Test which haircut suits me. Triangular face type. What hairstyle is best for a rectangular face

Women love to change, and the easiest way to drastically change their appearance is a haircut. But experiments with hair sometimes end in complete disappointment, especially if the choice is new haircut comes not from the shape of your face, but from the fact that you liked the hairstyle that you saw on another girl or movie star.

So, to choose a hairstyle, first of all, you need to decide on the shape of your face.

Most Common Face Shapes

To determine your face type, gather your hair into a bun or ponytail (the face should be free of hair), look at yourself in the mirror and (for more exact result) circle the contour of the face on it, for example, with a marker.

The main types of faces include the following forms:

  • Oval- the most proportional type of face, where the forehead line is equal to (or slightly wider than) the jaw line, the cheekbones are pronounced, and the face itself tapers gracefully to the chin. A striking example of this type is Halle Berry.
  • Circle- the face of this type is rather wide in the cheeks, with a slightly pronounced chin and a low forehead, and its height is approximately equal to its width. Star representatives of this type of faces are Christina Ricci and Drew Barrymore.
  • Elongated or oblong face characterized by a high forehead, flat cheekbones and an elongated chin. Sarah Jessica Parker can be the most striking example among the stars.
  • Square- such faces have a low forehead and a flat chin, but at the same time a pronounced jaw line, the length and width of the face are approximately equal. Marilyn Monroe - one of the owners of the face square shape, but perhaps the most pronounced "square" has Demi Moore.
  • triangle or heart- faces of this type have a broad forehead and cheekbones, but a narrow chin. The owner of the "heart" form is.
  • Diamond or rhombus shape- due to its rarity, this face shape is not in vain called precious stone, it is distinguished by convex cheekbones, but the lines of the forehead and jaw are approximately equal. In essence, this is a kind of triangular shape, and Riana and Sophia Loren represent it with pride.

Hairstyles for oval faces

The oval face shape is considered the most correct and universal. Almost all types and forms of hairstyles, glasses and hats are suitable for her.

Owners of this type of face, when choosing a hairstyle, should start, first of all, from your style in clothes and hair structure. The thinner the hair, the shorter the haircut should be. Lucky women who have a thick mop of hair can afford to wear curls below their shoulders. But heavy bangs with an oval face shape should be abandoned, because it can disrupt the “harmony” of your face and “stretch” it.

Beautiful cheekbones can be emphasized with a short haircut ending somewhere in their area. Curly or curly hair can give your image romance and tenderness. And here are the long long hair can only spoil the “picture” by artificially stretching the face. Therefore, when choosing hairstyles for an oval face shape, give your preference to curls or slightly curly hair, a bun that is always relevant. ponytail", asymmetries, it will also look amazing on you, for example, Greek braid. But avoid bouffant and straightened hair.

Hairstyles for chubby

Choosing hairstyles for round type faces it is worth remembering that your main task is to give the face more oval shape, that is, pull it out a little.

To somewhat lengthen the proportions of the face will help hairstyles raised up - a kind of "crown". These hairstyles include bouffant, high tails, volumes and asymmetry.

It is better for chubby ladies to refuse thick bangs, but if you still want to cover your forehead, then give preference to thinned bangs combed to the side. But it's better to leave your forehead open.

Hairstyles for a triangular face shape

"Heart" face shapes should be framed with hair that reaches mid-neck or just below the shoulders. Girls with this type of face are very curly hair. Volume at the ends of the hair and twisted ends are welcome. A short bob with twisted ends will also look good on chubby girls.

Hairstyles should be selected according to the principle: less volume in the temples, more - at the level of the chin.

How to choose a hairstyle for a diamond-shaped face (diamond)

If you want to emphasize the contrast between wide cheekbones and a narrow chin, make yourself high hairstyles with long bangs. But if you want to make your face more correct form, then pay attention to those hairstyles whose shape resembles an inverted triangle ( acute angle up). In the latter case, the widest part of the hairstyle should be somewhere at the level of the earlobes or slightly lower.

Short bangs and combed back hair on the sides of the head will not suit you with this face shape.

Hairstyles for an elongated face shape

Top tips for women with elongated type faces - cover your forehead with hair, do not high hairstyles and don't comb your hair back. These hairstyles will stretch your face even more.

Owners of an elongated face fit curly or curly hair, long thick bangs, lush styling, framing the face, voluminous caret to the chin. It will be very impressive on such girls to look like a side parting, side bangs and strands different lengths. brave girls can combine long bangs combed to one side (and even covering one eye) and a short-cropped nape.

”- every girl asks herself such a question, standing in the morning in front of a mirror with a mop of unstyled hair. How to find out if there is no one to tell? Today we will tell you how to choose a hairstyle for a round, oval and other types of face - so as to emphasize your advantages, hide flaws, and as usual - look great!

We have already talked more than once about choosing a fashionable and stylish everyday hairstyle - for example, one that can be created in a few minutes, which is easy to care for, which looks stylish and original, but at the same time is accessible even to completely unsophisticated “home hairdressers”. But, in our opinion, we paid too little attention to the issue of choosing a hairstyle taking into account the type of appearance - and this is a key issue, to accept right decision without an answer to which is almost impossible. Yes, sometimes you can find this answer intuitively. But, you see, it will not be superfluous to reinforce intuition with actual knowledge.

What are the shapes of the face

We will not only look at a typical classification - we will tell you how to correctly determine the shape of your face. And although it may seem obvious, the problem actually exists. You will be convinced of this when you begin to delve into the question. But we will not let this problem become yours, and we will solve it in the bud.

So, stylists and other specialists in appearance distinguish the following face shapes:

  • Round

The width of such a face is almost equal to its length, that is, the face in shape approaches an ideal circle.

  • oval

The forehead is not much wider than the chin, the face tapers downward, and the whines protrude - usually not very much.

  • Square

The width of the forehead, cheekbones and jaw line is almost the same.

  • heart-shaped

The cheekbones and forehead are almost equal in width, the chin is sharp and elongated.

  • Rhomboid

The forehead and chin are rather narrow, their width differs slightly from each other, while the cheekbones seriously protrude against the background of the forehead.

  • oblong

The forehead, jaw line and cheekbones are of the same or almost the same width.

Well, were you able to correctly determine your face shape? Doing it right the first time is not easy, as we wrote above. But - again, as we promised earlier - we will simplify this task for you.

In order to accurately determine the shape of your face, it is enough to pass a simple four-step test:

Step one: We stand in front of a mirror, turn on a bright light and comb our hair back. It is better to collect them in a ponytail at the back of the head or at the crown (if the length of the hair allows) so that they do not bother you. Alternatively, the hair can be wetted - especially if it is short.

Step two: To do this, we need a ruler, and quite long. If there is no ruler at hand, you can take an A4 sheet and a pen / pencil to put marks on it. Your task is to measure the length of the face, from the roots of the hair (on the forehead) to the tip of the chin.

Step three: The resulting length must be divided by three. If you measured your face with a ruler, there will be no difficulties. If using a sheet, fold it three times, and exactly one third of your face will turn out on the fold. We will conditionally designate this result as “result A”.

Step four: Now we measure the distance from the base of the nose (nose bridge) to the tip of the chin. Let's conditionally designate this length as "result B".

When all four steps have been successfully completed, determining the shape of the face is quite simple:

1. If result A is greater than result B, the face shape is either oblong or square.

2. If the result is A less result B - the shape of the face is either round or diamond-shaped.

3. If the result of A is equal to the result of B - the shape of the face is either oval or heart-shaped.

Further - be guided by the criteria from the description various forms faces, and you can easily determine what shape your face has. And we will tell you how to choose the right hairstyle for each of the forms in order to look irresistible - after all, an unsuccessful hairstyle, even if it is very stylish and chic, can ruin your appearance.

Choosing hairstyles for your face type

If your face has round shape, it may look plump despite the fact that you do not have a single gram excess weight. And if there is, then ... well, you yourself understand.

Therefore, the main task of hairstyles for round face- lengthen it by any means available.

  • Curling - it expands the face too much
  • Lush hairstyles - the same reason
  • Hair combed back - give the face excessive roundness
  • Short haircuts- especially for very tall girls, they will give excessive thinness, and the head will seem too small
  • High hairstyles - although they lengthen the shape of the face, they also lengthen the neck, and it will seem unnaturally long

Unambiguous "yes":

  • Layered haircuts, in which each layer has a different length
  • big waves
  • Long hairstyles below the chin
  • Bob haircut, in which the front curls are longer than the back
  • Long, tousled hairstyle - the effect of lack of styling, mess

This form is considered ideal, therefore, when choosing a hairstyle for oval face there shouldn't be much difficulty. If your face is oval, almost any haircut, any styling will suit you. However, it is worth paying attention to some points:

  • If you have Thin hair give preference to haircuts middle length
  • If your hair is thick and thick, you will look great with a long haircut.
  • Haircuts with any bangs, as well as without bangs, will suit you - but still pay attention not only to the shape, but also to facial features

Hairstyles suitable for a square face

This is one of the most difficult shapes because it makes your face look more masculine than feminine; overly athletic and overweight. However, with the help of a successful hairstyle for square face, you can adjust its shape and become a true goddess.

What will help correct the situation:

  • Sparse layered bangs combed to the side
  • asymmetrical side parting hairstyle
  • Wavy hair below shoulder length
  • Ladder haircut
  • Updo

Do not under any circumstances do this:

  • Short haircut
  • Lush styling
  • Symmetrical hairstyle with a straight parting
  • Thick straight bangs

Hairstyles for a heart-shaped face

This face shape is not very successful, but it can be easily corrected with the right hairstyle for a heart-shaped face.

Here's what will help give the face a better look:

  • Bangs, parted and opening part of the forehead in the center
  • Medium Length Haircut - Shoulder Length
  • Smooth, straight hair and some volume in the cheekbones

What hairstyles suit a diamond-shaped face

Many rules for adjusting this shape with the help of a successful hairstyle for diamond face coincide with the previous recommendations - those that we gave to girls with heart-shaped face. Also, it's worth trying the following:

  • Very long bangs(up to the eyebrows or even longer), lush and voluminous
  • Hairstyles without clear lines
  • Hairstyles with the corners of the hair twisted inwards

Hairstyles for an oblong face

Such a face is very similar to an oval, and therefore again almost perfect. A slight correction is enough to remove the word "practically" from his description:

  • Your haircut should not be too long. Optimal - length no more than to the shoulders, preferably shorter
  • Curly hair ends, bob or bob haircut
  • Voluminous hairstyles with knock-out curls that visually expand the face
  • Straight, long and voluminous bangs
  • Asymmetrical haircuts and styling

Well, armed with our parting words? Toga be bolder, correct the shape of the face so that it would never occur to anyone that it is not perfect!

Surely every woman wants to change, but abrupt change many hairstyles introduces into a stupor. And all because most women do not know what haircuts, hairstyles and hair colors suit them. If you have ever wondered what hairstyle suits me for free, this article is for you. Find out which hairstyle is right for you.

First you need to decide on the shape of your face. To do this, tie your hair, it is better to put on a bandage to remove hair from your face and go to the mirror. Look at the face, what shape it reminds you of. If you cannot determine by eye, take any contour pencil or a marker and circle the reflection of your face right on the mirror, so you get the outline of your face.

And so, you did it.

Oval - which hairstyle is suitable for this face shape

This is the classic and most versatile face shape. There are almost no features and prohibitions in the hairstyle with such a face, absolutely all hairstyles suit you, straight, curly, long or short hair. When choosing, you can easily rely on fashion. Try to make an elongated bob or graduated bob.

To minimize roundness, hair should frame the face, cover the ears
For such a face, uneven, oblique bangs, medium hair, soft curls, a short haircut is possible.

Square - which haircut to choose

With such a face, the haircut should stretch it and smooth out the angularity of the jaw.
Medium and long hair, smooth or slightly wavy

Rectangle - hairstyle and haircut

Your goal is to make the face shorter and wider. Layered graduated haircuts are suitable for you, Wavy hair middle length. Long straight hair should be avoided. A graduated elongated bob or a medium cascading haircut is well suited.

triangle face shape

In this case, you need to reduce the width of the face at forehead level and add volume to the cheekbones and chin.
Suitable hairstyles with oblique bangs or long straight bangs laid on the side, wavy hairstyles, waves start at the cheekbones. Hair can be long or short.

Haircut for the shape of a trapezoid

Such a face is characterized by a wide Bottom part faces. To balance the face, you need to create volume on the top. Thick bangs, voluminous hairstyles with volume on top, curly hair will do. The bottom part of the hair should be straight.

The choice of hairstyle must be approached thoroughly, because you can always cut off your hair, but to grow it again for short term difficult. Seen in a magazine a new style, you do not need to immediately grab the scissors. To begin with, it is better to ask yourself: “Which haircut will suit me?”. For every face type there are certain rules to be followed. Therefore, before choosing new hairstyle a little check needs to be done.

How to determine the type of face

Determining the type or shape of the face is quite simple. To do this, you will need a few minutes of free time, a mirror and a felt-tip pen.

  1. First of all, find a room with good lighting and go to the mirror. The shadow should not cover more than a quarter of the face.
  2. Now you need to remove the hair. You can just tie their tail or put on a bandage. IN last resort fasten your hair back with bobby pins.
  3. Take a felt-tip pen and trace the shape of your face on the mirror. What shape does the resulting drawing resemble?

Professional hairdressers distinguish six various types faces: oval, circle, square, rectangle, triangle and trapezoid. It is worth considering each option in more detail.

Haircut for oval and round faces

  • Oval

This type of face can be safely called the most common. If you have just such - rejoice, because almost any hairstyle suits such girls. Hairdressers call this form ideal and often like to experiment. Therefore, it is better to go to the hairdresser with an already chosen hairstyle.

Surely you are still wondering: “Which hairstyle suits me?”. The answer is simple: any. Long, medium and short hair. Curls and straightened strands. Everything that you just do not wish will be in perfect harmony with your type of face. Therefore, it is better to rely on fashion. For example, graduated and elongated squares are popular this season.

  • Circle

The main task of hairstyles for this type of face is to hide roundness as much as possible. Of course, this will significantly reduce the number of options, but you will look just amazing. The first step is to close the ears, as they expand the face, and it can appear even more rounded.

A variety of short haircuts are ideal for girls with this type of face. Firstly, they will help to visually stretch the shape of the head. Secondly, they give a special charm that is not available to representatives of other types of faces. Bangs are better to use oblique, uneven. Another good option is medium hair with soft curls.

Which haircut suits me if my face is square or rectangular?

  • Square

As a rule, representatives of this type of face torment their stylists with the same question: “Which haircut will suit me?”. Pick up beautiful hairstyle under the "square" is quite difficult, but still possible. The main thing is to follow two rules:

  1. a haircut should be selected in such a way that the shape of the face is visually stretched;
  2. hairstyle should smooth or cover angular jaws;

Long and medium hair will look ideal. It is better to exclude short haircuts, as they will not be able to hide the angularity. You can experiment and add light waviness and smoothness. It is better not to straighten the hair so as not to create additional straight lines.

  • Rectangle

You can also look towards the voluminous asymmetrical hairstyles that Hollywood celebrities love so much. In no case do not open your ears, do not do “licked hairstyles” and straight partings.

Girls with this type of face need to focus on the visual shortening and expansion of the face. Ideal length hair - to the shoulders. If you make it longer, the face will become too narrow, in short, too elongated. Straight hair is also out of the question: only wavy.

Graduated layered hairstyles look good. An additional option is a cascading haircut of medium length. There is also one alternative that looks good on girls with this type of face, but is not suitable for everyone. It's about about a graduated elongated square. It is better to first make a trial version in Photoshop or with the help of other programs.

Triangle and trapezoid

  • Triangle

All you have to do is give volume to the lower part of the face and visually reduce the width of the forehead. Most often, this effect is achieved with a hairstyle with curved strands up to the chin. An elongated asymmetrical bang helps to hide the forehead. Short bangs Better don't use it as it will backfire.

  • Trapeze

First of all, you need to create a voluminous upper part of the head. Try lush hairstyles, and those in which the main volume falls on the crown. A good option is a thick bang. Suitable for almost everyone. In no case do not get carried away with straight partings and small curls.

The rule that must be followed is that the lower part of the hair should be well straightened. This will reduce the width of the chin and make it more cute and feminine.

I hope now you have to ask the endless question: “Which hairstyle suits me?”. Use the tips in this article and choose your perfect option. It is better to additionally consult with a stylist who can correct the chosen haircut so that your face looked perfect.

Are you having trouble choosing? Or do you want to try a new one, but doubt whether it will suit you? Maybe you are planning to radically change the image, but do not know what exactly to choose? Thanks to modern mobile technology, you can experiment to your heart's content without harming your hair. If you are in search of a new look and would like to try on several hairstyles without consequences for the hair, then this will easily help you. programs and mobile applications for the selection of hairstyles. We have prepared 10 best apps, with which it is easy to choose a male or female haircut, length, hair color and styling. All you need to do is download any of these apps for Android or iOS, and substitute your photo under the images various hairstyles. So you will understand what hairstyle suits you, and you can also print the picture you like to show it to your master in the salon, or save it to your phone. So, without further ado, we suggest you move on to a detailed review of the best applications for selecting fashionable men's and women's hairstyles in 2019.

The best apps for choosing men's and women's hairstyles

#1. Face App (Android) - ★ 4.4

The Face App for Android is now one of the best, besides, even before installation, you can try experimenting with your Facebook profile photos on the official website. This application has the ability to change several parameters:

  • sweep hair color,
  • "try on" glasses,
  • grow old or rejuvenate
  • make yourself look like a Hollywood star,
  • straighten or curl your hair
  • much more.

Face App offers a set of functionality for both the free version and the paid version (much more features). And even with the limited filters of the free version, this application can be given a well-deserved TOP, since any image comes naturally, and not artificial and hand-drawn, as in many other applications.

It is worth noting that in the Filters section, the functionality is limited, but in the Stylist section, you can try almost all premium filters for free.

We are offering to you unique photos, for clarity.

With a bang
with a smile
change hair color
becoming a Hollywood star
collage of different images

#2. Insta Hair Style Salon App (iPhone)★ 3,6

The Insta HairStyleSalon app is one of the best free apps for iPhone and iPad developed by Shenzhen Bigger LLC. If you want to know what haircut suits your face shape, choose an unusual bright color hair, or are you just looking for new stylish solutions, then this program is created especially for you. With this app, you can digitally dye your hair the color you've always dreamed of, as well as choose a new one. fashionable hairstyle. Just take a selfie or upload your photo from your phone and try on over 150 different hairstyles. The interface language is English, but working with the application is extremely simple. For example, to change the color of your hair, you just need to click on the shade you like, just with a single click, select a haircut. There is a huge range of realistic and creative hairstyles in all colors of the rainbow. In addition, you can learn a lot of different information about hairstyles and get tips on selection, for example, which hairstyle suits oval, round or triangular shape faces. The results can be saved in image format and can be easily sent to family, friends or your hairdresser.

#3. Hair Style Changer app (Android)★3,2

Application Hair style changer app is one of the most popular hairstyle apps for android and has large collection both female and men's hairstyles and haircuts. With it, you can find out how you will look with different hairstyles, hair colors and makeup, as well as try out the hairstyles and styles of famous world stars. The app will help you find best hairstyle and a hair color that is perfect for your face type. Now you can go to the hairdresser without a doubt and get your favorite haircut - after all, you have seen how it will look on you. Upload your photo from your phone or take a selfie and try on different looks. Despite the English-language interface, understanding the software will not be difficult. Inside the application there are two sections - hairstyles for girls and hairstyles for guys. Each section consists of packs of different hairstyles.

UPD. After personal testing, the opinion about this application is ambiguous: on the one hand, it is a little outdated, the hairstyles look too drawn and it is difficult to clearly set frames. On the other hand, the choice of hairstyles and haircuts is really large, so if you want to know if a particular look suits you or not, this is the one.

#4. Woman Hairstyles App 2018 (Android)★3,7

This is another great hair styling app Woman Hairstyles 2018 developed by PEGI 3 that allows you to try on a variety of hairstyles virtually. You can see in practice how you will look with a cascade of Jennifer Aniston, Selena Gomez curls or Rihanna's hair color, try curly, straight, short, long, flowing and gathered in a bun, as well as wedding and evening hairstyles. You can also try on over 20 realistic hair colors to find the perfect shade for you. To complete the image, you can choose more than 100 accessories, for example, Sunglasses, various jewelry, hats and much more.

The interface language is English, but all options are intuitive. Hairstyles can be chosen in any style - modern, classic, romance, glamour, and much more.

#5. ModiFace Hair Color Studio App(Apple, Android)★3,3

Dreaming of a haircut like famous star? Easily! Application ModiFace hair color Studio (Apple, Android) is the most popular digital imaging app that lets you try out different looks.

Try new color hair in almost seconds with Color Color app! All you have to do is take your own photo, use automatic detection hair to outline your hair and then apply different hair colors to see which shade suits you.

#6. Mary Kay® Virtual Makeup App★3,2

Newest mobile app virtual makeover from Mary Kay® (Mobile virtual Makeover ) developed by Mary Kay and adapted for many countries, including Ukraine. With it, you can try an endless number of makeup and hairstyle combinations. Just upload your photo or select the model's face from the app and start picking patterns, applying makeup on the face, eyes, lips. For the selection of hairstyles, options such as length, hair color, highlighting and coloring are available, as well as the selection of hair accessories, various hairpins and jewelry.

#7. Facial Hair Changer for Men and Women app★3,4

With the help of the application, you can see yourself with a different hairstyle and hair color, which, no doubt, will inspire you to new changes in appearance. This is one of the best AppIntex developer apps for selecting men's and women's hairstyles and haircuts.

For men, there is also an extensive catalog of mustaches and a variety of shapes, colors and styles that are easy to scroll through on the screen. This program works on the same principle as the others: you need to upload a photo, preferably a full-face portrait on a white background, and select hairstyles and hair shades from the proposed clichés. After uploading the photo, specify the user's gender, haircut length, choose the hair color and set other parameters.

This application does not have a wide range of functions, but is not overloaded with unnecessary options. Among other things, it is possible to edit photos, crop the frame and expand. After the image is completed, the photo can be saved to the phone's gallery or sent to Facebook or other social networks.

#8. Hair Changer Photo Booth App – Men Hair Style Photo Effect★3,4

We couldn't leave out one of the best matching apps for iPhone. exclusively male hairstyles Changer Photo Booth – Men Hair Style Photo Effect, after all modern men follow trends and want to look stylish no less than women.

The software has a light English-language interface and is very easy to use, since all the necessary options are indicated by icons, which makes it easier to understand and allows you to choose a hairstyle in a few seconds. Simply upload a photo from the gallery or take a selfie, and choose your favorite hairstyle and mustache from the many options offered. Among other things, a photo editing function is available and effects such as brightness, contrast, saturation, shadows, highlights, focus and others. You can also pick up interesting accessories like a pipe, sunglasses and a baseball cap. Once you've finished editing your photo, you can save it to your phone's memory, print it, or send it to friends on social networks.


This application will transform your mobile phone in the mirror and let you try different hairstyles in real time. All you need to do is just look at the screen of your phone or tablet, and the hairstyles will pop up and shape your new image. More than 100 available for selection women's haircuts in 5 categories: long, medium and short hair, holiday hairstyles and crazy style. You can try creative hairstyles, which you will not find anywhere else, for example, hair with sequins, flowers, butterflies and many others interesting images. You can also try on national hairstyles various countries peace. The application has an English-language interface, which is easy to understand. Hairstyles can be tried on in order by toggling the “next-previous” button, or you can select a corrected hairstyle from the list.

Choose your favorite hair color, adjust the position of the hair on your head with your fingers, and give the photo the desired brightness / contrast. Press the "Lock" button to lock the hairstyle on the screen, then you can adjust the position of the head to make the hairstyle "sit down" and look natural. The application, like others similar, has a connection to the Internet and social networks.

#10. Hairstyle Makeover App★4,0

hair style makeover is another great app for iOS for selecting men's and women's hairstyles, one of the most convenient in App Store. The easy-to-use interface offers a huge number of trendy haircuts and hairstyles, thanks to which you can easily pick up a new image and carry out bold experiments with style. The application uses only professional haircuts and hairstyles, so they look very realistic. Basic options are offered free of charge: men's and women's hairstyles for short and long hair, mustache, beard and how additional option- funny creative wigs.

Hair selection programs, of course, will not replace the advice of a stylist, but they will definitely ease the agony of choosing a new haircut and help you determine if a certain hairstyle and hair color suits you. To decide which application is the best and most convenient, you need to try them all.