How to apply mascara to eyelashes correctly. How to apply mascara to your eyelashes and make your eyes expressive

Hello everyone, dear readers!

Have you ever wondered how you apply mascara to your eyelashes? Probably many people do this almost automatically. But in fact, there are some nuances here. After all, there are several ways to use mascara, some of which you may not have even thought of.

How to paint eyelashes with mascara correctly? This is exactly the question I will try to answer in this article. Perhaps you will take advantage of some of the tips and put them into practice. After all, successfully painted eyes will give you even more attractiveness and self-confidence.

In order to make your look more expressive with the help of such a decorative product as mascara, you need to make right choice. So let's look at several types of mascara and decide which one suits us best.

  • Lengthening.

She's great suitable for owners short eyelashes that lack length. By and large, such mascaras have sparse bristles, and they work due to the microfiber content of silk, viscose or nylon. Its texture should be light so as not to stick together short eyelashes.

  • Volumetric.

This mascara is suitable for those who have long or sparse eyelashes that lack volume. Do you want your eyelashes to become more fluffy, give preference to her. After all, this mascara will be able to envelop each hair with a thin film, which usually consists of viscous microparticles, beeswax or synthetic fibers.

  • Twisting.

But girls with straight eyelashes who look down should use this mascara, but everyone else should too. Because the effect of this mascara is simply amazing. After all, it gives the eyelashes a seductive bend, which many of us so want to achieve. And the wide-open look is created due to the curved brush and the content of keratin and resins in the mascara. They tighten the eyelashes in a special way, thereby forcing them to remain in the desired condition.

  • Caring.

This decorative product has nutritional and protective properties, which will have a beneficial effect on eyelashes. This mascara should be preferred if you have Problems with eyelashes, for example, they have become too thin, brittle and weakened.

  • Water resistant.

This mascara can have different effect, but not so pronounced, since its main action is aimed at combating humidity. Choose it in cases where you really need it, for example at sea, in rainy weather, summer heat. It is also irreplaceable if you play sports or are too sentimental. And on winter days she is not afraid of snow. You can first apply regular mascara to your eyelashes, and apply that as the last layer.

  • Hypoallergenic.

This mascara is chosen by girls and women who have very sensitive mucous membrane of the eyes. This product will not cause allergic reaction, but will delicately cope with the task at hand: curling, volume or lengthening. Typically, this mascara contains healthy vitamins and minerals.

How to paint eyelashes with mascara correctly - 5 best techniques

So, we have chosen mascara, and now we need to use it correctly. If you use shadows, eyeliner and pencil in your makeup, then you need to apply them first. If you do the opposite, then in the end everything will go down the drain, because these products may crumble slightly on top of the eyelashes, and you will have to take up mascara again.

You can also use or before tinting your eyelashes. I like the second option better, since it is much faster and the effect is almost the same.

There are several methods for coloring eyelashes with mascara, after experimenting with which you will choose the best one for yourself.

Classic step by step

Suitable for any length of eyelashes. The method allows you to create an open look, which is also called panoramic or fan-shaped. Basically, all professional advice comes down to this. It consists of painting the eyelashes in the right direction from roots to tips. How to do it?

  • First, you need to apply mascara to the middle part of the eyelashes, moving the brush straight up;
  • Then move on to the eyelashes at the outer corner of the eye; they should be painted strictly in the direction of the temple;
  • Next, you should apply mascara to the inner corner of the eye, here you need to paint over the eyelashes, directing them with the brush towards the nose and slightly down;
  • At the end you can paint it with mascara lower eyelashes in one layer. If they are too long, then there is no need to paint them completely, as they can create an unsightly shadow.

Don't try to apply too many layers of mascara, this will keep your lashes separated and not sticking together. For more mature ladies, painting the lower eyelashes is not recommended, as this will make the eyes look tired. Makeup should be done in an upward direction.

On next video The makeup artist talks in detail about this method.

We move in zigzags

This is how eyelashes are dyed in beauty salons, as this method leaves enough mascara on the eyelashes to give them impressive volume and length. Two in one at once. But you shouldn’t use it if your eyelashes are too short, otherwise they can become just like “stumps”.

With this method, it is recommended to apply mascara to the eyelashes in zigzags, starting from the roots and moving to the tips. It turns out that you move the brush “back and forth,” driving the mascara into the eyelashes and then pulling them out.

Vertical "Dramatic Look"

Quite interesting and unusual way. And it is suitable for both short and long long eyelashes. Here it is recommended to keep the brush in vertical position. First, you need to put as much product on the brush as possible and then, starting from the roots and ending with the tips, carefully paint over the eyelashes. Don't forget about the bottom row too.

It seems like everyone else, but personally, after this method, my eyelashes stuck together more than usual. Therefore, it is better to then take the brush as usual, that is, horizontally, and paint the roots again. And at the end, walk a little along the tips of the eyelashes. In this method of applying mascara, the entire emphasis is on the roots of the eyelashes.

The makeup turns out to be very dramatic, if you are going to conquer everyone at the party with your look, then this method is for you.

Natural for long eyelashes

If you are naturally blessed good eyelashes, then this method may suit you. Its advantage is that no lumps form on the eyelashes, and they are all perfectly separated. To do this, you need to put mascara on the brush and bring it as close to the top row of eyelashes as possible. Now start blinking quickly, your eyelashes should touch the brush themselves, picking up the optimal amount of product.

This is an excellent and simple method that I use very often myself. It turns out very beautiful and natural, but this trick won’t work with the lower eyelashes.

Puff for celebration

Perfect for a holiday, the makeup will be more durable, and the eyelashes will be very fluffy. When using this method you will need .

The trick is that as soon as you apply the first layer of mascara, you need to immediately apply powder to your eyelashes. It is advisable to use a small brush, distribute the product over all eyelashes, as a result they should become white.

Then you need to brush off the excess and apply another layer of mascara. You can do these steps again, but don't overdo it, you don't want any lumps. Then you need to take special brush to separate the eyelashes (a comb), and carefully separate all the stuck together eyelashes with it.

That's how long there are interesting methods applying mascara. My favorite is the first one, because with this use of mascara even the shape of the eyes becomes more beautiful, and the look becomes enchanting and mysterious.

Usually all girls apply mascara only to the top row of eyelashes, but you can do this on the bottom row as well. The most important thing is to decide whether such makeup is suitable or not. Sometimes applying mascara to the lower eyelashes makes you look older, but sometimes it’s the other way around, your eyes become very expressive.

Makeup artists do not advise covering the lower row of eyelashes with a thick layer of mascara to avoid getting “spider legs.” It is enough to apply mascara in one layer and pay more attention to the roots of the eyelashes. It is permissible to lengthen the central or outer eyelashes at the outer corner of the eye.

It is also recommended to lightly powder the area under the eyes before applying mascara; this will allow you to quickly brush off particles of “brasmatic” without stretching the skin. There is an opinion that mascara applied to the eyelashes of the lower eyelid can slightly make the eyes appear smaller, but this is all individual and can only be determined experimentally.

To prevent eyelashes from sticking together or making mistakes when applying the product

Makeup is an entire art. Even when using mascara, something can go wrong. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the mistakes that you may encounter when applying mascara.

That's all for me. I hope you learned something new for yourself. Put new methods into practice and don’t forget about the tips. Let your eyelashes become even more beautiful. And mascara will definitely help you with this.

Happy eye makeup! See you!

Mascara is a makeup product that emphasizes the volume, length, and thickness of eyelashes. A flawless make-up depends on its quality, brush, and makeup technique. It is important to correctly combine products and other cosmetics, such as lipstick, lip gloss, eye shadow, and eyeliner. When creating an image, the color of the eyes, hair, and face shape are taken into account. In order for your makeup to be flawless, you need to learn how to properly apply mascara to your eyelashes.

Mascara and brush for application are chosen depending on the characteristics of the eyelashes:

  • For coarse hair, liquid cosmetics are preferable. A brush with a hard curved brush will help to color each hair evenly;
  • for soft ones, you need a hard brush, which will prevent them from sticking together and help separate the hairs;
  • for rare suitable remedy with a thick texture;
  • long, lush eyelashes will be good when using any makeup product.

Application secrets should be taken into account flawless makeup, giving hair an impeccable appearance:

  1. If you use a brush with short bristles, the hairs will be evenly colored even in the corners of the eyes.
  2. You can add visual length by first applying a layer of product and then powdering. The next one must be applied in a zigzag motion.
  3. You can curl your eyelashes at home using special curlers.
  4. First apply a black base, then a colored one. Otherwise, the makeup will be vulgar. When experimenting with shades, follow the rules of the color scheme: blondes with brown eyes gray will do mascara, with blue - blue.
  5. For older ladies, an extension product (Loreal Telescopic) is suitable. It is not recommended to use products with a volume effect.
  6. To update your makeup, just brush over the ends of your hairs. You should not touch up your makeup frequently. This way you can stain your eyelids and get the effect of sticky hairs.

How to properly apply mascara to eyelashes

You need to start painting from the lower eyelashes. In another case, pigment may be imprinted on the upper eyelids. The brush should be held horizontally and the hair should be painted in a zigzag motion, starting from the roots. To give the visual effect of increasing the size and volume of the eyelashes, they are colored both from above and from below. Correct technique application will help achieve a lamination effect. The hair will look more natural than false hair or extensions. Makeup experts recommend applying makeup with smooth movements and not pressing too hard on the brush.

To prevent eyelashes from sticking together

  • Use a hair comb after applying cosmetics. This advice will help remove excess substance;
  • To paint eyelashes with mascara, so that they do not stick together, you need to apply no more than 4 layers. For daytime makeup, 1-2 layers are enough, for evening makeup – 3-4;
  • a new layer should be applied after the previous one has dried, so that there are no lumps;
  • You need to dip the brush into the product, bring it to your eyelashes, and blink. This method will help you avoid getting spider legs, your makeup will look natural;
  • during dyeing, the brush must be held horizontally so that the fibers do not stick together in bunches;
  • if you have soft, thin fibers, you should not use a product with a silicone brush;
  • buy mascaras with a hair separation effect (Maybelline Define-A-Lash).

To add volume

  • You should use a primer before applying the product (you can replace it with eyebrow gel or baby powder);
  • you need to paint the eyelashes from the roots to the tips, starting from the inner corners of the eyes towards the temples;
  • Giving volume to hairs that are naturally long will ensure their curling and changing the line of bends.

To remove makeup, you need to treat the sponge with milk or another special product.

Apply it to the eye area and hold for 2-3 minutes. After removing any remaining makeup, rinse your face. You should not make movements that press on your eyelids. Otherwise, facial wrinkles may appear.

Make doll eyelashes

Step by step guide:

  1. Before applying makeup, you need to curl your eyelashes with tweezers. If you don’t have this accessory, you need to close your eyes and use a clean brush to pull the bristles up.
  2. Mascara is applied starting from the middle of the villi, combing with a brush at the base.
  3. Afterwards you should apply thin layer powder, re-color your hair.
  4. The look with doll eyelashes will be complemented by light shadows (beige, soft pink) and neutral lipstick.

When choosing of this type makeup, the tone of the face should be perfectly even. Otherwise, such makeup will draw attention to your flaw.

Rules for using additional funds

Additional makeup products give the look unique depth and expressiveness. Makeup is performed in the following sequence: first apply a pencil, shadows, then shade with a brush, and color the eyelashes with mascara. When purchasing cosmetics, you should carefully study its composition. The presence of caring components (lanolin, vitamins A and E) will prevent fragility. Your eyelashes will grow faster.


The accessory can be used to draw a soft line and emphasize the contour of the eye and eyelashes. It is better to buy a pencil with a soft core. It must be well secured in the body.

Types of pencils and their properties:

  • thick and wide - used instead of shadows for shading;
  • thin – for drawing a contour;
  • waterproof - do not smudge;
  • classic – for drawing arrows.

Step-by-step instructions for using a pencil:

  1. Apply base.
  2. Start drawing from the inner corner of the eyes.
  3. Errors when drawing lines will help to remove shading.
  4. Using powder will help add zest to the look and give volume to the eyelashes.

When creating makeup, you can experiment with colors, use different shades on the upper and lower eyelids.


The product is used on the eyelids and eyebrows. Shadows can be liquid, crumbly, or pressed.

To ensure that the substance lies evenly, it should be applied before use. nutritious cream and wait until completely absorbed.

Step-by-step instructions for applying eye shadow (one of the makeup options):

  1. Evens out facial tone. A base is applied to the eyelid.
  2. Using a flat brush, apply shadows in calm tones (beige, silver).
  3. The outer corner is painted with a dark matte shade, which visually enlarges the eyelashes.
  4. An intermediate color is painted between the shades.
  5. Apply from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eyes.

For smokey eye makeup, apply the entire eyelid dark shade shadows The inner corner of the eye is treated with a light tone.

Liquid eyeliner

Applying eyeliner helps to correct the shape of the eyes. If you make the layer in the middle thick, the eyes will visually appear round. By drawing different thicknesses from the outer edge, it is possible to correct the lack of close-set eyes.

You can draw with liquid eyeliner perfect arrows. The product can visually enlarge the eyes. The outer corners of the arrows need to be made slightly further than the actual level of the visual organ. It is not recommended to highlight the lower eyelid with color.

The substance is applied to upper eyelid. There should be no gaps between the eyeliner and eyelashes. When performing an arrow, the eyelid needs to be pulled out slightly towards the temple.

They use 2 techniques for applying eyeliner to visually transform eyelashes:

  • drawing by points - mark several points that are connected by one line;
  • shading - strokes are drawn from the center of the eyelid, which expand into the arrow.

The line of cosmetics is represented by a diverse color scheme: from classic black to hot pink. When performing bright makeup, it is important that the arrows are the same length.

If the eyelid droops, the colors after dyeing and shading should not extend beyond it.

Is it possible to do spectacular makeup with only mascara?

  1. Use colored mascara.
  2. Apply it with a liner brush in the same way as regular mascara.
  3. Round the eye contour. Apply the brush to the roots of the villi and apply a little pressure.
  4. Apply only to the ends of the hairs (the method is suitable for permanent makeup and extension).
  5. For getting everyday option Apply eyelashes in the usual way (up to 2 layers). Take a clean brush and make several zigzag movements.

Another secret to successful makeup is that the eyelashes must be clean, otherwise the makeup will look untidy. To avoid harm to health, for hygiene reasons you should not give boxes of cosmetics to other people. Pay attention to the expiration dates of products, which are indicated on the packaging.

Mascara is probably the most popular decorative cosmetic product, which almost all women use from time to time. However, not everyone knows how to do it correctly!

There are many different ways dye eyelashes. Some move the brush along the eyelashes, others hold the brush motionless and blink their eyes while touching it, some hold the brush vertically, and others use twisting movements.

There are also a wide variety of types of mascara, with all kinds of brushes. And each has its own characteristics.

So, let's look at 13 rules for using mascara:

1. If you are a fan, then before dyeing you must first comb your eyelashes with a stiff brush. After this, bring the mascara horizontally to your eye and blink quickly, touching the brush. Then the eyelashes will be fluffy and evenly colored.

2. For those who want to achieve open-minded, should be opened widen your eyes, paint even the smallest eyelashes in inner corners . Apply the mascara wand for a moment and then move on. Brushes with short, firm bristles work well for these small hairs.

3. If your eyelashes are not very thick, use mascara that gives volume.. You can even apply two layers, but the mascara should be of a soft consistency and not instantly harden on the eyelashes. Apply one coat of paint, then wait a bit and apply a second coat. Make sure that your eyelashes do not resemble shaggy spider legs - this looks very ugly.

4. If the eyelashes stick together during the dyeing process, use a stiff brush and brush them out before the mascara dries. You can also use a mascara with long, dense bristles - it separates and combs the eyelashes well.

5.The curved brush of the mascara allows you to paint all eyelashes at once in one stroke. Just apply it to the roots of the eyelashes and slowly, with a little pressure, move up to the tips. Don’t linger on the ends, but just keep moving, then lumps won’t appear at the ends of the eyelashes, which are so damaging appearance.

6. If you have short, straight eyelashes, you can use a curling iron. Before coloring, lightly press the curler onto the roots of your eyelashes, hold, then release. Don't do this very often, but only for special occasions, since over time the eyelash may “squeeze” and break. After this, color your eyelashes with curling mascara, which will lift them and make your eyes more expressive.

7. To emphasize the almond shape of the eye, apply the most color to the lashes from the outer corners of the eyes., almost without touching the small eyelashes in the inner corners.

8. If your eyelashes are very long and thick, you don’t need to dye them very much, just the ends. But if your eyelashes are sparse and short, it is better to use eyeliner at the very roots of your hair. Apply a bold or natural line, blend it out a little, then color your lashes.

9. Don't apply too much color to your lower eyelashes - they can give you an unnatural doll-like look. IN as a last resort, brush at the outer corner of the eye. Heavily colored lower lashes can make your eyes appear smaller, so be careful not to overdo it.

10. For natural hedgehog daytime makeup Blondes should use gray or brown mascara, because black can look too rough and defiant.

11. Brushes with soft and long bristles are used to give eyelashes fullness and volume.

12. Hard plastic and rubber brushes will help separate the lashes and also slightly curl them.

13. The shorter and smaller the brush, the more thoroughly you can paint each eyelash, not forgetting the smallest and most inconspicuous ones.

  • 1.How to apply mascara correctly
  • 2.Correct application of mascara
  • 3.How to dye eyelashes
  • 4. Mascaras and eyeliners

Eyelashes stuck together in tufts is one of the current problems which millions of women face every day. Eyes are the most expressive and charming part female face, and it is important that she looks well-groomed. High-quality mascara will help solve the problem and professional advice makeup artists, how to properly paint eyelashes so that they do not fall off or stick together.

The perfect eye make-up begins with a careful selection of cosmetics. If you choose bad option, expect the result in the form of heavy, glued eyelashes that will leave imprints on the skin of the eyelids. Which product to buy depends on the range important factors and hair type.

  • Rare eyelashes. It is better to apply mascara with a brush with medium bristles.
  • Tough. For even coloring, use a spiral comb with a curling effect.
  • Soft. To prevent eyelashes from sticking together, work them with a classic comb with even bristles along the entire length.
  • Narrow eyes. Apply the paint with a thin, long brush.
  • Eyelashes are medium soft and hard. Perfect option for separating and densely applying paint, use a silicone brush.
  • Short hairs. To add length, use a brush with sparse bristles.
  • If you want to have expressive eyes with unsurpassed volume, you will need a conical comb.

To prevent eyelashes from looking heavy, sticky, and overgrown with unsightly lumps, you need to choose the right type of mascara.

  • To add volume with coloring pigment, it is recommended to purchase a product containing silicone fibers and waxes, which envelop the hairs and visually create a thickening effect.
  • Decorative paint based on nylon and silicone fibers will help to lengthen eyelashes. The composition will cover and visually add length.

  • For waterproof makeup, mascara with a special composition is used. If the product is of high quality, then you can even swim with makeup on without worrying about your appearance.
  • It is advisable to paint hard eyelashes with a liquid composition, soft and thin eyelashes with a thicker, more stretchy one.

Thanks to harmonious combination With the right brush and paint you can achieve even distribution.

How to dye your eyelashes so they don't stick together

Application method coloring composition on the eyes - main secret creating a sexy, alluring and mysterious look.

How to prevent eyelashes from sticking together:

  1. If you wear contact lenses, you must put them on before using cosmetics.
  2. Remove the brush from the mascara tube. Check that there are no excesses or lumps on it. If the texture is too runny and drips, gently dab it on a clean cloth.
  3. To avoid fingerprints on upper eyelid lift your head slightly up.
  4. Start coloring the ends, moving from the outer corners.
  5. Using zigzag movements, work the entire surface of the hairs, starting from the base towards the ends. Try to cover the area as much as possible in one stroke to prevent the lashes from sticking together and looking heavy.
  6. Carefully paint the tips of the lower lashes.

Wait for the paint to dry and, if necessary, repeat all steps from the beginning. If you follow the steps the right accessory and without haste, the hairs will not stick together and the look will look bright and expressive.

Why eyelash extensions may clump together

Eyelash extensions look impressive and can disguise imperfections, but only if they are applied correctly and with high quality. Many women complain that in the morning the artificial fibers stick together and it takes a long time to get them in order.

What to do to stop eyelash extensions from sticking together:

  1. Choose a professional technician who knows the intricacies of the technology for attaching artificial hairs to perform the work.
  2. Regularly to separate them and comb out the ones that have already come off.
  3. Don't sleep face down on the pillow.
  4. Gently separate with a comb after taking a shower, but only after completely dry when the properties of the glue are restored.
  5. Do not rub your eyes with your hands.

If you need to apply mascara to add extra expression, use mascara that does not contain moisture-resistant ingredients.

You need to remove it carefully with a cotton swab dipped in warm water without any effort or pressure. To separate a tightly stuck bunch, use a toothpick or thin brush.

Why do laminated eyelashes stick together?

Are you afraid to laminate your eyelashes because of the scary gluing effect? Do not be alarmed, this is a temporary phenomenon that is observed only in the first knocks after visiting the master. So that after this time the eyes look well-groomed and with natural effect extension, the following rules must be observed:

  • in the first 24 hours, do not sleep with your face in the pillow, do not rub your hands or wet the laminated hairs with water;
  • wash off makeup using a sponge;
  • do not comb.

In the first day, the hairs may stick together and look as if they have been greased with oil. They will shine and look ugly, but this effect persists until the laminating composition dries completely.

In the future, the treated eyelashes do not require special care and can be removed by doing the following:

  • wash with cosmetic care products;
  • apply mascara;
  • go to the bathhouse and sauna;
  • apply cream around the eyes;
  • sleep in your favorite position;
  • swim in the sea and pool;
  • wear lenses;
  • sunbathe.

No restrictions, you can drive familiar image life and not be afraid that the eyelashes will begin to stick together, break and look unkempt.

What to do to prevent eyelashes from sticking together

Many representatives of the fair sex make mistakes, causing their hairs to stick together and become covered in lumps.

  1. A beautiful curl is created not with mascara, but with tweezers. First make a bend, and then you can apply paint.
  2. For daytime makeup, 1-2 layers of pigment are enough, for evening makeup no more than 3-4.
  3. When processing hairs, hold the brush strictly horizontally; if you place it vertically, the eyelashes will be painted unevenly and stick together in bunches. Correct positioning will ensure full coverage and perfect combing.
  4. Use only high-quality cosmetics. Mascara is suitable for use for 3 months after opening the tube, after which it can cause irritation and allergies.
  5. What to do to prevent hairs from sticking together in the cold? Paint with waterproof mascara. The cold causes wetting and further adhesion.

If you are concerned about the unsightly appearance of your eyes, learn how to choose the right cosmetics and accessories to distribute them. IN perfect makeup There are many nuances and it is important to be able to take them into account. First, determine the type of eyelashes, and then identify the reason why they began to cling. After studying the problem in detail, you will definitely understand your mistakes and find a way out of the situation.

Any woman. Whether your eyelashes are long and curled or short and straight, you probably use mascara to enhance the beauty of your eyes. However, not everyone knows how to dye eyelashes correctly, and therefore cannot achieve the desired effect.

Many women do not know how to use mascara correctly to get long, thick and voluminous eyelashes. Instead they are experimenting with various types mascara that promises them the desired result, which they cannot achieve. You don't need to be a makeup artist to distinguish well-painted eyelashes from poorly painted ones. Mascara serves to frame the eyes, and can completely transform the look of your eyelashes, increasing their volume and length, while at the same time providing them with natural look. When mascara is applied incorrectly, the eyelashes stick together, and the effect can be the opposite: the eyelashes can have an unnatural and very unattractive appearance. But eyelash sticking can be completely avoided.

If you want long, fluffy lashes that make your eyes look radiant rather than heavy, follow a few rules for applying mascara.

How to apply mascara to prevent eyelashes from sticking together

Since eyelashes usually stick together due to too much mascara being applied to them, you can avoid this by removing excess mascara from the wand by wiping it off with a tissue before applying color to your lashes.

How not to apply mascara

We've all done it: quickly move the wand in the mascara tube up and down before applying mascara to the eyelashes. Under no circumstances should this be done. By moving the brush up and down, we force air into the mascara tube, as a result of which the mascara dries out quickly, and we have to buy mascara more often. Instead, carefully insert the wand into the tube, pull it out, and remove excess mascara from the wand (for example, by blotting paper napkin), and then apply mascara to your eyelashes. You will get much best result, if you do this instead of aggressively moving the brush up and down.

Be careful about how many coats of mascara you apply. If you're getting ready for a night out, you may want to apply more mascara than if you were getting ready for work. In such situations, mascara applied in several layers can look very sexy and will highlight the eyes well, but be careful. If you apply more than one coat of mascara, apply the second coat before the first coat dries. It is very important. The main cause of sticky eyelashes or clumps of mascara is waiting too long between applications of mascara. So be sure to apply all layers at once, not allowing the first layer to dry before adding the next.

Never curl your eyelashes after applying makeup. If you need to use an eyelash curler, do so before applying mascara. Curling your eyelashes can damage them, not to mention the fact that curling eyelashes will definitely glue them together. There are also types of mascara that curl your lashes, so if you want long, curled lashes, look for a mascara that has a curling or false lash effect. .

Adding water vegetable oil, or some other substance, into a tube of mascara, when it runs out, you commit big mistake. First of all, tap water contains bacteria, which can not only irritate the eyes, but even cause some serious dangerous infections. Also, adding any liquid to a tube of mascara dilutes it, and the color of the mascara deteriorates, and the mascara may simply smudge. If the mascara really runs out, buy a new one. It's not worth the risk.

Don't be afraid to mix mascara

A good mascara should have two ends, or two brushes: one of them is voluminous, giving expressiveness to the eyelashes and making the eyes more “open,” and the other is lengthening, to immediately give the eyelashes a natural length. If you combine both types of mascara, the result will be expressive and bold, and your eyelashes will be long, thick and voluminous.

While the thought of buying a popular but cheap mascara seems tempting, try to avoid this temptation. When it comes to cosmetics, especially eye cosmetics, the best thing to consider is purchasing quality products, best natural ones. If health is important to you, you're likely to be careful about what you put in your body, and you should be careful about the cosmetics you put on your face every day. Low price mascara is appealing, but remember: you get what you pay for.