How to sew a coat the easiest style. How to sew a coat: step by step instructions

The idea of ​​starting to sew outerwear usually scares away beginner needlewomen. It seems incredibly difficult - precisely because you have to build or at least adjust the patterns. But everything is not as bad as it seems. There are a lot of models that will be possible even for those who bought a sewing machine yesterday and just started to master it. Where can I get coat patterns for beginners? Simple patterns it is not at all problematic to make it with your own hands - and some models are sewn without a pattern at all, and at the same time they look great. About how such miracles are created, we will tell in our article.

Classical and non-classical

Of course, if we are talking about a classic coat - you can’t do without a pattern. And it really is almost the most difficult subject clothes, more trouble will be with men's suit. But there are many models modern coat, which are sewn according to the most primitive patterns. Yes, and sewing clothes without a pattern with your own hands is a fairly common and even popular thing, good, modern fabrics allow it.

What kind of outerwear can you sew by marking directly on the fabric? Not so little:

  • raincoat coat;
  • cape coat;
  • poncho coat;
  • coat with one-piece sleeves.

The most terrible secret of elegant needlewomen who have already got their hands on such products is that any of these models can be unlined. Agree classic style without lining, as well as pick-ups, welt pockets and similar subtleties, it is difficult to imagine. But do-it-yourself outerwear without patterns happens without such designer excesses. Pockets can be as simple as possible, instead of pick-ups, you can make a bar, a collar is not necessary - in a word, the style can be simplified to the limit, and it will look great. Tempting? Then let's get started.

A little about materials

Extremely simple cut and beautiful fabric, which, moreover, is easy to process - these are the two guarantees of future success. It is better to choose a fabric that is double-sided, which does not crumble and holds its shape well. Many modern coat fabrics have these wonderful qualities. Sometimes you come across a very high quality cloth.

Important! For some products, raincoat fabric or canvas is suitable - if, for example, we are talking about summer coat, which you can throw on yourself on a cool evening.

cape coat

Do you want an unusual coat with your own hands? The pattern is done in almost the same way as for a half-sun skirt. A cape coat is something like an old raincoat, only without a hood - instead of it, you can make a stand-up collar from natural or faux fur. Or you can not do it, options with a neckline are now in great fashion. The length can be any - mini, knee-length or even to the floor. And nothing prevents you from making a double cape - the main one and something like a cape.

Important! If you are afraid to ruin the fabric, make a pattern on paper first. True, the sheet will need a very large one, since the entire coat is cut in one piece. You can glue several pieces of graph paper, for example, or even old newspapers. In general, if there are remnants of wide wallpaper, it will be very good. And, of course, it is better to cut on the floor in a spacious room.

But if you build directly on the fabric, many inconveniences can be avoided. To make a pattern you will need:

  • pencil;
  • long line;
  • compass;
  • button;
  • lace.

Important! If it is possible to make or get a large compass, you can do without a lace with a button.

What should we build a pattern?

In order to make a simple coat pattern for beginners, you only need to know two measurements:

  • neck girth;
  • product length.

As for the amount of fabric, if the length of the coat is less than the width of the cut, you will need 2 lengths, and if more - at least 3. You still need to leave a strip for the collar and bottom processing, if required:

  1. Spread the sheet on the floor or a large table.
  2. Draw a straight line - its length should be slightly more than twice the length of the product.
  3. Find the middle of this line.
  4. Draw a semicircle from the middle, the radius of which is equal to the length of the product - that's what you need a cord, a pencil and a button for: a pencil is tied to the cord, on the other side of the cord this whole structure is pinned to the center, and the length of the rope should be equal to the length of the product.
  5. Draw a perpendicular from the middle of the line to the edge. On it you need to set aside the girth of the neck, divided by 6.28, or an arbitrary value, but such that the notch fits your neck not too tightly, but not too loose.
  6. From this point, draw a circle with a radius equal to this measure.
  7. Cut out the pattern along the contours - you should have a half ring.
  8. You can make cuts for the hands - this is done by eye, already on the fabric.

We sew a cape coat

For this model, double-sided fabric is just perfect. You will receive two capes at once, because your product can be worn on both sides - if, of course, you can arrange everything neatly. In addition to fabric and the most common sewing supplies, you will need:

  • edging or braid for processing slots and bottom;
  • several buttons (maybe one large);
  • strip of fur or edging for the neck.

Important! In sewing stores you will find piping different kind, but nothing prevents you from making it with your own hands from a non-shrinking fabric, suitable in texture and color. Basically, it's just a tape with edges.

Such an unconventional coat is sewn literally in no time. The most important thing in this story is to make cuts beautifully. They should be even, slightly oblique and symmetrical. It is done like this:

  1. If you cut out a paper pattern, circle it on the fabric, positioning it so that the cut of the cape goes along the edges.
  2. Cut out the piece.
  3. Try on the future coat by chipping the neck with a safety pin.
  4. See where it is more convenient to make cuts, mark them.
  5. Remove the coat, spread out and adjust the position of the slits.
  6. Cut the lines (preferably with a blade or a sharp knife, scissors are not very suitable).
  7. Fold the piping in half and bast to the fastener lines, putting the edge of the fabric between the layers of the piping - if the coat will only have one button, of course.
  8. Attach a piping.
  9. Finish the bottom the same way.
  10. Slots are also made in the same way, only you need to do it as carefully as possible, turning Special attention at the corners.


The last stage is the collar and clasp. You can, of course, do without a collar, and decorate the top with an undercut or a drawstring. But if you like the stand better, do this:

  • We draw a strip on paper, the length of which is equal to the girth of the neck, and the width is equal to the height of the collar, while on the sheet there should be free space on both sides of the strip.
  • We divide the strip in half along the length, draw a line perpendicular to the long sides - this line will be located on the back of the head, it can be designated as Z1 and Z2 (Z1 - above, Z2 - below).
  • We also divide each half in half and draw two more perpendiculars to the edges.
  • We determine where your collar will have the top, and where the bottom - you can make notes B and H.
  • From the point Z1 and Z2 we set aside 1 cm towards the bottom.
  • From the lines dividing the halves of the collar in half, set aside 0.5 cm upwards.
  • We connect in pairs the points on the occipital line and the lateral ones with smooth curves.
  • We cut out a strip with new lines, transfer it to the fur, not forgetting to leave small allowances.

Important! It is best to cut such a faux fur collar - it is softer, easy to cut and no special tools are needed for sewing, but you need to cut any fur with short scissors so as not to damage the pile.

  • We sew the faux fur collar on the wrong side, then turn it inside out, paying particular attention to the corners. We fold the allowances inward and sew it all to the top of the cape coat, inserting the edge of the neckline between the layers of the collar. We sew on a large button on one side, on the other - we make a wide decorative loop (you can use the piping with which you made the cuts).

cloak coat

This type outerwear very strongly resembles an officer raincoat. Ideal for fans of military style, but according to the same scheme, you can make a very interesting and very feminine little thing. It is cut and sewn in almost the same way as a cape coat, but instead of a collar, a hood is made (you can sew it so that it fastens with a zipper and, if necessary, turns into a collar). And such a coat is made on a long clasp. But, since the width of the main part is large, no additional stripes need to be sewn. It is enough to bend the bar to a width of 0.5 and 3 cm on the wrong side, iron and stitch.

The hood is sewn from the same fabric, it can be lined - for example, faux fur, but this is not necessary. The pattern is made on the basis of a rectangle:

  1. Build this geometric figure, taking as a basis the distance from the base of the neck to the crown of the head and adding 5-6 cm to it. The other side is the girth of the head, divided in half.
  2. Determine which side the face will be on - mark this side with points L1 and L2.
  3. Designate the back of the head Z1 and Z2, while the points L1 and Z1 should be on top.
  4. Continue the line L1-Z1 towards the face by 5 cm, put the point L3 and connect it with a straight line to the point L2.
  5. From point Z2, lay down 2 cm.
  6. Connect this new point with point L2 with a smooth arc.

It is better to decorate the cutouts for the hands with stripes with decorative stitching, in much the same way as it is done when sewing clothes with welt pockets - only burlap is not made. The coat is sewn in the same order as the previous one.

Important! Such a coat can be cut out on a sleeveless polyethylene raincoat.

What else will we sew?

And what else can be sewn according to the most primitive patterns, and even without them at all? Yes, whatever. And most an exciting activityhome clothes with your own hands. Simple patterns for robes are made in the same way as for some not quite classic coats. Let's try?

No, it will not be a cape or a raincoat, but a one-piece product - you can sew both outerwear and what you wear at home using the same pattern. For example, free bathrobe. We take measurements, they are quite ordinary:

  • hip girth:
  • sleeve length;
  • product length.

After that, we start cutting:

  1. We lay out the fabric in 2 layers, folding along the shared thread.
  2. We cut out a rectangle for the back - it will be solid, and the fold in this case matches her middle line. The width of half of the back is equal to the half-girth of the hips, divided in half. To this measure, you can add another 3-5 centimeters, and the length is the same as that of the finished product.
  3. On free places we cut out 2 shelves by the same standards, only to the middle of the front we need to add another strip 10 cm wide for the clasp.
  4. The blanks for the sleeves are also rectangles, the width is arbitrary, but not less than the distance from the shoulder to the armpit, and if you want to make wide cuffs wrapped up, you need to add another 6-10 centimeters.
  5. On the back and shelves, mark the length of the shoulder seams - it should be the same.
  6. On the same details, mark the bottom of the armhole, the points will need to match when you sew side seams.
  7. You will arrange the rest after the main parts are assembled.

We sew a bathrobe

The first thing to do is grind shoulder seams. You will get a blank on which you will model everything else:

  1. Baste the sleeves, sew them on.
  2. Topstitch both side seams while sewing the seams of the sleeves as well.
  3. Try what you got.
  4. Fold the neck to make it comfortable - you can stab the allowances with tailor's pins.
  5. The neck should smoothly transition into the bar.
  6. Bend the bar twice, also chip off on one and on the other field, leaving open the areas adjacent to the neck.
  7. See what happens, align all the folds.
  8. Cut the neckline along the cleavage line.
  9. Cut out an undercut piece from the same fabric or another - thin, but well-shaped.
  10. Fold the hem and main front sides to each other - all sections must match.
  11. Sew around the neckline.
  12. Turn the hem piece to the wrong side, iron.
  13. Bend it, stitch it - or, if it is possible to overcast, you can not fold it so that the seam is not too thick.
  14. Attach planks.

After that, it remains only to sew on the buttons and make loops, as well as hem the bottom. Sleeves can be folded up, folded over, sewn with a decorative stitch.

Important! You can sew a coat in exactly the same way, it will be even easier. There are several options for processing the edge - for example, if the fabric is very dense and does not crumble at all, you can not hem or overcast the details, but cut them with curly scissors.


Sewing a coat requires basic skills on a sewing machine. While it may seem difficult, most coats have multiple patterns and are easy to sew because they don't go tight. When choosing a sewing pattern, look for plain sleeves and simple cut. Stay away from coats with darts or fancy seam lines. Think of it like a big "T" shaped garment that may or may not have collars. simple coats made of fleece or heavy wool do not need a lining. The lining is not difficult to sew on and adds to the comfort of the garment. In this article, we'll take a look at the first steps.


    Buy suitable fabrics: be prepared to spend at least $10 per yard of woolen fabric. If you want to use sheep wool, you can buy at a lower cost. Cotton denim and corduroy are also suitable for most layers.

    Choose a good lining: costs for this type of fabric may vary. Consider a silky blouse or skirt fabric instead of the usual plain lining sold in most stores. The printed lining is a fun addition to a solid color coat. Stay away from stretchy fabrics..

    Make a good connection: often template instructions will require smooth docking. This is an iron-on fabric type "stiffness". Pairing is easy by smoothing the back of most collars, lapels and some coat fronts to help keep their shape.

    Choose some interesting buttons: enjoy finding vintage buttons in thrift stores and street vendors to create a unique look.

    Explore your schema: choose templates for your coat online, this will help you find the style you like. Must choose right size template.

    Be sure that you have collected everything you need: all your materials can be purchased online. The choice of theme should match your coat. sewing needle should be more if your fabric is dense. A size 14 needle will be good for heavy fabrics. If you want to add double stitching (as you see on denim), consider the lines with double needle. This shopping project can be done at home in your spare time.

    Buy a template. You can find your template on the internet. If not, you can go to a fabric store and look in the catalogs for a pattern. You will find a picture finished product so you can consider whether you like it. Look at the back of the sample envelope for details of the seam lines. See also sizes and prices. desired fabric. The template can range from a dollar up to $20 for a new model.

    Choose a model with a skill level that matches your current skills exactly. If you're new to this project, take a look at the seam lines. The lapel collar is a more advanced design, but a simple permanent collar can be good option to start.

    Consider how easy or difficult it will be to change the template for your own figure or requirements. An easy way to change the pattern is to try different colors for the collar and lapel, or design patch pockets.

    Choose a material. For a winter coat you will need correct weight and texture, as well as other qualities like water resistance, etc.

    Open the sample envelope and lay out complete picture on the big table. Read all pictures. Look for any confusing, complex. Compare these steps with your sewing book. Maybe the book will have a better idea of ​​the sewing field. Make sure you research all the parts before you start!

    Cut out. Lay out your paper design on the fabric. Don't forget to keep the lines (arrows) showing the up/down of the fabric. You can use heavy books to hold the samples in place while making placement adjustments. Press down the pieces when you have everything in place. Cut evenly, in smooth slices. Your scissors should be 8" long. Do not use blunt or short scissors. Some people like to mark each piece after being cut with a mark on the back of the fabric. This way you won't tangle or lose pieces when you sew. Lay the fabric flat on a large table or a clean, smooth floor.Your template may need to be in the center.Make a hem parallel to the edges.

    Cut out only the patterns you will use. Fix paper template together, leaving a 5/8" seam allowance. Carefully place this paper template over the shirt as a fitting or have a friend look from the side:...?? and looking good, you are ready to cut your fabric.

    Follow the sewing pattern instructions. Clip after each seam, pin each line of sewing. Smooth out the seams with an iron ironing board with paper on top to protect the iron from sticky residue. Take your time. Stop when you are tired.

    Sew your coat. When the body of the coat is complete, try on the coat for a fit. Have your friend check it out. Length? shoulders? Chest / bust? collar? If you need to make the body bigger, do it before adding the sleeves. Take in the sleeves of the side seams as much as from the side of the seam of the body so that they converge. If your coat needs shoulder pads to create classical style, sew them on.

  1. Iron. Final presses: use a damp linen towel or piece of cloth between the cloth and your iron, pressing down on the coat. You may find that ironing it before dry cleaning is even better. So do it!!!

    • Sewing Machines: Make sure you have a size #14 needle and load a few spools in matching thread so you don't have to stop to sew often. Use a larger stitch for sewing thick fabrics. Increase the stitch length so that the stitches are visible. Tiny stitches can shred or ripple the fabric.
    • Find inspiration. Browse websites, stores and whatever you can find for inspiration and find the style that's right for you.
    • Get familiar with your sewing machine before starting this project. Be able to sew a straight line with a seam allowance, 5/8" with a sheared edge. If you are unable to make a buttonhole, you can ask a tailor or dressmaker to do it for you. Although if you have taken on this project, it is better finish everything yourself.
    • Always have a good sewing book handy. Reader's Guide to Tailoring's Digest is an old favorite. You can use any good sewing book, and vintage editions can be especially helpful.
    • Review inspirational notes of all your coat ideas. This way you can go back to your ideas and see how they have evolved. Make time for yourself brainstorming. Include anything to help inspire your winter coat, including magazine photos, patterns, fabrics, and more. Once you have a good idea of ​​the winter coat you want to make, you are ready to start your project.
    • Fabric pressure: Most wool or cotton will need to be precut. For wool, you can take the coat to the dry cleaner, or steam the whole thing with a good steam iron. Cotton can be pre-washed and then steam-pressed.
    • Lining: This is sewn and inserted into the coat after the sleeves are sewn on. If you follow the instructions, everything should work out easily. The lining will cover the collar seam and create a lapel. Sew the lining to the wool at the very end of the project. It is normal to use stiff tape for the hem instead of sewing the hem (this is used in commercial tailoring)
    • Buttonholes: if you have good buttonholes, or make them with a few buttonholes as a sample to get best size. It is usually 1/8" to 1/4" wider than the diameter of the button. Be careful when you cut out the button hole. Loosen your upper thread and the button hole will look glossier and smoother. It's okay to have a tailor sew them for you, especially if you want your buttonholes to be neat.
    • Stitches: You can use double thread and large stitches for the top stitch. Simply place the bobbin thread on the second spindle of your machine and thread it along with the original needle thread. This double thread will have a massive look. Large stitches also look good. Make a pattern first, set the stitch length. You can use the edge of the presser foot as a guide to set the top stitch width from the edge. 1/8" and 1/4" are popular widths from the edge for top stitching.

    Without a pattern, you can only sew a poncho with a hole for the head and overcast the seams. It is better to make a pattern anyway, so as not to spoil the fabric, since it is quite expensive. The pattern can be found in sewing magazines, for example, in Burda fashion.

    It is very difficult to sew a coat without a pattern, the only option is a poncho coat. For its manufacture, neither a template nor a stencil is needed. Here step-by-step instruction making a poncho coat without a pattern:

    1. We take measurements: for this, spread outstretched arms V different sides and measure the distance to the wrist, add a couple of centimeters. This will be the width and length of our product.
    2. We fold the fabric in two layers and cut out a square.
    3. Fold the square in half, and then in half again. Let's take a small plate, for example, the one used for salad or for dessert. Cut out the neck.
    4. We carefully process the edges. All our poncho coat is ready.
  • Hello!

    There are many ways to sew a coat without a pattern, and one of simple ways yes It describes how to cut a fashionable women's coat without a pattern, which will have one-piece sleeve and an open collar. Cutting the coat can be done immediately on the fabric you choose. You get such a good coat, as in this photo:

    And here is another video tutorial on sewing a coat without a pattern, everything is shown very simply and easily.

    A simple option that does not require a pattern is a poncho coat. Its cutting does not require supernatural calculations, you need to know everything:

    1) Bust;

    2) Girth of hips.

    Sewing such a coat is easy. it is a piece of fabric that is folded in half and has stitched side seams, intended to be divided into the main part and sleeves.

    As for the neckline and front slit, it can be decorated with a strap from the same fabric.

    A poncho coat can simply be tied with a belt, or sewn in with a zipper or sewn on buttons.

    If you decide to make a coat with a belt, then you need to provide belt loops next to the side seams.

    That's the whole process of sewing!

    We sew a coat without a pattern.

    To do this, we buy a suitable, pleasant fabric. It is better that the fabric is double-sided woolen (cashmere, semi-woolen), which means it looks beautiful and impressive both from the front and from the wrong side, because our coat will be unlined.

    Of course we need sewing machine, threads in the color of the fabric, scissors, chalk, ruler and centimeter tape.

    It is necessary to take the most basic measurements of your figure; we measure (and record) the girth of the chest, waist, hips, neck, shoulder length, sleeves, products. We won't need all the measurements, but write them down just in case.

    Without a pattern, we can sew simple styles coat, without darts, folds, without a strong fit to the figure, the simplest is coat straight silhouette with one-piece sleeves.

    For such a coat, we only need to know the girth of the hips and neck, shoulder width, sleeve length and products.

    The rectangles of the back and shelves of the coat are equal in width to the half-girth of the hips plus three to five centimeters for the freedom of fitting (add as much as you want this freedom).

    To build a one-piece sleeve from the neck, measure the width of the shoulder plus the length of the sleeve.

    It is easy to make a stand-up collar, you need to take a strip of fabric along the length equal to the neck of the coat and the desired width (stand height).

    Sew the side seams on the seam. machine, we process and sew in a stand-up collar, we bend the bottom of the sleeves and the bottom of the coat. In order to make a fastener (buttons, buckles), it is necessary to process the sides of the shelves (bend to the wrong side and stitch or process with braid). You can leave the coat without fasteners, but then make a belt from the remnants of the fabric.

2014-10-07 Maria Novikova

What is the hardest thing to sew? Everyone will answer differently! Someone will say Evening Dress, pants, blouse or coat. In fact, there is nothing complicated if you master the necessary knowledge and experience. I used to think that sewing a coat is the most difficult thing in my practice. But I was wrong until I tried to sew a winter coat on my own. Why did I decide to make my own coat?! It’s just that in stores, as you yourself understand, they don’t sell what you need or very expensive. In this article I will tell you how I managed to sew an original coat from 2 old mother's coats without having any experience in sewing outerwear. I hope this information is useful to you!

According to the weather forecast, a sharp cooling was promised in the near future. Then I had a question: what will I wear in winter? After reviewing mine, I found that I have nothing to wear!

Then I went shopping in search of outerwear, but unfortunately I did not find anything. Sometimes I came across fashionable and beautiful clothes but she didn't fit me. Yes, and when purchasing such an exquisite thing, there is no guarantee that it is in a single copy. Such cases have already happened to me, you find unique thing, as it seems, but then there comes a deep disappointment when you see it on others. Has this happened to you?

The fact is that I was used to always looking “not like everyone else”, I didn’t want to mix with the gray mass. Back in college, we were taught that the profession of "tailor-cutter" opens up incredible opportunities for us to look exclusive, we just need to learn how to use our knowledge and experience correctly.

After failed attempts to warm up for the winter, I came up with a brilliant idea, to sew a coat with my own hands. I didn’t have such experience in my practice, since my specialty is: “Sewing a lung women's dress”, so the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking a coat with your own hands was very tempting.

After flipping through a bunch of fashion magazines, I finally came up with a few styles of my future coat. Then I went to fabric stores. But, unfortunately or fortunately, I didn’t choose anything from what was offered in the stores. Either the color is not the same, then the quality is not the same, there was no need, in general, complete nonsense.

How to sew a coat with your own hands

And then I remembered that my mother has two amazing coats of excellent quality, which she has not worn for a long time. Here is the idea! Sew from two coats one exclusive. The next day I went to visit my mother to find out about the fate of the coat. As it turned out, they are "safe and sound", lying in a chest and waiting in the wings.

The hour has come, I came and shook all my mother's old things. Surprisingly, the fabric on the coat did not deteriorate at all. All thanks high quality fibers from natural and Even the moth treated them favorably - not a single hole. Insulation and lining, too, were in perfect order.

The colors of the coat were just right: beige and brown. First of all, I ripped both coats into separate parts. Then I washed them in washing machine to rid the fabric of stains and give freshness. After that, I steamed and ironed all the details with an iron. So I had the necessary area for cutting.

I laid out the prepared details, and made sure that there was enough fabric for a coat. Then I began to connect the parts and prepare for the first e.

I had to fiddle a little with the fitting. I sewed the coat with my own hands at home, so there were a lot of fittings. The difficulty was in trying on the sleeves, I had to work hard. My desire to sew a coat with my own hands turned out to be above all obstacles. For a whole week, I painstakingly worked on my masterpiece, anticipating the upcoming moment.

my first coat

A week later, that moment arrived. The coat with my own hands turned out to be a real work of sewing art, as well as my debut in tailoring outerwear. Unfortunately, the original coat has not been preserved, so I present to your attention a collage of my coat model made from scraps of fabric.

When I went out into the street in a brand new coat, women stopped and asked: "Where can I buy the same coat?" I replied that the coat was one of a kind and sewn by my hands. So I got my first clients, who later became permanent. That's how my career began: as a tailor, designer and businessman.

The more difficult the task before us, the higher the result we get. If you decide to sew a coat with your own hands, remember: do not give up, go to your goal and everything will work out. Risk is justified!

Leave your comments and subscribe for new articles! 🙂

Sincerely, Maria Novikova

Stop being a gray mouse, join the ranks of fashionable and stylish! Don't know how? I will help you!
Right now, place an order for a personal pattern or a consultation on tailoring and cutting clothes. Including consultation on the choice of fabric, style and own image.

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I would be grateful if you use the buttons:

Lucky are those who sew not like a professional, but love to do it. Now such types of outerwear are very popular, which even a modest lover, even a beginner in sewing, can sew. Oversized coats, quilted jackets, ponchos, capes... They are not as difficult to sew as classic coats, do not need to be customized. And you can also choose a fabric that will hide the flaws of an inexperienced seamstress: artificial fur, for example, is now relevant no less natural.

So, if you really want to create something like this for yourself for the fall, but you don’t have the courage, I offer a few ideas for inspiration. Some of these patterns can be sewn literally in an evening!

First, my favorite is the square jacket, aka the blanket jacket.

A cape for which a noble fabric is suitable: plain natural wool, for example.

More capes on the simplest patterns:

A poncho that can become a fur coat if sewn from fur.

Kimono coat. Perhaps it is also better to sew it from fur so that it is not visible that it is pulling somewhere: a very simplified pattern.

This pattern is more complicated, but you can figure it out: it turns out a very pretty coat with a lowered sleeve.

The key to success is a well-chosen fabric plus a little courage, then everything will work out for sure!

Ideas are peeped on the Internet. If these are your photos, write to the administrator. He will either credit you with authorship or remove the article if you wish.

February 23 is approaching - a holiday on which we traditionally give surprises and attention to all our close men, young and old. Therefore, every year in February we begin to think hard about how to pamper, please or even surprise our defenders. The editors of Shopping Ideas asked several men about what they themselves would like to receive as a gift, and based on the answers received, a list of useful, fresh, not banal ideas that may be useful to you on the eve of February 23rd has come up.

Let's choose together. So let's go!