Dresses in the Greek style - discover the image of the goddess! Greek style dresses - a divine image for a spectacular girl

images Greek goddess still seem ethereal, divine and timeless compared to other styles in fashion. Greek goddesses are known for their elegance, sophistication, femininity and grace. The Goddess is a dream in the reflection of the mirror, ideal elements such as dresses made of the best materials such as layered chiffon and silk materials, leather and suede belts, gold jewelry and accessories, and gladiator-era sandals. If you wanted to dress like you came out of Greek mythology, learn a few ideas on how to create a Greek goddess.

First, it is important to imagine the image of the ancient Greek goddess in real life like she came down from heaven. There are both gold and heavenly decorations, and white elegant dress, created from the finest chiffon fabric.

For romantic image often choose pure pristine snow-white shades rather than other tones. This does not mean that other colors are not suitable for the Greek goddess, just that white is associated with divine, heavenly purity, and also flows through the motifs. white silver and gold. This is a complex image, but at the same time soft and romantic.

The Greek goddesses inspired the creation of dresses that move with the slightest breeze. You can choose a dreamy and flowing silhouette, made of soft, light and sometimes transparent fabrics. Stay away from anything that is tight-fitting or has short length. You can choose the most different shades. The goddesses have inspired cascading and floor-length dresses. Almost always, dresses are created without sleeves, but the design of the shoulders and neckline can be the most unexpected. The asymmetrical cut is an excellent transformation of the simple style dresses.

Gold accessories give a special highlight: shoes, belts, earrings, cuffs, necklaces, chains, bracelets. Sometimes they can also be made of silver. On long maxi dresses wide gold belts look great.

Goddesses almost always wore elegant headdresses. You can do unusual hairstyle: fish tail, French or Dutch braids. If creating a hairstyle is difficult, simply decorate your hair with a golden bay leaf, flower garland or jeweled headband. Crowns and imitation vine look especially expensive and chic.

Gladiator sandals, which can be lace-up, with a zipper, elastic or metallic, give a special power to the image. Feel free to choose your shade: gold, silver, white, brown or black.

Whether you're on the street or on the red carpet, stay a goddess!

Ancient Greek culture was the first in the history of world civilization to establish the beauty and harmony of the human body and its spirit. It was in Hellas, a country located on the shores of the warm Aegean Sea, that the style, later called classical, was born, the material, spiritual and aesthetic foundations for the development of almost all European peoples were laid.

Having achieved great success in various fields culture, the ancient Greeks also succeeded in the art of dressing: they were the first to come to the idea that a person in his splendor is like a god, and his body is a mirror that reflects the ideals of the universe.

Clothing harmoniously fit natural lines, emphasizing the impeccable posture, athletic figure, plasticity of movements, and the Greek style became classic style in fashion history.

Initially national greek costume characterized by simplicity, and at the same time grace. Even the attire of the gods and goddesses depicted in engravings and statues does not shine with luxury and wealth. Five distinguishing characteristics of the ancient Greek costume can be distinguished: validity, harmony, coherence, stability, timeliness.

In ancient Greece, the main elements of the national costume were: a chiton (underwear) and a himation (a cape, which is a rectangular piece of fabric that was skillfully draped, trying to emphasize the unity of clothing with the body). The art of making the fabric flow over the body, enveloping the bulges or enveloping the muscular figure, was higher in price and in recognition than the cost of the fabric and the elegance of the ornament.

Years passed, changing the system, people, interests, attachments. The costume also underwent some changes: fabrics, trim, accessories, decorations became more and more intricate and refined.

The method of manufacture remained unchanged: the fabric for the costume was not cut and practically not sewn together.

Drapery, brought to perfection by the Greeks over the years in the art of emphasizing the dignity of the body and hiding its shortcomings, still gave chic and charm to clothes.

The adoption of Christianity by Greece affected not only the spiritual life of the population, but also influenced national clothes. Outfits began to cover most of the body, hats came into fashion.

But it should be noted that the modern Greek style implies an outfit from ancient times, when people worshiped the divine inhabitants of Olympus and tried to dress in their image and likeness.

Men's suit

The ancient Hellenes dressed in a chiton, which was made from a wide piece of fabric, and fastened with a clasp (fibula) on the shoulders. A belt was tied at the waist. The length to the knee was considered average, young people and warriors shortened this length, the elderly and priests, on the contrary, lengthened it.

Adults in one chiton did not go out into the street and did not receive guests, since the chiton was considered underwear. Leaving the house, the man put on a cape or cloak. Most known species ancient Greek cloak - himation, made from a piece of rectangular fabric and draped around the body.

Of the other varieties of cloak, a chlamys is known, which was preferred by young men, soldiers, shepherds and travelers. The difference between the warrior costume was that military equipment was put on the chiton, then the mantle was thrown on.

Costumes were divided into everyday and festive. The outfits of representatives differed various professions and estates.

Woman suit

Based on the requirements of morality and morality of that time, the Greek woman's costume was longer than a man's and covered a significant part of the body. The clothes of women, also consisting of a chiton and a himation, were much brighter and more colorful. The difference between the tunic of the classical period is that a lapel was made on the upper edge, the decoration of which was skillful embroidery, intricate ornament, appliqué made of fabric of a different shade or color.

The chitons, made of thin, plastic fabric, were lavishly draped and cross-girded under the bust and at the waist. Due to their large width, the appearance of a sleeve was created. The female himation was smaller than the male one, however, this was compensated by rich ornamentation.

During magnificent ceremonies, a peplos was worn, which differed in that it was longer and wider.

National Costume Greek women are made up of a body dress, a shirt with wide sleeves, long skirt, apron. The clothes of women from the poor strata of the population were very similar to the costume of noble people, but the volume was smaller, made from inexpensive fabric, complemented by modest jewelry.

Fabrics: colors, types, design

Spinning and weaving were the main occupation of the Greek women. The inhabitants of ancient Greece wore chitons made of wool and linen. The fabric was made by hand, so it turned out soft and docile, which was extremely important for creating unique touches of drapery.

Phoenician and Persian fabric, as well as Syrian silk and Indian cotton, began to be delivered to Greece later, when Greece began to develop trade relations with other countries. The clothes of the Greeks are becoming more elegant. The dresses of rich Greek women are created from delicate airy fabrics that can create the silhouette of a goddess.

Among the ancient Greeks, the most beautiful and refined color was white, which was considered the color of the gods and the privilege of the aristocracy. Later, white shared the palm with purple. Textile magenta was the most expensive and only military leaders could wear it.

red clothes and yellow color worn by women. Brown and gray were considered the colors of mourning.

Colorful clothes were not welcomed by the Greeks. A single-color outfit was decorated with skillful embroidery or ornaments. In the costumes of the late period, there is a dark waistcoat and a crimson-red belt.


In ancient Greece, shoes were the priority of adults. Most of the children ran barefoot. The traditional shoes of the Greeks are sandals, which are flat sole, complemented by numerous narrow straps.

The production of shoes was approached seriously and with all responsibility. The main requirements for shoes were comfort and elegance. Colored leather, gilded straps, metal plaques, silver and pearls served as decoration and decoration.

Hats. hairstyles

Headwear among the Greeks was not popular. When traveling, in bad weather, to work in the field, they put on a petas - a wide-brimmed felt hat tied with long straps.

Women needed this attribute of clothing even less, since most of the time they were within the walls of their homes. If necessary, they used a handkerchief, the edge of a cloak or light scarf- calipra.

Speaking of headdresses, one cannot fail to mention the wreaths. They symbolized merit, title, a sign of respect from fellow citizens, social status and played important role in the life of the natives of Hellas.

The Greeks paid exceptional attention to the hairstyle, in harmony with the clothes. Well-groomed short hair, mustaches and a round beard, which served as a symbol of courage - this is the image of a free Greek. The main female hairstyle was the "Greek knot": divided into a straight parting and lowered low on the forehead, the hair fit into a knot at the back of the head. The form is simple, but using bandages, diadems, ribbons, nets, combs, it was possible to create countless variations of it.

Decorations. Cosmetics

Jewelry craftsmanship in ancient Greece reached perfection. Jewelry from precious metals and stones were mostly belongings of women. Men could only afford a signet, a precious buckle. Graceful rings and bracelets, earrings and necklaces, tiaras and hairnets complemented the outfits and hairstyles of the beautiful half of Hellas. Jewelry were famous for their uniqueness and impeccability.

Greek women punctually monitored their appearance. AND following points in achieving the ideal was cosmetics. Antimony, whitewash, blush, eyeliner and eyebrows, perfumes, aromatic oils - everything was used, but very subtly and delicately, because it was only supposed to emphasize natural beauty, not cross it out.

The hairstyle of the Greek woman has attracted romance and simplicity for several years now. Beautiful goddesses do not leave the pages of the magazine. The elegant and sensual image of Aphrodite beckons and seduces. Such a hairstyle can be tried on for going out, for an official dinner, for a walk with a loved one, for nature. Greek hairstyle- an important attribute of many brides. She herself is beautiful, and in combination with a dress and accessories in the Greek style, she is able to win more than one heart. A variety of options for Greek hairstyles allows you to choose an image for any hair: short and long, thick and light.

The image of Aphrodite: who suits

The image of a Greek woman is easy to recognize by the flowing, flowing outlines. To create this hairstyle does not require a lot of effort and skill. The accessories used to create it do not need to be searched for a long time and ordered separately. Creating a goddess hairstyle is as simple as the Greek woman herself. What options for Greek hairstyles exist? How to make a hairstyle with ribbons, a headband and a bandage?

Greek hairstyle, in fact, is made up of curls, curly strands. For girls with flowing airy hair, this option is just perfect. A girl with straight hair needs a little patience and strength to create this masterpiece. Straight strands should be slightly curled at the ends.

For owners short hair you can use a rim or ribbon. Long Thick hair can be decorated with a Greek tail, framing face light curls. The average length is absolutely perfect to twist into a bandage and will not break under the weight.

A hairstyle from sunny Greece will suit any type of face. Owners of an oval shape can choose any variation - from strands collected at the crown to curls picked up. Rectangular face this option will greatly brighten up, softening its natural outlines. You should take into account your own characteristics when choosing a variant of the Greek hairstyle for owners of a round or triangular face. The circle should be framed with care, such a hairstyle model can visually enhance the circle. For a triangular face, you should choose strands elongated downwards, for example, a Greek tail. Bouffant in the lower part of the face will not bring femininity, but, on the contrary, will focus on the cheekbones.

Types of "Greek", accessories

The basis of the Greek hairstyle is the hair gathered at the back. Long strands can be tied into a bun or make up a ponytail or braid. The face is framed by light wavy strands. On this basis, many styling variations have been created. The most common:

  • Greek knot, its variety - korimbos;
  • hetaera hairstyle;
  • bow of Apollo or Cicada;
  • Greek tail;
  • Greek braid;
  • Greek hairstyle with a headband or ribbon;
  • Greek hairstyle with headband.

Many different variations of the Greek hairstyle have created a variety of all kinds of accessories. The first thing you need to purchase is hairspray and curling styling items (curlers, stylers, curling irons, and, at worst, rags for winding strands, not unknown to us).

In addition to these tools, you will also need direct accessories to create a hairstyle: hairpins, combs, headbands, headbands, flowers, starfish. A bandage that has come into fashion since the days of the hippies, or a headband, fit better Total. Lovers of extravagant and very bright image such a hairstyle may not be liked because of its simplification. Bright colors headbands are not suitable for this styling. The purpose of the hairstyle is prettiness and tenderness.

Too catchy accessory will divert attention from the image and the hairstyle itself and will look pretentious. Headbands and headbands look good in styling pastel colors. For solemn events, for example, a red carpet or a wedding, you can pick up things stylized as precious metals or precious stones: silver and gold, stones and rhinestones. The little beads on the headband also look great.

The color of the bandage or headband directly depends on the color of the hair or clothing. This accessory should not merge with the hair color of its owner. It should be either darker or lighter than your own strands.

In the form of a rim, you can use a small pigtail. But it should be remembered that a pigtail is not suitable for black hair. white color and vice versa. You can pick it up with a difference of a maximum of two tones. If there is a need to use two or more accessories, one of them should be left almost neutral, and the second should be taken brighter. In this case, romance will be preserved and there will be no bland shade in the image. The headdress can be close in color to the hair, and the hairpins are studded with beads and stones. If the rim is already styled, the studs should not be visible. Owners of long curly hair should first curl them in the form of curls.

Greek nymph knot

For this hairstyle, the length of the strands is not important. Styling will require hairpins, headbands or ribbons.

On slightly damp hair, apply hair foam and comb the strands. For this, a comb with large teeth is suitable.

  • Hair should be well dried. If it is possible to use nozzles for volume at the same time, this should definitely be done. A cold air jet and a volumizing brush can also create volume. Hair should be dried along the entire length, except for the ends.
  • Parting should be created with a special comb. It can be either straight or diagonal.
  • Strands larger should be curled along the entire length. To do this, use a styler or curling iron. The strands should be curled all over the head.
  • Curled strands are collected in a ponytail just above the back of the head. It can be parallel to the nose. Don't make it too high. You will need a small rubber band to assemble. It's not worth trying to be careful, it's not ponytail. In this hairstyle there should be freedom of the image. Combing the resulting tail is also not worth it.
  • To decorate the head of the hairstyle, several rims are put on, usually two or three, and a volume of hair is created between them.
  • The strands of the tail are combed and spread with bundles around the gum. Each curl at the base is attached with a pin.
  • IN without fail styling should be done with hairspray.

Such hairstyle fit for a date and a wedding with the appropriate design.

Korimbos: subtleties of performance

This is a variation of the Greek knot. Its difference lies in the technique of execution and location. Perform it lower than usual. It seems to lie at the base of the neck. This styling looks even more feminine than the first. It's also easy to do:

  • The hair is divided into three equal parts vertically.
  • We collect the middle part in an elastic band as low as possible.
  • From the created tail we make a twisted bundle and fix it with hairpins.
  • We collect each of the side strands into a braid, slightly straightened (as french braid) for volume.
  • We wrap the braids around the bundle and, combing the ends, send them under the bundle.
  • We fix the hairstyle with hairpins and sprinkle with varnish.

The other option is also easy to do:

  • Braid two thin braids on the sides of the back of the head. Hair is taken from the middle.
  • The rest of the hair is carefully combed at the top.
  • Two temporal curls are fastened at the back with an elastic band.
  • The rest of the combed hair is also collected with an elastic band closer to the ends of the strands.
  • Gently twist the hair up. From above they are carefully fixed with hairpins and hairpins.
  • We twist the pigtails crosswise around the hairstyle.

This variation should be fixed more carefully than the first option. Straight strands are more difficult to hold than twisted ones.

Korimbos with a bunch of braids. Step 3-5

Tail and scythe originally from Greece

For styling for every day, the Greek tail is great. To create it:

  • hair should be prepared by slightly curling it;
  • the strands are tied at the very top of the head with a hair band or ribbon;
  • it is worth carefully spraying the hair with a stream of modeling hairspray, otherwise the strands strive to constantly get out of the tail;
  • beads and ribbons can be threaded into the curls along the entire length.

Depending on decorations this hairstyle can be done both for a date and for prom under the appropriate dress.

The Greek braid is more complex in its styling. It is suitable for long and short hair. It is braided in various variations. On clean hair styling agent (foam or mousse) is applied. A strand of dried hair is separated at the temple and braided into a pigtail. If the hair is thin, weave the braid not tight, slightly stretching the curls of the braid (like a French one). When weaving, you need to pick up loose curls on the sides. Having weaved such a braid with a grip up to half, then continue an ordinary braid. The result is hidden under the main part of the hair. There is also a variant when two such braids are weaved with different parties and fasten them at the back crosswise in the form of a rim. The tail, created as a continuation of the braid, will also look beautiful. This kind of combination Greek braid and tail.

Greek hairstyle with headband

There are many styling options for this hairstyle. Basic or classic styling is created for hair without bangs. Hair in a straight parting is combed back and threaded under the headband, which should cross the back of the head. As the curls are wrapped, the bezel should hide under them. Moreover, it is not necessary to fill all the curls. The remaining strands can be arranged in a kind of tail or left to fall over the shoulders. Combing or evenly laying the strands should not be. You need to give the image a romantic and casual look. Such curls are usually wound.

The second option is wound onto the rim immediately. Then it is put on the head, straightening the strands so that they completely cover the rim.

Greek hairstyle with headband and braids. Step 1-4

Greek hairstyle with headband and braids. Step 5-8

Greek hairstyle with headband and braids

The third option is done along the side parting. The strands are combed, created in a bun on the back of the head. After that, such a beam is a little disassembled. The curls are pulled out and attached outside the bundle. It can be decorated with a rim, hairpins. If you wish, for example, for a wedding, you can put fresh flowers or boutonnieres into the rim. You can wear a light, airy diadem on your head. They spend a little time on such a hairstyle, about ten or fifteen minutes.

The Greek style is associated primarily with ancient culture. It was she who brought her recognizable features to clothes, shoes, hairstyles, etc. Greek details in the images have become a kind of classic that is timeless. Which of the women refuses to be like a Greek goddess or a nymph, just fluttered out of ancient myths? It is very difficult, almost impossible, to confuse Greek motifs with others. As well as compare with them in beauty and originality?

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Photo gallery: Image in the Greek style

Peculiarities Greek style

The Greek style predominantly uses blue, gold, white and pastel shades. Characteristic for this direction it is considered a floral pattern that resembles tree branches or other natural motifs. If we talk about materials, then preference is given to flowing translucent fabrics, chiffon, fine knitwear, silk are perfect. In general, all lightweight fabrics. "Greece" is characterized by asymmetry, it manifests itself in a peculiar cut of the hem or in an outfit with a bare shoulder. You can often find outfits with a high waist, with a pronounced emphasis on the chest, and V-shaped necklines are not uncommon. Who will this trend in fashion suit? The answer is simple - everyone. Let us remember that at the time ancient Greece the beauty format was somewhat wider than modern 90-60-90, so chubby girls can breathe a sigh of relief and dress up in Greek-style dresses. Moreover, their free cut contributes to this. The Greek style knows how to hide everything superfluous, and to point out that it is simply impossible not to show. Greek dresses are more than feminine, they will make your figure sophisticated and you fragile. As already mentioned, most often there are outfits with V-neck, and the cut is distinguished by the presence of a large number of folds. Classic variant greek dress- this is an outfit to the floor, but modern fashionistas can change the length at will.

Light shades can sometimes be combined with each other, although the colors are chosen to achieve a certain effect:

  • want to be like Aphrodite, stop at white,
  • blue will turn you into a charming nymph,
  • colorful red (seemingly not at all inherent in the Greek style) even the most tender girl make it look like a warlike Artemis,
  • gold will emphasize girlish tenderness and create the image of Hera - the mother of all gods,
  • silver will awaken in you the image of Athena, the patroness of the Amazons, the goddess of wisdom.

Of course, dresses are the most striking marker of the Greek style, but tunics are no less indicative. They have the same details: open shoulder, loose fit, drape. As for shoes, as a rule, these are sandals, which are decorated with numerous straps and weaves. But everyone knows that women simply cannot live without heels, so to achieve the Greek look, it is allowed to wear open shoes with thin stilettos.

Jewelry and accessories

Jewelry must be selected in one color scheme- gold or silver. It is not necessary to use expensive Jewelry, good quality jewelry. A chain with a large pendant and oblong pendants are most suitable. Exquisite look jewelry, inlaid rock crystal, this stone is best combined with the Greek style. If we talk about jewelry, then Greek image can be complemented with jewelry with topaz, emerald, diamond, alexandrite and other transparent stones.

The appearance of the jewelry is massive, all the details are large and clear. Earrings are most often long, emphasizing the elegance of the face. Remember that an excess of jewelry will not make you more beautiful, the main rules are grace and simplicity.

A short chiffon dress it will be perfectly combined with a hip belt decorated with Greek ornaments, a golden lace tied under the chest will also do. Brooches can be hung on the shoulders and chest; by the way, they are also used by Greek women in order to chop off fabric. The Greek image has one more distinguishing feature- meander. This is a recognizable pattern, which is an uninterrupted line consisting of rectangles.

Accessories in the form of flowers will look great - lilies of the valley, lilies, roses, and olive branches will do.

Hairstyles in the Greek style

If you have already begun to create a Greek image, then you need to go to the end. You need to take care of your hair. Greek women know how to look romantic and elegant, and we should learn from them. After all, a girl with a Greek hairstyle will not go unnoticed. They favorably emphasize the face, highlight the cheekbones, focus on the neck and even on the chest. At the same time, such hairstyles are convenient.

Greek women at all times loved curls, they can be collected different ways. It is not permissible to make bulky, complicated hairstyles or tie all the hair in a tight ponytail.

You can divide your hair into several strands, make braids and secure them in different position. Flowers in hair will look great. As for the braids themselves, they can be tightened or, on the contrary, left a little loose and careless. This hairstyle can be fixed with a large hairpin, decorated with rhinestones.

Do you want a truly Greek hairstyle? So use true greek accessories. You will need Stefan. Only queens used this decoration, but today you have the opportunity to compete with representatives of blue blood in beauty.

In general, you can decorate a Greek hairstyle with almost everything: hairpins, headbands, crabs, elastic bands, tiaras, satin ribbons, etc. What the Greek hairstyle does not tolerate is several decorations on the head at once. This indicates a lack of taste.

Makeup in the Greek style

Such makeup is characterized by pronounced eyes, a graceful bend of the eyebrows, the use of golden and chocolate flowers. The goal is to achieve a remarkably feminine and sophisticated look.

Immediately overcome the fear of overdoing the eyebrows. They must be bright. Comb them with a brush, then draw an arc with a soft pencil in natural shades. Take a pencil one or two shades darker than yours. natural color. You can go beyond the eyebrow line, but do it in moderation so as not to lose grace. Now take care of the cheekbones - this is another distinguishing feature of Greek women. Using a wide brush, apply bronze blush so that it reaches the temples. It is this touch that will add mystery to your image. Don't forget to blend the border. Expressive look, like the Greek goddess herself, is achieved by using shades of coffee and golden tones. Can be on upper eyelid apply the color of shimmering gold, and on the bottom - dark brown. Shade the area under the eyebrows with matte coffee shadows. Highlighter, applied to the inner corner of the eye, will make your eyes shine.

As you can see, every girl can try on a Greek image. To do this, you just need to listen to our advice, do not overdo it with accessories and make sure that this style matches your inner state. And remember, each of you is already a goddess. You just need to show it to people, and the Greek style can do it.

A girl named Fashion swiftly rushes past us, tapping her heels and throwing back a train of outlines behind her. We do not have time to try on another outfit, because it is replaced by a fresh one, invented by her. Recently, the flirtatious young lady Fashion proposed hairstyles in the Greek style. Whether the "Game of Thrones" inspired old memories, or maybe the holidays in the resorts of Greece impressed her ...

Milady fashion thought about it and issued a string of proposals for everyday look, cocktail parties and photos of wedding feasts.

Distinctive features of hairstyles

The style of the Balkan Peninsula implies:

  • Femininity;
  • Perfection;
  • Versatility;
  • Simplicity.

The personification with the Greek goddesses who amaze us with prettiness and purity, impeccability and wisdom. The chiseled bend of the neck, the languid look, the open shoulders are associated with celestials. They push the owner to throw strength on her figure and face, follow the diet, do exercises.

To create a Greek hairstyle, you will need curls that are completely or partially placed in a bun, ennobled with multi-layered braids, and complemented with jewelry.

Accessories that complement the image

Each haircut looks more sophisticated when complemented satin ribbons, hoops, bandages, colored hairpins. Not only the strands will “play”, but the clothes will also be filled with new colors, indicating your impeccable taste.

Greek hairstyles for medium hair

Modern women prefer strands middle length. This is justified by the convenience of self-installation and practicality. Smooth, curly, light and dark shades inspire enthusiasm, organically outline ideas.

The only exceptions are short strands, with which it is impossible to do any complex hairstyles. Let's try to depict entertaining styling variations with step by step explanations. We open a visual and educational practice on strands of medium size.

Women with hairstyles for medium hair should pay attention to the knot from which the debutants are repelled. Lightweight and original version, made by hand will emphasize the expressiveness of the appearance. To begin with, curl the curls with a curling iron. Then they are divided into a straight or corner parting and thrown back. Make a beam of a cone-shaped or trapezoidal shape with the help of invisibility. It is located in the middle or at the bottom of the back of the head. Decorate with ribbons or a bandage. If desired, part of the side hair is not fixed into a knot, but left to fall freely or braided.

Combine with classics for business meetings, trips to the theater. A strict jacket, high-heeled shoes, a floor-length dress will complement the silhouette.

The strands are laid in vertical portions up to the neck. Then pick them up with several long ribbons. A robe with a neckline and a bracelet made of large stones complete the look.


A great solution for curly curls of medium size. Light bouffant at the roots, then collect strands at the crown in the tail. Put a double hoop on your head. Youth image for students and senior schoolgirls who know how to appreciate and accept the beauty of Greece.

Multifaceted headband and headband

A handy styling tool for beginners. You'll like it Greek bandage with an elastic band, you will quickly get used to it and fall in love with antique moods. It is combined with the growth line of the strands, each strand is twisted with a flagellum of the same thickness and tucked into the bandage. This accessory is used to combine with a bun formed at the back of the head. Strands are released on the sides, along the cheekbones, making the face elongated.


We embody seductive magic, which is covered with hair net "Stefana", decorated with rhinestones, stones and threads. Collect a bunch at the back of the head from curled curls, cover with stefana on top. Let out a couple of locks on both sides for sophistication of style. The images of the ladies of the early 20th century approach us, reminding us of such feminine traits as meekness, sophistication, and erudition.

Apollo bow

The bride in this role will attract the enthusiastic eyes of the guests and, of course, the happy groom. Twisted, soft strands are collected in a knot in the form of waves. Curls near the forehead slightly cover the temples. A tiara with stones or a string of pearls crowns Apollo.

Greek hairstyles for long hair

For the embodiment of Greek designs are ideal long strands. For a strong fixation, they are pre-coated with foams, mousses. And in the end - fix with a colorless varnish.


An image for a high evening hairstyle, which will be created and modeled by the master. Laying starts from parting. Next, they take a large strand at the back of the head, fix it with an elastic band and curl it in the form of an elongated curl. Do the same with the rest of the elements. When the winding is completed, they throw the hair back, fix it next to the first strand. The free edges are placed in a knot, at the bottom of which one or two pigtails from unused curls are skillfully braided. Top is decorated with a diadem or a triple hoop. A lampadion for ceremonial receptions is being created and planned with elegant decorations, decorated with thread-earrings and a necklace from one collection. Delight and admiration are torn from the contemplation of luxury.

Greek tail

Hairstyle for long hair is easy to perform, emphasize beautiful, thick curls. To begin with, they are curled, collected in a side tail and intercepted with an elastic band. The ribbon of beads wraps around them perfectly. Romantic date will pass easily and naturally, all the questions posed will be answered.