O. V. Dybina Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten. Lesson notes. Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten. Lesson notes The world around us kindergarten middle group

Lesson notes on the world around us

in the middle group

Subject: "Pets"


    form the concept of pets;

    develop a mental operation - generalization;

    develop an interest in observing the lives of domestic animals.

Progress of the lesson:

Psychological setting for the lesson.

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds (children raise their hands up)

We will also enjoy smiling faces (Smile at each other)

And everyone who lives on this planet (throw up their hands)

"Good morning!" Let's say together (hold hands)

Our eyes are watching carefully.

Our ears listen carefully.

Our legs don't bother us.

Our hands help us.

Guys, this morning the postman brought us a letter. Let's find out who wrote it for us.

This is a letter from my grandparents from the village. This is what they write: “Hello, dear girls and boys. We had a problem - all the animals from our yard fled. Please help me find them." We'll help you find it. And to find it, you need to solve riddles.

I serve my master -

I look after the master's house,

I growl and bark loudly

And I drive away strangers.


- The very first animal that man made his friend was a dog. This happened during joint hunts of ancient people and wild dogs. The dogs helped the man find and drive the animals into deep holes, and the man shared part of the prey with them.

Guys, the dog has his own house, what is it called? (Booth).

Right. What benefits does a dog bring to a person?

Children: The dog guards the house.

There are dogs of different breeds: hunting dogs, rescue dogs, guide dogs, shepherd dogs, sled dogs, guard dogs.

Dogs have lived with people for thousands of years. She guards livestock, warehouses, houses, helps hunters track animals, guards the border, leads the blind through the streets, saves people in the mountains and on the water.

Carrying cargo, chewing hay,

wags its tail,

shakes his mane.

And-go-go, And-go-go,

I'll ride far away.


Where does the horse live?

Children: In the stable.

Right. What benefits do you think a horse brings?

Children: Helps people on the farm - carries a cart and people.

In the old days, peasants harnessed a horse to a plow and plowed the field. Horses carried both hay from the meadows and firewood from the forest. And now horses are indispensable in the village.

She says "moo-moo!"

At night he sleeps in his stable,

During the day he goes to the pasture.

He gives us all milk. (Cow)

Where does the cow live?

Children: In the barn.

What benefits does a cow bring to people?

Children: Gives milk, and from the milk they make sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir.

Guys, what do cows eat? (grass)

Cows have an excellent sense of smell: they can distinguish between edible and inedible herbs by smell.

Cows are herbivores. In summer they graze in the meadow.

What do they eat in winter? (hay)

People have learned to prepare many healthy, tasty, nutritious foods from milk. Which? (sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese and others.

And sour cream and kefir,

Cream, fermented baked milk and cheese,

Cottage cheese, butter, yogurt,

Milk for delicious porridge

Our Buryonka gives us!

Horns, beard,

The wool is long.

Who else gives us milk? (goat)

Where does the goat live?

Children: In the sheepfold.

How do goats benefit people?

Goat milk is very healthy and tasty. Cheese, feta cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream are made from it.

Goats of the Angora and Orenburg breeds are valued by people for their wonderful wool and warm fluff. Beautiful scarves, sweaters, hats, scarves and mittens are knitted from goat wool.

That's right guys. Warm socks, scarves, gloves are knitted from goat wool and it produces very tasty milk.

I'm small and white

Shy, timid,

I give wool to my owner

For scarves and sweatshirts. (sheep)

In ancient times, sheep's wool was valued more than gold; it was called the golden fleece.

I have a piglet

Instead of a tail there is a hook,

I love lying in a puddle

And grunt: “Oink! Oink!”


Children - Pig.

Right. Pigs give us meat, delicious sausage, frankfurters, sausages.

Where does the pig live?

Children - The pig lives in a pigsty.

What does a pig eat? (grains, vegetables)

Pigs are unpretentious eaters. They are omnivores.

In winter and summer, pigs are kept in a barn and fed grains and vegetables. Pigs' favorite delicacy is acorns.

Although velvet paws,

But they call me "scratchy"

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.


The cat is a flexible, graceful and very clean animal. She loves her owners, her home, she likes to bask in the warmth and comfort, take a nap in the sun or in a soft chair.

Guys, do you want to turn into cats yourself? Then... one, two, three, turn around yourself and turn into cats. We listen and look at me.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Now the window has opened. (hands to the side)

The cat came out onto the ledge. (imitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat)

The cat looked up (throw back head, look up)

The cat looked down. (lower your head, look down)

Here I turned to the left, (turn my head to the left)

She watched the flies. (turn your head to the right, “follow” the fly with your gaze)

Stretched, smiled (appropriate movements and facial expressions)

And she sat down on the ledge. (sit down)

What obedient cats! But it’s time to turn into guys: one, two, three, turn around and turn back into guys.

Well done guys, all the animals were returned back to the yard. Grandparents are happy with your work. Let's remember which animals we helped bring back?

(Pig, goat, sheep, cow, horse, dog, cat)

How can you call all these animals in one word? (Domestic.)

What do all these animals have in common? (all are covered with fur, all have 4 legs or paws, all have a muzzle, a tail)

Game "Whose baby?"

Let's play an interesting game “Whose baby?” Stand in a circle, I will alternately throw you a ball and name the adult animals, and you throw it back to me and name the babies.

(Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle, the teacher throws the ball to the children one by one, naming adult animals. Children name baby animals.)

The cow has a calf,

The dog has a puppy,

The cat has a kitten,

The horse has a foal,

The goat has a kid,

The pig has a piglet.

Game "Fourth wheel"

Goat - pig - wolf - cow.
Rabbit – hare – horse – goat.
Bottom line

Guys, what do you think, is it necessary to take care of pets?

"Feed the Animals"

Our animals are probably already hungry. We need to feed them.

On the board there are pictures of food products for animals.

Children choose animals to treat their family.

I'll feed the cows some hay. I'll feed the pigs vegetables

©Dybina O.V., 2010

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This manual will help teachers of preschool institutions successfully organize and carry out work to familiarize children 4–5 years old with the outside world - the subject environment and the phenomena of life around them. The manual includes work planning, classes, educational games, and didactic games.
To make it easier for teachers to plan work on this section of the program for training and education of preschoolers, the content of the work is presented by topics. To cover each topic, an approximate course of a lesson, game-activity or game is proposed. This gives the teacher the opportunity to show creativity when planning lessons, to include variable game and problem situations in them, making educational work even more successful and meaningful for him and the children.
The study of each topic can be completed with a final task, which can be used as puzzles, riddles, drawings, answers, etc. Similar game tasks are presented in the workbook by O.V. Dybina. I get to know the world: Workbook for children 4–5 years old. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2009.
Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when familiarizing themselves with the world around them, they should not:
- limit yourself only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality: it is necessary to include as many actions as possible in your classes (sit on a chair, sofa; put on clothes and walk around in them; invite your mother, treat your grandmother, etc.);
– overload children with a large number of questions;
– use only the form of cognitive activities in work.
Work to familiarize children 4–5 years old with the world around them must be built in accordance with their psychological characteristics, choosing adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction with preschoolers and trying to make this process more accessible and effective.
In the middle group of kindergarten, familiarization with the outside world is carried out both in the form of games-activities and in the form of a didactic game, in which the game rule regulates the actions and relationships of children, and the correct solution of problems ensures the achievement of the goal of the game. When organizing and conducting games-activities, didactic games, it is important to create an atmosphere that allows each child to realize his activity in relation to the world around him.
The manual presents additional material: options for activities, games-activities, games that can be used in working with children outside of class, on a walk.
Two lessons per month are allocated to familiarize children of the middle age group with the world around them (subject environment and phenomena of the surrounding world).
The teaching staff of kindergarten No. 179 “Snowdrop” of the ANO DO “Childhood Planet “Lada”” in Togliatti, the head - Nadezhda Petrovna Palenova, the methodologist - Natalya Grigorievna Kuznetsova, took part in the development and testing of classes to familiarize adults with work.

Distribution of material for the academic year

Sample lesson notes


1. Tell us about your favorite subjects

Program content. Strengthen children’s ability to find objects of the man-made world in the environment; learn to describe an object, naming its name, details, functions, material.
Material. Algorithm: symbols of the natural or man-made world, shape, size, parts, function, etc.

Progress of the lesson

Dunno comes to visit the children. He brings with him and shows the children his favorite toy.
The teacher asks Dunno what kind of toy this is, what it is, what it has, what it is for, what it is made of and who made it. Dunno talks about his toy.
Then Dunno asks the children what their favorite subjects are. The teacher invites the children to find their favorite items in the group, bring them to Dunno and tell about them.
The teacher shows the children a hint (algorithm) for describing an object and describes his object, for example: “This is a toy car, it has a cabin, a body, four wheels; it can carry cargo; the machine is made of wood, belongs to the man-made world.”
Children take turns describing their favorite objects.
The game task is considered completed if all items are described correctly.
Options for complicating the lesson
1. Invite children to choose objects of a certain group to describe: toys, dishes, furniture, clothes.
2. The child talks about his favorite object without naming it, and the other children guess.

2. My family

Program content. Introduce the concept of “family”. Give children initial ideas about family relationships: each child is simultaneously a son (daughter), grandson (granddaughter), brother (sister); mom and dad – daughter and son of grandparents. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.
Material. Matryoshka with six nesting doll inserts, a ball, a basket, 3 sets of pictures (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, cat, dog, birds, fish), 3 sheets of A3 white paper, the text of S. Marshak’s poem “Matryoshkas” ", photographs of family members of the children and the teacher, one common family photograph of the children and the teacher, a tablet (typesetting sheet) for posting photographs.
Preliminary work. Learning finger games “Who Lives in the Family”, “Like Grandfather Ermolai”. Telling and reading fairy tales “The Three Bears”, “A Goat with Kids”, “The Three Little Pigs”; poem by A. Barto “Two sisters look at their brother.” Album "How I spent my summer." Games: role-playing game “Family”; didactic games “Let’s set the table for tea,” “Daddy’s, Mommy’s household,” “Let’s help mommy.” A conversation about what to call your parents, grandparents.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle and find the answer in the group, on the shelf with toys.

In this girl doll
The sisters are hiding.
Every sister -
For the smaller dungeon.
He praises the guys for the correct answer and picks up the matryoshka doll. He asks if the children want to meet their guest Matryoshka.
The teacher, on behalf of Matryoshka, introduces himself to the children: “My name is Grandma Matryona. I am a wooden doll, chubby, ruddy. In a multi-colored sundress, with a lace scarf in his pocket. I didn’t come to visit alone. With me is my husband - grandfather Anton, my two daughters Masha and Dasha and my grandchildren: Marishka, Irishka and Timoshka - a little bigger than a nut.”
The teacher asks where the listed relatives of Matryona’s grandmother are. Invites the guys to look for them.
Children look for and find nesting doll inserts in a large nesting doll. All nesting dolls are displayed on the table.
Teacher. Guys, can we say that all the nesting dolls are one big, friendly family? Why? (Children's reasoning.) Grandmother Matryona loves to play different games with her grandchildren, and she used to play with her daughters when they were little. She wants to play with them and with you.
A didactic reasoning game “Who left? Who's come?"
The teacher names the actions and manipulates the toys, the children name the names of the nesting dolls.
Teacher. Grandma left... (Matryona.) Her eldest daughter came... (Masha.) The eldest daughter left, her two daughters came running... (Marishka and Irishka.) The girls ran away, the grandfather came... (Anton.) Another daughter came to grandfather Anton... (Dasha.) Dasha’s little son also came... (Timoshka.) Grandfather… (Anton), daughter… (Dasha) and a little grandson... (Timoshka) left, and Grandma Matryona came again.
Grandmother Matryona. What kind of families do you guys have? Who is in Olya’s family (Vova, Olesya, Ksyusha, Masha)? I suggest you try to create a portrait of your family from pictures.
The game “Make a portrait of your family” is played.
Three children take part in the game. On the carpet are sheets of white A3 paper and three sets of pictures (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, cat, dog, birds, fish). The teacher invites each child to make a portrait of his family from pictures. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Grandmother Matryona praises the children and says that family is the most precious thing a person has. All family members love each other and take care of each other.
Teacher (addressing Matryona). You know, Matryonushka, our children like to look at photographs of their family. Let's tell stories about our families. I will tell the first family story. (Places the photograph on the easel.) This photograph shows my family in the summer at the dacha. Our whole family loves to grow vegetables, swim in the river, sunbathe, relax, and fish. In this photo are my closest relatives: my husband and our children - son and daughter.
Next, children who want to tell from the photo about their family. Grandmother Matryona puts all the photographs on an easel, praises the children for their interesting stories about the family and draws attention to the fact that in all the photographs the family members are smiling, close to each other - they feel good together.
Then the teacher shows the children individual photographs of their family members and asks questions:
– Who is Vanya to his mother? (Vanya is his mother’s son.)
– Whose children are Vanya and Tanya? (Children of mom and dad.)
– Whose grandchildren are they? (Grandchildren of grandparents.)
- Whose mother is this? (Tanya’s mother, daughters, girls.)
- Whose grandmother is this? (Grandmother of Tanya and Vanya.)
– Who is Vanya’s sister? (Tanya, girl.)
Grandmother Matryona says that she loves her affectionate grandchildren very much and asks if the children know how to be affectionate.
The ball game “Name it kindly” is played.
Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle stands a teacher with a ball. He throws the ball to the child and calls any family member, for example: “Mom” (father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather). The child who catches the ball must call his mother affectionately (mommy, mummy, mummy, mother).
Next, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the basket that Grandma Matryona brought with her: “Whoever Grandma Matryona places a basket on the palm of his hand must put in it the good deeds that the whole family does at home.”
Children stand in a circle. The teacher walks in a circle, places a basket in the child’s palm, and the child names good deeds of the whole family (cooking delicious food, going to the store, caring for a sick grandfather, washing dishes, washing clothes, vacuuming, walking the dog, working in the country, etc.). d.).
Matryona thanks the guys for the full basket of good deeds that they named. The teacher thanks Grandma Matryona and the children and concludes: “You all have mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, some have a brother, a sister. This is family. Family members live together, love each other and take care of each other. Every person really needs a family. A family can be large or small. The main thing is that family members love each other, be attentive and caring towards each other.”
In conclusion, Grandma Matryona invites her large family and all the children to drink tea and cake.


3. Parsley goes to work

Option 1

Program content. Teach children to group objects according to purpose; cultivate a desire to help adults.
Program content. Pictures depicting items necessary for games and work in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment; three layouts: garden, kitchen, room.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows the children a letter from Parsley and reads it. In the letter, Petrushka says that he is visiting his grandmother. He plays, draws, walks, and also helps his grandmother. Today she gave him three tasks: to plant carrots in the garden and water the flowers; cook soup; clean up the room (put away toys, wipe off dust, vacuum). But Petrushka gets confused in the tools needed to complete the tasks, and asks the guys to help him.
The teacher shows the children models of the garden, kitchen and room and explains the task: you need to take one picture, look at it carefully, name the object, tell how it is used and what kind of work it is needed for, and then put the picture on the corresponding model. For example, a vacuum cleaner is used to clean a carpet, it needs to be turned on and vacuumed, so a picture of a vacuum cleaner needs to be placed on the room layout.
The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that among the pictures with tools there are pictures with toys. They need to be selected and put in a box. The task is considered completed if all the pictures are arranged correctly.
At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to tell Petrushka in a letter what items he will need to complete his grandmother’s tasks.

Option 2

Program content. Develop the ability to group objects according to purpose; improve coordination and accuracy of movements.
Material. Pictures depicting tools (rakes, shovels, watering cans) or toy rakes, shovels, watering cans; flower pot; Parsley doll; screen.

Progress of the lesson

Parsley comes to visit the children and brings pictures depicting tools (a rake, a shovel, a watering can) or a toy rake, a shovel, a watering can and a flower pot.
Teacher. Guys, look and name what Parsley brought? (Rake, shovel, watering can, flower pot.) Why do you think Parsley needs all this? (Parsley will work.) Are rakes part of the natural or man-made world? (To the man-made.) What about the shovel? (To the man-made.) What about the land? (To the natural.) And the watering can? (To the man-made.) Let's plant some plant and teach Parsley how to do it. First you need to water the ground, then dig a hole, plant the plant, cover it with soil and water again. Now tell me what tools we used and what each item was intended for. (A watering can to water; a shovel to dig; a rake to loosen; earth so that everything can grow in it; the sun to warm everything.)
Now draw the objects necessary for labor, and Petrushka and I will see who can draw better.
Children start drawing.

Option 3

Program content. To develop children’s ability to classify objects according to their purpose; fix the names of professions; cultivate interest in the work of a gardener, cook, doctor, carpenter, tailor.
Material. Pictures depicting Parsley as a gardener, cook, doctor, carpenter, tailor. Object pictures (tools and a few extra items).

Progress of the lesson

Teacher. You guys already know that our friend Petrushka went to his home in a fairyland, and today he sent a letter. This is what he writes: “Hello, guys! I am writing to you from afar. I really like it here. I learned a lot of interesting things about people of different professions and even wanted to work with them. Since I will not come to you soon, I am sending pictures in which the artist drew me at work. And you guys, guess who I want to work with.”
Who do you think Parsley works for? (Shows a picture.) That’s right, here he is a doctor. Who's here? (Cook.) Who is Parsley depicted in this picture? (He is a gardener.) How did you guess? (He plants flowers.) In this picture, Petrushka is a tailor; he sews clothes for children and adults. He holds a centimeter in his hands, with which you can find out how much fabric is needed for trousers or a skirt. Who is shown in this picture? (Carpenter.)
Parsley asks you to help him choose the items he needs for his work. I will show pictures, and you will guess whether Parsley needs this item for work or not.
If the child correctly names the object, the teacher gives him the picture. The one with the most pictures wins. The game is designed for five players.
It is possible to complicate the game: children who are already familiar with the game can play independently, 1-2 people at a time.

4. My friends

Program content. Form the concepts of “friend”, “friendship”. Cultivate friendly relationships between children, encourage them to do good deeds; teach cooperation, empathy, care and attention to each other.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to listen to L. Kvitko’s poem and say who it is about.

About these guys
No wonder they say:
"They are for each other
They stand like a mountain."
There are two of them, but it seems -
The platoon is stomping,
When preparation
Heading towards battle.
Zhukov is being studied
Sitting by the river
And very willingly
They eat pies.
One sighs
The other one will sigh too.
One sneezes
The other one sneezes too.
They don't fight
Almost never,
After all, fighting is not a sport,
Struggle - yes.
Where is the first one?
There, therefore, there will be a second one!
Stand for each other
Guys, go ahead!
Children. This is a poem about friends.
The teacher clarifies: “Who is a friend? What does it mean to be friends? (Children's statements.)
The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: true friends are those who care about their friend or friends and help them in everything.
Then the teacher invites the children to play a game that will help test their friendship. Invites two guys - friends.
The outdoor game “Cross the Swamp” is played.
A “swamp” (a section 3–4 meters long) is separated on the floor. The teacher gives the children two tablets.
Teacher. Who can cross the swamp faster without getting their feet wet? But don’t forget that you are friends, and the swamp is very treacherous.
Children “cross the swamp” on planks, helping each other if necessary.
Teacher. Well done! Happy is he who has a friend. I wonder if everyone has friends? Let's check.
The didactic game “Name your friends” is being played.
The teacher takes out lotto cards with images of fairy-tale characters, invites the children to combine the cards into groups and name the fairy-tale characters - friends:
– Cheburashka, Crocodile, Gena;
– Karabas-Barabas, Duremar;
– Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, Harlequin;
- Koschey, Baba Yaga, Leshy, Serpent Gorynych;
- Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.
Teacher. Fine! Why does each hero have his own friends? What do they have in common? (Children’s statements.) That’s right – common interests, goals, hobbies. How many of you want to tell us about your friend (without calling him by name), about your hobbies, and games you play together? And we'll guess who it is. For example: “I’m friends with a boy from our group. He loves to build sand cities. And I always help him. Who is this?"
Children (4–5 children) take turns talking about their friends if they wish.
Teacher. What great fellows you are! Everyone is fine, you are smiling, but do you know why? Because we were talking about friends. It is pleasant and joyful to talk about friends. Who can you call friends? (Children's statements.) Which of you has friends, raise your hand. Who would like to give others a pleasant surprise? I suggest you make a gift from paper or plasticine for your friend or girlfriend, and then give your craft to someone dear to you. Our lesson is coming to an end. But friendship remains with us forever. Take care of friendship, value friendship - be true friends to each other.


5. Parsley goes to paint

Program content. Continue to teach children to group objects according to their purpose; develop curiosity.
Material. Large picture “Clown draws”; small pictures depicting drawing tools and materials.

Progress of the lesson

Petrushka comes to visit the children, takes out a large picture “The Clown Draws” from a folder and asks the children to tell what is depicted on it.
Then Parsley shows small pictures and asks the children to help him choose tools and materials for drawing. Children select pictures with tools and materials for drawing, name the objects, tell how they are used and what they are needed for. Children put pictures depicting objects that do not correspond to the task aside.
In order for Parsley to correctly use tools and materials for drawing, the teacher invites the children to sort the pictures into three groups:
1) tools for painting;
2) tools for drawing with pencils;
3) tools for drawing with crayons.
Children explain why they assigned the objects to this group. The game task is considered completed if the children correctly classified the objects.
Then the teacher organizes the game “Find a Pair” in order to consolidate the ability to determine the purpose and functions of objects. The game uses pictures depicting objects that perform the same and different functions.
Teacher. Guys, last night they brought me a parcel and a letter. Want to know what it says? The letter came from children from another kindergarten. They invite us to play the game “Find the Pair” and describe it. What's in the package? Here are envelopes with pictures. Each envelope contains four pictures depicting objects. All objects perform some functions. What does it mean “an object performs some function”? (Children's answers.)
With the help of the teacher, children explain what they do with the help of this item and how it is used. Then the children name the objects shown in the pictures and talk about their functions.
The teacher gives the children one picture each.
Teacher. Listen to the task: the children who have pictures with objects for carrying weights will sit at the first table, the children who have pictures with objects for drawing will sit at the second table, the children who have pictures with objects for lighting the room will sit at the third table. Now pick up pictures with objects that help you study, and then pictures with objects that help you work. Well done! Did a good job.

6. Our kindergarten is so good - you won’t find a better kindergarten

Program content. Clarify children's knowledge about kindergarten. (A large, beautiful building with many cozy groups, two halls (music and physical education), a spacious kitchen where chefs prepare food, a medical office where children are treated. The kindergarten is reminiscent of a big family where everyone takes care of each other.) Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in kindergarten.
Material. Photos: general view of the kindergarten, group rooms, music and sports halls, kitchen, medical office; photographs of children engaged in various activities; photographs of kindergarten workers. A sheet of Whatman paper, glue, markers, colored paper.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher asks the children if they love their kindergarten; do they like to play, study, work; How many friends do they have in kindergarten?
Invites the children to make a photo montage about the kindergarten at a common stand. Draws their attention to the photographs, asks them to find a photograph of the kindergarten building among them.
Together with the children, he places a photograph of the kindergarten building on a piece of Whatman paper and glues it.
The teacher invites the children to answer the questions and clarifies that each answer is presented in the photograph. Draws attention to the fact that after each answer they must find the desired photograph and paste it on a common stand.
As the conversation with the children progresses, the teacher glues all the photographs onto a piece of Whatman paper.
Questions for children:
– What is there a lot of in kindergarten? (Groups, children, adults, toys, etc.)
– Are many groups good or bad?
– What is our group? (Large, bright, beautiful, cozy, etc.)
– What do the guys in the group do? (They play with toys, read books, take care of flowers, study, etc.)
– What rooms, besides group rooms, are you familiar with? (Music and sports halls, kitchen, medical office, etc.)
– What professions do people work in kindergarten? (Teachers, cooks, nurse, manager, music director, carpenter, watchman, etc.)
– What work does the teacher do? Teacher's assistant? Cook? Laundress worker? And so on.
– What can you tell about the teachers, the cook, the medical worker, the assistant teacher? What are they?
The teacher summarizes the children’s answers and leads them to the conclusion that the kindergarten is large, beautiful, and many children attend it; People of different professions work in kindergarten, their work is significant and important.
During the conversation, a sheet of Whatman paper with photographs is decorated with colored paper.

Summary of an open lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten.

Subject: Profession doctor (doctor)

Target: Familiarization with professions (driver, salesman, hairdresser, trainer, janitor, doctor (doctor)); expand knowledge about the work of adults, teach to respect the work of adults, apply their knowledge in the game; to become more acquainted with the work of a doctor (doctor); activate passive dictionary.

Materials: pictures with images of professions, houses made of soft modules, an umbrella, a telephone; white coat and cap, glasses, stethoscope for the doctor; envelope with pictures - coloring books.

Dictionary: profession, veterinarian, ENT, ophthalmologist, pediatrician.

Progress of the lesson:

— Guys, today we will go on a trip to the city of Masters. There are very strict rules in this city: we cannot be naughty or talk loudly. Watch and listen carefully so as not to miss the most interesting things.
— I have a magic umbrella (opens an elegant umbrella). Let's all walk under it together (children walk under the umbrella).
- So we found ourselves in a fairy-tale city. Look how bright the houses are here! (the houses are made of soft modules).
— Do you want to know who lives in these houses? (Children's response)
- You will find out if you guess my riddles (as you solve the riddles, the teacher hangs pictures depicting the named profession on the houses):
I've been turning the wheel since morning,
Because early in the morning
People are going to work.
And someone must drive them (Driver)
I'm standing behind the counter
I sell products:
Milk, cottage cheese, kefir,
Butter, bread, cookies, cheese.
I'll pack it and weigh it for you.
I'll smile and give you change. (Salesman)
Hairpins, scissors, combs,
Haircuts, fashionable hairstyles,
Hairsprays, hair dyes...
Sorry, what happened?
Don't like your job?
I'll change it in no time! (Hairdresser)
There is no one in the world kinder than me,
I train animals
And to lions and tigers in cages
I'm coming in boldly, kids!
Leo is obedient, and for this
The lion will get the candy! (Trainer)
I sweep the streets with a brush,
I love cleanliness
Believe me, I'm very happy
Wash and clean everything
In the yard and at work
You won't find a speck (Janitor)
If someone is not well,
Call ……… (Doctors)
- Wait, baby, don't cry!
Prescribed medicine……… (Doctor)

(Picture with the image of a doctor (doctor) should be hung on the largest house)

II. The main part of the lesson.

— Guys, a doctor lives in this house. Let's go visit him. (the teacher hides behind the house and dresses up as a doctor)
- Hello guys! (children answer)
- I am very glad that you came to visit me! I am a doctor, they also call me doctor.
- Let me listen to you, look at your bellies and neck. Do you have a fever? (listens with a stethoscope, strokes bellies, looks into the neck).
- Ooo! Yes, you are all healthy! How good! Healthy children very rarely come to me.
— The profession of a doctor (doctor) is very necessary and important! Doctors help people be healthy and strong, just like you.
- Doctors are different. People like me treat people: children and adults. And there are also other doctors. Guess who they are treating:
“Good Doctor Aibolit,
He is sitting under a tree.
Come to him for treatment
And the cow and the she-wolf,
And the bug and the worm,
And a bear.
He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone
Good Doctor Aibolit!”

(children's answers)

- Yes, guys! Such doctors treat animals. And they call them VETERINARIANS. (post a picture of a veterinarian)
— Doctors (doctors) who treat people have different names.
A doctor who treats eyes is called an OCULIST. (post the corresponding picture)
The doctor who treats the throat is called an ENT (post the appropriate picture)
A doctor who treats children for colds is called a PEDIATRIC (post the appropriate picture)
- And here I am, just such a doctor! I treat children.
— Doctors (doctors) are in the clinic and hospital during working hours. Moms or dads, and maybe grandmothers, bring you to the clinic. Doctors examine you and, if necessary, make appointments or make recommendations.
In the hospital, doctors treat people: they give injections, procedures, operations.
— When someone is sick at home, the doctor is called home. Who knows how to call a doctor? (By phone)
— What number should you dial? (number 103)
— That's right, number 103.

The phone rings.

- Sorry guys, my phone is ringing, I need to answer, someone needs my help.
- Hello, hello. Is your child sick? Does he have a high temperature? Sore throat and dizzy? I'm leaving immediately!
— Guys, I need to go to a sick child.
— I’m glad that you were in the city of Masters and came to visit me. So that you do not forget about our meeting, I will give you this envelope. Open it in your group! Goodbye! (Children say goodbye)

The doctor leaves. (the teacher changes clothes and returns to the children)

III. securing the material.

- Guys, it’s so good that you are all here. The doctor (doctor) went to see a sick child and left you an envelope with a surprise.

It's time for us to return. Let's say goodbye to the city of Masters and return to our group, and then we'll see what kind of surprise is here.

(shows envelope)

The teacher opens the umbrella, all the children walk under it and stand next to their desks.

Physical minute

— Guys, doctors recommend that children do physical exercises more often. And now we'll warm up a little.
We played in the profession (walking in place)
In an instant we became pilots (straight arms to the sides)
We flew on an airplane (circle around ourselves)
And they became drivers (walking in place)
The steering wheel is now in our hands (hands in front of us “hold the steering wheel”)
We're going fast, just great! (run around themselves)
And now we are at a construction site. (walking in place)
Lay the bricks straight (arms in front of you, elbows bent)
One - brick and two, and three (raise our hands up)
We are building a house, look! (join straight arms above head)
The game is over! (put your hands down)
It's time for us to sit down! (sit down at their desks)

The teacher opens the envelope:

- What is it here? Oooh, these are photos of the doctor! But they are not colored. Let's paint them, make them colorful and beautiful. And also, draw a baby next to the doctor if your doctor is a PEDIATRICIST, or some animal if the doctor is a VETERINARINARY (children take coloring books, pencils and draw).
— Guys, you made very good drawings. Let's have an exhibition.

When all the drawings are placed on the board, the children look at them and say which works they like. Brief discussion.

IV.Result of the lesson.

- Okay, guys! Did you enjoy our trip? (Children's response)
-Where did we go today? (Children's response)
— What did we see in the city of Masters? (Children's response)
- Please tell me what we can call in one word: driver, salesman, hairdresser, trainer, doctor - this is...? (Professions)
— Do you want to return to the city of Masters? (Children's response)
-Who would you like to visit? (Children's response)
- Great! Next time we will go to visit...

Goal: To form ideas about insects.



Formation of ideas about the appearance and lifestyle of insects.

Clarification and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic.

Improve the grammatical structure of speech (agreeing nouns with adjectives in gender and number, learning to pronounce words with the corresponding endings in phrases), teach to find sentences - fables.

Strengthen the ability to answer questions about the content of the work.


Development of coherent speech, auditory attention, fine and gross motor skills, education of the correct air flow.


Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.


Demonstration material: module with butterflies, subject pictures on the topic, small toys depicting insects.

Handouts: pieces of plasticine, coloring sheet, colored pencils.

Preliminary work: Examination of insects on the territory of the kindergarten, familiarization with literary works: G. H. Andersen "Thumbelina" , A. Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home” , "Spider - Pilot" , G. Glushnev "The Grasshopper and the Grasshoppers" , S. Mikhalkov "Academy of Sciences" , G. Skrebitsky "Lucky Bug" , V. Zotov from the book "Forest mosaic" ("Ladybug" , "Grasshopper" , "Chafer" ) , K. Ushinsky "Bees on Scouting" , K. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha" ;

listening to an audio recording of N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee" , A. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" ; watching cartoons "Luntik" , "Maya the bee" , "Winnie the Pooh" , "Under the mushroom" .

Productive artistic activity (drawing, applique, modeling using natural insect material) in evening time.

The course of direct educational activities.

1. Organizational moment. Creating an emotionally positive background

The teacher invites the children
The children stood up in a circle
You are my friend and I am your friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other.

The teacher suggests standing in a circle around a rotating module on which paper butterflies are attached.

Educator: Spring is in full swing. Bird cherry blossoms. The insects woke up. Today we will talk about insects, find out what you know about their appearance and way of life. Look what beautiful butterflies have flown to us. Blow on them to make them spin in the air. How will you blow?

Children. You need to take in air through your nose and blow on the butterfly, without puffing out your cheeks, stretching out your lips with a tube.

Educator: Correct. Do the exercise.

2. Guessing riddles and looking at object pictures with images of insects.

All the inhabitants of this clearing have been bewitched by an evil sorceress and are now in danger. To save them, you need to solve riddles.

On the daisy at the gate
The plane descended.
Golden eyes
Who is this? (Dragonfly.)

And here is a tiny baby,
There is a straw on the shoulders.
You can't see him with glasses
And he is stronger than the elephant. (Ant.)

Winged fashionista,
Striped dress,
Although small in stature,
If he bites, it will be bad. (Wasp).

Who waves their hands at them -
Smears green on nose and forehead.
And who doesn’t pester them -
He eats with honey and drinks with honey. (Bees.)

I'm growing like a worm
I eat leaves
Then I fall asleep
I'll wrap myself.

I don't eat, I don't look,
I lie motionless.
I come alive in spring
I'm leaving my home

I'm fluttering in the meadow. (Butterfly)
I am a spotted bug
If I get my hands on it,
I'll pretend to be seriously ill,

I'll faint. (Ladybug)
I've been jumping around in the grass all day,
I lost my violin somewhere.
And now he’s sad by the river

Our little green one... (grasshopper)
I caught it on a flower
He held it tightly in his hand.
He buzzes: “I’ll ask without hands,
I - f-f - not f - iron, I f - same - f - ...


The teacher places object pictures depicting insects on a magnetic board.

A striped bee flew to us yesterday, (1)
And behind her is a bumblebee and a cheerful butterfly, (2, 3)
Two beetles and a dragonfly have lantern-like eyes. (4, 5)
The ants came and brought a blade of grass, (6)

And the spider looked at everyone, weaved webs and sang songs. (7)
How many insects are mentioned in the poem?

Children: About a bee, bumblebee, moth, beetles, dragonfly, ants, spider. 7 insects.

Educator: They also talk about a spider. But you must remember that a spider is not an insect, although it is similar to insects. Many insects are considered beneficial. Bees and bumblebees pollinate the flowers of fruit trees, so there are a lot of apples and pears in our gardens. Ants destroy harmful insects. But most butterflies are harmful because they lay eggs from which caterpillars hatch. These caterpillars eat plant leaves and cause damage to them. But you must remember that you should not destroy insects. There is no need to catch butterflies and dragonflies, beetles and ants. Insects are small and defenseless. (The teacher shows a picture of two insects, a butterfly and an ant). Pay attention to these two pictures. Who is pictured here? What special things can you notice? Let's try to make a comparative story. First you will tell us what insects are called. Compare what they look like, list the parts of the insect’s body, what benefit or harm they bring.

1st R. This is a butterfly and an ant. The butterfly is very beautiful, yellow, and the ant is small brown.

2nd R. A butterfly has six legs and antennae; an ant also has six legs and antennae.

3rd R. The butterfly lays eggs, from which caterpillars hatch, which cause harm to plants. And ants destroy harmful insects, they are beneficial.

Educator: Well done! You have written a good story and compared two insects.

I offer you a warm-up for your fingers. (children are divided into 3 groups)

(Children choose a coloring sheet with an insect and any task from the 3 offered: 1. color it. 2. roll plasticine balls for the ladybug and attach, 3. roll flagella-legs for the spider and place it on the template.)

Physical exercise.

In the morning the butterfly woke up
She stretched, smiled,
Once she washed herself with dew,
Two - she spun gracefully.

Three - bent down and sat down,
At four, it flew away.

3. Game "Find the insect"

Educator: Here we are again in the clearing.

How can we determine that there is a living world around us? (audio recording of forest noise sounds) You can hear the singing of birds, the rustling of tree leaves.

Children: You can hear and see birds.

Educator: How can you detect insects?

Children: In the forest you need to carefully watch your step and walk carefully.

Educator: I suggest you be researchers and find insects in the clearing.. Call whoever you find who right away. (small insect toys are laid out on the rug)

The little villagers are grateful to you for saving them and want to play hide and seek with you. They love to hide. Here are our insects, you close your eyes, and I remove one of them. And you have to tell me who I hid?

Educator: After all, every insect has its own unusual color. Why is the grasshopper green? (answer)

Educator: Are beetles’ backs brown or black? (answer)

Educator: Who are they hiding from? (answer)

Educator: Guys, look at the ladybug. She's so bright! It is clearly visible in the grass and on the bark of a tree. Any bird will notice it. Where should she hide? It turns out that the ladybug doesn’t have to hide, because she has a secret: she herself knows how to defend herself from enemies. In a moment of danger, she secretes milk, which smells very bad, so no one eats the ladybug. And since she, like a real cow, gives milk, then she was named "ladybug" . It is bright red for everyone to see: it is dangerous to eat!

Guys, why shouldn’t we touch or offend ladybugs and other insects? (answer)

Educator:. Yes, insects are alive. They cannot be offended. But you can admire them and watch them fly, run, jump, play, and listen to them buzz. Guys, who can tell me what kind of inhabitants of this small clearing live here? (list)

Educator: How can you call them in one word? (insects) But you know that if insects disappear from our planet, then plants, animals, and birds will disappear. They cannot exist without each other. Insects are part of nature. Therefore, you cannot kill insects, but only take care of them, love and protect them.

4. Presentation: "Insects"

5. Game "Name it affectionately." (Agreeing words with corresponding endings in phrases, strengthening the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives in gender and number). L. I will pronounce phrases, and you will finish them. There is only one condition: we call insects affectionately.

Butterflies are yellow:, ant is black:, ladybug is red:, grasshoppers are green:, beetle is blue:, butterfly is white... Well done!

6. Didactic game "Correct the mistake" (Development of auditory attention, learning to find fable sentences.)

Educator: Shows a picture of an insect.

Educator: Is grandma flying near a flower?

Reb. No. It's a butterfly

Educator:. The saw flies and buzzes.

Reb. This is Bee.

Educator: The onion is crawling along the branch.

Reb. It's a beetle.

Educator: Mura sat down on the cheese.

Reb. No. This fly landed on the cheese.

7. Result of activity. (evaluation of children's work).

Educator: Offers to remember who they talked about in class, what games and exercises they liked.

Educator: You worked very well. Well done! Give yourself a clap.

Zanda Naranova
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group “Wizards of Kindergarten”

Tasks: - expand and clarify children’s ideas about employees kindergarten; labor processes performed by each of them;

Foster respect for the work of adults;

Develop logical thinking, promote the development of imagination; - identify children’s emotional response to the importance of any profession.

Materials and equipment: pictures depicting a janitor, cook, nanny, laundress, musician and other professions in kindergarten, object pictures depicting objects needed by people of these professions, a ball.

Preliminary work: tours of the premises kindergarten, show workers' jobs kindergarten; reading poems about kindergarten; looking at paintings; observation of adults' work.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Reading a poem.

There is a garden somewhere in the world,

I am glad to go to this garden.

Here in summer and winter

All my friends are with me.

It's not cherries that grow here -

Anechka and Mishenka,

And it’s not the branches that make noise -

Ira, Dasha, Lenochka.

Our favorite gardener

Calls everyone by name.

Questions for children:

What garden is the poem talking about? (About kindergarten where children go).

What is it kindergarten? What is it for? (children come here, play, study, dance, sing here)

What is our name? kindergarten? A the group you go to? (Children's answers).

And you know, in our children's kind people work in the garden wizards, they do everything so that children can kindergarten was interesting, cozy so that parents do not worry about them.

2. Conversation about employees kindergarten.

Educator: Here in our the group has a little sorceress Marina Anatolyevna, my assistant. What is her job? (removes in group, wipes the dust, washes the dishes, brings us food).

Who meets you every morning at kindergarten? (Educators). Who are they and what do they do? (Children talk about teachers).

Right. A teacher must know and be able to do a lot so that every day is interesting for you, so that you learn something new, so that you are always in a good mood, so that you grow up as cheerful, smart, kind children.

But that's not all wizards of our kindergarten. I'll tell you riddles about them, and you guess.

1. They wear a white cap

With a ladle in hand

He's cooking for lunch

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette (Cook)

2. She looks at necks

Gives vaccinations

Measures temperature

Gives us vitamins

So that you are strong and healthy

Let's go to school quickly (nurse)

3. Who plays and sings

Calls you to dance merrily

She plays the accordion

Teaches music to children

(music director)

4. He will wake up at dawn,

The snow will be cleared in the yard,

All paths will be swept,

And the sand will cover the ice (street cleaner)

5. It erases everything, look

Soap foaming in the trough

And then he will sew for us

The curtains are simply top class (laundress)

(Children name the professions of workers, call them by name and say what their job is)

Educator: Well done guys, everyone you named the wizards of our kindergarten. Now let's rest a little.

3. Physical exercise.

Educator: And now we’ll play a little.

4. An exercise is conducted to develop logic.

Children look at the pictures on the flannelgraph and determine what professions people need these items.

The last pictures on the flannelgraph are a hammer, a saw and a nail.

Educator: Guys, who needs these items? Who uses these items in our garden? (children's answers)

(There is a knock on the door and a worker in overalls enters, holding tools in his hands)

With the help of the teacher, he tells the children about his profession.

Educator: Here, guys, how much wizards live in our kindergarten. Many thanks to them for this! Think about it, whose work is more important? (children's reasoning). All employees are needed. Their work is important. We must respect their work and help them. After all children's The garden is our second home, here we spend the whole day from morning to evening. May you be happy, happy and happy here!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a comprehensive lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group Topic: “Magic Electricity” Program content: Educational objectives: - generalize children's knowledge about electricity, - expand their understanding of where they “live”.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world in the middle group Topic: “To the forest, to the rescue!” Goal: To give children an idea of ​​the connections and interdependence of humans, animals and flora. Learning objectives: Consolidate knowledge.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world in the middle group. The topic is “Acquaintance with the traditions of the native land.” Summary of direct educational activities to familiarize yourself with the outside world in the middle group. Topic: “Acquaintance with traditions.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the surrounding world “The Magic World of Wood” in the middle group of kindergarten 1. Introductory part. Objectives: 1. Expanding children's horizons about the properties of wood, forming ideas about working people who create beautiful ones.

Summary of an open lesson in the middle group “Journey to the Land of Health” Goals and objectives: 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the effects on health.

Purpose: Educational: consolidate the version of the name of the Black Sea; fix the name of the fish of the Black Sea; teach to distinguish mollusks by appearance.