What to make a Greek party outfit from. How to quickly and easily make a Greek goddess costume

More simple suit than the Greek archaic tunic and tunic have not yet been invented. Well, if, of course, we do not take into account the fig leaves of the ancient Adam and Eve, and the loincloths of tropical islanders. But, despite its simplicity, the tunic is very comfortable and nice outfit. Want to learn how to figure out a chic costume for a Greek party in exactly half an hour? Read!

Agree, there are plenty to choose from! Recently, a list with photos of the most famous pirates of past centuries was generally published. It included 100 of the most extraordinary corsairs and filibusters who plied the seas under black sails from ancient times to the present day. Look for a role model close to you personally! And I will try to describe for you the maximum options costumes in detail!


The ancient Greeks wore two types of clothing: the tunic (the so-called bottom dress) and himation (cloak with a hood).

You can make the simplest chiton from a piece of white matter 1 meter long and 80 cm wide, additionally using pins, artificial ivy branches. In order for the fabric to “reincarnate” in a dress, you need to pass it under your arms, and tie the ends into a knot at chest level. To keep the chiton on you and not slip down, you can fasten it with another knot on your left shoulder.

A more complex outfit (double chiton) Greek women began to wear only from the 3rd century AD. He differed from simple theme that had long sleeve, fastened on the shoulders with clasps and consisted, as it were, of two chitons - a long and a short one.

A tiered, complex chiton can also be made at home. To do this, you need to tie together three squares (1m * 1m, 1.5m * 1.5m, 2m * 2m) of a plain fabric as shown in the diagram (Fig. 3).

For men who would like to try on the images of Greek warriors - fit male simple chiton, complemented by some leather accessories(sandals, armlets, wide belt). True, for this costume you will need about 3 meters of white fabric. To create such an outfit with your own hands, you need to throw the fabric over the left shoulder diagonally and fasten it under right hand, tying the ends in a knot, or chipping with pins. You can also sew a chiton with a few stitches along the cut line (if you are embarrassed by the defiant frankness of the costume) and fasten it with a belt at the waist.

If, by nature, the role of a courageous and rude warrior of Sparta is more suitable for you, you can try on this role as well. The Spartans usually wore long cloaks, buckled on the left shoulder, and short tunics (similar to wrap skirts), which separately covered the hips and were fastened at the waist with a wide leather belt. By the way, lead weights were often sewn along the edge of such a Spartan “skirt” so that during the battle the outfit would securely stay in place.

The image of the stern warrior of Sparta was complemented by open sandals with high leather lacing (by the way, all men in Greece wore these), a helmet, a sword and a shield.

If you do not want to be mere mortal Greeks, and strive for celestials, I will offer several options for the outfits of representatives of the ancient Greek Olympic pantheon.

Zeus costume

IN ancient Greek mythology Zeus was the king of the gods. He controlled the weather, the elements, was an Olympic legislator and decided human destinies. Outwardly, he was a mature, fit man, with a strong figure and a long dark beard. In stories and myths, Zeus often threw lightning at subjects he disliked, held the royal scepter in his hands and wore a golden crown of ivy on his head.

Are you ready to try the role of the arbiter of destinies? Then - go ahead, in search of a long white shirt with loose sleeves to the elbow and a flowing purple and gold cape (made of satin, silk or nylon)! In addition to the costume, make a crown from a branch of plastic ivy (after opening it with saffron spray paint).

Olympian Demeter was "responsible" for the harvest on earth. Farmers and winegrowers prayed to her to protect fields and orchards from heat, wind and locust invasion.

The basis of the costume of this goddess can be white knitted sundress to the knee with one open shoulder. It is important to choose “golden” accessories for a sundress (belt, wide bracelets, comb and sandals), and also - give the goddess a bunch of grapes (so that all the other guests of your party can easily recognize her).

Hera costume

At one time, Hera was the queen of all the Olympian gods and goddesses. The Greeks considered her the patroness of women and marriage. Therefore, she is always depicted with a crown on her head and with a royal lotus in her hands.

Hera's costume consists of a long white sundress(with one clasp on the right shoulder), a narrow golden belt and a golden crown on the head, and a long light purple himation over the shoulder.

Aphrodite costume

Aphrodite is perhaps the most famous of the Greek goddesses. On Olympus, she patronized beauty, love, childbearing and all sorts of other pleasures. All ancient sculptors and artists depicted her as incredibly beautiful and perfect with a sea shell, a dove, an apple or a mirror in her hands. And yet, she almost always appeared accompanied by the winged deity Eros. So, if you are going to a party in the company of a loved one or spouse, you can invite him to play this original role!

To adequately bear the title of the goddess of love at a party in the Greek style, you need to wear a light, flowing sundress from transparent fabric with sequins, rhinestones and other shiny decorations. Plus, add gold accessories to the outfit - wide bracelets and hoops. Another feature characteristic of Aphrodite is the decoration of the hairstyle. Usually the goddess is depicted with long, blond flowing hair, entwined with strings of pearls.

IN Ancient Greece believed that Hekate is the goddess of magic, night, ghosts and witchcraft. She was always depicted wearing bright scarlet robes, with a golden snake-shaped comb in her hair.

So, if you are inspired by the image of the Olympic queen of the night - look for a long brocade sundress with wide straps, red or burgundy. Feature Hecate's costume - wide leather belt, which is attached under the chest.

I will say a few more words separately about accessories for costumes, both of the earthly ancient Greeks and their divine patrons.

Greek accessories

Greek shoes. We have already mentioned men's sandals, which will complement both the outfit of a simple Greek, a Spartan warrior and the powerful Zeus. Now - a few words about women's shoes.

Women in ancient Greece also wore golden sandals with high (almost knee-length) lacing. You, in our age, only imitating that glorious era, can go to a party in open sandals on high heels(necessarily leather, shiny, gold). Or, without changing traditions, put on sandals ( summer boots) at low speed (or - a low platform) also with high, elaborate lacing.

Cuffs and bracelets in the Greek style. Leather wide straps, gold cuffs with ancient Greek ornaments, bracelets in the form of snakes will perfectly fill your image with the spirit of that era.

Greek jewelry. Large earrings in the form of a bunch of grapes, massive combs, beads and hair hoops are also an important part of the images of both simple ancient Greek women and majestic Olympic goddesses.

Hairstyles in the Greek style

Ancient Greek women wore wreaths of fresh and dried flowers, more sophisticated textile headdresses (somewhat reminiscent of a turban) and exquisite hairstyles.

The basis of such a hairstyle is a high “tail”. Divide the ponytail into thin strands, twist them with heated tongs and secure the curls around the base of the ponytail with hairpins. Then - decorate your hair with lace, pearls and ribbons. In a complex ancient Greek hairstyle, it turns out that there is nothing complicated at all! Fifteen minutes - and you can go to the party!

We tried to reveal for you the maximum possible images. I hope you can find something for yourself that matches your personal character, charisma and style! And let me give you one very helpful advice: Going to a party, do not forget about gifts for the hosts of the holiday! They will be pleased if you honor their efforts in preparing the Greek celebration with a symbolic gift in the same style! And with the choice of a presentation, I will help, of course, I will help!


Depending on the gender of the host of the celebration, his age and hobbies, choose the most optimal gift with characteristic Greek symbols.

For example, an avid collector of antiquities and other artifacts can be presented as a gift with an amphora or a vase decorated with scenes from the life of the ancient Greeks or a symbolic plate with images from ancient Greek mythology.

A sophisticated fashionista who knows a lot about accessories and expensive jewelry, you can give a belt with a buckle made of natural stone in blue and white (the color of the Greek flag), a bag, a cosmetic bag with the letters of the Greek alphabet, a bracelet, a necklace, earrings and other jewelry.

Beloved man can be presented as a gift silver chain with a heart and a confession of feelings in Greek.

And to a work colleague - a neutral, but characteristic theme of the holiday, a gift - a keychain with the image of an ancient Greek goddess, a candlestick in the form of a column, or a purse with symbols of the Greek people.

The main thing is not to be afraid to make bold purchases and surprise the hosts of the holiday and other guests with your originality! And be sure to go to a party with good mood! Believe me, the organizers of the holiday will appreciate this gift above any souvenirs! However, the entertainment program of the Greek party can also help to cheer you up! That's what our next post is about.

An excursion into a romantic past or straight to Olympus? In a pompous hall, in a sauna or bath, in nature, at home? Regardless of the conventions, a Greek-style party is an original, memorable theme for a holiday with close friends or colleagues, a bachelorette party, a wedding or a birthday.


Start decorating the room with a choice colors, because shades play important role in the creation of the Greek interior. Associatively, a white background or delicate beige, ivory, creamy is better than others. For bright accents- symbolic colors:

  • blue and cyan- sky, sea;
  • gold- sun, sand, wealth;
  • green and olive- vegetation, fertility;
  • red, purple- flowers, power;
  • brown- wood, clay, the earth itself.

Try to hide everything that doesn't fit. Use drapery for decoration - curtains, chair covers, curtains for bulky inappropriate furniture. Scatter small pillows and rugs, themed or straw. Print photo (Greek gods, musical instruments, landscapes, mythical creatures) and replace the paintings with them, decorate the empty walls of the hall. For children you can take bright pictures from cartoons.

Do not overload the room: a Greek party is an elegant, sophisticated decoration. Even minimalism is appropriate, but adjusted for the festive design.

We offer several ideas that do not require a lot of time and significant expenses:

  • Make voluminous clouds from corrugated or plain paper. String vertically on the fishing line so that the garlands hang from the ceiling. Using a glue gun, it is easy to assemble a cloud of cotton wool onto the frame. If you hide an electric garland inside (on batteries, if there is no outlet nearby), you get unimaginable beauty!

  • One third blue and two thirds white balloons close the ugly ceiling and create a festive mood. On some balls, draw doves with a black marker;
  • Cut out columns, picturesque balustrades from cardboard / polystyrene. Put them along the walls, at the aisles, stairs, under the window sills. Wipe the columns with ivy, lianas of bright flowers;

  • Ask your friends for Greek-style earthenware vases. The topic is popular, for sure there is something. If not, you can “blind” a couple of masterpieces with your own hands: cut out silhouettes from thick cardboard and color. This is a simple task even for children;

Characteristic ornaments and patterns should be everywhere - on drapery, napkins and tablecloths, on dishes. You can buy something, draw something. Greek ornaments are quite simple - the main thing is to get into color and choose not the most intricate designs.

  • Place the flowers in real amphoras-vases or paint several pots with your own hands. Such blanks come in a variety of configurations and sizes, and are inexpensive. The smallest can be put on the table, flat dishes can be used for serving;

  • It is desirable to somehow beat the theme of fire and water- the two remaining elements (you have already honored the earth with attention by placing clay vases). You can use several bio-fireplaces and miniature fountains to decorate the room. Or pour water into beautiful transparent containers, put shells inside, flowers, candles on top. You can hide the bud under an inverted glass, put a candle on top (on batteries, if the party is for children).

  • Olympus- a suitable photo zone for a Greek party. White background with clouds, a balustrade and a pair of liana-covered columns in the background. Two or three gold-painted or olive-covered chairs for the principal gods. Several pillows for minor deities (swap places). In the center - a dish with fruit, glasses, wine. Do you want humor? Make a tantamaresque - a chariot or embracing gods and seductive goddesses with "windows" instead of faces.

Don't Forget the Party Invitations - Decorated with Greek Style Ornaments, postcards in the form of gods, amphoras or harps. Burn the edges of dark beige paper, roll up - the papyrus scroll is ready! You can make coffee paper to imitate an invitation from the distant past. Use stilted language and stylized font.


Lucky are those whose Greek themed the party will pass in a sauna, bathhouse or on the beach: wrap yourself in a sheet or cover the most important thing with a loincloth - and you are already a god! Although ... If the room is not cold, such costumes are really appropriate - what embarrassment can there be when Aphrodite, Hermes, Persephone and Zeus himself gathered to celebrate?

Thematic dress code: Greek tunic, chiton or flowing dress of any length, gathered under the bust with a golden belt. Sandals with long straps entangling the legs. Gold accessories on the ankles, wrists, ears, hair and neck. Hairstyle in the Greek style, neat discreet makeup. Or like this:

  • choose your god(drawing lots?), watch a historical film or rent costumes, rent or recreate with your own hands;

  • read mythology, we are preparing accessories - thematic, hinting at the personality of a particular god:
    • Hera is a diadem and a scepter crowned with a cuckoo.
    • Zeus with an aegis shield and a lightning-throwing scepter.
    • Athena in armor, with a spear.
    • Cupid with wings and bow.
    • Dionysus - grape wreath, goblet.
    • Artemis - quiver and bow, "fruit" earrings-beads.
    • Hekate - silver or gray dress to the floor, a pointed diadem (as on the Statue of Liberty).

You can make "identification" accessories in the Greek style for friends. Buy the cheapest chains. Cut out the names of the gods from cardboard in a themed font. Make a hole in the first letter, in the middle closer to the edge, put it on a chain (the name will be like a pendant). Spray the chain (if it is not under gold) and the cardboard with gold spray paint.

Menu, serving

The feast is just a cornucopia! Buffet? Maybe a party-friendly buffet? In general, there is no difference in how treats are served. The main thing is to arrange all the dishes of the menu in a sophisticated and refined way, because the almighty gods will eat them!

Linen or delicate textiles olive color, napkins in gilded rings, thin glassware or, conversely, coarse earthenware. Fresh flowers, a lot of fresh fragrant greens and olives, ornaments on dishes and fabrics.

Large fruit and cheese plates(don't forget about brynza!), lots of vegetables, lamb and pork, fish dishes and seafood. Assorted for the sweet tooth - traditional snappy, loukoumades, baklava, kumquat, poniruli. Recipes are elementary, despite the wonderful names. And very tasty! Drinks - red and white wines, vodka - anise / grape, fruit juices / cocktails.

Cabbage rolls were invented by the Greeks before our era:

Traditional moussaka: baked eggplant, a layer of lamb with tomatoes or potatoes with mushrooms, bechamel sauce:

Greek salad can be served in small bowls or on slices of bread - with olives, spicy, garlic, onion:


The most obvious Greek party scenario is the Olympics! Of course, the gods should not compete like pathetic mortals. But how not to show yourself surrounded by beauties, but to the groovy music and intoxicating grape nectar?

Appropriate music is traditional Greek, but modern way, "stylized". You can download the compositions of Protopsali, Theodorakis, Muskouri, Antonio Remos. Dance sirtaki, hasapiko and sirtos - the movements are very simple!

If you are preparing a holiday for children, consider some creative entertainment. You can make a mosaic of buckwheat, beans and peas, assemble a thematic puzzle or hold a quiz. By the way, adult guests also like cartoons, puzzles and other intellectual tasks, as a break from active games. Moreover, the Greek sages loved to strain their own minds and bright minds of young students in this way.

So, Olympic Games. All the competitions for the Greek party described below are just a convention. They can be replaced with suitable competitions/games of your choice.

horse racing

  • wind an unwound long rope onto a stick, at the end of which a toy horse is tied;
  • if the party is outdoors, put the girls in cars and push them to the happy squeal to the end of the track!

martial arts

Although it's entirely in the Greek style, it's somehow not right to hit each other's faces at a holiday ... Although some guests may be delighted with a friendly boxing match. If there are none, then choose contests to test dexterity and strength:

  • beat the opponent with pillows, trying to throw him off the platform, crossbar, bench;
  • pull weights (who more times?)
  • carry the girls in your arms. How much will you carry at the same time.

The host must follow and stop the most active guests in time - you will need strength for other competitions, you should not overstrain.

Creative competitions

Today they are not included in the Olympic Games. And before, Greek bards and poets competed in eloquence and were rewarded no less generously than jumping boxers. Include one or more contests in your script, such as a short break from the hustle and bustle of the party. For example:

  • Take it in turns to come up with toasts or birthday greetings that include three words from the chosen card. Inscriptions of this kind: harp, polystyrene, dental crown. Those. one word is thematic, and the other two are absurd combinations. It will be fun!
  • distribute the lyrics to the guests. Damam - "My Greek God" by Tatyana Kotova. Very hot, melodic - it makes you want to dance with your hips! For men - "Zeus, Odin and Perun" Garlic Kings. A funny fast song that should rather be read or even yelled, taking in more air into the lungs (that is, it does not require special vocal abilities - that's it!).

Download music, you can along with the words - it's easier to sing along. Check the texts - the slightest inaccuracies will introduce Greek bards into confusion right during the performance.


These are several competitions in the style of the Greek pentathlon. Traditionally: wrestling, jumping, running, javelin and discus throwing. In nature, you can change almost nothing - measure strength in any way, arrange a short-distance race, throw knives at a target instead of spears, throw a frisbee (who is further) and long jump.

But indoors, such tasks are unlikely to be appropriate, so offer party guests a themed alternative. For example, instead of Greek wrestling, arm wrestling is suitable. Instead of spears - darts and a target with the face of Hades, Gorgon or Chimera. Disks will replace Balloons- "throwing" them at a distance is much more difficult, but fun! And running and jumping can be combined into a relay race: start-finish, on the way there are boxes that need to be jumped over, at the finish line there is a decanter of wine and glasses. He ran, drank to the health of the hero of the occasion, ran and jumped back. Next team player, let's go!

As memorable gifts fit jewelry, key rings and other little things in the Greek style, tickets for a historical film or CD, sweets, fruit baskets, wine. Make joke diplomas or "real" Olympic medals for all your friends - a trifle that will remind you of a well-organized Greek party for a long time to come!

6 November 2015

Approaching New Year and it's time to cook fancy dress! This master class is dedicated to sewing a New Year's costume for a boy in the Greek style. Such unusual outfit you can sew for your child yourself, even without the experience of a tailor. All you need to do is follow the instructions and get creative!

This set includes: Greek outfit-shirt, Laurel wreath and belt.

To sew a New Year's costume (97 cm long) you will need:

  • 1 meter white crepe satin
  • 3 meters of decorative narrow tape
  • 60-70 cm thick (jacquard) tape for the belt
  • 1 meter gold crepe satin or brocade
  • Threads, Velcro.

Work sequence:

1. In the figure you can see an approximate diagram of a future shirt.

Draw a pattern, taking into account the desired length, width and length of the sleeve.

Fold the fabric in half twice.

2.Chop the material with needles and cut out the details. You will get two parts at once - front and back.

3. Stitch shoulder seams. Process the neck (in my case, the neck is a boat and processed with a hem foot).

4. Stitch the side seams.

5.Process bottom cut shirts and sleeves any accessible way: Hem foot or overlock foot. Sew on a decorative ribbon.

6.Now you need a golden fabric. Cut the material in half.

Sew on the short side. Get a long strip.

7. Finish all around the edge with the hemming foot.

8.Now sew the resulting rectangle to the middle seam of the sleeve on the shirt. Create neat folds.

9. This is what it looks like when finished.

10. We will make a belt from a dense tape. Cut off the tape desired length, burn the edges so that they do not crumble. Sew on Velcro.

11. Suit in finished form.

Let's make a laurel wreath out of paper:

12.From corrugated paper golden color, cut out double petals. Fold the paper in half to make double pieces.

13.Glue the petals. Make half the petals gold and half white.

14. Alternating white and gold leaves, glue them together in a line.

15. From the wrong side, glue satin ribbon, leaving 15-20 cm at the ends for tying.

16. Here's what we got.

Children's new Year costume sewn for the boy during the day. Now your child is ready to flaunt at the matinee. Happy New Year and success in your work!
Especially for the Fount Needlework Lessons website.

Probably, many of you have heard the word "mantle". Now it means very ugly clothes. Also, many have heard about the tunic (as the type of item is now called women's clothing). Some have even heard of the toga. Let's understand these concepts a little. To start: chiton, tunic, toga, mantle originally from ancient Greece.

So let's replenish our section "Needlework" and subsections "" and "" with new materials.

The main task of these garments is to facilitate the transfer of heat and not burn yourself under the sun. The task of "covering nudity" was not set in those days. Why? Because the natural cooling of the body was considered more important, and not bashfulness for the sake of something incomprehensible. Moreover, such clothes made it easier for women lactation.

Have you noticed that in ancient times, a number of “warm” (for example, Harappan, Crete-Mycenaean) cultures had a fashion for women to walk bare-breasted? Last of all, it was necessary in order to seduce men. First of all - to facilitate the feeding of children. For, as you can probably guess, in those days, families were big. And put on and take off outerwear every time one of a dozen kids wants to eat, they get bored very quickly. Therefore, the output is very logical:

So, back to ancient Greek clothing. Why do we need to know all these things now? For example, because such clothes

  • a) beautiful
  • b) easy to sew (and in some cases there is no need to sew at all)
  • c) it is inexpensive, if you get down to business with your own hands and with the mind.

So there is a reason to figure out what's what, and not only natural history. Thus, we turn to ancient Greek and ancient Roman attire.

We'll start with tunic(translated from ancient Greek - "clothes"). This is the most common and simple piece of clothing for both men and women. The purpose of the tunic is to outline, emphasize the body. Initially, chitons were without patterns, just pieces of fabric. Role decorative elements performed fabric folds. But subsequently the tunic was decorated no less magnificently than other types of clothing.

Chiton male is a rectangle of fabric about a meter by two meters. The fabric was folded in half vertically and chipped off with brooches on the shoulders. Required attribute- a belt, sometimes two. Often a release of fabric was made above the belt. For training, one shoulder was “split”.

Even more simple form men's clothing is mantle. Here, in general, only one fibula is needed and no belt is needed. These are clothes for exercise or for work.

However, after a while, the mantle turned into outerwear, which was worn over the tunic. It's kind of like a mantle. By the way, this is a fairly comfortable cape, tested on myself.

The female tunic was of two types. Dorian tunic made from a piece of cloth rectangular shape, 2 meters long and 1.8 meters wide (almost a square).

1.8 meters is the growth, taking into account the release and limb.

It was folded in half and the upper edge was often bent back by 50-70 centimeters.

The resulting lapel resembled a short sleeveless blouse. The tunic was fastened with brooches on the shoulders, and draped on the chest.

The lobular margins were often left unsewn, and they fell sideways in beautiful folds. When walking, the unsewn side of the tunic opened up, allowing you to see the bare right side and leg.

Ionian tunic- these are two pieces of fabric up to the wrist of horizontally outstretched arms.

They were connected with fasteners from the shoulders to the elbows, gathering the fabric into small symmetrical folds, sewn on the sides and girdled.

In some ways, this is a more modest garment than the Dorian tunic.

But, given the colors, transparency, ornamentation and folds, the Ionian tunic was by no means puritanical clothing:

IN Ancient Rome the chiton developed into a tunic.

The development took place in the direction of greater collection of clothes and less folding. Since such a means of expression as the folds of fabric disappeared, it was necessary to take on the decoration in other ways - in color, ornament, and so on. Tunic- clothes in the form of a bag with a hole for the head and arms, usually covering the entire body from the shoulders to the hips. Almost no different from modern sweater-shirts. Only longer, thinner and, most often, more beautiful 🙂 Tunic - underwear:

A shirt-like tunic served ancient roman everyday home clothes. She was no longer a simple piece of cloth in which the body was draped. Sewn from two panels, the tunic covered both shoulders, and was worn over the head and at first had only side armholes. Then she got sleeves short to the elbow, which were not sewn in, but were formed by folds of fabric; they have long been considered a sign of panache and effeminacy. The tunic did not have a collar - all antique clothing was devoid of collars. A knee-length tunic was girdled.

Over the tunic (chiton) women wore peplos.

When worn, it looked like this:

Or Himation.

As well as a variety of raincoats, capes and so on.

Men wore a toga over their tunic. Toga- this is not ancient Greek clothing (although it comes from there). The toga was worn in ancient Rome. In the ancient period of Roman history, the toga was worn by everyone: men, women and children. During the day they wrapped themselves in it, at night they covered themselves with it and put it under themselves. Later, the toga became only clothing, and only for men. And later it acquired status - only citizens of Rome could wear it. But not slaves and other trifles.

The toga was a very large piece of woolen material, which had the shape of a segment of a circle or a cropped oval. The length of the toga along the straight edge could reach 6 m or even more, and the rounded edge was about 2 m away from the straight edge at the widest point.

Here's how it happened in practice:

Of course, the basic models were additionally decorated as soon as possible (especially by women):

Accordingly, by connecting the imagination, from modern materials based on ancient technologies, you can make very beautiful dresses:

Please note: due to the fact that the authors of these products are not familiar with the issue, these tunics look beautiful, but somehow, in my opinion, incomplete. I think this is primarily because the original width of the material is not preserved, and there are very few folds. Why the general picturesqueness and zest of ancient robes have been lost.

These are how ancient Greek clothes are obtained ...

According to Wikipedia

Ancient Greek culture was the first in the history of world civilization to establish the beauty and harmony of the human body and its spirit. It was in Hellas, a country located on the shores of the warm Aegean Sea, that the style, later called classical, was born, the material, spiritual and aesthetic foundations for the development of almost all European peoples were laid.

Having achieved great success in various areas of culture, the ancient Greeks also succeeded in the art of dressing: they were the first to come to the idea that a person in his splendor is like a god, and his body is a mirror that reflects the ideals of the universe.

Clothing harmoniously fit natural lines, emphasizing the impeccable posture, athletic figure, plasticity of movements, and Greek style became classic style in fashion history.

Initially national greek costume characterized by simplicity, and at the same time grace. Even the attire of the gods and goddesses depicted in engravings and statues does not shine with luxury and wealth. Five distinguishing characteristics of the ancient Greek costume can be distinguished: validity, harmony, coherence, stability, timeliness.

In ancient Greece, the main elements of the national costume were: a chiton (underwear) and a himation (a cape, which is a rectangular piece of fabric that was skillfully draped, trying to emphasize the unity of clothing with the body). The art of making the fabric flow over the body, enveloping the bulges or enveloping the muscular figure, was higher in price and in recognition than the cost of the fabric and the elegance of the ornament.

Years passed, changing the system, people, interests, attachments. The costume also underwent some changes: fabrics, trim, accessories, decorations became more and more intricate and refined.

The method of manufacture remained unchanged: the fabric for the costume was not cut and practically not sewn together.

Drapery, brought to perfection by the Greeks over the years in the art of emphasizing the dignity of the body and hiding its shortcomings, still gave chic and charm to clothes.

The adoption of Christianity by Greece affected not only the spiritual life of the population, but also influenced national clothes. Outfits began to cover most of the body, hats came into fashion.

But it should be noted that the modern Greek style implies an outfit from ancient times, when people worshiped the divine inhabitants of Olympus and tried to dress in their image and likeness.

Men's suit

The ancient Hellenes dressed in a chiton, which was made from a wide piece of fabric, and fastened with a clasp (fibula) on the shoulders. A belt was tied at the waist. The length to the knee was considered average, young people and warriors shortened this length, the elderly and priests, on the contrary, lengthened it.

Adults in one chiton did not go out into the street and did not receive guests, since the chiton was considered underwear. Leaving the house, the man put on a cape or cloak. Most known species ancient Greek cloak - himation, made from a piece of rectangular fabric and draped around the body.

Of the other varieties of cloak, a chlamys is known, which was preferred by young men, soldiers, shepherds and travelers. The difference between the warrior costume was that military equipment was put on the chiton, then the mantle was thrown on.

Costumes were divided into everyday and festive. The outfits of representatives differed various professions and estates.

Woman suit

Based on the requirements of morality and morality of that time, the Greek woman's costume was longer than a man's and covered a significant part of the body. The clothes of women, also consisting of a chiton and a himation, were much brighter and more colorful. The difference between the chiton of the classical period is upper edge a lapel was made, the decoration of which was skillful embroidery, an intricate ornament, an applique made from fabric of a different shade or color.

The chitons, made of thin, plastic fabric, were lavishly draped and cross-girded under the bust and at the waist. Due to their large width, the appearance of a sleeve was created. The female himation was smaller than the male one, however, this was compensated by rich ornamentation.

During magnificent ceremonies, a peplos was worn, which differed in that it was longer and wider.

The national costume of a Greek woman consists of a body dress, a shirt with wide sleeves, long skirt, apron. The clothes of women from the poor strata of the population were very similar to the costume of noble people, but the volume was smaller, made from inexpensive fabric, complemented by modest jewelry.

Fabrics: colors, types, design

Spinning and weaving were the main occupation of the Greek women. The inhabitants of ancient Greece wore chitons made of wool and linen. The fabric was made by hand, so it turned out to be soft and docile, which was extremely important for creating unique touches of drapery.

Phoenician and Persian fabric, as well as Syrian silk and Indian cotton, began to be delivered to Greece later, when Greece began to develop trade relations with other countries. The clothes of the Greeks are becoming more elegant. The dresses of rich Greek women are created from delicate airy fabrics that can create the silhouette of a goddess.

Among the ancient Greeks, the most beautiful and refined color was white, which was considered the color of the gods and the privilege of the aristocracy. Later, white shared the palm with purple. Textile magenta was the most expensive and only military leaders could wear it.

red clothes and yellow color worn by women. Brown and gray were considered the colors of mourning.

Colorful clothes were not welcomed by the Greeks. A single-color outfit was decorated with skillful embroidery or ornaments. In the costumes of the late period, there is a dark waistcoat and a crimson-red belt.


In ancient Greece, shoes were the priority of adults. Most of the children ran barefoot. traditional shoes Greeks - sandals, which are flat sole, complemented by numerous narrow straps.

The production of shoes was approached seriously and with all responsibility. The main requirements for shoes were comfort and elegance. Colored leather, gilded straps, metal plaques, silver and pearls served as decoration and decoration.

Hats. hairstyles

Headwear among the Greeks was not popular. When traveling, in bad weather, to work in the field, they put on a petas - a wide-brimmed felt hat tied with long straps.

Women needed this attribute of clothing even less, since most of the time they were within the walls of their homes. If necessary, they used a handkerchief, the edge of a cloak or light scarf- calipra.

Speaking of headdresses, one cannot fail to mention the wreaths. They symbolized merit, title, a sign of respect from fellow citizens, social status and played an important role in the life of the natives of Hellas.

The Greeks paid exceptional attention to the hairstyle, in harmony with the clothes. Well-groomed short hair, mustaches and a round beard, which served as a symbol of courage - this is the image of a free Greek. The main female hairstyle was the "Greek knot": divided into a straight parting and lowered low on the forehead, the hair fit into a knot at the back of the head. The form is simple, but using bandages, diadems, ribbons, nets, combs, it was possible to create countless variations of it.

Decorations. Cosmetics

Jewelry craftsmanship in ancient Greece reached perfection. Jewelry from precious metals and stones were mostly belongings of women. Men could only afford a signet, a precious buckle. Graceful rings and bracelets, earrings and necklaces, tiaras and hairnets complemented the outfits and hairstyles of the beautiful half of Hellas. Jewelry was famous for its uniqueness and impeccability.

Greek women punctually monitored their appearance. AND following points in achieving the ideal was cosmetics. Antimony, whitewash, blush, eyeliner and eyebrows, perfumes, aromatic oils - everything was used, but very subtly and delicately, because it was only supposed to emphasize natural beauty, and not cross it out.