What abilities can be developed in a child. How to develop the mental abilities of a child. The task of parents is to determine what the child is prone to

The first thing you want to pay attention to is that in 2016 Mars will be retrograde from April to June. This will emphasize the uncertainty and tightness in love matters. You will feel that it is not worth taking the initiative now, and it is not known what to do. Secondly, during the year, Venus will repeatedly connect with Mercury, which is a clear indication of the coldness and commercialism of the partner. This person clearly has something in mind, being nearby, and this is not always a fiery passion. However, in certain periods, such as February, April, July, September, it will seem to you that everything is not bad, there are love and true feelings.

Health and tone

Spring can be tough on health. This is indicated by the eclipses in March and tense aspects between the Sun and Venus in Pisces, and Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius. Health problems can be caused by the fact that you overestimated your strength, the possibilities of the body are not unlimited. The rest of the time, health will not differ from usual at certain times of the year. In spring and autumn there will be seasonal diseases that need to be treated with medical, not folk remedies. Mars will spend a lot of time with Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius. This indicates that regular and stable training is needed, it is better if you just go jogging or go to the pool.

Career and money

Tense aspects between Jupiter in Virgo and Saturn in Sagittarius indicate that during 2016 careers will develop situations that undermine authority. This can be largely explained by difficult relationships with colleagues at work. Remember who you could offend and learn to build relationships horizontally. Earnings will be good, but unstable. A month will not fall on a month: in February it is not bad, and in March - a financial collapse. And so the whole year. Be sure to prepare an airbag, otherwise, having spent what you earned in the “fat” month, you will be forced to run around friends in search of money or banks, paying off a loan.

The horoscope for 2016 portends many signs of the zodiac a rather calm period, compared to the previous one. Using the experience of the past, it will be easier for us to build our lives and move into the future.

2016 is a unique time when active people will have many opportunities. If you want to pass it successfully, pay attention to how the world reacts to your actions. The universe is always giving us clues, and in 2016 it's especially important not to miss them. If things immediately go well, you find yourself in the right place and at the right time without any effort on your part - this means that the stars turn on the green light for you. But if things don’t go well from the very beginning, then it’s better to think about whether the right direction has been chosen. Take your time and evaluate your actions, then you will reap the benefits.

One of the priorities of the year will be finance. From January to July 2016, the trine of Jupiter in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn (the so-called “millionaire aspect”) is in effect, promising success that has monetary value. Representatives of many signs of the Zodiac will be lucky to improve their financial situation, stabilize the financial situation. A particularly favorable aspect for the signs of the Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

But remember that planetary influence can be contradictory, so be realistic. From mid-March to the last days of July 2016, the expansive Jupiter opposes the deceptive Neptune in Pisces, which can create ambiguous circumstances and incline to unjustified risk.

A good enough time for love and relationships, the 2016 horoscope portends to the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). The latter may sometimes have troubles related to their personal lives, however, subject to the patience and mutual understanding of the partners, the situations will be manageable.

As for the signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), they will have a good period for a career, business, and the development of new projects. Lucky chances can come when Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries form a positive relationship from January to April and November to December 2016. Fire sign people may need to change their lifestyle, but the change will bring long-term positive effects.

The stars advise you to keep your sanity throughout the year, as logical thinking is the key to success in 2016. Intelligence comes first, and emotions come second. Then you will get the maximum benefit from planetary influences and by the end of the year you will look with satisfaction at your achievements.

Read horoscopes for 2016 by zodiac sign and date of birth.

Horoscope for 2016 according to the signs of the zodiac

(March 21 - April 20) (September 24 - October 23)
(April 21 - May 20) (October 24 - November 22)
(May 21 - June 21) (November 23 - December 21)
(June 22 - July 22)

The upcoming year 2016, according to the Eastern calendar, belongs to a funny, but at the same time wayward animal - a monkey, so no one will be bored. The year will be rich in events.

The main character trait of a monkey is restlessness. She will strive to convey this trait to all signs of the zodiac. Therefore, those who will actively work next year will not be spared by luck.

In pursuit of material success, you should not forget about your state of mind. Don't forget to take time to rest. Fortune smiles on happy people, not exhausted ones.

Love horoscope for 2016

Personal relationships in 2016 will take a special place. Having begun its journey through the calendar, the year of the Monkey will bring society a large number of new couples and relationships.

The horoscope promises a difficult relationship for the "fiery" signs of the Zodiac in 2016. Aries need to learn to give in. Lions will not be superfluous to lower the bar of their self-esteem, otherwise they will be left alone. But Sagittarians need to remember that you can’t assert yourself at the expense of other people.

For representatives of the elements Earth, the horoscope promises the following: Virgos need to take care of themselves, and not of their partner, so that he does not want to look around. Capricorns must remember that jealousy is a bad adviser. The Monkey gave the Taurus the right to choose between calm moderation and passionate impulses.

For those whose zodiac signs belong to the element of Air, the horoscope promises: unexpected joyful events await Gemini, Aquarius should not give up on long trips, this is where they will meet their ideal, Libra will constantly be under close attention of the opposite sex.

Horoscope for representatives of the elements of Water: Cancers will flirt without measure, but family ties will withstand all tests, Scorpios, especially single ones, will want a serious and long-term relationship, Pisces, due to their own indiscretion, will fall into a love triangle.

Financial horoscope for 2016

Financially, the year promises to be successful for those who will not sit idly by. More successful in terms of money and career plans will be the second half of the year.

The horoscope promises profit to representatives of the element of Fire. Aries will have to work hard to get what they want. All problems will begin to be solved in the spring of 2016. Lions will have the opportunity to express themselves. Archers in the second half of the year will receive twice as much, subject to hard work.

The signs of the elements Earth, according to the horoscope, will be no less lucky. Virgo will achieve all her goals through active work. Taurus should not be afraid to invest their money. But Capricorns will have to try and learn how to save money so as not to spend all the money they earn at one moment.

The financial horoscope for representatives of the elements Earth is distinguished by some oppositions. Gemini will bathe in money all year long, they need to continue to do their work. But Libra needs to ease their “shopaholic excitement” a little, otherwise they will be stranded. Aquarians have nothing to fear, financially, this is their year.

The signs of the zodiac of the element Water, the horoscope promises not so many financial successes, but still you can’t call it a disastrous year. Scorpios need to be more economical, but only until spring, then everything will improve. Pisces will not change anything, everything that was in the previous year will pass into the next. For Cancers, as well as for the rest of his brothers in the elements, the year will not be the best in terms of money and career, but the most purposeful representatives will still be able to get out of the crisis.

Health Horoscope

The main health problem in 2016 will be an increased emotional background and nervous strain. Some people will develop chronic diseases, others may need surgery. A lot of representatives of the Zodiac will go on a diet, but only Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries will be able to stay on it.

A short horoscope for 2016 for each sign

Aries in 2016 must be very economical, otherwise a lot of money will be wasted, the horoscope warns. Whatever troubles happen, Aries need to perceive them as an intermediate stage and try to benefit. In love, everything will be harmonious.

The horoscope for 2016 predicts that Taurus will achieve great heights, for this it is necessary to correctly prioritize, pushing everything secondary back. Some Taurus are waiting for pleasant changes, both in their personal lives and in their professional lives. In order to become a winner, Taurus must have a clear plan.

The year will be divided in half for representatives of this zodiac sign. In the first half of the year, absolute success awaits them - in their careers, in the family, in matters of health. But the second half will make it clear that you should not relax. To avoid catastrophic consequences, Gemini needs to “lay low” and wait it out.

Calmness and monotony - these are the two fundamental states of Cancers in 2016, according to the horoscope. Do not get into debt - it will be difficult to pay off. They are also not immune from scammers. Good luck will accompany the construction of a new home or moving to another apartment.

2016 for Lviv will begin with vigorous activity. However, it should be noted that the year of the Monkey is not conducive to change, it would be better if the Lions take up the completion of unfinished business. Advice to Leos: do not be afraid of leadership, it will be counted by the recognition of management and colleagues. A love horoscope carries good predictions: the best time is coming for marriage and the birth of offspring.

Single Virgos in 2016 can expect to meet their future spouse. Family should make efforts to strengthen marriage ties, surrounding their soul mate with care and love. At work, one should not be afraid to show initiative and originality. This will certainly be credited to you, and life will delight you with career heights.

Scales should be stocked up with patience and endurance. You need to tune in to the fact that in order to achieve your goals you need to spend a lot of time and effort. You should not devote everyone to your plans - competitors are not asleep. You should also be selective in spending, there is a high probability of getting into debt. In personal relationships, conflicts should be avoided and the situation should not escalate.

Scorpions will do well. The monkey treats hard workers favorably. She generously endows them with all sorts of blessings. Scorpios should be attentive to the prompts of their intuition, in 2016 it will become more acute than ever. Spring will be generous with profits, but the last quarter will be more expensive than ever. For business, you should not forget about rest, you can not work for wear.

(begins February 8, 2016)

Solar eclipses in 2016: March 9 (in Pisces) - complete; September 1 (in Virgo) - ring.

Lunar eclipses in 2016: March 23 (in Libra); September 16 (in Pisces) - both penumbra.

For Russia

The coming year will pass under the auspices of the Fire Monkey - an active, extraordinary, decisive and even somewhat nervous animal. And the Fire Monkey is an even more unbalanced creature than its non-fire sisters. In general, the Fiery line of signs is a rather dangerous period, in which the main thing is not to mess things up. But since the year of the monkey, we can count on the intelligence of this sign, which can somewhat mitigate the fieryness and danger of this year.

The fact that changes are needed in the economic course of the country becomes clear even to our government. The low oil rate (and it will not grow globally in 2016) will push the government to build a new economic architecture and gradually abandon the raw material model. Change will be much slower than we would like, and in 2016 we will not see a new model, it will not line up. All new progressive processes in the economy will be slowed down, mistakes will be made, but still the course will slowly but inevitably (which is already good) turn away from the old.

In the new year, we will see a reshuffle in the country's economic leadership and perhaps the responsible persons will be replaced more than once a year.

In 2016, a new cycle of development of our country is being laid, in connection with which the development of high technologies will take place (oddly enough), especially in medicine.

Despite the unpleasant events taking place around our state, Russia will find itself in an extremely advantageous position. March will be tense politically, but we have the right to rely on the wisdom of the leadership, and most likely it (the leadership) will stand and not succumb to provocations, and, as has often happened in recent years, will bypass all the traps.

The country's leadership, as before, will follow a specific plan to bring the country out of the political blockade. Thanks to this, in the year of the Fire Monkey, Russia will be able to significantly strengthen its position and strengthen its own influence. Despite the rise in rebellion, politicians will be able to contain popular discontent and convince everyone that there are no threats.

In the coming year, Russia will play one of the main roles on the world stage. New forces will join the political ranks of the state. These will be young, energetic, literate people who will be able to significantly move Russia forward and begin to develop the country's economy.

Much will change in the vastness of our country in the year of the Fire Monkey, however, everything, even changes that are unpleasant at first glance, will benefit. Already at the beginning of this year, many political problems will be solved, and politicians will be able to deal with the domestic economy. True, relations with Ukraine will also remain strained.

For us

Mess, confusion and unpredictability in everything - that's what this year will bring us. The events that will begin to happen to us will hit with their unpredictability, which is hard, because everyone understands that the most difficult thing is to rebuild your plans on the go. It is better to finish all complex and paperwork in the outgoing year of the Goat. In general, the more global cases are completed before the year of the Monkey, the better.

Romantic adventures in the coming year will be easy to start, and all sorts of partings will be absolutely painless. The Fire Monkey will teach everyone to sincerely forgive, boldly talk about feelings and correctly understand a partner.

In 2016, the stars promise a sea of ​​​​pleasant communication with people around. Teamwork is expected in a friendly atmosphere, joint travel, regular romantic dates and friendly gatherings. The monkey is quite accommodating and achieves his goal with the help of benevolent behavior. Therefore, in the coming year, you should not break loose on loved ones and show aggression.

How to Celebrate the Year of the Fire Monkey

Although the year of the Monkey does not begin on January 1, we are already accustomed to meeting the Mistress of the Year at the New Year's table, and if so, we will not violate the newly created, but accustomed traditions ...

In order for everything in the coming year to turn out exactly as you wish, it is necessary to meet him by pleasing the hostess of the feast, the Fire Monkey, and taking into account her addictions. In addition, the Monkey simply loves all kinds of celebrations and fun. And being an incredibly vain person, the fiery symbol of the year will gladly accept all the honors offered and will definitely reward you in return. Therefore, you should please the Monkey with a beautiful outfit, and the excellent decoration of a fluffy beautiful Christmas tree, and a generous table.

On the New Year's table, everything should not be just enough, but even as much as possible! And this should be the highlight! The table should simply burst with various masterpieces, and its design should be made colorful and truly festive. Do not forget that deep red is considered the symbolic color of 2016. So scarlet and all its possible shades should be present not only in the decor of the table, but also in the delicacies themselves. Add a pop of color to every treat with tomatoes, oranges, strawberries, peppers, beets...

Another distinctive feature of the New Year's banquet should be an abundance of exotic products. After all, the Monkey, like no one else, loves a variety of goodies! So please your loved ones with something new and unusual.

On New Year's Eve, dedicated to the Fire Monkey, you will have an excellent opportunity to show your own imagination and creativity. In the coming year, you can really get creative with decor and decorate the tree with almost anything. All sorts of sweets in shiny wrappers, exotic fruits, colored foil crafts and even sequins will look very harmonious on the Christmas tree. In addition, the Monkey loves money very much, so decorating the Christmas tree with banknotes will be a great idea. And it is best to attach money with the help of scarlet ribbons.

With an eccentric Monkey, nothing is too much, so you can safely use a lot of tinsel, catchy colors and glitter in decorating your home. The more decorative details in the house, the better! And it is absolutely not worth being greedy and showing restraint. The key colors of the coming year are scarlet and shades close to it: for example, burgundy, orange, purple. Remember also that fire is considered the element of 2016, so it should also be in abundance: candles, lights, garlands.

For the Fire Monkey, the appearance of each guest is incredibly significant, so you should dress up with all responsibility. Saturated colors and pretentiousness of clothes will become significant conditions. Ladies on New Year's Eve, the stars recommend dressing up only in evening dresses, lavishly decorated with various jewels. And men should choose a very extravagant, but at the same time stylish suit.


In the coming year, representatives of the Leo sign will have to participate in many significant events. You will influence the mood in society and maybe even get closer to power. The material sphere will become especially successful in your life. You will be able to earn income even in the most unexpected sources. The main thing is only one thing - your actions must be honest. In the middle of 2016, interesting acquaintances, long-distance trips and serious acquisitions await you, which you have long wanted. In the year of the Monkey, you can confidently count on the help and support of loved ones.

Your financial situation this year promises to be stable. The Lions are expected to have a very large profit. Expenses, of course, will also be rather big, but they will not affect your well-being in any way. Astrologers do not recommend Leos to get too involved in gambling. Some business projects in 2016 will bring you a really big income. Just try to plan everything well and calculate.

The patronage of the Fire Monkey will give you unprecedented attractiveness in the coming year. You should use this attraction to the maximum benefit for yourself. Free representatives of the sign in the coming year will probably lose their bachelor status. This year will bring romance and new feelings into your life.


In the year of the Fire Monkey, for representatives of the Virgo sign, the most opportune moment comes for the implementation of various grandiose plans. During this period, the stars recommend that Virgos forget about all kinds of excuses and fears, and begin to take action. It is vigorous activity that will allow you to achieve your goals and discover new horizons in all spheres of life. Any changes in your life will be very favorable: in your personal life, professional sphere or social environment. In the first place, Virgos will have personal relationships: having established them, you can easily cope with all tasks.

The Year of the Fire Monkey will begin very stormily, so you will have to quickly adapt to a new wave in order to maintain material well-being. The work will also require full commitment from you. However, the results of your efforts will not be long in coming! 2016 is very suitable for serious transactions and the conclusion of all kinds of contracts. Only one thing is important - to use all the opportunities that come up and act actively. And your energy and strength will surely be enough for you!

Love relationships that began in the year of the Monkey will be extremely successful for you. This year is great for marriages and the conception of children. Those who have tied the knot this year will find excellent prospects for creating a strong family. In such a family, relationships with a partner will certainly be filled with trust and understanding.


In the year of the Fire Monkey, a truly new life awaits representatives of the Libra sign, which will surely delight you with its charms. In the coming year, the stars will present you with a lot of rich phenomena, after which your worldview will change dramatically. Such radical changes will be noted by all the people around you, who will be a little surprised by your initiative and determination. 2016 will be especially successful in terms of career advancement. The barriers that existed before will simply disappear from your life. Many Libras will finally decide to open their own business and certainly will not lose! Although various difficulties will be encountered on your way, they will only help you temper your own temper and rush into battle with renewed vigor.

In material terms, the stars promise Libra a relatively favorable year, but for this you will have to work hard. Do not be afraid to take on the most difficult cases and assignments - you can handle everything! All your efforts will certainly be rewarded with an increase in wages, a bonus or a prestigious position. Try to cope with your work on your own, without shifting tasks to other people's shoulders.

In terms of love relationships, the patronage of the Fire Monkey will bring you stunning results. In the coming year, representatives of this sign will be filled with an unusual charm, thanks to which you will have a lot of new fans. This year, Libra will have a wonderful chance to connect his own life with the right person.


In the year that passes under the auspices of the Fire Monkey, representatives of the Scorpio sign will be able to conquer many peaks. You will systematically move towards your goal, and if you can prioritize correctly, you will certainly achieve what you want. True, on the way to financial success, some obstacles await you: it will not be easy for Scorpios to make big profits. But by wisely distributing costs and profits, you will be able to achieve such a desired well-being. Successes await representatives of this sign also in the social environment. A promotion will most likely take place in the second half of 2016. The settlement of all kinds of housing issues will be successful. Your sixth sense this year will be, as always, on top, but do not forget about common sense.

Spending in the coming year promises to be somewhat more profitable. However, the stars still promise you moments when the financial situation will be unspeakably pleasing. The largest profit awaits you in the middle of the year.

In the year of the Monkey, many Scorpios will be able to bring existing relationships to a whole new level. For example, marriages or cohabitation with a loved one are not excluded. The coming year will be extremely favorable for those who are still in search of their destiny. It is quite possible that a person will appear in your life who will make you truly happy. Most likely, such an acquaintance is far from one's own home.


In 2016, you will finally learn how to manage your own time more wisely. The stars recommend Sagittarius to create a certain daily routine, get rid of various unnecessary habits and plan their affairs correctly. It is due to your composure that you will really be in time for everything and surprise the people around you with your successes. In the year of the Fire Monkey, astrologers advise Sagittarius to rely solely on themselves and their strengths. Most likely, a promotion in the new year will not come too easy for you, but in the end it will certainly become yours and well deserved. In the first half of the year, you should throw all your efforts into standing out from the crowd of your colleagues and distinguishing yourself from them with freshness of mind. Any partnership will be very successful in the year of the Fire Monkey.

Earn in the new year you will be quite simple and even with some eccentricity. The methods of additional income invented by you will be extremely successful. When planning a variety of expenses, remember the details so that you do not have to borrow. This year you will be able to afford major purchases and travel - spending on your hobbies is unlikely to greatly affect your family budget!

The personal life of Sagittarius this year will simply gush. The opposite sex will simply surround you with attention and care. Therefore, if you are still single, in the coming year you will have a lot of opportunities to arrange a personal life. True, before dwelling on a particular person, carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Know: too selfish people are unlikely to bring you true happiness. Try to avoid short-term romances that can hurt you.


This year, representatives of the Capricorn sign expect changes in life and vigorous social activity. You will be most successful in areas related to philosophy, religion, education and science. Extremely successful for Capricorns will be all kinds of trips abroad. In the second half of 2016, household chores, family care and housing issues will become your priority. You will definitely succeed in all this! And for advancement in a professional environment, it is best for you to use the first half of this year. Many Capricorns in the year of the Fire Monkey will be able to achieve leadership positions and even get as close to power as possible. But despite this, the stars advise you to remain friendly towards the people around you, especially those who helped you before.

In the labor field in the year of the Monkey, both stunning victories and various defeats await you. Because of this, it will be difficult for you to maintain material balance in 2016, but you will certainly cope with the task. Your past savings will be a good addition. Try to avoid dubious projects - all sorts of tricks of swindlers are not excluded.

In terms of love, you will receive satisfaction throughout the year. Many Capricorns in the coming year will embrace new feelings that will simply turn your head. The middle of the year will be the most suitable time for marriage. Marriage, formalized in the year of the Fire Monkey, promises to be surprisingly successful.


In the year of the Fire Monkey, the sphere of communication will be key for Aquarius. You can achieve a lot precisely through communication with a variety of people. This year the stars advise you to surround yourself with people who love, appreciate and respect you. Thanks to this stage in your life, you will finally be able to break useless ties that simply do not bring you any pleasure. In 2016 you will also be able to discover new horizons. Some Aquarians will go on long journeys, some will come up with a new hobby for themselves, and some will plunge headlong into learning something new. The symbol of 2016, the Fire Monkey, patronizes the acquisition of new information and self-education, so you will be irresistibly drawn to knowledge. It is best for you to spend money on yourself - all expenses will certainly pay off in a short time.

Incomes in the coming year will certainly increase and will please even the most demanding representatives of this sign. Many of the problems of the past year will disappear by themselves and will no longer cause you trouble. You will earn excellently, so the feeling of stability will linger in your life for a long time.

Chasing new sensations, you may lose your sense of reality for a while, which may cause some problems. That is why the stars recommend Aquarius to listen to their own mind and not forget about the necessary stability. Marriages arranged in the year of the Fire Monkey promise to be quite strong and happy for Aquarius. The family life of Aquarius will be quite calm and measured.


In the year that passes under the auspices of the Fire Monkey, the stars advise Pisces to be more condescending to the opinions of others and rely more on their own feelings. Your energy in 2016 will be incredibly powerful and will help you cope with all obstacles. In the new year, you will get absolutely everything, even that which did not want to give in to you before. All efforts on your part will be surely rewarded and noticed by close people. It is useful for Pisces to use this favorable period to achieve their goals. Your best motto in the coming year will be: less words and more action! It is also very important to try to make sure that your business employment does not affect your relationships with loved ones.

The stars promise you a rather high performance and a lot of strength in the year of the Monkey. Your painstaking work and intuition will allow you to conclude very profitable deals, thanks to which you can live quite well. Many Pisces in 2016 will have the opportunity to start their own business, which will ultimately prove to be extremely profitable. Additional profit in the middle of the year will allow you to spend your holidays in a luxury resort.

Your personal relationships in the coming year will also develop positively. Thanks to your initiative and activity, your relationship will be filled with warmth and sensuality. Lonely Pisces will gain more courage to make new acquaintances with the opposite sex. For some Pisces in 2016, the stars are preparing a fateful meeting. The most likely romantic acquaintances are during long trips or meetings with old acquaintances.

The year 2016, which according to the Eastern astrological tradition will be patronized by the Fire Monkey, will bring a lot of new things to mankind, and this especially applies to scientific discoveries. The Year of the Monkey begins on February 8, 2016. In the most general sense, the Monkey is an image of an explorer who boldly moves to where, literally, no human has gone before. That is why in 2016 we all have to work hard. Now benefits and achievements will become a natural result of our activities, and the more active we are, the less time we spend in idle relaxation, the more epic and larger the result will be. At this stage, it is important not to be shy to use all your possibilities, even if some of them seem quite peculiar to you and do not find approval from your inner circle. Of course, everything is relative, but, as they say, it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret. In 2016, we definitely need to do, do as much as possible, move forward along the upward vector, using any opportunities. At the same time, it is fair that for women and for men in this sense there will be their own nuances and real pitfalls, which are really worth mentioning.

Horoscope for 2016 according to the signs of the zodiac

Horoscope for 2016 for women

The beautiful half of humanity in 2016 will go through a stage that will become truly significant for many. The first half of the year (it should be borne in mind that according to the eastern astrological system the annual cycle begins at the end of February) will be rich in various situations related to feelings and emotions. Now you definitely do not need to "strain" about the need to control yourself. On the contrary, be yourself, do not try to adapt to others, becoming their harmonious addition. Of course, you are part of the whole, but you should also not forget about your individuality. The Fire Monkey will teach women harmony, commensurate with the ratio of the rational and emotional principles. In the second half of the year, you will be able to, let's say, put the acquired skills into practice. By the way, this is not the best time for women to start their own business, but improving in terms of their profile, specialty is just what you can do at the most productive level. The main thing - do not forget that not only your desires matter. In any case, the family remains the highest value.

Horoscope for 2016 according to the signs of the zodiac for women

Horoscope for 2016 for men

The stronger sex in the year of the Fire Monkey will receive a lot of "bonuses" from their astral patrons. It must be said right away that for men 2016 will be especially successful in terms of doing business. It is difficult to imagine a time more productive and more promising, in addition, the more persistent you are in achieving your goal, the more circumstances will contribute to the realization of your desires. Increase the pace gradually, but dynamically, and this, by the way, applies not only to the work area. The sphere of feelings and emotions will also develop along a similar path. Perseverance and patience will bear fruit very quickly, even the most restless will now learn to somehow restrain their explosive energy. The main thing is not to stop there, in 2016 for men this will be the biggest mistake: taking one peak, relaxing, and not even looking towards the next one. This is a fundamentally wrong position that will not bring you the desired results. The Fire Monkey will be on your side only if you are purposeful, and also fair, this is, let's say, an important nuance. It is the combination of high moral and ethical postulates and a steady desire to achieve the highest results that will allow you to progress throughout the year.

Horoscope for 2016 according to the signs of the zodiac for men