How well does the guy know you questions. Take the "Evenings" test and find out how well you know your soul mate. Let's summarize, then read further

This mini test of a few simple questions will allow you to understand how well you know each other.

Answer the questions below, then ask your partner.

P.S. These questions are intended for people who have been together for quite a long period.

If your relationship has just begun, be condescending to each other and do not demand correct answers on every point.

Questions to know your partner

1. What is your partner's least favorite body part?

2. When your partner was a child, what did he/she want to be in the future?

3. Which country would your significant other like to visit?

4. Did your partner have a nickname growing up? If yes, which one? Did he like this nickname?

5. Which of your relatives does your loved one communicate with closest? (If there are none, omit the question.)

How well do you know each other

6. What disappointment from the past still gnaws at your partner?

7. What achievements is he (she) proud of?

8. What's your partner's least favorite thing to do around the house?

9. What are the names of your partner's grandparents. Can you name all the grandparents?

10. What talents does your partner have, in his own opinion?

11. What is his (her) favorite smell?

12. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

13. What character trait does your partner dislike about himself, and in what ways is he similar to his parents?

14. What death is your partner afraid of?

Questions for couples to know each other

15. What kind of music does your partner really like to listen to? (Even if those around you don’t know about these musical preferences). Determine his musical taste.

16. What does he (she) expect from the upcoming weekend?

17. Who does your partner consider to be a mentor or someone who has had a strong positive influence on his or her professional development?

Questions to know your soulmate

18. How did your partner spend his summers as a child?

19. What are your partner's favorite and least favorite parts of working?

20. Does your partner consider himself more like his mother or father in terms of personality? If yes, then why?

21. What purchase is your partner currently thinking about? What's on his wish list?

Pay attention to the questions you answered incorrectly. View friction as an opportunity to have a conversation and deepen your relationship.

As you review your answers together, remember that it is your partner who decides whether you earn a point for each correct answer.

For some questions, such as questions about your favorite flavor of ice cream, there may be two or more answers, depending on your partner's current mood.

Sometimes it turns out that we know our other halves better than they know themselves.

As you look through the answers, you may find that you remember something your partner once told you about his childhood that he forgot, but you remember.


If you (or your partner) score 16 points or more:

You know your partner very well.

And if you score 16 or more and have been with your partner for less than six months, your relationship is probably too active.

If you (or your partner) scored 10-15 points:

You've gotten to know your partner pretty well.

Pay attention to exactly where you know each other the least.

Perhaps the two of you didn't talk much about your childhood experiences, or you avoided talking about topics related to negative emotions.

Try to make up for such moments.

If you scored 5-9 points:

This means the following:

1) You don't know each other that well.

2) You are only in a relationship for a short period of time.

3) You talk to each other a little, or maybe your conversations are of a certain nature (for example, you are both in the same profession, and your conversations converge mainly at work.)

If you (or your partner) scored 0-4 points:

This suggests that you don’t know each other at all, which means you have the opportunity to do this.

Questions about knowing each other

Why such questions?

These questions are designed to tap into a range of positive and negative emotions.

Questions about negative emotions and fears included because strong relationships entail a willingness to be vulnerable with each other.

Questions about childhood included because close people usually understand the experiences that made each other who they are today.

After all, it is in childhood that a person’s personality is formed.

And lighter, more fun questions included because it is very important to have conversations not only on serious topics, but also on lighter ones.

Conversations related to your positive emotions make our lives easier.

Talk to each other about different topics. Then you will get to know your partner better.

A total of six couples took part in the competition. The lovers had to simultaneously, without seeing each other, answer questions about themselves and their other half as accurately as possible. The pair with the most matches in answers won.

It turned out that men memorize the mobile phone numbers of their girlfriends and wives and know well the names of their best friends. Almost all the girls answered questions about their men’s shoe size and favorite car brand. But the hardest thing for the contest participants was to guess what kind of gift their boyfriend (husband) wanted to receive from them on February 23rd. Only one girl answered this question correctly, and she and her husband became the winner.

Timonik Nikita and Aksamit Olga. Together for 5 years. We met at school, studied together in the Ministry of Emergency Situations class.

Swede Edgar and Belkova Oksana. They have been dating for 2.5 years. We met during classes at a medical university.

Gavrilenko Sofia and Rabtsevich Maxim. They have been dating for 1 year. We met through a circle of mutual friends.

Shakulya Lyudmila and Ivan. Married for 19 years. We met at a disco on Valentine's Day.

Baklaga Olga and Evgeniy. Married for 10 years. We met at Diesel.

Elena and Andrey Mushtaki have been married for almost seven years. Now they have two sons, the youngest is only 10 months old. On our first date, we walked around the city for a long time, then went to a restaurant. On February 14, they like to give gifts - Elena and her children bake a cake in the shape of hearts, arrange a delicious dinner by candlelight, and always give her dear husband a Valentine’s card. Elena especially appreciates kindness, sincerity, friendliness, and responsiveness in her husband. He says Andrey always helps with household chores. Now, the spouses admit, they have everything they need for complete happiness - family, children, housing, a car, a good job. But my cherished dreams - to build a house and visit Dubai - have not yet come true. The secret of their family happiness is simple: treat the decisions and actions of the other with understanding, respect and calm.

On Sunday, February 14, Andrey and Elena will go for a romantic dinner at the Old City restaurant (OldCity shopping center).

We invite you to answer our questions and find out how well you know your soulmate.

For each correct answer, award yourself one point.

Questions for men

1. What size clothes does your girlfriend (spouse) wear? Please indicate in numbers.

2. What is the name of your girlfriend's (wife's) best friend?

3. In the year of whom and under what zodiac sign was your girlfriend (wife) born?

4. The most cherished dream of your girlfriend (wife)?

5. Write down your girlfriend's (spouse's) mobile phone number from memory.

6. What country does your girlfriend (wife) dream of visiting?

7. What color is your girlfriend's (wife's) swimsuit?

8. What size shoes do you wear?

9. Your favorite car brand.

10. The name of your favorite TV series.

11. Favorite computer game (name).

12. The most delicious dish that you think your girlfriend (spouse) cooks?

Questions for women

1. What size clothes do you wear? Please indicate in numbers.

2. What is your best friend's name?

3. In whose year and under what zodiac sign were you born?

4. What is your deepest dream?

5. Write your mobile phone number.

6. What country do you dream of visiting?

7. What color is your swimsuit?

8. What size shoes does your boyfriend (spouse) wear?

9. Your boyfriend's (spouse's) favorite brand of car.

10. The name of your boyfriend's (spouse's) favorite TV series.

11. Your boyfriend's (spouse's) favorite computer game.

12. The most delicious dish you cook, in the opinion of your boyfriend (spouse).

13. What gift do you think your boyfriend (spouse) wants to receive from you on February 23?

From 0 to 5 points. You don't know your significant other well. You need to show more interest in him or her to find better ways to communicate, or your relationship may soon be in jeopardy.

From 5 to 7 points. You know your soulmate, maybe quite well, but this knowledge is far from complete. You should pay more attention to him (her), trying to understand his (her) interests.

From 7 to 10 points. Apparently you know your significant other quite well. However, it would be useful to pay attention to other aspects of your partner’s personality.

From 10 to 13 points. You know your life partner well. And this is a fairly serious prerequisite for a long and happy family life!

Over one year old

In the scale of values ​​of a modern person, love and serious relationships are increasingly less likely to take first place. According to statistics, every fifth girl living in the city excludes marriage from her life.

This test is for two. Let each of you take a piece of paper and a pen and test yourself. Then exchange answers and give each other marks depending on their correctness.

Add up the results and you get a total score (maximum 56 points). If you have been together for less than 3 years, add 2 more points to your score.

Online test: do you know each other?

Part 1

1. What color is his/her toothbrush?
2. What size underwear does he/she wear?
3. What is his/her favorite dessert?
4. Who is responsible for cleaning the bathroom?
5. How much does his/her haircut cost?
6. How many pairs of shoes does he/she have?
7. What was the name of the pet he/she had as a child?
8. What was his/her worst part-time job?

Part 2

For each correct answer, 2 points are awarded.

1. What is his/her dream vacation?
2. How does he/she imagine a perfect evening?
3. Apart from the financial issue, what kind of job would he/she choose for himself/herself?
4. What is his/her main concern at the moment?
5. What is he/she most afraid of?
6. What irritates him/her most?
7. Which part of his body would he/she like to change?

Part 3

For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded.

1. How and when did you meet?
2. How many partners did he/she have before you?
3. How long did you know each other before your first kiss?
4. What did you give him/her for your last anniversary?
5. What were his/her grandmothers' names?
6. State the date of birth of his/her mother.

Let's count the result! Total: 40-58 points

Amazing result! Both you and your partner know each other very well. Your views on life and your common future are very similar. Your relationship is an example of an attentive and sensitive attitude towards each other. Such mutual understanding indicates that you spend a lot of time together and are keenly interested in everything that happens in the life of your half.

Properly structured communication will certainly bear fruit. Very often, two people talk only when difficulties or problems arise. But psychologists recommend from time to time just having evenings together, without a special goal or program, just to talk...

Total: 25-39 points

You know each other well, but you could do even better. Don't be surprised that you fall into this category, even if you've been living together for a long time. Many spouses stop taking each other’s interests into account, it becomes so natural for a loved one to stay nearby. “You can’t see face to face”...

Be careful! You may lose sight of something important that is happening in your partner's life. Don't worry if you answered some questions incorrectly: understand that throughout your life you will continue to discover new things. Learn to appreciate the uniqueness of your partner’s personality, learn to hear him. Sometimes you shouldn't rush to object, even if you don't agree with your interlocutor. And then you will reveal to each other the most important, intimate thoughts and feelings that would never “come to the surface” in the heat of a quarrel.

Total: 10-24 points

You know all the basics, but it makes sense to get to know each other better. Did you feel like you had good contact? It happens. However, real spiritual intimacy frightens many people: it seems to them that by opening themselves to another or accepting someone’s confession, they fall “into a trap” and find themselves bound by too close and “rigid” ties.

If you want to get closer, try to answer the questions: “What do I expect from him/her? What do I like about him/her, what inspires me? What kind of life are we trying to build together? What do each of us want in our career? Do we want children and how are we going to raise them? What material level or social status would we like to achieve? Don't wait for a random set of circumstances in which all these answers will emerge by themselves, sit down and talk about everything frankly.

Total: 0-14 points

You are inattentive to each other, each of you does not hear the other. This does not mean that your relationship is doomed, but it is urgent to save the situation. It’s a pity, but our most beloved people get the least love... Think about why you are looking in different directions, what distracts you from communication? Determine what your relationship is like at the moment. Try to understand how both of you have changed since you started living together.

You have already answered the survey questions - let this be the first step towards renewing your relationship. The questionnaire will tell you the topics you should talk about first.

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How well do you know your soulmate? It's natural to expect that you know your spouse better than anyone else. Is it really? The proposed test will give an approximate answer to this question.

Answer each question with “yes” or “no.”


Does your spouse share his personal secrets with you?

Do you know his (her) favorite color?

Do you know how your marriage partner prefers to relieve stress?

Do you know how much your spouse weighs?

Do you know what your partner likes most about you?

Do you know what irritates him (her) most about you?

Do you know your partner's favorite dish?

Do you know your spouse's weak point?

Do you know anything about your spouse's social activities?

Do you know what he (she) is most afraid of?

Each “yes” - “5” points, “no” - “0”.

Let's summarize, then read further:

40 - 50 points. Congratulations! You really know your partner. And this is a serious prerequisite for a long and happy family life.

30 - 35 points. The result is good. It is impossible not to admit that you know your partner quite well. However, it would be nice to pay attention to other aspects of his personality.

20 - 25 points. You know quite a lot about your marriage partner, but not everything. You should spend more time on him.

Less than 20 points. You don't know your marriage partner well. You need to show more interest in him, find better ways to communicate with him.

Exercise “What does it mean to love your spouse?”

Answer 3 questions:

1. Do you confirm its (her) significance?

2. Do you recognize his/her needs? Are you trying to satisfy them?

3. Do you forgive and forget about his (her) mistakes?

Now tell me, can you do all this in relation to yourself? Do you treat yourself with the same gentleness that you treat your spouse?

Devoting yourself only to loving others is the path of suicide. There is a balance in the world: love for yourself, love for others.

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