How to apply lip liner. What you need to know when choosing a lip liner

In creating a competent make-up, an important place is occupied by the design of the mouth. In addition to lipstick, a cosmetic pencil is used for drawing. It allows you to effectively emphasize the contour, correct the shape and even make the mouth more voluminous.

1. Lip pencils can be classified according to the material from which they are made:

  • Classic wood slate. In its production, wax and resin are used, thanks to which it lies softly and evenly gives the pigment. Its main advantage is economical consumption and the ability to sharpen. They can draw a thin line. Ease of application depends entirely on the type of wood. The softer it is, the more comfortable it is to use. The main drawback of the product is the fragility of the lead.
  • Plastic has an automatic mechanism. The coloring rod is placed in a tube. It is softer and more comfortable to use than wood. There is no need to sharpen the lead, and its texture resembles lipstick. The main disadvantage is the inability to draw a thin outline. There is also a risk of breaking the lead if it is twisted too far out of the tube.

2. Classification according to color scheme:

  • Color. It has excellent pigmentation, the effect of it is very persistent, allows you to extend the life of makeup. Sometimes it makes sense to use a colored pencil instead of lipstick, painting over the entire surface with it. And if you apply glitter on top, then there will be a ready-made makeup.
  • Bodily. Available in several shades. The most popular is a light brown tone. A beige shade is used if you want to change the shape of the lips or visually narrow them.
  • White. They are mainly used by professional makeup artists. It allows you to visually enlarge the lips. This is not a matte pencil, it contains the smallest shimmering particles, due to which the tool gives the same effect as the highlighter, scattering the light and making the border of the contour transition smoother. If you draw the upper part, you get a natural effect of the lips with a bow.
  • Colorless. It is used when they want to fix lipstick, to prevent it from spreading.

3. Cosmetic products are divided into the following types:

  • Silicone. Outwardly, it resembles colorless, but its functions are different. The contour pencil contains a large amount of natural resins, wax and cosmetic silicone. Thanks to this, it effectively fills in bumps and wrinkles on the lips. Therefore, make-up artists often use it in age-related makeup. It allows you to make the mouth smoother, younger and plumper.
  • Waterproof. This type of contour is suitable for busy ladies who do not have time to regularly update their makeup. It is quite difficult to apply, as it is very hard. The only drawback of waterproof cosmetics is the need to buy a special make-up remover solution.
  • Lipstick pencil. It applies easily and stays on well. It is impossible to draw a thin and even contour, but with such a tool, ordinary lipstick is not needed. You can only add glitter to it. It has a thick and rather soft stylus.

Not so long ago, a novelty appeared - a tattoo pencil. Its difference lies in the significant durability of the pigment, which lasts longer than usual. Therefore, it is recommended to use it when doing makeup before an important event. So you can be sure that it will last the whole evening.

A beautiful contour can be obtained with the right choice of lip pencil. It is recommended to listen to the following tips:

1. If a woman prefers wooden contour products, then when buying it is necessary to test it by making a few strokes on her arm. This will help to evaluate the hardness of the stylus and the saturation of the color.

2. An option that is too soft and is so easy to apply can easily float and ruin your makeup.

3. Matte with a hard lead will last longer and securely fix lipstick, but it can dry out delicate skin.

4. Those who do not want to regularly sharpen a pencil should opt for automatic plastic ones, in which the core can simply be unscrewed. When buying them, you need to carefully examine and test the mechanism. Low-quality products with such a system often break.

5. Women who cannot imagine their life without bright lipstick should not buy pastel or colorless contouring. They are suitable for creating makeup in nude tones, an inconspicuous make-up. And if the favorite is glitter in natural shades, then you should pay attention to silicone, as well as products in beige and flesh-colored.

6. The silicone look will help mask wrinkles perfectly, so it should be chosen by women of age.

Pay attention to composition. More expensive brands, in addition to coloring pigments, contain nutrients and vitamins. Cheaper options often include harmful additives that dehydrate the skin. If lips are prone to dryness, chapping, cracking and seizing, then it is best to purchase a product with herbal extracts, vitamins A and E and natural oils. This will help nourish the skin with useful substances, protect it from the harmful effects of the environment and start the recovery process.

How to choose a color?

A cosmetic product is chosen according to the color of lipstick:

  1. Shades of contour and lipstick must be combined. In some cases, it is advisable to choose identical colors. But most often they take a pencil a shade darker than lipstick.
  2. Nude light brown has absolute versatility, it fits most shades of lipsticks.
  3. A colorless contouring agent is not selected for lipstick. With it, you can easily achieve natural makeup. Lovers of translucent gloss will also like it, it will not stand out and catch the eye.
  4. Lipstick pencil is the easiest to pick up, it's easy to get the right shade. The contour can not be used.
  5. It is unacceptable to use a pencil, the shade of which is lighter than lipstick. Such makeup will look unnatural. This will visually reduce the lips, make them thin.
  6. It is highly undesirable to use a dark brown or black version if the lipstick is lighter. It looks vulgar and sloppy.
  7. When choosing under the gloss, keep in mind that it should be slightly pigmented. It is necessary that the shade of the contour is similar to the natural tone of the lips.
  8. You can choose two shades for the contour. To add volume, they are circled with a lighter or even white color with obligatory shading, slightly going beyond the borders. Lipstick can be any.
  9. To create a natural make-up in beige and light brown tones, it is best to use an outline of the same shade or a little darker.

How beautiful to make up lips?

It is important not only to choose the right tone of the pencil, but also to be able to use it. Professional makeup artists recommend applying foundation first and then powdering. So cosmetics will lie better, and make-up will last longer.

After that, using a well-sharpened wooden pencil, carefully outline the outline. Apply it with short, clear strokes. The central region of the upper lip is drawn more carefully. Do not press too hard on the lead, otherwise the lines will be too noticeable. The contour needs to be shaded, it is best to take a brush for this. Movement should be directed inward. Now you can apply lipstick or gloss of the selected shade.

There is another option. Draw a contour, and then shade them completely, then apply lipstick or gloss. Excess makeup must be removed. To do this, a napkin is clamped between the lips to get the lipstick wet. So the color will be brighter, and the durability of the makeup will increase significantly.

In order to achieve the effect of puffiness, a line is drawn, somewhat protruding beyond the natural contour. In this case, in no case should the corners of the mouth be emphasized. This will visually reduce the lips. After the contour, use lipstick and a little shine on top. It is applied to the central part of each lip.

If the lips are too full and need to be reduced, a tonal base is smeared on the skin around the mouth and powdered. This will erase the borders and draw the outline where required. With a matte lip pencil, draw a line, departing from the natural outlines in the middle. Well emphasize the corners of the mouth. The contour must be carefully shaded towards the center. Apply matte lipstick, gloss should not be used, as it visually increases the volume.

By following some simple rules when choosing and using a cosmetic pencil, you can easily create a stylish look, while the makeup will stick perfectly and fit the occasion.

A lip liner is a decorative cosmetic product that performs certain functions in makeup: outlining the shape, changing its size and appearance, masking minor flaws, preventing lipstick from spreading. Thanks to him, the lips look voluminous, and the make-up of the face is complete. Eyeliner is an important component of makeup, but not all women know when it is better to use a universal lip liner, and when to use a colored one.

Perfect lips with youthful plumpness, a clear contour and even rich color are the dream of every woman. Nature does not give everyone such an impeccable mouth. Over the years, the contour, the volume decreases and the pigment brightens. This tool will help to correct the situation, hide changes and imperfections.

Functions and tasks of eyeliner:

  • outlining the contour of the lips;
  • alignment of the form, bringing to a proportional form;
  • reduction or increase in size;
  • keeps lipstick from spreading due to the presence of wax in the composition.

Eyeliner does not have to be worn with lipstick, it can be used as an independent decorative tool.


Contour cosmetics are presented in an assortment and it is difficult to choose the appropriate option without knowing the nuances and differences of each type. Products differ according to several main criteria.

Production material:

  • Automatic plastic case with inking rod inside. Differs in softness, ease of use - leaves the tube with a slight twist. The texture is similar to lipstick. The disadvantage is that once extended, the rod cannot be screwed back. If pushed too far, it breaks.
  • Classic wood with wax and resin lead. It glides smoothly on the lips and evenly colors. The advantage lies in cost savings. To circle, you need to sharpen. Many manufacturers have a sharpener included. The disadvantage is fragility and the need to sharpen regularly.

Separation by color:

  • Nude or nude pencil. It is produced in several universal shades, taking into account the color type of women. Beige is a popular color and often comes to the rescue when you need to visually increase or decrease the shape, change its appearance. Makeup looks natural with a completely new lip shape.
  • Color. Pigment contour eyeliner is selected carefully so that its shade matches the lipstick. Colored pencils contain a lot of coloring matter, which significantly prolongs the durability of cosmetics applied over them - liquid gloss, cream lipstick. With colored eyeliner, you can beautifully make up the border, set the tone for the entire surface, painting it completely, and moisten it with shine on top.
  • Colorless. This is a unique tool, it is not selected by color, it is transparent. With its help, they create a barrier to the spreading of gloss, balm and other dyes.
  • White. The #1 product in the arsenal of makeup artists when lip augmentation is needed. The composition contains shimmering particles invisible to the eye, working as a highlighter. Application allows you to blur the natural contour and create a new ideal and natural looking. Allows you to create different effects.

Additional characteristics:

  • Waterproof. A find for active women who do not have free time to line their lips during the day. The stylus is hard, it is difficult to put on makeup, but the lasting result covers this drawback. Moisture-resistant pigment is removed only with special makeup removers.
  • Silicone. Outwardly, it resembles a neutral without color, but its task lies elsewhere. The stroke contains a large amount of silicone and resins that fill in wrinkles on the skin. This is the perfect option for older ladies. The lip is instantly smoothed and takes on a plump appearance.
  • Lip liner pencil. Its lead and base are somewhat thicker. The hardness is medium, which allows you to apply the paint evenly, clearly draw the borders. Makeup is long lasting and fast. Easy to use, allows you to replace lipstick with one item.

How to choose the perfect lip pencil

The face is the main advantage of a girl, in order to emphasize its advantages, manufacturers produce cosmetics for various purposes. A lip liner is an important part of any makeup, even if it is natural. If you choose and use it correctly, you can radically change the shape of the lips, increase the size and add volume.

How to choose an eyeliner:

  1. The thickness of the stylus. If you are a beginner at home makeup artist, it is better to purchase a version with a wide stylus. It is easy for them to sum up, create a contour of different widths and make a base for gloss and lipstick. A thin stylus is suitable only for working out the border, shading is impossible.
  2. Lead quality. It is better to choose a texture of medium softness. Dry looks artificial, cracks during wear, oily - flows, blurs.
  3. Color stability. This factor is indicated on the packaging - super-resistant, waterproof or resistant. The first two types are easy to use, but can only be removed with makeup removers. Cosmetics create a matte dense layer, harmful to overdried and mature skin. Persistent lip liner is removed with a regular cleansing lotion or milk.
  4. Compound. On sale there are products based on protein, beeswax and silicone. Beeswax cares, nourishes, lies flat. Silicone has waterproof qualities, which is especially appreciated in the summer. It is harmful to use it regularly due to its high density. Protein - easy to color, but needs to be constantly adjusted.
  5. Firm. The ranking of the best cosmetics manufacturers includes the popular Chanel, Dior, Maybelline, Shiseido, Lancome, Loreal, Givenchy and others. Authority guarantees quality, but the price of their products is too high. You can choose a budget option (Vivienne Sabo, Pupa). You need to carefully study the composition. Never buy a cheap pencil from China, it may contain hazardous substances.
  6. Additives. To moisturize and protect against dryness, vitamin E, cocoa butter, coconut, aloe vera are added to the composition. Nutrients, emollients, herbal extracts may be present.
  7. Mechanism. When choosing a plastic tube, check the mechanism so that it is reliable and does not break at the wrong moment. When buying a wooden pencil, check the density of the material. If the kit includes a sharpener, replace it with a cap.
  8. Palette. The colors of the lip pencils should match the lipstick: brown for brown shades, burgundy red for berry, pink for natural. To change the shape, it is recommended to line the lips with a white or nude contour. The silicone line will protect against spreading, add volume. When choosing a color, take into account the color type: brunette, blonde, light or dark skin, undertone.

How to use a pencil correctly

You need to apply makeup on the lips slowly, step by step. Professional tips on how to paint lips with a pencil will come to the rescue:

  1. Cover the surface with a tonal base or powder.
  2. Touch up the upper checkmark of the lip without pressing on the stylus.
  3. Outline.
  4. Gently blend with a brush towards the center.
  5. Cover with a layer of lipstick or gloss.
  • To create volume, outline, slightly protruding beyond the edges.
  • For durability of color, make a shadow over the entire surface of the lips with a tool, then apply lipstick.
  • To reduce the size, treat the border with foundation, a white pencil and apply a matte finish.

When should you not use

Contour pencil is an important part of makeup. Its use is necessary in any situation. Without a stroke, the lips will look blurry, and the overall make-up will look unfinished. It is necessary when creating a natural, natural look in beige, translucent tones.

How to use a lip pencil and why is it needed at all? Any girl always wants to make her lips full, attractive, beautiful, and for this, the cosmetic bag has a whole arsenal of necessary decorative cosmetics.

So, why do you need a lip pencil and is it better to do without it? This cosmetic product is suitable not only to emphasize the existing shape of the lips, but also to create a new one, making thin lips at least a little fuller.

But in order for a lip liner to become an indispensable product in a cosmetic bag and be used on a regular basis, it is necessary to choose a quality and suitable product.

This product may vary in color, composition, thickness and texture of the lead. Almost all manufacturers have a wide palette of shades available, and therefore the question of how to choose a lip pencil for a particular lipstick does not arise. It is best to choose products from trusted brands that will hold on better and lips will not dry out too much.

There are 2 types of pencils on the cosmetic market: mechanical and wooden. Many prefer to use mechanical ones, as they do not need to be constantly sharpened to get a smooth, thin line to outline the contour.

How to choose a pencil with a good lead? Here you need to start from the purpose for which the girl decided: “That's it, I pick up and buy a pencil!” If you only need to outline the contour, then choose a pencil with a thin lead (as a rule, these are mechanical), but if you need to not only draw the contour, but also fill the entire surface, then preference should be given to a tool with a thick lead. In the past few years, many girls prefer to do lip makeup with the help of pencils, which are used as an independent product and are covered with lipstick or gloss on top.

If you need durability throughout the day, then you can turn your attention to waterproof products. They will allow you to freely drink, eat, swim in the pool, walk in the rain, and this is their plus. But to wash off such a product, you will need a special oil-based makeup remover.

There are also pencils, inside of which silicone rods are located, with their help you can fill in an uneven relief on the surface, due to this, the applied gloss or lipstick will lie as evenly as possible and will last for a long time. As a rule, such silicone pencils leave a transparent coating on the lips, which is perfect for lipstick of any shade.

Modern high-quality pencils contain not only a coloring matter, but also wax, natural oils, vitamins, so that such a tool not only emphasizes beauty, but also cares for delicate skin. If they are too dry, then you should choose products that include vitamins C, E, emollient vegetable oil, aloe extract.

Choosing the right pencil shade

As you know, the color of lipstick and pencil should match as much as possible. But why, then, on the cosmetic market are products still in white, flesh-colored, as well as transparent?

A tool with a white stylus is used to give plumpness, volume. With its help, the lips are outlined, going a little beyond the contours, and then all the lines are carefully shaded with a brush, and powdered on top. After that, the lips become more plump and seductive.

A flesh-colored pencil can be used as white, but it is also useful for masking various small defects that may be on the surface of the lips. Suitable for everyday nude makeup.

The product with a transparent rod is designed to be used as a substrate for gloss, providing it with durability.

As for colored pencils, it should be remembered that they should match the shade of lipstick as much as possible, so it is better to always buy them in pairs. Sometimes you can use a product a shade lighter, outlining the contours with it and visually enlarging the lips.

How to apply

After choosing the right shade, you need to apply the product correctly. According to the recommendations of makeup artists, before applying makeup, you need to use a special lip scrub that will remove peeling, and then apply moisturizing hygienic lipstick. After soaking the lipstick, it is recommended to apply a little foundation, and then powder it - this will smooth out the relief and all subsequent products will lie very evenly. If a wooden pencil is used, then it needs to be sharpened properly to get a thin line (mechanical does not require any preliminary preparation).

With the help of a pencil, the lips are outlined along the contour or slightly protruding beyond it, if you need to give them volume. To do everything neatly, it is better to apply with small strokes, and not with a solid line. Particularly careful study requires the central part of the upper lip. The pressure should not be too strong so that the lines do not come out very thick and bright. After drawing the contours, it is necessary to shade everything thoroughly with a brush towards the center. Then you can apply lipstick or gloss.

How to make lipstick last longer? If you want the color of the lipstick to be brighter, more saturated, and also to stay on the lips longer, draw not only the outline, but the entire surface. To remove excess cosmetic product, you need to blot your mouth with a dry cloth.

Even those with plump lips may need to use a pencil, especially for those cases when you want to reduce volumes a little. To this end, the contour is drawn with a slight deviation from the border to the center. Be sure to also clearly draw the corners. After that, you need to shade everything, cover with a layer of matte lipstick. Glitter is not applied, as it gives volume.

Such a product is an indispensable assistant in the daily makeup of every woman, so it is important to learn how to choose it correctly.

Seeing it for the first time, we decided: is it a cosmetic hoax? Do not rush to conclusions! Upon closer acquaintance with this invisible one, it turns out that in many cases it is irreplaceable. Especially for those who prefer a bright make-up of the lips. On the agenda transparent lip pencil What is it for and how to use it.

When describing such a tool (it is also called colorless or transparent), an article about the work of a modern butler that I read in one of the glossy magazines came to my mind. Like, you don’t notice this employee, but when he is absent, you acutely feel a lack in him. So it is with the sim assistant make-up. When he is absent, things can go topsy-turvy.

Here's why we need an invisible pencil:

  • When unsuccessfully buying lipstick or gloss, they tend not to succumb to any home-grown life hacks and spread ruthlessly. This brake light prevents them from flowing over the edges. As a result, makeup comes out smooth. Indeed, in its composition, a colorless pencil (aka liner) contains wax, which serves as a barrier to naughty paint.
  • When wearing bright lipstick. Even the most flawless goodie from the case can lie unevenly if we draw a fuzzy line. Here we are again to help transparent lip pencil - it allows you to make the drawing of the contour perfect. Especially helps in the morning time pressure.
  • If you have lipstick of an exotic color, and you are used to using a pencil as well. Finding a tone-on-tone double for her will not be easy. This liner will help us out again.

How to use it?

Very simple. Draw a line along the edge. If you want volume, retreat beyond the edge of 1 mm (but no more). If you need to visually reduce the lips, draw a line without reaching the red border of 1 mm. Then use a stick, liquid lipstick or gloss. Ready!

What to replace?

When I was looking for such a colorless pencil and it was not available, the seller advised me to take ... eyebrow wax for these purposes. Well, that's an idea! After all wax in the composition and there, and there. But you will have to purchase an additional brush to apply this remedy. Therefore, it is better to still purchase a cosmetic liner for its intended purpose.

Will transparent lip pencils replace ordinary multi-colored ones?

Most likely no. Firstly, it is impossible to do makeup with them when the lipstick color is different from the shade of the pencil. (The so-called "lips in the frame"). Secondly, a make-up with a colored pencil, IMHO, comes out clearer. But the usual is not wax comrade Does not interfere with the spread of lipstick or gloss. In addition, we sometimes cover all our lips with colored slates instead of lipstick. Therefore, it is better to use the principle not instead of, but together. For a problematic decorative product, use both of these pencils.

Do you have a colorless cosmetic liner in your cosmetic bag? Did it suit you? Tell us about it in the comments!

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