Lush eyelashes at home. Several ways to make your eyelashes lush

Hello, Dear friends, readers of my blog. Which woman has not envied beautiful, long, curved eyelashes? I don't know these women! Do you know how to make eyelashes longer and thicker at home without the help of mascara? And how to choose the right eye makeup.

How to strengthen eyelashes with vegetable oils

For the growth and density of eyelashes, the very first remedy is the use of oils. This is very a good option lengthen eyelashes at home.

  1. Burr oil- An excellent care product. It nourishes the hairs, making them fluffy. In addition, it strengthens the bulbs, preventing them from falling out.
  2. Castor oil also a very effective product. has a beneficial effect on growth and appearance cilia.
  3. Grape seed oil. Mix several oils in equal parts: castor, almond, linseed, rose and wheat germ pomace. Lubricate the hairs, hold for 20 or 30 minutes.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil. Firming, softening and fluffing product is a mixture of castor oil and in equal proportions. The product is applied to clean eyes for 2-3 hours.
  5. To make eyelashes long, fluffy, lubricate daily with this mixture: oil (almond, castor, burdock, olive), adding to 1 tbsp. 2 drops of vitamins A and E and fish oil.

How to use? Rinse the old mascara tube well, fill it with oil. In the evening, wipe off the mascara from the eyes, apply this medicine with a brush to clean hairs. Hold for 1 hour, then wipe your eyes with a dry cosmetic disk. Try not to touch the mucous membrane of the eye.

Firming massage

For massage, prepare the following mixture: aloe juice and vegetable oil (1:2), add 3-4 drops of parsley juice, apply on the eyelids, rubbing lightly, then rinse with water. You will achieve beautiful without mascara, long eyelashes.

Another recipe. Make a mixture consisting of aloe juice (0.5 tsp), parsley juice (5-6 drops), vegetable oil(1 tablespoon). Gently rub the composition along the hairline. The course is 1 month.

Do compresses from ordinary black tea. Brew, cool, dip cosmetic discs in the solution and place warm on the eyes, hold for 15 minutes. Such compresses will return radiance and freshness to the eyes.

A good effect is given by daily, several times, combing each hair. Thus, you will improve blood circulation in the area of ​​​​the bulbs, which means you will activate the growth of cilia.

Lotions from herbs

You can make herbal decoctions yourself and make lotions for the eyes, which are an excellent nourishing, moisturizing agent. Prepare a decoction of herbs: chamomile, cornflower, sage.

How to prepare a decoction? Take 1 tbsp. herbs, steam with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter. Soak in decoction cotton pad Apply to eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Strengthening and healing masks for eyelashes

  • This mask promotes eyelash growth. It is prepared from aloe juice (1 tsp), castor oil (1 tbsp) vitamin A (2 drops). All components are thoroughly mixed. Finished mask cover the hairs, 3 hours before bedtime. Then the remnants of the mask are removed with a dry disk.
  • Vitamins A and E will help make eyelashes thicker. Buy capsules at the pharmacy, open them, mix with oils, adding 1 drop each, apply to the hairs. The course is 1 month.

Rosehip to strengthen eyelashes

So that the onions do not leave their places, you should prepare the following mixture: crush the rose hips, take 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 tbsp. burdock and sea ​​buckthorn oil. Put this mixture in a dark cabinet, hold it there for 10 days. When the remedy is ready, lubricate your cilia with it daily.

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The most accessible remedy

By a simple means is vaseline. It will help your eyelashes become thick and long. Lubricate clean hairs with petroleum jelly, leave it overnight.

Vaseline softens, nourishes the bulbs, after which the eyelashes begin to grow better. Lubricate thrice a week for 1 month.

Proper Diet

Diet is just as important as eye care. For example, a lack of vitamins A and E has a bad effect on the condition of the nails, hair, eyelashes, therefore, it is better not to get carried away with a low fat content.

Keratin is necessary for the good condition of the hairs - construction material, which is formed in hair follicles only in the presence of certain substances.

These substances are found in foods such as:

  • cottage cheese,
  • butter,
  • carrot,
  • fish,
  • bell pepper,
  • cabbage,
  • apples,
  • chicken's meat,
  • liver,
  • nuts.

Choosing mascara

You can make your eyelashes thicker, and your eyes expressiveness, with the help of mascara. Remember that mascara will be on your eyes all day, so don't buy a cheap product.

Choose a hypoallergenic product High Quality, famous companies. They offer mascara useful vitamins, as well as all beneficial substances for eyelashes and skin.

As soon as the product starts to crumble, throw it away without regret. The maximum term for mascara is 6 months, so do not purchase it in large tubes.

Types of mascara

It is able not only to tint eyelashes, but also to turn them into a lush fringe.

Volume mascara can increase the thickness of the hairs so that it makes the eyelashes thick, fluffy. It includes special waxes and silicone, which make the cilia shiny, elastic. Attached to it special brush with long hairs.

Lengthening mascara is available with a finer texture. Tiny villi are introduced into its composition, which stick to the hairs, increasing their length. One layer will give you natural look, and two layers will make them long, well-separated, like theater actresses.



Ready to strike with a charming look? To do this, you will need not only a seductive squint, but also Special attention should be given to your eyelashes. How to make lush and thick eyelashes? Let's consider 3 stages.


The first rule of how to make lush eyelashes is a perm. Use a curler - special curling irons. Curl them at the base of the eyelashes, as well as in the middle. This will create the effect of an open and flirty look. Before using the curler, heat it with a hair dryer (until warm, but not hot temperature). A heated curler will work more effectively, and curled lashes will last all day.

Do not use the curling iron often and curl them very carefully so as not to damage the hairs. Do not curl your eyelashes with a curler after applying mascara - they can break.


Do you want to make your eyelashes lush? Just powder them! Before applying mascara, draw a small amount onto the brush loose powder(preferably transparent) and apply to the eyelashes. This technique will create an extra layer on the eyelashes and make them thicker.


Most milestone for lush eyelashes - applying mascara. First you need to choose a mascara with a volume effect. A curved arched brush (massive and with long bristles) is one of the best for creating density. You need to apply mascara just with the curved side.

Position the brush close to the roots upper eyelashes. Work through the roots in a zigzag motion and then work your way up to the tips. You should paint over all the eyelashes as much as possible. Let the first coat dry (1-3 minutes). Apply another layer. If you want the thickest eyelashes, apply mascara in three layers (but this is not suitable for all over day makeup). We advise not to paint at all lower lashes.


Do not forget that tools and ink are only additional funds. The most important thing is the condition of the eyelashes themselves. Look after them. Take a clean mascara brush and apply almond / peach / burdock / Castor oil on the eyelashes and leave it for 1 hour, then rinse. Such procedures stimulate the growth of hairs and contribute to their strengthening. Proper Care will help make your eyelashes lush.

Experienced trichologists will tell you how to make eyelashes lush and fluffy. Yes, the same ones that treat the hairline, because the eyelashes are the same hair, just a different structure.

Cilia can be initially rare in nature, then only artificial can correct the situation. And it also happens that Healthy eyelashes can fall out due to:

  • inflammation of the eyes like conjunctivitis;
  • allergies to cosmetics, not only mascara, but also shadows and even Foundation can cause an allergic reaction, which is manifested by the loss of eyelashes;
  • drugs have different side effects, including loss of eyelashes;
  • weakening of the immune system after illness or stress affects not only general condition body, but also on dry skin, dull hair and thinning eyelashes;
  • beriberi can also cause a decrease in the number of eyelashes, as the body lacks vitamins.

Wrong habits can also provoke eyelash loss:

  • curl your eyelashes after applying mascara. Many girls, wanting to curl their cilia, use a curler. But not all of them know that it must be applied before applying mascara. Otherwise, your eyelashes will remain on the curler along with it;
  • removing makeup is wrong. Using the wrong make-up remover, or even worse, regular soap, can cause lashes to fall out;
  • use expired cosmetics. This is very common cause allergic reactions, including inflammation of the eyes and loss of eyelashes;
  • touch your eyes with your hands. They can be microbes that cause inflammation of the eyes and, as a result, loss of eyelashes. The hairs on our eyelids are themselves very fragile, and any manipulation of them can cause hair loss;
  • tear off false eyelashes. It is necessary to use high-quality glue, which is easily removed from the eyes, it is better to soak it with oil beforehand.

In order to make your eyelashes lush and fluffy, follow our advice:

  • Daily cleansing. It is necessary to use a special two-phase agent only to remove makeup from the eyes. The skin here is thin and delicate, and therefore the usual cosmetic formulations won't fit. In order not to injure the eyes and eyelashes, it is enough to shake the bottle with a two-phase agent, saturate a cotton pad with it and hold it on the eyelids for 10 seconds.
  • The use of castor oil, sea buckthorn or fir. Can be used cosmetic products, for example, gels or colorless mascaras with protein, glycerin, panthenol, melanin and keratin. Such products carefully care for the cilia, protect, make lush and fluffy.
  • Correct application of mascara. No need to rub, stretch or thin out the eyelashes with a needle, as some girls do. It is necessary to carefully apply mascara, moving from the roots towards the tips with scrolling movements. If the hairs are sparse, you need to use a special mascara for volume, the ingredients of which must contain silicone, polymers, wax, that is, substances that thicken the eyelashes. For more bright effect you can paint the cilia in two layers, so they will visually be more lush and fluffy. Remember to change your mascara at least every three months to keep it free of bacteria that will irritate your eyes and cause your lashes to fall out.
  • Eyelash coloring professional paint. Can be done both in the salon and at home. But we must remember that hair dye is not suitable: it is more rigid and aggressive, it can cause inflammation and irritation of the eyes, and loss of eyelashes. From frequent staining, the thinness and fragility of the hairs can increase, so do not get carried away with this procedure too often.
  • Nutrition normalization. Your daily diet should include foods rich in vitamins A, E, B: butter, sour cream, caviar, beef liver, veal, eggs, fresh vegetables and herbs, fish.

If the cilia are very fragile, to make them lush and fluffy, you do not need to injure them even more with extensions or twisting. In this case, voluminous mascara and proper gentle care will help.

The presence of beautiful and lush eyelashes can decorate any face and give it expressiveness. Proper care of the cilia will help prevent them from falling out and give thickness and shape. Modern means and technology make it possible to positively influence the size of eyelashes, their growth and volume.

Lush and thick eyelashes are the dream of every woman.

Some statistics

As a result of research, it was found that each hair on the eyelashes grows for about six months. Average length hair on upper eyelid can reach about one centimeter, and at the bottom it varies up to 0.8 centimeters. And it also turned out that by providing competent eye care, you can home environment increase the growth and volume of eyelashes by 30%.

Causes of loss and fragility of eyelashes

It is worth worrying if the appearance of the eyelashes has changed, they have become brittle or thinned. The cause of this phenomenon may be an allergy to mascara, skin cream or other cosmetics. To determine what specifically can cause such a negative reaction, you should temporarily stop using cosmetics that cause concern.

The main factor that can negatively affect eyelashes is a lack of vitamins. To replenish the necessary trace elements, it is worth purchasing a complex of multivitamins that contribute to the normalization of eyelash growth; enrich your daily diet with foods that contain vitamins A and B.

The daily use of moisture-resistant mascara leads to a deterioration in the condition of the eyelashes. Its application without prejudice to external data should be inconsistent.

Lush eyelash care products

The solution to the issue of growing beautiful and lush eyelashes requires integrated approach. Sequential alternation different ways care over time will meet all expectations.

  • Massage

One of effective methods is the use of massage treatments. To do this, you need to lightly dip your fingers in, pink or and gently rub it into upper eyelids. Application duration is only 3 minutes. To obtain a guaranteed result, you can make a mixture based on different oils.

No less useful for eyelashes is the use of compresses. As a basis, you can take a medicinal collection based on plants such as chamomile, sage or cornflower, or use the products offered by modern cosmetic companies. The essence of the method is to apply nutrient on cotton pads and apply them to the eyes. The procedure time can vary from 10 to 20 minutes.

Compresses help relieve fatigue
  • masks

Such a type of care as is very popular. Their composition may be based on oils or other useful products. It is convenient to apply such masks with a brush left over from used mascara. The composition of the mask is best stored in a tube, which must first be cleaned of the cosmetic mixture.

While using the mask, carefully treat the edges of the upper and lower edges of the eyelid. The procedure usually takes 10 minutes. The skin of the face and the eye area are thoroughly cleansed. Frequency of application of masks - once a week.

  • Optimal time, which should be allocated for eyelash care - evening, a few hours before bedtime.
  • If you leave oil particles on your eyelids overnight, then in the morning it may appear. Therefore, it is very important that cosmetics can be well absorbed.
  • It is necessary to carry out all manipulations with the face only on clean skin and eyelashes.
  • Daily use cosmetics not in the best way affects the density and splendor of eyelashes, so it is important to do without mascara at least a couple of days a week.
  • Daytime make-up removal is a must-have evening ritual that should not be ignored.
  • No need to rub your eyes, even when they itch a lot, this negatively affects the condition of the hairs on the eyelids.
  • A calm and serene sleep lasting at least eight hours a day will have a beneficial effect on the growth and beauty of cilia.

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Evgenia Smirnovskaya 10/30/2015 6187

Long and fluffy eyelashes adorn a woman and make her look more open and expressive. Find out the most effective ways home care after them.

To get beautiful eyelashes It is not at all necessary to visit beauty salons every day. There are many effective means, which allow you to make them thick and long at home.

Use castor oil

Ordinary castor oil, which is sold in every pharmacy, is effective and budget fund for eyelash care. Apply oil every evening - and after 10-14 days you will notice that the eyelashes have acquired more dark color became thicker and longer.

Don't Forget Serums

Serums and other cosmetics for eyelash growth can be applied under mascara, then they will work throughout the day. The effect is simply amazing: eyelashes will become fluffy, long and healthy.

By the way, do not buy the most expensive products. In the arsenal of budget cosmetic brands, there are also decent products.

Buy biphasic mascara

If you urgently need to add volume and extra length to your eyelashes, use a two-phase mascara. First, apply a white base on the eyelashes: it will separate them, make them thicker and longer. Then cover the hairs with black or colored mascara.

Take vitamins

Vitamins A and E are essential for the health and beauty of eyelashes. They are sold in the pharmacy in the form of capsules, which must be taken daily for 2 months. After another 2 months, the course can be repeated.

By the way, vitamins have a beneficial effect not only on eyelashes, but also on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Use your eyelash curler correctly

If you curl your lashes with a curling iron, do so before applying mascara. Otherwise, fragile hairs can be damaged or broken. To create a more pronounced curve, lightly heat the pads of the tongs with a hair dryer.

Powder your lashes

If you want to create the effect of false eyelashes, apply a little loose powder to the hairs. Brush away excess with a makeup brush and then apply mascara.

Make sure that the powder layer is not too thick, otherwise your eyelashes will look like spider legs.

Make tea compresses

Tea is not only a delicious invigorating drink, but also an excellent cosmetic product. It does an excellent job of reducing dark circles under the eyes and also strengthens the eyelashes. Soak a cotton pad in a strong cold tea, put on your eyelids and leave for 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure 1-2 times a week.

comb your eyelashes

Get a special comb for eyelashes. As a rule, they are produced together with an eyebrow brush. Once your lashes are completely dry, brush them gently to remove excess mascara and separate lashes that are stuck together.

Change your mascara regularly

The service life of an open tube of mascara is no more than 3 months. During this time, the product thickens and loses its basic qualities. Do not try to dilute the mascara with water or oil, good effect you won't get it this way. In addition, you can cause allergies or infection. Discard mascara without regret expired validity.

Get a massage

Every morning and evening, do a light eyelid massage. Close your eyes and gently press on the eyeballs with your fingers, walk along the lash growth zone. A procedure lasting 1-2 minutes will be enough to improve blood circulation. In no case do not rub your eyes during the massage: this way you can damage delicate skin eyelids and hair follicles.

As you can see, eyelash care is not difficult. Follow these guidelines and you'll never need false or extended lashes.