Dress for a full woman hide the belly pattern. Perfect dresses for women with a tummy

and today I will show the most successful styles of dresses for a full figure. Here you will find casual and elegant dresses, long and short models of dresses for overweight girls and women. Warm knitted and summer light dresses for full ones - now you will easily and quickly choose them in the shops of your city. Because at first sight you will see exactly your dress- the style that will visually emphasize all the advantages of your full figure, and carefully hide weaknesses, align the proportions in the most successful way for you.

I will show models of dresses for full ones, which fit even better on curvy women than on thin ones. You will understand the general rules and successful cut elements for your full figure. That is, you just know the main fashion laws for the overweight, and learn to recognize them in all dresses hanging on store hangers.

In order for each thesis to be printed most COMPLETELY AND CLEARLY, I will first demonstrate all the rules in black. The black dress most clearly and contrastingly reflects the essence of each fashion rule for the full. And photo additions in the form of dresses of all other colors only prove that this rule is common to the entire color palette.

So, let's figure out how to dress in a dress for a woman full of significant virtues.

Dive into the world of plus size dresses.


for women

with a full figure of any type.

For obese women, a long COLUMN dress made of dense flowing knitwear is very complimentary.

The column dress already speaks for itself with its name. Dressed in such a dress, a woman is like slender Greek column made of noble black marble (photo below).

The main condition of such a dress is a very DENSE fabric that does not fit tightly around the body. That is, knitwear should be thick (in no case thin). Thin jersey wrinkles into thin folds that stick to your body and only emphasize its flabby bumps, fatty bulges.

No - we need thick, heavy knitwear. Heavy fabric will not stick to the body - it will flow around it. And you will get a slender smooth silhouette - where all your irregularities will be smoothed out.

The column dress, in turn, has THREE TYPES OF STYLE.

Column dress with TUNIC style. This dress has a free cut, with a weak fit to the body. Just in the photo below, this style is the left photo in one piece, and the bodice and skirt cut into two separate parts (right photo).

In other colors, this principle remains unchanged. The column woman is good in any color incarnation of the dress.

The second main condition for such a column dress is that the FABRIC SHOULD NOT SHINE. If the fabric reflects light in the form of highlights and reflections, it will fill you up. ONLY MATTE FABRIC that absorbs light and diffuses a dull black glow (Abyss color dress). The even blackness of the dress will visually align all the wrong lines of your body - it will give the silhouette unity and uniformity. You will be stately and silhouetted - like a goddess cast from a black stone.

A column dress can have a clear fitted silhouette. - with a long hem straight cut - pencil (as in the photo below). Such a dress for the full is left without unnecessary frills in the hip area (maximum straight cut along one leg). But the bodice (upper part) is decorated with additional style geometry. This may be an interesting decollete line (as in the left photo below) with a tasty cut along the hollow of the breasts.

Or the bodice of the dress can have feminine geometric inserts made of paired fabric - more transparent or with interwoven gold thread (as in the right photo below). This does not prevent the dress from remaining a faithful assistant in aligning your body and turning it into a SINGLE Slender GREEK COLUMN.

For a column dress in the CASE style, knitwear of the highest density is taken (as in the photo below with black dresses).

A column dress is often made in the style of a GREEK DRESS. For "Greek styles" they take fabric of a lower density than for a sheath dress. This is also knitwear, but not thin (like underwear) - small folds of thin knitwear sticking to the body will ruin everything. We take thick heavy knitwear that will flow richly and weightily in Greek tucks in the form of EVEN AND VERTICAL FOLDS - under the weight of its knitted weight.

And we get a rich dress for a full woman, which evens out her body, smoothing and hiding irregularities (folds on the back or stomach) thanks to the thickness of the fabric, and elongates the figure thanks to the length and vertical flowing folds of the cut.

Column dress from the photo below HAS A BODY ON THE DRAWINGS. This circumstance allows the shoulders and axillary folds to remain open - it looks beautiful on a young elastic body. And if you are not fond of sports, then you certainly want to hide these places - then your styles with a small sleeve in the photo above.

In color schemes - this style of the Greek column dress for a full woman looks good in JUICY DENSE COLORS. The main rule is the haze, the “non-glare” of the fabric. Shiny fabric will add extra volume to the bulges.


style for obese women.

The most classic dress for curvy women is the SHELL DRESS. The clear lines of the silhouette + DENSE FABRIC help this dress do its job - SET A SMOOTH AND CLEAR SILHOUETTE to your body.

The main condition for such a dress is a dense fabric that holds its shape well (does not spread under your sides, but evenly and calmly presses against them and gives your body a clear elastic shape.

The second condition for a successful sheath dress for obese women is closed armhole lines- that is, your shoulders and armpits should be covered. Here is the photo below thanks to extended shoulder line our underarm folds are closed (although the dress is sleeveless, but the underarm fold is not visible).

Often, elegant sheath dress models are sewn from lace fabric. It is these options for full dresses that we see in the photo below. Note that triangular neckline visually lengthens the neck, gives your face additional ovality.

Even for a very full figure, you can pick up (or sew) a neat sheath dress. Most often in full models of this style shoulders are covered with a small sleeve or drapery.

But even if you bought such a sleeveless dress, you can close the armpit area simply throwing a jacket, jacket or blazer over the dress.

Especially since a jacket or blazer thrown over does a very important job of adding Slenderness to you. Look at the photo below - how the jacket cuts off your sides and you become visually thinner than you would be without a jacket, blazer.

About these and other laws of "visual harmony" I dwelled in more detail and in detail in my two articles.

Even a small leather jacket immediately reduces your width. Just do not break the rule - a dress under the very throat will visually CUT YOUR NECK (as you can see on the black dress below). Therefore, either the neckline of a full dress should be more open - or you need to hang jewelry on this neckline zone that will visually lengthen your neck.

But still, it is better when a sheath dress for a large woman is sewn FROM A DENSE FABRIC. The tighter, the better such a dress will hold its shape - your new shape. The clear lines of the dress will give clear lines to your figure.
That is why dresses for overweight ones are often compacted due to STITCHES (or they immediately choose the fabric where these rivets-stickers are already provided by the textile manufacturer).

In addition, the geometry of the riveted lines creates an additional visual effect that makes you appear slimmer.

And if you put on a short jacket or jacket on top of such a correct sheath dress (that is, as we advised above - cut off the shoulders and cut off the sides) - then we get a completely slender juicy woman.

Also, heavy fabric is often used for sheath dresses for a full woman, with a metallic thread sewn through the entire pattern, or embroidery with small beads is added.

And on sheath dresses for overweight women, a contrasting graphic effect (cropped sides) or diagonal lines (as in the photo below) is often used. This is done in order to bring down the proportions, visually divert attention from the size or irregularities of the body.

DRESS WITH DEcolletage

elegant option

for a full woman.

Very often knitted tight sheath dresses have a beautiful, decoratively designed neckline. And this is understandable. The most beautiful place of a magnificent woman is her chest full of passion. This attraction factor possible and necessary emphasize. As long as you're young and on another diet, and your skin doesn't show the signs of aging that come with age or cutting back on food.

Smooth smooth skin in a lush young body is only beautiful, and nothing else. Therefore, young plump girls no need to be shy try on such open dresses. You have no idea what kind of candy you can turn into. And in deaf-closed dresses, you still have time to go to the office, and then when the skin is not as fresh as in 20 years. Don't hide beauty while you're young.

And if you do not risk exposing your armpits, then you can look for styles of dresses for full ones that open the neckline, but carefully cover the risky areas of your shoulders. In the photo below, we see just such dresses - the axillary folds are closed, and the hollows of the lush breasts and the gentle bend of the collarbones are open - that's what we need.


for obese women.

One-piece non-adjacent styles of dresses for full ones are models created for curvy ladies who want to hide their folds on their stomachs. This dress is especially relevant in the cool season, when we are required to wear tights. The waist part of tights always divides our stomach into two rollers, and any adjacent dress gives out this ugly horizontal seam on the stomach. Therefore, in the season of tights, we dive into straight styles of dresses, those that do not stick to the body and do not give out the relief of seams from underwear and tights.

Here in the photo below we see just such models of dresses for large women. By the way, this dress is comfortable to wear. sleeveless straight blazers(as in the right photo below).

Dresses for full STRAIGHT CUT can be sewn from lace or perforated fabrics. This gives them additional decorativeness and femininity. Your image immediately becomes delicate and femininely fragile. Good effect, agree.

Festive dressy versions of this style can use sequined fabric or sheer chiffon patches over the entire dress or just on the sleeves.

Straight dresses for full, in the same free cut, you can buy for the summer - choose large sizes from light light fabrics.

And warm models of dresses for curvaceous women - made of dense knitwear with woolen thread.


for overweight women with a belly.

A loose-fitting dress does not have to be a straight silhouette. Trapeze is also a good shape for a dress suitable for overweight women. Among plus size dresses, this style is quite common, but we are afraid to try it on, because it seems to us that it will not sit well on us. But it's worth trying it on once to fall in love with your body in this new dress.

A-line dress usually short in length. And in its cut it looks like a tunic. It can be asymmetrical (shorter in front than in the back).

The elongated models of the asymmetric tunic dress stretch your figure even better. The length of the back of the hem works for additional growth and slimness (like a column dress), and the hem raised in front allows you to show the legs at their most beautiful part (the shin, even for overweight women, always looks beautiful and neat).

Elegant tunic dresses are often decorated with transparent inserts in the bodice. Or the upper shoulder part is made of lace fabric (as in the photo of evening tunic dresses for obese women below).

Dress tunic with neckline "a la peasant". Exhibits the most correct part of the body of a plump woman - smooth, sleek shoulders. Folds in lightweight fabric hide excess weight - and you look slimmer.

Be sure to find in stores and try on yourself plus size wide tunic dresses with OPEN SHOULDERS and thin shoulder straps. Their cut allows you to hide the underarm lines, but expose smooth, perfect shoulders. Every plump woman shoulders are a beautiful part of the body so let's show this beauty. And let the tummy hide in the folds of the Greek tunic.

And don't forget to put sunscreen on your shoulders if you're going to be in the hot sun for a long time.

With a tunic dress for full looks good wide brim hat. And pay attention to the short tunic dress you can wear with shorts.

The outfit in the photo below just proves that even a plump woman can even buy short denim shorts for herself, if before that she has acquired a comfortable wide tunic. Agree with a T-shirt or shirt, these shorts would look sad (protruding fat rollers on the stomach, and all that ...). And the wide tunic fixed everything - and you can open your legs as much as possible without fear for how the rest of your body looks.

Tunic came to us from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Therefore, shoes for such a style of dress for full ones should also be designed in the style of the times of chariots and amphitheatres.

Roman sandals or gladiator sandals- these are the perfect shoes for a tunic dress for full ones.

Gladiator sandals can have low or high lacing (photo below).

And be sure to buy in the store sheer dress in your size. It is better to choose such a long tunic made of thin chiffon in a simple color: black or white (this way it will be easier to pick up grassroots things under it). See what interesting and boring images a plump girl with such a transparent dress can come up with.

Dress shirt

for obese women.

A shirt dress is a style that works like lifesaver for all obese women. It can be made from a thin, flowing fabric, or from loose denim, or from a safari-colored protective fabric, or from a standard tartan shirting fabric.

Many long summer dresses for full ones are styled like a shirt dress in their bodices. And this is not without reason - a shirt cut and a neckline with a number of buttons visually stretches the figure, and opens the neck.

Shirt dress for plus size women can be sewn from transparent fabric. And they wear such a dress over other opaque things in your wardrobe.

Sheer airy fabric gives your silhouette the SAME LIGHTNESS AND AIR. You automatically lose a few pounds in such a dress for the full.

Dresses for full

with hoists under the chest.

Girls with full forms have one advantage over skinny ones. They always have beautiful big breasts. And this circumstance should be used.

Excess fullness on the stomach does not always allow you to choose dresses with a waist on the lower back. But on the other hand, you can afford all models of dresses where the waist goes just under the bust (as in the photo below).

Such models of dresses for full ones your style. You yourself can search for dresses in online stores and buy them with confidence - they will look good on you at the very first fitting.

Dresses with a hem from the chest often have beautiful drapery-bun, which radiates from the central point under the breast down along the hem.

Wrap dresses

for obese women.

Women of large size are accustomed to drape themselves in bathrobes, pulling themselves with a soft belt. These are comfortable home clothes for obese women. And it’s not for nothing that we intuitively choose a dressing gown for magnificent forms. Robe cut - style with the smell of two halves on top of each other- Looks very complimentary on overweight women.

This principle of a careless cut was transferred by designers to dresses for full ones. Cross smell of two halves of the bodice visually makes the chest a little smaller. Plus, due to the smell, drapery lines are created that mask extra bulges on the body of a full woman.

Wrap dress can be tailored thick knitted fabric(by no means thin).

The thinner the knit fabric, the cheaper your dress will look - like underwear. Only tight jersey will create beautiful clear lines of drapery and hide the bumps in your body.

And even better if the wrap-around dress is sewn from simple NON-STRETCH fabrics. There can be a smooth dense fabric with the addition of synthetics (so as not to wrinkle), thick cotton (which is still wrinkled) or thin chiffon fabrics (as in the last version from the photo below).

Dresses with drapes

for a full figure.

Draperies were invented by cunning people. How wonderful it is when a dress can hide any sloppy part of your body in the folds and tucks of the fabric. From the outside, it will look like an interesting cut element - and only you will know that it hides the very place that you deliberately want not to show to others.

Clever drapery can reduce too protruding breasts (like Verka Serduchka). Neat draping can hide fat ridges at the waist. The twists, twists, and knots of stretch fabric can help eliminate the seam from tights that would otherwise show through the fabric of the dress.

Beautiful drapery-knot can emphasize your waist, and divert attention from too wide hips. Beautiful dresses for full with draperies must be measured - on hangers and store mannequins they look like not your dress - but on your forms this dress can do a miracle. The drapery and direction of the warehouse can work out in the most wonderful way and you will turn into a beauty. Such dresses for full ones - you must definitely wear them. Only the reflection in the mirror will reveal to you the magic power of the dress. Do not be lazy and do not hesitate to measure.

ASYMMETRIC DRAPING works best on obese women - with tension on one side of the dress. Diagonal creases align and bring in their lines, not allowing the dress to show your lines of fat folds.

Drapery-swing or Roman draperies on one shoulder are beautiful both for simple summer dresses and evening dresses for full ones.

The most successful dress color for a full woman is marsala color(color of red wine). This color (provided that the fabric does not shine) removes several kilograms at once.

Remember this color in the photo below - it is recognized as the THINEST color for a figure. Do not miss the opportunity to try on a dress of this color in the store, even if you don’t like it on the shoulders. Do not be too lazy to put on yourself - you will see a changed body in the mirror, the body of your dreams. You will definitely want to buy it.

Try on draped dresses in heavy rich fabrics. Heavy thick fabric always gives a beautiful luxurious drapery. A thin fabric looks like a wrinkled rag. Choose drapery dresses made of dense fabrics and be sure to try them on yourself. You will be surprised how expensive and stylish you will look in the mirror of the fitting room. A real royally luxurious plump woman. A woman full of beauty and charm.

Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad moods.

Faina Ranevskaya.


For obese women.

Fashion designers have noticed that a plump woman in a peignoir or combination always looks beautiful. And so they began to sew dresses for the full in the style of a jumper. Dresses-combinations for full should not be made of thin fabrics (flowing silk and similar slippery materials are not needed here).

Even in the combination style, you need to choose a dense, shape-holding fabric. Which will not stick to the body, but will beautifully frame it, give a clear feminine silhouette.


on dresses for full.

Well now let's talk about visual effects, which are often used by designers on dresses for overweight women and girls in order to DISTORT THEIR REAL PROPORTIONS.

The most common effect is darkening the sides of the dress. Darkening the sides - we kind of cut them off, and the body becomes narrower than it actually is.

Most often, this can be found on black-gray-white office dresses, on cocktail bustier dresses (as in the photo below).

And also on colored summer sundresses for full ones. This summer dress is oversized. can be found in online stores and bought immediately without trying on. It is sewn without unnecessary darts and will sit quietly on your figure.



on dresses for full.

Contrasting things always pull attention away from themselves. It is worth adding a dazzling white detail to a black dress, exactly how it will capture the eye, and you will not notice either a round tummy or full hips. Everything else fades into the background- in the foreground, a contrasting insert on your new dress.

The condition is that the fabric is dense, and the silhouette of the insert is graphically clear.

Look for these styles of plus size dresses and don't be intimidated by how rough they look on hangers. Believe on the body this dress will reveal its charm.

Diagonal stripe

on puffy dresses.

You have already seen how drape dresses with diagonal rows of pleats change the full figure. In the same way they work on a dress for full diagonal stripes.

Oversized diagonally striped dresses turn you into a small, slender woman.

thin strip

on dresses for full.

The vertical stripe always stretched the figure. A thin stripe on the dress creates a colorful vertical effect that slims you.

And horizontal stripes do not spoil your figure at all - if you are wearing a dress of the right style. As we have already said, a column dress always works for your harmony, even if the column dress is dotted with horizontal stripes.

Dress sheath thick jersey striped - also works for your figure, provided that the stripes are not too wide and the dress is made of thick knitwear that holds its shape well. Try on plus size striped dresses in stores in your city.


draw out the shape.

Colored stripes on puffy dresses work exactly the same as black and white. If they are vertical, narrow and full of different colors, then this is the perfect dress for obese women. In the photo below, we see evidence - these women look slim in such striped dresses.

Monochrome calm colors of elegant dresses for full ones use lines of sequins in the form of even straight lines, winding streams or gothic elongated patterns.

Long evening dresses for full ones also use this effect of stripes flowing down - in the form of streams of rhinestones and sequins.

On summer dresses, office business dresses, you can also see this print. Be sure to try these things in the store. One day you will find your magical dress that perfectly transforms your figure.

And long summer sundresses for full ones also often use this winning technique. These dresses are the first to sell.

Here are some tips on the styles of dresses for the full.

I really hope that this article has laid in your head the basic rules for choosing a dress for a full figure. Now you can arm yourself with your newfound knowledge and head to the store to pick out your new plus size dress.

And another article

about fashion for obese women.

On our site you can find a lot of fashion tips for curvy women. Read, study photos and memorize the right images - photograph them with your eyes. And in stores you will always recognize your new dress.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site.

Any woman wants to be beautiful, even if she has flaws in her figure. Properly selected clothes will help to look great with a non-standard figure.

Each lady has at least one "problem place" in her figure. Women are trying to fight excess weight with the help of diets. But few people know that diets can be dangerous.

Often after a diet, a girl gains even more weight, and new health and figure problems appear. It is much safer and more interesting to hide your flaws with the right clothes.

Hide figure flaws correctly

With the help of clothes, you can hide from four to eight kilograms of excess weight. Harmony should be in everything. The legs should appear to be the same length as the torso or slightly longer.

It looks ugly when the hips are wider than the shoulders, and the upper body is shorter than the lower one. It is necessary to hide the flaws of the figure correctly, and then you can create a proportionately folded and visually beautiful body.

What clothes to wear full girls?

  • it is contraindicated to fasten all the buttons on a dress or jacket
  • clothes with wide and even vertical stripes
  • tight dresses
  • contrasting clothing
  • small scarves
  • large jewelry
  • stand collar

So, what clothes to wear full girls? In outerwear, the contours of the body should be outlined gently. Suitable oblique lines of seams, on pockets and fasteners. Suitable elongated collar and V-neck, lengthening the neck. Matte shades of the material will look great, and cool tones make the figure more slender.

Tip: Wear oversized scarves, voluminous shawls, and small pieces of jewelry. This will give the image accuracy and visually remove extra pounds.

How to hide the sides and stomach with clothes?

By applying some tricks, you can achieve incredible success in choosing the right clothes for yourself. How to hide the sides and stomach with clothes?

  • Wear dark colored dresses and avoid white, pink and blue
  • Be careful with printed clothes. If the drawing is located in the abdomen, then it will focus on this area
  • Give preference to dresses and skirts made of heavy fabrics. Lightweight material will emphasize all the flaws of the figure
  • Do not emphasize the waist, especially with a wide belt. Dresses should be with slanting and other interesting lines that add chic to the image and divert attention from the stomach and sides.
  • If you have beautiful breasts, wear dresses and blouses with deep necklines.
  • Gathering on the stomach, large vertical frills from the neck to the bottom of the dress, loose fit - these are the main commandments in order to successfully hide figure flaws in the abdomen and sides

Models of dresses that hide figure flaws

Every woman wants to wear dresses, even if she has extra pounds. After all, in a dress, the lady looks feminine and spectacular. There are several models of dresses that hide figure flaws:

  • Empire dress. The distinctive features of this model are a high waist, a seam under the bust and a flared bottom.

  • Trapeze. Tight top and loose bottom. The fabric should be light and flowy.

  • Bustier. A lady with a beautiful neckline and breasts is suitable. High bodice with or without straps. Knee length

  • Dress in the style of "Shirt". Straight fit, buttons. You can add a thin belt

  • Greek style. Loose fit, drape and slight slouching at the belly

  • Kimono. The dress of this model repeats the cut of a kimono - loose style

How to hide the imperfections of the legs?

In this case, color, print, style and fabric matter.

1. When choosing tights, give preference to beige and white tones. This technique is suitable for thin legs

2. Uneven legs will be invisible if you wear loose trousers. Skirt-year, flared down, suitable for owners of U-shaped legs

3. Short legs will become visually longer if the girl wears a mini, shoes with heels and tights to match the shoes

These tricks will help hide the imperfections of the legs. Most importantly, don't be afraid to experiment.

Clothing that hides figure flaws. Photo

TIP: Throw out dresses with wide belts, jeans and leggings.

Clothing that hides figure flaws includes the following models:

  • Tulip dresses
  • Dresses with oblique lines
  • Dresses with a seam under the bust
  • Trousers with arrows in combination with dark-colored shirts
  • Loose cardigans
  • Clothes with patch pockets, gathers and pleats at the skirts
  • Asymmetry

Photos will allow you to choose a wardrobe for any occasion in life.

How to hide crooked legs

Hide crooked legs with long skirts of different styles and wide trousers - classic, flared down.

How to hide full legs

Long skirts and dresses, wide trousers are clothes that need to be worn to hide full legs.

Important: If you have massive hips, then wide trousers are not for you. They can only emphasize this shortcoming. Opt for classics made of good, dense fabrics that hold their shape.

How to hide skinny legs

Young girls can wear light or white tights with a large pattern.

Thin ankles are a virtue worth showing. You can hide thin legs with cropped trousers.

IMPORTANT: You will open the ankles, diverting attention from the thin top of the legs.

How to hide the sides with clothes

Wear tight underwear. It is easy to hide the sides with this garment. The bra, panties, bodysuit or corset must be of good quality. Good slimming underwear will help drive away complexes and disguise a big belly and excess on the sides. Good posture adds beauty and confidence. No one will think of a woman that she is plump if she walks in heels and with a beaming smile!

How to hide big hands

Graceful lines of hands can be created with the help of the perfect wardrobe. Clothing with 3/4 sleeves will help hide large hands. In this case, attention will be riveted to the wrists, which are the thinnest area of ​​​​the arm. An extended sleeve, natural fabrics, massive bracelets - all this will create an excellent contrast with a wide top of the arms.

Dresses that hide full arms

Sleeves on dresses should cover the arms. A woman with such shortcomings should give up strapless, lush frills and folds. Dresses that hide full arms are a sleeve to the elbow or 3/4.

How to hide a long neck

Voluminous scarves and large scarves, a round neckline on clothes, bows and ruffles at the top of blouses and dresses will help to hide a long neck.

How to hide a short neck

Clothing with an open neck will help to visually lengthen the neck. A V-neck on a dress, sweater or blouse will help hide a short neck.

What clothes hide the stomach. Photo

Place the right accents in your figure:

  • Highlight the virtues
  • Wear clothes with an original neckline
  • Simple and concise fit

Such clothes hide the belly and create accents on the décolleté, legs and other areas of the figure where there are no problems.

How to hide wide shoulders with clothes - photo

Broad shoulders for a woman is a disadvantage. After all, a lady should be sophisticated and feminine. But you can hide wide shoulders with clothes. Photos will help you see how to do it right.

Hiding full shoulders

An openwork cape in the form of a summer jacket will help hide full shoulders. A free-cut blouse with oblique flowing lines, an asymmetrical cardigan, suits and dresses with an emphasis on the hips, ponchos and a different play of colors will help make the wardrobe for a woman with full arms perfect.

How to hide big breasts

Large breasts are not a disadvantage, but women believe that with such volumes, the figure becomes disproportionate. A correct and comfortable bra, a beautiful color scheme of the top and a light bottom will help to hide a large breast. Elongated jewelry - chains, beads, thin and light scarves.

How to hide small breasts

Lace, buttons, pockets, blouses with frills. Details of clothing located in this area will help hide small breasts.

How to hide a big butt

Fitted dresses, coats, flared skirts, high-waisted trousers will help to hide a big ass perfectly.

Tip: Avoid mid-thigh straps, folds and frills around the product.

How to hide wide hips with clothes

The low waist on the trousers will help to visually reduce the hips. A combination of colors is perfect - a bright top and dark trousers or skirts. Hiding wide hips with clothes is easy and every girl can do it.

Tip: Don't wear sweatpants or brightly colored trousers. Under the ban and narrowed down trousers.

Dresses that hide wide hips

A wide dress of a free cut will cover full hips. Add vertical lines in the form of a belt that hangs from the waist. Dresses that hide wide hips always have vertical seams, colored stripes and a wide bottom. All this will divert attention from the problem area.

Skirts that hide wide hips

The skirt is one of the most feminine details of the wardrobe. Skirts are for all women, you just need to wear them correctly. Skirts that hide wide hips:

  • pencil skirt. Suitable for office. Can be straight or flared down
  • Skirt with Basques. The peplum should have a loose hem, visually reducing the hips
  • flounces at the bottom of the skirt. This cut helps visually balance the hips and remove volume in this area.
  • tulip skirt. Makes the hips less visible, diverting attention to the knees and waist

What to wear with a pear body shape

Full hips, buttocks, plump legs - this type of figure is called a pear. Women often have a question, what clothes to wear with a pear figure? It is worth giving preference to such clothes:

  • flared trousers
  • high waisted dresses
  • pencil skirt, A-line skirt
  • A-line coat with chunky shoulder straps to help balance the silhouette

Swimwear that hides figure flaws

There are many models of clothes for the beach, allowing you to focus on dignity. Swimsuits that hide figure flaws are one-piece models that cover problem areas. These include:

  • bando
  • halter
  • high neck
  • halter
  • monokini
  • swimdress

Dress styles that hide figure flaws

Peplum dresses will help hide an ugly figure. Peplum is an original element that distracts attention and emphasizes elegance.

Dress styles that hide figure flaws will help remove the emphasis from problematic hips and excess in the abdomen. These dresses should not restrict movement and should be made from good fabrics with a small print and slanting stripes along the silhouette.

Fabric that hides figure flaws

Use high-quality natural fabric for tailoring. Avoid synthetics that treacherously fit problem areas. The fabric that hides figure flaws should be pleasant to the body.

Pants and skirts should be made of heavy fabric that will smooth out silhouette imperfections. For a dress, do not choose light knitwear, as this fabric will not be able to hide a large belly or wide hips. Suede and velveteen will make the figure more massive.

  • Choose clothes following the above tips
  • Do not forget about accessories that will balance the top and bottom of the silhouette.
  • Choose shoes with heels, and use shapewear for special occasions, wearing under luxurious dresses and suits.
  • Despite your shortcomings in the figure, do not go in cycles only in trousers and hoodies
  • Let your image be decorated with beautiful dresses, skirts and trendy blouses.

Video: Fashion for obese women. Body shaping with clothes

The dress should not only decorate a woman, but also hide flaws, turning them into a “highlight” of the figure. In order to choose the styles of dresses for obese women with a belly, you need to know a few rules, which will be discussed in the article.

It has long been no secret that a full woman can look attractive and exciting if she puts a little effort into choosing a wardrobe. Of course, not everyone succeeds in buying a stunning dress the first time, but the more practice, the closer the ideal solution.

The basics of choosing a dress for a full woman

Rules for choosing a dress

If there are some rules for choosing a dress, then you can make a very successful purchase:

  1. give preference to quality fabrics. Of course, such a dress is unlikely to be cheap, but the quality of the fabric will turn even a simple style into a stunning option;
  2. choose dresses from matte fabrics. Everything that glitters and shimmers well only as accessories and only in reasonable quantities;
  3. do not focus too much on the merits or try too hard to hide the flaws, the good thing is that it is harmonious and not vulgar;
  4. never choose a large print;
  5. correctly emphasize the dignity of the figure - the chest is the neckline, the legs are a slightly reduced length;
  6. never look in the direction of a hoodie dress, so you will not hide extra pounds, on the contrary, you will look heavy.
stylish navy blue wrap dress

What can hide the tummy?

Any style of dress for a full woman with a belly should have elements that hide it or simply distract attention. Usually they are located in the upper part - on the shoulders or the cutout area:

  1. smell;
  2. Basque;
  3. drapery;
  4. loose fit at the waist;
  5. wide, but not constricting belt or belt.
patterned loose tunic dress

Fashion models of dresses for obese women with a belly

Summer and winter styles of dresses

Summer styles of dresses

In summer, it is best to choose a sundress with a high waist. Its length should be maximum. This is a good choice to finally give preference to fabrics that are bright and with a noticeable pattern. They can be delicate colors, but other options look no less attractive. At the same time, such a sundress gives the image of femininity and lightness.

In addition to a sundress, it can be a dress with a Greek bodice and a fairly deep neckline. It is better to choose a wide skirt from the belt no longer than the knee to the ankle. Just do not choose black - this is not the best option.

delicate summer dress with flowers on wide straps

Winter styles of dresses

Fat women who want to hide the tummy can choose straight and fitted knit options. It is important to choose a wide leather belt. The popular collar is also acceptable, but only if you have a not too large bust. But the ideal sleeve for all models is ¾.

It is better to exclude large stripes across, and vertical knitting is what you need to stretch the silhouette.

A short dress can be supplemented with leggings.

black dress with bright piping

Evening dresses for obese women with a belly

To choose the perfect evening dress, you need to focus on "subdued bright" colors. They should be deep and noble - dark red, coral, deep rich blue or even emerald. Never choose black, keep it for everyday wear.

If you can, open your shoulders. If you need to cover your hands, then flowing material can handle this.

The most successful evening dress for a full lady is Greek and "Empire".

evening dress with drapery and slit snow-white evening dress with a train

Universal models of dresses for obese women

Wrap dress

A dress that has a smell will emphasize the bust and highlight the waist smoothly. If you choose a slightly flared version, you will correct the line of the hips. It is better to prefer the length to the knee, the sleeve - ¾. The fabric should be flowing, for example, knitwear.

blue wrap dress with black belt burgundy wrap dress with frill black long wrap dress

Tunic dress

With fullness, you need to carefully consider the selection of a tunic. It should be made of thin fabric, because a dense one will make the figure heavier. Pick up a thin belt, emphasize your waist with it. A small drawing will look best.

stylish high-waisted tunic dress light tunic dress with short sleeves

Sheath dress

A sheath dress is an option for any figure. It is suitable for a variety of occasions, it can be combined with other wardrobe items and create completely different looks.

high-waisted printed sheath dress black sheath dress with openwork sleeves

Empire dress

Dresses in the Empire style are recognizable by the high waist. This style will perfectly hide the tummy and emphasize the décolleté line. The flowing long hem made of light fabrics looks especially beautiful.

long pastel empire dress blue empire maxi dress with a pattern

Dress "Bat"

A batwing dress can give a coquettish look and hide figure flaws. It always looks fashionable and stylish, especially if you choose bright colors.

Even very full ladies may prefer this style if the color is not solid. Bright accents will “break” the figure visually into pieces, due to which the fullness will be hidden. striped short dress with asymmetric hem

Low-cut dresses

If you choose a dress with a neckline, then try to keep it elegant. Too much neckline can make you look vulgar, which will repulse others. The most successful option is a V-shaped neckline, a "boat". One open shoulder looks attractive, which distracts attention from figure flaws in the abdomen.

black dress with deep neckline contrast dress with deep neckline

Fat women with a tummy can successfully adjust their figure with the help of a well-chosen dress. The main thing is to carefully choose the fabric and not neglect the fitting.


Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

Styles of dresses for obese women that can hide the belly are a real find. After all, every fashionista, regardless of complexion, wants to look beautiful and attractive. Owners of a slender figure choose clothes much easier. There is no need to think about decorative elements, cut or color, which, God forbid, will emphasize an extra fold. But for ladies with forms, all this is oh, how familiar.

An incorrectly chosen thing can cause irreparable harm to your image, “revealing” all those flaws that need to be hidden. That is why, for all appetizing young ladies, we strongly recommend that you read our today's article. In it you will find useful practical tips that will help you choose your casual and festive outfit.

Fashionable styles of dresses

The basics of choosing the right dress for obese women

It does not matter what kind of dress you need in the near future - festive or very ordinary. What matters is how you choose it, and what you should pay attention to in the first place. So, in order for your image to be recognized as luxurious, remember the following rules.

High-quality fabric and a well-chosen style are the key to an impeccable image.

Important! When choosing clothes for yourself, try to make your whole image harmonious. That is, do not try to hide your shortcomings too obviously, it will look ridiculous. Also, do not focus too much on the merits, otherwise you risk coming across as vulgar. Everything needs balance.

Styles of dresses for full ladies

There are several main styles of dresses that hide the belly of plump girls and women. And now we will talk in detail about each of them.


A great option for an elegant dress, which is quite suitable for going out and everyday wear. A-line models are distinguished by a well-defined waist, which is usually slightly high, and an extended skirt. There are a lot of types of A-line dresses. There are samples for both summer and winter.

Among other things, you can easily choose such a dress with the desired length of the skirt. If you think that your legs are full, pay attention to the maximum length models. And if you are quite proud of your slender calves, then feel free to take a midi.

Dress - case

A straight, slightly fitted silhouette is a classic fashion for the overweight. Girls and women with a belly most often prefer this particular model. Firstly, this is because the sheath dress is incredibly comfortable. Secondly, it is versatile and perfect for the office and a small party. Well, the third, its dignity - cut.

A well-made sheath dress will perfectly hide your folds, and if you also have inserts in a contrasting color on the sides, you will look much slimmer.

Important! A sheath dress is suitable for ladies with absolutely any degree of completeness. But it looks best with an hourglass figure type.

Wrap dress

A very popular model among those ladies who are over 40. It helps to create a feminine composition, favorably emphasizing the chest and smoothly highlighting the waist. Most often, a wrap dress can be found in midi length and sewn from a light flowing fabric. And if you choose the option with a slightly flared skirt, which will also be decorated with drapery along the bottom, you will see how all this will visually correct your hips as well.

There are a lot of options for wrap dresses, because this is a real trend. So, if you like them, then with their help you can easily diversify your wardrobe.

Important! If the dress you like has an asymmetrical hem, this will visually lengthen the silhouette. So the emphasis on the tummy will be even less.

Dress - tunic

A great option for full girls and women of small stature. Of course, the tunic as a garment for young ladies with forms has been known for a long time. Therefore, this time-tested model can be trusted. She is especially loved by adult ladies over 50. A light silk tunic will perfectly hide all the hated folds and bulges in the abdomen. Also, if desired, you can wear a wide belt under the bodice to give your silhouette a seductive finish.

If the tunic dress you have chosen is too short, feel free to combine it with straight-cut trousers and high-heeled shoes, or sandals when it comes to summer. Coquette girls will definitely like a tunic with an oblique cut, where one shoulder opens. And if you really want to wear it as a dress, then take a look at the length of the midi.

Important! A tunic dress must be made of lightweight material. This is because the dense fabric makes the figure heavier. And you definitely don't need it!

Dress in Greek style and Empire style

Two models of an evening dress similar to each other, which will suit the face and figure of absolutely any girl with forms. Light flowing material, high waist, beautiful fashionable decor, skillful drapery, seductively defined chest, actual length - all these are indisputable advantages and distinctive features of dresses in the Greek style and the Empire style.

Emerald dress in Greek style

Tulip dress

This dress is a great youth option. And all because it has an oversized skirt, which is suitable, perhaps, only for girls under 30 years old. But despite the seemingly frivolous style, with the help of a tulip dress, you can very well adjust the silhouette.

Dress with 3/4 sleeves

In 2018, short sleeves have become a real fashion trend. They could be seen on outerwear, jumpers, business suits, blouses and, of course, dresses. For ladies with shapes, 3/4 sleeves can also do an excellent job. Namely, to divert attention from the protruding tummy, switching the focus to yourself. Also, the non-standard sleeve perfectly conceals the fullness of the arms. Therefore, if you are very complex about this, know that there is a way out!

Dress shirt

Another opportunity for a full woman to look stylish and fashionable, without worrying about extra centimeters in the waist. The main advantage of a shirt dress is a straight cut. He seems to stretch the silhouette, making the figure much slimmer. And the free style allows you to hide everything you want. If your shirt dress model is decorated with pockets in the chest area, then this is also fine. They will draw all the attention to themselves, which will create an additional feeling of confidence and comfort in you.

Important! Another advantage of a shirt dress is that it is very easy to match shoes to it. If you don't like high heels, that's okay. Boots, ballerinas, ankle boots, boots - everything will do.

What to Avoid When Choosing a Plus Size Dress

At the end of our review, let's talk about the most common mistakes of overweight ladies when choosing clothes and how they can be avoided.

  • Do not replenish your wardrobe with layered dresses and things with complex drapery. All this will only add volume to you when worn.
  • Ruffles, frills, and large collars can also make you look fat and hide your height.
  • A bow exclusively in black will not make you so slim. But will add age. Black dresses are good in combination with things of other contrasting shades.
  • For obvious reasons, full fashionistas should beware of large peas and horizontal stripes.
  • Tight fabric is the enemy of a puffy girl. All excess folds will be underlined.
  • And, finally, bright fabrics. You have to be extremely careful with them!

As you can see, there are a lot of really beautiful styles of dresses for obese women. And it's easy enough to choose from. Of course, there are limitations, because we are not talking about a perfect figure, but if you approach filling your wardrobe wisely, you will always look amazing.

Clothes for obese women are not shapeless hoodies and dark colors. From now on, curvaceous ladies can dress the way they want. Designers produce entire collections of clothes that are perfect for women with a belly.

In the photo you can see interesting novelties, bright fabrics, fashionable styles and even mini-skirts. So, you just need to show a little imagination and wisely evaluate the features of the figure in order to get a stunning result. What fashion trends in clothes for obese women can be traced at the present time?

After 40, life is only gaining momentum. To look fashionable and stylish is the responsibility of every self-respecting woman at a respectable age. Here it is no longer worth trying to wear youth things and experiment on your image. Clothing for obese women over 40 should flawlessly emphasize all the advantages, fit the type of figure and color type of appearance.

  • dresses, just below the knee;
  • straight skirts and pencil skirts;
  • blouses made of thin materials;
  • shirts;
  • not too wide trousers;
  • jackets and blazers.

The color scheme is restrained. This does not mean that you need to give up things in purple, navy blue or burgundy. But it is better to forget about too acidic green or orange. Not suitable for lush ladies over 40 and large prints. At the same time, a fashionable stripe, check or delicate floral motif will come in handy.

Do not forget about the classic style. White, black, gray colors and strict styles are perfect for a business woman. But for walking around the city and outdoor activities, it is better to choose denim. It is also suitable as summer clothes for obese women.

Stylish clothes for obese women after 50 can also include jeans, a variety of trousers and even overalls. But the most important element of the wardrobe at this age is still dresses, and not very outrageous.

About summer clothes for obese women

In the summer I want to be a little brighter. But many overweight women do not dare to wear light-colored clothes and continue to hide under gray suits. And they do it completely in vain. In summer, regardless of weight, beautiful clothes for obese women can be: peach, mint, pale pink, blue.

And to hide the belly, choose models:

  • with drapery;
  • assemblies;
  • high waistline.

But what should be avoided is too short skirts and shorts. Also, girls and women with imperfect hands should not wear tops, sundresses and bustiers.

Blouses, shirts, tunics

Summer clothes for overweight women must include several blouses or shirts with sleeves. This is a great alternative to t-shirts and tops. Due to the more complex and free cut, under them you can hide not only a protruding tummy, but also wide hips. Tunics with ties and drawstrings, flounces and floral prints are in fashion. Among the variety of models, you can also choose options for festive clothes for obese women.


Beachwear for overweight women should be stylish, comfortable, but at the same time, not too open. The ideal option is a closed shaping swimsuit or tankini set. It is worth buying a light tunic. It will not only hide everything superfluous, but also protect open areas of the body from burning.

Jeans, trousers

In general, denim clothing for obese women is a great option for a casual ensemble. The styles of jeans and trousers do not have significant restrictions. However, too wide models should be avoided. As for skinny, you can afford them by picking up an elongated blouse or tunic.


Clothing for obese women up to size 72 simply must include dresses. They can be very diverse. A-line styles, fitted models with a belt or drawstring, sheath dresses are popular. Bright colors and asymmetrical cut are relevant. True, in the clothes of a plump woman of 60 years old, it is better to exclude sundresses and items with bare shoulders.

Fashionable clothes for the overweight are interesting and varied, so we have a separate article about, be sure to check it out.


Clothing for obese women summer 2018 is impossible without a stylish skirt. The best option is the length to the middle of the knee or slightly lower. However, you can opt for models in the floor. If you have slender legs, pay attention to mini-skirts. They are not contraindicated for donuts. Just be careful with pleats and pleats. You can get a bulky bottom with a rhyme.

About sportswear for obese women

Extra pounds are not a reason to give up an active lifestyle. That is why designers produce collections of sportswear for overweight women up to size 72.

If you wish, you can easily find training for yourself:

  • trousers;
  • breeches;
  • t-shirts;
  • sweatshirts;
  • zip-up jackets.

But leggings, tight T-shirts and short tops are best purchased when sports and outdoor activities give tangible results. Also, do not opt ​​for light and flashy colors.

About office clothes for obese women

At work, you need to look stylish, strict and impeccable. A business-style wardrobe for obese women includes:

  • straight or skinny trousers;
  • a pencil skirt or just a straight model;
  • sheath dress;
  • cropped jacket or blazer;
  • several blouses and shirts.

If there is no strict dress code, shirt-cut dresses, tunics and even jeans will do. In any case, flashy colors and overly bright prints are best left for everyday style. Choose fashionable clothes for obese women 2018 in black, gray, brown, white, blue, red, wine shades.

About home clothes for obese women

Leading stylists say that you don’t need to go home in a bathrobe and worn out clothes. In order for a woman with magnificent forms to remain a queen within her own apartment, you need to choose the right suit or dress. Knitwear is best suited for this purpose. It does not constrain movements and allows the skin to breathe.


  • long tunic + breeches;
  • sweatshirt + sweatpants;
  • leggings + loose fit T-shirt.

By the way, any sports-style clothing is excellent as things for the home.

About outerwear

Coats, jackets, fur coats and down jackets are quite voluminous things. Therefore, if you choose the wrong style for a large lady, you can visually add a few extra kilos to the figure.

Outerwear for overweight women should be selected in accordance with the type of figure:

  • pear - a fitted silhouette, models with a belt and a high waistline, as well as products with a wide sleeve are suitable;
  • apple - loose and flared shortened models;
  • inverted triangle - minimalism in the upper part of the product, V-shaped cutouts in combination with a small flare to the bottom from the waist.

You need to choose the right size. Both too small and very large things will look bad. When deciding on a model of winter outerwear for obese women, be sure to pay attention to the sleeve. It should be wide enough to fit a sweater underneath and not overstretch your arm.

About vests

A vest is a versatile piece of clothing that will not only keep you warm in the cold, but also add zest to your everyday style. When choosing a vest for a full woman, consider the following features of the model:

  • length to mid-thigh or slightly shorter;
  • muted, better dark color;
  • free cut;
  • minimal decor.

Products made of jeans, leather and fur look beautiful. For a casual ensemble, a knitted item is suitable. Just don't buy oversized vests. They fill up.

About costumes

A business suit is an essential attribute for a modern business woman. And for a lush lady, this is also a great option for a casual office ensemble. In principle, all styles of suits are quite suitable as business clothes for overweight women of size 56. Especially good, emphasize the beauty and curves of the model's figure with skirts or small dresses.

Here are some more tips for finding the perfect ensemble:

  • pants should be chosen so that they cover the heel;
  • for owners of all types of figures, semi-fitting skirts to the middle of the knee are suitable;
  • in a trouser ensemble, the jacket should be mid-thigh length;
  • in combination with tight skirts, elongated trench coats are allowed.

When choosing colors, you should focus on classic combinations and soft pastels.

About jackets, jackets

Whatever the main ensemble, a jacket or jacket should look expensive. Give preference to natural fabrics and discreet colors.

As for the styles, then opt for:

  • V-shaped cutouts;
  • dark colors or vertical stripes;
  • models, length to the middle of the thigh;
  • single-breasted products;
  • asymmetrical cut.

For owners of a thin waist, models with a belt flared to the bottom are suitable. If you are overweight, avoid rectangular-shaped jackets. If you still purchased one, wear it unbuttoned, wearing something contrasting underneath.

About pullovers, sweaters, sweaters

The main mistake of women of large sizes when choosing a sweater or pullover is the preference for oversized style. It is strictly forbidden to pick up a jacket several sizes larger than your own in the presence of extra pounds. But fitted silhouettes, soft flowing fabrics and small ornaments will only decorate the figure.

Give preference:

  • deep cuts;
  • falling collars;
  • thin belts and belts;
  • raglan sleeves;
  • asymmetrical products;
  • free and simple cut.

A great option is boho-style clothing for overweight women. She will add zest to the image and emphasize the sophistication of style.

About tops, t-shirts

In the summer you can not do without light tops and t-shirts. Summer clothes for obese women also do not exclude these stylish elements.

True, they will have to be chosen more scrupulously:

  • avoid tight things;
  • do not overdo it with decor;
  • use drape;
  • open your shoulders if they look perfect;
  • choose contrasting combinations.

As for colors, when choosing clothes for the hot season, you should not limit yourself too much. Just keep in mind that if the top is bright, the bottom should be nondescript. Otherwise, the ensemble may turn out to be clumsy, even if you are wearing designer clothes for overweight women.