Moshkovskaya "I love the ant"

I love ants!

how did he climb

through the forest



log and more

one and another

one more thing!

and won't cry

not scary, so

in this thicket...

Sasha Cherny "About bees"

Sweet honey, terribly sweet!

You will lick the whole spoon in an instant ...

Sweeter than melon and sweets

Sweeter than dates and figs!

There is a bee house in the garden -

Everyone calls him Hive.

- Who lives in it? Sweet gnome?

- Bees, dear, live in it.

There are patterned honeycombs,

In the cells - honey, bee labor ...

Cramped, hot... Darkness of work:

Paws are sticking, wings are shaking ...

There is a queen bee

Lays white eggs.

There is always a crowd in front of her

Smart nannies round dance ...

In the tireless bustle

Rummage here and there:

Feed her and wash her

Make porridge for the worms.

In front of the hive on a board

Forever guard on the clock

To the bumblebee through the porch

Didn't rush in.

And around the fluffy carpet

Flowers sway:

Buttercup, clover, cumin seed,

Rain of night blindness...

The bees fly around them -

Those fit, those don't.

Dive quickly into cups

And with prey back to the light ...

There will be a day - the old woman will come,

Quietly the hive will bypass

Raise on the bees rotten

And clear honey will collect ...

Enough for everyone - and for us,

and bees...

Put on tongue:

You suddenly become

like a siskin, cheerful

And healthy as a bull!

Rhymes about insects for children

Eight legs, maybe arms.

Fear, flies, I am ... (spider).

All day buzzing in my ear

Annoying ... (fly).

love warm days

In May, May ... (beetles).

She brought honey to her hive

Striped ... (bee).

Without a job - for the life of me! —

Can't live... (ant).

Looks at us with all eyes.

Bright, smart, big ... (dragonfly).

The mosquito will not miss the chance -

He sits on his hand - ... (bites).

green man -

Rides to us ... (grasshopper).

Woven a comfortable hammock

Between blades of grass ... (spider).

Dragonfly like a helicopter

Departs for ... (flight).