Postcards with the christening of a girl. Dedicated to the little angel from the closest ones. You will be interested

Baptism is called the rite of baptism and the subsequent refreshment after it. The event is significant for the child, his parents and other relatives.

Congratulations with christenings are expressed not only in gifts, but also verbally. You can congratulate the child in your own words.

Another option is a postcard. It is drawn up in prose or in verse, using printed blanks. Congratulations should be sent to the parents of the baby.

Traditions of Baptism as one of the sacraments of Orthodoxy

Baptism - Orthodox sacrament. It symbolizes the acceptance of the baby into the bosom of the Church. Usually babies are baptized on the 40th day of life. This period was not chosen by chance.

Those days the woman who gave birth is unclean, and the ceremony cannot be performed without a mother. When 40 days expire, the priest reads a cleansing prayer.

Baptism is carried out according to long-established traditions:

  1. Priest should read prayers-prohibitions. They are needed to cast out Satan.
  2. baptized must renounce Satan three times. For the baby the right words godparents say.
  3. Priest should sanctify the water with oil (oil). The last to be baptized is smeared as a sign of being in the tree of the Church.
  4. To kid should be given a Christian name and immersed in water three times with the appropriate words.
  5. After the water of the child is wrapped in a kryzhma (baptismal diaper).
  6. Sacrament Confirmation. It is expressed by reading the Gospel and the apostle and tonsure (a small curl is enough). At the end put on a cross.

Water immersion at Baptism is optional. Water is poured over, sprinkled. A person is baptized only once.

Earlier traditions meant treating grandma's pies for christening. Today, parents prefer to choose from a variety of cakes.

Customs and rules of Baptism

Preparation for Baptism should invariably begin with the choice godparents. Christian customs say enough for a son godfather but for the godmother's daughter. Usually choose both godparents.

Previously, children were given to be raised by godparents, the requirements for them are special. Can't choose people

  • Minors.
  • Persons who have taken monastic vows.
  • Relatives, adoptive parents.
  • Both spouses, the bride and groom (one child is not allowed).
  • Unrepentant sinners, people who have not confessed for 5-10 years.
  • Atheists.
  • Persons leading immoral lives.
  • Unbaptized people, non-believers.
  • Mentally ill.

Godparents may be brothers and sisters of parents. For a nephew or niece, these bonds will be the strongest.

The godparents for a granddaughter or grandson can also be their own grandparents.

It is better to buy a cross in a church and tie it on a ribbon for the first time. If you buy a cross in jewelry store, then it must first be consecrated.

Baptism is also carried out for an adult, if he did not pass the rite in infancy. First, catechesis is needed, after which all sins are removed.

A married man or woman will have to give up the relationship during this period.

Baptism is a sacrament, therefore there should not be outsiders at the ceremony. Only relatives should be invited.

It can be aunts, uncles and other relatives. This is contrary to the newfangled rule of ordering video.

How to congratulate a child?

If a baby is baptized, then for him this rite is usually the first holiday in his life, but he himself does not yet understand this.

With the sacrament of the child must be congratulated:

Important! Parents should thank the guests with a treat. Traditionally, this is baptismal porridge made from buckwheat or millet. It is cooked in milk, seasoned with egg and sugar or honey.

Do you need to congratulate your parents?

It is necessary to congratulate not only the baby on christening, but also his parents. It is also necessary to send congratulations to godfathers.

Parents can say the following words:

Baptism - healing for the soul,
Second child's birthday
Mom, hurry up to set the table,
Dad, congratulations.
Let the baby grow healthy
Parents joy and happiness
Let no worries touch
Going through life with a firm step.

On the anniversary of the christening, you can congratulate your parents with this poem:

On the day of your child's christening
I would like to wish you
For life to be a joy
To not know evil at all.
Let every day be joy
Family in prosperity
Let every moment be sweet
Friends will be true!

Poetic congratulations form is optional. It is important to choose the right nice words, wish that the children were smart, bright soul, beautiful and healthy.

Beautiful congratulations from godparents

Godparents can send beautiful congratulations to godchildren and their natural parents.

The godmother can congratulate on the day of Baptism as follows:

And it's your birthday again
And I say, my godson, without a doubt,
You are very important to me.
I sincerely wish you good luck
Success and luck in business,
So that every day you are richer
Do not fade away so that the smile on the lips!

Congratulation on the sacrament can also be musical. Words from the heart can also be spoken in prose.

For twins or twins, there is such a congratulation:

From now on, these crumbs are God's children,
The Lord himself takes care of them,
Let them live easily in the world,
Let a strong spirit overcome the flesh.
Let their souls be only brighter
Purified their holy rite,
Let them grow up surrounded by love
And they will never know loss.

Congratulations can also be joking. If you do not come to the holiday, you can send SMS.

Wishes can be short, it is not the number of words that matters, but their content:

Now the child is marked with the blessing of the Lord,
And you grow him in love, keeping everything bright in your soul.

Christening- Holy holiday. Congratulations on him should come from the heart and be clothed in pure and warm words.

It is not necessary to choose solemn verses or grandiloquent toasts, you can congratulate modestly in prose.

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- this is one of the most responsible and significant holidays in the life of every person. And it's not even that he was the first. No. Its importance lies in the fact that baptism brings the child closer to God. It seems to open the soul of a child before God, let the Almighty into it, bestow a guardian angel and, of course, godparents. Godparents make a promise to protect and take care of the baby, instruct her in the right way to help with advice and a kind word.

But the first words that a girl and her parents should hear are words of a congratulatory nature. Wish them health, prosperity, success and happiness. Don't be afraid to open your soul and be original. If your own creative talents are not enough for you, then use our help and take ready-made congratulations with the baptism of the girl right in this section.

With everything is as simple as never before. You just find the right section, choose any poem and use it the way you want. No fees, no SMS - only the best congratulatory verses and maximum comfort. So please parents and baby beautiful wishes on the day of her christening.

The sun peeked through the window
Well, we haven't slept for a long time -
We are preparing our baby
For the christening ceremony.

You will be in a white outfit -
In ruffles, bows, lace.
Looking at such beauty
All in the heavens will gasp.

On the day of spiritual birth
A beam of light shoots up.
Wishes, congratulations.
Just don't freak out.

Let the angel cover you
From adversity and from insults,
And the Lord by his will
Protect and save!

Today to your sweet girl
An angel descended from heaven.
And a small cross on a chain
Held in good world her wonders!

I congratulate you on her christening,
May her life be filled with goodness!!
May Jesus Himself lead the way
Your baby at night, even during the day.

Parents, congratulations!
You baptized your daughter today!
We wish you comfort in the house,
To raise a daughter with dignity,

For your baby to grow
And your dreams came true
So that life is not an easy book
Easy and easy to read!

Today I want to say a few words
That I am the happiest person in the world.
I have a daughter, even if not my own blood,
But I am responsible for my goddaughter.

Thanks for the trust, for her.
She is beautiful like a little angel.
I'll be there, I'm always in everything
I will help her and make life clear.

Daughter, they say, then the family is born,
When God wants to give a compliment to mom!
Your daughter is just a miracle that comes true!
Congratulations on your christening at this moment.

After all, now she is under the protection of God,
So let your baby be lucky in life!
Doors will be open for her,
And luck, of course, will present a gift!

On the day of christening I wish you
For God to fulfill all dreams
sent to your child
So that only the best flowers:

Flower of kindness, flower of love,
Bouquet of health and dreams,
And strength - always go forward,
And, of course, beauty.

I gave you a cross
Mom is there, the whole family.
Honored me
You are now my daughter!

Before god and people
Together we go with you.
I am responsible for you
You are my goddaughter!

Christening - beautiful holiday orthodox,
This day is the most important for your family,
Pectoral cross, as a talisman from evil,
Put your godfather and godfather on your daughter.

With christening, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you all the best for your girl
Let it grow for your joy,
God grant that her fate be happy.

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
No sleepless night
Never lose heart.

To be smart, to be bold
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

In this article I would like to talk about how to baptize a girl. Baptism is not only a holiday, but also a whole set of rules, signs.

Many parents in without fail they baptize the child, arguing that "it is customary." Indeed, after this sacrament, the baby receives the support of his guardian angel, and is also cleansed of original sin. But it’s not enough just to take the baby to the church - you still need to comply with a number of requirements. Let's figure out what you need to know about when a girl is christened.

How to organize a girl's christening: what parents, godparents should buy

  • First of all, the baby needs to get clothes for christening. It can be as universal christening shirt, and elegant dress. Dresses are sometimes distinguished by beautiful lace, elegant embroidery

  • socks are also needed, and often they are included

IMPORTANT: At the time of the ceremony, it is advisable to remove the socks.

  • bonnet for girls is highly desirable, unlike boys. Although some priests allow girls under the age of seven to appear in church with their heads uncovered. Sometimes this exception extends to those who have not yet had their period. But it's still better not to stock up on a cap

  • bib mandatory for babies, otherwise they can get smeared in oil
  • Sweater, coat- this will be needed if the celebration is scheduled for the cold season

The general rules for choosing clothes are as follows:

  • Color white is desirable, as it is a symbol of the purity that a person acquires after baptism
  • Textile must certainly be natural, soft and free - only in this case the baby's body will be able to breathe. Usually such requirements apply to other clothes for newly born children.

IMPORTANT: You will not lose if you buy cotton, satin, silk, linen, satin.

  • And the details matter For example, buttons. They should be well sewn to the clothes, and also match her tone. For the rite of baptism, it is also especially important that the buttons or buttons unfasten easily, and the ribbons are not too long.

You will need to stock up on other items:

  • pectoral cross, necessarily consecrated in advance. Please note that the cross is not Catholic
  • personalized icon with the patron saint of the baby
  • Towel white color who will need to wipe the child after the sacrament. It is advisable to use kryzhma- an openwork white diaper that has not been washed before.
  • Spare a set of clothes
  • Water bottle
  • Candles
  • Girl's birth certificate
  • special bag, in which the priest will put the cut off strand of the baby. You can, of course, take an ordinary bag, but an embroidered smart bag, specially made or purchased for the celebration, is preferable.

Rules for christening girls and signs

When preparing for a christening, keep the following in mind:

  • They will offer to conduct the sacrament for you, most likely on weekends. Not because it is forbidden in others - you can do it anytime, even on Easter. The fact is that services, especially during Lent, are shorter on weekends.

IMPORTANT: It is worth finding out in advance if the church has a special baptismal room. It will be warmer for the baby in it, and strangers are not expected.

  • As for the age of the child, here, again, there are absolutely no restrictions., but it is recommended to choose the 40th birthday for this. It is believed that this day is significant in a person's life. In addition, small children, as a rule, tolerate contact with water more easily, being less naughty.
  • Be sure to find out in order to avoid embarrassing situations, whether it will be possible to film or photograph. Surely you will want to capture this event, but not all priests look approvingly at such an intervention in the sacrament

  • The selection of godparents is a separate important point. Spiritual parents should be Orthodox people, since the upbringing of the soul of the ward falls on their shoulders. It is even allowed to take one parent, but for a girl it must be a godmother

IMPORTANT: Godparents do not have to be spouses or even just have romantic relationship. It is also forbidden to choose unbalanced personalities, minors, representatives of sects and, oddly enough, church ministers for this role.

  • Give the acquired cross for the child in advance to the priest
  • Baptism is a spiritual, domestic holiday. That's why noisy parties are inappropriate here. Alcohol is also better to take a minimum - perhaps in order to symbolically drink for the health of the baby
  • Naming is a mandatory preparation for baptism. The church cannot influence the receipt of the name, however, if the girl’s name is not in the calendar, it is necessary to choose the closest in sound. For example, instead of Alina - Elena, instead of Zhanna - Anna


  • The bonnet that was worn during the christening on the girl should be worn regularly for several months.

  • Kryzhma is carefully stored after the ceremony- it is believed that she is able to protect the baby from diseases
  • None of the things that were worn on the baby during the christening, should not be erased

IMPORTANT: Also, baptismal things should not be worn in Everyday life- you just need to carefully store them somewhere in the closet.

  • Baptismal water should be poured out only on the ground under the tree. No sewers!
  • The water that was baptized should itself dry on the face of the crumbs. Shouldn't be wiped off
  • When the feast begins in honor of the baptized, the first glass for her health splashes upstairs. This is for the girl to grow tall
  • Considered a good omen ringing of bells before the christening

Interview before christening for godparents

Not many people know, but before the ceremony, future godparents must pass the so-called interview in the church. It's not enough just to buy everything you need - you also need to consult on how to further spiritually educate the baby.

IMPORTANT: It is worth taking a notebook with a pen with you and find out which books you need to read with the girl for spiritual development what movies to watch.

The priest must then check to what extent the godparents have mastered their duties, and also how much they learned the very important prayer "The Creed". Of course, all this will take several days, but it is necessary to single them out, because this is only the beginning of caring for the goddaughter.

It is also important to confess. Moreover, it is recommended to do this in the same temple in which baptism will take place.

If future godparents live far away, then you can pass an interview at the nearest church, and then ask for a certificate about this.

IMPORTANT: You just need to try not to forget this certificate when going to christening.

The interview before the christening is important, as the godparents are the spiritual guides of the baby

How to dress for the christening of a girl to parents and godparents?

So, what should a woman look like?

  • Elegant, but at the same time discreet dress- exactly what is needed! It is advisable to give preference light colors, as it is more festive - blue, white, pale pink, cream, peach, apricot. Patterns are acceptable, but only simple ones. As for the length, the hem to the floor is preferable, but it can be just below the knee
  • Blouse with long sleeves And long skirt good alternative dress. The cut should be simple and free, because the godmother should be comfortable messing around with the baby. At the same time, choose a blouse in such a way that it is either the same color as the skirt, or not a few tones lighter than it

IMPORTANT: As for the prohibitions, they are as follows - no tops, jeans, trousers, necklines. Tight-fitting models and short sleeves It's also best to avoid it if possible.

  • Handkerchiefrequired attribute. It is natural that lush hairstyles will be uncomfortable
  • Shoes— only closed and at low speed. Leave platforms and heels for another occasion. As for colors, then any
  • Makeup- as discreet as possible. Of course, you want to look bright for a celebration, but pretentiousness will be out of place. It is recommended to use powder, a small amount of blush, mascara, light shine

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that during the process of christening, the priest will ask you to kiss the cross. And this means that it is better to either not apply anything on the lips at all, or choose a very persistent and barely noticeable gloss.

What should a man look like?

Preference should be given to light colors, and the shirt should be lighter than the trousers. Shoes choose closed. T-shirts and T-shirts are highly discouraged.

Who buys a cross for a girl's christening?

It is desirable that the cross was given by the godmother. Although it is allowed that biological parents, their friends, relatives and even a priest act as donors, it is the godmother who is given a special place in spiritual education girls.

What to engrave on a silver personalized spoon for a girl's christening?

  • Most often, the date of christening is engraved. Unfortunately, dates are quickly forgotten, so such a memory will come in handy.
  • A good option is also inscription from the category "someone to whom". For example, "Sonechka from grandmother" or "Mashenka from aunt"
  • Also can be engraved baby's name. Moreover, most often this is the name of her patron saint
  • Angel drawing, cross- a good alternative to inscriptions
  • monogram- especially a good option for a girl, because it looks very elegant

What do godparents give girls for christening?

  • So first of all, this cross. As mentioned above, one of the other guests or biological parents can give it, but it is advisable to do it all the same godfather

IMPORTANT: It is also desirable that the cross be made of silver, since this is the metal that is traditional for christening. However, you can choose a golden thing or even a wooden one.

  • Measured nominal icon- a gift that was presented to the child since ancient times. It depicted the heavenly patron of the baby, and the icon itself corresponded to the growth of the hero of the occasion. It is necessary to place a gift at the level of the girl's eyes - this will, according to beliefs, contribute to the spiritual communication of the crumbs with her patron

  • Kryzhma- a gift that was traditionally always given by the godmother. Often she also embroidered this piece of fabric along with a new dress for the baby.

  • Bible or other religious books will be especially valuable from the hands of godparents. It is they who are responsible for the purity of the soul of the ward, and therefore such a gift can be considered the first contribution to this matter.

Children's bible - a good gift for christening

What do the girls give at the christening?

  • Very a good gift there will be one that the baby will use with pleasure when she grows up. Great example - small neat earrings made of gold or, more preferably, of silver

A good gift for christening - silver earrings

  • Clothes are never superfluous, as well as bed linen. If you are afraid not to guess with the sizes, then it is better, of course, to opt for the last option.
  • Personal hygiene items- a gift, although not a keepsake, but very necessary, since such things scatter in an instant

IMPORTANT: It is better to make such gifts to close people, since only they can be aware of what the child needs. However, this can be clarified with the parents.

  • Toys always universal. But you can make such a gift unique if it is provided with a personal wish. Another option is a toy with the symbols of the celebration.
  • Silver mug- also quite a symbolic gift. In addition, it is useful, because this metal has disinfecting properties. There is no doubt that they will give a spoon, but with a mug you will certainly not repeat yourself!

  • Caskets for a curl and the first tooth- those cute things that are sure to delight any mother. In addition, memorable gifts on the day of christening are quite symbolic.

  • Special boxes in which certificates of baptism and birth of the baby will be stored- also quite original and nice gift. Yes, and useful, because thanks to him, important documents will not be lost in a pile of others

  • Jewelry box- a gift that a little lady will definitely appreciate in the future. She will certainly have her own treasures, and the first of them is a cross.

  • Photo album or photo frame- another addition to the piggy bank memorable gifts. It is desirable to decorate these things in "girlish" colors.
  • Photoshoot- a gift that will certainly please parents. Beautiful pictures not everyone can do it, but I want to leave a beautiful memory

A beautiful photo shoot is a great gift for christening

What kind of cake is needed for the christening of a girl: photo

The girl's christening cake needs to be done in delicate pink and white colors. What to portray - it depends on the imagination of the parents. Most often portrayed angels, attributes of christening, write the name of the baby, the date of the celebration.

A celebration of diversity - a christening cake with the name of the girl, the date of the celebration, a figurine of a child, a cross

Girl's christening script: contests for guests and godparents

Because God-parents- one more main figures of the holiday, you need to create contests specifically for them. These people will be responsible for raising the girl, so arrange some kind of exam competitions:

  • Knowledge of fairy tales Have the godparents take turns naming the stories they remember. The winner is the one who names the most
  • Dolls from any objects. Often the baby needs to be occupied with something quickly and for a long time. And in this case, the ability to create toys will come in handy if there are no real ones nearby. Hand out toothpicks and fruit to the godfathers - let them make toys from such improvised materials. The winner is the one with the funniest toy.
  • Collecting toys. This contest prepares godparents for the guaranteed fate of picking up randomly scattered toys. Whoever completes the task first, wins.

Now let's see how to entertain other guests:

  • Each of the away teams must make up a story. You can offer them complete freedom choice of characters, plot. And you can give a few words of advice. The jury in the form of parents or grandparents of the girl then determines the most interesting fairy tale
  • Since the holiday is dedicated to the child, there will be great idea guessing riddles. Let the guest teams practice their wit! At the same time, the godparents will replenish their stock of ideas for entertaining the baby
  • "Charms"- a competition based on the fact that, according to popular beliefs, the pin is a powerful amulet. The guests should be divided into teams, and each team will be given ribbons and decorative pins. It is necessary to connect these two parts as soon as possible by making more amulets. The team that completes the task quickly wins.

IMPORTANT: The number of ribbons and pins issued must, of course, be initially the same for both teams.

Godfather toast and godmother at the girl's christening

Today you have a second mother, and I have a baptized daughter! I wish you, my dear: may many roads be open on your way and the sun shines gently, may life teach you good things, may you come across good ones in life, good people May the Angel protect you from adversity, may your life be happy!

Our dear angel, our most glorious and beloved girl! On this day, your guardian angel helped you climb one step of the heavenly ladder that leads to the Lord. May faith guide you on the right path, give you spiritual strength that will guide you through life. Grow healthy, dear goddaughter, beautiful and happy. May joyful moments in your life overshadow sad ones, good deeds always please relatives and friends, and love warms your heart and soul. Good luck in all your endeavors, bright smiles and sunny days.

Our daughter, goddaughter,
Congratulations on your christening.
For good and wonderful deeds
We always bless you.
May truth and honor be in your eyes
Accompany you in everything.
Your fate is in your hands,
And we, like angels, will save you.

Congratulations honey
Beloved goddaughter!
You will be smart
And all will be well.
Be happy and healthy
I look at you with love.
Let joy and success
They will come to you with loud laughter.
Create, love and have fun
I wish you honey.
And a miracle that does not dream.
All the best to you. With christening!

Parents toast at the girl's christening

Today is your and my lucky break.
God bless everyone today
And wishes you all good and joy!
Grow up in the family, baby, our daughter,
You will be the best, that's for sure.
And let this bright day be bright
And it will become a gift to us in life!

Today we baptize an angel,
church event,
Put on a cross and a chain,
And dipped naked.
You cried without knowing what
Get the Lord's protection
Now also godparents
Our angel will be brought up.
And don't forget about them
And no matter how many years pass,
You visit your godparents
They are your authority.

On this day we have christening,
So there will be birthdays.
Baptize our girl
May God bless!
And give her love
If you want, take it all
And give a lot of happiness
To let bad weather pass by.
So that in a world without need
She was kind enough
For the sun to shine
And the rays warmed!
To love the goddaughter
And gave gifts
To live happily
She was the best!

Congratulations on the christening of a girl from guests in verse and prose, in their own words

They say that good mood attracts good luck. I want to wish our new convert to always have a good mood - and then luck will not pass him by! And the guardian angel will not leave him without his attention!

Remember, in the fairy tale about Cinderella it is said that no acquaintances and connections will help to make the size of the feet small, the soul big, and the heart fair. I want to drink for our new convert to have good health, a pure soul and a righteous heart!

On this bright day, I proclaim a toast to a wonderful child, which the Lord takes under his protection. May God's favor be granted to him, may people be favorable to him, may the guardian angel watch over his happiness and well-being. For the newly baptized!

Guardian angel for you, baby!
A smile on an innocent face.
Eyes glow, and everything in life
It seems unimportant, unsteady.
May the Lord keep you
May illnesses and troubles bypass.
Happiness, peace, peace, love
They will find shelter along the way.

SMS congratulations on the christening of a girl

Parents, congratulations!
You baptized your daughter today!
We wish you comfort in the house,
To raise a daughter with dignity,
For your baby to grow
And your dreams came true
So that life is not an easy book
Easy and easy to read!

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
No sleepless night
Never lose heart.
To be smart, to be bold
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

May this day remain in our hearts
We have a special ritual of christening.
And somewhere out there, in the distance, on the clouds,
Let them write down these names.
Let your daughter grow up smart
May life give her good luck and happiness,
Let her be lucky in any business,
And he does not recognize grief and bad weather.

Prayer "Symbol of Faith" for the christening of a child

Before christening, the spiritual parents of the girl need to learn such a prayer as the “Symbol of Faith”. Even our great-grandmothers always read this prayer before the start of the sacrament. It is considered fundamental in Christianity, recalling briefly the main aspects of the doctrine.

IMPORTANT: It is allowed to read a prayer from a piece of paper, but it is still desirable to learn it.

Prayer text:

  1. I believe in one God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, of everything visible and invisible
  2. And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages: Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not created, one being with the Father, by Him all things were created
  3. For the sake of us people and for the sake of our salvation descended from heaven and took on flesh from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became a man
  4. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffering, and buried
  5. And risen on the third day, according to the Scriptures
  6. And ascended into heaven, and sits on right side father
  7. And coming again in glory to judge the living and the dead, His kingdom will have no end
  8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, who gives life, who proceeds from the Father, who is worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Son, who spoke through the prophets
  9. Into the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church
  10. I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins
  11. Waiting for the resurrection of the dead
  12. And the life of the next century. Amen (True)

Baptism is an important rite, before which you need to read the Creed

As you can see, christening is not only an occasion to gather at the same table for all loved ones. Despite the solemnity of the moment, christening is more of a sacrament than a holiday in the usual sense of the word. And this means that it is necessary to prepare for this significant day in the life of the baby.

Baby has a Baptism, what a joy!
I wish her happiness, health,
Let it grow under God and, not knowing sorrows,
God's world receives with love!
Let anxiety not bother her in life,
Darkness and evil melt on her way:
Faithful Guardian Angel will help on the road,
And the Saint will support in cares.
Let her succeed, and let her be
Friendly, intelligent, beautiful.
Bring a lot of joy to God and people,
When he grows up, we all wonder!

Specially for the site

Baptized sweet little girl
And joy shines in the eyes!
Congratulations today!
Let the sun shine in the sky
Let it read good luck
Health, joy, beauty!
She herself is like an angel
That radiates warmth!

Specially for the site

Let the girl be beautiful!
May the name bring her happiness
And the angel will save you from troubles,
The sea will give her victories!
May all dreams come true
May there be beauty!
Everything in the world I wish
And I heartily congratulate you!

Specially for the site

Today to your sweet girl
An angel descended from heaven.
And a small cross on a chain
Leads her to the good world of miracles!

I congratulate you on her christening,
May her life be filled with good!
May Jesus Himself lead the way
Your baby at night, even during the day.

Congratulations on the day of the baptism of a girl in prose

On this bright and blessed day, we heartily congratulate both the wonderful child and his happy parents. May the wings of the guardian angel protect the child from all troubles all his life, and the Lord grant him happiness, health and long life! We wish you not to know grief, disappointment and bitterness, but only joy, inspiration and pleasure from every day you live. Let from now on and forever around this child there will be only goodness and joy, let only sincere people and favorable circumstances surround him in life. And most importantly, may each of his dreams become a reality, and may his heart always be full of love! With christening! With God's Blessing!

Daughter, they say, then the family is born,
When God wants to give a compliment to mom!
Your daughter is just a miracle that comes true!
Congratulations on your christening at this moment.

After all, now she is under the protection of God,
So let your baby be lucky in life!
Doors will be open for her,
And luck, of course, will present a gift!

Today you baptized the sun-daughter,
You gave her life, love and kindness!
Let troubles never await in life,
But only warmth, inspiration, comfort!

God bless her innocent soul
In the heat of summer, in the cold winter cold!
May her spirit always be calm,
And let life be full of love and hope!

The baptism of the soul is a holy sacrament.
God sends grace from heaven!
I want your heart to be joyful
Filled up, because the angel guard
From now on there will be an obedient girl,
Healthy and full of love.
You will always be needed by your loved ones,
Just love with all your heart!

Specially for the site

Bright eyes and berry lips,
Soon she will dress in dresses, in skirts,
And today, your little daughter
For the first time, she will wear a chain with a cross.
Holy water will sprinkle her face,
And all the hardships, and sorrows will melt away.
She will find a guardian and holiness,
Congratulations on this joy!

Wishes for the baby in your own words

On a happy and solemn day of christening, accept my my sincere congratulations! From now on, your baby is under the protection of the Lord - and that's wonderful. It is wonderful that you are raising your child in accordance with the traditions of our ancestors. I wish you that the baby grows up smart, obedient and kind. May he make you the happiest parents, fill the house with love, joy and happiness! Wish good health you and baby material well-being and mutual understanding. After all, children who are surrounded by love grow up strong, smart and beautiful! I want you to be lucky in everything, and the angels keep your home and family.

One clever man said: "All the charm of children for us adults is connected with the hope that they will be better than us." Let us wish our young parents that their child grows up healthy and better than them. I think parents will be happy with this. Let's drink to the "charm of children" in our lives!

Toast to the girl's christening

Daughter is your beautiful flower,
Warm, gentle breeze.
What did God bring you for happiness
Everything is in his love and power.
Let the "flower" grow beautiful,
Kind, smart, gentle, sweet.
Let's drink to the girl so that her life is filled with the light of joy!

Boy's christening toast

The son is the message of the gods,
May he be healthy
Let him grow smart, strong,
Learning for good deeds
Support for parents
So the Lord has commanded us!

Christening toast in prose

There is excitement and joy in the house. In the cradle, snoring, sleeping little man. Parents are touched, looking at him, and thank God for the firstborn. Let the little man grow up healthy, gain strength and bring only joy to his parents. And if the excitement is only pleasant. Let's raise our glasses, dear guests, and drink to the firstborn and his wonderful parents!

Short christening toast

Today is a blessed and sanctified day when a person took his second birth - spiritual. So let life be easier and happier from now on, because the Guardian Angel will now always be behind you. Spirituality, harmony, peace of mind - everything that is necessary for happiness!

Beautiful christening toast

When a girl is born, the world becomes more love and light. Today was a beautiful, sunny day. This means that the world welcomes the newborn and rejoices in her bright sunshine creeping towards the cradle. Let's drink to the newborn! May fate always favor her!

Christening toast from the godfather

The baby is the richest being. He has everything ahead of him, all the happiness, all the trials, all the successes that fall to the lot of a person. Let's drink for this wealth, for happy parents and for the health of the baby. Let us express the hope that he will grow up as a worthy person and citizen, and let us wish him a happy and long life!

Christening toast from a godmother

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart. parents and their baby with the sacrament of baptism! Today, your baby has found not only a godfather and godmother, who will be with him at any moment, but also the intercession and help of God. May faith help him grow up to be a kind, honest and loving person!

Christening toast from godmother

Congratulations on bright holiday- christening! May the Lord keep you from failures and troubles. I wish you great happiness full of love life, joy. May your family prosper and prosper. Good luck to you and success in any endeavors. Peace, warmth in the soul.

Cool toast for christening

The child does not yet have faith, reason and conscience have not woken up. But the child is not separated from the parents. With all his being, he is connected with them, and if the family is Christian, she cannot reconcile herself to the fact that her child is torn away from divine grace.
At the moment of Baptism, the Holy Spirit sanctifies the entire being of the baby. At baptism, parents and godparents undertake to put faith into the soul of the child.
I propose a toast to the godparents, who have a great responsibility for the spiritual growth of their godson (Goddaughter)!