A step-by-step plan for preparing for the new year without haste and with pleasure. New Year's Preparation Plan - December


Positive psychology 24.12.2013

Dear readers, there is very little time left until the New Year. As always, there is a lot to do, not enough time. Let's talk today about how best to prepare for the New Year and make the holiday unforgettable. This holiday is probably special for all of us. Of course, it affects fairy magic, the belief in miracles left over from childhood, in the fact that a wish will definitely come true. Symbolism also plays an important role - after all, we are crossing the threshold of a new period in our lives, leaving possible failures in the old year, taking with us only positive achievements and hope for future luck.

And let skeptics and pragmatists insist that this is just a new leaf on the calendar, a day off and an opportunity to simply take a break from work. For most of us - mature, wise, always busy, the New Year is a piece of a fairy tale, a bright firecracker, a soul-warming tradition and a hopeful look into the future.

New Year's preparation plan.

When we think about how to make a plan for preparing for the New Year, we involuntarily recall the saying: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it.” Just a saying, but to some extent it stimulates us to make every effort and celebrate this holiday exactly the way we want.

And, probably, many are familiar with the situation when you seem to remember that you need to prepare for the New Year, but you always don’t have enough time for it. And we leave all our worries for the constant “later”, not noticing that Santa Claus, hurrying to us, will very soon knock on the house along with the chimes and the clink of glasses.

What should I do? I propose to break the entire “front of work” into several stages and carry them out gradually. This way you won’t have to look for a festive outfit, when you go shopping for groceries for the New Year’s table, you will be able to streamline your actions, gradually fulfilling a certain point from the proposed meaning. I understand that you have probably already implemented some of your plans regarding New Year’s traditions or the design of the festival itself, but I still hope that everyone will find something useful and interesting for themselves.

So, let's transgress. Let's start with the banal, but traditional, integral and, probably, the most pleasant. What's a holiday without gifts?

What to give for the New Year? Gift ideas.

To begin with, I propose to make a very ordinary list, in which you need to include all the loved ones, relatives and friends whom you would like to gift. Next to the name of each “recipient,” write what kind of gift you plan to give. I am sure that you have been looking for a gift for one of your relatives for a long time, probably knowing what the person wants to receive.

But what to give to others? It’s better to think about this in advance, so that at the last moment you don’t have to buy some trifle, just to “give something.” Pay attention to the range of interests, type of professional activity, hobbies of the person to whom the gift will be intended. I always like to choose something special and for the soul, as I say.

I think you will definitely understand what exactly to choose - the main thing is to find time, analyze and think. Gift ideas can be found on the Internet - on forums, thematic sites, where you can find many unusual offers for New Year's gifts. By the way, you can also order an already chosen gift via the Internet - this method will be a lifesaver for those who don’t have any time to go shopping.

The easiest way to please a child is with a gift - children, as a rule, “share a secret” in advance about what they would like to find under the tree and even write to Santa Claus about it. So, most likely there will be no mistakes with the choice.

What to give your husband for New Year?

If you don’t want to “go moldy” in your marriage, you should always think about what to give your husband? Well, not socks, right? I hope we won't be so banal. It seems that everything is simple with a gift for my husband. We know him, we love him, and he will always gladly accept everything. But I still suggest today a little creativity and a little humor somewhere. Want to? Then read about everything in more detail in my article New Year's surprises for men. I think there are enough ideas and everyone will choose their own. Surprise your husband. And at the same time remember that main gift You’ve already done something for him: you married him (I’m already smiling), but you might, by the way, change your mind... That would be a surprise for him!

It would be a good idea to prepare a couple of gifts “in reserve”. In case you are unexpectedly invited to visit. Let these be functional things that will definitely find their use - cosmetics, little things needed in everyday life, or even ordinary certificates for purchases in shopping centers. But the most touching gifts will be those made with your own hands - with love and Best wishes. And these can be not only souvenirs.

Do you know what edible gifts you can give? If you don’t have enough ideas, and you’re already a little tired of them all, I invite you to watch Edible gifts from Daria Chernenko. There's so much there, it's dizzying. You can get acquainted with such gifts.

Now let's talk about ourselves, beloved. What to celebrate the New Year in?

And even more specifically, about how to celebrate the New Year. When choosing an image, first of all, focus on the format of your party: homemade dinner, corporate party, fun party with friends or even New Year's Eve in the open air.

At the official New Year's celebration in a restaurant, of course, you need to be irresistible, so you should think about choosing an outfit, hairstyle and accessories in advance. Take advantage of this great opportunity to buy something good Evening Dress on sale - they are usually arranged after summer season and you can find yourself a very nice outfit. In order not to be disappointed with the contents of your home wardrobe, immediately worry about shoes. You may need to buy yourself a new pair of shoes.

If you are going to a costume party, think over your image and, based on the chosen “role,” look for an outfit at carnival costume rental and sales points. Or perhaps, using your imagination, you can create an original and exclusive outfit from the supplies you have at home. The main thing is to get excited about the idea and not hold back the impulse.

For an outdoor party, make sure your clothing matches weather conditions, or even better, prepare a spare sweater and warm socks. But for an evening with your family, you can wear your favorite dress or a long-desired new thing.

I would like to summarize and highlight the main points:

  1. The most important thing is to think about your outfit in advance.
  2. Remember that regardless of the chosen look, clothes, shoes and hairstyle should be comfortable enough not to cause you any trouble during the long New Year's Eve. You may have to think of a “backup” option that you can put on a little later - more comfortable shoes, clothes that don’t restrict movement, etc.
  3. It is better to go to the hairdresser at least a week before the holiday (unless, of course, you plan to have professional styling immediately before New Year's Eve). This way you can understand whether you got it right with the new color, shape and style and, if necessary, correct something.
  4. And let yourself be pampered - take a course of natural face and hair masks, go to the bathhouse or sauna, or get a manicure. Plan everything so that at “hour X” you feel 100%.

Preparing your home for the New Year

When decorating your home with New Year's paraphernalia, you can resort to traditional ideas focused on classic style– beautiful spruce wreaths, a neatly and almost designer-style Christmas tree. But it seems to me that such a cozy holiday as the New Year will become even warmer and more homely if you decorate the rooms using your ingenuity. Don’t ignore children’s imagination and let your little helpers decorate the house with you - drawings on New Year theme, dolls, crafts.

Remember how in childhood we took the usual notebook sheet and, having rolled it several times, they cut out intricate patterns, and then opened it - and got a magnificent snowflake. How interesting it was, cutting out those circles and diamonds, to guess how that simple, but such a cute decoration would turn out.

By the way, exactly preparing children for the New Year perfectly reflects the meaning of the holiday. After all, they are happy simply because everything around them is decorated, and in the air, in addition to the smell of tangerine, there is a real aroma of happiness. You can use the wonderful ideas from the article to decorate your home.

It would be a great idea to decorate the Christmas tree not only with candies, but also with personally baked cookies. Make a small hole in the formed figures, and when the cookies are baked, you can thread a ribbon through it to hang them delicious decoration to the Christmas tree.

Well, as for New Year’s Eve itself, I’m sure every family has its own traditions and customs. Many people spend this holiday with their family. But even if you have other plans directly on the night from the 31st to the 1st, you can gather at a common table with close relatives on any day of the New Year holidays.

Here's a wonderful idea for a family tradition called "Time Machine" . You can put some little thing in the box that will symbolize the passing year - children's drawing, a photo from a vacation, a receipt for a long-awaited purchase, or even an item of clothing. And when you open it a year later, you will be surprised at how much you have changed in 365 days - the kids began to draw more accurately, and the adults managed to visit new countries. This will remind you of pleasant moments that are worth adding to your treasury of memories.

You can do the reverse "Letter to the Future" . Place a mini-plan in an envelope for next year: “I will learn to drive a car”, “I will lose 10 kg”, “I will learn Chinese.” You can also indicate less global “wants”. Then, a year later, evaluate how much you were able to implement your plan and how your life goals have changed.

New Year is very close. I hope that in the general New Year's chaos you will definitely have time to complete our mini-plan and get real pleasure from such pleasant New Year's troubles. Let this magical mood into your life and let your home and your hearts be filled with goodness and warmth.
These are the ideas and thoughts from me on preparing for the New Year. I wish everyone creative approach and make many of your dreams come true in the coming week. Make preparations for the New Year fun and interesting.

My sincere gift for today Winter's Tale performed children's theater songs "SvetAfor" Great video and such a touching song. Just a miracle...

I wish everyone to prepare adequately for the New Year. Health and new joys!

The medicinal plant Jerusalem artichoke is successfully used for chronic diseases and in cooking. The unusual taste of Jerusalem artichoke is reminiscent of cabbage stalks or radishes, but only a little sweeter and tastier.

One of the most useful and safe species nut is pine nut. Some doctors even recommend consuming pine nuts during pregnancy, as they contain about 20 amino acids.

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Who is the group of people who should be especially careful when drinking carrot juice? Is it possible for a nursing mother to have carrot juice or should she exclude it from her diet?

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    Any and every holiday is a very special time in every family, and the New Year is even more so. In addition, it is much more special for children than for adults, and some children are ready to begin preparing for it as early as September.

    The sooner you start preparing for the holiday, the more nerve cells you will save. However, if you start too early, there is a high chance of losing all the New Year's fervor. So you will have to choose some kind of golden mean. You can start preparing when store windows begin to prepare for the holidays. Since every year this is done earlier and earlier, you will have time to do everything without fuss and hassle: prepare decorations, buy gifts and decorate the house. If something doesn’t work out for you, you will have time to redo what you planned.

    Pick a date and start at the very beginning - making a plan. There can be several plans: a plan for gifts, a plan for decorations, a plan for events, a plan for a plan. Calculate the time - none of the children will sit for more than half an hour a day, proceed from this. And on the weekend, you can give yourself an hour or two to look for gifts. At the same time, try not to overload the child - after all, even the holiday bustle is an additional burden, and our children are already quite tired of their active life. If the child begins to be too mischievous and capricious in preparation for the New Year, reduce the intensity of preparation to a level acceptable for him, the child.

    How to celebrate the New Year with children

    Often, most adult working people plan their leisure time in advance and the New Year is no exception, but rather the most important languid expectation of long-awaited fun, dancing, a delicious table, joy, anticipation of gifts and sound sleep as a cure for endless work.

    In order to make the holiday more interesting, get yourself a special New Year's miracle box - in which you will put those decorative elements, both for the room and for yourself, that you can use when celebrating the New Year - did you come across a set of colored feathers in the store? Feel free to take it! Nice wrapping paper? Same way! Collect and store - everything will come in handy. Children can decorate it as they wish - cover it with foil, wrapping paper or portraits-pictures of Santa Claus (although, of course, Santa Claus is better).

    In order for the New Year itself to go well and successfully, not only children, but also adults must be prepared for it. Based on solid experience, we advise you to spend the entire day of December 31st for quiet cooking - if you are hosting guests, or for a walk - if you are visiting. Remember - by the 30th everything you need for New Year's table must be purchased, and by the 31st - cut. Not 31! And by 31. Fortunately, now there are many miracle boxes that will keep all the cuts fresh. And already on the 31st, after lunch, you can calmly mix it all and get calm, measured pleasure while watching “New Year’s” films.

    When should you start drinking to the clock, so to speak? Everyone decides for themselves, but we have this desire in our blood - to start celebrating in Khabarovsk. If you want to celebrate the New Year this way, then don’t overdo it at the very beginning, and at the end too - an incomplete glass of champagne once an hour (and better than half or even less), it will be enough to keep you in a state of light alcoholic courage for another day, while your neighbors will suffer from a hangover.

    If you are going to visit, then come at the appointed time, if you are receiving guests at your place, then you need to finish setting the table about 30-40 minutes before the guests arrive, so as not to shout from the bathtub - “I’m coming now, wait a minute!” - to the arriving guests.

    Gifts are given on the doorstep or left under the tree - as agreed. And they should also be opened by agreement.

    Well, that’s probably all the advice for optimizing the New Year’s Eve - save your nerves and time and have fun with the whole family.

    Alexandra Postysheva

    Do you remember your past New Year? Yes, I have no doubt that you remember. What immediately comes to mind is a decorated Christmas tree, a bunch of gifts, guests, dancing, a luxurious table... How fun and wonderful everything was!
    Now let's come down to earth a little and remember the preparations for the holiday. Yeah, a completely different picture: running in a fur coat through stuffy stores in search of gifts, endless lines at the cash registers and to the lady arranging gifts... general cleaning until late at night, hours of standing at the stove, and, in the end, a hectic shower, curlers and makeup half an hour before guests arrive.

    Preparing for the New Year is a serious and responsible matter. If you want to save your nerve cells (which, as we know, cannot be restored), then you need to start preparing for the New Year in advance. Moreover, if you start preparing for the holiday in advance, you will not only not be overtired, but on the contrary, you will enjoy all the pre-New Year bustle.

    If plans suddenly change, and you need to change your mind or adjust something, you will have plenty of time for this!

    Let's make it up together A complete four-week plan to prepare for the New Year without stress!

    Week of December 1st.
    30 days left until the New Year

    Guests . In the first week of December, you need to decide on the number of guests with whom you will count the chimes together. Be sure to ask those invited to give you an answer as to whether they will be able to attend your celebration or not.

    Budget. Everyone wants everything at once. AND good table, and expensive gifts, and a new dress, and also shoes, hairstyle, makeup especially for New Year's Eve. With today's abundance, it is not difficult to satisfy even the craziest needs.
    The only question is the budget. Determine for yourself the maximum amounts that you are willing to spend on gifts, on the table, on decorating the Christmas tree, on your own outfit. And strictly adhere to the plan. Don't go in New Year with debts acquired from an overly lavish launch party. If only because, in addition to the headache from the stormy New Year's Eve, there will be added worry about how to pay off these debts. Moreover, leaving debts on next year- This Bad sign.

    Present. Write a list of people for whom you need to buy gifts. Opposite each name is a list of ideas, possible gifts and the approximate amount you plan to spend. You should start buying gifts as early as possible. By the holiday itself, the tension between consumers and sellers reaches its climax, and then you will be stressed. No ideas on how to please your loved ones? It doesn’t matter, you can see ideas for gifts in the article “” and gifts “Do it yourself!”
    Don't forget to dress up wrapping paper and bows, opening a gift when you don’t know what awaits you is much more interesting!

    Appearance. Do you want to meet New Year beauty - it's time to sign up for a hairdresser, facial cleansing and manicure. Closer to the holiday, it will be completely impossible to get to beauty specialists.

    December 7.
    There are 23 days left until the New Year.

    New Year's outfit. If you decide to celebrate the New Year in something new, now is the time to start looking for it. Before you go hunting for perfect dress, it is advisable to decide what exactly you want to buy: will this outfit be exclusively formal or do you want to buy something suitable for every day. Or maybe you want to coincide with the holiday by purchasing something that you have long dreamed of? Perhaps someone would like to meet New Year in, . You may want to refresh something you already have in your wardrobe with new accessories. Then you can limit yourself to new jewelry, elegant shoes, a beautiful belt or a spectacular scarf.

    Costumes for children. Do you have small children? Then it's time to think about the New Year's costume for the matinee in kindergarten or for a city Christmas tree. Despite the fact that buy New Year costume no problem now, think about what you can make yourself for your baby. There are no limits to parents' imagination! In addition, making a costume together with mom and dad is another joyful and magical adventure for your child in all the New Year's fuss.

    Beauty saloon . It is better to visit a cosmetologist for facial cleansing 2-3 weeks before the celebration. Then by the holiday the skin will calm down and look its best.

    New Year's decor. If we have a plan and time, why don't we decorate the house for the New Year? What if you put elegant New Year’s pillowcases on the sofa cushions, and make touching ones with your children?

    The second hand of the clock restlessly runs in a circle, every moment bringing us closer to the onset of the most joyful, beloved holiday by many - the new year 2018. Even if there are still a couple of months until New Year's Eve, the daily routine will quickly and imperceptibly turn the remaining few pages of the calendar. Preparing for the New Year is an important, even responsible matter, because there is so much to do: decorate the Christmas tree, prepare outfits, think through the holiday menu... How to manage everything and celebrate this year happily magical holiday, read below.

    How to prepare for the new year

    You need to spend New Year's Eve beautifully, solemnly and always in a good mood, because, following popular saying, the meeting of the New Year determines what the next 365 days will be like. To make the festive night special and unforgettable, you need to carefully prepare for it. The preparation plan will include many important points, but the first thing you should do is finish all the projects you have started, pay off your debts, and ask for forgiveness from those who were undeservedly offended.

    When to start preparing

    As soon as the first frost hits the ground and it is wrapped in a warm white blanket of fluffy snow, everyone will inevitably feel the mysterious, truly exciting atmosphere of the holiday. Store windows will shine with bright stars of electric garlands and begin to shimmer with colorful reflections of all kinds Christmas tree decorations, and the city air will smell something mystically pleasant. This will be a signal that it’s time to start preparing for the new year in order to have time to accomplish everything you have planned, and with the chimes to step into a new, certainly happy stage of your life.

    December to-do list

    It is better to start preparing for the New Year by drawing up a plan, which will spell out absolutely all the actions that need to be performed before the holiday. The main preparation period is December, so this month is worth:

    Choose a place where you will celebrate the holiday, create a New Year's Eve program, and invite guests.
    Clean the house, create a festive atmosphere in it using New Year's decor.
    Buy gifts for family and friends, prepare cards and parcels.
    Decide on a design evening dress, hairstyles, makeup.
    Think over the menu for the festive table, purchase the necessary products. If your plans for the New Year include celebrating the holiday outside the home, then book a table in advance and clarify the list of dishes and drinks that you would like to see there.
    Getting ready for the new year in advance

    New Year is one of the main winter holidays, which has long been associated interesting traditions. It is believed that you need to cross the threshold of the next 365-day earthly cycle in a clean house, with a clean soul and thoughts, leaving behind all the grievances, disputes, and failures of the past year. It is better to decide most of the important aspects of preparing for the New Year in advance, so that a calm celebration does not end up turning into a chaotic run around the shops, standing in endless queues, rushing around the kitchen just before guests arrive, or cosmetic manipulations five minutes before the cherished chimes.

    Gift selection

    Children firmly believe that in magic New Year's Eve good Grandfather Frost with a red nose and a fluffy white beard gives gifts to everyone. Adults, although they have not believed in fairy tales for a long time, still expect for themselves nice present under a decorated New Year tree, so one of the most important points of the pre-holiday plan is buying gifts for family and friends. In order not to leave anyone unattended, to give everyone cute, pleasant, useful little things, you should make a list of gifts by name, and it is better to buy and pack them before the beginning of the last week of December.

    New Year's entertainment and events

    To fully feel the delightful atmosphere of the approaching New Year, ensure yourself an upbeat Christmas mood, take care of regular pre-holiday entertainment. For example, start a telethon of good Christmas films, go for regular walks around the city twinkling with lights, try yourself in the role of one of fairy-tale heroes at a children's party.

    If you have children, be sure to think about when and where you will arrange for them New Year's party, create a program of competitions and round dances, or simply invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to your home on New Year’s Eve. If you are planning to celebrate a long-awaited holiday in the company of friends, take care of an interesting “adult” program with appropriate entertainment and characters.

    What to do before the New Year

    The to-do list during pre-holiday preparation includes several important items. This includes cleaning and decorating the family nest, buying gifts, planning the New Year's menu, choosing festive outfit and matching accessories. In all this whirlwind, you can’t forget about yourself, because you only need to step into a new stage of life with the proud gait of a confident beauty, so during December you also need to have time to improve your appearance to the maximum.

    Preparing your home for the New Year

    Among the pleasant chores on the eve of the New Year, one of the main tasks is always home preparation. Cleanly cleaned and beautifully decorated, it gives us not only a feeling of home comfort, but also helps us feel all the magic of it. have a wonderful holiday. To properly prepare your home for the start of the new year, you need to:

    Carry out a general cleaning, looking into every nook and cranny of the apartment.
    Throw away old unnecessary trash, and along with it, get rid of the negativity within yourself.
    Put all the necessary things in their places.
    Decorate your home beautifully with New Year's decorations.

    Gift ideas for family and friends

    A mandatory attribute of the New Year is gifts under the tree in beautiful bright packaging. It is better to think about what and to whom to give in advance, focusing on the preferences and hobbies of each individual person. Most a win-win for loved ones - soft house slippers. You can present your friends with something fun and useful at the same time. Girls will appreciate it when their beloved men put some original decorations for them under the Christmas tree. It is better to give employees, bosses, and companions something modest, but tasteful.

    Since the symbol of the coming 2018 is a yellow dog, a small addition to the main gift can be not only a postcard with a picture of a cute dog, but also an original souvenir:

    money box;
    soft toy;
    refrigerator magnet;
    desk calendar;
    notepad, etc.

    How to decorate a house

    New Year is a family holiday, so most people prefer to celebrate it with their family, closest and dear people. Great importance To create a festive atmosphere, the special design of the house plays a role. It consists not only in installing a green beauty, but also in all kinds of bright decor, which, as a rule, uses shiny garlands, serpentine, fir branches, colorful christmas balls. Here are some ideas for use holiday decorations for home:

    You can hang colorful lights on the windows or paint the glass with special paints.
    It would be appropriate to decorate the front door with a wreath of spruce branches, bells, bright bows.
    The walls of the house will look beautiful with a scattering of different-sized lace snowflakes.
    Bright, sunny tangerines, bagels, and candies in shiny candy wrappers will perfectly decorate the Christmas tree and add a touch of childhood and fairy tales to the overall design.
    Room decorated for the New Year

    Pre-holiday self-care

    Every girl wants to look beautiful and well-groomed, and not only on holidays. To meet magical night in all its glory, you should take care of your appearance in advance. You definitely need to freshen up your hair, go for a manicure, get waxed, tighten your body, and renew your facial skin. This can be done at home using your usual skincare products, or you can go to an appointment with a professional cosmetologist.

    If you have problems with your figure, it wouldn’t hurt to go on a diet and sign up for a fitness class in early December. Special attention should be paid to skin color and consider whether pale limbs will look very contrasting against a bright background. festive dress. If your skin is too light, it is better to sunbathe a little in a solarium to new year party be completely confident in your irresistibility.

    When and how to put up a Christmas tree

    Preparations for the New Year are always accompanied by the installation and decoration of a green forest beauty - an obligatory symbol of this wonderful holiday. As a rule, the Christmas tree is put up somewhere in mid-December, when the street already “smells” with might and main. New Year's magic. However, this only applies artificial trees. It is better to place a live, fragrant Christmas tree in the house closer to the holiday itself, so that it does not fall off due to the dry air at home before New Year's Eve.

    What to wear for the New Year

    Choice New Year's outfit– a separate topic for the fair sex, because every girl wants to look her best on New Year’s Eve. If you pay attention to the character of the patron animal of the coming 2018, it becomes clear that you need to celebrate the New Year in a beautiful, but modest and comfortable dress. Flashy revealing outfits are best left until better times. As for the color of clothes, shoes, jewelry, for this year's meeting it is better to choose them in calm yellow-brown tones, without excessive glamor.

    New Year's menu planning

    Preparing for the New Year Must Include Planning holiday menu. The favorite treats of the dog, under whose protection the next 12 months will pass, are meat and fish, so in order to please the dog, look for new interesting recipes for meat dishes in advance. Be sure to cook the fish in different variations, meat salads and snacks. However, this does not mean that you need to give up vegetables altogether - they perfectly complement meat and add bright colors to the overall picture of the holiday table.

    Buying groceries

    If you have already decided what you will treat your guests on New Year's Eve, make a menu and list necessary products. Necessary purchases It is better to make provisions for preparing holiday delicacies in advance. If these are ready-made packaged products with a shelf life of more than a week, you can easily purchase them in early December. Meat, fish, vegetables and other perishable foods should be purchased a day or two before the holiday to be sure of the quality and freshness of the food prepared from them.

    Cooking New Year's dishes

    Preparing treats for the holiday table should begin at last days before the holiday, because the food on the New Year's table should not only be tasty, but also fresh. Preparations for salads, desserts, and some appetizers can be prepared as early as December 30th, but everything will have to be mixed, coated, fried and baked only on December 31st. If you are going to serve hot dishes, make sure they have time to prepare before your guests arrive.

    Festive table setting

    Final stage preparation for the new year - decoration of the festive table. Think in advance about the color scheme of the tablecloth, napkins, and additional decorative elements. Colorful compositions from spruce branches, multi-format candles, tangerines and bright New Year's balls. If you want to make friends with yellow dog To gain her favor, decorate the table with fragrant cookies in the shape of seeds and fish.

    Preparing for the New Year with your own hands

    If you have enough time for everything pre-holiday chores, and you simply cannot live without creativity, do the pre-holiday preparations yourself in the most literal sense of the word. You can make not only decorations for your home with your own hands, but also gifts for your family - they will bring your loved ones much more joy than trinkets bought in a regular store. Presents made independently, from the heart, have the strongest positive energy, therefore they are always valued more than even the most expensive purchased souvenirs.

    New Year's decor ideas

    If your first step in preparing for the New Year is to decorate your home or workplace, try making simple but very cute interior decorations yourself. The most suitable for them different materials from old magazines to ordinary big shots. You can, for example, do:

    A vase with multi-colored cones: collect the cones, wash, dry, and then paint with watercolor paints, previously mixed with bright sparkles. After completely dry, put the cones in a transparent plastic vase, sprinkling them with small shiny balls or confetti. Wrap the vase in a spiral with ribbon and tie a large bow in front.
    Soft Christmas trees miniature pots: cut out Christmas tree patterns from bright durable fabric, sew them together, filling the middle with cotton wool. Stick long wooden skewers inside the toy trees and place them in small pots for seedlings. Fill the containers with silicone glue and cover with beads or cotton balls on top. Sew decorations from multi-colored small beads or small bows from a narrow satin ribbon to the Christmas trees.
    New Year's balls made of buttons: sew balls from pieces of bright fabric different sizes, fill with cotton wool, sew on ribbon loops. Decorate the top of the balloons with buttons different colors and diameters.
    Homemade Christmas ball from buttons

    DIY gifts

    New Year's gifts, made with your own hands with love and a piece of your soul, will not leave anyone indifferent. If you have been fond of one of the types of needlework since childhood, preparing gifts for the New Year for your family will not be difficult for you, because when you know how to do something, you will happily knit soft mittens or Warm scarf, sew a cute talisman figurine, make a tree from beads or decorate a kitchen board.

    If you have never done needlework before, but really want to give your loved ones gifts made by yourself, it’s never too late to learn. On the vastness of the World Wide Web you can find millions of master classes that will help you make, for example, a cute photo frame from shells or even ordinary pasta, decorate a jar for cereals using the decoupage technique, knit an original cover for a mug or make a cute origami figurine. Create for your own pleasure and for the joy of your loved ones!

    Preparations for the New Year must begin in advance; it is better to prepare a month in advance using a special to-do list. True, not every person has such an opportunity. If you are starting to prepare for the New Year's celebrations, my action plan will be useful to you.

    New Year's bustle and belated preparations unbalance even a calm person. To avoid forgetting anything, make a preparation plan.

    Let's imagine that today is December 30th on the calendar. But the tree is not decorated, the apartment is not cleaned, New Year's gifts are not bought, and the refrigerator is empty. That's why you need to create an optimized plan.

    New Year's to-do list

    1. Adults should begin preparing by compiling a list of products and promptly sending them to the store. When making your list, pay attention to the little things, including souvenirs, skewers and napkins. Otherwise, you will have to return to the store and waste time.
    2. Upon returning from the store, start installing the New Year tree and decorating your home. If you don’t have the strength, it’s better to go to bed right away and leave things for tomorrow.
    3. The next day, finish setting up the tree and cleaning the house. Remember, install and decorate first new year symbol, and cleaning is carried out after.
    4. Then start preparing the treats. Some dishes are prepared in advance: salads, cakes and cold appetizers. If you have too little time, it’s better to buy a cake from a pastry shop.
    5. Having resolved issues related to the New Year's table, work on yourself. Undoubtedly, a decorated house and a set table are good. But without a well-groomed hostess, the holiday will be far from ideal.
    6. Take time to prepare your outfit and yourself. When doing your hair and applying makeup, take your time.
    7. Since the New Year's dishes are already ready, the house is clean and tidy, decorating the table will not require much time.
    8. The last stage of preparation for the New Year is represented by setting the table, completing cooking, and welcoming guests.

    By following this plan, you will definitely get everything done. All that remains is to spend the New Year holiday in a cheerful and noisy company.

    Preparing the body

    People after New Year's holidays They don't feel very good. Not surprisingly, in a matter of days they eat dishes without paying attention to the benefits for the body. And it's not about calories. While some continue to suffer, others are interested in techniques to prepare the body for the New Year.

    According to professional nutritionists, the body should be prepared for the New Year's test in advance. It is better to start the procedure in mid-December. Two weeks is enough for full preparation body.

    1. First stage preparation - reducing the number of calories in the diet. It is enough to give up fatty foods and sweets. Remove sausages, smoked meats and sucrose-containing products from the diet.
    2. Start drinking more water to give your body a hydration load.
    3. On New Year's Eve, sit down to festive table in a hungry state is strictly prohibited. Eat before the celebration. Otherwise, the sight of a set table will cause a loss of self-control.
    4. During the feast, give preference to only one strong drink. It is not recommended to mix alcohol. In addition, there is no need to drink alcoholic drinks. It's better to snack on them.
    5. The day after the celebration, immediately drink a glass of water. Don't forget about magnification water load on next week after the holiday. Drink water, eat liquid meals, and delight your body with natural juices.

    By following these simple instructions, you will get rid of poor health after the New Year holidays.

    Preparing the child for the New Year

    Some parents wonder whether they should tell their child the truth about the existence of Santa Claus. It is well known that a little later, however, he will be disappointed. You can't argue with that.

    If a child believes in Santa Claus, then he believes in miracles. As he grows up, faith will come in handy in more serious situations. Faith is the protection of the human psyche.

    It is not uncommon for parents to be interested in preparing their children for the New Year. If you belong to this category of parents, read the article further.

    Young children

    1. You shouldn't expect much from a child. He may be looking forward to meeting Santa Claus, but once that moment arrives he may become afraid.
    2. Be sure to tell your child that on New Year's holidays, close people gather in a large group, decorate the Christmas tree and cook dinner. Grandfather Frost will come and leave a gift under the tree.
    3. If you are going to go to a matinee and organize a meeting between your child and this character, do a lot of preparation. Together with your child, decorate a Christmas tree, dance around it in a family circle and sing songs. Try to create a festive atmosphere at home.
    4. Put on a show for your child. Santa Claus, a Christmas tree and small New Year's toys will help with this. This way you will demonstrate to your child what awaits him at the matinee.
    5. Make the matinee predictable for your child. A meeting with Grandfather Frost will not be stressful for him and will leave a positive impression.


    1. Children of this age are prepared for the New Year holidays in a different way. As a rule, Santa Claus no longer evokes a feeling of fear in them.
    2. Place your main emphasis on preparing for the holiday and creating the mood.
    3. With your child, write a small letter to grandfather and leave it under the Christmas tree. In the morning, the child will find an answer asking him to learn a poem or decorate his room.
    4. This will prolong communication with the fairy-tale character and bring a wonderful New Year's mood.

    Video tips

    Now preparing your child for the New Year will not cause any difficulties. Make the day unique. Light the garlands in the morning. Do not scold your child under any circumstances. Come up with children's menu from bright and unusually decorated treats, which are served on the table in beautiful festive dishes.

    Decorating and preparing the apartment for the New Year

    Traditionally, preparations for the New Year holidays begin with spring cleaning, putting the house in order and getting rid of rubble.

    If you clean according to my rules for preparing your apartment for the New Year, everything will work out.

    Vases, crystal, glass

    1. Remove removable elements from chandeliers and lamps, place them in a container of heated water and add detergent. Later, take it out and wipe it with a cloth. Use cotton gloves. It is more convenient to work in them.
    2. Pour vinegar into the vase and leave until the next morning. If the overnight procedure has cleaned the vase, rinse with water. Otherwise, add rice to the vinegar and shake the product. Then wipe the walls of the vase with grains and the plaque will come off.

    Tulle and curtains

    1. If the curtains have turned yellow, soak them in bleach for an hour and then send them to the washing machine.
    2. After finishing washing, hang the still damp tulle on the curtain rod. Lightly vacuum heavy curtains using a narrow attachment.


    1. Use a dry cloth to remove dirt and ash from the surfaces of the fireplace. Use a vacuum cleaner with a special brush.
    2. Use a wire brush to clean the grate and the area in front of the fireplace. If the grate is made of cast iron, use a special paste.


    1. Disconnect your TV and PC from the network. Wipe the screens with a dry cloth. Oily stains treat with a special cleaning cloth that eliminates static charge.
    2. Do not use cleaning products to clean LCD screens because they contain solvents or alcohol. Stock up on a special product.
    3. A computer keyboard is an excellent dust collector. To clean, disconnect it from the computer, turn it over and shake it over a sheet of newspaper.
    4. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any remaining dust. Wipe the area between the buttons cotton swabs, soaked in soapy water.
    5. Wipe remote controls and handsets with an antibacterial wipe.


    1. If the furniture is leather, first remove dirt and dust with a damp cloth. Afterwards, apply a special solution to the skin, which will maintain elasticity and softness.
    2. Clean wooden furniture a little simpler. Using a special paste, remove scratches, and then rub with a woolen cloth.
    3. If a dog or cat lives in the apartment, be sure to cover the upholstered furniture with special covers. If you don’t want to hide the furniture under covers, use decorative napkins and place them where your pets usually lie.

    Sink and taps

    1. Wipe the sink with an abrasive agent. Place brushes and sponges in a separate box. If they're done, throw them away. If they are suitable for use, disinfect them in the microwave oven.
    2. Moisten a cloth with limescale remover and wrap the taps. After some time, remove and rinse the taps with water.
    3. If special means no, use for cleaning lemon juice or vinegar.

    Microwave, containers, kitchen boards

    1. To sterilize a cutting board, use hot water. If there are old boards or items covered in mold in the kitchen, it is better to get rid of them. Just wash the plastic molds.
    2. The microwave oven can be easily cleaned with a solution of water and lemon zest. Place the container with the product in the oven for a couple of minutes.
    3. The essential oils contained in lemon will quickly dissolve fat, and a pleasant aroma will appear in the kitchen. All that remains is to wipe the stove with a cloth.
    4. Often, through an open kitchen cabinet door, water enters the room. bad smell. It will help to eliminate it ground coffee on a piece of paper, placed in a cabinet.

    Ceramic tile

    1. When laying tiles, craftsmen leave seams, which are subsequently clogged with a special mixture. It's beautiful, but it's not easy to clean the seams. Bleach paired with a toothbrush will help.
    2. Dirt that cannot be wiped off the surface of the tile can be easily removed with a mixture of sugar and liquid soap. Rub the product onto the tiles and then rinse with a cloth.

    Christmas tree

    1. Cut the tree at an angle, and when you return home, put it in a bucket with cold water.
    2. The next day, wipe the cut area, dry it and cover it with wax.

    Shelves and cabinets

    1. Get rid of unnecessary things. Fold the remaining items carefully.
    2. New Year's Eve is the perfect time to get rid of cardboard boxes, broken toys and old items of clothing.

    All you have to do is go through the apartment with a vacuum cleaner, which will collect the remaining dust and debris. Without this device it is impossible to clean the apartment. Next, remove dust from the remaining surfaces, and then do wet cleaning. That's it, the apartment is clean, you can cook treats, bake