Fashionable retro - babette hairstyle for hair: styling options with photos for every day and for a celebration. Stunning babette hairstyle - stylish options and styling features Hairstyles for long babette hair

208 08.10.2019 4 min.

Babette is a hairstyle that is characterized by its feminine outlines. It can be combined with elegant outfits and stylish skirts. The styling owes its popularity to the film “Babette Goes to War”, where actress Brigitte Bardot presented it in all its glory.

Despite such a long period of time, the hairstyle is in great demand to this day. Most women began to use styling to create an elegant look. And this is not surprising, since the babette is able to give the appearance of a feminine and sophisticated outline.


How good a bun with a bagel looks for long hair, as well as how complicated the procedure for its execution, is described in detail in the content of this

How to do for short hair

The opinion that it is impossible to create a babette for short hair is erroneous. It is quite possible to do this, only there are not so many options for such styling, so you don’t have to choose much. To create a babette of this type, you will need hair length to the shoulder blades.

You need to adhere to the following action plan:

  1. Comb all hair back and create a ponytail at the crown.
  2. Disguise it with an elastic band at the base. You need to make the tail at the distance that will be enough to cover the used roller.
  3. At the base of the tail, fix the roller, securely fastening with pins.
  4. Disguise the roller with a tail, securing with an elastic band.
  5. Straighten the strands so that they are evenly distributed over the roller.
  6. Divide the ends of the tail into 2 parts, each of which is fixed at the base with hairpins.
  7. Connect the two parts in half so that you get a ½ bow.
  8. Lay a beautiful hairpin in the center of the bow.

On the video, a babette hairstyle for short hair at home:

How to do on medium hair

This version of the babette must be done in combination with fleece. In this case, the length of the hair must be medium. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Perform a horizontal parting and thus separate part of the hair at the top. Secure hair with a clip.
  2. The hair located at the bottom of the head should be collected in a high ponytail and, if possible, comb it.
  3. Fix the bouffant with the help of stealth to form a small roller.
  4. On the upper part of the hair, make a bouffant and lay, combing the hair towards the roller. Disguise the tips under the fleece.
  5. You can decorate the babette with various elements, and then fix it with varnish.

On the video, how to make a babette hairstyle for medium hair:

But what are the most popular hairstyles with a donut for medium hair, described in detail in the content of this

For those who want to learn how to braid a bump using a donut, you should read the contents of this

How good the hairstyle looks, as well as what is the procedure for its execution, is described in detail in the content of this article.

It is also worth finding out what is right and what would make the hairstyle beautiful. All information is detailed in the content of this article.

For long hair

Long hair is ideal for creating a spectacular babette. With such hair, you can experiment and get unique and original hairstyles. There are a lot of options for execution, but the most popular method remains the one that involves the following plan of action:

  1. First, carefully go through the hair with a comb. Then, at the crown, collect the hair in a ponytail. Secure it with a rubber band. At the same time, you need to make sure that the strands do not get out of the general fleece.
  2. Attach a chignon at the bottom. It is better to use a natural accessory. It is attached to the bulk of the hair using decorative hairpins.
  3. Roll up the chignon. Distribute the hair over it, securing it on the sides with invisibility. So that the styling does not fall apart and delight you with its beauty throughout the day, it is necessary to treat it with varnish.
  4. Tie a ribbon at the base of the tail. It will mask the existing transition from natural to artificial hair. Hairstyle made for long hair is over. It can be used to visit a cafe or go on a romantic date.

On the video, how to make a babette hairstyle for long hair:

Babette is a unique hairstyle that is so in demand among women of any age. Suitable for various outfits, creating an elegant and original look. There are many options for creating hairstyles. When choosing a particular one, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the face and the length of the hair.

The babette hairstyle has remained popular for many years in a row - from about the same time as the legendary Brigid appeared with her in the movie "Babette Goes to War". Modern styling has become a little different. One thing remains unchanged - beauty and popularity.

Who is a babette suitable for?

Babette is not in vain called a universal option. It suits absolutely everyone - choose the option that suits you and go to work, a date, a party or a gala dinner.

You should also consider the shape of your face:

  • Round - create volume at the crown;
  • Triangular - make a bang or leave a few thin curls near the face;
  • Elongated and lean - move the roller to the back of the head. You can also cut asymmetrical bangs;
  • If the facial features are small, do not make too lush bouffant. But for girls with large features, we recommend using a large roller;
  • Square - decorate the hairstyle with a light bang.

Babette can be performed on strands of any length. She looks great with or without bangs. The hairstyle is decorated with beautiful hairpins, locks, a diadem, a hair bow, a crown, a ribbon or a wreath. This hairstyle opens up an endless sea of ​​stylistic possibilities for modern fashionistas.

What do you need to create such a hairstyle?

To make a babette with your own hands, prepare the following devices in advance:

  • Comb with frequent teeth to create a fleece;
  • Mousse or foam;
  • Chignon or oval roller;
  • Studs, stealth;
  • Silicone rubber bands.

And now look at the photos and read the master classes!

Classic babette

How to make a babette hairstyle at home? We offer you a traditional styling option that is perfect for medium to long hair with straight and thick bangs.

1. Gently comb the washed strands and divide them into two parts with a horizontal parting. This line should run along the back of the head just above the line of the ears.

2. Spray your hair with varnish.

3. Comb the upper half of the strands with a thin comb with blunt teeth from the bottom up. It is this bouffant that will give the babette volume, thanks to which she becomes so beautiful and elegant.

4. Lay the bouffant in the roller and secure it with an invisibility.

5. Straighten the top layer of the pile and straighten the strands so that the roller lies in a beautiful semicircle.

6. The rest of the hair can be left loose, or it can be divided in half and braided into bundles or pigtails.

7. Throw the right pigtail over the babette to the left, and the left to the right. Secure the ends with invisibility.

8. Decorate your hair with a flower clip.

Babette with flowing hair

This styling, done on long hair, adds depth to the look and makes the look gentle and a little frivolous. For romantic dates, she simply has no equal!

    1. Wash your hair with a volumizing shampoo.
    2. Blow dry your hair while bending down.
    3. Separate the upper part of the hair with a horizontal parting.
    4. Comb it with a comb with blunt frequent teeth.
    5. Lay the bouffant with a roller and secure with an invisibility.
    6. Gently brush the top hairs with a brush.
    7. Curl the remaining strands with an iron or curling iron and comb with your hands.

Babette for thin hair

If the hair is very thin and sparse, use this hairstyle model.

      1. Separate part of the hair near the forehead. Stab them with a crab so as not to interfere.
      2. A little lower, take another fairly wide strand and twist it into a tourniquet.
      3. Lay the tourniquet in the bun and stab it with a hairpin. This gives the babette extra volume.
      4. Comb the strands stabbed with a crab, lay them on top of the bun and form a roller.
      5. Leave a couple of curls at the face.

Evening babette with a roller

This version of the babette is ideal for weakened hair. Using a special bagel, you can refuse to pile.

      1. Separate a small section of hair at the crown and tie it with an elastic band.
      2. Place a bagel on top.
      3. Divide the ponytail in half.
      4. Now pop the bagel. Lift one part up, leave the other down. Fix each one invisible.
      5. Cover the bagel completely with the hair near the forehead.
      6. Gather all your hair into a ponytail.
      7. Twist the ends and tie the curls into a bun.
      8. Clip your bangs nicely.

See also:

Elegant babette

With a roller, you can make such a very feminine and elegant hairstyle.

      1. Divide the hair into two parts with a horizontal parting.
      2. Tie the top part at the back of the head.
      3. With the second elastic band, intercept the tail a little lower.
      4. Lift the ponytail up and place the oval roller just below the first elastic. Securely fasten it with invisibility.
      5. Lower the tail onto the roller and straighten it so that the base is closed on all sides.
      6. Braid the ends into a tight pigtail and wrap under a babette. Pin with pins.
      7. Decorate your hair with a beautiful hairpin and sprinkle it with varnish.

See the video for more details:

Babette for short hair

It is very easy to make a babette on short hair. A photo and a detailed master class will help you with this.

      1. Separate part of the strands at the crown.
      2. Comb them well and lay them with a roller, pinning the tip with an invisible one.
      3. Raise the roller slightly with the sharp tip of the comb to make it more fluffy.
      4. Twist the side strands with bundles and pin them to the babette, wrapping the ends inward.
      5. Decorate your hair with a bandage.

shell shaped

Step-by-step instructions for this beautiful styling will help you build a masterpiece in the style of the 60s in 15 minutes.

1. Sprinkle your hair well with varnish and comb it at the roots.

2. Make a bouffant along the entire length of the hair with a massage brush.

3. Gently smooth the top layer of the bouffant with a thin comb.

4. Collect all the hair in your hand at the back of the head and twist it like a shell. Pin at the base with invisibility.

5. Style the bangs on either side of the face.

Babette with a high tail

This styling can be done on strands of medium length.

  1. Separate part of the hair at the level of the ears and twist it with a tourniquet so that it does not interfere yet.
  2. Now take a strand a little lower and comb it well.
  3. Smooth the top hair of the bouffant with a thin comb.
  4. Tie a high ponytail, being careful not to ruin the bouffant.
  5. Unroll the hair near the forehead and divide it into two parts with a side parting.
  6. Lay these strands on the sides, wrapping the base of the tail. Stab with invisibility.
  7. Roll the ends with a curling iron.

Bow variant

A beautiful babette with a bow is easy to make, but looks romantic, sexy and playful.

      1. Tie a high ponytail.
      2. Separate a not very wide part from it and stab it with a clip so that it does not interfere.
      3. Comb the rest of your hair well.
      4. Form a round roller from the fleece.
      5. Hide the ends inside and secure with hairpins.
      6. From the separated part, take quite a bit of hair and cover the combed roller with it so that the babette comes out smooth.
      7. Hide the ends in the same way inside and stab.
      8. Tie the remaining strands at the forehead with a bow. Divide them into three parts. Fold the two extremes inward and stab. Place the third in the middle, tying the finished bow.

And you can do it like this:

Very fluffy babe

This styling option is suitable only for bold and extravagant ladies.

      1. Divide the hair into two parts, parting at the back of the head behind the ear. Tie the front so it doesn't get in the way.
      2. Comb the strands at the back.
      3. Form a shell out of the fleece.
      4. Divide the front part into thin strands, comb them gently at the roots and lay them on top of the shell.
      5. Spray your hair with hairspray.
      6. Wrap the ends inward at the bottom.

The lightest version of the babette

Any of you can make such a babette hairstyle.

1. Put on an elastic band around your neck, which will then be used as a decoration.

2. Tie the hair into a ponytail at the back of the head, leaving one thin curl at the face.

3. Hide the elastic under the strand of hair.

5. Secure the tip with a hairpin.

6. Comb the tail well from top to bottom and spray it with varnish.

7. Form a roller out of this pile by stretching its tips under the elastic.

8. Pin the strands that are out of sight with invisibility.

9. Gently smooth the top of the pile with a comb.

10. Pull up the bandage and decorate your hair with it.

  • Tip 1. Do your hair only on straight hair - this way it will last longer.
  • Tip 2. Do not comb the bouffant - it harms the hair. Wash your hair with balm, dry it and only then comb it.
  • Tip 3. To make your hair fuller, dry it with your head tilted down.
  • Tip 4. Accessorize your babette with retro jewelry or strands of pearls.
  • Tip 5. Do not do your hair too often - bouffants spoil the structure of the strands.


Learning how to make a babette hairstyle at home

To learn how to make a stylish babette hairstyle, you need to spend a little time and effort, but the result will exceed your expectations. Spectacular and elegant, flirtatious and sexy, the babette suits almost any face shape, both with and without bangs. I have prepared some useful tips and diagrams so that you can learn how to do it yourself.


Before making a babette, you need to wash your hair with shampoo with the effect of additional volume, dry it with a hairdryer. Before starting to comb, it is recommended to apply a special softening protective spray to the curls (it will protect them from microcracks that can lead to subsequent brittleness and loss), as well as a styling agent.

Tools used to create a babette

We make a pile

There are two types of fleece: bouffant to the root (blunting or blunting) and bouffant to the strand. In the first case, the pile is carried out from the inside of the strand at the base, in the second - along the entire length.

Much attention should be paid to the comb for fleece. It should be thin and have sparse teeth with rounded tips.

Creation schemes and types of babette:

There are several varieties of this hairstyle. Consider how to make the most famous of them with your own hands.


It is performed with a fleece. The ideal length for hairstyles is medium and long haircuts.

  • Separate the upper part of the hair with a horizontal parting and fix it with a clip so that it does not interfere.
  • Take the lower part of the hair into a high ponytail and comb it as much as possible.
  • Stab the bouffant with invisible ones to make a small roller.
  • Comb the upper part and lay combing the strands towards the roller. Hide the ponytails under the fleece.
  • Decorate the babette with decorative accessories and sprinkle with varnish.

Option number 1

Option number 2

with roller

This version of the babette is suitable for long and medium haircuts.

Rollers are foam pads that you can make yourself. To do this, you will need old nylon stockings or socks. Cut off the area intended for the fingers, and fill the resulting "tube" with foam rubber. Tie or sew up the roller on both sides.

  • Make a high or low tail (depending on where the finished cone will be placed - on the top or on the back of the head), fix with an elastic band.
  • Place a roller under the base of the tail, pin with hairpins.
  • Spray the tail with varnish and spread the strands over the roller so that it is not visible. Fix with invisibility.
  • Lightly spray the hair with hairspray for the final fixation and the babette is ready.


This method of laying babette is done for both long and medium haircuts.

A bagel is a round pillow with a hole in the middle. You can make it in the same way as a roller, with only one difference - the ends of the roller will need to be connected and sewn.

  • Make a high ponytail.
  • Pull the tail through the bagel so that it is at the base of the tail.
  • Part your hair over the donut and put another elastic band on top. The result is a neat bump.
  • Gently twist the ends of the strands into bundles, wrap them around the base of the bump. Secure with invisibility.
  • Spray your hair with hairspray.

Option number 1

Option number 2

With pigtails or plaits

This hairstyle is usually done on long hair.

  • Separate the temporal strands and secure with hairpins.
  • Perform a babette as described above using a bagel or roller.
  • Release the temporal strands from clothespins, comb, braid or twist into bundles.
  • Wrap the finished cone with the resulting pigtails or plaits.

Option number 1

Option number 2

with a bow

For this version of the babette, it is necessary that the length of the hair be at least up to the shoulder blades, and if possible, even lower.

  • Gather your hair into a ponytail at the crown.
  • Tie the tail with an elastic band at the base and a little lower - approximately at the distance required to close the roller.
  • At the base of the tail, fix the roller, securely fixing it with invisible pins or hairpins.
  • Cover the roller with a tail, fix with an elastic band.
  • Straighten your hair so that it completely covers the roller.
    Divide the tip of the tail into two equal parts, each of which is fixed at the base with invisibility.
  • Fold the two resulting parts of the tail in half so that you get the halves of the bow.
  • Place a beautiful hairpin in the center of the bow.

With loose hair

Babette on loose curls looks elegant, but not too pretentious. Hair can be both long and medium (but at least slightly below the shoulder line).

  • Comb the curls from the parietal zone to the forehead with a thin comb and comb forward.
  • Place a roller on the parietal zone or comb abundantly. Cover with hair and lightly spray with hairspray for fixation.
  • If the hair is thick enough, and there is no need to use a roller or donut, just comb it well, then roll it into a tourniquet, put it in a bump and fix it with stealth or hairpins. Spray with varnish.

Option number 1

Option number 2

with a tail

This babette hairstyle is usually done on fairly long hair.

  • Leave a few strands in the temporal part of the head untouched. Secure them with a hairpin.
  • Make a pile on the crown.
  • Place a roller in the parietal region, fix it with hairpins, cover with combed hair.
  • Collect unused strands of the occipital region in a ponytail.
  • Release the temporal curls from the clothespin, bring them back and secure with a hairpin.

Option number 1

Option number 2

  • Don't do babette too often. Bouffant can negatively affect the condition and appearance of the hair.
  • Remember that it is undesirable to sleep with a babette and wear it for more than one day.
  • Perform bouffant only according to the rules, so as not to harm the curls.
  • Do not try to comb the bouffant, as this can lead to damage to the hair structure. Just wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner, dry it, and then you can comb it from the tips to the roots.
  • If the haircut is long, the remaining unused ends can be beautifully curled with a curling iron or iron.
  • To give the hairstyle more femininity and charm, for example at a wedding, use accessories - hairpins, headbands, tiaras, you can also tie a ribbon around your head.
  • For abundant fleece, use corrugation

We hope that our tips and a selection of homemade babette patterns will help you learn how to make this beautiful hairstyle.

The right choice of styling is 50% success for a girl. Babette is a sixties style hairstyle that will open up your face and highlight your sophisticated taste. With her, you will become the object of attention of 8 out of 10 people around you.

Babette's hairstyle, which came to us from the last century, is still often used as a weekend or evening addition to the image. With its help, fashionistas emphasize their style and attract everyone's attention.

What is special about Babette?

The history of Babette's hairstyle began in the early sixties, when Brigitte Bordeaux appeared on television in the image of the main character of the film "Babette Goes to War" with her. So the bouffant hairstyle became one of the most popular hairstyles of the century, and to this day it has not gone out of fashion.

Over time, generations of girls have come up with many types of Babette, so this hairstyle is perfect for a date with a guy or a walk with friends, as well as for a prom or a business meeting. In any case, it will complement the outfit and add variety to your style. In addition, it does not require much time, although the first time it is worth practicing to “fill your hand”.

DIY Classic Babette

If you have already wondered how to make a Babette hairstyle with your own hands for long hair, then you will need:

  • Polish for hair;
  • comb;
  • invisible (10-15 pcs.);
  • roller;
  • iron or corrugation (for liquid hair);

To achieve the best result, bouffant should be created on clean hair, so start by washing your hair. It is also worth paying attention to the shampoo and conditioner that you use, since the hairstyle should be lush, it would be ideal to choose products that give extra volume or use foam.

As mentioned earlier, there are many types of Babette, but the variety with a roller is considered classic. Best of all, it is suitable as a styling for graduation. So, if you are the owner of liquid hair, before moving on to creating styling, you will have to use an iron. With it, you need to lift the hair all over the head near the roots and treat them with varnish. After that, tie a tight tail at the back of the head, collect all the fallen hairs with varnish.

Step-by-step instruction

The step-by-step instruction for Babette below can be a set of useful tips. Remember, depending on your own preferences, you can change the technology for creating hairstyles.

  • Divide the tail into two equal parts horizontally, grab the top at the crown. Then, just above the elastic, pin a pair of stealths, thus marking the place for the beam. If the invisibility is not enough, collect the hair with an elastic band so that there is space between the base of the tail and the second elastic band, pin the resulting tail at the crown. Divide the bottom strand into two more parts and grab on both sides of the head.
  • Insert the roller into the place marked with invisibility and secure it with the help of invisibility.
  • Break off the top strand. Gradually combing and strengthening it with varnish, lay it on top of the roller so as to completely hide it under the hair. Pin a strand from below, and hide excess hairs under the base.
  • Throw the strands that were tacked on the sides in front of the formed mound to cover the base of the tail, secure with invisibility under the hair. For reliability, treat the entire hairstyle again with varnish.
  • Amaze everyone with beauty and feel like a queen.

Fresh ideas for doing hairstyles

If you have already learned how to make a Babette hairstyle and you want variety, use the variations below.

Babette with flowing hair

To create such a hairstyle, you do not need to collect your hair in a ponytail. Stylist Ruslan Tatyanin recommends simply forming a lush basal bouffant at the crown.

To do this, select a few medium strands (4-5) in the center and comb them, but not along the entire length, but only at the very head. Leave a few curls near the face to add lightness to the hairstyle. Then smooth the resulting bouffant back, collect it in a ponytail, while the elastic should be below the bouffant. Fix the bundle so as to lift it, make the styling more magnificent. Almost done, it remains only to collect a couple of strands from the face at the back of the head, over the ponytail, and fasten the hair with varnish.

This type is perfect for walks or photo shoots in the style of the 60s.

Babette with a bow

To add chic to your hair and emphasize your taste, real fashionistas complement the classic type of babette with a bow.

To do this, at the very beginning, divide the tail into three parts horizontally, but make the top one smaller than the rest and grab it at the crown. When you are done with the comb and style your hair, make two ears from the side strands in front of the hairstyle and fix them with invisibility. Hide this mount with the strand that was separated at the very beginning. All ponytails can be hidden under styling and secured with hairpins and varnish.

Babette for short and medium hair

Performing Babette for short hair will require additional materials, first of all, you will need a “donut”, if the hair is very short, you will need artificial strands. As in the classic form, the hairstyle for short hair starts with a ponytail, put a bagel on the ponytail and secure it with hairpins. After combing your hair a little, start distributing it evenly in a circle, putting strands on the bagel and tucking it under it. When you're done, tuck the ponytails under the bagel and secure with pins.

The creation of this hairstyle takes the least time, so it is perfect for a date or a simple walk.

Babette's do-it-yourself hairstyle for medium hair will also not take much time, you can do it in a classic way or with a bagel. Many hairdressers, for example, Lazar Tropinin, offer to use the hair from the forehead as decorations for such hairstyles, for this, lay out the curls in the desired shape and fix with varnish. In addition, try braiding the braid and winding it around the form.

Babette without roller

If you have thick hair, you will be interested in the Babette hairstyle without a roller. To create it, use your own hair instead of lining. You don't even have to tie your tail for this. Part your hair horizontally from ear to ear. Collect the upper part and stab at the crown. Gather the bottom part into a ponytail right under the horizontal parting that you have, and tease the hair at the roots. Then roll this tail into a tube and fix it with hairpins. Now gradually comb the upper part. When all the hair is combed, put it on a tube. Do not forget to smooth the curls and varnish. When you're done, just tie the hair with a ribbon to make it voluminous.

Since this type requires more time, it is recommended for theme parties and other holidays.

Use a curling iron with loose hair or leave a few loose strands near the face. Decorate your hairstyle with a ribbon or jewelry, use hairpins with natural stones or sequins to fix your hairstyle.

Babette options for all occasions

Babette for the wedding

Babette is a hairstyle that often adorns the heads of brides. Stylists offer this hairstyle in several versions.

To create them, they use all kinds of jewelry, ribbons, rhinestones and more. Sometimes they even lay out an ornament of hair and pour it abundantly with varnish. However, the most romantic option is to decorate the form with a veil or diadem.

Babette with a scythe for prom

Prom hairstyles with Babette are also popular. Hairdressers emphasize them with decorative colors to match the dress or ribbons, or try to spice up the hairstyle with braids. For example, if a graduate chose the bagel option, she can braid some curls from the tail into pigtails, then the bundle will turn out to be voluminous and unusual. In the classic Babette, the lower strands are sometimes braided and laid out over the styling, fixing them with decorative hairpins.

Hairdresser Tatyana Sklemina offers another interesting variation of using a braid in a hairstyle:

  • Select part of the hair in the center of the head and collect them in the tail.
  • From the hair that remains around the tail we weave a spikelet, starting from the back of the head. At the end, we tie the braid and tuck the tail under the beginning of the braid. We grab, if necessary, invisible.
  • We dissolve the tail and comb the hair, as in the case of the classic Babette, not along the entire length, only near the roots. Do not forget to strengthen the strands with varnish. We lay the hair down, fasten with hairpins below the comb to give a rounded shape.
  • At the end, either we collect the hair with a decorative hairpin, or we wind the ends with a curling iron. In general, we give vent to fantasy.

Complementing the image

Which Babette suits your face shape

Since, basically, Babette has a rounded elongated shape, it is most suitable for girls with elongated faces (oval, diamond-shaped, triangular or rectangular shapes). The loose hair version will look great on a girl with a rectangular face shape. But chubby people should avoid such styling, as it will visually increase the cheekbones. It is better to choose the version with a roller or bagel, but collect all the hair at the crown. If you have a diamond or triangular shape, then any type of hairstyle will suit you, so don't be afraid to try everything.

What are the best accessories to use?

It is not at all difficult to create hairstyles with Babette with your own hands, especially if you know how to decorate them. However, it often happens that we find it difficult to choose which accessories are best to use.

A few tips for those who are faced with a similar problem.

  • Studs first
    Try to find something unusual to match the dress, to fix it. A bright blotch will attract the desired attention to you. Flowers or faux pearls will look elegant.
  • Long earrings
    Since most of the options involve collected hair, long bright jewelry is best, but if they cause discomfort, pick up studs with large natural or artificial stones.
  • Large beads made of stone (plastic) or pendants
    You can, imitating the dudes, use bright large beads or choose a modest pendant, but in any case, do not give up jewelry around your neck.
  • Bracelets: complete with beads
    Getting ready for a stylized party or going to prom? Then look for a set consisting of jewelry for the neck and arm.

What makeup will look the most harmonious?

“What makeup will look harmonious?”, You will receive an answer to this question only when you understand what image you want to create, however, we can offer you some general recommendations:

  • Focus on the eyes. Line your lashes and eyelids, but don't go overboard with eye shadow.
  • Choose either gloss or bright lipstick. If you want to try on the image of a fashionista, take a bright red or even orange lipstick, but if you do not want to be transported to the sixties, use a simple lip balm.
  • Blush on the cheekbones favorably emphasizes the cheeks.
  • Remember, this hairstyle will open up your face, so if you have breakouts, it's best to put on a heavy toning base.

In order to find the perfect Babette for yourself, you need to try different versions of it. Experiment, but don't be discouraged if something doesn't work the first time. Try again and again.

Video: creating Babette's hairstyle

Babette is quite popular even today. We bring to your attention several videos. After studying them, you can learn how to do this wonderful styling at home.

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Evening hairstyles for medium hair
An evening out involves a special outfit, makeup and, of course, a hairstyle. In most cases, hairstyles for a special occasion consist of collected hair, which can be decorated with hairpins, ribbons, hoops. To create evening hairstyles for medium hair, it is not necessary to go to the hairdresser, you can do it yourself. We will look at some options with step-by-step photos.
Hairstyles and haircuts for an oval face
Creating a hairstyle is one of the most important steps in creating a harmonious image. The choice of haircut and hairstyle directly depends on the shape of the face, the structure and color of the hair. Dark curls visually reduce facial features, while light curls increase them. How to choose the right hairstyle for a girl with an oval face? The oval face shape is the most common in humans. It is for this type that almost all options for haircuts and hairstyles are suitable. Owners of this type of face can wear both long and short hair. What hairstyles and haircuts are most suitable for girls with an oval face will tell this article.
Hairstyle "Shell"
A shell is a classic and very beautiful hair styling option. There are several ways to create it, but in general the result is approximately the same: the hairstyle is shaped like a seashell. Among the styling, it is popular when the curls are completely hidden inside in different ways, the strands are left free or the hair is styled in a completely unusual way, using a popular hairstyle as the basis.
Prom hairstyles
A graduation party at school or a matinee in kindergarten is an important holiday that indicates that another stage of growing up has passed in the life of a child or teenager. Kindergarten graduates are preparing to become schoolchildren. Graduation in the 4th grade is a farewell to the first teacher and the transition to high school. And a completely magical holiday - graduation on the occasion of graduation, when yesterday's students enter adulthood. And here you can not do without a beautiful outfit and exquisite hairstyle.
Hairstyle "Wave"
The now popular hairstyle "wave" owes its appearance to the French hairdresser Marcel Grato, who came up with the idea of ​​curling hair on hot tongs. This relieved women of the need to style their hair daily and allowed them to quickly create a beautiful and spectacular hairstyle without much difficulty.
Hairstyles for short hair
Beautiful, thick long hair is the dream of many women. Unfortunately, nature has not endowed everyone so generously and many ladies have to be very inventive in order to make a spectacular hairstyle on short hair. By the way, taking care of short hair is much easier, and there are not so few options for hairstyles for short hair and styling. Let's give some examples.
The ponytail hairstyle has long been included in the everyday life of girls because of its simplicity and conciseness. Wherever we go, to work, meeting or just for a walk - the tail will always be the perfect solution. It is quite simple to make it, it is enough to collect all the hair on the top of the head and secure with an elastic band. But modern fashionistas do not like to stop at one thing and are always looking for new ideas for seemingly ordinary things. The ponytail is no exception.
5 strand braid
Braids have never gone out of fashion. They have always been a great option for both everyday and evening outings. However, the world is changing, and fashion is changing with it. Today it is difficult to surprise someone with an ordinary three-strand pigtail. Almost all girls can do it. Now at the peak of popularity artistic weaving. A 5-strand checkerboard braid just refers to it.
Hairstyles for school
The hairstyle option for school or kindergarten should be quite strict and at the same time beautiful. In the classroom, loose hair is unacceptable, and therefore curls collected in a neat hairstyle are considered optimal styling. Considering that there is often little time to get ready for school or kindergarten, it is worth choosing the best styling options that will allow the girl to go to class without delay.
Hairstyles and haircuts for a rectangular face
A rectangular face is more common in men and is considered an attribute of strong-willed appearance. Many girls of this type are embarrassed by this form and consider choosing a hairstyle rather problematic, since the face has angular and rough features. The article presents recommendations for choosing a haircut for this type, following which you can emphasize beautiful facial features and hide angularity.