Thanksgiving technique. The law of gratitude is magic. Magic technique "Secret Book of Gratitude"

What is gratitude, why is it needed and how to use the power of gratitude to become happier.

Gratitude is a powerful outgoing stream of positivity. You already know that nothing in our life is accidental, and the Universe reacts to our radiations (thoughts, words and actions): what you radiate is what you receive. Anyone who has practiced the happiness formula knows how it works. Perhaps the thanksgiving technique based on the power of gratitude will be even more powerful for you than the happiness formula.

An example of how gratitude works. Joe Vitale describes the following case. “Jonathan had bilateral pneumonia. Nothing seemed to help him. But at some point, an insight descended on him - he wrote a single sentence on sheets of paper and hung them all over the house. With the methodicalness of a parrot, he repeated this sentence over and over again, dictated it many times on tape and constantly scrolled it. He made this phrase a part of his existence. As a result, Jonathan recovered within 24 hours! What were those words? “Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings that I have and for all the blessings that I will receive.”

Incredible? But such is the power of gratitude.

The manifestation (radiation) of gratitude is the establishment of a direct connection with the Higher Forces (Life, God - whoever believes in what, you can call it differently), thanks to which everything happens. When you give thanks, good is returned to you.

A person who cannot feel gratitude is an egoist, and the ego makes him unhappy. Positive does not come to him, because he does not radiate it. Everything is simple. And it’s not difficult to fix this either. Gratitude is a force that heals selfishness, all its negative consequences, and brings happiness closer. An egoist cannot get real happiness, only temporary pleasure is available to him, which is necessarily replaced by disappointment, trouble, depression, etc. .However, see for yourself the power of gratitude! Personal experience is more important than unverified information.

The essence of the technique is quite simple and does not require special conditions. It is best to perform it in a calm environment, sitting or lying down, following the general recommendations.

So, thanksgiving technique:

Find many things, people, events, phenomena, situations, etc. for which you can be grateful, and feel grateful for each of the items listed. For starters, you can say mentally or out loud "thank you" or "thank you" if it's hard to feel gratitude.

You remember something and give thanks for it. Then remember something else and give thanks for it. And so on. Whom to thank? Look at the situation. You can thank the person (who did something for you). You can thank the Guardian Angel, Higher Powers, God, Life (depending on what you believe). When you thank a person, also thank the Higher Forces (Life, God) for giving you this person.

Look through your entire life and find so many (so many!) things that you can be grateful for and radiate that gratitude. In the beginning, you can help yourself by asking, “What can I be grateful for?” and find pleasant situations, gifts, compliments, people, funny stories, etc. any positive. Then you will find some "neutral" things, people, events, etc. that you previously did not consider worthy of gratitude, but now you do. Give thanks for them too. Then you will find "negative" moments in your life, unpleasant life lessons that will now look in a completely different light and will also be worthy of gratitude.

In the end, you will feel grateful for everything, for your entire life, and experience an incredible feeling of happiness, Divine Unconditional Love and Unity. At that moment, the ego will simply disappear, there will be a complete acceptance as it is of everything that was, is and will be. Also be prepared for a series of insights and a whole new understanding of life.

It takes more than one approach to reach this state. But each time the state will change so much that it will be difficult not to notice the changes. Watch what changes in your life as gratitude radiates. You can walk down the street and thank life for everything that catches your eye, the same at work or at home - the thanksgiving technique is universal.

What is gratitude, why is it needed, and how to use the power of gratitude in practice to become happier.

The power of gratitude is so great that the study and application of this knowledge is an important element on the path to happiness and enlightenment.

Gratitude (from “to give thanks”) is a feeling of gratitude for a good done, for example, for the attention or service rendered, as well as various ways of expressing this feeling (definition from Wikipedia).

Gratitude is a powerful outgoing stream of positivity. You already know that in our life, and the Universe reacts to our radiations (thoughts, words and actions): what you radiate is what you receive. Anyone who has practiced knows how it works. Perhaps the thanksgiving technique based on the power of gratitude will be even more powerful for you than the happiness formula.

An example of how gratitude works. Joe Vitale describes the following case. “Jonathan had bilateral pneumonia. Nothing seemed to help him. But at some point, an insight descended on him - he wrote a single sentence on sheets of paper and hung them all over the house. With the methodicalness of a parrot, he repeated this sentence over and over again, dictated it many times on tape and constantly scrolled it. He made this phrase a part of his existence. As a result, Jonathan recovered within 24 hours! What were those words? “Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings that I have and for all the blessings that I will receive.”

Incredible? But such is the power of gratitude.

The manifestation (radiation) of gratitude is the establishment of a direct connection with the Higher Forces (Life, God - whoever believes in what, you can call it differently), thanks to which everything happens. When you give thanks, good is returned to you.

A person who cannot feel gratitude is an egoist, and. Positive does not come to him, because he does not radiate it. Everything is simple. And it's not hard to fix either.

Gratitude is a healing force, all its negative consequences, and brings happiness closer.

A person has two options to choose from: (enlightenment). An egoist cannot get real happiness, only temporary pleasure is available to him, which is necessarily replaced by disappointment, trouble, depression, etc.

However, See for yourself the power of gratitude! Personal experience is more important than unverified information.

The thanksgiving technique you will see below is taken from where it works best (since there is little left of the ego and it does not interfere with the work). The Thanksgiving technique is universal, suitable for everyone and is not dangerous for beginners, unlike some other techniques that are intended only for trained people.

The essence of the technique is quite simple and does not require special conditions. It is best to perform it in a calm environment, sitting or lying down, observing the general.

Practice: Thanksgiving Technique

Find many things, people, events, phenomena, situations, etc. for which you can be grateful, and feel grateful for each of the items listed. For starters, you can say mentally or out loud "thank you" or "thank you" if gratitude is difficult to feel.

You remember something and give thanks for it. Then remember something else and give thanks for it. And so on. Whom to thank? Look at the situation. You can thank the person (who did something for you). You can thank the Guardian Angel, Higher Powers, God, Life (depending on what you believe). When you thank a person, also thank the Higher Forces (Life, God) for giving you this person.

Look through your entire life and find so many (so many!) things that you can be grateful for and radiate that gratitude. In the beginning, you can help yourself by asking, “What can I be grateful for?” and find pleasant situations, gifts, compliments, people, funny stories, etc. any positive. Then you will find some "neutral" things, people, events, etc. that you previously did not consider worthy of gratitude, but now you do. Give thanks for them too. Then you will find "negative" moments in your life, unpleasant life lessons that will now look in a completely different light and will also be worthy of gratitude.

You can walk down the street and thank life for everything that catches your eye, the same at work or at home - the practice of thanksgiving is universal.

In the end you will feel gratitude for everything, for your whole life, and experience an incredible feeling of happiness, Divine Unconditional Love and. At that moment, the ego will simply disappear, the totality of everything that was, is and will be will happen. Also be prepared for a series of insights and a whole new understanding of life.

It takes more than one approach to reach this state. But each time, after the practice of thanksgiving, your state will change so much that it will be difficult not to notice the change. Watch what changes in your life as you practice radiating gratitude.

It may be difficult to start because the ego will resist. At first, it will discourage the use of this technique, under various pretexts, then negative things from the past may come up, which is not always pleasant. The only obstacle to practicing the thanksgiving technique is selfishness, there is no other reason. The main thing is to get the first result in order to feel the power of gratitude, and then it will be easier. Give yourself an hour (maybe less) and work with the thanksgiving technique properly.

Don't limit yourself to this one practice; most likely, it will not be enough (especially if you are only at the beginning of the journey). Beyond Techniques

First, let's try to understand what gratitude is. According to Wikipedia, gratitude is an expression of a positive attitude towards a person who has done something good for you.

In order for your life to be filled with good and pleasant events, you need to learn how to use this technique correctly. Psychologists say that it is best practiced before going to bed. To achieve sincerity, make a list of everything you are grateful for. Over time, this technique will become a good habit, and your sleep and well-being will improve. And most importantly - it is not difficult to do and it will not take you much time.

So, let's take a look at how to make this list? What to include there? First, write down on a piece of paper everything good that happened to you. It can be not only events, gifts, but anything. The most ideal list should contain more than fifteen items. You ask: "Why so many?". The answer is very simple: "Yes, so that you do not forget about minor positive points." After compiling a list, you need to choose those that are best remembered and that you dream of repeating. Now get ready for the fact that with each of these items you need to carry out the thanksgiving procedure.

The procedure itself consists of three parts. First, sit down with your hands on your knees, palms up. Now imagine that you have a separate world in your hands, inside of which lives a person who has done something good for you. The next step is a mental expression of gratitude to this person. Do this as sincerely as possible to send a powerful wave of positive energy. Secondly, thank the Universe, if you like, in the face of our Creator - God. Say that you really liked this gift and that you want to receive it more than once. Don't forget to say how much. Third, put your hands on your heart and thank yourself for accepting this gift or favor. People talk about a positive result already at the 3rd week of applying this procedure.

Unfortunately, most of all in our lives we grieve. At the same time, we do not think about whether this is justified or not. We are extremely sensitive to the amount in the check, to paying bills. And at the same time, we don’t even think about those people who work so hard so that we always have cold and hot water in our house, the lighting works, it’s warm. If you realize this, then you are a good person. Thank those people who work so hard for the good of others. After all, you already know how to do it.

By reviewing our whole life, we can find a lot of things, people, situations, services, events and much more. At first, you can express all your gratitude to these points mentally, and later - out loud. Use the two most important words - "Thank you" and "Thank you". Express gratitude to your Guardian Angel, God, your life, people who have done good to you. We assure you that in a person's life, apart from all kinds of grief and sadness, there is not so little good.

Try to remember, we are sure that you will succeed. Thank those people who have done things that are not so worthy of your attention. You should be grateful to them for making you a strong person. After all, sometimes bad people deserve gratitude.

Practice this procedure, and you will not have time to look back, how your life will change for the better. You will smile more often and enjoy all sorts of pleasant little things. It is important that you step over your "can't" and try to do this technique at least once. And then you realize that most of all you are grateful for being born into this world, even despite all the difficulties and turmoil. Listen not to your mind, but to your heart. It is a powerful and irreplaceable assistant. But keep in mind that once is not enough. To change the world around you, use the thanksgiving technique at every opportunity.

Our conversation was about the thanksgiving technique. We talked about the fact that gratitude is a very powerful stream of positive energy, which will undoubtedly return to you with a huge wave of happiness.

Not everyone knows that Gratitude has tremendous power. If you reconsider the most amazing things, then the power of gratitude is the most powerful in the entire universe. This Divine energy is capable of creating real miracles, after which a person's life becomes a real source of joy, happiness, prosperity and love!

If you decipher the word thank, then it means the phrase "to give good." And every time people say “Thank you!”, without noticing it, they perform a Divine action, that is, an act of giving. Saying this phrase, a person launches positive energy into space, which soon returns to him in the form of income, a happy event, good health, and many happy changes happen to him in all areas of life.

Since everything in the universe is made of energy, including words, thoughts and emotions, they all attract like. Therefore, be grateful to the universe for everything you have in life, and it will surely reward you even more.

Words by Joe Vitale

When you are grateful for something, vibrations are sent into the cosmos at the powerful and high frequency of Thanksgiving. In this state, you attract a powerful flow of energy with a similar purity, that is, the Law of Similarity operates. It is he who attracts into the life of people more than what they are grateful for.

Therefore, if you dream of changing your life, improving it and making it prosperous, then constantly thank the universe for what you have now.

You need a new job - thank God for the job that you now have, even if not quite a good one.

Dreaming of a new apartment - give thanks for the housing that you now have, because many do not even have this, they live in the open.

We curse everyone and everything for not having new boots, but when we see a legless person, we understand that clothes and shoes are not the main thing in life.


Almost every one of us has food on the table, fresh water in a mug, breathes clean air, works at a good job, has relatives and friends nearby. Most people have it all! And if you think about it, then these are the Gifts of the Universe that many people do not even think about.

They continue to curse their lives for a traffic jam, for not being able to buy a new fur coat, and also because of any trifles. As a result, minor troubles become a real incident for us. As a result of these actions, situations occur when the smallest problems turn into a disaster. After all, people themselves attract problems.

Gratitude Diary

The most effective way to increase the power of Gratitude is to keep a diary, where everyone can write down what they want to receive in the future. How to fill out a gratitude diary? Starting to fill in the diary, you should think about what you are grateful for the world, shifting your thinking for the better. A short time will pass, and you will begin to notice many things around you that you did not notice before.

By writing down gratitude notes every day, a person focuses on gratitude to the world, raising the level of his vibration, reaching the divine frequencies. In a short time, you will notice a lot of events and things for which it is necessary and important to thank the Universe.

At the University of California, Robort Emmons conducted a unique experiment using feelings of gratitude. According to its results, it was found that if you regularly make notes of gratitude in your diary, then you will seek medical help much less often than other people. You will feel good about yourself, achieve great success in life and have an optimistic outlook on your problems and life in general. Therefore, write down everything, including the little things for which you are grateful to fate and the Universe. It is also important to say “thank you” for something you really want to receive, that is, such an action is called “gratitude in advance”, after which a setting for the future is created.

The power of Gratitude is able to draw to you everything that you dream about. Try this method and your life will change for the better. Thank fate for everything! Thank you for reading my article!

“And why are others doing so well? A car, a house, chickens don’t peck for money, a friendly family, wonderful children ...

And I'm not so lucky ... "

Familiar thoughts?

Sometimes you don’t notice how you begin to compare yourself with successful people. The mood immediately deteriorates, and the general state turns into a protracted process of experiencing. Yes, it’s true, “how can we reach them like that ...”

You know yourself that such thoughts and feelings not only do not lead to good, but also hinder all your aspirations for true happiness, enjoyment of this life.

What to do?

Everything is very simple: you should change your attitude towards your own reality and learn to be GRATEFUL for what you have. I will never believe that you really have nothing to brag about. Family, child, favorite movie, wonderful evening, pleasant pastime, delicious dinner, cozy bed, soft pillow, Internet access. This list can be continued indefinitely.

If you look at others like that, you will forget about yourself and devalue your little joys.

Say THANK YOU for everything you have now.

Think you don't have enough money. But you have them. Let this be the last hundred. Thank Life for it.

You can not ? But you are looking. Give thanks for all the ups and downs.

Are you unhappy in love? But love is in your heart. Give thanks for this wonderful feeling.

The fact is that the Thanksgiving technique is not just a magic word "thank you", it helps to set your wave of life.

I myself have noticed more than once that the more you are grateful to the Universe even for the most banal trifle, the more the Universe becomes grateful in return. Enjoy life and you yourself will be filled with happiness. The world around you will begin to change in amazing ways, attracting even more happiness in return. Learn to live in harmony with yourself!