Modern types of perm. Chemistry for long hair - all types of perm with a photo

A popular way to get beautiful wavy curls is chemistry for long hair.

Wet brunette secrets
permanent perm alkaline
unusual chemistry

Today, the procedure is not so detrimental to hair, it allows you to quickly create stylish hairstyles. What are the types of chemistry, how to make a choice - read below.

Features and types of curls

Perm is the process of creating lush curls that can not lose shape for several months. The procedure involves the use of products whose composition destroys disulfide bonds in the hair structure. You can see the result of chemistry for long hair in the photo before and after.

After curling, the strands take the form of curlers, depending on the type of winding. A special fixative helps to fix the result, with which stylists process the hair after curling. The tool fixes the curls in a new position for them.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Chemistry, even light, for long hair is an undesirable procedure for damaged, weakened hair. An experienced master will tell you whether it is worth doing it, or is it better to wait, having previously healed the strands.

There are many advantages to light or large chemistry:

  1. Durability. You can enjoy curls for several months.
  2. Saving time. You can quickly do everyday, romantic and evening styling. Just take a look at what chemistry looks like on long strands in the presented before and after photos.
  3. Solving the problem of thin hair. Wavy curls will finally give the long-awaited volume to the hair.

Chemistry is just great for long hair, and modern curling products can be safely called sparing, so they do not cause much harm.

Varieties of perm

There are many types of curls:

  1. Acid. The most persistent, and therefore the most popular. It lasts up to six months, however, acid products, penetrating into the hair, make the curls stiff and elastic.
  2. Alkaline. It lasts about 3 months, and on hard, thick, straight hair - no more than 1.5. Alkaline products contain allantoin, which creates strong and elastic curls.
  3. Amino acid. Less harmful than the previous 2 species. The composition of the funds contains amino acids and proteins, which have a therapeutic effect on the hair. Curls are soft, natural, but do not last long.
  4. Silk. The composition of curling products includes silk proteins, which has the most beneficial effect on the strands.
  5. Biochemistry. With this method, the hair is not only curled, but also saturated with protein. Curlers can be used in different sizes.

In addition, you can select light chemistry for long strands, large, vertical, wet, etc. Let's look at them in more detail, and also study the photos before and after the procedure.

This is how it is customary to call light chemistry using gentle means that do not destroy the structure of the strands. The method allows women to experiment with their appearance without worrying too much about the condition of their hair.

Look at the photo - light chemistry looks great on long, but naturally thin hair. Thanks to carving, the strands acquire shine, strength, volume.

Carving is of two types: large and small. For long strands, both options are appropriate. The average term of such styling is 4-8 weeks.

vertical chemistry

The main feature of such a perm is the location of the strands - they are wound on special bobbins in a standing position.

Of course, you won’t get large curls with this method, but if you want to get small curls on long hair, do such chemistry. Just look at the before and after photos first.

Vertical waving gained popularity due to the ability to create curls on strands of any length. But it’s not worth making curls on your own in this way, except perhaps just for bobbins, without the use of special tools.

large perm

Chemistry is especially popular among long-haired girls, which allows you to create large curls. The before and after photos show that the result is beautiful, large, lush curls that allow a modern business woman not to twist the ends of the curling iron every morning.

The final result depends on the haircut, the length of the hair, the size of the curler. Large curls look good on a cascading haircut with bangs - curls frame the face with a beautiful waterfall.

This type of styling can be successfully implemented at home. For this you will need:

  • curling agent;
  • large curlers (not metal);
  • 2 small foam sponges;
  • plastic or ceramic container;
  • latex gloves;
  • plastic comb;
  • towel;
  • hat and cape.

Instructions with a photo on how to make chemistry with large curls:

  1. Wash your hair, lightly blot with a towel and apply the composition for biowave.
  2. Wind the strands on the curlers. Watch the tension - it should be the same, otherwise the curls will turn out uneven.
  3. Apply a curling compound to the twisted curls. Do not save - liquid should drain from the curlers.
  4. Put on a hat.
  5. Wait 15 minutes and check if the curl is formed correctly. To do this, unwind 1 strand in the crown area, see how it turns out. If you get a beautiful curl, proceed to the next step. If not, increase the waiting time by checking the strands every 5 minutes.
  6. Rinse your head without spinning the curlers.
  7. Apply 1/3 of the neutralizer to the hair - it needs to be kept for 10-15 minutes.
  8. Carefully remove the curlers, trying not to disturb the curls, wait 5 minutes.
  9. Wash your hair thoroughly, apply a conditioner, do not rinse it off.
  10. Dry your hair. The layout is ready.

If you have too long straight hair and it is difficult for you to carry out the procedure at home, find out how much chemistry costs in beauty salons and seek help.

Means for chemistry

At the heart of any perm are the means under the influence of which the structure of the strands changes and easily acquires a new shape. Almost all modern preparations are made on the basis of thioorganic compounds.

Manufacturers offer different types of drugs:

  • for normal hair;
  • for coarse hair that is difficult to style;
  • for porous strands that have recently been exposed to oxidizing agents;
  • for bleached and highlighted strands.

Means can be acidic, alkaline, neutral.

Preparations for biowave, which are based on cysteamine hydrochloride, stand apart. They are non-aggressive and are available for 3 types of hair:

  • normal;
  • naughty;
  • dyed or bleached.

Choose a product based on the structure of your hair. The right choice is an important part of the procedure, since choosing, for example, a product for coarse hair and applying it to normal hair, you risk burning the strands. Therefore, if you cannot make a choice on your own, contact a specialist.

After curling, you need to treat the strands with different balms to neutralize the drug, give the curls elasticity and natural shine.

Curl care

Here you have finally acquired the desired curls. This is not the time to relax. After a perm, the hair needs careful care more than ever. To this end, use:

  • shampoos and balms enriched with a permanent formula. As a last resort, just buy a quality shampoo from a trusted brand, even if it's expensive;
  • products with sunscreen (useful for you in the summer to protect against ultraviolet radiation);
  • means for restoring curls (after every 4-5 washings);

Soft curls enveloping the face in waves are the dream of many girls. Therefore, they tirelessly use a variety of devices - curling irons, curlers, hairpins - in order to achieve a similar effect. However, often the result that can be achieved by such means does not linger for a long time. What to do? Perform a perm, which will adversely affect the hair and after it will require mesotherapy for the hair? In fact, you can get by with a more gentle method called hair carving. And although this procedure is performed in the salon by a professional and costs a lot of money, the result will pleasantly surprise you. Moreover, this procedure is gentle on the hair, without having a destructive effect on it.

If you do hair carving, then for a long time you will forget about what styling with curling irons and curlers is. Light and elastic curls will last for a long time, creating the effect of a perm. Sometimes hair carving is called “light chemistry”, although in fact these two procedures are different.

So, a perm is a deep effect on the hair structure with special chemicals. After such a procedure, the curls will last for a long time, but over time, the hairstyle will lose its splendor. Hair will begin to fall out and you will have to resort to special remedies for hair loss, you may need mesotherapy for hair.

The effect of carving on the hairstyle is different. Yes, during its implementation, a special composition is also used, which allows for a long time (2-3 months) to create elastic curls. But at the same time, the substances will not penetrate into the hair, but will settle on its surface. Also, this composition does not include glycolic acid, which allows you to repeat this procedure after 3-4 months. This also distinguishes carving from "chemistry", which is recommended to be done no more than 1 time per year.

Carving should be carried out by an experienced hairdresser using branded products specially designed for this.

In time, this procedure can take about two hours. The scheme of conduct is quite simple. First, a special composition is applied to you, then the strands are twisted on the curlers of your chosen size and left for the required time to fix. After the recommended soak time, the hair will be washed and styled.

Having decided to perform carving, you should find yourself a good hairdresser. Otherwise, you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation when, after the procedure, it turns out that your strands are damaged due to overexposure of the drug or the use of substances that are created for chemistry. In this case, you will either have to do hair biolamination or restore their health for a long time. You may not like this result.

If you find a real professional who understands the intricacies of this procedure, then you can get soft and obedient curls for several months. If you get bored, then there is no need for Brazilian hair straightening, as is the case with natural curls. You just need to wait until the curls bloom naturally.

Benefits of the procedure

The first thing you should pay attention to is the gentle composition of the drug for fixing curls. Its impact will not damage the strands so much, so you do not have to treat them or cut off what is left after the lush “chemistry”. The curls that have blossomed themselves will leave you with a healthy and well-groomed hairstyle. If you want to add some shine to them, then you can perform hair biolamination. Today it is available in different versions. A similar procedure will make both light brown hair and dark tones shine. The desire to maintain a beautiful color after dyeing can come true if you carry out a special hair biolamination that can protect your favorite tone from washing out.

Carving will look great on any hair, but most often it is done on a short or medium haircut.

You can choose the diameter of the curlers yourself or entrust it to a specialist. Usually, for short haircuts with dark or light brown hair, curlers with a smaller diameter are selected. But for medium length curlers of larger diameter are better suited. However, you are free to choose what you most want to create an individual image.

With the help of carving, you can add splendor to a thin and rare hairstyle. So the curls look especially good. In the first days after such a perm, they will be elastic, but in the future they will bloom slightly, creating soft waves that frame the face. This will also allow the growing roots to not stand out so much from the general background of the hairstyle.

Thanks to carving, you can get rid of such problems as oily hair and scalp. Special formulations that are applied during the procedure are able to dry and lighten curls. Therefore, this procedure is also perfect for those who have light brown hair and want to lighten it.

Carving will become a real lifesaver for those who do not have time for long styling, but want to look charming. Having done this procedure, you can easily and quickly perform styling and at the same time have an amazing hairstyle on your head. After carving, even very naughty strands become soft and manageable. And for all 8 weeks (on average) you will enjoy your reflection in the mirror, where a beauty with a luxurious hairstyle from Hollywood films will look at you.

Disadvantages of the procedure

In addition to all the charms and advantages of carving, we cannot but note its disadvantages. The first one is the cost of the procedure. It should be entrusted to an experienced master who uses branded preparations. And this is not cheap.

Despite the gentle formulations, this effect can still be detrimental, especially if there are some problems. If you have brittle, split ends or very dry hair, then it is best to refuse such a procedure. It will only aggravate the situation and you will have to treat them for a long time or even get rid of excessive hair loss with the help of a procedure such as hair mesotherapy. And although its effectiveness has been proven and gives a good result, it is still better to save your hair and not bring it to this. In this case, you should first treat them a little, restore them, and then move on to carving.

Another drawback is the short period of how long such a perm will last. On average, this is about two months, although on bleached and dyed hair it can last much longer - up to 6 months.

By the way, immediately after dyeing, such a procedure should not be carried out, since it will only aggravate the condition of the hair, and then you may need mesotherapy for hair. It is better to wait a while, and then please yourself with beautiful curls.

Carving is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Despite the fact that such a procedure is relatively safe, the condition of the female body during these periods can lead to unpredictable results. For example, a perm may simply not be taken.

Carving on thick and long strands, which are also heavy, does not give an effect. If you are the owner of such a hairstyle, then you should refuse this procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions About Carving

After you get tired of the image of a beauty with curly hair, you can resort to the reverse procedure - hair straightening.

Playful curls secretly want to have almost all straight-haired ladies. This desire is quite achievable with the help of perm hair. There are several variations of this procedure.

You should figure out which option to choose for yourself and how to make chemistry yourself at home.

Owners of short hair do not need to give up at all; on such strands, she looks no less stylish. So, it was decided to make a perm, it remains to decide on the type of perm.

Type Result
Root perm Designed for maximum volume. The flaws of this type of curling include damage to the health of the hair. When the hair grows back, it does not look so impressive.
End curl For short hair, this procedure is recommended if the girl has an oval face type. Very effective for weakened hair, they take on a flowering appearance.
biological waving Contains gentle ingredients. Therefore, this type is very popular among girls.
Acid perm Great for short hair. She is quite persistent and is able to please the eyes of others for six months.

It is better for owners of naturally thin hair to refuse chemistry, as problems associated with brittle strands may arise. Before perming the hair, it is necessary to insure and carry out restorative procedures (cutting dry ends or a hot haircut).


Carving is a new gentle procedure for curling curls, often called light chemistry. It harms the health of the hair to a lesser extent. It is used to achieve the maximum effect on giving volume from the hair root. It is used as a long-term styling, as such it is for 2 months.

Large curls look equally attractive on strands of different lengths, and short haircuts are no exception. Such a hairstyle suits all, without exception, a charming lady, which every woman considers herself to be. Fancy curls are able to revive the image, giving it femininity. Unfortunately, not all women are given to have wavy hair by nature. This is easily corrected by perm.

Among the owners of short haircuts, large chemistry is especially popular, as it looks more natural. In the procedure of large chemistry, there is an important nuance - the selected diameter of the curler. Larger curlers should be used, small ones will give a “lamb” result. It is recommended to use plastic curlers. The result is fashionable curls.

The procedure for conducting a spiral perm is distinguished by the technique of winding and curlers. Knitting needles, spiral curlers, papilettes and boomerangs are used here, the result directly depends on this. This variant of chemistry provides for obtaining curls of different elasticity and sizes. At the moment, African curls are especially popular. Spiral chemistry is a rather laborious procedure and requires a lot of time. To get a visible volume, it is necessary to form a large number of spiral curls. The strand wound on curlers should be as thin as possible. Many ladies with short hair are hesitant to do spiral chemo. There is a misconception that spiral curls are not for short hair. Short spirals on such strands look no less impressive than on long ones.

Spiral chemistry for short strands requires special home care. Hair needs to be treated with oil. Drying with a hair dryer

use a diffuser attachment and set a wide stream of hot air. Otherwise, the curls will fluff.

How to make chemistry for short hair at home yourself

Despite the complexity of the procedure, strictly following the recommendations, perm can be done independently and at home.

Tool and all necessary components

  • Special fixing composition. You can cook it yourself or buy it ready-made in a professional store.
  • A sachet of citric acid or vinegar;
  • Shampoo or shower gel;
  • A remedy that restores the hair structure, Londovital is often used for this purpose;
  • Castor oil;
  • Plastic curlers, their diameter depends on the size of the desired curls;
  • Comb in one row with a long handle;
  • Sponge;
  • Gloves;
  • Containers for the mixture, it is advisable to use plastic or ceramic products.

Carrying out the procedure

  1. Before curling, you need to put your hair in order, you can make a haircut, taking into account the visual reduction in length.
  2. Conduct a response analysis. To do this, just apply a little chemical composition to the skin.
  3. Wet strands are easier to wind, their width should be 2 cm narrower than the width of the curler.
  4. As with hair coloring, the entire density is divided into zones. Each strand is lubricated with a chemical composition using a sponge. Winding should begin with the occipital, then the parietal and then process the temporal zones. After winding each of the zones, it is necessary to additionally process the mixture.
  5. After winding is completed, the skin along the hairline should be lubricated with a greasy cream or cosmetic petroleum jelly. Put a shower cap on your head and wrap it with a heated towel.
  6. The holding time of the chemical mixture is about 20 minutes. It is important to check the quality of the chemistry, 15 minutes after winding, you can dissolve one strand.
  7. Unwind all the strands and rinse them with vinegar or a solution of water and citric acid, dry and apply Londovital.
  8. The perm is over, you can start styling your hair.

Thanks to such a painstaking, but quite doable procedure, every woman can afford gorgeous curls. This hairstyle is in perfect harmony with any face shape and looks beautiful on haircuts of different lengths.

Has a short duration. In an effort to get a long-lasting effect of wavy hair, many girls use "chemistry". With proper care, beautiful curls last for several months. They can turn out small, elastic or natural, slightly curly - it all depends on your desire. The voluminous perm of hair looks very impressive. Large curls are suitable for owners of hair of different lengths. If you are going to perform the procedure at home, you need to take into account many important nuances and prepare properly.

What's happened

  • protect curls from ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage with metal hairpins, combs;
  • walk more often with loose curls, avoid tight braids and tails;
  • eat more fish (helps strengthen hair, prevents hair loss).

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the procedure:

  • large curls are stylish and relevant at all times;
  • curls keep their shape in any weather;
  • there is a time saving - you can not do styling every day;
  • thin hair acquire splendor, volume;
  • greasy strands cease to shine, as chemistry dries them;
  • laying curls is easy;
  • the hair has extra volume.

Disadvantages of perm hair for large curls:

A large perm looks great on different strands, which is why it is so in demand in all its variants and manifestations. Many girls choose beautiful body waves or curls that fit perfectly into any look: casual or festive.

Curls are an ideal option for owners of thin and devoid of volume hair. This hairstyle creates the impression of density and strength of curls, gives the appearance of romanticism and femininity. To create certain curls, experts use different types of perm.

Acid and amino acid perms

Initially, thioglycolic or mercaptoacetic acid was used to create this styling. These are universal substances, which, depending on the additional components, contribute to hair coloring, curling, and even are part of some depilatory creams. The principle of operation of the technology is based on the ability of acids to penetrate deeply into the structure of the strands.

Hairdressers use acid perm only in exceptional cases. For example, if the hair is heavy and thick. It's just that no other method here will be effective enough. When working with soft formulations, curls will last no longer than 1.5 months.

This strand structuring technology has many disadvantages. The technique is characterized by a pungent odor and a harsh effect. Due to the large number of side effects and contraindications, it is now carried out using balanced acid mixtures. Unlike the vast majority of perm methods, it does not have a detrimental effect on curls.

Types of methods:

  • Endothermic. To carry out the reaction, the head is heated by external heat sources. It can be a hair dryer or a special rack. This method was very common in the 70s and 80s in the Soviet Union.
  • exothermic. Here, heating is carried out due to the course of the reaction itself. The method refers to new technologies. It is more gentle and can be used to curl colored or highlighted hair.

Acid perm is carried out according to the standard scheme. First, a softening composition is applied to the curls, which somewhat “dissolves” the upper stratum corneum of the hair. After that, an aggressive acid is smeared on the strand, fixing the curl in a certain position. Neat plastic curlers are used to wrap hair. Rarely - elastic bands on which curls are wound.

Alkaline perm

This technique was first proposed in the second half of the 20th century by scientists and part-time hair stylists Ralph Evans and Everett McDonahue. A rather aggressive mixture of ammonium and glycolic acid is used as an activator and fixative for curls.

How to make an alkaline perm with a video:

  • For her, not ordinary papillots with a solid base are used, but peculiar tampons. They are impregnated with an alkaline composition, after which strands of hair are wound around them.
  • This mixture is aged for up to 40 minutes and washed off with plain water without shampoo. Unlike modern techniques, there is no need to re-apply the fixer.
  • The resulting curls are slightly straightened and the styling is considered complete.

This is an extremely effective, but dangerous procedure. After it, the curls become brittle, dull. Alkali has an unpleasant property to destroy the hair shaft, which also leads to an increase in the fragility of the follicles. A little later, in the 1980s, it was proposed to use balanced acid formulations. Now alkali is used extremely rarely, because it is considered dangerous.

Neutral perm

Almost all types of perms that are available use aggressive acids as permanent compositions. They corrode the top layer of hair. As a result, the strands become lifeless and brittle. Unlike them, neutral perm is carried out with substances with a low pH.

As additional components, the composition of the means for such styling includes allantoin. It is a urea oxidation product obtained by processing urea. Its main property is the softening of the stratum corneum and the acceleration of tissue regeneration. The substance helps to restore strands after acid and normalize the sebaceous glands.

Chemical biowave

Reviews claim that this is an alternative to the listed acid options. This is the softest way of all types of perm, how you can make long-lasting curls for medium hair. Often, a biowave consists of only two components - a fixative and reducing agents. As a component for modeling, cysteamine and glycolic acid are used. These are completely natural components that are present in the human body.

As auxiliary products, as part of the fixatives, you can find a keratin or marine complex, vitamins, amino acids and even oils. The main advantage of the technique over all the others is the ability to reconstruct the hair, while not having a negative impact on them.


A delicate version of hair curling using ammonia-free preparations. It is suitable for owners of long and medium thin hair. A feature of the technique is the presence of natural silk proteins in the active composition. To enrich the hair, collagen and raffinose are additionally used. Raffinose is a type of reserve carbohydrate, it is able to retain moisture and strengthen the core of the curl.

The most famous tool for this styling is the CHI complex. It does not contain any substances that injure the structure of the hair. For this complex perm, a quintessence is used, consisting of waving lotions, an activator and a neutralizer. Unlike other similar products, there is no unpleasant smell after using a silk perm from the hair.

hair carving

It's light chemistry. It is not like any other types of perm hair, because, in fact, it is styling. There are different products for carving: Wella, Londa, Schwarzkof and Cutrin. The listed kits do not contain aggressive glycolic acid, instead they are enriched with carnitine and vitamin complexes.

The long-term laying technique has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the technique include versatility (it is done on short, long and medium hair), durability, the ability to change the hairstyle. By cons: the curls are very dry, become brittle, they cannot be dried without a diffuser and styling products.

Japanese perm

Alkaline-free perm, done on highlights, ombre and bleached hair. It uses cysteine, matrix and betaine as active ingredients. All these are natural substances that are part of the keratinized particles of the human body, including hair.

  • Cysteine. An amino acid with a high sulfur content. It is considered a powerful antioxidant, protects the body from the effects of radiation;
  • Betaine. Trimethylaminoacetic acid. It is characterized by numerous positive effects on body tissues. It has a moisturizing, protective, softening and firming effect.
  • Matrix. The component of the hair that is responsible for the growth and development of follicles. In cosmetics, it is used as a molecular component. Gives strands smoothness and strength, has a beneficial effect on the bulbs.

As a result of this perm, ideal large curls are obtained. Due to the large amount of moisturizing ingredients, such curls are bright, shiny, elastic. But, unfortunately, a similar effect after curling lasts only 1 month. For its further reinforcement, the constant use of conditioners and balms is required.

spiral american

Modern stylists refer this type of perm to the disco style. It was in the 80s of the last century that the tendency to wind strands on hairpins arose. They were placed perpendicular to the central parting. Thanks to this system, the resulting curls looked as natural as possible.

Despite the stereotype, such unconventional curls are large, small, medium. The most fashionable and time-consuming is the Afro option. In it, the hair is wound on countless thin papillots. Biological compounds and light parchment are used as means for fixation.

Ways to wind strands

How the perm will look largely depends not only on the type chosen, but also on the method of winding the curlers, their diameter, and the general structure of the strands. What are the types of perm bobbins:

  • Spiral. Unruly, coarse hair is wound on them, which are poorly held on smooth bobbins;
  • Cylindrical. They are a cylinder without protrusions or obvious transitions. A strand is wound on them from the very end. With their help, beautiful straight curls are created. It is this type of curler that is used to work out Afro hairstyles.

The list below summarizes the main ways to wrap perm curlers, their photos and names:

  • Classical. All bobbins are wound exclusively against the face. The first strand from the forehead is taken as the reference point. It is wrapped perpendicular to the central parting;
  • Rectangular. It is also called block. Conventionally, the head is divided into several vertical rectangular blocks. After that, papillots are wound on each strand;
  • Chess. Most often used to process haircuts cascade. The first to wind the curlers along the parting. After them, lateral curls are laid in a checkerboard pattern;
  • Schemes taking into account the diameter of the bobbins. A great option for creating natural chemistry. Natural curls cannot be the same size. To get the effect of a soft transition, small and large bobbins are wound on the parting by alternating. Similarly, repeat with the temporal and lateral sections;
  • In three bobbins. The technique is used very rarely, exclusively for long hair. The strand is wound onto a papillot from the middle, after which the free area is divided in two. Both halves, in turn, are also wrapped in curlers.

There are also so-called, non-traditional cheat methods. For example, triple or diagonal. These are very peculiar options that are suitable for creating spectacular evening hairstyles or curling very thick and long hair.