A combination of gray and burgundy. Royal color for you. Burgundy in the interior

Color combinations are always amazing. No matter how many combinations are invented, new groups of combinations are always found. Their brilliance and uniqueness always pleases the eye. Everything looks especially impressive in its final form, when, as they say, there is already a finished picture, the result of the work done.

How to combine colors? Which are suitable for a particular color, and which are not? How to choose? Is it easy?..

In fact, the combination of colors is a whole science. But everything is possible: follow the fashion, and there will be fewer questions.

What dictates fashion? There are dozens of trends and options. You just try to find what you like, and then consult with experts about the options you have chosen.

So, for example, you have chosen for the interior of one of your rooms a burgundy color, burgundy (or burgundy, as it is also called). How will this color behave in combination with other colors? Will it match well? Let's talk about what combination of burgundy color with other colors in the interior will be flawless and harmonious.
Bordeaux kitchen, photo

Nuances and features of color

Burgundy color has always been a symbol of wealthy people. Bordeaux is an incredible combination of red and brown. Red carries life, fire, courage and love, knowledge and power. Youth is also a suitable note for this color. It is these qualities that help a person achieve a lot in life.

Brown, on the other hand, has a therapeutic effect - it calms. In addition, it symbolizes confidence and a certain traditionality.

In the small chapters that this article contains, we will reveal the main secrets, give advice and make a few comments about what the burgundy color is combined with and looks like in the interior.

Combinations of burgundy in living rooms

What colors go with burgundy in the interior? According to experts, there are no barriers to the burgundy color. He will feel completely comfortable in different areas of the apartment. Whether it's a living room or maybe a bedroom, a kitchen, even a bathroom, it doesn't matter.

Adhering to the rules, it can be used in any of the rooms. Unless you can be a little careful in the hallway and the children's room. The main thing here is to do everything rationally, with a sense of proportion and with a certain dosage.

Like many other colors, burgundy is used both as the main color and for placing accents that should emphasize the individuality of the interior of the room. There are many options when burgundy, precisely as details (accents), looks much more profitable than, for example, just burgundy wallpaper in the interior of any of the rooms.

Bordeaux kitchen, photo

What color goes well with burgundy in the interior? With the color of burgundy (bordeaux), light shades are ideal: white, milky, beige, ivory, light gray. In addition, burgundy color with coral, orange, pale turquoise, black will look spectacular and quite bold.

Let's look at the combination of burgundy in the interior in the following video:

After a general review, we move on to a more detailed one, where we consider the role of burgundy in each of the rooms of the apartment.

Burgundy living room

The burgundy color in the interior of the living room will create the effect of a lush room, in which, of course, various receptions and celebrations are excellently held. In such a room, your guests will always feel like they are VIPs. And with the fact that it is extremely pleasant, I think everyone will agree.

II burgundy color in the interior, photo

Burgundy is the best for decorating the walls of the living room. Burgundy wallpaper on the walls in such an interior is both a juicy accent and an intimate atmosphere.

If your room is well lit, be sure to add white. As much as possible. Lighting in combination with white and burgundy color will create the presence of some incredible energy and slight arrogance.

Burgundy wallpaper in the interior, photo

If you choose brown for the burgundy color, you will also get an excellent burgundy-brown combination, which is traditionally considered classic. Brown will only emphasize burgundy. This slightly "twilight" combination will make you feel protected from the daily hustle and bustle of the world.

Easily use to pair any of the recommended light shades from the white and beige pastel palette.

Living room interior in burgundy color, impeccable furniture, soft, slightly subdued light - admit it, you already like it ...

Burgundy curtains in the interior, photo

Vintage wine bedroom

Recall that the burgundy color partially consists of red, therefore, it would be logical to think that it is associated with love and romantic relationships. But given that it's quite deep and rich, be careful how you use it. Here you should adhere to the same rules as in the children's room and hallway - arrange everything rationally, with a sense of proportion.

A large amount of burgundy can turn a room into a too conservative, strict and intimate room. And that would be the least of it. Say "NO!" maximalism.

Let the burgundy color in the bedroom be unobtrusively present: curtains and bedspreads, made in the rich color of ripe cherries, are quite enough for a rest room.

To help decorate the interior of the bedroom to burgundy, choose one of the light colors or colors: white, milky, beige, ivory, light gray. The interior in burgundy tones combined with light shades will symbolize the stability of your family union. Gentle and warm atmosphere is also guaranteed to you.

What kind of interior? See the photo collection and find out the best color combinations for your bedroom, living room or kitchen.

Read about making a stencil of flowers on the wall with your own hands in: a simple but very stylish decor when you want to update the decor.

Burgundy in the nursery: is it worth it?

There will be few tips for decorating the interior of your child's room in burgundy tones. Remember the above points that relate to the interior of the nursery. Here again, the fate of red in creating the color of burgundy reminds of itself.

Excessive use of burgundy can lead to increased activity of the child and even cause anxiety and anxiety.

If we are talking about a baby and his first years of life, experts recommend not using burgundy color at all. Better decorate the room in pastel colors.

In a teenager's room, use burgundy in a dosed way: let it be textile accessories, a chandelier, burgundy curtains in the interior will also be in place. The classic duet of white and burgundy will also sound great.

A kitchen in the colors of ripe cherries: it sounds delicious!

Burgundy color in the interior of the kitchen will look especially. To begin with, unlike some of the other flowers, it does not particularly contribute to the digestive process and appetite in general. In the kitchen, it can cause some discomfort.

When using burgundy, be extremely careful too. Bring it into the interior quite carefully, combine it with light colors. It is best to pair it with white.

Burgundy kitchen in the interior, photo

A good combination would be a mixture of tomato-burgundy with peach. Then the kitchen will look really “delicious”.

If you prefer burgundy tiles, you will be in the top ten. It will look elegant and expensive!

Burgundy bathroom

Juicy burgundy color will give your bathroom exclusivity and extraordinary. But in the design of her interior, the use of only one Burgundy color will not be enough. Be sure to add a mirror in a beautiful frame. Will look good in such a bathroom and laundry baskets. Of course, wicker and only wicker.

Fluffy towels and rugs in light colors unobtrusively decorate the room.

This interior design option would be ideal for fairly large bathtubs, but if you have a small bathroom, it is better not to use burgundy. Bordeaux visually narrows small rooms.

If the scales of your desires weigh in the direction of burgundy tiles, remember that they will look only if they are used partially in the bathroom. A contrasting duet of burgundy and white is a super-ideal option.

Note! If we talk about furniture in burgundy colors for rooms, give preference to upholstered furniture in this color. It is not only ideal for decoration, but will also add luxury to any room.

The velvety softness of the burgundy color of the furniture will give special tenderness and lightness. Coziness and harmony will help to create, for example, sofa cushions or a blanket 2-3 tones lighter.

Now you know what the burgundy color is combined with, and what colors should be added to your interior. Using colorful color combinations with charisma-rich burgundy, you will not remain indifferent to the color of chic roses, French wine and ripe cherries.

Good luck decorating! Do not be afraid to experiment and, even the most unacceptable combinations at first, will safely decorate any of your rooms.

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the house where we all spend a lot of time. Therefore, the space should be cozy, functional and attractive. The color scheme of this room plays a significant role.

Along with white, gray and black classics, a shade of burgundy in various variations is often used to equip the kitchen.

Advantages and disadvantages

Burgundy is a shade of red, but it is not so flashy and bright. It looks expensive, expressive and original, so it can emphasize any interior. It is usually chosen by people who are confident and a little domineering. The color is very strong from an energetic point of view.

The color is elegant and festive, and at the same time quite calm, pacifying. This combination is very successful for the kitchen.

From a practical point of view, we can also find advantages in this shade. It does not show various impurities as much as on light colors, which increases the functionality of the kitchen space.

It is known that colors have a certain effect on the psyche. Bordeaux in this respect attracts by the fact that it calms, pacifies. In his environment, you can just calmly spend time with your loved ones, discussing current problems with them.

It is worth mentioning the disadvantages of color. It is quite dark, so it can visually make the room look smaller, which is why you should not use it for the main color.

But burgundy details will be appropriate in this case. Also keep in mind that a lot depends on the combination of colors. If you combine burgundy with other dark colors, your room can become very gloomy and uncomfortable.

Shades of burgundy

Burgundy color is multifaceted. Being a shade of red, and he, in turn, has different shades, each of which has its own characteristics.

Conventionally, these shades are divided into four groups:

  • Directly burgundy is a classic color, a mixture of red and brown.
  • Ripe cherry. The darkest and richest tone from the entire Bordeaux palette.
  • Pomegranate. Very bright and saturated. Good to use with contrasting colors. Looks nice with white.
  • Deep carmine. Cooler than other shades. Along with red and brown, it has a touch of blue.

Color combination

The most important thing, if you have chosen burgundy for yourself, is to successfully combine it with other tones. It can be combined with both classic monochrome and other contrasting tones. Consider the most popular combinations.

Burgundy and white

White is characterized by the ability to emphasize the characteristics of those shades that are next to it. With white burgundy it will look even deeper, more multifaceted and rich.

White is suitable if you want to visually expand the space, make the room lighter and more airy, and link several colors together.

A good option is a burgundy kitchen set and white walls as a background. This is the perfect choice for a classic style.

Countertops imitating marble, for example, white with burgundy veins, look interesting. Often, the contrast of white and burgundy is used to create a high-tech room.

Perhaps a two-tone white and burgundy kitchen looks a bit boring, but it’s not at all like that. Playing with bright details, you can change the concept of the room, making it either jokingly funny or modestly solemn.

Advice! The interior can be diluted with bright textiles, indoor plants, fruits, which will make it more fresh and lively.

Burgundy and black

With a combination of black and burgundy, caution is needed. If you combine these two colors as the main ones, you can make your kitchen look gloomy and inhospitable, and it will also look much less spacious than it actually is.

In this case, you can go the other way. Take burgundy and white as basic shades, and let black details act as accents. The result will be very elegant and surprisingly luxurious.

Without a light color in the kit, it is better not to use black and burgundy together for any room.

Burgundy and gray

Gray and burgundy - a combination of refined, aristocratic. If you want to take these two colors as the main colors, let the gray be very light, almost white. And other light details in this case will not interfere.

Dark gray should be used according to the same principle as black - dilute with gray details a combination of burgundy and some of the light shades.

Burgundy and beige

The combination of burgundy and beige will look very gentle and warm. You can safely use these two colors as the main ones, and if you wish, add a little more detail of some bright colors.

If we talk about other color combinations, you need to highlight the soft and light shades of green, for example, the color of green tea or muted olive. This combination looks calm and very original.

As the third color, take some as light as possible. As for the tones of blue, caution is important here. They can both make the interior brighter and drown out all the beauty of burgundy with their coldness.

The combination of burgundy with orange and coral is quite bold, and if used incorrectly, it can look completely tasteless. But, having beaten him successfully, you will get a stunning effect.

A good solution in this case is the following: combine white or beige with burgundy as the main ones, and use orange for several interior details - flower vases, dinnerware, cute kitchen towels and so on.

There are general rules that should be used in the interior design of the kitchen if you have chosen burgundy for it. They will be as follows:

  • Burgundy is important to dilute with delicate and light colors. You can use cream, milk, caramel. The right combination will make it possible to create incredible comfort in your home.
  • The surface of kitchen facades can be both matte and glossy. In the first case, the interior will be more strict, in the second - more luxurious and solemn.
  • Remember curtains. This is an important decorative element. Their shade should be in harmony with the color of the furniture. A good option is a bright kitchen with burgundy accents and curtains in the same color.
  • Burgundy interiors look especially good with diffused lighting, which softens the brightness of the colors and does not strain the eyes.
  • Do not combine burgundy kitchen with tones that can cause irritation - with yellow, pink, bright green. In this case, they will take all the attention and distract from the deep luxury of Bordeaux.

What style is best for a burgundy kitchen?

In the color of burgundy, you can decorate a classic kitchen. In this case, furniture sets made of MDF or wood are suitable, which will look very good. This may not be the most characteristic solution for the classics, but it will make your kitchen very original.

For those who love country style, it may seem that burgundy is not the best solution. But that's not the case at all. If you choose furniture in this shade with an aged effect, and complement it with the right accessories and decorative elements, everything will be in harmony.

For this style, details in the form of fabric bedspreads, tablecloths with a cute print, aprons and small dried flower arrangements are suitable.

Styles such as hi-tech and minimalism can also benefit from burgundy. In this case, you can replace matte textures with shiny ones, add steel and chrome, as well as the most modern and functional household appliances.

In fact, you can experiment with Bordeaux in any stylistic decision. It is only important to maintain a single concept thanks to the details.

The burgundy color leaves unlimited opportunities for experimentation. Properly using it and successfully combining it with other tones, you will achieve an amazing effect, and your kitchen will cease to be just a kitchen.

It will become a model of style, a luxurious and at the same time cozy room, where staying can immediately positively affect your mood and emotions.

Bordeaux is the color of aged wine, ripe cherries, expensive roses, luxury and aristocracy. Dresses of this color are chosen by stylish and elegant women who want to stand out from the gray crowd and look fashionable and noble at the same time.

Burgundy is not a base shade and is obtained by mixing red and black or brown. A rather complex color, so you need to know what you can combine the burgundy color in clothes with. On all textures, burgundy looks different: on matte fabrics - classic and noble, on glossy - luxurious and solemn.

You can use clothes of this tone from different fabrics, especially on textured ones:

  • wool,
  • leather,
  • chiffon,
  • organza,
  • atlas,
  • silk,
  • viscose,
  • cotton,
  • velvet,
  • tweed,

What is the combination of burgundy in the clothes of a woman and a man. Photo, psychology, who suits

Bordeaux is successfully combined with other shades on opposite textures. For example, leather with chiffon, wool with silk.

With what and to whom it is better to combine burgundy color in clothes, you can find out from this article. Bordeaux is neutral, therefore it is combined with most shades, both warm and cold. Stylishly, any image can be supplemented simply by using burgundy accessories: handbags, shoes, shawls, belts, hats, jewelry.

With what and how to combine burgundy color in clothes depends on the color subspecies. The main subspecies: brown burgundy (suitable for marsh, orange, tobacco, gold), pink burgundy (combines well with beige, pink, gray) and blue burgundy (combines with olive, blue, lavender).

Types and names:

  • Marsala (mysterious dark red, close to brown);
  • Maroon (emphasizes and slims the figure, ideal for evening dresses and business suits);
  • Carmine (red hue predominates);

  • Pomegranate (a mixture of blue and brown undertones);
  • Ruby (subtle pink-burgundy undertone);
  • Mahogany (red-brown-orange mix of shades);
  • Maroon (rich brown crimson);
  • Sangria (pink undertone prevails, very gentle and romantic);
  • Burgundy (wine with purple undertones, similar to plum).

What you need to know with what to combine burgundy color in clothes in order to get a trendy and stylish bow and not look out of place:

  • For everyday looks, it goes well with soothing tones: gray, white, beige, black, blue.
  • Evening dresses will look elegant both in the form of monochrome dresses of various burgundy shades, and in combination with bright colors: pink, blue, emerald, gold.
  • Girls in wine-colored evening dresses on expensive fabrics will be chic: chiffon, silk, organza, guipure, taffeta.
  • This color is also ideal when choosing outerwear (winter down jacket, coat, jacket, raincoat, suede trench coat, poncho, leather jacket).

Girls who follow the latest fashion trends and want to look irresistible in any situation need to have basic dark red things in their wardrobe.

The first basic thing is a coat. Fashionable and indispensable in the autumn cold, a Marsala-colored cashmere coat can be combined with black or gray trousers, a skirt, a dress. The image will be complemented by a bag of wine tone.

The second elements of the wardrobe should be wine pants, they can be classic, stretch (skinny) or leather. These trousers are successfully combined with any top, both in a neutral tone (white, gray, beige, black), and with a color shade (blue, pink, olive, orange). Beige shoes and a handbag will suit them.

The third basic thing is a wine skirt or dress. Pleated midi skirts made of thin airy fabrics or knitted pencil skirts look elegant. The skirt can be combined with a sand or sky blouse and matching accessories.

The dress can be knitted (sheath dress) or made from more airy fabrics. Black or beige boots, ankle boots or high heels will suit him. Such a wardrobe will be decorated with bright accessories: belts, shawls, scarves, bags, hats.

Who suits burgundy?

The color is both simple and complex, so it is suitable for both everyday and office outfits, as well as for evening dresses. It can be worn even by girls with a non-standard figure, as it is able to visually reduce volumes, hide flaws and slim the silhouette.

Dark red suits girls of almost all color types. Cold shades will look better on blondes, bright and warm tones on swarthy brunettes. Girls of the spring color type with blond hair and skin need to choose shades of wine: burgundy, carmine, maroon.

For a winter color type with a cold skin tone and black hair, almost all shades are suitable (especially garnet, ruby, burgundy), as this is a winter color. On "summer" girls, with a non-contrasting appearance, muted shades will look ideal: marsala, ruby, burgundy.

For the autumn color type with bronze skin and fiery red hair, shades with a red tint will be suitable: mahogany, sangria, carmine, marsala. A completely monochrome look suits girls of the fall and winter color type, especially with green or brown eyes.

The psychology of color

According to psychologists, burgundy in clothes is chosen by strong, self-confident, balanced individuals who know their own worth. Suitable for cheerful people who are not prone to depression.

This is the color of power, solidity and aristocracy, which personalities of creative professions and business people like to use.

For women, the color of dignity, femininity and elegance. Since dark red is a mixture of red and black, it is harmonious. Bright and passionate on the one hand, calm and noble on the other.

How does burgundy match other colors?

With black

What successfully combines the burgundy color in clothes is with black. This classic combination is suitable for a daily and discreet look. Such an image would be ideal for girls of winter and autumn color types. Such a bow will look especially impressive if some part of the black wardrobe is made of leather.

For an elegant office look, pair a black bodysuit or jumper with a burgundy pencil skirt and black leather heeled pumps. For walks, you can choose black trousers with a burgundy jumper or black leather leggings with a wine cardigan, sweatshirt. Also, under any black bottom, a leather jacket-leather jacket in Marsala shade will look stylish.

To avoid gloom, you need to choose bright burgundy, and accessories - the third shade (silver, golden). To give the image a contrast, it can be diluted with white. For example, black trousers with a white blouse and a wine cardigan.

For an evening out, a burgundy dress with black accessories (handbag, shoes, gloves, hat) and gold jewelry or a black guipure sweater with a carmine skirt and black sandals will look stylish.

with brown

Not a very good combination of brown and dark red. The image may look gloomy.

To prevent this, you need to pick up light brown (beige-brown, gray-brown, chocolate) leather shoes and a handbag for a marsala-colored knitted dress. Bright accessories will help to dilute the bow.

With gray

A successful and calm option would be a combination of noble burgundy with calm classic gray, especially with light gray, silver. This combination suits the summer color type of girls. Gray tends to accentuate dark colors favorably.

For example, for everyday style, a set of carmine chiffon skirt or skinny trousers with a light gray jacket or sweatshirt will be a fashionable bow. For an office, but not boring look, a gray business suit with a burgundy blouse (top) or a burgundy dress with a gray cardigan or jacket is suitable.

You can also complement plain boring gray outfits with wine accessories and shoes. A cocktail wine dress will harmoniously emphasize a silver handbag and jewelry.

with purple

An outfit combined of burgundy and purple shades (lavender, grape, ultraviolet, purple) will look extraordinary and mysterious.

The main color should be wine, and purple details will successfully complement it. For example, a marsala shade dress with a purple belt at the waist, shoes and jewelry is a good choice for a cocktail party.

With blue

The combination in the image of blue (aqua, indigo, ultramarine, electric, dark blue) and burgundy is quite harmonious, since blue is peace and coldness, burgundy is activity, passion and energy. Blue favorably emphasizes and complements the noble burgundy.

Such combinations are ideal both for the office and for everyday walks around the city. This color scheme can be diluted with accessories and handbags with leopard print. The blue (ultramarine) top and burgundy bottom with a leopard-colored handbag look especially elegant and not boring.

A wine knee-length knit dress, an indigo coat and beige heeled boots will also turn out to be a spectacular option. For walks, a set of wine-fitting skinny trousers, a blue wool short coat, a hat and a burgundy handbag will be a bright image.

Tomboy girls will love the combination of blue ripped jeans with a burgundy jacket or sweatshirt in a sporty style and red or burgundy sneakers. A monochrome burgundy look will be diluted with bright blue shoes and accessories.

With blue

A combination of bright burgundy with delicate blue (pale turquoise, pale blue, heavenly) will be successful. Therefore, classic jeans with dark red shirts, jackets, knitted cardigans or leather jackets look spectacular on girls.

Also, an airy look for a summer evening will be obtained by combining a sky-colored lace dress or a knee-length chiffon skirt with a Marsala-colored blazer. Accessories of blue tones (scarves, belts, jewelry) are suitable for this style.

with green

You need to carefully complement the burgundy shade with green, as these two colors are opposite in scale and can overwhelm each other. Although this combination is natural in nature. Shades of green must be selected carefully in small proportions so as not to overload the image.

You can choose emerald, turquoise green, malachite to create a spectacular bright bow; mint, light green - for a more romantic; olive, khaki, marsh - for everyday casual style. A set of an emerald dress with ruby ​​shoes and a handbag or a malachite skirt with a wine chiffon blouse and an emerald clutch looks stylish and juicy.

with yellow

For lovers of a bright look, an autumn combination of burgundy and yellow is suitable. Here it is necessary to adhere to some rules so that the bow does not turn out to be overly catchy and inappropriate.

If the burgundy shade is bright, then yellow is better to choose calmer (cream, banana, mustard, lemon, straw, vanilla). It is advisable to combine the wine bottom (trousers, skirts) with the yellow top (blouses, cardigans, sweatshirts, jackets). Accessories for such images are better to choose neutral: beige, black, gray.

With orange

A rather bold combination of burgundy and orange, looks good in summer and autumn. Orange is desirable to choose not too bright (golden peach, yellow-orange, orange-coral, orange).

To dilute a business suit with bright notes, you can complement it with a pale orange blouse or peach top. In the case of a strict dress code, a muted wine-colored business suit can be diluted with a yellow-orange scarf or handbag.

With red

The red color is similar to burgundy, as it is one of its creators, so it goes well with burgundy in one set. However, in such outfits, the use of red (coral, brick red, scarlet) must be carefully in small quantities, as you can achieve too bright and aggressive look.

Such bright bows must be balanced with neutral (beige, gray, black) accessories and shoes.

With pink

Girls who combine wine with pink will look romantic and sophisticated. For example, a marsala shade suit and a pink airy blouse, burgundy skinny trousers and a pale pink fitted jacket, a bright salmon cardigan and a ruby ​​pencil skirt.

It is better when both colors are in equal proportions or pink prevails a little. Such fashionable bows are especially suitable for young girls. Accessories and shoes are better to choose a calm beige color. In the case of a monochrome burgundy look, it can be diluted with pink bags and accessories.

with gold

Burgundy in combination with gold is not suitable for everyday or business style. But when choosing evening dresses, such a combination will look luxurious and elegant at the same time.

A wine-colored evening dress made of luxurious fabrics with gold embroidery, drapery or a combination of a monochrome dress with a golden clutch, stilettos and gold jewelry will look very impressive.

With beige

Combining rich wine with neutral beige in an outfit will suit the autumn color type of girls. This color combination is ideal for both the office and everyday city walks.

A feminine look can be achieved by combining burgundy with beige, especially with several of its shades at once (sand, cream, flesh, milky). It is also desirable to combine these shades in the same proportions or use burgundy as an accent.

For example, a beige cashmere coat or a coarse-knit wool cardigan over a burgundy knitted dress, a ruby ​​clutch and leather ankle boots look stylish and gentle. For walking around the city or working in the office, a set of cream trousers and a wine chiffon blouse or sweatshirt and a beige bag will do.

What colors does burgundy not match?

Bordeaux does not go well with dark brown, acidic and neon colors.

Compatibility table

What is the best combination of burgundy color in clothes will help the color compatibility table.

What goes best with burgundy. Table

Girls wearing burgundy and knowing how to correctly combine it with other colors in clothes will always look mysterious and stylish in the office, on walks, parties and at special occasions.

The aristocratic and mysterious burgundy is an indispensable universal color in the wardrobe of a modern lady, which suits various color types, shapes and ages and is combined with almost all shades.

An interesting video about the principles of combining burgundy shades in clothes

How and with what to combine burgundy things - color rules:

Clothing in burgundy tones - photo selection:

“Burgundy is the color of French wine, ripe cherries, expensive roses - few people are able to resist its splendor” (c)

The burgundy color is not included in the main palette, as it was obtained by mixing red with brown. Burgundy got its name in honor of one of the French wines called Bordeaux (Bordeaux). From red, burgundy adopted such qualities as vigor, authoritativeness, determination, and from brown - masculinity, stability, reliability. Since ancient times, this color has been considered an attribute of monarchs, used in heraldry, emphasizing aristocracy and special status. In the modern world, burgundy is also associated with respectability and a high position in society, therefore combination of burgundy color in clothes is still relevant.

The depth and saturation of the burgundy color can look spectacular, emphasize sensuality and passion, or it can also oppress and suppress. In addition, burgundy has the ability to visually reduce, which makes it a great alternative to black. On different textured materials, burgundy looks different: on matte - nobly, sustained in the best classical traditions, on glossy - impressive, luxurious, identical.

Burgundy color always serves as the center of attention, its powerful energy attracts the eye. A burgundy outfit will set you apart from others, emphasizing your irresistibility.

Of course, when describing a color, it is important to be able not only to perceive it separately, but also in combination with other colors. Various combinations allow you to give a special emotional coloring to your outfit and get the desired effect. Therefore, let's look at what colors are harmoniously combined with burgundy.


The combination of burgundy and black has become a classic. This duet demonstrates restraint and practicality. True, there is a risk that such a combination may look too gloomy and inexpressive. In this case, it is recommended to add a third color to the ensemble, white is best.


More successful is the combination of burgundy with gray. But here you need to make a choice in favor of light shades of gray. Light gray will create the necessary contrast with deep burgundy. This combination looks stylish and modern, it has a certain charm.


Burgundy with white is a very bright combination. White color tends to highlight and emphasize the properties of its companion color. Therefore, against its background, burgundy looks even deeper and more saturated. Moreover, the ensemble will look spectacular, where white and burgundy are taken in equal proportions.


The combination of burgundy and blue is built on the contrasting properties of these colors: the passion and energy of burgundy and the calmness of blue. Therefore, these two colors successfully emphasize each other. If you take dark shades of blue, their combination with burgundy looks restrained and noble. But the combination of burgundy with bright shades of blue certainly looks stylish and spectacular.


The combination of burgundy with beige, cream, caramel looks elegant and sophisticated. The softness and tenderness of beige is successfully combined with energetic burgundy. In general, the tandem of these two colors will emphasize your femininity, even if you are wearing an ensemble of a jacket and trousers.


Burgundy with yellow is a bright and bold combination, indicating an active leadership position. The highlight of this combination is that it is natural and natural, as it is often found in nature. Remember the palette of autumn, at this time of the year nature is painted in burgundy-yellow tones.


Burgundy in combination with pink is associated with grace and tenderness. In combination with pink, burgundy looks less saturated. The conservatism of burgundy is softened by the lightness and romance of pink. If you choose light shades of pink, then they can be used in an ensemble in equal proportions with burgundy or even dominate it. But be careful with dark or rich shades of pink - let them be on the sidelines in an ensemble with burgundy.


Burgundy in combination with green looks unusual, spectacular, original. But at the same time, these two colors, being in close proximity to each other, can oppress, suppress. Therefore, they must be used carefully, giving preference to dark shades of green.


It is difficult to imagine a richer and more dazzling combination than burgundy with gold. It is associated with luxury, abundance, theatricality. Of course, this combination is intended for festive evening dresses. In a burgundy and gold ensemble, you will feel like royalty.

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