Hairstyles for short hair for the new year. A bundle with a roller and a four-strand braid. Braids and weaves in festive evening hairstyles

If for the New Year you want to show off some beautiful high hairstyle or curls, but your hair is not long enough, this does not mean that you have to abandon the idea or build up artificial strands. There are hairstyles and styling for medium hair that will look great for the New Year 2018. In beauty, they are in no way inferior to hairstyles for long hair. In addition, most hairstyles for long hair are suitable for middle length, and some look even better on shorter hair.

What should be the New Year's hairstyle

When choosing a hairstyle for such a long event as a New Year's Eve, you need to be sure that it will last until the end of the celebration and will not fall apart in the midst of fun, so the hairstyle must be well fixed. If this is a high hairstyle, then you can not save on hairpins, invisible hairpins and hairpins. If these are curls, then you will need a hairspray with a strong or ultra-strong hold that does not stick the hair together, as well as a mousse that is used before curling.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that tightly fixed hair can cause headache and other unpleasant sensations, so you should choose the hairstyle itself wisely.

Fashion trends for styling and hairstyles

It is best to take the advice of stylists and take into account fashion trends in the world of hair. And they are listed below.

Straight cut hair. They can be laid in curls, weaving, braids, high and low buns, tails, hairstyles with plaits. But that's all later. First of all, healthy straight hair is beautiful in itself. And if they are covered with a gloss spray, they look even better.

tousled waves. It seems that the waviness turned out by itself. These are not smooth Hollywood curls, but slightly tangled, careless strands. Despite this, they look cute. This hairstyle looks great on any medium length, be it a bob or an elongated bob.

Cascading haircuts. They allow you to style your hair, giving it extra volume. Curls on the cascade look as romantic as possible.

Selecting individual strands. This can be done with styling products that add texture to the hair, or with paint. It turns out a little rebellious image.

Low ponytail or bun. They are made simply, but at the same time very effective, especially in combination with a perm.

Greek bundle. These are curls combined with loose strands, as if accidentally knocked out of the hairstyle. It's hard to imagine more romantic hairstyle. There is something innocent and extremely feminine about her.

Bouffant. Allows you to create a lot of hairstyles and achieve maximum hair volume where it is needed. For an evening New Year's hairstyle, this is what you need.

Curls and curls. Actual on any length, both on medium hair close to short, and on hair to the shoulders and below. Fashionable are medium and big curls. One of the fashionable styling is a bob with curls on elongated front strands. The advantage of medium length hair is that curls do not develop under the weight of the hair and are more tenacious.

Jewelry will play a big role in creating hairstyles for medium hair: decorative hairpins, ribbons, headbands, artificial flowers, hairpins with rhinestones.

How to add messy texture to your hair

Messy hairstyles will be a salvation when there is no time for a visit to the salon and a two-hour styling. They are created in a short time, literally in 15 minutes. But today it is fashionable, creative, fresh.

  1. This hairstyle starts with bangs. She is laid in the style in which we would like, Make her straight or lay on her side.
  2. Then all the hair is divided into large strands and wound on a curling iron with an average diameter of about 32 mm. Set the maximum temperature and quickly move from one strand to another.
  3. After all the hair is curled, use your fingers to separate the curls so that they look casual.
  4. You can use some wax to add texture to your hair.
  5. The hairstyle is fixed with varnish along the entire length of the hair.

  1. The hair at the back of the head is combed to create extra volume.
  2. Then the hair is taken and twisted clockwise, thereby forming a free roller.
  3. A twisted roll is fixed on the head with a hairpin.
  4. The ends of the hair are brought out on the left side. They are combed, wound on a curling iron and laid, fixing the hairstyle with varnish.

Easy holiday hairstyle

This is an interesting and popular hairstyle that is easy to do, but may well serve as a festive option.

Separate the parietal zone from the occipital.

At the crown, a pile is made to create a small volume. Spray with varnish.

The top layer of hair is combed and the volumetric part is fixed with two invisible ones at the back of the head. They make a frame of stealth, fixing them on the sides of the first two.

Go to the parietal zone. Part of the hair of the parietal and temporal zones is separated. Begin to weave a braid of three strands.

Hair is added to the braid with right side. They weave with a brace on themselves and down. The pigtail is braided and fixed with an elastic band. Continue to work with the other side. Leave a strand of hair over the forehead. The remaining hair is braided in the same pigtail.

A strand of hair over the forehead is folded into a half-gut and fixed with an invisibility on the back of the head.

On the left side, the braid is brought to the right and secured with hairpins. On the right side, the braid is laid on top of the other and also fixed with hairpins. If desired, the hairstyle can be decorated with flowers or decorative hairpins.

Greek style

Creating hair in Greek style weave additional decorations, use headbands, Greek headbands, tiaras. Greek hairstyle practical, as the hair is gathered back and does not crumble, but at the same time it is very romantic and feminine.

To make a hairstyle without a bandage, you must first curl your hair, and comb it well on the top of your head without affecting the bangs and temples.

Then combed hair is laid, creating a lush rounded area.

Next, the hair needs to be fixed with invisibility, crossing them crosswise, as shown in the photo, limiting the crown area at the back.

Then, starting from the temple, curls are twisted into rolls and fixed to a row consisting of crossed invisibles with other invisibles.

Spinning from the parietal zone is laid freely, making a light wave.

Decorate with a beautiful comb or hairpin.

Video: Greek braid on medium hair

Shell or French bun

A strict version of the "shell" is worn to the office. But it’s worth a little fantasizing with styling, and it already becomes festive. The average hair length is just what you need for her.

Before starting to collect the shell, the hair is worked out with a fine corrugation, adding the missing volume and stiffness of the hair. The volume of hair after treatment is doubled.

Before performing a basal pile, the parietal zone is separated and fixed with clamps.

Comb your hair about 4 cm from the root. The fleece must be fixed with varnish.

The hair is completely smoothed to one side with a bristle comb. Hair is pinned up with invisibility, which is fixed by hooking each other cross to cross. They fix it well, because the base of the hairstyle should be as reliable as possible. Then comb the hair on the other side. palm right hand twist the strand, twisting it counterclockwise. Pins secure the shell to the invisibility. This will add reliability.

Then they move on to the parietal zone. All hair is wound in a straight line on an iron. The thickness of the strands is about 1 cm.

Final stage creating hairstyles styling curls. They are given direction and shape. Overlap sloppy upper part shells. Part of the curls are laid in the direction of the face.

This hairstyle is done in a similar way. Only the length of the hair here is shorter, so the curls do not curl. Just gently lay the hair of the parietal zone back.

Beautiful bunches: high, low, with weaving

There are many types of beams and it is impossible to cover them all. However, below are a few step by step instructions to create bunches of curls, straight hair, with and without a donut.

First you need to process the hair with a small corrugation. After combing, the waves will not be noticeable, but the treatment will give more volume and stiffness to the hair. They will keep their shape better. Strands are better to take thin. The whole job will take about 10 minutes. Hair as a result does not crumble, they are more obedient.

After processing the corrugation, the hair is completely combed.

Make a small tail at the crown.

A circular roller of medium volume is threaded into the tail. It is pinned on studs and checked that it is securely fastened.

The tail is divided into two parts and wound on a curling iron.

Then the strand is removed, twisted into a bundle and the texture strands are taken out. Each strand is fixed with ultra-strong fixation varnish.

The tip is wrapped up and fixed with a hairpin. Working on the next strand. You need to try to close the roller as much as possible. Spinning width 5-6 cm. Thickness 1-1.5 cm.

Two strands on the sides of the bundle are wound, the tongs are turned. As a result, the hair becomes shiny.

Each strand is pulled through the previous one, a chess effect is obtained.

In the same way, they work with a strand on the right side.

Two strands are separated at the back of the head, curled, wrapped in a tourniquet, strands are isolated, and the tip is hidden inside the bundle. One strand is singled out in front and treated in the same way. In the process, clips are used to fix the strands, but after fixing the hairstyle with varnish, the clips are removed.

The last occipital zone is divided into three equal parts. The twist is done inwards. The strand is curled, lifted up, and the tip is laid out perpendicularly, indicating the outlines of the beam.

The parietal zone is wound with a single strand.

Hide the ends inside the bundle.

The temporal zones are laid in a bundle in the same way. The end of the strand is hidden under the previous one. Loose strands are wound separately, well zipped up.

The hairstyle goes well with an evening dress.

  1. The bangs are straightened with an iron and, adding a little varnish, they are laid in the desired direction.
  2. The rest of the hair curls large curling iron and spray with hairspray.
  3. Those hairs that are pulled up grab and make a ponytail out of them. Curls from the tail are laid and secured with hairpins so that they lie as intended.
  4. The remaining hair on the back of the head is also lifted up. They are fixed with hairpins, forming a lush zone at the crown.

Video: curls with an iron and a bunch of them in 10 minutes

  1. This hairstyle is created with a bouffant. Take a frequent comb and comb the hair of the parietal zone at the roots.
  2. Then the top layer of hair is combed smoothly.
  3. The hair of the temporal zones on the right and left is twisted into bundles and brought back. Fasten with a hairpin at the back of the head.
  4. All hair remaining at the back of the head is twisted and put into a bun. Used to fix hairpins or stealth. Some strands are specially pulled out of the hair to achieve the effect of negligence.
  5. The hairstyle is fixed with a strong fixation varnish.

  1. Create a deep side parting, separating the strand from the face.
  2. The rest of the hair is gathered and tied into a low side ponytail.
  3. The tail is twisted into a bundle and fixed to the base of the tail with hairpins.
  4. A few strands are pulled out a little with your fingers to create a kind of flower.
  5. Then they take a strand from the face, twist it and curl it into a curl with a curling iron.
  6. The end of the strand is hidden inside the bundle. If necessary, use hairpins.

  1. Gather hair in a ponytail, leaving part of the hair in front.
  2. Apply heat protection to hair.
  3. Curl the strands from the tail using a small-diameter curling iron.
  4. Curls are fixed with hairpins.
  5. A loose strand of hair is wound from front to back and fastened to the tail.
  6. Treat your hair with a shine spray.

  1. First, a texturizing spray is applied to clean, dry hair.
  2. Create a deep side parting and lay the bangs to the side.
  3. The remaining hair is collected in high tail. Use a hair donut to create a perfectly round bun. It is put on the tail.
  4. The hair from the tail is distributed so as to overlap the donut. Fix hair with hairpins.
  5. From the remaining hair, a pigtail is woven, which is wrapped around the bundle around the entire perimeter.
  6. Fix the hairstyle with varnish, and for shine, cover it with an additional gloss spray.

A bit retro

Popular at the moment pin-up style is reflected in hairstyles. For the New Year, you can make, for example, this one - with a tail and a curl in the parietal zone.

  1. A comb with a separator separates the parietal zone of the hair. The hair of this zone is lifted up.
  2. The remaining hair is pulled into a tight ponytail at medium height and secured with an elastic band.
  3. The zone is divided into two strands. One of them must be larger than the other. The strands are combed and varnished. Luck is not to be pitied.
  4. A large strand is wound onto a large curling iron. Carefully remove the strand and fix it in this form with hairpins.
  5. A smaller strand is laid side by side in the form of a curl.
  6. The strands of the tail also curl on the curling iron.

Another one retro hairstyle but with loose hair.

  1. The whole mass of hair is curled in a row on a large curling iron.
  2. Then they make a side parting and, starting from the side parting, near the face, wind several strands of hair, after having rolled them up well.
  3. Curls are carefully removed from the curling iron, if necessary, fixed with hairpins.
  4. At the end, spray the hair with varnish.
  5. The decoration can be an artificial flower, as in the photo.

Romantic styling: curls and curls

It so happened that many girls choose curls as a festive hairstyle. But here you can also be creative: change the size of the curls, style your hair on one side, lay out each curl separately, pin up the curls up. It is worth considering several specific styling options.

  1. Separate the area of ​​the bangs.
  2. The right side of the hair is patched up and wound in a row on a curling iron.
  3. The hair on the left side is also sprayed with strong hold hairspray and each strand is curled, starting from the back of the head. Lay the curls so that the curls overlap each other as little as possible.
  4. For fixing, in addition to varnish, you can use hairpins.

  1. First, a light fixation varnish is applied to clean, dry hair.
  2. The hair is curled with a small curling iron.
  3. After the curls have completely cooled, they run their fingers through the hair, collect the ends of the hair and lift them up, thereby creating an artificially short bob hairstyle. The strands are fixed with pins.
  4. Curls lead to one side.
  5. The hairstyle is fixed with a light fixation varnish.

  1. Hair is divided by a horizontal parting from ear to ear, passing through the back of the head.
  2. The upper part of the hair is temporarily lifted and secured.
  3. The lower part of the hair is collected in a low ponytail.
  4. Divide the tail into several strands. And, forming loops from them, they are laid in a chaotic manner, securing with hairpins and varnish.
  5. The upper part is combed at the inner base.
  6. Throw hair over left side, smoothly combing the top layer of hair.
  7. Then the ends of the hair are pulled back. Curl them with a curling iron.
  8. Fix the hairstyle with a light fixation varnish.

  1. Parting a small part of the hair along the front zone.
  2. On the right, the temporal zone is separated by a parting.
  3. The rest of the hair is collected in a ponytail and secured with an elastic band.
  4. Strands from the tail are curled and laid so as to hide the elastic. Use hairspray when curling
  5. The strands of the parietal zone are lightly combed at the roots and laid over the tail, securing with hairpins, the hair should be smooth on top.
  6. Free ends are wound on a curling iron.
  7. The hair of the temporal zone is divided into several strands, each is wound on a curling iron, carefully removed and, without unfolding the curl, is laid on the right side of the temple.
  8. The hairstyle is fixed with varnish on top.

  1. Hair preparation begins with the application of shine serum.
  2. Hair is curled on a cone curling iron.
  3. The bangs are straightened with an iron.
  4. In the zone of the crown, they make a pile.
  5. The top layer is smoothed with a bristle comb.
  6. Curls are lifted and pinned at the back of the head with hairpins.
  7. Fix hair with varnish.

Braids and weaves in festive evening hairstyles

Braids are no less popular in holiday hairstyles. If it is problematic to make an ordinary full-fledged braid, starting at the back of the head, without hairpieces on medium hair (of course, depending on how long the hair is), then weaving in the form of rims, zigzags made using the technique of French, Dutch braids, a spikelet is not only possible, but also necessary . Here are some hairstyles.

  1. Side parting separates the bangs area.
  2. Apply a texturizing spray to all hair.
  3. Make a horizontal parting from ear to ear through the crown. Remove hair for a while.
  4. Starting on one side, French braid horizontally at the back of the head.
  5. On the other hand, a French braid is weaved above, but the hair is picked up only from above.
  6. The ends of the braids are fixed with elastic bands and tucked inside the hairstyle.
  7. A loose curl is twisted with a curling iron.
  8. The hair is fixed with varnish.

  1. A fixative is applied to the hair. With the help of medium-sized tongs, curl each strand.
  2. When all the hair is curled, a small strand is separated, approximately equal to the distance between the eyebrows.
  3. From this strand weave an ordinary three-strand braid, fishtail or French braid. When the braid is finished, it is rolled up at the crown to form a wreath. In several places, the pigtail is fixed with hairpins.

  1. Make a small side parting on the right.
  2. All hair is curled on a large curling iron.
  3. From the temporal zone, they begin to weave a free French braid, moving to the left side.
  4. When the braid is braided to the left ear, the tip of the braid is fixed and tucked inward.
  5. A few strands of curls on the left, which were not included in the braid, are loosely laid on the top of the head and made a frame of curls near the face.

Children's hairstyles: spikelets, braids, ponytails

Children's hairstyles are even more diverse than adults, and sometimes they look much more interesting. In festive hairstyles for children, multi-colored elastic bands are used, which is not typical for adult options, much more often hair is decorated with ribbons and bows, braids and weaving are widely used. Studs are practically not used, since Small child they might get hurt.

Video: ponytail waterfall

Video: triple braid

And here are more photos of children's hairstyles that will inspire experiments.

Should be slightly untidy - we have already written about this. Therefore, all kinds of styling with weaves, loose hair with light curls, hairstyles with tousled buns are perfect. We have selected several holiday styling options for different hair lengths.

Selena Gomez tousled side braid

A universal New Year's hairstyle can be considered a side braid with strands released near the face. Firstly, it looks very stylish and goes well with any outfit, even pajamas. Secondly, such a New Year's hairstyle fits any face shape, emphasizing the cheekbones and visually narrowing the oval of the face. Yes, and you can do it yourself on long hair and curls of medium length.

For this hairstyle you will need: a curling iron, a thin comb, invisible hairpins, silicone hair ties and a fixing spray.

High bun and braids at the back of the head in the style of Shay Mitchell

This hairstyle looks very glamorous and modern, so you can safely choose it for the New Year 2018. Styling with a scythe at the back of the head can be done on a bob haircut, an elongated bob and, of course, on long hair. In addition, the braid can be decorated with various cuffs, and the bun can be decorated with special hairpins. If you plan to use, choose one thing so as not to overload the New Year's image.

For this hairstyle you will need: a thin comb, hair pins, comb-brush, styler, silicone rubber bands, braid cuffs, strong hold spray.

Ponytail in the style of Irina Shayk and Ariana Grande

This is the most popular hairstyle for the New Year 2018. After all, the coming year is the year of the Dog. In this case, the same rule applies as with braids: the hairstyle should not be too "sleek". Ideally, if you curl your hair on a curling iron, and then put it in a high ponytail at the top. By the way, if there are “roosters” on your head, it doesn’t matter, they won’t spoil the picture in new year's eve.

For this hairstyle you will need: comb-brush, thin comb, styler or curling iron, thin hair band, invisible.

Elvis hairstyle in the style of Scarlett Johannson

For short haircuts, such as pixie and page, there are not so many hairstyle options for the New Year 2018. But there is one styling that can be done in 10 minutes on your own, but it will amaze everyone at the holiday. This is Elvis' hairstyle.

For this hairstyle, you will need: a bouffant comb, hair dryer or styler (if you want to do your hair like Scarlett), and strong hold hairspray.

Before the New Year, you have to think not only about choosing a beautiful dress and delicious meals for a festive table, but also about creating a beautiful hairstyle that matches the dress. First of all, this problem affects the beautiful half of humanity: girls, women and girls. If the hair is long, then hairstyles for the New Year 2018 can be very diverse. Every year, stylists come up with new options for weaving and styling, announcing new items in fashion magazines and at fashion shows.

Loose hair: curls or straight

If the hair is long, then it is an ornament in itself. And you don't even have to do anything special. The main thing is that the haircut is well-groomed and healthy look. If you choose a hairstyle with straight hair, then you can first laminate the hair in the salon or at home with gelatin, straighten your hair with an iron, use a spray-shine.

Curls are important to curl and fix properly.

  1. Curling with a curling iron is performed on completely dried hair so as not to damage the hair.
  2. Use a heat protectant.
  3. Usually the hair is wound from the tips to the roots.
  4. After curling, the curls should not be touched until completely cooled, otherwise they will fall off.
  5. It is best to fix the curl during cooling with a hairpin, lifting it to the head.

The curling technique is also important. The appearance of the curls themselves depends on this.

If you hold the curling iron with the clamp up while curling, you will get a light wave.

With horizontal curling, the curls are the most textured, with maximum lift.

If a strand of hair is twisted into a tight bundle before curling, then the curl will look less fluffy.

If you start to wind the hair from the roots, holding the curling iron with the clamp down, then the tip will twist into a tourniquet by itself. And the curl will turn out more wavy.

With long hair, you can do a lot of curling experiments, for example, use a large diameter curling iron 32-50 mm. This allows you to create hairstyles with large curls.

In addition to curling irons, you can use curlers. And a good result is obtained if slightly wet hair twist into a bundle, and then roll into a bun and fasten. After drying, the hair must be disassembled, sprinkled with varnish. It turns out careless cool curls.

Hairstyle with curls

If simply loose hair does not suit you, then from curls they create various styling. It is easiest to style your hair on its side, but there are other hairstyle options. Small fragments of weaving allow you to decorate loose curls.

More difficult option styling curls with a roller.

Laying curls with a roller

First, the hair is corrugated along the entire length, starting from the back of the head.

Then make one parting from ear to ear.

And another parting in the middle is carried out from the forehead to the back of the head.

The hair of the front part is pinned up so as not to interfere. The hair at the back of the head is fixed with invisibility, which crosses over each other, on the sides of the parting, about 4-5 cm away.

The roller is fixed with studs, and the studs are slipped under the invisibility. Thanks to this, a reliable fastening of the entire structure is obtained. The roller can be moved up and down. But you need to focus on where you want to make the maximum volume in your hair.

The next step is wrapping. The strands are wound around the perimeter around the roller. The width of the strand is 5 cm, the thickness of the strand is 1 cm. Having wound it on a curling iron, you need to carefully remove the curl and fix it to let it cool. The temperature of the tongs must be set to the maximum. It is better to set the maximum temperature, but at the same time work quickly. The diameter of the curling iron is better to take not very small, about 32 mm.

After cooling, the curls are dismantled and pinned cross to cross, starting from the bottom, to the invisibility. Then they take the next strand, comb it, twist it with a bundle, add texture by pulling out the strands, fold it crosswise and fix it with a hairpin. The studs hold very well on the roller.

It is necessary to try to expand the strands as much as possible in order to block the roller as much as possible.

When the first row is laid, the next row of hair is wound around the perimeter, and the hair previously fixed is also involved in the process. Then again fix the curls with hairpins on the roller.

The last row stacked from top to bottom, not forgetting to texture and fluff the curls. You can comb them at the roots.

If there is a bang, you need to lift the hair with your hands, wax it and style it with textured strands. The entire hairstyle is fixed with varnish, and then with a spray-shine.

Some fashionable hairstyles involve the creation of curls from curls that do not unfold after curling, but are laid right out. Such hairstyles can be done independently.

Retro swirls

To create such a retro hairstyle, you just need to curl your hair on a large curling iron, and then lay a few strands in the form of rolls near your face and secure with hairpins. Of course, when curling, you need to use thermal protection, and hairspray to fix.

Hair rolls

  1. The head is washed, the hair is dried.
  2. Apply hairspray to hair hair easy fixation.
  3. Create a deep side parting on the left, dividing the hair into two parts.
  4. From the inside, the hair is combed, keeping the top smooth strands.
  5. They bring the hair up, twisting it into a roll, and fix it with hairpins.
  6. Repeat actions on the other side.
  7. The remaining hair is curled vertically using large tongs.

Braids and weaves

Braids allow you to collect hair without losing beauty and romance. There are several types of braids and weaves. The most popular ones are as follows.

French braid - known to many. This is a three-strand braid, when weaving which you need to add loose hair to the braid, picking it up from each side with each movement of the outer strand to the middle of the braid.

Dutch braid - very similar to french version weaving, but the hair is not applied to the strand from above, but is laid from below, and the weaving itself is also carried out in the opposite direction with the strands turned down, which is why the Dutch braid is also called the French reverse.

Spit-waterfall. It is called a waterfall because of the peculiarities of weaving. On the one hand, loose hair is gradually woven into a braid, and on the other hand, strands are released from the braid, and they fall down like a waterfall.

Fish tail. The principle of weaving is similar to weaving a three-strand braid, but only small strands are separated from the outer strands, they make up the weaving pattern. The rest of her hair is attached to the middle strand.

Mermaid braid. It can be weaved according to the principle of the French or Dutch version of weaving, but the strands pick up very small ones. In addition, a free length of hair can be braided into a mermaid braid.

Braid from harnesses. It is woven on the basis of two strands that are twisted together.

Four- and five-strand braids.

Braid patterns

Braids are braided in the form of rims, laid on one or two sides, loose strands are pulled out, creating additional volume, ribbons and elastic bands are used in weaving, combined with bunches and tails, folded into flowers and bunches. It is worth considering several options for beautiful braided hairstyles, namely, how to do them step by step.

Braid with loose strands and fleece

This braid looks interesting, unusual, which happens due to the use of a contrasting strand (you can weave an artificial one). But the technique for doing it is very simple.

  1. To begin with, the upper part of the hair is combed and sprayed with varnish.
  2. Then the hair is smoothed from above and the entire bundle is brought to the back of the head, where they begin to weave the usual three-strand braid. Secure it with a rubber band.
  3. Then you just need to pull the strands out of the braid so that it looks careless and free.

Bundle weaving

  1. First, a light fixation varnish is applied to clean, dry hair.
  2. Then they create a deep side parting and begin to weave a braid on the right side. If you need additional length, use a strand for extension.
  3. The weaving process looks like this. Hair from the sides is added to the hairstyle and wrapped around the main strand. At the end, the strands are fixed.
  4. Using a curling iron, curls are created and gently combed to create a voluminous effect.

Reverse French braid with curls and loose strands

This is a regular Dutch braid or an inverted French braid, but loose strands and curls give it a more festive look.

  1. The pigtail begins to weave at the crown.
  2. Weaving ends at the back of the head, but does not go into weaving an ordinary braid, but fix the hair with a transparent elastic band, fix it with hairpins.
  3. Take out a few strands to hide the elastic.
  4. Curl the remaining curls with a large-diameter curling iron.

Two strand braid

As can be seen in the diagram, this simple braid consists of bundles. The hairstyle is done on straight hair.

  1. At the crown, a strand of hair is separated. Divide it into two.
  2. Twisting them into a tourniquet, intertwined with each other. Fasten with a clamp.
  3. Then the hair on the right side is thrown to the left side, two strands are separated and intertwined together.
  4. Weave a tourniquet fixed with a clip into the total mass of hair. The clamp is removed.
  5. The remaining hair is twisted, creating a two-strand tourniquet.
  6. Tie hair with an elastic band.
  7. Fingers straighten and pull out the strands.
  8. If desired, you can fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Video: weaving with fixing strands

Variations of weaving with bundles

Weaves in combination with bunches allow you to create the most comfortable, but at the same time festive original hairstyle. High hairstyles open the neck, which means that they look great with evening dresses at secular parties. They can be done in preparation for going to a restaurant. Below are a few step by step wizard classes for creating hairstyles with weaves and buns.

Two Dutch braids with buns on top

These are two Dutch braids ending in loose buns that are shaped with elastic bands. The highlight of the hairstyle is that weaving does not start from the crown, as usual, but from the back of the head.

  1. The hair is first separated by a vertical parting and combed well.
  2. Then weave a Dutch braid on one side.
  3. Then, at the top of the head, the hair is fixed with an elastic band. In the process of tying the elastic, fold the strand in half. If necessary, use another elastic band, and another, breaking the strands when fixing the elastic band, to achieve a lush bun, laid with textured strands.
  4. Repeat steps on the other side.

Double braid-waterfall with a bunch

  1. Make a side parting on the right.
  2. From the parting to the left, they begin to weave the first braid close to the face, according to the weaving pattern of the French waterfall.
  3. The next row is woven in the same way, only strands released from the first braid are included in the braid.
  4. The hair is then combed into a high ponytail.
  5. The tail is twisted, the elastic bands are removed from the pigtails and the hair is laid in a bun, securing it with hairpins.

Iroquois braid

  1. Two vertical partings highlight the central part of the hair.
  2. Weave a Dutch braid.
  3. At the back of the head, the remaining hair and the tip of the braid are collected in a ponytail and formed from it. careless bun, which is fixed with an elastic band.
  4. The bundle is fluffed so that the gum is not visible.

Low side bun with reverse scythe

This is very simple hairstyle, which is decorated with the usual three-strand braid, starting in the parietal zone. The rest of the hair is collected on the side in a bun and entwined with the tip of the braid. How the hairstyle looks from the back and side can be seen in the photo.

Bundle with roller and four-strand braid

On the right, a parting is made, separating the parietal zone of the hair. The hair of this hon is divided into four strands and fixed with clips.

The rest of the hair is tied into a ponytail.

Approximately in the center of the tail put on another elastic band.

Wrap the tail of the roller. Secure the hair and roller with hairpins.

They try to straighten their hair so that they cover the roller as much as possible. Fix hair with varnish. Add fixing pins.

Then they take the second strand on the right, comb it and fix it with an invisibility.

Then the first strand is combed and, overlapping the newly laid strand, is also fixed with invisibility.

Take the next strand closer to the ear, comb it and overlap the previous strand.

The last strand is pinned up and covered with a strand that goes in this direction.

To prevent the strands from falling apart, they are temporarily fixed with clamps.

In fact, weaving is a four-strand braid.

The ends of the strands are fixed with hairpins.

A curl is formed from the free ends, fixed with hairpins. The entire hairstyle is fixed with varnish. and sprinkled with glitter spray.

But even without braids and braids, buns can look original if you add textural strands. I mean here is a variant of the beam.

Such a hairstyle is made as follows.

It is necessary to make a triangular parting in the occipital area.

In front, separate the parietal zone with a parting and divide it into 4 strands. You need to fasten them with clamps.

The hair located on the sides of the triangular parting is parted to the sides and secured with clips. The hair at the crown is collected in a ponytail.

The two extreme strands in front overlap the tail cross to cross, fix them with invisibility.

From above, a roller is applied to the edge of the tail and hair is wound around it. The roller is fixed with studs on the sides.

The hair is straightened, trying to hide the roller as much as possible.

They take another strand in front, straighten it, making an overlap in the temporal zone, and fix it with a hairpin in the middle of the beam.

Do the same with the second strand.

The ends are tucked under the bun. Fasten with pins.

The strand on the right at the back of the head is divided into two parts. The top (first strand) is brought to the beam and the texture is formed with hairpins, as shown in the photo.

The lower strand (second) is taken up, laying the hair on top of the first strand. Studs form the texture. The free tip is fixed with a clamp.

From the remaining hair from the first strand, a loop is formed, changing the direction of the hair, do not forget to make the texture with hairpins.

From the remaining hair from the second strand, a loop is formed, but already directing the hair down. Similarly, the hair on the left is worked out, only in a mirror image.

They also make a loop of hair, directing the strand up.

The ends of the strands that go down are led under the bundle and secured with hairpins.

The tips going up are tucked into a bundle from above.

The whole structure is carefully straightened with a thin comb handle. They go through the hair with varnish well and take out the hairpins that served to create the texture.

Video: braided hairstyle - flowers

Tails - lush, smooth, from curls

If there are fears that the bun will fall apart, or you don’t want to fiddle with hairpins, you can make a hairstyle with a tail. Most often, such hairstyles are fixed with rubber bands, and this reliable way fixation.

Two sloppy fish tails

  1. They don’t do a vertical parting, but take the strands arbitrarily, which results in such a slightly careless look.
  2. The pigtail is fixed with a strand of hair. For reliable fixation, you can first use a transparent elastic band, and then wrap it with a strand.
  3. Then the ends of the hair are curled on a curling iron and fixed with varnish.

Half-tail with fleece

The creation of such a hairstyle involves the use of lining material to create volume.

  1. The ends of the hair are pre-curled with a curling iron.
  2. The bangs are separated and fixed with clamps.
  3. Make a parting from ear to ear, passing through the top of the head.
  4. Hair is removed for a while so as not to interfere.
  5. Fix with the help of stealth or hairpins a small roller on the crown.
  6. A thin strand is separated from the crown region with a parting in front - leave it.
  7. The rest of the hair is combed, fixed with varnish, placed on top of the roller. A thin strand of hair covers combed hair and fastens them at the back. Fix hair with varnish.
  8. The bangs area is divided by a left side parting and the hair is brought back with an overlap on the temporal zone.

Tail of light curls, decorated with two spikelets

  1. Pre-separate two strands in the temporal area on the right.
  2. Each strand of the temporal zone is divided into three and a braid is woven using the reverse spikelet or fishtail technique. It is recommended to pick up thin strands on the left (near the face) and weave them into a braid so that you do not have to fix the pigtails with hairpins.
  3. The ends of the braids are connected to the tail.
  4. The tail itself is slightly curled with a curling iron.

Children's hairstyles with curls, elastic bands, ponytails, braids, buns - master classes

Children's holiday hairstyles are mostly represented by hairstyles with loose curled hair, decorated with headbands, bows, ribbons. But there are still a lot of options for hairstyles with pigtails, multi-colored elastic bands and buns. Focusing on the photo and step-by-step description, it is easy to learn how to do any of the presented hairstyles with your own hands.

In this hairstyle, for example, the entire emphasis falls on the back of the head.

  1. The area on the right and on the back of the head is separated by a parting.
  2. This zone is divided into four equal parts.
  3. Each of the strands is collected in a small ponytail, which is fixed with an elastic band.
  4. Then the middle ponytails are each divided into two strands and tied with elastic bands in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. Three braids are braided from the remaining ponytails.
  6. The rest of the hair is neatly combed into a ponytail. The pigtails are attached to the tail.
  7. The tail is tied with an elastic band.
  8. Then, with the help of small elastic bands, a lush bundle is formed.

This hairstyle is also done on the basis of ponytails.

  1. The hairstyle has a vertical parting.
  2. Two ponytails are first made in front, one on each side.
  3. Then the tail is divided into two strands and attached to two tails, which are staggered.
  4. Then three more ponytails are made on the right side and strands are attached to them.
  5. From three strands weave an ordinary pigtail.
  6. The braids are crossed on the right and left and connected with the remaining hair, which are collected in ponytails.

  1. To make this hairstyle, you must first draw two diagonal partings passing through the crown to highlight the part of the hair that will be further manipulated.
  2. The remaining hair on the sides is temporarily fixed.
  3. Make a small ponytail at the very beginning, then make the next ponytail. The first tail is divided into two strands, the second tail is circled with them and attached to the third tail. The second tail is divided into two strands, the third tail is circled with them and the strands are attached to the fourth tail. And they continue like this until the end.
  4. The remaining hair is collected in bunches on the sides, which are fixed with hairpins.

  1. Make two partings on the right and left.
  2. Then each zone is divided by partings into four more parts.
  3. Each part is tied in a ponytail with an elastic band.
  4. Each ponytail is divided into two strands and a tourniquet is twisted from them.
  5. All hair is collected in a ponytail at the back of the head, a braid is woven from it, from which a bun is formed.

This is a similar hairstyle. But ponytails are made only on the right side. The plaits consist of one strand, and the hair is simply tied into a ponytail. Loose hair curls.

This hairstyle is original, but very simple. Suitable for very young girls.

  1. Two partings separate the middle part of the hair.
  2. From the top of the head to the back of the head, many small ponytails are made in the middle of the head.
  3. Divide each tail into two strands. The strands on one side are first temporarily gathered together and secured with a clip.
  4. On the other hand, the hair is collected all together, combed smoothly into a ponytail.
  5. Repeat the same on the other side.

This hairstyle is interesting with the effect of basket weaving. Despite the apparent complexity, the principle of weaving is simple.

  1. To begin with, a parting is made from ear to ear, passing through the top of the head.
  2. Then a vertical parting is carried out from it, which divides the remaining hair into two parts. This hair is tied into two ponytails.
  3. Many small ponytails are made from the hair on the parietal zone, which are located like a bezel. There must be an even number of them.
  4. From the strands formed by these ponytails, a braid is made, like a basket. First, the left strands are braided with the upper right strand and secured with clamps, then the steps are repeated with the next strand and so on.
  5. Then the hair is attached to two large tails. Weave a braid from each and fold into a bundle.

They begin to do their hair in much the same way as the previous version.

  1. First make a circular parting. Then a little hair is separated on the right in the temporal zone. The rest of the hair is pulled back into a ponytail. You can immediately comb it smoothly, because it will remain in the finished hairstyle.
  2. And many small ponytails are made from the separated part of the hair.
  3. From the hair on the temporal zone, they begin to weave a reverse three-strand pigtail, to which ponytails are attached. The rest of the pigtails wrap the gum of the main tail. The end is secured with pins.

  1. Make a vertical cut.
  2. Horizontal partings on one side, highlight strands, make several ponytails.
  3. At some distance from the first gum, another gum is fixed.
  4. Part the hair between the elastic bands, forming a hole.
  5. Grab the free tip and twist the tail.
  6. They remove the elastic from the next tail, attach the first tail to the second and fasten it again with an elastic band.
  7. Repeat the same steps, but only with the second tail.

Beautiful hairstyle with elastic bands. The weaving technique is simple, you can figure it out according to the scheme. And how such openwork beams are made is shown in the video.

Video: a bunch with rubber bands

  1. At the crown, a square zone is parted. Fasten hair into a bun.
  2. The rest of the hair is collected in a ponytail.
  3. The hair at the crown is divided into several parts by horizontal partings and collected in ponytails, and a free strand is left from each ponytail, and the rest of the hair is added to the ponytail next in order.
  4. Loose strands are twisted into bundles and collected in a common tail at the back of the head. From which a bundle is formed using rubber bands.

  1. Make a triangular parting.
  2. Loose hair is collected in a ponytail.
  3. The separated zone is divided into several parts. each part is collected in a tail, tied with a ribbon.
  4. From each tail weave a four-strand braid. The fourth strand is a ribbon.
  5. Then the hair is simply collected in a ponytail. It can be curled or tied into a bun if desired.

And from an ordinary braid you can form beautiful flowers.

Weave a French braid, starting from the left, picking up the hair only from the side of the face. Having reached the right temple, the braid is unfolded and braided in the same way, picking up the hair only on one side, but in the other direction. It turns out a zigzag.

Having reached the left ear, they weave an ordinary pigtail, but the strands on the left side are pulled out so that they are lush.

Twist the pigtail, forming a flower. Secure it with pins.

Here are some more beautiful baby hairstyles.

Photos of beautiful holiday hairstyles and hairstyles for adults

Hardworking - a bright light burns through life, lazy - a dim candle

The most fashionable hairstyles for the New Year 2018

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Washing and styling alone is not enough to create chic image queens at the celebration of the New Year 2018. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the fashionable hairstyles that will be relevant on this holiday, try a few options you like and choose the only one that will fully satisfy your needs.

business card this season is voluminous, sloppy, light mess. For lovers of minimalism, a low ponytail remains fashionable, while you should forget about eccentricity, such a hairstyle should be perfectly smooth. All other options should not be styled hair to hair, this is taboo. So, about the most fashionable and popular hairstyles for the New Year 2018 are below.

Hairstyles for short hair

A short hair length does not imply a special festivity in terms of hairstyles, but no matter how it was, you need to look stylish. Some disheveledness in combination with colored strands will become the best option. Moreover, you should not dye your hair with paint, you can use colored crayons, which you can simply wash off after the New Year. AND main nuance: the colors of the strands should not look ridiculous if, for example, you decide to wear a long evening dress. This hairstyle will definitely not fit into your image.

When you want to create a calm hairstyle that matches the elegant appearance, you can give preference to invisible, headbands and other accessories. Hairpins, hair chains, combs will be stylish in the coming year. The very same hair can be slightly combed and sprinkled with varnish. universal color New Year will be bronze and gold. Keep this in mind when choosing jewelry for curls.

Hairstyles for medium hair

In this case, there may be more variations. Don't have to choose too intricate weaving, make out bulky hairstyles. Enough for 2018 beautiful tails, beams and twist. Named hairstyles in the coming year in the trend. A beautiful lady will only have to give them some kind of royal relaxation, and not twist a tight bun in a hurry.

It happens that medium-length curls are not too lush. To add volume, you can wash them in the evening and braid them with French braids. In the morning, the result will be gorgeous: the splendor of hair and natural waves. This hairstyle can again be supplemented with accessories or left curls loose.

Simple styling is also relevant in 2018. Minimalist style is welcome. Therefore, hair pulled back in combination with simple, elegant dress- exactly what is needed. Accent makeup will complement the bow. There is no need to complicate hairstyles, it is enough to carefully comb the hair back, fix it using invisibility or a small hairpin. You don't need to lick your hair.

To give the image of romance, you can wind large curls, use a large, eye-catching hair ornament or a small hat.

If there is absolutely no time to visit beauty salons, then you can make a hairstyle suitable for New Year's Eve on your own. To do this, you need to slightly twist the curls, creating a natural wave, increase the volume at the roots and make a side parting. Gorgeous image!

Hairstyles for long hair

For long curls in the first place, of course, braids and any hairstyles with elements of weaving. But in 2018, you need to surprise others, and you can’t do this with a French braid. You need to focus on the length of the hair, creating multi-layer hairstyles, cascades of braids, or combine several long braids in one.

Nobody canceled the retro style. In this image there are fake bangs, waves, highly tied buns, babettes. But to perform some of these hairstyles, you need to work hard. Again, be sure to consider whether the retro style will work with your outfit. If yes, then feel free to design your image - these solutions are unconditionally stylish.

Corrugation will become fashionable and suitable for meeting the New Year 2018 again. From roots to ends, you can create chic volume. It will also look good with a corrugated hairstyle from the middle of the length to the bottom of the curls. Near the roots in this case, you need to comb the hair slightly. Corrugated hair can simply be loosened, made a tail, a bun, or slightly modified babette.

There are a lot of hairstyles for New Year's Eve 2018. The main thing is the fantasy and relevance of one or another option to create a general image. The complete harmony of all the elements of the bow will help to outshine the guests with its chic beauty.

Hairstyles for the New Year 2018 - photo

The long-awaited New Year is approaching. In the pre-holiday bustle, you want to cover everything and reach the finish line in full readiness. Buy or refresh last year's outfit - by itself. To pick up shoes, accessories, make-up, fragrance is a must. But the most important thing is to pay special attention to the hair. Not in vain, having decided in Once again to start life from scratch, many go to the hairdresser. Hairstyles for the New Year in the light fashion trends 2018 is naturalness, elegant negligence, an exquisite cocktail of modest classics and bright charisma. Waiting for good changes - look for your image. Help - photo festive hairstyles which can be done both in the salon and at home.

Hairstyles for the New Year: relevant and what is better to refuse

New Year - A good reason part with the past. Perhaps you once found your style, considered it successful and do not want to let go. habitual image. In terms of clothing, this is a rare occurrence; in terms of haircuts and styling, alas, it is quite common. But hair stylists do not eat their bread in vain and strongly recommend girls to change.

A haircut from youth can add a few more to a young woman. mature years. Old-fashioned styling will deprive the most fashionable and elegant outfit, relevant today - will make you a stylish little thing even in a simple T-shirt and jeans. Meet the New Year 2018 fully equipped and make a choice in favor of fashion, not habit.

The curls, like you've been tormented in curlers all night, are left in the 90s. They were replaced by slight negligence, airy volume, the illusion of chaotic disorder.

Haircut "whether a boy or a girl" was relevant about 15 years ago. Modern short hairstyles gravitate towards femininity, romantic or extravagant.

bangs, torn strands, ladders - part with them without regret. The trend is straight lines, soft curves, open forehead, natural simplicity of forms.

A clear “no” to varnish, which turns moving hair into a monument. Loose styling with broken strands is the highlight of the image of a modern lady.

Rigid, elastic, burned by a merciless curling iron, curls - wasted time. Better create artistic mess with a small amount of gel.

Perm in the grandmother's style is not comme il faut. Go to a good salon, make a light version, combine with fashionable coloring and you are irresistible.

Burnt blond and cool curls - welcome to the last century. Lightening in modern form- these are natural natural shades and voluminous, slightly wavy strands.

The bangs curled inward will make you the heroine of an old sentimental movie. Elongated, stacked from the face will be in line with current trends.

Fixed outward curls are a sure chance to pass for not only an old-fashioned, but also a tasteless person. Careless curls, free form, no bangs - the right choice.

The Hollywood wave in the style of the series "Santa Barbara" also lost ground. Want to spectacular styling- combine elegant smoothness and romantic curls.

If it is impossible to do without a bang, do not make it the center of the composition and do not highlight how separate part. Let the shortened strands smoothly transition into the main volume.

New Year's hairstyles, as part of the image

We figured out what was not fashionable, identified priority areas, it remains to choose what hairstyle to do for the New Year. There is time to go to the salon - excellent, full workload and everything is postponed for last minute- one that is easy to create at home is suitable. Modern evening hairstyles are not pretentious and easy to perform. Remember the main trends of 2018: naturalness and ease; soft curls; slight negligence; high and low knots, bundles; braids - large, small, slightly disheveled.

The opposite option is perfectly smooth strands, loose or gathered into a ponytail. No varnish and minimal styling in the form of gel or wax. The right New Year's hairstyle should be lively, moving, allowing you to forget about it and have fun from the heart. It is important to maintain the harmony of the New Year's image as a whole. Everything must be viewed as one style decision. Romantic curls, low buns, smooth tails, weaves are combined with evening dresses. Slightly disheveled, deliberately approaching cocktail careless styling. It is worth talking about the length and volume in more detail.

Hairstyles for long hair

A chic gift of nature allows you to build something on your head without spending more time than on a normal day. Festive styling from long curls and strands - these are beautiful additions to New Year's outfits that do not require other spectacular accessories.


A universal solution, elegant and feminine, despite the external simplicity. Suitable as a hairstyle for a corporate party, and for solemn event and for home celebrations. Make the muzzle a little sloppy and leave a few strands free.


New Year's hairstyles from plaits are easy to perform, but, if available, creativity, look original, fresh, elegant. Volumetric, miniature, twirled in graceful roses and intricate figures - fantasize and create.


An ideal choice for long hair, suitable for both curly and straight. Curls are collected high, low, asymmetrically on the side, partially, decorated with hairpins, beads, ribbons. The tail is easy to remake at any time on New Year's Eve, completely changing the image.


Weaving in festive New Year's performance more laborious process, in comparison with braids in everyday version but it's worth it. Charming mess, exquisite beauty, fishtail - everything is available to you, just practice in advance.

Braided on both sides or one braid covering the head in the form of a wreath will turn ordinary girl into a Greek goddess.


Hair collected in a bun leaves a lot of options for further design, from extravagant mess to strict classics. This styling opens the face, allows you to demonstrate beautiful line neck, put on spectacular earrings.

"Retro Charm"

To create this hairstyle you will need:

  • hairpins;
  • combs (with small and large teeth);
  • thermal protective agent;
  • strong fixation varnish;
  • Hair straightener.

Wash and dry your hair, apply a product that protects from exposure high temperatures. Then use a straightener. Divide all hair into two parts on the basis that the first part (front) should be approximately 1/3 of all hair, the second (back) - 2/3 parts.

Gather the part of the hair that is at the back into a ponytail in the crown area. Next, divide the collected hair into two equal parts. Comb the strand, which is located closer to the back of the head, with a small comb, put it in a bun and lightly fix it with varnish.

Cover the combed bun with the strand closest to the crown, securing it with hairpins at the base of the resulting bun. Hide the free ends of the hair under the entire structure. Also use pins for this. Separate the part of the hair that remains free in front with a parting shifted to one side.

You should have two small strands. Separate one thin strand from each of them (for dogs). Comb the remaining strands on the sides, attaching them to the structure with hairpins. Spray your hair with hairspray. Wind the remaining consolidated thin strands with a curl and also fix with varnish.

Hairstyles and styling for medium hair

Romantic, feminine, easy-care length is one of the main fashion trends of 2018. Medium hair can be styled in the same way as long hair or create a mass of completely unique evening hairstyles in a relaxed, democratic style.


A small amount of hair allows you to cope with New Year's styling quickly, and original approach- to show individuality. Experiment and do not be afraid of slight negligence.

Tails, harnesses, bundles

Optimal hairstyles for medium hair. The collected curls are pinned at the back of the head, free strands are left, a chaotic mess is created, romantic lightness or perfect smoothness.

Graceful accessories

Large hairpins average length will not stand, but small accessories are very suitable. Cute little things perform two functions at once - they decorate and fix naughty strands where there is not enough length.

Sequins on the hair: the most Christmas decoration for hair

In addition to all sorts of intricate hairstyles, you can create a New Year's look with a minimum of effort. Any styling, including fashionable solemn curls, can be turned into a fabulous hairstyle with the help of sparkles. It is enough just to scatter them through the hair along the parting, or place them along the entire length of the hair, creating the effect of a “snow-covered” hairstyle.

Stylish styling and coloring

Fashionable coloring techniques give volume, shine, do not damage the structure, and are best manifested precisely on medium hair. So that the hairstyle for the New Year does not become unpleasant surprise, give up home experiments. Contact a trusted master and at the same time consult what is best for you to choose:

  • variations on the ombre theme;
  • shatush;
  • balayage;
  • booking;
  • coloring.

Do fashion styling as if the wind had blown a little naughty curls. A lot of compliments and the status of a queen on New Year's ball you are provided.

Hairstyles and haircuts for short hair

It seems that the festive delights are on short hair not so much. In fact, there are enough options, if you forget about the echo of the past - a monumental, varnished cap-wig in the style of the end of the last century. For new year mood All you need to do is change the usual style:

  • carelessly disheveled;
  • lay with soft curls;
  • comb smoothly;
  • make a stylish haircut;
  • paint in current color.

But remember that ultra short haircut requires feminine image. Girl-boy is not fashionable. The bangs should not be torn, not chopped, not thick, but long, noticeably below the eyebrow line, to give the hair plasticity and dynamism. Kare is one of stylish hairstyles for short hair, relevant for many years and not going to become obsolete. By choosing such a haircut, you are in trend on New Year's Eve. Classic with bangs, without it, elongated, shortened, on a leg - any square is welcome.

Style traditionally or try applying original solution- pigtails. Weaves can be elastic, free, asymmetrical. Create elegant image with the help of thin braids or reckless with deliberately disheveled.

Secrets of the perfect hairstyle for the New Year

So that the New Year's hairstyle does not spoil your appearance like a “fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey”, it must meet the following requirements:

Christmas hair accessories

Graceful and spectacular hair accessories are one of the fashion trends 2018 and good way create a non-trivial New Year's image. Actual decorations: wide rims with floral patterns; hairpins with floral decor, large; pearls - threads and small brooches; accessories in the Greek style.

What to apply depends on your outfit. Do not forget about harmony and a sense of proportion. Love shocking and the image allows - put on an extravagant hat. The hostess of 2018 will certainly appreciate the bold gesture. And what else will be to the liking of the totem from Chinese horoscope- worth knowing.

Symbol of the year, yellow Earth Dog, practical, unpretentious, not devoid of a sense of love for beauty. Her concept of beauty is very peculiar, but from the point of view of common sense it is absolutely correct. An active and cheerful animal appreciates simplicity, naturalness, ease in absolutely everything. Prudish hair structures will scare her away, light curls, playful curls, loose tails will declare - you are of the same blood. If you want to please the hostess even more - emphasize in New Year's image unity with nature. Decorate your hair with a bouquet of real or artificial flowers. Not your option - highlight individual strands with bright natural shades.

Children's New Year's hairstyles 2018


This hairstyle is best suited for long-haired girls. After the hair is washed and dried, it must be treated with a heat protectant and wound with a curl. The curls should be spiral and also medium in size. Parting can be done in the middle or on the side - this nuance is not fundamental.

The main element of the hairstyle is a small crown attached to the hair. You can buy a finished product. However, quickly find a crown on sale right size is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, you can make it yourself. For this any will do material, such as cardboard, fabric, foil, foam rubber.

Suppose you decide to make a colored foil crown. Take a thin wire and bend it so that it takes the desired shape. Wrap the resulting form with foil. as decorations finished product multi-colored beads, small beads, pebbles, sparkles, sequins are suitable. They must be glued or sewn to the crown.


Tie washed, dried and carefully combed hair into a ponytail. The location of the tail is slightly to the side of the crown. Divide your hair in a bun into five strands. Two of them should be the largest - they will be the main ones. Separate one small strand from these strands. The fifth strand should be located in the middle of the two main strands and be about 2-3 times thinner than them.

Now a neat bow is to be formed from the hair. Wrap the two main strands and fold them crosswise at the back. Secure the strands with hairpins. Middle strand will be the center of the bow. She needs to wrap the middle of two strands folded crosswise.

Hide the free ends of the three strands at the back, if they are too long, wrap them around the base of the bow and secure. Curl the two small strands left on the sides, sprinkle with varnish and leave to hang freely.

How to make a beautiful hairstyle at home?

Basic Rules

Before creating beautiful hairstyle on the head with, it is important to observe certain rules hair styling:

Helpful advice: in order for the pigtails to remain neat for longer, at the end of weaving, the hair should be sprayed several times from the spray bottle. So the pigtail will be healthier, since hairspray for children is highly discouraged.

Before learning how to weave braids, it is important to prepare the necessary tools:

  • Tape, if necessary;
  • Multi-colored elastic bands of small sizes;
  • A spray bottle filled with water;
  • Comb with rare teeth.

Braids for medium hair

There are many options for hairstyles for children's hair of medium length. Here is a simple option that will clearly tell you how to weave braids for beginners:

  • Curls will need to be collected in a ponytail;
  • Then the mass of hair is divided into two sections;
  • Each section is twisted into a tourniquet;
  • Each of the bundles is intertwined with each other, followed by fastening with hairpins.

Useful advice: in order to avoid brittle and split ends, we urge you not to use varnish. As in the previous case, to save the braid, you will need to lightly spray your hair with water from a spray bottle.

hair waterfall

The appearance of a children's hairstyle is quite beautiful, but due to the complexity of execution, it is not suitable for everyone. Consider the execution of this hairstyle in steps:

  • First you need to comb your hair and make a side parting;
  • After selection small area, divide it into three parts and weave a braid, leaving new strands hanging down, as indicated in the photo below:

Long hair braids

There may be many options. It is possible to braid not only braids, but also beautiful bundles and bundles. Some mothers may even attend special weaving courses. In this section, we present several popular and available techniques which are within the power of beginners.


Hairstyle is a braid, consisting of four strands and is great for long and thick hair.


How to choose a hairstyle according to the shape of the face?