Best congratulations on the wedding from. The best congratulations on the wedding

Congratulations on your legal marriage!
If it happened in your destinies so
Good long years fifty-plus
May this marriage live and grow!
Those who are already not free in actions,
Not like a mischievous wave
It seems that you are very pleased
Together, it's easy for you, it's completely light!
Let the big years not age you,
Stay young again
Multiply and be fruitful - seedlings
Give your great love!

Congratulations on your wedding day,
We sincerely wish you cloudless happiness,
Live in harmony, love each other,
From now on, you are husband and wife.
Let your life flow like a full river
May there never be barriers
Let luck not pass by
May life be sweet and beautiful.

Congratulations, you are one family
You are legally called husband and wife,
And now there are no halves,
Everything has become common, everything is one.
We sincerely congratulate you
We wish you well-being, prosperity,
Live in happiness, do not grieve,
Take care of each other like the apple of your eye.

We are glad to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Happy holiday, family birthday,
Accept congratulations from all friends,
Accept wishes and gifts from all guests.
Let in your friendly family,
A radiant, bright light burns,
We wish you a lot - a lot of happiness,
Love is your advice.

Golden rings already put on
And in the certificate there is a legal seal,
So you want, young spouses,
Wish you all the best on this day.
Always live in harmony
Love each other tenderly, faithfully,
May your life be full of happiness
For this we will drink with pleasure to the bottom.

A dream come true, as you wished
And now the solemn, welcome hour has come,
Loyalty rings today you put on
Congratulations and compliments - for you.
Take care of your love as a shrine,
Keep her from adversity and troubles,
Always keep a true and uniform course,
Don't let happiness ever slip away.

Newlyweds, we congratulate you and wish you happiness,
Let all the troubles and bad weather fly past you,
Let your life flow like a honey river,
May all your plans come true.
Keep love, tenderness, affection,
Don't forget the first meetings
And the chastity rings you put on
Save up until the end.

Today is your wedding, congratulations,
May a lucky star accompany you
May the Lord keep you and give you blessings
On a long journey, for many years.
We wish you good luck, joy, burning,
One big love, but for two,
Health, happiness, cheerfulness, fun,
Prosperity and all the blessings of the earth.

Since childhood, we are all familiar with "Roman",
Where they tried three times
And three times poor Kolobok
We tried to eat breakfast during the day.
But only once our hero
Got on the tooth of a red cheat,
And in memory of the denouement of that
I emphasize: so who is offended
Unhappy? That's right, fox.
After all, the wolf, the bear and that oblique,
What first met - men.
There is a kolobok for no reason.
The fox is a woman. Dangerous
She sings songs near her teeth,
Otherwise, you have to sneak up on her,
To, having sung, to stay alive and well.
Groom! Heed the advice
What is your friend giving you right now?
In order not to become like this shortbread -
Find your wife!

You are sailing on the sea of ​​love
In a boat of bright colors...
Let there be more on your way
Quiet, peaceful ports.
Let the storms of adversity pass you by
Reefs of passion minutes
To be together for a whole year
Seemed no longer than minutes.
Let the winds bypass you,
Envy snow and rain.
So that you are always together
And happiness to go ahead!

Spouses! Everything about this word is great.
Sound and happiness gentle light!
Love every moment, it's not in vain
You met like morning and dawn!
From the bell ringing
Take the freshness of feelings and beauty!
Keep the echo of Mendelssohn's march,
Cherish tenderness, take care of warmth!

Congratulations to the newlyweds
We wish you much happiness.
Husband - obey your wife
And love her alone.
And the wife - to give birth to children.
Nice little kids.
We are waiting for heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
We wish you a beautiful life
Your marriage without marriage should be.
Keep the spirit of love holy
Until the wedding golden.
We want to wish the daughter-in-law:
To always be beautiful
To always be happy
To give birth to many children,
To give birth to some sons.
So that her neck is chiseled,
So that the palm was gilded.
So that she does not sit idle,
Everything she could do.
To be no worse than tomorrow a little light,
Husband seemed old.
To be done and justified
All that today from the heart desired.

Sounds of Mendelssohn's March
Cover you today!
There is no more beautiful couple in the world
The one bound by love!
See how they shine
Their loving eyes
Parents from happiness
A tear runs down my cheek!
Peace to you, goodness and light
We wish today!
May this road of life
Will be done with love!

Remaining faithful to each other
All your life, just pass by,
Not knowing bitter, evil grievances
And a reproachful look.
May the sun always shine on you
And the days will be cloudless.
Never break up
May your hearts love you dearly!

Congratulations to the young! Let's see what?
They even look like each other!
It is easy and simple to distinguish them from the crowd -
One they almost, however, growth!
We put them on the scales not without interest -
One they almost, imagine, weight!
Well, it took them a long time to walk in circles,
Kohl match interests to each other?
Two figures, two walks, two faces
The same as these two rings!

No, imagine, this is not a hoax:
wedding production novel,
Fortunately colleagues, resolved!
Soared in the heat and froze in the cold ...
And with a rationalization proposal, our husband
I decided to turn to a woman!
Our young a hundred times "cheers":
Our couple "went out on the mountain" -
Good, strong and youthful.
We don't know if it's iambic or trochaic,
But you breed children soon,
After all, without them, the state is still weak!

On the day of the wedding, they wish one
And I'll probably repeat myself
Having said: smiles to you without end
And the brightest ups of feelings.
May your life be beautiful
Love is light and deep
And, in every thought, is omnipotent,
And, to gray hair, - strong!

Congratulations on your wedding
We wish you happiness, health, success.
May your family be strong and faithful,
Qualitatively the best and modern.
May you have children
And there was enough love for everyone in the world.
Joy to you, good luck, fun.
Be loved and give yourself to all of us.

There are no happier faces, brighter eyes!
Congratulations on your wedding!
It’s not too lazy to dedicate odes to you
On such a fun bright day!
Looking for each other, walked for a long time,
The road was sometimes difficult -
Two hearts found each other
And that means a lot in life!
Do not lose the smile of your lips, do not lose the light of your eyes,
"I love!" repeat to each other more often
And boredom and trouble will not come to you -
Long years will rush in happiness!

Congratulations, congratulations!
A wedding is the best day of your life!
Sing, dance and have fun
We are not lazy at all now!
We wish the young
Happiness in life is not easy,
To walk together
And before the wedding Golden!
To give birth to children -
Daughters and sons!
For everyone around to say:
"There is no more beautiful couple!"

You found each other
Found happiness in life -
Two engagement rings
Become a symbol of love!
Let now moment by moment
Hearts beat in unison
We still you "Bitter!" let's shout
Fifty years later!

We wish you to live in a good world,
Preferably in your apartment
And so that it sounds for everyone
Not abusive op, but only laughter.
Let in a year - not in seven!
The baby grows to the delight of everyone.
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need
Keeping the fire of love big
Until the wedding golden!
Let it inspire and lead
Love call from year to year.
We wish you so many happy years
How long will the “bitter! » -
One two three four five...
Forty-seven... Do not count!

Beautiful world with great love...
Congratulations on your wedding day!
Smiles, joy, health
We wish you in this bright hour,
Let all friends love cozy,
Hospitable, bright house,
And more every minute
Love and happiness will be in it!

Congratulations on your wedding day!
We wish you family happiness!
Take care of your happiness, friends,
Save it for life!
Admire each other more often
Your days will be sweeter
Forgive each other sincerely,
And your love will be eternal!

Waking up at dawn
From the fact that joy is near,
You will understand that the morning is
Bring love and sweetness.
And congratulations on the wedding -
Like white poplar
Light fluff, which is easier to sing. ,
Lighter than the glances of two loved ones.
For love and lovers
We'll raise a toast to our dreams.
You will be happy today
It will be forever, tomorrow, now.

Deciding to become one fate forever ...
On this day, solemn and important,
We want to wish you great happiness.
May there be only joy in your life
Every dream comes true
And let the hearts, warming with love,
They all fight together forever!

Let adversity not separate you
Sorrows will pass by
May the years be happy -
And be a friendly family!
Congratulations helmet cordial!
To make feelings last forever
Fate brought you together
And gave to each other!

Go the long way
Beautiful, friendly family!
But despite all the hardships
Walk together in a straight line!
Walk side by side in the heat and cold,
And for each other always a wall!
Let the groom become a good husband
The bride will be a faithful wife.

What do you wish?
To live in contentment and honor!
Raise children and bloom near them!
We wish you many years
You met the dawn with a smile,
And so that a child born of love,
It grew in love, not knowing slander.
What do you think - let it come true,
Let all good things be remembered
Let your eyes shine with happiness
Good people will meet in countries.
May love be with you until old age
I wish you only joy.

Love is such a sweet feeling!
She brings happiness to any home.
Life is hard when the heart is empty
Loneliness does not bring peace.
You found each other in the life stream,
They sealed their union with a sincere vow.
Now you stand on the threshold of a new life,
United by the seal of marriage.
We congratulate you! Great solution!
May heaven bless your union!
May your relationship be sunny!
May fate itself favor you!

Flowers gently caress the sun in the fields,
And the wind blows the flowers easily.
So it is with you, with such tenderness of feeling.
It doesn't make me sad to look at you.
Always cheerful, and tactful in life,
May your luck be limitless.
With the birth of the family in this hot summer
I wish you congratulations, and I send you greetings.

Two doves have been looking for each other for a long time,
Finding each other is no joke.
And for a long time the dove walked alone,
And the dove walked alone.
But still leaned towards them with a kind smile
Happy love deity:
Two doves gently coo to each other, -
Intertwined rings celebration.
Let's raise our glasses to
To two doves never
They didn't part with each other.
Long live the young! Bitterly!

Congratulations to the young
Happy wedding day!
And let them be fulfilled
Cherished desires!
The family path is not often smooth -
And everyone needs to remember this:
It is full of insidious mysteries,
And there are many problems along the way!
Learn to yield to each other
Grievances you drive away!
Let your continuation be
Nice son or daughter!
Take good care of each other
Let there be hope in your heart
Live with your loved one for a hundred years
Not knowing bitterness and troubles!
The order is simple, but how much sense!
And now we will tell you "Bitterly!"

You have a nice day today
You connected two destinies,
swore in love and friendship
And in the registry office they sealed it with a signature.
So keep that love
She is holy, strict, perhaps
Love will lead to happiness
And in difficult times will always help.
Much happiness and love
We wish you with all our hearts.
Live happily and amicably
Take what you need in life
And so keeping the holy law
Until the wedding golden.

Young people - advice and love!
And in the dowry - eternal happiness,
So that every day that comes
He radiated warmth to you.
Under the constellation of golden rings
Let love not fade and not grow old!
And the consonance of your hearts
By inheritance, the children will remain!

Praise, praise the newlyweds!
Congratulations to the young!
May luck and good luck
They are expected in life!
Let love inspire them
Tenderness pleases the heart!
Let them not know failure!
Happiness would have no end!

Today your union is sealed forever.
I congratulate you, my dear!
I wish you that, having passed through the years,
They were so young at heart!
And it will be difficult for you at times, but let
Obstacles will not be a hindrance for you,
Let gray sadness knock on you less often,
Let there be more merry laughter.
May your love always be pure
May lies never come between you
May your love not be weakened by the years,
May tender feelings grow stronger over the years!
May you have more kids
Let the house be a full bowl
And you can be sure more than once
That your family will be strong.
Let trouble bypass you
May happiness stay with you forever
And let nothing in this life, never
Doesn't make you enemies.
Let the heart beat and the blood worry,
Let it be, as in the song: Advice and Love!

May this day enter your home,
Into your young life
Like the sun in early spring
And joy will bring great
And never upset anything
Neither you nor your faces
And in your house forever
Forever happiness to settle.
May you remember this moment
May she be sacred!
From now on, you are not just a friend and girlfriend,
From now on, you are husband and wife.

We congratulate you today
We are with the birth of a family!
And on your wedding day we wish you
Strong and big love!
Let her be like a bird
Through life the sky
Crossing all boundaries
Continues its flight!
Don't let her be scared
Thunderstorms of life's problems,
Let her not fall
Clouds in misty captivity.
Let it fly over the earth
So free and easy
Leaving you family
Not for years - for centuries!

Let the experience of great-grandfathers teach you:
Without the good deeds of a lifetime, the price is worthless.
From grains of goodness for the first time
Grow even a handful of grain!
And multiply this handful many times,
And only then - not in a single number -
Bring it back carefully
Plowed, well-groomed land!
May your field be fruitful
For friendly good deeds
And let him never threaten
Weed of hostility, meanness and evil!

I wish you salt and pepper.
In terms of condiments and spices,
So that everyday life does not become insipid,
And you were always interesting.
For the world ... And most importantly, for each other.
New husband and wife.
I wish you a lot of sugar
So that life is sweet, sweet,
And you can honey - only intoxicated,
So that they do not keep evil in their heads.
And, as in the East, I wish you halva,
So that you build a miracle family.

Spouses newly made,
So beautiful and in love
We wish you success
Mutual love, happiness, laughter!
Beautiful days, hot nights...
And many sons and daughters!

Here it is! Rings are on.
March of Mendelssohn sounded for you.
Stars of love - blue planets -
In your honor, a ball was staged in the sky.
Congratulations to you and our bouquets!
Sparks in champagne, crystal glasses!
Sea of ​​azure happiness and light!
Eternal and pure love, like a crystal!

On a wonderful wedding day, a young family
We want to wish happiness with all our heart,
To tell the bride and groom from the heart:
May you have a wonderful life together!
Today your dream came true!
May affection, responsiveness and kindness,
Sincerity and trepidation, tenderness of confessions
Will stay with you for years to come!
Try to agree, keep the harmony,
Be very sensitive, trust in everything
And give joy to each other again and again!
Take care of your marriage! May you live happily ever after!
Let your home be cozy and bright!
Prosperity, health, good luck in everything!

At first sight and forever -
This is just how love should be!
May there be joy, warmth, kindness,
The tenderness of smiles, hugs and words!
Trembling and caress let them be preserved,
Luck will live in your house!
Don't get tired of falling in love with each other
Believe, laugh and give happiness!

Husband and wife are like two totals,
In one result.
Husband and wife are like two streams,
In a single merged stream.
And two rivers - strength, if
In them, the passion for fusion is alive.
And two rivers, merging together,
Millstones are capable of turning.

And let your house be a cup full.
A cup of happiness, a cup of joy!
Let's drink to the swan and the clear falcon!
Glory to their parents!
Dear guests - respect! Bitterly!

We wish you luck in any useful business
And the years did not fly so fast,
So that the head does not hurt from grief,
And the heart never gets old.
We wish you vigor and strength,
So that every day of living together,
It only brought you joy.

We wish you all the brightest days of the year!
We wish you to catch love in your garden!
We wish you to always be only in the first row!
Words of love repeat until old age
To each other, as if delirious!
We wish you a long and prosperous life!
We wish you kids ten people!
We wish to eat not only hake fish,
And the banks of jelly and milk rivers!
We wish you ... Sorry, but already
Full of desires in your luggage!

To the sound of a march that does not fade,
To the laughter of colleagues, relatives, friends,
Everyone congratulates you on your wedding today,
Wishing you many bright, bright days!
And we want you not to be bored
And every night let the sweat shine between you,
So that we can see the baby soon -
Your most important life income!
So that these nights give you affection,
So that the eyes would shine with tenderness,
So that the nights would remind you of a fairy tale,
What your wedding brought you!

You are so charming! Congratulations!
You are no longer a couple, you are a family.
May your happiness be eternal
Friends are always welcome.
Live together, young people,
Advice to you, joy and love.
May your years be golden
Excite the soul, warm the blood.
May your life be richer
For happiness, joy and success,
So that you are always with good luck,
In short, the best!

Today you were connected by one heartbeat,
symbolizing pure love,
So let the feeling of this marriage illuminate your
And also in unison the blood runs through the veins!
Let hearts beat after years
Sing you a song of love and happiness,
We wish you well today.
May life together be wonderful!

Hello dear guests of my blog. Apparently, soon you will be present at the birth of the family of your loved ones or acquaintances. The newlyweds will remember this festive day for the rest of their lives. They will be pleased with your congratulations on your wedding day, and I will offer you the most beautiful and sincere of them, in verse and prose.

I hope you find the coolest poem for your daughter or son, sister or brother, girlfriend or boyfriend, or just your friends. There is something for each of them. Put a piece of your heart into wishes, and they will undoubtedly please a young family.

Let's start with touching beautiful congratulations in verse. Some of them are short, and they can be written on a postcard, others are longer or interesting for their originality and sincerity, and are suitable for a festive toast to newlyweds.

Wearing gold rings
The certificate is stamped...
Well, young spouses,
We wish you on this day?
So that music sounds in the house,
So that it would not be boring together,
Live together, it's interesting
So that there was happiness - the house is full!
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
And only at the wedding, let it be “Bitter!”

Your wedding is just a miracle
Laughter, smiles, joy everywhere!
And champagne - a river,
And gifts - a mountain!
You live like children
The best in the world!
Your friendly family
To be an example to everyone!
Let the house be a full bowl
Full will be your happiness
May luck find you
Bring a lot of kids!

I want to wish just a little:

So that luck settles in him,

You are together - this is already happiness.
How difficult it is to achieve:
Overcome the fate of bad weather,
Sincerely love each other!

Let everything be fine with you
May love not leave you
May every day of living together
Your blood boils with passion.

This day is the happiest:
Two destinies merged into one.
Wedding day - it is long-awaited,
Your life has become brighter.
We wish you many children
Love and loyalty in everything.
And do not judge each other strictly,
Always, everywhere you be together.
To live in wealth in a cozy house,
Where there will be peace and respect.
Happy wedding day to you! From us with love
Please accept these congratulations.

Bride and groom, our dears,
We heartily congratulate you!
Today hundreds of the sweetest, kindest
We send you wishes!
May your life with each other be gentle,
As in a fairy tale bright and beautiful,
And even after more than forty years
You will be a happy couple!
May this day, like a bright holiday,
Will pour joy into your home,
And your life will forever be decorated
Hope, Happiness and Love.
I also want to wish you
Raise good kids
A bunch of girls and guys -
Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten

With all my heart, newlyweds, congratulations
With a wonderful, the best day in life!
We sincerely wish you well-being,
Good health and joy in everything!
Surround each other with tenderness and affection,
Let the honeymoon last as long as possible
Be faithful, never part
Let any dream come true!
Create a reliable and strong family,
In harmony, live in harmony for many years!
Protect your sacred union together
And be happy! Love to you and advice!

Congratulations to the newlyweds
Love, we wish you consent.
Rich, beautiful life
Be able to read each other's minds.
So that love does not pass over the years,
So that tenderness remains with you,
So that there is happiness, and only
Well, now, guys: "Bitter!"

Let everything be fine in the family
And in the soul it is always gratifying.
May they always accompany you
Happiness, smile, kindness!
And so that feelings are at their zenith,
To keep the soul alive
you talk to each other
About love always words!

Big road, not a trail
You go hand in hand.
And let the walk be easy
And fewer pebbles along the way.
Breathe with joy
And if trouble suddenly happens,
You split it in half
It's easier to deal with then.
And life will give you a reward
From flesh flesh from blood blood
Living joy and joy:
You in children repeat again!

The wedding day is the most important holiday
The wedding day is the birthday of the family,
You met each other once,
And the spark of love lit up brightly.
I wish you that it never goes out,
And only shone stronger every day,
So that family life is beautiful,
May there be a lot of happiness in her!
Today is the happiest day
And you, so beautiful, sweet,
Stand by the altar,
With a loving look,
We wish you this holiday
That the days always seemed different!
So that your house is full of happiness,
So that the children rejoice in it!

We hasten to congratulate the young
With the loss of the status of "free".
Now our enviable fiance
One bride is only worthy!
Yes, and the bride, becoming a wife,
Only a husband will admire
Therefore, we wish you
Fall in love with each other again and again!

On this holiday of happiness and love
I want to wish just a little:
So that, in spite of all obstacles,
Joy has always found its way to you.
So that your house is a full bowl,
To live comfortably and comfortably
So that luck settles in him,
To make children's laughter sound fervently.
I wish you to keep feelings
Just multiply them over the years,
Live happily and long together
Charging with common dreams.

When people meet each other
And the soul freezes inside
Behind them appear
Weightless wings of love.
All lovers are kept from falling.
Weaved like an openwork thread.
It is very important to be patient
Keep these wings forever.
I wish you peace and joy
For your life to be long
And let them tremble without fatigue
Behind the back are two light wings.

For you young people
Golden days
Always and everywhere will bloom
To be more memorable
Those days are precious
When you are called family.
Live in harmony.
Love each other
May life be full of happiness
Keep tenderness
Raise kids -
For this we will drink to the bottom.
So that young life
Live not in vain
To have something to remember
We wish you a wedding
Your golden
Celebrate with a big family!

We wish the husband and wife
They did not know another joy,
How to love one another.
So that the wife is wise,
Yes, and a good hostess.
And the husband to be the head of the family,
To value his wife
So that, like behind a stone wall
The wife felt herself.
May the beginning be successful
And then - happiness without end,
How infinite are the two rings!

Short congratulations on your wedding day in verse

Such short wedding greetings are perfect for postcards, sms or telephone greetings.

Young people, congratulations!
I sincerely wish you happiness!
May your union be strong
Also, healthy kids.
Newlyweds, I wish you
I am only happiness in my personal life,
May all wishes come true
And everything will be, always excellent!

Today you have become one family,
With one love, one soul,
We wish you happiness, we wish you love,
All your life so that you can save all this!

We tell you from the bottom of our hearts
You are the best couple in the world!
We wish you all the best in life,
Wealth, happiness and warmth!
May your family, warmed by love,
Will always be reliable and strong!

So that in a friendly family
There was the brightest light.
We wish you only happiness
Love to you and advice!

What could be more beautiful in life?
Her hand is in his.
The fire of love shall not be extinguished
In your family hearth.

Be happy, take care of each other!
Carry your love through the years!
Live as a friendly family
So that we can walk at the golden wedding!

swan fidelity,
Warmth and tenderness
Every day - patience,
In marriage, respect.
Sweets only for you!
And on the wedding day: "Bitter!"

Glory, glory to the newlyweds!
Honor and glory to the young!
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish them!
Let love inspire them
Friendship makes hearts happy.
Let the dream know no barriers
There will be happiness without end!

You are the best couple, you are simply beautiful,
You definitely deserve to live happily!
After all, the greatest joy in the world -
Sincerely, tenderly love someone

Keep, appreciate, love each other,
From now on you become husband and wife,
Let the star of happiness lead you through life,
Grace in the family so that she saves!

We want to wish you
smile more often
And into each other every day
fall in love again
Always share equally
Joy, worries
And add some strength
Work storks!

I wish you a happy life
Respect and appreciate each other.
Love, good understanding to you
And the warmest wishes.

The long-awaited day has come -
You are now married.
The path strengthens your union!
Good luck guys!

Congratulations to the newlyweds
We wish them love and happiness
Husband - obey your wife
And love her alone.
And the wife - to give birth to children,
Dear glorious little rascals!

Congratulations from parents on the wedding

Parents are the first to receive parting words and wishes for the newlyweds. Your words are very important and create a special touching atmosphere of the holiday. I offer you different options on behalf of the mother-in-law and mother-in-law, beautiful, touching to tears and funny congratulations.

Hearty congratulations!
May happiness always accompany you!
Parental blessing to you -
On a long journey, for many years!
May every day of your life together
Brings you joy and love and light.
May life always be a full cup for you,
So that you do not know sorrows and troubles!
To each other you are now responsible
For every step, for every breath and look;
For happiness, for love, for everything in the world -
Let your days fly in harmony!
Hold on, children, firmly for each other:
When not apart, when always together,
Then the wind, and frost, and blizzard
Both evil and hail will be nothing to you!

I only had a daughter
And now I'm with my son.
Husband's daughter got -
I got rich as a kid.
Since I am your wife's mother,
You will call mom.
Mother-in-law is a joke
And don't get lost with me.
I don't want to disturb you
So, I'm just going to have some tea.
And you will give birth to a baby -
You yourself will come running with a bow.
Live in harmony with each other
I'll help you if you need it."
But remember forever:
Im free person.
I dreamed of giving my daughter -
Only a good son-in-law would be
And I'll go for a walk
To catch up with youth.

Dear newlyweds...!
On this solemn and festive day
Congratulations on your wedding day.
Happy combination of loving hearts,
Families of Creation!
With all our hearts we wish you joy and happiness.
May you be spared from misfortune.
May cherished dreams come true
Stored in cozy corners of love.
And the song of goodness, mutual understanding and peace
Let the beautiful lyre play for you in spring.
And green leaves will form
In Two wedding gold rings.
Natural picture with the wind will scatter
But yours - let it last forever
In the Constellation of good luck and warmth,
Prosperity, hope and fiery love.
You yourself are the masters of the universe
Your Destiny; single and sacred.
And remember this to the end
Filling your hearts with love.
Smiles meeting day after day.
Patience in response to insults.
And the emergence of new life
Let the long-awaited continuation be
The union of two beautiful souls.
Let your husband be your protector.
The wife is a reliable strong rear.
And so that good things never pass.
Live bathed in gold
Pouring sweet champagne.
And keeping mutual loyalty
Do not lose love through the years.

Congratulations my children
Happy this day of your fabulous wedding,
I wish you happiness, love,
What more could I wish for you?!
As a daughter-in-law I will separately say
You will become our daughter now,
I love you with all my heart
I know you can't fool your son!
My son fell in love forever
And I wish you both happiness
You are very good as a daughter-in-law,
You are like a ray of sunshine in the midst of bad weather,
For my son always shine,
Don't betray, always be together
And just expect good from me
I'm really happy for you both!
I am proud of my son
I have a daughter now!
How can you not like
Such a beauty!

If you have silence yes okay,
Who wouldn't be happy with that?
I wish you to live lovingly
So that your family grows.
Happy wedding day my daughter
Ah, how the white radiance suits you,
Now you have your own family
We made a promise to each other!
Live together, appreciate every moment,
Give tenderness, appreciate respect,
May your marriage develop like the most folding verse,
Love to you, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, inspiration!
You are like a princess in the most wonderful fairy tale,
Daughter, I congratulate you
Live together, giving each other caresses,
Now you are married, now one family!
And I believe that you will be together
For many more years
As in the brightest, most romantic song,
May love be with you forever!

Dear our children! We heartily congratulate you on your wedding day! We are very glad that together with your family we have new relatives. We hope that you young people will show us by your example how different generations, different families can live together. We wish you to create such a family where everyone will love each other, where everyone will protect and take care of each other. We see how much you love each other, how much tenderness you have. We see how much light and goodness you radiate. And we wish you that your family was really a family in its original sense: SEVEN-I - mom, dad and five children. We wish you so much joy and warmth, so that there are plenty of them in your family, and enough for your relatives and friends!

Wedding congratulations in prose

Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words, in prose, sound more convincing and natural. It is not always enough skill to combine all the wonderful words that you want to pronounce into a beautiful wish. I will give you some ready-made options for you.

And you can already change them by adding something of your own, or by combining with each other. The most important thing is that congratulations come from your heart, and then they will sound solemn and sincere.

If you have known the bride or groom for a long time, you can tell some interesting fact from their life that is applicable to this moment. For example, how many children did the bride dream of at 7 years old, and what names did she prepare for them, or what kind of chosen one did the groom talk about at 16 years old.

Show a little ingenuity, strain your memory and half the battle, that is, the toast is already ready. And look for inspiration for the second half in the proposed options.

A fabulous wedding to you and a sweet life together, dear newlyweds! Enjoy every day of joint happiness, appreciate each other and do not let your family hearth go out!

Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I want to wish you to love, respect and protect each other. Let your family life be as bright, cheerful, happy, full of positive emotions as your wedding day. I wish you family comfort, warmth, joy, care and, of course, children!
Our dear loved ones! You are now married, you are starting a big, bright road of great love for each other. We wish you from the bottom of our hearts to live as a strong, friendly family, so that you have children, so that there is endless happiness, comfort, positive atmosphere and good mood in the house. So that there are many pleasant emotions and impressions, joyful moments and days. Your love has always served as an example for all, it is very sincere, hot, sensitive, affectionate. Never let go of this feeling, take care of each other, walk your life path in harmony, understanding, live with dignity all the trials that you will face. We wish harmony, joy, so that your marriage is without marriage! Be faithful, love, live happily!

Congratulations! The wedding day is not only the date of marriage, but also the beginning of the development of new professions: the builder of a cozy nest, the cook who prepares delicious and healthy food, the supplier, the psychologist who knows how to find the necessary compromises in life, and the most important vacancy - the parents of mischievous kids ! And we hope that you will cope with all of them perfectly!

On this special day, and most importantly, that it is yours, I would like to wish you eternal and strong love, a warm family hearth, a friendly and strong family, keep the thrill of the first meetings in your hearts and go through this long and difficult life path hand in hand with each other. friend. Advice to you and love!

I am honored to be a bridesmaid to such a wonderful couple! My dear friends, congratulations! The wedding is wonderful, you are very beautiful and happy, the atmosphere is magnetized by your smiles and charged with positive. I will be glad to come to visit you, to your cozy family nest. And, of course, be godmother to your baby.

In family life we ​​wish you happiness, love and harmony! Holy keep this date, be there on weekdays and holidays, live together, support each other in everything, and let it be bitter for you only at the wedding! We wish you to live in abundance, may your house be strong and bright! Children you raise healthy, smart, funny. Be a good example for them! Keep love, because only then the family will be strong and reliable!

Friends, let's congratulate the young people together! May the eyes of the bride always shine with happiness, may there be only love, tenderness and warmth in her heart. Let the groom be a reliable protector for the family, let no bad news, bad weather, troubles touch your family, let nothing overshadow your family happiness. For you!

On your wedding day, you want to drown in a sea of ​​tenderness and love. Your hands hold each other so tightly that the whole world bows before you! I wish you to carry this tenderness in your hearts through your whole life together and conquer all difficulties with common efforts! Before such a deep love, no dream can resist - it simply must come true!

Newlyweds, love each other, respect, keep your feeling like a shrine! May your eyes shine as brightly in fifty years as they do today. May your home be full of children's laughter, joy, kindness and prosperity. Live soul to soul, appreciate every minute spent together. Happiness to you for many years!

So your mutual dream came true - the two halves became one. We wish you to become each other's guiding star, reliable shoulder, affectionate critic and wise adviser for the rest of your long married life. Let all paths lead you to your home, because, as you know, only the one who is happy in the circle of his family is truly happy.

Congratulations dears. I want to wish you a long and happy life together, peace in the family and outside the window, joy in your hearts and on your faces. Love hard, dream beautifully, live luxuriously and always support each other!

Dear bride and groom! Today you have become husband and wife and firmly united your destinies into one. You have become the closest people, and now you will overcome all joys and hardships shoulder to shoulder. May the thread with which you connected your life paths today not only never break, but grow stronger year by year, turning into a strong rope, and the rope into a family rope! Happiness to your home and new family born in these moments! Let children's laughter soon ring in your home! Be healthy, be happy!

Dear newlyweds, I want to wish you patience and love to keep everything wonderful in your relationship. And also inspiration and strength to make them brighter with each new day and, waking up in the morning, know for sure that you are grateful to fate that you have each other.

On your wedding day, I would like to wish that you love each other, as at the first meeting. Appreciate, respect your created family. So that life gives you a lot of joy, children's laughter and financial well-being!
Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations on this important life step that you have consciously decided to take! Know that life is a series of happy and bad days. And only on you, on your patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support, the happiness, well-being and longevity of your family depends! Take care of her, take care of your feelings and let there be as few cloudy days as possible. Let the little things of family life not overshadow passion and love! Advice to you and Love!

I want to say a few words about our bride. Look at our beauty in a wonderful snow-white outfit - she miraculously combines "bride", "spouse" and future "mother", which means femininity, love and self-sacrifice. Today she glows with happiness, and the fire of love burns in her eyes. So let this luminous light burn in her eyes all her life, let the hardships of family life and tears of sorrow not extinguish it, let her heart be filled with goodness and passion, and let her hand rest firmly on her husband’s hand all her life! For a young wife!

We wish your new home: if the land is arable, if the news is good, if the tree is fruit, if the rain is strong, if the daughter is beautiful, if the flower is fragrant, if the son is powerful, if the friend - that is true!
Happiness to you and prosperity!

I want to congratulate this lovely couple on the main event in their life together. I would like to wish sincerity in communicating with each other, so that understanding and respect become the main law in the family. Financial prosperity, a long and happy journey together, and there are so many children that the neighbors take out a calculator when counting.

Our dear newlyweds. Let me congratulate you on your legal marriage! And wish you to sincerely love, respect, appreciate and protect each other. May your family grow and multiply: sons and daughters. Be faithful, strengthen feelings, save money. Have a prosperous life, great happiness and long years together. Bitterly!

Friends! They say about the family: “The husband is the ship, and the wife is the helm of the ship!” And today we want to wish you an easy navigation on the sea of ​​life, without storms and with a fair wind! We wish that your ship moored to the shores of Love, washed by the waves of the ocean of Tranquility, driven by the winds of Prosperity and always sailed through life under the flag of Family Happiness!

You are glowing with happiness today, it is so pleasant to look at you that it is obvious to everyone present that you are the happiest couple! And we are all very happy for you! Let the sparkle in the eyes and in the heart of tenderness not go out in a year, and after many years, let the family hearth burn and give warmth to loved ones and relatives. May good luck accompany you in life!

Young! Today you have taken a step into a life together! I wish you to remember this moment for a long time, so that you remember the joy and delight of today for many, many years. I wish you to find the right path - let love and prosperity. Look for your way to happiness and, having found it, manage not to turn off!

On the day of the wedding celebration, I want to wish a young couple happiness in family life! Let the years not extinguish your mutual interest, but only help you get to know your spouse better, discover new, better sides in him! Let your union be, first of all, the union of love, fidelity and once again love!
I literally flooded you with all sorts of congratulations on your wedding day on behalf of anyone. I really hope that you have decided what you want, in verse or prose. I wish happiness to the newlyweds, and you have a great mood on their holiday!

See you soon, Anastasia Smolinets

Congratulations on your wedding!
"Bitterly!" I will shout to you
Very important with a kiss
Start family life!
So that you love each other
I want to wish you
So that difficulties do not know
To go shoulder to shoulder!
I wish cool kids
Both girls and boys
wonderful work,
Lots of money and friends!

The union is sealed and the hearts are sealed.
The fate of you, now, firmly married.
So be happy to the end
How happy you are from the very beginning!
May there be fewer disputes in your marriage.
More love and understanding!
Let the insidious apple of discord
Will not become the center of your attention!
Let everything be: a house is built and a forest planted.
And in that house, let there be children's laughter!
Let the union be harmonious, harmonious.
And you are an example of a loving couple for everyone!

Dear newlyweds! So many congratulations and toasts have already been uttered in your honor. You wished consent, mutual understanding and love. And I want to wish your family never to know feelings of jealousy, so that it, like a worm, does not undermine your strong relationship!

Beautiful world with great love ...
Congratulations on your wedding day!
Smiles, joy, health
I wish you in this bright hour!
Wearing gold rings
The certificate is stamped...
Well, young spouses,
May I wish you this day?
So that music sounds in the house,
So that it would not be boring together,
Live together, it's interesting
So that there is happiness - the house is full!

You are insanely beautiful now
In a fit of enthusiastic feelings, spouses!
The lights that shine from your happy eyes,
Perhaps you can burn everything in the area.
And try not to lose this ardor forever,
Keep in your hearts carefully, securely.
Patience to you, the ability to always forgive, understand,
Handle with love with care.
Well, what are you, young husband, kiss your wife, don't stop!
Yes, so that we could lose count!
And let before your wedding, which is marked with gold,
The honeymoon lasts tirelessly!

Dear newlyweds! God bless your union and inviolability of marriage bonds! May love bring you joy and satisfaction! Become not only lovers, but also friends and associates. Take care of each other and appreciate what you once found under heaven - your great feeling!

Congratulations on your wedding day!
The most important day in life.
Let love not fade away
And the eyes are on fire.
Always live in joy
You are now one family!
And take care of each other
Gently, tenderly, lovingly.
Don't lose your feelings
Because of all the little things.
Remember, more important than happiness
There are no more things in the world!
May God send you patience
It will save you from change.
And a happy long marriage
Lovingly bless you.

with marriage,
I congratulate
Be you happy
You are one family!
Joy, good luck,
Life to you without troubles,
On the family path
Let the light shine!
I still wish you
Life without problems
magic, patience,
And not to know dilemmas!

May none of you break that oath,
What wedding rings remember two rings,
Let your souls become inseparable
And happy hearts beat in harmony!
May your days be blessed
To build happiness firmly, and not to steal,
And thoughts are pure and frank:
Get together - forever, and love - so relish!
Welcoming bonds of heart,
Find a shorter and more weighty words -
Parental blessing to you,
For life for all - advice to you and love!

On this joyful and touching day, I want to congratulate you, dear newlyweds, on the union of destinies. As two streams converge into one river, so today you have chosen a single course for yourself. So let the river of your life be clean, the water in it be clear, the channel deep, and the content rich. May there never be pitfalls in your life, but only hot geysers of your feelings. Be inseparable, live in love and prosperity, take care of each other and give birth to wonderful children. Let every moment of your life be sweet, and only today we will shout to you: "Bitter!".

What a beautiful bride! What a stately groom!
All words of congratulations for you only two!
This wedding is not more luxurious and joyful,
She eclipsed the white light with her beauty.
Let the heart beat stronger with happiness,
Heaven will pour grace on this day,
May this holiday continue for many more years!
Take care of each other! Love and advice!

A couple was born today
Which is still very, very young.
So let the time be wasted
So that you can drink life completely, to the bottom.
I also wish you wisdom and patience.
They'll do a good job.
And to the half - only with a good mood
Always go, still with love, friendship.
May it be everything that you so dreamed of
And let the insidious, formidable life not break you.
Do not know troubles for you, sorrows, sorrows.
And let the angel keep your family.

We congratulate you on your wedding,
We wish you mutual love
Live long, always happy
So that trouble does not concern you!
Keep your feelings for a long time
Rejoice together with delight
Try to live in love and affection,
In a family, heavenly, wonderful fairy tale.
Do not quarrel and do not be rude to each other,
Take care of your love
Live together for many years
Not knowing tears and bitter troubles!

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on the great day in your life - your wedding day. We sincerely wish you to embark on the path of family life with joy and love, and keep these amazing feelings forever. May family happiness be endless, like a golden ring - without beginning or end! And if there are obstacles on the way to it, just hold hands tighter! We wish you to become the most successful and understanding married couple on this planet!

In honor of your wedding - congratulations and toasts,
For you - a banquet and petals of beautiful roses,
Motorcade of cars and dressed up guests,
And traces of happy tears shine in the eyes.
May there be joy and fun in your life,
The worries of everyday life will not overshadow love.
May amazing, bright moments
They give you tenderness and excite the heart again.
Let adversity dissolve in kisses,
The cold leaves from the embrace of warm hands.
We wish you feelings to carry through the years,
And may you never be apart!

You've been waiting for this day for a long time
They beat in unison of the heart.
Congratulations on your wedding -
You are wearing two rings.
To always be one
That's the priority in fate.
I want to live in understanding
Drive cold troubles out of the house.
May the family be rich
On the smiles, laughter of children,
Every day let it be together
You just have more fun.

Today you stand at the threshold
And the road runs straight into the distance.
From now on, you will walk along it together,
And things happen along the way...
So let it be clear every day
And the shadow will not touch you,
Let love protect you on the road,
It removes troubles and worries from you.
Respect each other, try to protect,
Do not be offended by stupid trifles.
Learn to appreciate the main thing in each other -
No wonder you are now called "spouses".

Dear newlyweds, we wish you happiness! And let it be as much as you can handle. Before the wedding, you had a time of falling in love, which from today begins to gradually develop into a time of love. Let your youth, beauty, energy help you easily go through life, go hand in hand, always together, always supporting each other. And let your love be like the sun, bright like a diamond, strong like sakura, beautiful. After all, you are so wonderful, in love and happy today! Happiness to you!

Happy wedding day, I congratulate you
I wish you pure love
More money, less arguments
Do not listen to strangers' conversations.
Live the way you want
And you don't look at others.
Husband, love your wife
Fulfill her wishes
Wife cook meals for husband
And then you deserve a kiss
Don't annoy each other
And you meet old age together!

New family birthday
The most important joint holiday.
Take care of each other along the way
Let it be thorny, but clear!
There are no easy roads
We wish you understanding.
May God keep, protect you,
Cherish your attention!
Happiness, many bright days
And love, and all the blessings of the earth.
You are a family, cherish it,
A talisman of golden rings!

The union of two hearts
Great holiday of the young,
In love stepped down the aisle!
We wish you all earthly blessings!
We wish that all moments,
They were full of joy!
And happiness, joy, admiration,
Accompanied on the way!
Eyes shone and laughed!
May trouble go around your house!
Love forever enjoyed
Two hearts side by side always!

May the gentle sun always shine over your home! And if clouds suddenly appear, your big and strong love will part them with your hands! Let there be no equal to you in patience and understanding of each other. I wish that you do not get tired of cultivating the family field of love, carefully keep your feelings from envious and unkind looks! Let there be prosperity in the house, and inexhaustible tenderness for each other and your children in our hearts!

We want to wish the bride and groom
So that they are always and in everything together.
Take care of love, save it,
Carry through life together.
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
And only at the wedding it will be empty for you "Bitter!"

That's how it turned out for you, too.
She fell madly in love without dreaming.
He saw her, and understood: "I'm getting married"
And I will achieve her heart one hundred percent.

To forgive all insults and quarrels to forgive.
Surprise yourself and your friends more often.
To live happily and with great passion,
Not daring to lose attraction to each other.

We wish you happiness without sadness

Be serious
Look, my friend, don't forget.
That you are already a husband - the head of the family,
Be caring, love your wife.

To live with love,
Got cute kids.

Today you are a happy couple
Two destinies you have linked into one.
From Love you drank a decoction,
Let spring into your souls.

Keep your house in order, yourself,
Trust me, he will appreciate you.
We wish dear, young,
Now for family and friends

We wish that there were no mistakes in life,
So that children bloom like daisies in a field.
We wish you great happiness
Light, joyful and expensive!

Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you love and happiness
mutual understanding,
Wealth, prosperity.
You go through life together.
Raise and love children.
Take care of each other very much.
And if you stumble sometimes,
Shoulder substitute let the other.
And even in old age
Live without old age.

We wish so much
What can't be counted
Happiness, the biggest,
What is in the world.

To not leave you
Joy never
And love accompanied
All subsequent years!

I wish you on your marriage
There was a "Quality Mark" big!
To bring love you torch
Before your wedding "Golden".

I wish you eternal burning
One love, but for two,
Health, Vigor, Patience
And all the joys of the earth.

You are already a wife
You need a smart head.
Try, put your hands on
Create a family hearth.

Let there be no reason for quarrels
In love and consent, live to the point of wrinkles.
And if a quarrel inadvertently breaks out,
Let the reconciliation end soon.

Let it always beat in unison
Your pair of loving hearts.
And merge into a great luminary
Reflection of two wedding rings.

Today you got married
For you - a happy day in the world!
Since you lit the beacon of love,
May it shine on you for the rest of your life!

Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on chastity rings
Flowers and music - for you!

Walk side by side, side by side,
Beautiful strong family.
Let it not be an easy road,
But definitely straight!

To be near in the heat and cold,
For the honor of the family to stand as a wall,
So that the groom is a good husband,
The bride is a glorious wife!

Dear _______ and _______!
Congratulations on your legal marriage!
Let me say from the bottom of my heart
Give you friendly advice.

Become each other's support
Happiness and part of one.
Grief, sorrows and blizzards
Let them fly by.

May it last for years
Gentle strong feeling.
Together in love and adversity -
This family art!

Remaining faithful to each other
All your life, just pass by,
Not knowing bitter, evil grievances
And a reproachful look.

May the sun always shine on you
And the days will be cloudless.
Never break up
May your hearts love you dearly!

Let's raise our full glasses
At our wedding table.
And, as expected, first
Let's make a toast in honor of the young.

With all our hearts we wish them
Like they did for a long time
So that their love is strong,
Like this good wine;

So that life is their full cup,
From which happiness does not subside,
So that the groom and our bride
Live together in love for a hundred years!

May your union, born today,
Warms the warmth of your souls,
Let this flame never cool down
Among worldly blizzards and cold.

Be happy, dearly loved,
So that your house is full of friends,
May all wishes come true
Yours will be now and then.

We wish you sunshine and light,
Smiled to life again and again.
Only lovers are given all this,
So long live love forever!

May there be many congratulations
Flowers, gifts and attention!
Now you have one way
Love, kindness and understanding!

The world is waiting for you bright, bright, new,
Without grief and without trouble,
And a fabulously honey moon,
And a sweet life for many years!

All together, together, in half -
Holy law of family ties!
May only happiness give you
Blessed is your union!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on the occasion,
With the most important and beautiful day in life!
In the whole world they were able to find each other,
And the dream came true, because you are now spouses!

May every minute give you joy
And love will only get stronger with age
Lad, try to protect the harmony in the family
And more often in tender feelings confess!

May dreams always come true
And your sacred union is kept by fate,
Let prosperity await you in everything,
We wish you to live very happily together!

Congratulations to the newlyweds
We wish them love and happiness
Husband - obey your wife
And love her alone
And the wife - to give birth to children,
Dear, glorious rascals!
We are waiting for heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
And we also wish you
To be young forever
Us for a golden wedding
Don't forget to invite.

Congratulations to the young and wish you happiness,
Let all misfortunes pass in your life.
Let the honey river, your life flows,
And as a young month, your son will be born!
Daughter to you, like a poppy color, consolation to mom.
Well, how many will be all, you decide for yourself.

Glory, glory to the newlyweds,
Honor and glory to the young!
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish them.

Live happily and amicably

Live in harmony.
Love each other
So that life is full of happiness.
Raise the kids
Keep faithfulness
Let's drink to the bottom of all this!
For you young ones the palaces are blue
In all cities they create
So that those golden days were more memorable
When they call you family!

We wish you happiness without sadness
We wish that friends do not upset,
So that pain and grief do not meet in life,
And the joy in life did not end!
May there be springs among winters and summers,
Let there be a lot of light
And let all your plans come true -
After all, it was worth getting married for!

We wish you great luck
To make your life richer
So that you have success in everything,
May you all live happily ever after!

Even though I don't go to the wedding,
But I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life
Love keeping the holy law
Until the wedding golden.

What is planned, let it come true
All good things - let them be remembered.
Let love shine in your heart
Good people will meet in life
Let love be old
We wish you only joy.

We wish the newlyweds
At this wedding table
Bloom all my life in happy May,
Walk the same path for the rest of your life.

Everything became the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on chastity rings
Flowers and music for you.
Live together, do not distort,
Keep the right path in life
Save the holy love
Don't let happiness slip away!

Congratulations on your wedding lovers!
With the triumph of your winged souls.
Equip life without swearing,
Falling in love more and more every year!

Blessings, peace, health in excess.
You two and, of course, the kids!
To be close, like earth and water.
How to love you always on your wedding day!

Ancient legends, songs and toasts,
Wedding rings are the crown of your feelings.
The word "marriage", included in strict GOSTs,
It acquires a different meaning: a union, a house that is not empty,

Prudence, fidelity, love, happiness, children.
Now the “marriage” sounded differently!
Accept congratulations on your wedding and believe
That the family is not a ship, but a reliable pier!

According to the old canons,
Let's say to the newlyweds:
Hospitable and honey
New life for your family!

We wish you in a separate nest,
Bathe in transcendental happiness.
Remember your wedding day
With joy and jubilation!

Two young souls linked one life.
And they crowned fate with a gold ring.
From earth to heaven and to distant stars,
Wedding ringing is heard, glorifying the lovers.

Congratulations to the young! May you live happily ever after!
Peace in the house, happiness in the soul, fire of passion in the blood!
Meet this wedding for you, Golden Anniversary:
Young lovers! Husband and wife!

Wide wedding, surprising the world,
You are entering family life today.
Fate luxurious and rich, like a feast,
May the grace of the Lord not leave!

You will give birth to a beautiful son and daughter.
Then they have beautiful brothers and sisters!
In harmony, prosperity, prosperity to live,
Before the wedding, gold, crown, red!

Behind the wedding march they heard “Bitter!”
In the eyes of the light of love, on the lips a kiss.
Groom, courted the bride steadfastly?
Now take care of your wife, and pamper!

Bride, as pure as an angel in heaven!
Now you are “following your husband”, you go only with him.
Congratulations on your wedding to the most famous:
“Advice and love”, wishing the young!

Your hearts merged in a single sound,
You swore an oath of allegiance by sealing the seal.
From now on, the groom is appointed to be the master,
The bride - the lady is destined to become.

All the lines and points converged at the fates of the two.
Congratulations on the birth of your family!
So that children will be your joy: sons and daughters.
And you saved your fiery feelings for centuries!

The mischievous cupid chose the day, the moment and the hour,
So love was born - a precious diamond.
You kept her, a gift from Cupid's arrows,
And today Mendelssohn's march sounds loud.

We will glorify the bride and groom from the bottom of our hearts!
And with love triumph - congratulations on a magnificent wedding!
Live in wealth and happiness, under your roof,
Let the hearth not cool down from the cold of winters!

Will be: strong union, eternal passion, grace,
So that the husband hurries home - kiss his wife,
So that everything goes smoothly in your family.
"Bitterly!" we will shout for you to live sweeter!

Young spouses have been together for many years.
For the groom - fortune, happiness in the house - for the bride.
May the bonds of Hymen be stronger.
To live in a family and together, and getting drunk from love.

Glitter wedding gold rings
You sealed the feelings of your two hearts.
Remain in harmony, value each other,
But something "Bitter!" became, spouses, sweeten!

The wedding will sing and take a walk.
And the first month of life seems honey,
But the first snowflakes are flashing.
And the first thunderstorms rumble again.

You have a lot to learn
Forgive, start from scratch, keep silent in response
Advice with love, will not rush to the house.
You need to create it with respect and tenderness!

Blessed by the hand of fate
Inspired by love
Your marriage union has come to an end.
And you - in captivity of family ties.

The road to you is one in life,
And you walk on it with God
From a wedding towel
A year later, in the hand - a hand.

Before you is the kingdom of Hymen,
His cares and concerns
Now fill your days
May they be happy!

I wish you much happiness
Live in peace and harmony
So that the house is full of children,
And there was no need for anything.

We to you, young spouses,
We wish you happiness and good.
May the path be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
Don't forget the first meeting.
And the rings that they took in their hands,
Save up until the end.
We wish you a beautiful life
Your marriage without marriage should be.

Happy wedding, newlyweds!
Love to you, tenderness, warmth.
I want you to be happy
And life only brought joy to you.

I wish you healthy children
Help each other in everything
More new impressions
Appreciate each other, respect.

We wish you, the bride and groom:
Let life be interesting
Let there be many impressions
And right decisions.

Dear newlyweds, bride and groom. As you know, life is an interweaving of sunny and cloudy days, alternation of white and black stripes. The happiness and well-being of your life will depend on your consent and wisdom, the ability to find compromises and steadfastly endure life's difficulties. Let everyday little things and trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - love and happiness! As one wise man said: “There are many who seek in life, but it is difficult to find those who find it.” Today you are the happiest because you have found each other. May your family hearth always illuminate your life with the warmth of joy, love and happiness! rating: 39 ↓

Our dear ones, today you are so beautiful that the soul rejoices when looking at you. May your life be as beautiful as you are today, and feelings be timeless. Let passion and tenderness always reign in your relationship. Always be attentive to each other, forgive weaknesses, be quick-witted and treat any situation with humor! Good luck to you, our dear ones, and always remain the happiest! 43 ↓

With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Let your family nest be warm and cozy, let the stork visit it so that your family grows, so that there is something to strive for and something to be proud of! Live like two swans, swan love to you, swan fidelity, lightness, positive and happiness! 39 ↓

Our dear bride and groom, I congratulate you on your wedding day and I want to wish you happiness as real as your love. Be devoted to each other, take any difficulties and worries lightly, try to turn even a weekday into a holiday. Remember that if understanding, happiness and love reign in the house, then even the most ordinary life is filled with joy, light and kindness. Happiness to you, dear newlyweds, always remain the same beautiful and wonderful couple! 38 ↓

Dear newlyweds! May your family life always be happy! May your home always be the most comfortable and reliable place in your life for you. Let your love bloom and grow stronger! I wish you to walk through life always nearby, hand in hand. Let the husband not forget that his wife always needs help, so that there is always a happy smile on her lips, so that the joyful sparkle of her eyes does not disappear. Let the wife not forget that it is up to her to create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort, love and mutual understanding in the house, so that the husband always hurries home knowing that his beloved and only one is waiting there. Good luck to you, our dear ones. May you live happily ever after! 39 ↓

Our dear newlyweds, today you have lit your star of hope and dreams. Let its bright light illuminate the happy path of your life. Let your rings be a real talisman of prosperity and well-being. Keep tenderness, love and affection in your hearts, protect your feelings from adversity, keep the right path in life and do not let your happiness slip away. May only joy be in your life, may your dreams come true and your hearts, warmed by love, beat in unison. I wish that everyone around only envied your relationship! 40 ↓

On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​happiness and wide rivers of kindness! And if it suddenly happens that the ocean of love disappears, the sea of ​​happiness becomes shallow, and the river of goodness turns into a small stream - may you have a pure and deep lake of hope. And may hope, faith, love and wisdom always be your companions, helping not to turn life into a routine. May your every day be filled with joy, fun and love! 38 ↓

Today, on your wedding day, you exchanged rings. There is an opinion that newlyweds should have three rings: the first ring is an engagement ring, which is worn for an engagement, the second is a wedding ring, it is worn for a wedding, and the third ring is a patience ring. And if the first ring is purely symbolic, and the second can be removed at any time, then the third ring should remain with you for life. I wish you patience, understanding in your family life - and may everything turn out well for you. May all joys become common and multiply many times over! Hold on tightly to each other, protecting your family happiness. Advice to you and love! 39 ↓

I want to wish our young people to always remain as cheerful, cheerful, happy and loving as they are today! May your hearts always burn with passion and tenderness for each other! Let the relationship only become stronger over the years, and love - stronger. Be always together and keep your wonderful and wonderful relationships and feelings! You are the most beautiful and happy couple in the world! 40 ↓

Our dear, handsome groom and beautiful bride! I wish you happiness on your family voyage - and may your ship never stray! Remember how you treat each other today - and keep this attitude for life! And then, I am sure, you will be the happiest married couple in the world! And with you, everyone around you will definitely be happy! 39 ↓

Today is a special day in your life - you have taken the first step towards family happiness, and I want to wish that love, help, support from relatives and friends always protect you along this path. And if there are difficulties along the way, let them only make you stronger, wiser and closer. Be for each other the most reliable support and support. May your feelings be always as strong as they are today. You are a very beautiful, attractive and simply wonderful couple, happiness to you, comfort, warmth and good luck! Good luck! 39 ↓

Today we saw how two wonderful people united their lives at the behest of mutual feelings. Let's wish the young on their way of traditional understanding, kindness, joy and good luck! We wish you to always look at each other with the same loving eyes as today! We raise our glasses for you and wish to find bright, positive, sunny and the most wonderful family happiness with each other! 39 ↓

Congratulations on a huge life step - your wedding, on the happy end of a lonely life, on the fact that you found each other! Understanding to you, good luck, luck and simply inexhaustible love! I wish in the future to have the most luxurious apartment, a luxurious car, beautiful smart kids and a bag of banknotes of the highest denomination! Bitterly! 39 ↓