Signs and superstitions for the New Year: money, family, to get married. New Year's money signs and rituals! Signs for the house for the new year

A holiday that children and adults are looking forward to, because it cannot be more fun and magical. In Europe and America, on all continents of the Earth and in many countries and cities from ancient times, namely from the time of ancient Rome, there are traditions that are symbols of the New Year, according to which they meet the coming year in a certain way.

About signs and traditions

New Year's signs and superstitions - this is what wraps this holiday with romance. Everyone, even a very adult and serious person, on the eve of the celebration becomes a little child who believes in all signs. He begins to notice the most incredible of them, which will tell him how the next year will go. Those who strictly followed all the traditions can count on the fact that luck will soon accompany their affairs.

Our country has its own rules. The New Year traditions of Russia are very rich and varied, even though this holiday was borrowed. Today it is celebrated all over the world, so there are signs of different countries. Considering that people have been celebrating the New Year for many centuries in a row, they have gained considerable experience in celebrating it. Old New Year traditions have penetrated into every family and are carefully passed down from generation to generation. It is useful to join the experience of different cultures and peoples, so that this time all the bad things would really be left behind, and only pleasant surprises awaited ahead.

New Year's signs for December 31 and January 1

    destroy dishes - to a quarrel;

    quarrel at the table - to bad luck in all endeavors;

    to be inhospitable - there will be no money;

    leaving the table poor - to poverty;

    throwing food away from the New Year's table - there will be no luck.

New Year's signs will tell you that December 31 must be done to attract good luck for the whole year:

    buy a new broom, put up with a whisk in the corner of the kitchen, decorate with a red ribbon;

    hang a wreath over the front door;

    put a glass of wine and a salad for the brownie;

    before the guests arrive, light candles in the rooms;

    ask for forgiveness from everyone and forget your grievances.

Choose what you like

We consider the most common New Year signs and traditions. Therefore, before choosing what is interesting for you, you need to familiarize yourself with each ritual and master it - to become a little bit of a magician yourself. And only what will be to your liking, and there are those future New Year traditions that will suit a particular person or family. So, we begin to attract good luck and happiness to our home.

Many New Year's traditions from different countries prescribe that on a festive night a banknote must be in the right pocket of clothes. And the more dignity it will be, the more it will attract next year. After all, what is money? In material terms, it is just watermarked paper, but in metaphysical terms, it is energy. And the larger the denomination of the bill, the more energy it has. And, as in the case of any energy, the law of its attraction works. Money is drawn to money! The larger the banknote you keep in your pocket, the greater the likelihood of financial success in the coming year. Well, with the correct formulation of the question, a banknote saved in this way in the New Year will also become a serious help in celebrating Christmas.

To meet the holiday in new decoration is also New Year's signs. Buying yourself a dazzling outfit, having received great pleasure from acquiring it, is a kind of summing up the financial result of the year: "Yes, I was so successful (successful) that I can afford it!" The results of the New Year are summed up not only by people, but also by the Universe. She calculates income and prepares to distribute bonuses according to merit. A new outfit for everyone is a symbol of success last year and a promise for achievements in the coming year. And therefore do not spare money for outfits! The positive that is acquired with it will multiply hundreds of times next year. And it's worth it. And make, make wishes - they will certainly come true!

Strictly for money

And these are already monetary New Year signs - to pay off all debts before dark on December 31st. Pay off your debts - and sleep peacefully. Although in the modern world, probably, it should not sound so simple. It is necessary to analyze the financial situation at the end of the year. Take stock, remember all the debts that were not paid on time, and get rid of them. If we are talking about a long-term loan, and interest is regularly paid on it, then you can absolutely not worry about this. This is not a debt that must be repaid on New Year's Eve. You just need to equalize the family budget, and let it become an annual tradition for someone.

In order for the money to come into the house, it is necessary to take out some thing over the threshold on December 31. Let a day stand there - it's like paying tribute to the old year, and with the onset of a new one, you need to bring it back.

That which always comes true

There are signs that can be considered a guide to action, and their logic is quite understandable and acceptable. Many of them in different interpretations are used as New Year's traditions of different countries. They help to change life for the better in the new year, improve financial condition, attract good luck. Here they are, all six, in order:

    clean the house, throw away all the old rubbish and garbage;

    set a rich table;

    use a white tablecloth;

    put coins under it;

    light seven green candles;

    make wishes under the chiming clock.

Let's consider each of them in detail.

Over the past year, a huge amount of all sorts of unnecessary rubbish and garbage has accumulated in any house, no matter how carefully they clean it. This rubbish attracts the negative, destructive energy of stagnation. It makes people apathetic, deprives them of vitality and the ability to create. New Year's signs prescribe to get rid of it, so that a fresh breath of air in the form of vital energy Qi breaks into life and makes it complete. Therefore, a few days before the holiday, you need to start cleaning up the rubble, clean your house, that is, put it in order.

Promising happiness to the family hearth

A white tablecloth on the table is a symbol of purity and readiness for change, the arrival of good luck in the house. Coins under the tablecloth - cash flows throughout the year. Seven green candles are the hearth: green is the color of money luck, and fire is the activator of its energy.

And most importantly - make wishes under the chiming clock! You need to guess them differently. Real and incredible - it's the New Year! Whatever you want, everything will always happen! After all, at the same time as you, a great many people make wishes and send them into the Universe, and this is a very powerful energy of collective desire. Everything always comes true!

For family, happiness and love

And yet, not by bread alone... Many New Year's traditions in Russia are not associated with material well-being and money. Not only do Russians dream about this on New Year's Eve. Family happiness, love, health and well-being of relatives and friends are important for people.

And in this regard, there are New Year's signs and superstitions regarding the celebration of the holiday in the family circle. Only close and dear people. In no case do not invite ill-wishers or enemies. Only those who will wish happiness. Then you can continue walking with whoever you want, wherever you want. But under the chiming clock - only with people dear to your heart. And then, as signs of the New Year, the first kiss is given to each other by couples in love, while the spouses kiss the last. If a child woke up on New Year's Eve, let him stay at the festive table. This is how you stay in touch with him.

If a girl has a desire to get married in the new year, a good New Year's sign for her is to give gifts to seven kids. This activates the energy of the family.

Particularly good for health

There are also those New Year's signs and traditions, which are paid tribute in the old fashioned way. If you want to be healthy for a whole year, it is imperative and simply necessary to take a bath or shower just before the celebration in order to wash off the energy dirt of the past year and prepare the body and energy for the perception of the new in life.

It is very correct to observe the Christmas fast if a person is a believer and an Orthodox Christian. This is not only a spiritual need - the absence of noisy companies that contradict the very spirit of fasting, overexciting the nervous system during this period, but also a benefit for a person's physical health - the absence of excessive alcohol drinking and overeating.

New Year with a smile

There are New Year's rituals that must be done immediately before the chiming clock, and since there are several of them, the desire to do everything to attract good luck and money will turn into a very fun marathon. It might even be worth working out the night before. So, the funniest New Year's signs:

    have time to peel a tangerine or orange before the chiming clock and put it under the tree;

    have time to drink a glass before the chiming clock, and if you did it last - your luck this year;

    make a lot of money over a coin, throw it into a glass of champagne, drink it, and make a pendant out of a penny and wear it around your neck all year;

    write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne, drink it all to the sound of chimes;

    if something unusual happens on New Year's Eve, it will happen to you all year;

    and in no case should you throw a Christmas tree out of a window or balcony, especially on New Year's Eve - family happiness will be destroyed.

If you approach the issue wisely and tell your guests about such "100%" effective methods in advance, then by 12 at night you can become a witness to funny puns.

And finally

This is why the New Year is valuable because with a smile and a slight sadness you can look back at the outgoing year, emerge from the whirlpool of fuss and, before crossing the threshold of the coming one, look back. Thank the Universe for what you have experienced, ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself, take stock and outline plans, and most importantly - do not forget to ask for blessings for the coming year. The expectation of a miracle and magic must appear on the threshold of the house with the last chime.

New Year is a mysterious and magical holiday. On the eve of the New Year, everyone is trying to clean the house, put things in order, pay off debts and forgive each other's insults. All this people do because they believe in omens and superstitions. So is it worth believing in them and what signs promise us on New Year's Eve?

  • To have money in the house
  • How to spend the old year
  • Preparation for the holiday
  • Festive table
  • It's time to celebrate the New Year 2019
  • Conclusion

Signs for the New Year 2019 so that money flows

It is impossible to make money:
Wear other people's things in the New Year, even small accessories in the form of earrings and bracelets;
Play New Year's Eve in gambling. The test of fate at this time may turn into poverty next year;
Celebrate the new year with empty pockets. If there are pockets on the clothes worn, then it is advisable to fill them with banknotes and coins, then the whole year will be financially stable;
Do not give money before the new year. It’s not a good idea to start the new year with debts, it’s also better not to borrow money on the eve of the holiday, otherwise you will have to depend on someone all year;
In order for the money to be spent, it is impossible to refuse uninvited guests in an invitation to the table. So fate will test you for greed. How you behave with guests, so fate will treat you next year;
In order to live in wealth all year long, it is worth writing to yourself and sending a money letter in the outgoing year. It is advisable to always carry the money received in the new year with you. Such bills will contribute to making a profit;
The Christmas tree should be decorated with banknotes. Such decorations will attract luxury and finance to your home;
Under the chimes, it is worth having coins in your left hand. So you can spend the whole year with money in your hands. This moment is worth carrying with you in your wallet and not wasting a whole year.

To have money in the house

To make the New Year 2019 under the auspices of the pig money, there are several proven ways. It is necessary just before the feast to hide a large banknote under the plate. She will ensure that only large bills will be waiting for you all next year.

The next way to attract wealth is to store a bag of money in the refrigerator. Such a bag, left on the shelf on the first of January, will provide an abundance of products for a whole year.

New Year's table should be rich. The more dishes there are on the table, the more joy, wealth and good luck await the owners in the new year. Home-baked bread, put on the table with salt and small coins, will also not allow you to live in poverty in 2019. Bread is a mandatory dish that must be served on the table.

If the opportunity allows, then it is worth treating 17 passers-by with fruits and sweets. 17 is the coming year, so that's the number. In addition to wealth, you will still have a lot of gratitude and smiles from people passing by. In this way, you can make new acquaintances, cheer yourself up and make the world a little kinder.

Signs for the New Year 2019 also indicate that each guest needs to give two tangerines. Tangerines are a symbol of the New Year and their presence on the table and in the pockets of guests is a sign of good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of all desires and stability.

In order for joy to accompany the whole year, you need to leave the peeled tangerine under the Christmas tree, then everything in life will turn out great.

The grain scattered on the table is a sign of wealth and luxury. The main thing is to believe in signs and then the bills will simply go into your hands.

Often in jokes they write that on December 30 and 31 they say - this is not worth taking, this is for the New Year. It shouldn’t be like this, you can start eating food three days before the holiday. Then there will always be prosperity on the table, there will be money.

How to spend the old year

In order for the year to go away without being offended by the owners of the house, and take away all the troubles, illnesses and bad weather with you, and love, kindness, health, prosperity and success reigned in the house, it is necessary:

Do house cleaning. Put all things in their places, wipe dust and dirt everywhere, wash the floors. Wash all dirty things, clean interior items from dirt;
Throw away all broken items, broken and chipped dishes. Such actions purify the energy, fill the house with harmony and positive energy;
It is necessary to mentally say goodbye to all failures and accept the arrival of the new year. Mentally wish yourself good luck and think about what is missing. If you want money, you need to mentally imagine yourself already rich, if you want love, imagine yourself with your soulmate. If you want to get married - imagine yourself at the crown;

Preparation for the holiday

To meet the holiday cheerfully and joyfully, you need to prepare an appropriate outfit for yourself. Compliance with all the rules guarantees that the year will be profitable and successful.

It is desirable to meet the Year of the Yellow Pig in new clothes of all fiery and red shades. Suitable and yellow and orange and pink colors. It is better to choose the colors that suit you best. Clothing must be clean, tidy, with no defects or damage.

The Pig is an avid family man, so he strongly recommends celebrating the new year with his family. This is not surprising, because the new year is a family holiday. If circumstances require you to leave home during the new year, then you should take the whole family with you. If you are in a quarrel with someone, then it is better to make peace. The pig does not like disagreements and heated arguments, so it is worth making all broken contacts. If, nevertheless, the whole family cannot be brought together, then it is worth visiting all the relatives in the coming holidays and celebrating such a wonderful, sincere and magical New Year's holiday.

Festive table

The table should be decorated, do not forget about this important design feature. There are a lot of options for decorating a festive table. It is better to decorate the table with a white tablecloth. Dishes should be varied, this is due to the fact that one of the guests can fast.

The pig loves to eat different nuts, cereals, fruits. Therefore, it is worth making sure that holiday recipes include all these ingredients.

In the year of the Pig, it is not advisable to serve chicken on the table. It is better to replace dishes from it with beef, pork, fish. Goose with apples can also be a great idea for a festive table.

Strong alcoholic drinks can be exchanged for various cocktails. Bright colors and glass decorations will make the table more elegant and festive.

It is worth spreading coins on the table, do not forget that you will need money next year.

It's time to celebrate the New Year 2019

Health and success for the whole family is something to wish for in the last moments of the old year;
New Year should be met with bright thoughts;
You can make up to twelve wishes;
An old tradition is to have time to burn the written desire on paper to the chimes, throw the ashes into a glass and drink its contents;
In order to leave all the hardships in the past year, the female sex should throw a scarf over her shoulders in the last moments of the year and throw it off under the chiming clock;
In order to strengthen relations with your soulmate, it is worth kissing under the chiming clock. Such a kiss will give a strong and romantic relationship for a whole year;
If the house has a fireplace on New Year's Eve, it must be kept lit. This procedure will give coziness and comfort in the house. Fire is a symbol of purification and renewal;
It is a good sign to sneeze under the chiming clock, then happiness will not bypass the house;
If, going out into the street, in the new year, a woman meets a man first, then the whole year will be successful and happy;
If a New Year's decoration is broken, there will be a replenishment in the family;
On the first of January, you should not take on routine work, cleaning or other unpleasant things, otherwise you will have to face difficulties all year;
The found trifle can promise a lot of surprises in the new year;


Everyone decides for himself what signs to believe in, the main thing is to have a positive attitude. Try to rid yourself of negativity and then no signs can disturb peace and comfort.

Happy New Year!

There are many interesting and important traditions associated with the New Year, which must be observed. Do not lose sight of the signs that will help you avoid troubles and troubles next year.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the New Year is a special holiday, because it is for this event that we begin to prepare in a few weeks. To make New Year's Eve unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. Every year we decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house and remember the recipes for New Year's dishes. These efforts do not cause us unnecessary discomfort, because for many years this has become a real tradition.

Do not forget that many miracles happen at this time, and some accidents can warn us of important events that will soon happen in life. The site site team will tell you about New Year's traditions and signs that it is important for everyone to know.

New Year traditions

The New Year has been celebrated since ancient times, but the date of the holiday was different. Only in 1700 Peter I issued a special decree, which stated that the holiday was officially postponed to January 1. Since then, many wonderful traditions associated with this magical event have appeared.

Despite the fact that in the modern world we often celebrate the New Year with friends, it is still customary to celebrate this holiday with family. Under the chiming clock, you need to congratulate your loved ones and thank them for everything they have done for you in the past year.

Think about your New Year's menu in advance, as there should be a wide variety of dishes on the table. Guests must definitely leave you full, otherwise poverty will not be avoided next year.

Every year there are more and more recipes for New Year's dishes, but do not forget the traditions: "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat" and jellied fish must be present on your table.

If before the New Year you saw your enemy, then next year you will have a new enemy.

Sometimes we are so passionate about New Year's chores that we may even forget to congratulate our loved ones. If this happened to you, a traitor will appear in your circle of friends. To avoid this problem, call loved ones and congratulate them.

If on December 31 you met a blind man on the street, expect global changes. Perhaps you look at life differently and want to change jobs or move.

Even on New Year's Eve, small troubles can happen to us. For example, if a toy suddenly fell from your Christmas tree and broke, it means that in the new year you will have conflicts with your loved one.

Many people prefer to celebrate the New Year with friends. If next year you want to improve your personal life, then the first person you talk to after the chiming clock should be of the opposite sex.

A candle must burn on the New Year's table, and then harmony will always reign in your house in the future.

So that in the New Year you have a stable financial situation, hang a few bills on the Christmas tree and put coins under it.

On the morning of January 1, collect clean snow and bring it home. In the evening, wash your face with melt water. It is believed that after such a ritual, a person will definitely not be deprived of attention from the opposite sex.

What are the signs for the New Year? What are the superstitions and traditions of celebrating the New Year? On the eve of this holiday, we all become a little more romantic and superstitious. As in distant childhood, every time we are waiting for the chiming clock, we are preparing to meet a miracle that must necessarily appear on our doorstep. Every person, regardless of gender, age and social status, on the last day of the outgoing year, begins to notice even the smallest signs that indicate to him how his life will turn out in the coming year. In this regard, there are a huge number of New Year's signs and superstitions. We have collected in this material the most common of them. Also New Year's signs of the European peoples are offered to your attention. In the Old World, the New Year has long been celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. This tradition dates back to the ancient Romans. Therefore, it is the European peoples who have accumulated vast experience in celebrating the beginning of the new year and pass it on from generation to generation in the form of folk New Year signs, signs and superstitions.

New Year's signs related to money

What does every modern person dream of in an era of instability and constant financial crises? Of course, about material well-being in the new 2019. Health and love also occupy not the last place, but we will talk about them a little later.

We have already written about the signs associated with money in sufficient detail in this material: “Omens and superstitions related to money”. However, there we did not touch on New Year's signs and superstitions that help to attract financial luck to our side. But it is on the magical New Year's Eve that this is easiest to do. At this time, the general energy of the entire globe, the entire population of the world, which asks the universe for the same thing, begins to act. Why not take advantage of the opportunity? How to do it?

Choosing New Year's signs and superstitions for yourself

So let's get to the magic. As befits a novice wizard, you must first take a preparatory course. During it, we invite you to get acquainted with the most common New Year's signs. We will give you a brief description of each ritual and its meaning, and only then you will be able to choose the most suitable option for yourself. Ready? Then let's start!

New Year's sign: celebrate the holiday with money in your pocket

There is such a New Year's sign that in the right pocket on your clothes on New Year's Eve there must be a banknote. It is desirable that it was not a crumpled ten. The best option is a five thousandth bill.

There are two useful points here:

  • after the New Year holidays, you will have a stash, and you will live comfortably up to your salary, and even remain on the Christmas table;
  • The higher the denomination of the banknote, the more attractive energy it has for other money. Money goes to money! Is this saying familiar?

The explanation of this sign is quite simple from a bioenergetic point of view. What is money? This is just paper with special security marks. This is in the materialistic sense. And in the correct formulation of the question, money, any money, is primarily energy. And in the case of any energy, the law of its conservation and attraction works. The more energy you have in your pocket on New Year's Eve, the more likely financial success is in the coming year.

The second monetary New Year's sign - meet the new year in a new thing

New Year's Eve is not only a time to make wishes. It would be much more correct at this time at the festive table to sum up the peculiar results of the past year. At least the universe is doing just that at this time. She settles scores and prepares to distribute bonuses based on the results of your work.

New clothes are a symbol thanks to which you can psychologically tune in to success on a festive magical night. After all, buying an outfit for the new year, you encourage yourself for success in work. You demonstrate to yourself that you can buy a new evening dress. And this means that the year will not be spent in vain. Therefore, do not spare money for new outfits. Radiate positive, and it will return to you within a year in an enhanced form.

The third financial sign of the new year - repay the debt and sleep peacefully

There is a New Year's belief that before dark on December 31, you should pay off all your existing debts. Otherwise, this New Year's sign promises to be in debt for the whole next year.

This superstition should not be taken too literally. In the modern interpretation, this sign has several sides. The most important thing is for each person to sit down and deal with their financial situation long before the new year. This sign should not be remembered on the last day of the outgoing year. This is just a chance to even out your budget. Try to analyze your financial situation today. Answer yourself only one question: do you have “bad” debts? These include the money that you borrowed and did not return on time. If you regularly pay interest on the loan, you can not worry about this. This is not considered a debt that needs to be repaid in anticipation of the new year.

New Year's money signs that work always and under any circumstances

We decided to separate into a separate group those New Year's signs related to finances that always work, no matter what. This arsenal helps anyone to achieve significant financial improvements in the first half of the coming year.

Here they are in order:

  • make a wish under the chiming clock;
  • clean your house and throw away all rubbish and garbage;
  • lay a rich table;
  • bed a white tablecloth;
  • put a yellow coin on each corner of the table under the tablecloth;
  • light seven green candles and they should burn out completely.

Over the past year, a huge amount of garbage and rubbish has accumulated in our homes. All this attracts negative energy, which destroys our ability to create, makes us apathetic and takes away our life energy. Therefore, ten days before the new year, you should start putting your house in order.

A white tablecloth on the festive table is a symbol of purity and readiness for change. White color brings good luck to your home. Coins from every corner are a signal of the energy of wealth to flock to your hearth from all over the world. But the hearth itself is seven green candles. Green is money. Fire is energy.

A lot has already been said about making wishes on New Year's Eve. Let's add just one. You should make a wish only if you believe that it will come true. You can’t do this in the hope of chance and in order to check whether it will work or not. In this case, you can get everything exactly the opposite of what you have guessed. The huge energy of people from all over the world, making wishes on New Year's Eve, merges into one stream. This guarantees the fulfillment of any desires.

Not united by bread, or Other New Year's signs

But not only about money and material well-being people dream in anticipation of the new year. Many think about love, family happiness, the health of their loved ones.

In order for all this to come true, many peoples of the world have such a simple New Year's sign - to celebrate this holiday in a close family circle. Even if subsequent night festivities are planned in the fresh air or in an entertainment establishment, you should listen to the chiming clock at a richly laid New Year's table in your home, in the circle of your closest relatives and friends. In no case are ill-wishers or secret enemies invited to the gala dinner. Only the closest and most beloved people.

Girls who want to meet their soul mate in the new year should give gifts to seven children. So you can create positive energy aimed at creating a family.

For health, before meeting the new year, you should take a bath or shower, washing off all the negative energy from yourself. And the most important. If you are an Orthodox Christian, then do not forget in preparations for the new year that there is a strict church fast until January 7th. Try to refrain from noisy companies and heavy alcoholic libations. This is no longer a New Year's sign, but a tribute to the tradition for the New Year.

English sailors and fishermen certainly took black cats with them, as they endowed them with special magical powers. During the shipwreck, they were the first to be rescued, and only then the rest of the crew members and valuables.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what's in store for you in the near future.

Signs before the New Year

In order for the coming year to be happy, profitable and successful, it is important not only to meet it correctly, but also to carry out certain activities before its onset. The signs associated with the preparation for the celebration do not depend on which year is coming according to the Chinese calendar. The ritual itself is important, which is repeated every winter on the eve of the holiday.

Signs for the New Year


In order for your house to be a full bowl next year, you need not only to richly set the New Year's table, but also generously spend the outgoing year. To do this, a few days before the nightfall with the cherished chimes, the table is set as rich and varied as possible. It is desirable that it contains not only store-bought dishes, but also delicacies prepared by oneself: pies, pancakes, casseroles, main courses. Relatives and friends, godfathers and work colleagues are invited to the New Year's feasts. It is believed that such a farewell to the outgoing year will bring wealth and prosperity to the owners of the house in the coming year, as well as guarantee support from loved ones and colleagues.


Here we understand both cleanliness in the house and in the soul. Your conscience must be absolutely clear - if you offended someone, ask for forgiveness; if someone offended you - sorry. Wash all the curtains, wipe the dust in those places where the hand has not reached for a long time, throw out everything unnecessary from the cabinets and mezzanines. Do not regret parting with the trash that you have not used for a long time - in return for everything that was taken to a landfill or given to good hands, the coming year will return to you the things that you really need. However, folk signs for the New Year say that it’s not worth putting things in order directly on December 31 - you can’t throw anything out of the house.


There are also signs for the New Year so that money flows. The main one is connected with the fact that before the chiming clock it is necessary to pay off all debts. It is advisable to do everything on the morning of a holiday.

Christmas tree

It is believed that this tree drives away evil spells from the house and brings good luck to it. Therefore, despite the new fashion trends, you should not refuse to decorate your house with a green beauty. It will not be replaced by any synthetic wreath on the door or Santa Claus hanging outside the window. Only the traditional Christmas tree, richly and plentifully, heartily decorated, will protect you and your home in the new year. You need to dress it up a few days before December 31, and clean it up later - in three weeks.

What signs for the New Year should be observed

  • The colors of the attire for the holiday are determined by the animal whose year is coming. But one thing remains unchanged - things must be new, bought specifically for the holiday. Then you will have no shortage of new clothes in the future.
  • There is no need to celebrate the holiday alone. It is best if the whole family is at the table, all the relatives who can be brought together. The larger the company, the stronger the relationship with relatives will be in the coming year.
  • The feast should be rich, noisy and cheerful. It will attract