How to make flowers out of tissue paper. Napkin application. Video: Beautiful do-it-yourself napkin flower decoration of the festive table

Method number 1

1. Take a table napkin yellow color which consists of three layers. Separate all these layers.

2. Then take two thin layers and fold each one four times.

3. Fold each of the resulting layers again very four times.

4. Now you need to carefully stack the layers on top of each other.

5. Take a stapler and fasten all these layers with a paper clip.

6. For greater strength, we will punch them again, while the paper clips must be arranged crosswise.

7. Then, from the resulting square of napkins, we will cut out a circle.

8. Along the edges of the circle with scissors, we must make many cuts about 10 mm deep at approximately equal intervals.

9. Now we need to raise the top thin layer.

10. Press it with your fingers to the center of the circle.

11. In the same way, we will lift all the layers following the first and also press them with our fingers to the center.

12. Similarly, we must lift all the layers of the napkin one by one. You can sometimes lift two or three layers at a time.

13. As a result, we have a magnificent beautiful flower.

14. To make leaves for a dandelion, you need to take strips of green paper about 4x10 cm in size, fold them in half and cut off the corners.

15. The teeth must be cut in pieces. First, make an incision with scissors perpendicular to the fold line, then an oblique incision, and so on.

16. Now unfold the sheet and bend it a little. In the same way, cut out a few more leaves. different size and other shades. To the base of the flower you need to glue only lower part leaflets. We will make the stem from a strip rolled into a tube thin paper Green colour. So we made flowers from napkins with our own hands.

Here is our yellow flower from napkins is ready.

17. In order to manufacture little flowers on an apple branch, also take two layers of colored napkins white and Pink colour. Fold each layer four times, then four more times. Lay the resulting layers on top of each other. Staple the napkin in four places with a stapler.

18. Then cut it into four pieces along the marked lines. Cut out four flowers. You can use a template for this.

19. Lift with your fingers and squeeze the top layer of the flower tightly to hide the paperclip.

20. In the same way, lift all the following layers in turn. At the end of the work, squeeze the whole flower a little.

21. Now straighten the flower and give it the splendor you need. We made flowers from napkins with our own hands.

Twist the branches from brown corrugated paper. Take brown paper for our twig. The branches will turn out to be of different configurations if you change the depth of the cuts and their number. Now you need to glue flowers and leaves to our branches.

Method number 2

You can also make one in which flowers from napkins will participate.

The background of this work is the finished drawing. In the middle of sunflowers are the real seeds. And we will make the petals as follows.

1. Take a small strip of corrugated paper. Cut off the corners. This will be the tips of the petals.
2. Now we will twist the strip twice, but not in the middle of it, but approximately divide our strip approximately 1: 2.
3. In the place of twisting, fold it in half.
4. Now we will stretch the paper and try to give the petals a slightly indented shape.
5. We have a double petal. It's a little bigger on the outside, a little smaller on the inside.
6. It is necessary to glue the petal with the part where we had twisting, about 5-6 petals per flower. Thus, the flowers are voluminous and very beautiful.

Method number 3

You can also make from napkins beautiful bouquet roses.
Do-it-yourself napkin flowers can be used as a gift for relatives on March 8 or on their birthday.

To make a bouquet, you will need red, green, yellow paper napkins and, of course, scissors.

1. Unfold and straighten the red napkin.
2. Now cut off about one third of it.

3. Carefully peel off one layer of tissue if it consists of 3 layers.

4. Then carefully fold the napkin in half. Now you need to bend in half its upper half, as shown in the figure.

5. top wrap the strips very loosely around your left index finger just as shown in the picture.

6. Our rosebud preparation should look exactly like this.

7. Then, along the lower bent edge, try to twist the napkin tightly.

The art of origami - folding paper figures - is liked by everyone, regardless of age. How to make flowers from napkins so that the process is not too laborious, and the result is amazing?

Often, upon arrival at the hotel, adults rejoice like children at the sight of towels folded in the shape of a swan or a fish. Aesthetic pleasure is complemented by the knowledge that guests are welcome and ready to provide the best service. The same feelings will be felt by relatives and friends who came to dinner and found an originally folded napkin near the device.

How to make flowers from napkins? Special skills are not required, even a beginner can exquisitely fold a flower. There are only a few binding rules And simple steps to turn a square piece of paper into a blossoming flower.

Usually paper napkins are square or rectangular shape. To make a flower from a napkin, you need to use standard square ones. Monochromatic colors should be preferred, since carnation leaves with small images of Santa Claus will look a little strange.

Cellulose wipes are too thin and do not hold their shape well, so ideal option become dense paper tablecloths.

You can choose a couple of sets different shades and add several types of flowers from them. Table setting will only benefit from such a variety, and guests will be delighted.

General rules for making flowers

When two-layer plain napkins are found, you need to consider that one of them will be used for training. You can not try to fold a flower twice from the same napkin and put it to the device. It will come out wrinkled and sloppy.

Very thin options are also suitable for folding, but only the most simple species colors. They will make attractive golden balloons without clear bends. Similar rules apply to napkins made of crumpled paper. It is so beautiful in itself that it makes no sense to fold a flower of complex shape.

Exotic buds will come out of perforated paper. Small dots emphasize the originality of the petals.

Napkins are scented, but usually the smell does not match the flower variety. In this situation, a drop of suitable aromatic oil applied to a rolled rose or carnation will help out.

Different flowers from napkins

You need to try to choose a shade of a napkin that is close to natural color flower. No matter how unusual a blue or purple aster looks, dark scarlet or snow-white will be much more elegant. If the service is very bright, bright crafts decorate the table and attract even more attention. A short simple master class will explain how to make a flower from napkins.

There are two options for making this flower: from colored napkins or from white, painted along the edges with a felt-tip pen. If you intend to use them for their intended purpose, and not as a decor, it is better to stop at the first option, otherwise the guests will get their hands dirty.

This is the step by step guide.

  1. Fold the napkin with an accordion and fasten in the middle with an invisibility.
  2. Pinch the edges lightly to make them serrated.
  3. Crumple the napkin on both sides to create uneven, like a real carnation, petals.
  4. Remove the invisible and bandage the middle with a dense thread.
  5. Straighten the flower.

For decorative flowers, one more step is added. Bye white napkin held invisibly, you should paint the very tips with a red or burgundy felt-tip pen.


It will take 6-7 yellow napkins to make the flower voluminous and fluffy. The procedure is the following.

  1. Staple a stack of napkins crosswise with a stapler in the middle.
  2. Take a suitable round saucer and trace a circle on the top napkin.
  3. Trim unwanted corners.
  4. Starting with the top layer, crumple the napkins to imitate dandelion petals.


This flower is distinguished by many thin long petals, from which it seems terry. The middle of it is most often light, so yellow and dark pink napkins are used.

  1. From yellow napkins cut strips 2 cm wide, 16 cm long.
  2. From dark pink, make strips 2 cm wide and 32 cm long.
  3. Put together 4 yellow strips, bend in half along the entire length and twist into a tight roll.
  4. Put together 4 dark pink stripes and cut them across into narrow petals, not reaching the edge of 0.5 cm.
  5. Wrap the whole edge of the pink napkins around the yellow ones and pull the flower together with a thread. Fluff the petals.

For a bouquet, a wire is placed inside the yellow roll, the short end of which pulls the flower together instead of a thread.


Beautiful contrasting flower is obtained from napkins in four colors: red, pink, black or brown and green. Red and pink can be stratified so that the petals are thinner and more delicate.

  1. Fold two red and pink napkins along the fold line to make squares.
  2. Cut out oval petals, leaving the center intact.
  3. Petals from a pink napkin should be slightly shorter than red ones.
  4. From a black napkin folded along the fold lines, cut out circles with a diameter of 5 cm. In total, 4 circles will turn out.
  5. From green cut out 8 circles with a diameter of 4 cm.
  6. Expand the red petals and lay on top of each other with a slight shift. Add on top in the same way rose petals, further black circles. Lay out the green circles last. Fasten the structure in the center with a stapler crosswise.
  7. Cut black and green circles in 6-8 places.
  8. The petals crumple, repeating the effect of uneven poppy petals. The middle is strongly crumpled to form a semblance of a round poppy box.

It is better to fold a rose from a thin single-layer napkin of a rich pink or orange color.

  1. Unfold the napkin, then fold it diagonally.
  2. Moving from the wide edge to the corner, twist it into a tube.
  3. When 5 cm remains to the corner, twist the resulting tube from the left edge to the right into a loose roll.
  4. Turn the napkin over so that the corner looks down, and pull it off with a thread at a distance of 1 cm from the bottom.
  5. Fluff the bud, and expand the corner so that it depicts the lower petals.


No additional improvised means for making a lotus will be needed. Red, white and green napkins are taken in two or three layers so that the petals can be neatly folded.

  1. Unfold one napkin of each color and place them one on top of the other, starting with white and ending with green.
  2. Fold each of the four corners so that it reaches the center. At the same time, the green napkin should not be visible, only white remains outside.
  3. Turn the structure over with the folded corners down and repeat the steps.
  4. Holding the center of the napkin with your hand, twist each corner and spread the green and red petals.

To the center paper lotus put down a glass or glass.

The color of the napkin should be uniform and the same on both sides so that the shape of the product does not seem skewed. Drawing in the form of small flowers is acceptable, but undesirable.

If you plan to make not only the flower itself, but also fix it on the stem, you need to take a green wire and cut it into identical pieces. If desired, several small leaves can be cut out of corrugated paper and strung on the future stem.

For beginner needlewomen, it is better to try to collect a carnation or a lotus. They are easy to make but look very pretty.

Interior decoration with flowers from napkins

In many modern cafes with a minimalist interior, bright paper flowers and figurines are often the only accent and decoration of the space. They are very budgetary, they can be quickly replaced, completely transforming the room. For different holidays, special flowers and their shades are chosen. For example, for an anniversary, voluminous figures are constructed from garlands of flowers.

At home, figuring out how to make flowers from napkins is interesting with children. Kids love crafts and will remember the holiday for which they decorated the room for a long time. The kitchen looks pretty with flowers attached to the furniture by March 8 or white and pale pink lotuses pasted on the window in winter before the New Year.

On the table, in addition to a beautifully folded napkin for each guest, you can put a flat vase where spare flower napkins will lie.


According to the thousand-year-old Feng Shui teaching, the surrounding space needs to be changed so that new acquaintances, deeds and hobbies appear in life. Multi-colored roses and carnations, folded from napkins, will bring happiness to the house, because they are beautiful and joyful.

The time spent assembling them cannot be called wasted, because the flowers will delight guests. Moreover, friends will appreciate the idea, and the atmosphere at the table will immediately become light and carefree. Not a single skill disappears just like that, it can come in handy at the most unexpected moment, so even without the advice of eastern sages, you need to learn new things.

Getting practical skills is important and useful, so it is necessary to understand in practice how to make flowers from napkins.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge with positive and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I'm interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate a new hobby or just give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about the beautiful, then it will come true!

A little imagination and regular napkins you can decorate, for example, your holiday table. How? What if instead square napkin, put flowers made from napkins near appliances? Do you think it is too difficult and time consuming? In vain. Such a flower is so easy to make that even a child can handle it. Moreover, this work will captivate children so much that while they are making flowers, you can easily do your own business in the kitchen or tidy yourself up ... So, today we will conduct a lesson in which we will clearly show you how to make flowers from napkins with your own hands, with a minimum of improvised materials.

1) To make one finished flower from napkins, we need:

- 3-4 napkins, you can different color;
- scissors;
- any threads;
- optional, markers or felt-tip pens (for coloring the flower), color - at your discretion.

2) In this master class, three white napkins are used to create a flower. We cut each in half. It turns out 6 rectangles. Carefully outline two rectangles with a green marker or felt-tip pen, two rectangles with yellow, and two left white. But you can circle the edges with colors that you have felt-tip pens, you can leave it completely white or take colored napkins themselves. There may be many options. We stack all the rectangles on top of each other in the following order: two rectangles with a green edge, two with a white edge, and on top we put two rectangles with a yellow edge.

3) We make a fan out of these rectangles, as shown in the photo below.

4) We wrap the middle of this fan several times with a thread. We tie the ends of the thread.

5) We make a circle from the fan and start very carefully so as not to tear the napkin, separate the edges of the upper rectangle with a yellow edge and lift them up.

6) We continue to raise the next rectangle, and gradually the fan begins to take on the form of a flower.

7) The photo below shows a finished flower.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

If you use 4 napkins to make one flower, the flower will turn out more magnificent. Accordingly, if the size of the napkins you have is larger, then we recommend using 4 napkins. But this process is creative, so it's up to the authors of the work to decide. On our website there is information on how to make a paper rose with your own hands. Visit our website and you will always be aware of new products in the field of needlework.

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Photo gallery: Do it yourself beautiful flowers from paper napkins

Fresh flowers are always beautiful, they add bright colors to our lives and pleasant mood, positive and smile. But artificial ones can also please and literally come to life before our eyes when they are created by a master. In today's workshops, we will make beautiful flowers from napkins (paper) with our own hands. Step by step photos, diagrams and detailed instructions help you create these easy crafts. You can make them together with small children and someone or a birthday.

DIY paper napkin flowers for beginners: Roses (master class with photo)

Perhaps the most romantic flowers are roses. Therefore, we decided to make them with our own hands in the first place. Follow the instructions and step-by-step photos, and you will get just like fresh flowers from napkins. Even a novice craftsman can handle such easy crafts.

Necessary materials

  • napkins in pink or any other color suitable for flowers
  • threads
  • scissors

Step-by-step instruction

Our do-it-yourself paper napkin flowers are ready! If you make a lot of multi-colored roses and form them into a bouquet, you get a very beautiful composition.

Flowers from napkins (paper) - easy DIY crafts (master class with photo)

In this master class, we will make even easier crafts from paper napkins. These flowers will make with their own hands even 3 one year old baby with the help of parents, of course. As a result, you will get very beautiful marigolds.

Necessary materials

  • three-layer yellow napkins (33x33 cm), but you can take any color;
  • stapler;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step instruction

How to make large flowers from paper napkins with your own hands (master class with photo)

Next, consider a diagram with step by step photos how to make big flowers from napkins. Everything here is also quite simple and not very expensive. Such flowers are suitable for decorating festive tables at banquets and for forming colorful bouquets. In general, if you experiment, you can create a wonderful composition using these colors.

Not all needlewomen know what to decorate the interior or cook inexpensive gift for your relatives or close friends, you can use ordinary paper napkins. decoration for holiday table, christmas toys, snowflakes on the Christmas tree, origami animals, Christmas decoupage and other decor - this is only a small part of what can be made from this simple material. Detailed and step by step master classes, and visual photo presented in this article will help you quickly and correctly make crafts from napkins with your own hands. Your children can also participate in this exciting process, as common occupation needlework not only brings the family together, but also contributes to the development creativity your babies.

rainbow monogram

Having made repairs in the children's room, as a finishing touch, you can place the child's monogram on the wall, decorated with a rainbow ornament made of paper napkins. For this we need the following materials:

  • Simple pencil;
  • Napkins of seven colors of the rainbow;
  • Thick cardboard;
  • Cord for loop;
  • Glue - moment or PVA;
  • Ruler and scissors;
  • Additional decor for decoration - leaves, ladybugs, flowers, butterflies.


  1. First of all, a sketch of the monogram is made from intertwined initial letters last name and first name.
  2. Next, the image is transferred to an enlarged scale using cell reception on an A4 sheet. You can do this part of the work on the computer.
  3. After carefully cutting out the letters, a monogram template is obtained, which is outlined on cardboard and cut out.
  4. By front side markings are made from top to bottom at seven equal intervals. It is better to mark the strips at an angle, although a straight, arcuate or zigzag arrangement is allowed.
  5. Multi-colored napkins should be cut into squares, the size of which is selected independently, based on their the right sizes resulting from them when rolling balls.
  6. First, red balls are made and glued to the top strip, then orange to the next strip, and so on until the end, in accordance with the order of the colors in the rainbow. That is, the next one will be yellow, then green, blue, blue and purple.
  7. After drying the monogram under a stack of books, it remains to glue a loop to it from the wrong side, add decor and hang the decoration on the wall.

A bright and beautiful rainbow monogram made of napkins will be a great addition to the interior, and the kids themselves will certainly be happy with such decoration.

Beautiful flowers

Easy to make from paper napkins holiday decoration for a table or gift box in the form of flowers. For work we need the following materials:

  • Scissors;
  • Glue stick or PVA glue;
  • Strong thread;
  • A tube that acts as a stem if you plan to make a bouquet.

Step by step master class

  1. An accordion is folded from a napkin with the width of each fold equal to one centimeter. To make the product neat, it is advisable to make markings on both sides.
  2. Without unfolding the harmonica, you should lay it flat on the table and fold it in half to find the middle. Along this line, the folded napkin is tied with a strong thread.
  3. The free ends of the accordion are rounded with scissors.
  4. It remains to fluff the flower and glue the folds together to make a spectacular corrugated circle.

You can fasten together several flowers of different sizes. The resulting terry version will look great as a decoration on a box, photo frame or in a bouquet, especially if you attach a flower to an impromptu stalk - a tube.

Spectacular Rose

Crafts from napkins in the form of roses are very beautiful and unusual. To make them with your own hands you will need:

  • Single ply napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Decorative ribbon or thread;
  • soft wire;

Manufacturing guide

  1. One of the napkins needs to be cut into four equal parts. One of them is folded in half and twisted along the short side into a not tight cylinder. On the one hand, it is pulled together by a thread. This will be the base of the flower core.
  2. The remaining squares are cut diagonally. The right angle of the resulting triangle is bent, and with the remaining ends it is necessary to wrap the core freely enough, securing the resulting petal with a thread. Their number can be different and is determined in the course of work.
  3. To make a bouquet, stems are made. It might be thick copper wire wrapped in a strip of napkin desired color. In the process of wrapping, you can attach a piece of paper.

The rose is a symbol of love and perfection. This is a great decor item that can become original decoration for your interior

flower composition

interesting flower arrangement can be made from several multilayer napkins. List of required materials:

  • Scissors;
  • stapler;
  • The basis, which can be used as a foam ball or a newspaper crumpled in the form of a ball, wrapped with threads to fix the shape.
  • PVA glue.

Do it yourself

  1. A circle with a diameter of about 14 cm is cut out of the napkin. This size may vary depending on the size of the napkin and the size of the flowers being made. To give the flower more expressiveness, the edges of the circle are circled with a bright felt-tip pen in a color that contrasts with the general background.
  2. Exactly in the middle, the cut out circle is stapled with two staples crosswise.
  3. Now the top layer separates and rises, folding in a beautiful zigzag. In the same way, all subsequent layers are laid out in turn.
  4. Having made about 16 flowers, you can attach them with glue to the base, placing them over the entire surface of the ball, close to each other.
  5. Further, green paper leaves can be placed between the flowers, this will give the composition a more spectacular look.
  6. It remains to put the glued ball in beautiful planter or a vase, making it complete decorative element interior.

Such a composition can be made not only from paper napkins, but also from another material suitable for this, for example corrugated paper or colored felt.

Refined spring vase

Napkin crafts are not limited to flowers alone. From this wonderful material, you can make or decorate almost anything with them, for example, a decorative flower vase. To make an unusual vase, you will need to stock up on the following material:

  • Napkins with elegant floral or animal ornaments;
  • Bank - tin from under coffee or juice;
  • Acrylic White paint and putty;
  • PVA glue;
  • Stack;
  • Brushes.

detailed instructions

  1. The jar is covered with paint on both sides, after which it is dried in a well-ventilated area.
  2. The upper thin layer, where the pattern is located, is carefully separated from the napkin. The fragments of the picture necessary for the composition are cut off with your fingers. It is undesirable to cut them with scissors, as in this case a too even edge is obtained.
  3. The next plain layer is glued onto the prepared jar from the outside, tearing off small pieces according to the papier-mâché principle.
  4. Acrylic putty is applied with uneven strokes on top cut banks, masking it.
  5. Further, on one side of the future vase, a trunk and branches are formed from top to bottom with a putty using a stack.
  6. The adhesive composition is diluted from one and a half parts of PVA glue and one part of water. Fragments with leaves, birds, butterflies, forest animals are placed on the surface of the jar in accordance with the compositional design and are carefully smeared on top with a brush with an adhesive solution. During gluing, it is important to apply movements from the center of the fragment to the edges, carefully, but carefully smoothing it, trying not to tear it.
  7. Having pasted over the entire surface of the vase, the neck is painted to match the main background. For coloring branches and trunk is taken brown paint, which fills all the irregularities.
  8. After the trunk dries, decorative ledges are highlighted with golden paint using a sponge. To do this, the sponge is slightly pressed against the desired section of the improvised trunk without indentation. light effect golden plaque can be made over the entire surface of the vase.

Do-it-yourself vase is a beautiful and affordable accessory that allows you to transform your interior

To fix the decor, the dried surface is covered with a colorless varnish. Bouquets of field and garden flowers will look great in such a vase.

Unusual vase with three-dimensional ornament

If you urgently need a tall vase for your favorite flowers, and the store does not have products suitable for the interior of the room, you can easily make it from improvised materials, spending a small amount money. Materials for making a vase:

  • PVA glue;
  • Can-opener;
  • Scissors;
  • Paper towels that match the color of the wallpaper;
  • Three or four cans of peas;
  • Napkins in a color contrasting to the main background;
  • Simple pencil.

Step by step master class

  1. First, empty jars are prepared. One remains with the bottom, while the rest is cut out.
  2. Further, the prepared jars are inserted into one another, forming the desired height of the future vase.
  3. Using PVA glue, the structure is pasted over with paper towels. You will need at least three layers.
  4. After complete drying with a simple pencil drawing is applied. It is more convenient to make it from large geometric shapes, which make up an interesting abstract composition. It can also be hearts, flowers, butterflies according to their own creative ideas.
  5. From squares cut out of napkins, balls are formed, with which the depicted figures are filled by gluing.

Crafts from napkins for interior decoration (photo)

Crafts from napkins can also serve great decor for anyone celebratory event. Decorate the wall with ordinary paper napkins and create a fun environment, it will not be difficult even for beginners in this business. For this we need:

  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • stapler;
  • PVA glue;
  • Line or thread.

We make decor from napkins

  1. We take napkins in the right color scheme. It is better to combine several colors, so holiday decor it will be more elegant.
  2. We unfold the folded napkin completely and from this position we begin to fold it into an accordion. You need to fold it so that each new bend coincides with the previous one, the width of the folded bend (strip) should be about 2-3 cm.
  3. After the entire napkin is folded, it must be thoroughly ironed by hand on both sides, so that each kink is clearly expressed.
  4. At the marked center, carefully fold the napkin in half. In total, we need three of these harmonicas, so we make two more.
  5. Next, take the scissors and round off the edge of the folded napkin. We try to do it in such a way that the edges of the accordion do not move and the cut is even. You can cut napkins in various variations to finished goods were different from each other.
  6. Holding the edges of the napkin, we bring the upper and lower parts together to form a semicircle, fix it with a stapler or PVA glue. We do the same with each accordion.
  7. It remains to glue all our blanks together. As a result, we should get a corrugated circle resembling a flower.
  8. Finished products are hung on a thread or glued to the wall with double-sided tape.

You can make crafts from napkins with your own hands different ways, we have brought you the most popular and simple ones that everyone can handle.