Why after 25 years a woman is considered old-bearing. Old-timer. So, being a mom in your mature years is

What is an "old-bearing" woman? In principle, such a term has long outlived itself, and is practically not used in modern progressive society. Not only is it intolerant, and for some even offensive, it is also not justified, especially in the post-Soviet space.

So why are women called that if it is known that at this age they literally bloom in every sense, and their body is still able to withstand the stress of pregnancy without any extra effort?

Features of national perception

Unfortunately, the Soviet mentality is such that it assumes the relationship of the femininity purely with household chores and raising children. Moreover, according to the ancestors, it is better to give birth to children from an early age, and preferably more. The vast majority of young people in our country were brought up by conservative parents, who are alien to the European or American mentality, where people strive to finally "stand up on feet" financially before having children.

However, the term "old woman" However, it has biological implications. Our doctors are conditionally divided into two camps: some consider this name extremely aggressive and unethical, others use it with might and main in their diagnoses and verdicts. The bottom line is that the latter simply do not want to take on extra responsibility for supervising late pregnancy, and automatically classify patients as a “risk group”, as if forcing them to be responsible for themselves and their child on their own.

So, at what age is a girl considered old-bearing in Russia, and what is the reason for this?

Average age of an "old-term" woman

In Russia, the term "guardian woman" constantly moved away by age categories. This is due to the increase in life expectancy. For example, until the 20th century, very young girls, about eighteen years old, were considered old-born. By the middle of the twentieth century, the age of the old-bearing woman was 24 years old. Later, the definition began to be applied to women 26-28 years old.

Closer to modern times, they began to distribute it to thirty-year-old ladies, and only on the condition that their current pregnancy is their first. Now they try not to use such terminology for ethical reasons. Although this is only theoretical, because many obstetricians and gynecologists still, in the old fashioned way, call even young twenty-eight-year-olds that way. Meanwhile, the average age of primiparas in Russia fluctuates just within 28-30 years.

ABOUT "old-term pregnancies" they hardly speak now. This is a rule of elementary medical etiquette. True, the point is not even in him, but in the fact that the term does not correspond to official medical reality. Today, those who give birth to their first child after 35 years are called "age primiparous".

So at what age is a woman considered old-bearing?

Speaking objectively, it is really best to plan the first pregnancy before the age of forty. This is due to the fact that after this age, irreversible hormonal changes occur, preventing even its banal onset.

Benefits of late motherhood

It is impossible to say at what age a girl is considered old-bearing. However, we usually call late motherhood the birth of the first-born or first-born at 35-40 years old.

In the childbirth of old-bearers, by our standards, there are also advantages, and they should not be forgotten, especially when you consider that they more than cover all the few shortcomings of this phenomenon.

Benefits of late pregnancy:

  • Regardless of the age at which a lady plans pregnancy, if it comes late, this is almost a guarantee of long-awaited and desired motherhood. This means that a positive attitude will persist throughout the entire period of gestation, it will have an excellent effect on the process of delivery, and even on raising a baby;
  • A woman who becomes pregnant late enough approaches the issue of planning as responsibly as possible. In particular, this concerns the state of her health - she tries to go through all the doctors and pass all the necessary tests to determine the degree of her "professional suitability" in relation to motherhood;
  • A girl's readiness for motherhood varies greatly at the physiological and psychological level. This gap is about ten years. That is, if the ideal biological age for childbirth is 22 years old, then before psychological maturation in terms of readiness for motherhood and raising a baby, you need to “grow up” to 32 years old;
  • Late births are usually not easy, and old-timers almost always have a caesarean section. However, for some women, surgery is almost a key advantage, no matter how strange it may sound. For example, those who are afraid of labor pains or ruptures will willingly agree to give birth by caesarean rather than natural;
  • WITH "Balzac" age a woman comes to complete stabilization financially and socially. In fact, she can raise a child alone if she loses the breadwinner for any reason. On the other hand, a young girl who has not even learned properly can never do without outside help in this respect;
  • With late childbirth, a woman's menopause is somewhat delayed and menopause is postponed;
  • Among the physiologically positive aspects, it is also worth noting balancing cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of infection of the genitourinary system;
  • Modern medicine offers a lot of ways to maintain pregnancy at a later age. With the help of assisted reproductive technologies, even fertilization can occur if it did not take place in its natural form.

No matter how old you are, it is up to you to make the final decision about becoming a mother. And only you can determine your real ability to carry a pregnancy, both psychosomatically and physiologically.

Possible cons and barriers to late delivery

Objectively speaking, late pregnancy has many "pitfalls" which cannot be ignored. So, if it comes on suddenly, a woman may face a huge number of health problems, not only during the period of gestation itself, but also after the birth of a child.

Among the negative aspects of late motherhood, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • Unfavorable state of health, "acquired" by this time;
  • The presence of contraindications (if a lady has asthma or diabetes, this will be a good reason for the doctor to dissuade her from conceiving after 40 years);
  • With age, the mother’s eggs, as it were, “absorb” the mother’s chronic diseases, which may not have the best effect on the health of both the fetus and the child already growing outside the womb;
  • The risks of having children with Down syndrome rise sharply after age 40, especially if the child's father is in the same age category;
  • The probability of miscarriage increases (up to 10-17% already after 30-35 years), as well as ectopic pregnancy;
  • Complications of pregnancy can also occur against the background of a decrease in the elasticity of joints, ligaments, tendons and soft tissues;
  • Among late mothers, a severe form of toxicosis is often found, which in the later stages often transforms into preeclampsia;
  • Suppression of hormone production can also negatively affect both fertilization and the gestation process.

Psychologists also say that an old-born mother runs the risk of exposing her baby to overprotection, which can adversely affect the formation of his personality.

World practice

There is such a thing as "the oldest mother in the world". This is something like a record, and it is constantly changing.

Old-timer- This term is used for women over 25 years old. If the birth is the first, then such a woman in labor will be called an old-bearing primogeniture, which sounds even more unpleasant. If, at the age of 27, the second birth or the third, then the woman should not be called an old-bearing woman.

This term has been around since ancient times, when at the age of 18 many already had their first child, and before 30 there were all children, they also got married not at 30, but at 17-19. Over the decades, life has changed, ladies approach the issue of childbearing seriously and at a later age. Is it good or bad?

On the one hand, it is good that women think about unwanted pregnancies, find decent jobs and provide for themselves. But every year the body does not get better. Therefore, women are called old-bearing. After the age of 30, the risk of having a child with a genomic pathology increases.

Examples can be given when a second pregnancy (up to 30 years old) was observed by a doctor with all the tests, and this doctor was the mother of the pregnant woman, and the child was born with Down syndrome. AND women at 35, even 45 gave birth to healthy children. But this does not mean that the birth of a baby can and should be postponed, no, we have a biological age and there is no getting away from it. At 20, it is easier to get pregnant and endure than at 30, the body is younger. And also after childbirth, recovery at a younger age is faster. Old-timers are classified as a risk group, and they observe in more detail.

But not everyone succeeds in acquiring a family early, and not everyone wants it. But at 29, a woman is wiser and smarter than at 19. For example, you can talk to the doctor, saying that if you need to write an old-bearing woman on the exchange card, then write, but you should not call me that. Yes, you need to find the right doctor.

Everyone knows that pregnant women are intimidated, and there are even more "aged" pregnant women. And here the woman needs to turn on the logic and analyze the actions of the doctor himself. If a pregnant woman is sent to prenatal screening or other dangerous studies, then you need to read about the "necessity" of such an analysis and about possible complications, such as: miscarriage, Rh conflict, infection of the fetus.

When at 28 a pregnant woman is called old-timer, That I want to cry, since the gynecologist's remarks may not end there. After all, he does not know what this old-timer had to experience, how much she could not get pregnant, and how she had to endure a missed pregnancy, etc. You can rush into debates, tear your shirt on your chest and prove that you are young, and life is all ahead, but you can ignore, think about your baby, let them scratch their tongues.

Every year the older generation of doctors retires, their ranks are occupied by younger doctors, women are treated much better, how do you want intimidation and terms such as old-time primogeniture.

At different times, the term "old-timer" indicated a different age. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that it was too late to give birth at the age of 20; in the 20th century, the border expanded to 24 years. Now babies are born to mothers at the turn of 50 years.

The fact that it is too late to give birth is judged not by age, but by medical indicators. The most difficult processes are considered for girls who have decided to become a mother for the first time after 30 years. By this time there are chronic diseases. The risk of having a child with a hereditary genetic disorder increases.

At what age is a woman considered old-bearing? Primiparous mothers are included in the group of those who are over 35. Until this time, you can conceive a child on your own or with the help of IVF. When bearing a fetus, a high percentage of the appearance of healthy offspring is maintained.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, it was believed that the beginning of the menstrual cycle indicates readiness for childbearing. In some villages in Muslim countries, the tradition has remained. Girls get married and have babies at the age of 15. An old-timer is a girl after 18 years of age. Only a young individual is able to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. The low level of medical care affected the rapid depletion of the vital forces of the body.

During the Soviet Union, women over 25 were considered old-bearing. The level of medicine has risen, the girls began to take care of themselves. It is difficult for those who lived in a village or village to rebuild. Women were housewives, so immediately after school they got married and had children. Today in world practice the term is not used.

In Germany, most women are relieved of their burden for the first time at the age of 30–34. This also includes Sweden, Spain, Italy. In the US, a girl is considered old-bearing if the mark is 35-40. Many try to get a decent education, find a decent job, and then get married. In Japan, the figure is between 25 and 28 years.

Norms and terms

The desired pregnancy has an impact on its passage. Full physiological readiness comes from 20–22 years old, psychological readiness only at 28 years old. The optimal period for childbirth is considered to be from 22 to 28 years old. During this period, the state of health, life skills and emotional maturity are combined.

At what age a woman is considered old-bearing depends on physical and mental health. Obstetricians talk about the new concept of "age primiparous." In the category of girls after 35 years. Thanks to advances in medicine, health is maintained as long as possible, so childbirth at 40 is considered normal. Gynecologists advise not to reach such a time with the first pregnancy.

The age of old-bearing increases due to the first abortion, after which it is difficult to become pregnant. Some seek to make a career and secure a future. Remarriage affects the decision to give a baby. Long-term treatment leads to the fact that it is possible to conceive for the first time after 30 years.

Pregnancy at a young age is often unplanned. It is dangerous because of the unstable hormonal background, insufficiently mature nervous system. Girls under 18 have an active metabolism, an unformed body. Psychological maturity does not come, entertainment and friends come to the fore. They decide to give birth at a young age because of the opportunity to be a young mother.

The optimal period for the process is 20–30 years. The body is formed, diseases do not appear. A woman is psychologically ready for family life. After 30, gynecologists recommend getting pregnant for five years. Subsequently, problems arise with bearing, chronic diseases appear, and the risk of congenital pathologies increases.

At the age of 40, old-bearing women develop an ectopic pregnancy. Complications occur against the background of high blood pressure. Decreased ability to produce eggs. It is more difficult for the body to cope with stress.

Benefits of late pregnancy

In old-time mothers, conception is desired. The positive attitude persists throughout the period. A woman studies the issue as responsibly as possible. She goes through all the doctors, takes tests. Readiness differs on the physical and psychological level.

Late births are often performed by caesarean section. For many, this is an opportunity not to be afraid of pain and tears. Moms who are considered old-bearing are financially and socially stable. They have the opportunity to raise their own future baby. When a couple's relationship has been tested by time, roles are easily distributed. Parents support each other, which is important during pregnancy and in the early years.

Old-born stars pay maximum attention, strive to establish spiritual contact. Foreign studies have shown that childbirth at a late age increases the chances of living longer by 4 times. Children are talented, as they are given more attention, they are engaged, they develop abilities in several directions.

The physiological aspects include a minimal risk of infection of the genitourinary system, normalization of cholesterol levels.

It is difficult for girls to accept changes in their figure and lifestyle. Older mothers are less likely to develop depression. Pregnancy and breastfeeding rejuvenates. A surge of hormones has a positive effect on mood and appearance. Improves nails, hair, skin.

Cons of late pregnancy

Conception does not always have a positive effect on health. Problems arise during gestation and after birth. The number of contraindications is increasing, including asthma and diabetes. Chronic diseases are inherited. An old-born primogeniture often develops a severe form of toxicosis, which develops into preeclampsia.

More often, a caesarean section is performed, as the elasticity of the muscles and the elasticity of the joints are lost. The pelvic bones diverge slightly, the time of the process of the appearance of the fetus increases. Often there are injuries, ruptures of the perineum. The consequences are urination disorders and problems with the rectum.

The likelihood of miscarriage and the birth of a baby with Down syndrome increases. He is under hyper-custody, which affects the formation of personality. The desire to protect from danger makes the child capricious, infantile, dependent. Children are active, and mother does not always correspond to the intensive rhythm. Psychologists talk about increased anxiety, as babies can be left without parents early.

Weak labor activity requires medical intervention. The risk of rupture of amniotic fluid increases. Hypoxia occurs, so a caesarean section is performed. Childbirth at an older age affects the recovery time. It is delayed, as the immune, hormonal, circulatory system works more slowly.

It is more difficult to restore the figure due to losing elasticity of muscles and skin. The uterus is stretched, the woman has a belly, which is difficult to get rid of. Transferred loads affect the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system.

Complications and risks

At a later age, there are chronic gynecological diseases. They complicate the course of pregnancy and childbirth. The frequency of ovulation decreases, the quality of eggs decreases. The risk of miscarriage before the age of 40 is 15-20%, after - about 35%.

Gestational diabetes develops, placental abruption, water breaks ahead of time. Not enough hormones are produced, the baby is premature. There are problems with lactation, children are often on artificial nutrition.

Placenta. Insufficiency, presentation, bleeding, detachment. Complications are more common after 40 years of age. Among the causes of the disease and chronic infections.

Diabetes. At an older age, it occurs 4 times more. Requires diet and medication. Insulin injections are done by about 20% of women.

Preeclampsia. Increased pressure, swelling, protein is found in the urine. Begins in the second half of pregnancy. Lack of treatment leads to death. Predisposing factors are obesity, arterial hypertension, kidney disease.

Complications of childbirth. Caused by weak labor activity, high risk of ruptures. The elasticity of tissues decreases, bleeding occurs. The probability of surgical delivery is 40% after 30 years and 48% after 45 years.

The risk of preterm birth increases. The child is hard to adapt to life outside the mother, needs respiratory assistance. Placental disorders lead to intrauterine growth retardation. Chronic diseases affect genetic abnormalities.

To reduce the risk of complications, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Give up bad habits. When planning pregnancy six months before conception. They select a clinic in which professional obstetricians lead the entire period of bearing a baby. If you feel unwell, take a vacation in the first trimester.

Build the composition and nutritional norms with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. They focus on fish, eat foods rich in iron. Vitamins A and E will help to avoid edema, serve as a prevention of miscarriage. Take folic acid and vitamin C.

They do gymnastics for pregnant women, walk, observe the daily routine with good sleep. Avoid fatigue and stress. Stop taking medications unless prescribed by a gynecologist. Psychologically tune in to the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, forget about age. From the beginning of conception, take tests, screen, do an ultrasound. Be examined for genetic abnormalities of the fetus.

Late pregnancy is a big responsibility that will go well with a positive attitude. There are no more old-timers. There are experienced women who are ready to give birth to healthy children at any age, increasing the period of youth and the number of long happy years.

The age of the "old-bearing" woman has changed over the centuries and depended largely on the ways of society. It has long been believed that after the age of 20 a woman is an "old-timer", since the age of the young who gave birth was from 14-15 years. During the Soviet Union, this term was used to refer to a woman giving birth after 25-27 years.
With the expiration of time, the age of the “old-timer” increased to 30 years, because at the age of 18-20, doctors did not recommend giving birth, which was associated with the still young and fragile body of the girls. At the moment, the opinion of doctors has pushed the bar of this term even further - for 35 years. My personal opinion is that there is nothing wrong with this figure. It is by the age of 32-35 that a woman becomes emotionally ready for the appearance of a child and full-fledged care for him.
However, the birth of a child at an “old-bearing” age has its drawbacks, since the mother’s body after 35 years is not able to fully absorb calcium, which is so necessary for the proper development of the child. Also during this period, the risk of ectopic pregnancies, bleeding, and threats of miscarriage increases. Old-timers are more likely than young girls to transmit various genetic diseases to their children, various complications (late toxicosis, anemia, kidney disease) often occur.

Beginning of training and education

Until the age of seven, their mothers raised them, but after that they were under the care of the state, which was responsible for providing knowledge about the traditions of the Spartan people. At the age of twelve, the child began to receive the necessary instruction for military life, which was taught through various rigorous physical tests and various methods that sought to teach the children to obey and be increasingly resilient. Children should be able to earn a living by hunting animals and stealing.

A woman is considered "old-term" when she is well into her thirties. Such an unpleasant nickname is given to women by all midwives and gynecologists when they see who entered the department, although women who give birth at the age of forty are distinguished by their responsibility and a more serious attitude to their maternal duties. I often hear another name “age firstborn”, but the essence does not change, such a “label” is hung on all women in the maternity home, without experiencing any sympathy, compassion for them, and the support they need so much, although it is most difficult for such women from the fact that they experience discomfort when there are young mothers who are barely over twenty in the ward, and they just decided on such a noble cause.
Very often it happens that at first a girl does not have a family life, or she is carefully protected, perhaps she wants to make a career for herself, and then the age comes to thirty-seven and problems begin, a man does not want children, or a woman decides to become a single mother, and use your chance to become a mother because the biological clock is not eternal, and the older a woman becomes, the more problematic it is for her to get pregnant, and give birth to a full-fledged and long-awaited child, when conception occurs, she is very happy about this moment, but most often the observer begins to frighten her her gynecologist with “horror stories” about the birth of children with disabilities, and begins to force her to take a bunch of tests, including paid ones, in order to once again play it safe herself, and not about her patient. But, in any case, even if you are called “old-timer”, you do not need to pay attention to this, and try to focus only on the birth of your long-awaited baby.

But they were beaten and reprimanded if they were caught during the action. The teens were challenged to fight each other, and when they were 17 years old, they were put through their final test: Kryptia. Where teenagers will have all night to catch slaves. Anyone who survived that night was considered brave, strong, and fit for war. When "Spartan" or "Spartan" was "formed", he was given a piece of land to build his house.

Until the age of 30, Spartans were forbidden to marry, and only after he reached this age could he be considered a citizen, as well as a soldier. From this new age, he could attend meetings held in the city-state and participate in the selection of new laws as a single citizen.

Well, you can become an “old-timer” even at the age of 30 :) As in 50, if your period is still going, you can safely get pregnant, and give birth just as well. Unless, of course, the woman is healthy. And if a woman is already a ruin in her 30s, then how can you expect a healthy baby from her. That is, this question is quite multifaceted. I know quite a few women who have given birth to their first children in 40 years. And everything worked out well. And there are many among acquaintances who were not even 25, but they themselves could not give birth normally, and they were Caesar. Here, after all, the main question is in the prosperous physical form of a woman. Of course, geneticists will tell you that with age, the genetic material "spoils", and that in the children of women after 40, the likelihood of genetic mutations increases. But after all, we also observe many cases when downs are born, etc., even among young families. This is what is called karma. Well, if 2 wonderful people met after 40 and they want to give birth to a child, then you have to give birth. If there are no serious health problems. Why, now genetic tests can be taken if desired - for compatibility and so on. Over in the West, many women give birth only after 40, when they have already built a career and earned material wealth for themselves.

Spartan women were subjected to the same teachings and tests as men because physical activity was overrated by the Spartan people and there was a belief that only healthy, physically strong women could give birth to good soldiers for Sparta. After the age of 30, when a woman began to be regarded as a civilian, she could acquire property and was not obliged to submit to the authority of her husband.

The Spartan soldier was only released from the army after the age of 60, from which time he became part of the German Council of the elder Sparta. The very expression "Middle Ages" was coined at the beginning of the modern era as a way to establish a criterion for the superiority of contemporaries in relation to the man of the Middle Ages. However, we know that history is more complex than we think, and that there are several themes specific to the medieval period that need to be carefully studied. One of these themes is the position of women at that time.

There is no definite or officially confirmed document on this question. We were in the maternity hospital during a round, the gynecologist said that after twenty-three years, women are considered old-bearing. It doesn't threaten anything. They will conduct additional monitoring, somewhere they will have to pass more tests and everyone is sent for amniocentesis. Amniocentesis is a puncture of the bladder to analyze the amniotic fluid. It is needed to detect chromosomes (exclusion of Down syndrome), chronic diseases. It is done after six weeks of pregnancy and no later than the twenty-second week. This analysis will not be done without your consent.

We believe that in the medieval world, women were submissive to the male figure, whether in the home or outside, that is, in the work done in the cities or in the countryside, or even in the spiritual realms. This idea is generated by a very common prejudice: that a society oriented towards the Catholic Christian religion, the figure of a woman will be directly associated with sin, or the Genesis narrative, in which Eve has such a Causes Adam to sin, whether it be a female body, which can lead to lust and lust.

But the fact is that the categories of compression of the Catholic Church, from their roots in primitive Christianity, have never ascribed to women any condition of inferiority or detention of sin towards man. Christianity understands that a person, both a woman and a man, is subject to evil because he is free - he is free to accept or deny goodness, grace. Thus, in the social and ecclesiastical spheres of the Middle Ages, like men, women had a great transit.

The term old-bearing is usually used in relation to women who have given birth to a child after 30 years. If the birth is the first, the woman in labor is called even more unpleasantly - the old-bearing primogeniture. Such definitions appeared even when the first children were born at 18, and by the age of 30 there were usually many heirs in the family. Over time, the situation has changed, and dramatically: now women take pregnancy more seriously, therefore, they come to the decision to give birth at a later age.

In addition to great influence in the ecclesiastical sphere, women also figured prominently outside abbeys and monasteries. In notarial acts, it is very common for a married woman to act on her own, opening a shop or business, for example, without being forced to present her husband's permission.

As for the question of magical practices, witchcraft, sorcery, etc. That figure of a woman was, rather, directly connected. This was due to cultural mixtures between pagan rites of Roman and Germanic origin and popular Christianity's concepts of demons or lower entities. For example, the pagan cult of fertility had a big ballast in the Middle Ages. However, outbreaks of persecution of women identified as "witches" have left the population looking for "scapegoats" to explain some natural disasters such as droughts, floods, plague, etc. And also less of the Church and the Inquisition.

An unambiguous answer to the question “Is it good or bad?” On the one hand, it is great that the expectant mother first thinks about the well-being of the child, and then gives birth. On the other hand, the state of the body does not improve over the years. The farther, the more likely the possibility of the appearance of a toddler with genomic pathology.

Old-timer: at what age?

Each of the future women in labor interprets this rhetorical question in her own way. In medical practice, millions of cases are known when 40- and 45-year-old mothers gave birth to healthy babies. However, no specialist will recommend postponing pregnancy. After all, everyone knows the concept of "biological age". Do not deceive him. Therefore, it is easier to give birth, and the postpartum period is faster and less painful. But pregnant women aged are kept under special control, referring to the risk group.

Moreover, the Inquisition was born as a form of deterrence against public lynchings that were carried out against someone accused of heresy. The "witch hunt" has only become a campaign with a religious banner in the modern age, when the state, the civil authority, has already been superimposed on the authority of the Church and its criteria.

Lisbon: Publications in Europe and America, pp. Would you like to cite this text in a scholarly or scholarly work? Access by August 31st. African women do not have an easy part: yet they represent hard work and shrewd ways of organizing, the first economic and social agents of the black continent.

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of how old a woman becomes old-bearing. But, as a rule, the countdown starts from 30 years or more. An indisputable plus for expectant mothers after 30 is their wisdom and quite a lot of life experience. A 40-year-old woman, if this is important to her, will not hesitate to insist that the medical definition of old-bearing remain only in the exchange card, but not used by the doctor. Moreover, in adulthood it is quite easy to determine the level of competence of a gynecologist and soberly analyze his actions. It is a well-known practice to intimidate pregnant women and, as a result, conduct numerous unnecessary (but expensive) studies and tests, for example, prenatal screening. In this case, it is reasonable to realistically assess the possible risks (miscarriage, infection of the fetus, etc.) and make an independent decision, despite the recommendations of the doctor.

Better to be a woman in Africa than in Asia. This statement may seem surprising at first glance when you refer to the formula used by generations of geographers, starting with the great tropic, Pierre Gourou: is Africa's burden beast. This statement is always true. But today it is women who, in a concrete sense, hold the levers of control over the continent. This is the paradox of the position of women in Africa.

The Indians and Chinese do suppress some of their little girls at birth because they know that they will have to pay a heavy dowry so that they can marry her and that she will leave the family home to go to her parents' exclusive service. So that the daughter was "to heat the neighboring garden." Gender discrimination explains that there is a surplus of about 60 million people in the two mainland countries of China and India.

Thus, an old-bearing (age after 30 years) mother is a whole. And the final decision is up to the woman herself.

So, being a mom in your mature years is:

  • formed psychological readiness to give birth to a child (specialists have proven that the difference between physiological and psychological readiness for pregnancy and childbirth is 10 years: the first occurs at about 22 years old, the second - by 32 years old);
  • lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of urinary infections;
  • a more scrupulous attitude to one's health, which means a greater likelihood of a favorable pregnancy;
  • bearing a desired child, that is, a minimum risk of miscarriage;
  • good preparation for the role of parents and the upbringing of a person.

Cons of having a child at the age of 30 and older:

  • after the age of 30, a woman's tissue and joint elasticity decreases, fewer hormones are produced, which can lead to complications during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • significantly increases the risk of a child having pathologies, for example, Down syndrome, heart disease or autism;
  • bad habits that appeared in youth, abortions also do not have the best effect on the health of the fetus;

How to behave as an old-term pregnant woman?

Thus, a mother who falls under the term "old-timer", who is 30-35 years old or more, should be as responsible as possible to her health and to the health of her baby. It is necessary to provide the body with gymnastics, a complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as rid it of bad habits. This is a reality, not a dream.

Of course, referring to "Africa" ​​without further precision may seem offensive, since the diversity of situations on a continent of 53 countries and 13% of the world's population is extreme, even if only between North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, between Muslim and Christian countries. Nevertheless, some trends are emerging that individualize Africa in relation to the rest of the world. First, the African population does not usually discriminate on the basis of the sex of the child either at birth or in the first years of life.

Currently, "aged" mothers who are carrying a child may not be worried. Being under the supervision of doctors is the best way to take care of the health of your baby.

Age of an old woman. Is it worth it to get pregnant after ...?

Late (old) - this term in medicine refers to women whose pregnancy may be associated with an increased risk. Such an inscription is put on a future mother if her age has exceeded 35 and she is expecting her first child, or if a woman is expecting a second child and she is over 40. “Late” mothers may be upset by all sorts of remarks related to their year of birth. "Where do you have so much courage!" - such words can often be heard from relatives. "Think you can?" — adds fuel to the fire girlfriend. Unfortunately, even some doctors, having learned about the age of the patient, do not hide their indignation. But it is the doctors who know that real life has long refuted many prejudices against the “belated” birth of a baby.

In most cases, the course of pregnancy and the birth itself in women after 35 years of age do not differ significantly from the same in young mothers.

It can even be assumed that mature ladies are able to deeply enjoy the joy of the upcoming motherhood. Their thirst to babysit the baby has intensified over the years, the marriage has grown stronger and stabilized, they have achieved a lot and learned that they are not afraid to sacrifice something for the sake of the birth of a new little man. And according to recent studies, children in such families receive more affection and care.

Possible risks

Undoubtedly, pregnancy at a later age is associated with some difficulties. Fortunately, modern advances in the medical field have made it possible to diagnose diseases in a timely manner and eliminate them. Accordingly, it is for this purpose that a “late” pregnancy is marked on the map. Every pregnant woman whose age has crossed the 35 mark receives a referral for a genetic examination of the fetus. The biggest danger awaiting him is associated with abnormal chromosomes. The most common disease is Down syndrome (previously this disease was known as Mongoloid dementia).

With age, the quality of the mother's genetic material deteriorates. So, by the age of 35, the proportion of abnormal chromosomes is 1%, by 38 - 2%, after 45 - more than 10%. What is the reason for this, scientists are still looking for an answer.

Among the most plausible assumptions is the postulate that the eggs in the body of a woman are laid even before she is born. Waiting too long for an egg to be fertilized has a bad effect on its condition. In addition, with age, the body loses its ability to protect mechanisms: the body does not distinguish a healthy embryo from a sick one. In young girls, the body perfectly copes with its tasks: if it carries an anomaly, then shortly after fertilization, the fetus is rejected, and the woman does not always have time to find out about her situation.

The effectiveness of new diagnostic methods

Although new diagnostic techniques have proven to be effective, many women ignore genetic testing. According to statistics, only 70% of pregnant late births pass it. Among women over 40, these numbers are even lower. Most often, the reason for refusal is motivated by fear of. Since in 1-2% of cases this can happen during the examination, it is necessary that an experienced specialist conduct it. Another test waiting for the expectant mother is to accept bad results and make a subsequent decision: keep the sick child or have an abortion. The intensity of emotions is also growing because the biological clock does not stand still and the issue of motherhood is becoming more and more urgent. And no one guarantees that in the event of the loss of this child, a woman will be able to become pregnant again.

With age, the ability to bear children decreases. In the age range of 20-24 years, only 10% of girls suffer from infertility, and among their 35-year-old colleagues, this figure is three times higher.

This is another reason why mature mothers are more concerned about the condition of the child than young ones. At the same time, they are more concerned about their health and things related to expecting a baby. In any case, pregnancy should bring happiness - after all, thanks to a woman, a new person, a new personality, will be born. The main thing is to set yourself up for positive and be sure of a happy story very soon - after childbirth.

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Discussion: 3 comments

    Until the age of 40, I consider the age for pregnancy to be normal ... after, of course, it is already harder, primarily because of the state of health of the mother. After 45 ... this is already a risk for both mother and child.


    I gave birth at 39 and was considered an old-timer. To be honest, the doctors discouraged me, but this was my last chance and I did not agree to an abortion. BUT then the gynecologist began to scare me with various horror stories. I was so tired of it that I stopped going to counseling and taking tests. The pregnancy proceeded normally. I did not have any toxicosis and I safely gave birth to a daughter. I think that if a woman is in good health, then giving birth at 45 is worth nothing.


    to endure and give birth is not even half the battle. Just imagine that, having given birth at forty-five, you will reach retirement age, when your child will still be in school. Well, if you can work and continue to provide it, but if not? okay, if by this moment there are older children who are firmly on their feet, and even better if there are already grandchildren - you can take care of your grandchildren and your baby at the same time. what if it's not possible?
