What is hanging on the tree? Ritual for the New Year for the fulfillment of desires. How to decorate a Christmas tree to make wishes come true

In the article I have already described simple ways guessing new year wishes. Today I want to tell you another way, which is also distinguished by its simplicity and efficiency.

Many of us have probably made a wish card or want to make one. After all, it brings us closer to what we dream of, since we, often fixing our attention on it, send energy to make our dreams come true. Yes, and the process of drawing up a map of desires already gives a powerful impetus.

How to make a wish on New Year's Eve

The method that I want to talk about is not as laborious and long as drawing up a wish map. You will need any symbols of your wish (or wishes if you have more than one). And all you need to do on New Year's Eve is to make a wish and hang these symbols on the Christmas tree. What kind of symbols these will be, decide for yourself, using your imagination.

For example, if you want to have a child, you can hang a figurine of a stork with a child, you can just hang some little baby-baby. If you just dream of big money, then hang bills (can be real) or drawings with bundles of money. Although, as far as I know, just dreaming about money is not very correct, because the Universe fulfills specific desires more quickly and joyfully. Often people dream about money abstractly, in principle, not really imagining what they will do with it when they get it. It is better to dream about what you will buy with this money and hang symbols of these purchases on the Christmas tree.

If you want a new car or house, you can cut them out of magazines, make appliqués or glue them together from colored paper, or you can just buy toy symbols. If you want to travel, then hang a toy airplane on the Christmas tree with the names of the countries you would like to visit. If you want love, then you can hang two hearts, and if you dream of a wedding, then a toy bride and groom.

It is advisable to hang artifacts of your desires directly on New Year's Eve. Although last year I really wanted to hang my symbols in the process of decorating the Christmas tree. One wish came true, and the second is still in the process of being fulfilled. This year I will also hang symbols when I decorate the Christmas tree. And on New Year's Eve, I'll just say my wishes again and stroke my artifacts with my hand, charge them with energy, so to speak.

Christmas wish tree

Listen to your intuition, it will tell you exactly when to hang your symbols on the Christmas tree. My friend hung a ring on the tree that year with the intention of getting married. It was just ordinary Golden ring with a pebble, she proclaimed it her engagement and hung it on the Christmas tree. She has not yet married, but she received an offer, they plan to play a wedding in the summer on the day of family, love and fidelity. This is progress, since last year she didn’t even have a man, what kind of proposal are we talking about here. This spring, she met him and now they have a pretty serious relationship.

The result will be your personal Christmas tree desires. In general, whatever you hang on the Christmas tree, everything will come true. I think this way of making New Year's wishes is quite simple and interesting. I've been using it for a long time, about five years to be exact. Of course, I make real wishes, not a personal yacht, plane and a suitcase with a million dollars. Desires must be truly yours and come from the heart. It might be worth trying though. Will it suddenly come true?

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IN different situations people sometimes unconsciously seek tune in to the frequency of the wave of good luck and attract desired events into your life. For example, at the beginning of the day, merchants are ready to give the first buyer a significant discount. They intuitively feel that the first buyer is very important - it is necessary to make an initiative, to start a trade. This means tune in to the frequency of the line successful trading. Adjustment occurs at a subconscious level. The mind only realizes outside:the ritual somehow inexplicably works. And it really works, but not by itself, but as a theatrical prop. The main role is played by the mental energy of the actor. For different professions in different situations, there are many similar "magic" rituals. People believe in them and successfully use them in order to tune in to the frequency of a successful life line and ride the wave of good luck. In principle, it does not matter what people will believe - in magical properties ritual, or attuning to the frequency of the lines. As you understand, only the practical result is important.

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New Year's ritual for the fulfillment of desires.

This ritual is very simple and effective. In addition to the fact that with the help of it you will not only bring the fulfillment of your desires closer - you will also make the celebration of New Year's Eve more interesting.

So all you need is any symbols of your desires. If you want a house, a car - buy a toy house, a car, you can cut these characters out of magazines. If you need money - you can use real money - and the larger the bills, the better.

For example, last year I hung a toy airplane on the Christmas tree with the name of the country where I wanted to go on vacation, and in May 2011 I successfully rested there. All in all, show your imagination and find the most suitable symbols of your desires.

To attract love, you can hang a heart, for marriage - a toy bride and groom, if you dream of a child - you can hang a baby doll on the Christmas tree. It is best to carry out this ritual directly on New Year's Eve, but if you want to do it earlier, you can hang all the symbols when you decorate the Christmas tree.

And here are the Feng Shui symbols for health promotion: For the Chinese, the crane is a mystical bird endowed with many magical properties one of which is longevity. The image of a crane or its figurine will bring good luck and health to your home. Deer and hare. Their images or figurines also serve to promote health.

Peaches (there should be 5-9 of them) are a traditional symbol of health and longevity in China. No wonder rosy cheeks healthy person compared to peach. Bamboo is a symbol of long life. This is a beautiful, slender, flexible and unpretentious plant, symbolizing good health. You can put or hang a mat from it. Pine, like bamboo, is the strongest talisman for health. To portray a pine tree means to wish a person health. And since ancient times: of course, the apple was considered a symbol of health.

Reviews about this ritual from the Internet:

One friend hung up a model of a jeep, a house, a sweetie, money... In April, a jeep happened to him - fabulously cheap! I bought a plot with a house, it is being built now... My wife is expecting a baby...

My friends and I discussed this, we decided to hang: money, a typewriter, a house, wedding ring, prince, veil ... well, according to needs. When I asked where to get an engagement ring, my friend answered without hesitation: “Hang any one and say: I call you an engagement ring!

The Christmas tree idea works, I just compared and understood. For 2009, I decided to make Christmas toys myself. I made a burgundy flower, made a baby doll in the form of my husband, our wedding photo in a tiny frame, and my husband glued the house, I don’t remember exactly all the toys, some were quite abstract, like some kind of hearts, butterflies ... But the facts are as follows: for 2009 a year we had an apartment, a child, a laptop, on the screen of which our wedding photo stood for a long time (until it was replaced by a photo of a child), and for the birth of a child, my husband gave me an orchid in a pot of color exactly like the one I blinded for the Christmas tree.

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Once I bought my husband a model of a typewriter for fun, which must be assembled from paper. We collected it, and then the New Year, well, they put it under the Christmas tree, and that year we got a car. The husband has a father, with whom they did not communicate for a long time, because he left his mother for another woman. In general, he gave us his car, and in color - like the one that my husband assembled. And somehow, yes, everything comes true: whatever you hang on the Christmas tree, it will be. And how many balls on the Christmas tree - so many large purchases in NG, the amount of purchase depends on the size of the ball! .

I know what works for the appearance of a baby (checked) baby stroller, such toys for the Christmas tree are now sold. Only it is necessary to put a baby doll in it, little angel, a small nesting doll, etc., so that it is not empty. You can buy real baby booties, if you want a boy - blue, a girl - pink ..

I remembered how after the divorce, after some time, I wrote on New Year's Eve what kind of man I want to meet and met! Only the description of appearance coincided exactly the opposite! And hung up for the new year new figurine baby and became pregnant with her second child! They thought it was a girl, but a friend presented a figurine of a baby boy on New Year's Eve with the words: sorry, there was a boy left and the ultrasound showed a boy.

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I want to add more to this thread. You can also give people what you want to receive on New Year's Eve! In 2009, as soon as the New Year came, my friend and I went out into the street and gave gifts to people we met: I gave 9 sweets (2009) in the form of a heart, and she handed out 9 hryvnias. So, in the summer I met a guy, and in the fall I married him. and a friend found herself a very good job and, in general, money began to appear almost out of nowhere. So this year I will also distribute gifts.

Girls, in December last year, I read a similar ritual and this is what happened: 1. I put a magnet from Turkey, which was brought to me as a gift, on a branch, and I really was in 3 countries (not in Turkey), although there were no prerequisites for this (urgently made a passport and went!) 2. A figurine of a wedding couple and a ring - and my friend unexpectedly agreed to marriage and I was invited! 3. I laid out five thousandth banknotes on branches - I received 30,000 rubles as a gift! 4. Pacifier blue color- a nephew was born (although all ultrasounds showed a girl)

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Often in our lives, sometimes unconsciously, we perform shamanic rites and rituals. We just consider it a good tradition. For example, the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year.

But it turns out that the New Year tree is a real shamanic symbol. Each family before the new year, decorating the Christmas tree, tries to conduct a shamanic ceremony. But since this is not done consciously, not knowing how to do it right, then the result is not obtained.

What is a Christmas tree for a shaman? This is, firstly, the personification of the tree of the genus. And secondly, it is the personification of the world tree. The world tree in Siberian shamanism is a certain vector of time. That is, the force that connects several time periods, past, present and future. And the New Year tree, especially if we decorate a tree not cut down, but growing from the ground, symbolizes these periods of time. The lower branches are the lower world, the world of the past; the middle branches represent the present world in which we live, the middle world, and the upper branches represent the future - the upper world. And the very top, where, according to the custom of the times of the Soviet Union, they hung a red star, personifies something more - this is the world of eternity. This shamanistic ritual, if performed correctly, can bring health, prosperity and happiness to the family. In order for this to happen, all family members must decorate the Christmas tree together.

On the lower branches you need to bring a symbolic image of what you want to get rid of. It can be notes that list everything that you want to part with in the new year. Or it could be drawings. You can make crafts from plasticine. For example, want to get rid of loans? Have problems at work? Or something else, like a disease? All this needs to be expressed: write, draw, mold, etc. and hang it on the lower branches of the Christmas tree.

On the top branches, we hang what we want in next year get. You can do it this way: cut these pictures out of glossy magazines, or draw them yourself, or you can make crafts. And the manufacturing process itself is a fun activity. After all, how great it is to mold, for example, a car, or a dress, or a future partner from a mass for modeling, so that a loved one meets. If you want to win the beauty contest - sculpt a crown! And hang on the top branches of the Christmas tree. And then this order will be heard there, in heaven!

In the old days, the middle branches were decorated with sweets. This is the real world. And what most embodies the abundance of the present? Unfortunately the food. Until now, the tables are bursting with food for the new year, this is how a person works. Therefore, we take sweets, dryers, dried fruits, nuts and other small sweets, tie them on a string, make garlands and hang them on medium branches.

And at the very top, where the world of eternity is best to hang a brilliant New Year's toy, which would personify the "eye of eternity". Well, if the toy is elongated shape like an eye. Then all our desires will go to the very high worlds, into eternity. And this is the best thing you can imagine. Especially if a person or a family strives to develop spiritually, travel, comprehend something unusual, mystical.

In this way, it is right to decorate the Christmas tree so that this action becomes a real shamanic ritual, amazing and amazing. If it is done correctly, then it changes the fate of the whole family. And we will do it!

For the strength of the rite, it is very important that the tree grows from the ground, and is not cut down. IN modern world using artificial trees. But if the tree is cut down or artificial, then our messages will not be heard in those worlds. Therefore, in order for everything to work out, find a Christmas tree in nature, or in a secluded corner of a city park and perform the ceremony in accordance with all the rules, having prepared decorations in advance. I wish everyone to find such a Christmas tree and make magic!

With love, Alla Gromova, hereditary Siberian shaman.

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Do you believe in the fulfillment of wishes for the New Year? In what is hidden in new year's eve wishes come true?

And you’re right – they really come true!

Do you want to know why?

hello and new year mood to all readers of the site ""!

The thing is that at this time in the aura of the Earth, in its energy there are tangible changes. On this day, there is a concentration of thoughts and thought forms of all mankind on the planet.

The energy surge emitted at the same time into the near-Earth space makes it possible to realize and fulfill our desires with a much greater probability than on other days of the year.

Therefore, it would be simply unwise not to use such a chance!

Even in ancient times, it was known that every New Year “starts” new plan on the development of our Earth, which is recorded on the Main Crystal of the Planet, on its Facets, called Time Zones. And as soon as the sun touches new Face Crystal, when it illuminates a new time zone, a program is activated to realize the goals of the entire planet and each person individually.

As you know, in order for energy to flow freely, it is necessary to have two polarities - minus and plus, north and south, male and female. And it is precisely in the unity of these opposites that Magic power change, manager.

Each of us has the ability to change what is destined by fate. Especially on New Year's Eve. Make your wish in the first 3 minutes after the chiming clock. But not later!

For your dream to materialize, it must be charged with your PERSONAL POWER. Where can I get it?

Good question. It turns out that for this it is enough to install at home ... a Christmas tree!

Spruce is a symbol male energy. Therefore, that new year's beauty, sparkling in every house on New Year's Eve - not at all a beauty, but a handsome man!))) Spruce carries male potential. And here Christmas balls on it - female, and between them just arises that “ potential difference“, and a charge arises with a very powerful energy that helps in the materialization of your wishes.

This is especially true of live spruce, as it is a real conductor space energy, and in the only correct direction (from the Earth to the Sky). With its tip, which is a kind of "antenna", it broadcasts your desires and dreams to the Universe, which will surely translate them into reality.

There are several rules, the knowledge of which will help you fulfill your wishes on New Year's Eve.

A prerequisite is that a man must choose and install a Christmas tree, and also put a tip on its top.

Therefore, if you don’t have a man in your house (and this often happens), then ask your brother, matchmaker, godfather or neighbor to help you - in general, a representative of the male gender.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires

"Three balls on the Christmas tree"

Women's role in this new year ritual- pick up appropriate place and decorate our green beauty with toys, balls and shiny tinsel.

An important rule is that every New Year we buy 3 new balls.

First ball- an amplifier of our main desire for the whole year. To “charge” it with the energy of intention, put the ball to your heart, mentally imagining the desire to be fulfilled. Hang it on the topmost branches of the Christmas tree.

Ball two- a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Make a material wish by gazing at the ball and charging it with your energy. Its place is in the middle of the tree.

third ball symbolizes our entire planet, so when it is “charging”, wish the fulfillment of a dream in the New Year to all the people of the Earth. We decorate them lower part Christmas trees.

What should be on the tree?

To attract the ENERGY OF ABUNDANCE into the house, hang it on new year tree.

Spread under the tree oranges if you want to attract LAD AND PEACE to your family.

Walnuts, wrapped in gold foil, RELEASE YOU FROM gloomy thoughts and headaches, strengthen your memory and banish sorrow-sadness from home.

To provide yourself and your family members with a “SWEET LIFE” in the New Year, decorate the Christmas tree with all kinds of sweets and candies.

According to ancient belief fulfillment of wishes in the New Year will increase many times if the next morning you eat a few sweets, fruits and nuts hanging on " Magic Tree". It was called "eating from the tree of desires."

I wish you the fulfillment of all New Year's wishes!

Alena Golovina

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