How to make eyelashes more beautiful and thicker at home. How to grow eyelashes at home

Every woman, without exception, dreams of long, thick, beautiful eyelashes. Eyelashes make the look attractive, the eyes visually become larger, their section increases. In combination with a graceful curve of the eyebrows, thick, fluffy eyelashes work wonders.

Unfortunately, not all of my contemporaries have such splendor and therefore resort to various tricks. We buy expensive cosmetics, increase, curl eyelashes in salons. But all these are only temporary measures, in a short time, the eyelashes acquire their usual appearance and we repeat everything from the beginning.

Fortunately, in addition to all these ways to make eyelashes beautiful, there are simple tools available to each of us. They can be used at home on their own. Let's try to argue with mother nature, who has not endowed us with such perfection, and talk about how to grow long and thick eyelashes at home.

Folk recipes for eyelash density

There are many ways to make our eyelashes beautiful, thick. Some of them were used by our great-grandmothers when they were also young and beautiful fashionistas. Some methods began to be used already in this new century. So let's try and use them.

English women in the 19th century used tea brewing: Brew strong. Soak cotton swabs in tea leaves, wring out lightly and place them on closed eyelids. Lie down with them for 15-20 minutes. If the procedure is carried out daily, for a month, the result will be clearly noticeable. The yellowness from the whites of the eyes will go away, the look will become bright, shiny, and the cilia will add density and become much darker. Along the way, you will get rid of crow's feet around the eyes.

If you often notice lost eyelashes, urgently take measures against their loss. To do this, contact an ophthalmologist to exclude the presence of an inflammatory process. If everything is in order, start using special gels, oils.

Another popular tip: If you have an empty mascara tube left, do not throw it away, rinse well with water to remove mascara residues, drip burdock or castor oil there, you can use it. Find a time when you can do without makeup, thoroughly clean your eyelashes, dry them with a towel, brush with oil from a tube brush. Just be careful not to get the oil in your eyes. It is good to apply oil at night. If you do this regularly, after 2-3 weeks the eyelashes will become thicker, longer, fluffier.

In addition, use a special gel for eyebrows and eyelashes, for example, Aevit. It can be bought in specialized stores or pharmacies. This gel is well absorbed, does not stick together hairs. It contains natural oils, herbal ingredients, vitamins. For strengthening, pharmacy vitamin complexes for hair and nails will go.

Squeeze some fresh juice from a perennial aloe leaf, add 1 tsp. vegetable, (better) oil. Dip the tip of your finger into the mixture, shake off the excess and lightly massage the eyelids, being careful not to get into the eyes. After the massage, leave the oil on the eyelids for 15-20 minutes. then remove the residue with a cotton pad.

In addition, such folk advice will help you grow thick and long eyelashes: Mix 1 tsp. dry flowers of cornflower, chamomile, sage leaves,. Pour 1 tsp. mixture of herbs 1 tbsp. boiling water. Wrap with a towel, let stand 20 minutes. strain. Moisten cotton swabs with warm infusion, put them on closed eyelids, leave for 15 minutes. Prepare the infusion once every two days and use it regularly.

And of course, even using these wonderful folk tips for the density of eyelashes, we will not stop using decorative cosmetics. Therefore, use the useful advice on the use of mascara. It is this indispensable makeup tool that will help make our eyes bewitching, making eyelashes thicker.

When you buy mascara, pay attention to its consistency and smell. A quality product should not be too thick or liquid. The smell is barely perceptible, or does not have it at all. Such mascara will not harm your eyelashes, they will not fall out and thin out.

You can buy special fortified mascara containing vitamins, protein, keratin, etc. It will help grow eyelashes, strengthen them, enrich the roots with useful substances.

Remember that ink is stored no more than six months. After this period, it should be ruthlessly thrown away. No need to risk the health of your eyelashes.

The beauty of a woman is judged on various grounds. One of them, undoubtedly, is sufficient length. In fairness, it should be noted that not every representative of the fair sex can boast of the attractive appearance of the hairs that make the look captivating. But it’s stupid to be upset about this: it’s better to be patient and take the solution of the problem into your own!

How to make eyelashes long at home

In order to increase the length of your own cilia, you can, of course, resort to the services of a specialist and make an elementary extension. However, it will be much more reliable to do it by using simple home methods. Let us first consider ways to solve the problem that require correction of the internal state of the body.

First, you need to review your daily diet. It should be balanced and saturated with a large number of foods rich in the following biological and mineral compounds.


Burdock oil is a great effective tool that promotes the active growth of eyelashes. After its application, the results will be noticeable after a week of daily procedures. To do this, take a bottle from under the old carcass, wash it thoroughly and fill it with oil. Apply this remedy to your eyelashes every day in the evening. If you do not find a special bottle, apply oil to the eyelashes with a cotton pad. Avoid getting oil on the mucous membranes of the eyes. To do this, 10-15 minutes after applying it, wipe your eyes with a dry cotton swab. Thanks to this, you will also avoid swelling of the eyelids. Sea buckthorn, castor or olive oil also gives excellent results. If you wish, you can alternate them, replacing one with another.

Compresses based on a decoction of chamomile flowers or cornflower for eyelashes are a wonderful remedy not only for eyelash growth, but also for the treatment of bruises under the eyes. To prepare a decoction, take 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers (or cornflower) and pour 200 milliliters of hot water. Let it brew for a day and strain. Soak cotton swabs in the resulting infusion and apply to the eyelids for 20-30 minutes. You can also prepare a composition decoction for eyelash growth. To do this, mix equal amounts of a decoction of cornflower flowers, calendula and freshly brewed green tea.

Massage helps to improve blood circulation at the local level, and this leads to the activation of the functions inherent in nature, including the growth of eyelashes. During the massage, use a special mixture. To prepare it, mix 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, ½ teaspoon of aloe juice and ½ teaspoon of parsley juice. Rub the prepared mixture with massaging movements along the lash line.

To prepare a nourishing mask that promotes eyelash growth, take 1 tablespoon of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and 5-6 drops of vitamin A. Apply the resulting mass to the eyelashes with a thin brush or cotton pad. Leave for 2-3 hours.

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  • how to grow long eyelashes

Every girl dreams of having long and thick eyelashes. But only some can afford such a luxury, others can only watch and admire. And why? Long eyelashes can be grown at home, only for this you need to make a little effort. Eyelashes can be grown in about 4-8 weeks, but already in the first week of using the products, you will see a positive result.

You will need

  • Oils: peach, olive, sea buckthorn or grape seed oil, castor, burdock.
  • Aloe juice, vitamin E and A. Fish oil.


First, massage your eyelids. Such a massage improves blood flow even in the smallest vessels, which will not only help grow, but also slow down the aging process. The bottom line is that you take a little olive oil on your fingertips and massage the circular muscle around the eye with slow movements, starting from the inner corner, and to the outer corner. Then close your eyelids and use your fingers to act as if you were playing the piano. Then put bent fingers on your eyelids and try to open your eyes under closed eyes. This massage is best at night.

After the massage, apply growth oil, which you can do yourself: in a clean mascara bottle

Nowadays, there are many tools for eyelash growth that promise almost instant results. But few people know about what these funds are made of. You can grow long eyelashes at home. You don't even need any miracle recipes.

What affects eyelash growth

What do we really know about eyelashes? For example, many people know that eyelashes do not live long - about 5-6 months. During this time, they will not be able to grow to some incredible length, the maximum result of which can be expected is the lengthening of eyelashes by about 15 percent of their original state before treatment (the average length of the upper eyelashes is 1 cm). Everything else that you are promised is nothing more than an advertising ploy that ensures better sales.

Eyelash growth products how safe are they? Only hormones can ensure the rapid growth of eyelashes. Long-term use of such products really helps to grow long eyelashes, but not for everyone. In addition, eyelashes grow chaotically when using drugs, which cannot look beautiful, so forget the same effect as in advertising will definitely not happen.

If you want to grow eyelashes, despite the fact that you already have them that are not bad at all. What will have to disappoint you, most likely, you will not notice any special difference. If you really want to lengthen your eyelashes by at least 2 times, then you will have to resort to the now popular procedure - eyelash extensions. But unfortunately it is not necessary to consider it absolutely harmless to our body.

How long does it take to grow long eyelashes

The time required to grow eyelashes at home will be no less than a month or two. Although the first results will be noticeable in a week. Eyelashes are also hair, so you can use exactly the same tools for their growth: masks and massages that you use (or do not use) to. There is only one important difference - the eyelashes are located directly near the eyes, the skin around which is very delicate and sensitive, so you need to act very carefully so that the components of the mask for eyelash growth do not get into your eyes, otherwise allergies and irritations may appear.

Natural remedies for eyelash growth

To get the fastest effect, you can resort to professional eyelash products. Among others, Magic Glance French Eyelash Growth is the most popular. It has a completely natural composition and has no contraindications, so even pregnant and lactating girls can use it.

To grow long eyelashes, you need to do the following:

  • Always wash off cosmetics from eyelashes before going to bed, do not leave it overnight, let the eyelashes rest and recover a little;
  • Use gentle make-up removers;
  • Massage the eyelids daily;
  • After the massage, apply oil that promotes the growth of eyelashes;
  • Mask for eyelash growth, should be applied 2-3 times a week;
  • Do a special compress once a week.

So, let's start about everything in order

Eye massage

It is known that massage of the scalp promotes blood flow to the hair follicles, which stimulates hair growth, the same applies to eyelashes. So why not do such a massage with eyelashes, while you can use any cosmetic oil for massage, or do without it at all.
As for the technique itself, doing eyelash massage is very simple, it's like applying a night cream. With the pads of your ring fingers, gently tap along the lash line, starting from the upper eyelid, moving from the nose to the far corner of the eye. And in the opposite direction on the lower eyelid.

Oil for eyelash growth

This oil can be easily prepared by every woman from quite affordable ingredients. We will need one or better several natural oils, which most stimulate the growth of eyelashes: olive, almond, peach, sea buckthorn and grape seed oil, but burdock and castor oil are not suitable for this purpose (it is better to leave them for masks to be washed off). You can add oil solutions of vitamins A and E to oils - they are sold in a pharmacy, aloe juice and other herbal ingredients. An empty mascara tube can be used as a bottle for your oil (wash it well with water so that the brush comes out completely clean). This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator, or at room temperature in your makeup cabinet if your eyelash oil consists only of oil and vitamins.

Oil blends are more effective than either alone. You can come up with such recipes yourself, you only need imagination.

In order for the eyelashes to grow actively, every evening after the massage, carefully “paint over” them with oil, trying not to get into your eyes!

Masks for eyelash growth

If you want to grow long thick eyelashes, make masks every other day to accelerate their growth. Such masks are prepared on the basis of castor or burdock oil and require removal about an hour after application.

Castor oil is by far the best one that can be used for eyelash growth. It strengthens and moisturizes hair, stimulates growth, makes them more beautiful, thicker and healthier. These masks should be applied not only to the eyelashes themselves, but also to the eyelids, and it can be done in a plentiful layer (but carefully so as not to get into the eyes).

Mask recipes:

  • Castor oil, burdock oil 1:1, you can add a couple of drops of oil solutions of vitamins A and E and aloe juice;
  • Castor oil and rose oil 1:1;
  • Mix castor oil with rum in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • Take equal amounts of castor oil, aloe juice and finely chopped parsley. Combine all ingredients, mix and infuse for 24 hours.

Store masks in the refrigerator, and treat eyelashes with a mascara brush or cotton swab.

Eyelash compresses

Those who wish to grow long eyelashes will find it useful to make compresses from medicinal herbs. For this purpose, a decoction of cornflower (does not irritate the eyes), chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot are perfect. You can use ordinary black tea, only real.

How to make eyelash compresses: brew your favorite herb or herbs, let them brew for about 20 minutes. Then arm yourself with cotton swabs or discs, soak them in the decoction and put on your eyelids, and lie down to rest for about 30 minutes. After the specified time, remove the cotton pads, let your eyes dry, then apply eyelash oil.

You need to make compresses for eyelashes once a week, and it is better to use not the same potion for decoction, but alternate it with other herbs.

Take care of your eyelashes, keep them healthy, comb them with specially designed combs that can be purchased at a specialty store. Take at least a little time every day to improve your eyelashes and the result will not be long in coming and will definitely please you.

How to grow eyelashes at home? The problem is solved in two ways. You can carefully care for the skin of the eyelids and hairs in order to get maximum length eyelashes. And you can achieve the goal in another way, simply by fixing the artificial hairs.

The first method, of course, is longer and more difficult, but the result is guaranteed to be more stable.

eyelash life

Eyelashes - completely normal in its structure of hair, bordering the eye. The visible part is the hair shaft, the invisible part is the root. The latter is located under the skin and ends with a hair follicle. The number of follicles determines the fundamentally possible number of eyelashes. However, in practice, about a third of the hair follicles are in hibernation, and 2/3 are in an active state. How much eyelashes grow does not depend on the ratio.

On average, 150-250 eyelashes are located on the upper eyelid, 50-150 on the lower eyelid. The length of the upper ones is somewhat longer - on average 10 mm, the length of the lower ones - 7 mm. The thickness of the hairs is determined by race, and the shape is determined by the type of hair follicle.

From this it is clear that the length, thickness and average number of eyelashes is determined genetically and cannot be changed. It is impossible to grow longer eyelashes than the gene program suggests.

How long does it take for eyelashes to grow? The average lifespan of a hair is 90 days. It is divided into 4 phases:

  • the active growth phase lasts 14–21 days;
  • rest phase - 28–56 days;
  • the rest of the time - 62-34 days, is the time of rejection and preparation for the growth of a new hair.

It is possible to influence the difference between the lifetime of the hair and the duration of all 4 phases. All methods of care are built on this possibility. It is impossible to influence the life span, so all the methods that promise to increase the number and length of eyelashes in a week are a lie.

Causes of loss

As a rule, a person does not notice the “planned” change of eyelashes, just as he does not notice the replacement of hair. The secret is that in a healthy state, the optimal ratio between sleeping and working follicles is always maintained, and it turns out that a new one is already ready to replace the fallen hair.

However, this pattern can be broken, and then thick long eyelashes suddenly become brittle and sparse. There are many reasons:

  • poorly chosen cosmetics - with a strong degreasing effect, for example. In this case, the hairs lose their fatty lubrication - their natural protection, which leads to dryness and brittleness. As a result, they do not fall out, but break off, which does not affect the appearance of new ones;

  • mechanical injuries - burns, too long exposure to the sun, the manner of rubbing the eyes often and strongly. All this leads to premature drying and hair loss. After falling out, a new eyelash appears only in due time, and then the difference between the phase of existence and the phase of rejection turns out to be too large. How long it takes for new ones to grow depends on the conditions: in the absence of traumatic factors, eyelashes are restored quite quickly;
  • diseases - many ailments lead to a deterioration in the nutrition of hair follicles. In this case, growth slows down, and some of the bulbs go into "sleep" mode. It is impossible to strengthen them without treating the underlying disease;
  • stress - in this state, peripheral blood circulation worsens, that is, the hair follicles receive insufficient oxygen and nutrition. Alas, neither the cream nor the oils in this state will not help.

If only the hair shafts are damaged, it is quite possible to restore them, if the hair follicles have died, then the process is irreversible. In this case, the question of what to do if there are no eyelashes is solved in a more radical way.

Tips to help you grow thick and long eyelashes yourself:

home remedies

Most care methods are aimed at strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows and lengthening the resting phase, when the hair does not grow, but remains. Due to this, it is possible to increase the momentary number of active follicles.

You can improve the condition of eyelashes by resorting to the usual and well-known folk remedies. They do not promise a significant increase in the number of hairs, but it is worth noting that this number can be fundamentally changed by no more than 15%.

  • Burdock oil - only the lazy one does not know about its beneficial effect. The action of the oil affects quickly: after a week, the eyelashes will return their natural shine and silkiness. The oil envelops the hair, ordering the laying of scaly cells - the upper layer of the hair shaft, and thereby retains moisture inside, restoring natural elasticity. With prolonged use, burdock oil stimulates the awakening of the follicles, as it is rich in vitamins.

To speed up recovery, if eyelashes grow for a long time, you can do this: find and thoroughly wash the brush from the old mascara, and then apply oil with it. The procedure is repeated every day at night for a month. After 15-20 minutes, the remnants of the product are removed with a cotton pad. It should not be left overnight, as the skin of the eyelids is too tender and swells. If necessary, you can apply oil with a cotton pad, but the brush provides a more even distribution.

  • Castor oil is an equally well-known option to get thick eyelashes. The oil is rich in vitamins A and B, reliably protects the hair. It is applied in the same way: with a mascara brush or a cotton swab. The mask is held for no more than 15–20 minutes and the remnants are carefully removed: castor oil is heavy, so the last step cannot be neglected.

  • You can smear eyelashes and eyebrows with olive oil. It has a lighter texture, so you can apply it with your fingers. This procedure is repeated during the day, but it is still better to remove the remaining oil.

  • A good remedy for the constant action of traumatic factors, like a pool with chlorinated water, sea bathing, hiking - ordinary Vaseline. It is preferable to lubricate them at night, comb the hairs with a brush, and then remove the excess.

  • Hairs grow quickly if you combine the action of the oil with plant extracts or juices. For example, this composition: mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 1-2 tablespoons of aloe juice and 1 capsule of vitamin A. The composition is placed in a tube of tablets, for example, or another container and shaken until it forms a homogeneous mixture.

Such a “conditioner” is applied to eyelashes and eyebrows at night after removing makeup. After how many weeks it will be possible to restore the hairs, the effect depends on many other factors, the conditioner stimulates the work of the hair follicles, so the result will be noticeable in any case.

  • A good result is the use of herbal compresses. Their main goal is to restore the water balance, and the compress acts on both the hairs and the skin. To do this, prepare a decoction of chamomile or cornflower flowers: pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and insist for a day. Cotton pads are moistened in the infusion and left on the eyelids for 20 minutes.


The appearance of new hairs, and, most importantly, the support of existing ones, directly depends on the nutrition of hair follicles. And the latter ensures sufficient blood flow. Massaging the skin of the eyelids will help strengthen your eyelashes and stimulate the appearance of new ones.

You need to do it at home using a special composition: dry skin is much more prone to injury and stretching. To do this, mix a tablespoon of olive or burdock oil with half a teaspoon of parsley juice and aloe juice. The mixture is rubbed along the ciliary edge with neat smooth movements. Short hairs will not become longer from this, but they will be stronger and thicker.

You can not rub your eyes, on the contrary, massage is done on a half-lowered eyelid, circular movements are performed slowly and only along the hairline.

Cosmetical tools

At home, you can also use a cosmetic product to strengthen eyelashes. Many companies produce caring gels, balms and masks, and even special firming mascaras.

In fact, any “self-respecting” mascara belongs to the latter category. You can determine this by composition, it must include the following components:

  • keratin - analogue of the keratin top layer;
  • melanin - a pigment that protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • lanolin - prevents moisture loss;
  • vitamins - A, B, F, E.

Balms and gels help to noticeably improve the condition of the hairs.

  • Antioxidant balm from Dzintars is colorless, odorless, very easy to apply and absorb. Contains castor oil, aloe juice, keratin and vitamins. Balm can be applied at night.
  • Eyelash balm "Mirra Lux" - includes grape, castor oil, ylang-ylang oil, jasmine and jojoba. In addition to the fact that the composition stimulates hair growth, it has a noticeable anti-edematous effect and has a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids.

  • The Talika gel is included in many of the company's cosmetic lines. It has a restorative and stimulating effect. Very light structure allows you to apply the product during the day under makeup. How quickly and whether new hairs grow, also depends on the cause of their loss. If we are talking about a mechanical injury, then in a month, if stress or illness, you will have to wait longer.
  • Gel for modeling from "Art-Visage" is designed for the care of both eyebrows and eyelashes. Very useful for dryness and brittleness. Due to the restoration of water balance, it lengthens the resting phase, that is, the hairs last longer and do not break.

How to quickly grow eyelashes at home is determined by many factors: the general condition, the cause of the loss, and the thoroughness of care. On average, a good result can be achieved in a month, but in some severe cases - illness, recovery takes longer.