How to tie a beautiful ponytail from long hair. Stylish ponytail. Side asymmetrical ponytail

The fair sex has learned to create a wide variety of hairstyles since ancient times, using wooden combs. Thanks to the development of civilization, hairstyles improved more, became more diverse and attractive, ladies found more and more new styling options.

Due to the inconvenience of always being with loose curls, many styling was created with collected strands, one of which is the tail.

Styling before creating a ponytail

If you are interested in how to make a beautiful tail of hair, you can not do without preparation. Curls will look perfect if you follow a certain sequence:

  • First, wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Using a conditioner is also important to make the strands smooth.
  • Dry and carefully comb the curls.

This is a great option for creating a classic ponytail. For a voluminous tail, you should choose a different styling.

Tail with volume

We offer you to learn how to beautifully make a voluminous ponytail on your head:

  • Wash curls with shampoo.
  • Apply the balm exclusively to the tips.
  • Dry your head using a hair dryer and comb the existing strands well.
  • Treat the area at the roots of the corrugation with an iron along a small strand half the length.
  • Twist the strands inward using a curling iron.
  • Pull the curls to the front from the back of the head. We apply shine to the hair to give it a kind of gloss.

Choosing the right rubber band

In order for the styling to last as long as possible, you should correctly choose an elastic band. Elastic bands with a fabric on the outside, with terry cloth, silicone springs are distinguished by a careful attitude to hair.

Elastic bands equipped with a special hook are also very popular, as they help to fix the styling for as long as possible, they are perfectly compressed and also stretched.

Would you like to create a tail in the center of the head?

If you yourself determine the location of the ponytail, then align with the palm of your hand, while the distance in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears in the case of applying the upper limb should be the same, like the height of the ponytail.

You can make the tail on the crown itself, closer to the neck, or on the back of the head, it all depends on your preferences.

Tail with strands: classic

How to make a ponytail from hair with strands? You will need elastic bands (4 pieces), a crab (2 pieces), water in a spray, a comb.

  • You need to separate the bangs from the tail. Then you need to divide your bangs into several strands, tying each one using an elastic band, and then turn it out.
  • Gather the ends of the ponytails that are turned out into a ponytail. This ponytail should be made high, because there will be no room for styling curls on a low one.
  • Moisten the tips well with warm water, comb the tail well.
  • From the underside of the tail, separate a few small curls from the edges, combing them carefully with a comb. Apply varnish.
  • You should tie them once in a tight knot, while you can not tighten the tail. Attach the very tips of the curls with crabs to the tail.
  • Repeat the steps until you reach the very end.
  • When the very end is reached, tie the tail with an elastic band. If there is a bias, it must be eliminated. Check out the photo on how to make a beautiful ponytail below.

Tail with braids

This method of creating a tail is suitable for girls of any age category.

  • Divide the curls separately into the occipital, several lateral and parietal zones. Tie or pin up the side, top and back of the head so that they do not interfere with further work.
  • Separate a strand from the side of the temple to divide it into several parts. Weave with pickups on both sides. Weave as follows: put a strand on the right on the central one, then the left one here. Pick up a small curl on the right side for weaving, then do the same on the left. Weave in this way until the end of the curls from the side.
  • Braid with a simple braid to the middle of the head at the separation. At the same time, secure the end using an elastic band. Do the same with the other side braid. Secure them in one piece using also an elastic band.

Features of the ponytail for long curls

Interested in how to make a beautiful tail for long curls? Nothing complicated, because for such a length a variety of styling is proposed, including a high, lush, bouffant tail and a huge number of similar original hairstyles.

Regardless of the fact whether you have curly or even curls, whether you like bangs or not, various horizons are open to you.

If you need to create maximum volume, then we recommend supplementing the styling with original details, false curls, or luxurious braids, delight and delight all the people around you with your eccentricity and excellent sense of taste!

Photo instructions on how to make a beautiful tail

Currently, many girls and women give their preference to the “high tail” hairstyle in everyday life and make its various variations, ranging from classic to stylish and feminine. This styling makes it possible to open the face as much as possible, looks very impressive and can be done in just a few minutes. This hairstyle is suitable for all occasions, and will also create an image of an elegant and well-groomed lady. Making it is easy. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail how to make a high tail for yourself, so that you always do not resort to the help of specialists.


Before creating any hairstyle, it is necessary to carry out a little preliminary preparation, which will help make the hair more well-groomed and beautiful. First you need to thoroughly wash the curls with shampoo. After that, use conditioner, balm or some other means that can make hair smooth and manageable.

After that, dry the curls well with a hairdryer and then comb them. Following all these recommendations, undoubtedly, it will be possible to make a “high ponytail” hairstyle in any of its variants.


If any interview, business negotiations or meeting is planned, where you need to follow a strict dress code, then it is better to give preference to smooth styling. How to make a high tail in this case? This hairstyle will not require much effort and time, you only need to follow a certain procedure:

    Before styling on slightly damp curls, apply a spray containing silicone to give them shine, and also use an oil intended for creating such hairstyles.

    Curly hair must first be straightened with an iron.

    Then you need to carefully comb the curls back, and tie them tightly. Since it is difficult to make a high ponytail without roosters, it is therefore necessary that the elastic band squeeze all the hairs very tightly. In this case, the knocked-out strands must be fixed with special hairpins with hooks at the ends.

    After the end of the whole procedure, sprinkle the styling with varnish, but only from an arm's length so that the curls do not look glued together. You can also use a special styling gel that will help give your hair a glossy look.

Beautiful volume

This hairstyle is perfect for going out or just hanging out with friends. Also, this styling is very popular with girls of short stature, due to the fact that it adds them the cherished centimeters. So how do you make a high ponytail? The steps for creating this hairstyle are similar to the previous ones, only this styling has a few more secrets:

    Hair should be dried with a hairdryer without a comb, while creating the desired volume at the roots with the help of fingers.

    Then you need to collect a large strand of curls with your forehead and comb it gently, and then fold it back, securing it with a special hairpin or a small hairpin.

    After that, you need to make a high tail of hair clearly at the back of the head, but you should not tighten it too much so as not to spoil the resulting volume, and then fix the styling with varnish.


This hairstyle is an excellent option for girls with thin curls. Such styling in the style of Bridget Bordeaux will give the hair the desired volume and make any lady irresistible. How to make a high ponytail quickly and beautifully in this case? This will also require a comb with fine teeth, special hairpins, an elastic band and quite a bit of time:

    First, you will need to apply mousse to add volume and blow dry your hair with a round brush, which will help lift it at the roots.

    After that, comb the curls located at the top of the head, and then tie the tail, securing all the remaining strands with invisibility on the sides. Ahead, do not touch the hairs and leave them smooth to cover the entire pile with them.

    Sprinkle the styling with a strong hold varnish and smooth the protruding hairs a little with a comb.

The embodiment of femininity

This hairstyle is perfect for any social event or private reception, as it will perfectly emphasize the evening outfit and delight everyone around. So, how to make a high tail in this case:

    First you need to comb all the curls back with a massage comb.

    After that, tie a tight tail strictly at the back of the head, and then remove one strand from it and wrap all the other curls over the elastic band with it, securing such a design with an invisibility.

    If desired, you can twist with a curling iron or straighten the ends of the tail with irons.

    The last step will be fixing with varnish, but only quite a bit to prevent the hairs from sticking together.

Many ladies who often do such styling for themselves already know certain tricks that allow them to keep their hair long and beautiful:

    In order to prevent the high tail from slipping and falling over time, you need to use a special elastic band with hooks that fixes it tightly.

    When using hairspray, comb the curls lightly with a fine-toothed brush to achieve a smooth and professional result.

    And the most important thing to remember with this styling: when collecting the tail, you need to tilt your head back. Such manipulation creates a certain tension and helps to avoid sagging curls.

Such tips will help you achieve excellent results without even leaving your home and without resorting to the help of stylists.

It is also worth listening to what already experienced hairdressers advise on how to make a high tail:

    In their opinion, in order to achieve a perfectly smooth hairstyle, you can use a regular toothbrush or a comb with natural bristles.

    If desired, you can twist the tail. This is done very simply and quickly - it will be enough to sprinkle the tips with varnish, twisting them with your hand and holding it for fifteen seconds.

    Any of the options for this hairstyle can be made more stylish and complete. To do this, you will need to take a small strand from below and wrap the elastic band with it, and then fix it with an invisible one.

But it is also necessary to remember that a smooth high tail will not suit every beautiful representative of humanity. If a girl has a protruding frontal part, then it is better to make a hairstyle with volume or a pile to balance the overall look and give the image elegance and showiness.

Thanks to such recommendations, tricks and little secrets, any variation of this styling will look professional, elegant and dignified. Each girl will be able to choose for herself exactly the one that will allow her to shine and listen to admiring compliments from men and not only.

If we don't like that hair constantly climbing into the face, a ponytail is a great solution. But this hairstyle is suitable not only for the gym. There are so many variations of it that it never goes out of style.

Below you can find 12 simple but very attractive ponytail options. All you need is a comb, bobby pins and a hair tie. Follow the simple steps of the “instructions” and get a stylish and interesting hairstyle based on the good old ponytail (which, by the way, is suitable for both every day and special occasions).

1 Tail braid

  1. Comb your hair and tie it into a high ponytail.
  2. Tie the ponytail with an elastic band.
  3. Braid the ponytail.
  4. Tie the end of the pigtail with a clear rubber band. If you want to hide it, then wind a strand of hair around it.
  5. You can take a strand of artificial hair, braid a small pigtail out of it, attach it to the base of the tail and wrap it around it. If you have naturally thick hair, then before braiding a braid from the tail, leave a small strand free and braid such a pigtail from it. Secure with invisibility.

2 retro ponytail

  1. Separate a section of hair by making diagonal partings from the crown to each ear. Secure your hair in front with bobby pins.
  2. Comb your hair at the back of your head.
  3. Smoothly comb the top strands over the "bouffant".
  4. Tie your hair into a ponytail.
  5. Take the hair from the front and fix it on the sides, attaching it with invisible pins to the base of the tail.
  6. Twist the tail onto the curling iron.

3 Mohawk Tail: Nicole Kidman's Ponytail

  1. Prepare your hair: it should be straight and smooth.
  2. Separate a section of hair by making diagonal partings from the back of the head to each ear. Secure them with hairpins so they don't get in the way.
  3. Braid the “spikelet” from the bottom of the hair, but do not braid it to the end, but leave the tail, tightly tying it with an elastic band.
  4. Comb the part of the hair that was separated at the beginning.
  5. Smoothly comb the top strands of the "bouffant".
  6. Lower this part of the hair and tie it together with the “spikelet” tail.

4 Simple hairstyle: ponytail with a scythe

  1. Make a side parting.
  2. On the side where there is more hair, braid the pigtail.
  3. Tousle the braid a little to make it appear thicker.
  4. Gather all your hair into a ponytail and tie it with an elastic band.
  5. Take a small section of hair from the ponytail and twist it around the elastic to hide it.

5 Half-braided French braid

  1. Separate a small strand from the bottom of the hair. Tie it with a rubber band so it doesn't get in the way.
  2. From the bulk of the hair, weave, but do not braid it to the end, but finish weaving at the back of the head and tie with an elastic band.
  3. From the second part of the hair, weave an ordinary braid, secure with an elastic band.
  4. Wrap this smaller braid around the base of the ponytail. Stab with invisibility.

6 French braid around the tail / Braid "Bell" / Braid "Flashlight"

7 Triple tail


  1. Braid your tail.
  2. Twist a small section of hair around the elastic to hide it.
  3. Take a small section of hair from the top of the ponytail.
  4. Make a “loop” out of this part of the hair and secure it with an inconspicuous elastic band.
  5. Divide the "loop" into two parts.
  6. Take the hair that remains from the "loop" and wrap it up in the middle of the "bow", secure with invisibility.

9 Spit "Rope"

  1. Tie a high ponytail. Holding it with one hand, use the other to pull out some of the hair at the top of the head to add some texture to the hairstyle.
  2. Apply hair foam to the tail. Divide it into two parts and twist each of them into a tourniquet (counterclockwise).
  3. Twist both harnesses one around the other (clockwise). Tie with an elastic band, fix with hairspray.

10 Twist braid and twisted tail

11 Hairy tail

  1. Twist all the hair on a large curling iron, fix with hairspray.
  2. Comb your curls for soft waves.
  3. After making a side parting, separate a small part of the hair in front.
  4. Comb your hair at the crown.
  5. Tie them in a ponytail.
  6. Take the part of the hair that was left free in front and twist it around the elastic at the base of the ponytail. Secure with invisibility.

12 Tail on the side, tied with a pigtail

  1. Comb all the hair to the side where the tail will be.
  2. Take a small strand from under the bottom.
  3. Braid it into a pigtail and tie it with an inconspicuous thin elastic band.
  4. Wrap the braid around your hair, tying it into a ponytail. Secure with invisibility.

The ponytail hairstyle is considered universal. It is perfect for all occasions - whether it's a trip to work or a romantic date. Unfortunately, many consider the ponytail to be too simple and nondescript, but a selection of these stylish workshops will convince you otherwise!

Classic variant

Want to learn how to make a classic ponytail? These photos and a set of very simple hair tools - a comb and two elastic bands - will help you.

  1. Separate part of the hair at the crown with a horizontal parting.
  2. Stab it with a crab so that it does not interfere yet.
  3. Tie the bottom part into a ponytail.
  4. Release the top from the clamp and comb at the roots.
  5. Dip it down and smooth the top layer.
  6. Connect both parts with another elastic band.
  7. Take one thin curl and wrap an elastic band around it. Hide the tip in the total mass and stab with invisibility.
  8. Slightly fluff the tail to give it volume.

Elegant ponytail

An excellent choice for work that will make you look your best!

1. Apply a little styling product to your hair. Comb it into a side parting.

2. At the crown, separate a small part of the hair and comb lightly at the roots.

3. Collect strands in the tail, shifting it a little to the side.

4. With the sharp tip of the comb, slightly lift the bouffant up.

5. Select a thin curl, wrap an elastic band around it, and hide the tip in the total mass and stab it with an invisible one.

Tail with sides

This simple styling is easy to do by yourself in just 5 minutes. Unlike the businesslike previous MK, he looks romantic, very gentle and playful.

  1. Apply a heat protection spray and any styling product to your hair and curl it with an iron, forming vertical curls.
  2. Comb them with a wide-toothed comb.
  3. Take a small section of hair at the crown and comb it well.
  4. With the thin tip of the comb, separate the bouffant from the hair near the forehead.
  5. Tie a ponytail.
  6. Divide the rest of your hair into a straight or side parting. Twist each section into very light bundles (literally two turns).
  7. Lay the plaits at the base of the tail and wrap the elastic with their ends. Secure with invisibility.
  8. At the face, release a couple of thin curls.

And how do you like such a voluminous ponytail?

Single braid ponytail

This is the best choice for long and medium strands. If you have basic weaving skills, be sure to try it at the first opportunity.

  1. On the right side, take three identical strands.
  2. Braid the spikelet, adding loose curls from below, then from above. The weave should not be too tight.
  3. Having reached ear level, continue weaving in the traditional way.
  4. Tie the end of the braid with an elastic band.
  5. Gather the rest of your hair into a ponytail with an elastic band.
  6. Wrap its base with a braid. Hide the tip in the middle and stab with invisibility.

ponytail with lanterns

This stylish hairstyle is perfect for dates, parties or going to the movies.

  1. Tie your hair at the crown.
  2. Wrap its base with a thin curl and securely fix it with an invisibility.
  3. Comb the strands lightly.
  4. Tie another elastic band a little lower and wrap it with a thin curl. Pin the end as well.
  5. Form the next flashlight by stepping back the same distance.
  6. Continue to desired length. Remember to brush your hair with a comb or stretch each section with your hands.

tail knot

A very original way to tie a beautiful tail. By the way, you will have to tie it in the truest sense of the word! The only caveat - this styling is only for long hair.

>Romantic ponytail with bow

This perky hairstyle will not leave your person without the attention of men. Therefore, if you are going to recklessly flirt and flirt, stop at this option.

1. Gather your hair at the back of your head.

2. Wrap the elastic in a thin curl. Hide the tip in the middle and stab with invisibility.

3. Separate a not very large strand from the tail.

4-5. Roll it into a loop and secure with a transparent elastic band.

6. Divide the loop in half - you should get a heart.

7-8. Attach each section to the hair with the help of an invisibility, forming the contours of the bow.

9. Separate another thin strand from the tail and lift it up, placing it between the two halves of the bow.

10. Secure it with invisibility.

11. Wrap the remaining tip around the base of the bow.

Tiered ponytail

How to make a hairstyle that would help to remove hair during work and training? Believe me, this is not difficult!

  1. With two vertical partings, separate a small part of the hair near the forehead. Tie it with a rubber band.
  2. With the next parting, separate a part of the hair of exactly that width. Connect it with the previous tail and also tie with an elastic band.
  3. Continue in the same spirit to the base of the neck.
  4. Comb the ends smoothly.

Retro bouffant ponytail

This retro ponytail is perfect for a themed party. Yes, and for special occasions it can also be done.

  1. Comb everything back.
  2. Comb the strands well at the very forehead and at the crown.
  3. Pull the bouffant down and smooth the top layer.
  4. Tie a high ponytail.
  5. Wrap its base with a thin strand. Hide the tip and secure with invisibility.
  6. Flip the ponytail over the forehead, leaving only a thin section.
  7. Comb it with a comb.
  8. Lower another layer of hair from above - comb it too.
  9. Leave the top layer smooth.

Nicole Ricci hairstyle

Do you want to reproduce the image of the famous Hollywood actress? Believe me, there is nothing easier!

  1. Separate part of the strands at the crown, leaving free hair near the forehead and on the sides.
  2. Stab her for a while.
  3. Tie the hair at the back of your head into a tight ponytail.
  4. Divide the hair near the forehead and ears in half. Throw one part to the tail first and wrap the elastic around it. Repeat with the other part.
  5. Release pinned hair from the clip and lightly tease it near the roots.
  6. Lay everything back and smooth the top layer.

Reverse braid styling

This ponytail will take quite a bit of time, but the result will be simply stunning!

1. Comb your hair all over your head to give it volume.

2. Throw everything back.

3. On the right, take three thin strands and braid the reverse French spikelet, picking up loose curls on both sides. Tie the tip with a thin elastic band and attach with an invisibility to the bulk of the hair.

4. Make the braid voluminous by stretching its links with your hands.

5. Braid exactly the same spikelet on the left side.

6. Once again, comb through the strands near the forehead.

7. Gather everything with an elastic band. Accuracy in this installation is absolutely not important. It should be sloppy, very light and free, so don't be upset if some strands are slightly knocked out.

8. Wrap the elastic with a thin strand and secure its tip with an invisibility.

Curly low ponytail

Do you only have 5 minutes? This option is for you!

  1. Comb everything back or divide your hair into a parting.
  2. Gather the strands in your hand.
  3. Wrap a light tourniquet towards the head.
  4. Tie the resulting elastic and secure with hairpins, otherwise the tourniquet will fall apart.
  5. Wrap the elastic with a thin strand.
  6. Throw the ends over your shoulder.

Another option:

Stylistic tricks

To make the hairstyle great, listen to the advice of experienced hairdressers:

  • Tip 1. Use satin ribbons, colored scarves and chiffon scarves to decorate the tail.
  • Tip 2. You can stab a flower at the base of the styling - it will be very romantic. The main thing is to choose those flowers that can last at least a few hours (gerberas, orchids, lilies).
  • Tip 3. If you cannot boast of thick hair, wind your tied hair with an iron or curlers - curls will add volume.
  • Tip 4. An alternative to curls will be a curling iron with a corrugated nozzle. Such strands look better on long hair and do not go short at all.
  • Tip 5. Experiment with the level - tie the tail high on the crown, then lower it to the back of the head, or even place it at the base of the neck. In this case, you should take into account the shape of your face, the length and thickness of the hair, as well as the presence of bangs.

Each of the hairstyles will take you no more than 5 minutes and will look great. Now the tail is not only an option for every day, but also an alternative to evening styling. It doesn’t matter if it is high or low - the main thing is to find “your” tail. Choose!

bushy tail

If you are already tired of the usual tail, then try to make it in an unusual way. A fake hairstyle will create the feeling of very thick hair, and the ponytail itself will seem longer.


Divide the loose hair into two parts with a horizontal parting, arbitrarily tie a ponytail just above the forehead, and do not touch the remaining mass of hair on the back of the head.

With a fine-toothed comb, lightly bouffant above the forehead so that this area looks voluminous. Secure the top of your hair with an elastic band.

Now make a ponytail from the bottom of the hair - this bun will be completely invisible, because the top mass of hair will cover it. Due to the simple reception, it will seem that your horse is longer and more magnificent than it really is.

tail knot

Another original way to tie a tail - by the way, you will have to “tie” in the literal sense of the word! The only point is that such a hairstyle is carried out only on long hair.

First, comb your hair back and divide it into two equal parts.

Tie a pretty tight knot. To make it look beautiful, slightly pull on the top strand - let it be a little more voluminous.

Now make the second knot in the same way - gently straighten it and secure the tail with a transparent rubber band. What could be easier?

high ponytail

Do you know the situation when you make a tail, and it slides down in half an hour? Luckily, we know how to fix it!

Make a regular ponytail - try to tighten it tighter, but not so much as to harm the hair.

At the back, at the base of the tail, fasten two invisible ones so that they cling to the elastic. Make sure the barrettes don't get in the way or dig into the skin. Thanks to them, the tail will not slip.

Hairy tail

To make the ponytail look voluminous, you need to comb it. For this simple procedure, you will need hairspray, a comb, an elastic band and a couple of minutes.

Make a regular high ponytail, and then separate the top strand from it (about one third of the entire mass of hair).

Comb the top strand with a small comb, fix the bouffant with varnish - you're done!

Tail with a bow

A flirty option for those who are going, for example, on a date. A ponytail with a playful bow will create a cute and feminine look.