Game tasks for September 1. Theatrical game program for primary schoolchildren for the Day of Knowledge “Day of Knowledge with Dunno”

Material intended for teachers primary classes, after-school group teachers, organizers children's leisure. The game is designed for children of primary school age.

This event can be used at events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.

Equipment: 2 chairs, 2 alarm clocks, 2 baskets with numbers from 0 to 15, 2 posters with adhesive tape on the wall, 2 tables with 2 sets of letters (the entire alphabet), 2 glues, 2 Whatman paper; for fun starts: 2 baskets, 2 balls, 2 rackets.

Progress of the event:

The children enter the hall, where Znayka meets them.

Znayka: Hello, guys! I'm Znayka from Flower City. I came here to congratulate you on Knowledge Day.

(Dunno runs in and interrupts Znayka.)

Znayka: Hello, Dunno! We are very glad that you are going to school, but don’t forget that when you meet, you must say hello!

Dunno: Oh! Hello guys! It’s great that the school year begins in the summer on September 1st!

Znayka: What are you, Dunno! What summer?! Today we celebrate the first day of autumn.

Dunno: How is autumn? Where is summer? Where did summer go, where did it go?

Znayka: Don’t you know when the seasons change?

Dunno: No.

Znayka: Guys, tell Dunno when the last day of summer was.

(Children answer.)

And the first day of autumn?

(Children answer.)

Dunno: And when will winter, spring, and autumn end?

Znayka: Guys, let's answer Dunno together. Winter will come... December 1st, spring will come... March 1st, and autumn will end... November 30th.

Dunno: Well, it should be, but I didn’t know.

Znayka: How are you going to go to school?

Dunno: So I go there so that they can teach me everything.

Znayka: Yes, but you must have at least some fundamental knowledge!

Dunno: So what should I do?

Znayka: Don't worry. Guys, let's help Dunno get ready for school?

Znayka: Then let's split into two teams. Team Znayka and team

Dunno: I choose this boy as the captain of my team...

Znayka: And I have this...

(They take the captains to their site.)

Znayka: Now, one by one, choose players for your teams.

(Teams are formed. Dunno at this time sets up chairs with alarm clocks.)

Znayka: Teams stand in columns. First, let's show Dunno that you have to get up early for school. And for this we need an alarm clock. Guys, don't set your alarm clock near your bed. When you wake up, you can turn it off without getting out of bed and go back to sleep. And then you'll be late for school.

1. Game “Turn off the alarm clock”

Opposite you are chairs with alarm clocks. At my command, the first participants run to the alarm clock, press it, come back, and pass the baton to the second player with a slap on the hand. The second player also runs up, presses the alarm clock and passes the baton to the third player by clapping his hand. The game goes on like this until all players complete the task. So. Are you ready?.. Let's start!

Znayka: Well done, guys! In this game the team earned the first point...

We all know that everyone needs a backpack for school.

Dunno, do you know what they put in it?

Dunno: No, I don’t know.

Znayka: Guys, let's tell Dunno about school supplies. Now I will ask you, and you answer “yes” or “no”!

(During the game, Dunno removes the alarm clocks and places baskets with numbers from 0 to 15 on the chairs.)

2. Game “What do we put in the backpack”

Do we put a bag of candy at the bottom? (NO)

What about a police pistol? (NO)

Shall we put some vinaigrette in there? (NO)

Or maybe a light of smiles? (YES)

Shall we put down a pen or pencil? (YES)

And multi-colored gouache? (YES)

Shall we take a watering can from the garden? (NO)

For math, a ruler? (YES)

In a line, in a notebook box? (YES)

And a one-person tent? (NO)

Putting a smile and success? (YES)

Playful children's ringing laughter? (YES)

Shall we put in a ripe orange? (YES)

A grocery store? (NO)

Do we take a diary with us? (YES)

So the student is assembled!

Dunno: Oh, thanks, guys! They told me what they put in a school backpack.

Znayka: And now, having collected our backpacks, we all go to the first lesson!

Pros, cons, equals -

This is not grammar.

The first step awaits us.

What?.. Mathematics!

Dunno, do you know the numbers?

Dunno: No, I don’t know.

Znayka: Now we will show them to you.

3. Game “Stick the numbers”

Guys, there are baskets with numbers on the chairs. There are posters taped to the wall. Your task is to stick the numbers from the basket on it. You just need to glue in order, start with 0 and end with the number 15. You will glue in turn. That is, the first player runs, puts down the number 0, returns, and passes the baton to the next player with a clap on his hand. He runs and puts on the number 1, and also passes the baton to the next one. And so on until you have pasted all the numbers and figures. Are you ready?.. Let's start!

(The song “What They Teach at School” plays and the game takes place.)

Dunno: Well done, guys! The team earned one point... And thank you, now I know the numbers!

Znayka: Do you know the letters?

Dunno: No, I don’t know.

Znayka: Guys, do you know the letters?

Dunno: Can you help me learn them?

Znayka: For this we will bring out a ready-made alphabet.

(Brings out the alphabet.)

Dunno: What is the alphabet?

Znayka: Guys, tell him what it is.

(Children explain.)

Znayka: That's right, well done, guys! You know the letters. And that means you know how to make words out of them.

4. Game “Make words”

Team Know-Nothing goes to this table, and Team Dunno goes to another. You receive a set of letters. It contains all the letters of the alphabet. And you also get a glue stick. Now you will form words from these letters. For example, you came up with the word “school”, which means you take the necessary letters and, using glue, compose this word on whatman paper. From the remaining letters you come up with more words and glue them onto whatman paper. Whoever sticks the most words will win. Is the task clear? Then get started! And you, Dunno, watch and learn.

Dunno: Okay.

(The song “What They Teach at School” plays and the game takes place.)

Znayka: Well, Dunno, let's see what happened to our young students?

Dunno: Come on.

Znayka: Teams, show us your posters. And we will check who has the most words...

(Read and count the words.)

Dunno: Guys, you are so smart, I would never be able to come up with so many words. But now, thanks to you, I know the letters, which means I can make words!

Znayka: Yes, and in this competition the team received one point.....

Dunno: Will there be more games?

Znayka: They will. Guys, stand in columns. We move on to physical education lesson. And you will have to compete in fun starts with the ball.

(Dunno sets up props for fun starts: 2 baskets, 2 balls, 2 rackets.)

5. Game “Funny Bunnies”

The first participants grab the ball with their knees and jump to the basket and back. They pass the ball to the second players and stand at the end of the column, the second also jump to the basket and back, pass the ball to the third players and stand at the end of the column. So until the first players are back in their places. Ready? Let's start!

(The song “What They Teach at School” plays and the game takes place.)

6. Game “Roll the ball”

Stand in a column. The captains stand in front. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Roll the ball between your legs. The last one catches the ball and stands at the beginning of the column. The game continues until the captain is ahead again. Are you ready?.. Let's start!

(The song “What They Teach at School” plays and the game takes place.)

7. Game “Pass over your head”

Everything is the same, only this time the ball is passed from hand to hand over the head.

(The song “What They Teach at School” plays and the game takes place.)

8. Game “Finish with a racket”

The first participants dribble the ball to the basket and back with a racket and pass the baton to the next. So until the whole team completes the task.

(The song “What They Teach at School” plays and the game takes place.)

9. Game “Ball-Barker”

The first players take the ball, run, stand behind the basket, and throw the ball back. The second participants catch, run, and also throw the ball back. So until the whole team is behind the basket. Let's get ready. Let's start!

(The song “What They Teach at School” plays and the game takes place.)

Znayka: Well done, guys! Our fun starts finished! Sit down on the chairs. Let's summarize.

Dunno's team earned ____ points today, and Znayka's team earned ___ points.

Well done to all of you! Great game! Really, Dunno?

Dunno: Yes, it was great! Guys, thank you for introducing me to letters and numbers, showing me how to run and play with the ball.

Municipal state-financed organization

additional education

Center extracurricular work"Harmony" Tikhoretsk


for children 5-6 years old

Developed by: teacher-organizer

MBU DO TsVR "Harmony" Tikhoretsk

Belavina Vera Viktorovna



Presenter - What beautiful and smart guys gathered here!
How much you have grown over the summer! Oh, how many new children have come to us!
We are very glad to see you all at the very first holiday of this year!
And a holiday is always smiles, fun mood and fun games.
Do you like to play?...
Then, to start the game, I need to get to know you, because some of the guys came to us for the first time.

Now we will all say our names in unison and together. Agreed? One two Three!

Children say their names.
Leading - Amazing! Well, here we are. Now you can play.

Imagine that we are in a fairyland, and you can find out what it is called by guessing my riddle:

Even though it's not on the map,

But everyone knows well

That in that country they will teach you everything,

She's called...Baby!

That's right, our fairy-tale country is called “Baby”. The people of this country are very cheerful and smiling.
Show how funny they are.(Children smile.)
And also the residents of our fairyland friendly, polite and very well-mannered.
To the music, the clown Klepa comes on stage and mutters polite words: “Hello, goodbye, good morning, thank you, please, forgive me, excuse me...”
Presenter - Oh, who is this? Yes, this is Klyopa! Hello, Klyopa!
Klyopa looks up at the presenter and shakes his hand.
Klyopa - Oh, sorry, good night!

Presenter - You are mistaken, because it is not night, but morning. Good morning, Klyopa!
Klepa shakes the presenter's hand.
Klyopa - Goodbye!
Presenter - Why, you just arrived! And you're leaving already?!
Klyopa - No, I'm not going anywhere, I came to visit the guys.
Presenter - Why are you saying goodbye to us?
Klyopa - I don't say goodbye, I say hello.

Presenter - I think I understand everything. Klepa has learned a lot of polite words, but does not yet know how to use them correctly. Guys, you probably know polite words. Let's help Klepa with the help of riddles. Residents of other towns are allowed to give advice.

Riddles about polite words
1. When you ask for a toy
With a boyfriend or girlfriend,
If they don’t give it, don’t complain:
You forgot to say... (“Please!”)

2. Cake, sweets, cup of tea...
And everyone treats you!
If you can no longer eat,
What should I say? …("Thank you!")

3. Wherever you are, goodbye, -
At least in Russia, at least in Australia,
Whether in France or Denmark, -
What will we say? …("Goodbye!")

4. If you pushed your neighbor
Or I didn’t notice my friend,
So that they don't get angry,
What do you owe? ...("Apologize")

5. Katya baby Ignatka
Put me to bed in bed -
He doesn't want to play anymore
Speaks: … (" Good night!»)

Klyopa - Now I understand everything. Thanks guys!

Presenter - Yes, our guys are great! Well, it's time for us to move on. Goodbye, Klyopa!
Klepa says goodbye and leaves to the music.

Leading. Guys, look what our Klepa forgot! Shows the Seven-flowered Flower. Do you know what kind of flower this is? That's right, it's Flower of Seven Flowers! Our flower has seven petals and that's it different color, and we know this because we love to count. Can you count? Guys in chorus (Yes!)

Presenter - Very good! Then we will conduct tests to test your knowledge.
1. How many tails do six cats have? (
Children's answers)
2. How many noses do eight little dogs have? (
Children's answers)
3. How many ears do three babies have? (
Children's answers)
4. How many fingers do boys have? (
Children's answers)

Well done, you think well! I have petals, can you make a seven-flowered flower out of them?

Game “Collect a flower - seven flowers” The presenter calls several children from the audience. Children from petals make up a seven-flowered flower.

Presenter - You guys are so great! And you know polite words, but you think just fine!

But still, you are a little restless. And all because we don’t like to sit for a long time, but really love to play and sing. Really, guys? Children in chorus: Yes!

Leading - Then I have something for you music game, which I think you'll really like.

Game “Let's do everything like I do!” under cheerful music.
1. Let's do everything like I do! - 2 times (CLAP-CLAP)

Let's all clap now!
P r o i g r y w: clap.

2. Let's do everything like I do! - 2 times (TOP-TOP)
All together, all together, all at once!
Let's all stomp now!
Play: clap, stomp.

3. Let's do everything like I do! - 2 times (AU)
All together, all together, all at once!
Let's hear it now!
Play: clap, stomp, shout.

4. Let's do everything like I do! - 2 times (JUMP)
All together, all together, all at once!
Let's jump now!
The game is longer: clap, stomp, hoot, jump.

Presenter - What funny guys - girls and boys - came to us!

Do you know what else you are? You are rainbows. After all“Rainbow” comes from the word joy, because we love to please everyone with our good behavior, skill and great knowledge. And this is very good. To get to know you better, I have prepared questions, if this is about you, then you answer “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends” and show in motion what you can do. If I ask questions that are not about you, then just stand there and be silent. This is a game of attentiveness.

Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”
- Who is having fun in the open air in the forest, on the river, in the field?
- Who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and dance?
- Which of you, everyone will say “ah!” - sunbathes in boots?
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
- Which of you is such a trickster - plays the ball better than anyone?
- Which of you, I want to know, is a bully and a brawler?
- Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
- Which one of you guys keeps things in order?

And you are doing everything right, and you know everything. Or maybe you don’t know the fairy tale? No? Do you know? And do you love it? But we will check this now.

Presenter - I have riddles, by guessing which you can find out the names of fairy tales. Guys, are you ready?

Riddles about fairy tales
I didn’t tremble before the wolf,
Ran away from the bear
And the fox's teeth
Still got caught... (Kolobok)

The sorceress loved her goddaughter
Gave her crystal slippers
The girl forgot her name
Children, tell me, what was her name? (Cinderella)

Girl sitting in a basket
Behind the bear's back.
He himself, without knowing it,
He carries her home.
Have you guessed the riddle?
So answer quickly:
The title of this fairy tale is... (Masha and the Bear).

Leading - Great, guys! Guessed all the fairy tales!

And we congratulate everyone on the holiday, and we are waiting for the guys in our magical land knowledge "Baby"! Welcome!
Everyone disperses into groups to the sound of cheerful music.


    « School years" - 55 seconds


Hello, dear boys and girls, as well as their parents! Today the long-awaited day has arrived - September 1st. And I sincerely congratulate you all on the first Day of Knowledge and on the beginning school life! And, of course, I want to wish you more knowledge and the most best grades!

Dressy! Front doors!

So darling!

Combed, with bows

The girls have arrived!

And the boys are great!

So cute

So neat

They came with bouquets!

All former pranksters -

First graders today.

Everyone is good today

I'm waiting for guys like these!

It’s very nice to look at you, students, at your happy, glowing faces. I would like every day in this difficult school year to be as bright and joyful for you, bringing only positive emotions.


September has come, summer has ended,

The holiday of knowledge, learning, and grades has arrived!

Guys, parents, teachers,

Happy holiday, friends!

Dear first-graders, today is a special day in your life. You will remember this day even when you become adults. Today you are taking your first step into the amazing land of knowledge. And your first teachers will help you walk along the paths and roads of this country.

Let's welcome the first graders!

Now I invite the children, they have prepared poems for you (the children go out and read the poems they have learned).

    Trimming “First-grader, first-grader” (while the children are leaving)

Hello, golden autumn!

Hello school! To class

Calls us without stopping,

Iridescent call.

We are with cheerful friends

Distance on a school ship

Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge

To an unknown land.

We want to travel around the world

Go through the entire universe.

Wish us success

And bon voyage.

Mom, Dad, and I are worried,

Our family worries all evening.

Everything has been ready for a long time - both the shape and the bow.

And miracle flowers decorate the sideboard.

And mom is confused: “Is everything okay?” –

And again I ironed the folds on the form.

And dad completely forgot from excitement -

Instead of porridge, he gave the cat some jam.

I'm worried too, and even trembling,

I follow mom and dad all evening:

“Set the alarm so we don’t oversleep.

For six hours, or better yet, five.”

My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -

I'm thinking about how I can fall asleep today!

After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.

Everything changes in our lives tomorrow.”

    “School years” trimming (while the children are leaving)

Dear children, dear guests, parents! Today is September 1, a date that leaves no one indifferent. Someone remembers the past, for some the sound of a school bell is the everyday present, and for others it is the future. For parents of first-graders, it is the past, present and future. They are given the floor... (parents' word)

Now I invite all students to remember some school rules. And for this you need to listen carefully and respond. All tasks are prepared in a playful way.

First game "Collect a briefcase"

So, my dear schoolchildren, the rules of this game are simple. When I name the item that needs to be taken to school, you clap your hands loudly. But, if this subject is not needed at school, then you stomp your feet as hard as you can.

A schoolboy was getting ready for class

He took chips in reserve

Textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

Clockwork locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

Brushes and paints,

New Year's masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

Stapler and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Student ready for school!

- Well done boys! I see that you know how to put together a briefcase. And now, I suggest checking if you are ready to be first graders?!

Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

- Who could it be? Don't you know kids?

The door opens and Baba Yaga comes in (to music)

Baba Yaga: Ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee! Did they want a holiday? Do you want to study? And they didn’t invite me, Granny Yagulechka, such a beauty? Maybe I also want to learn everything. Now, without literacy, you can’t even live in the forest. Everyone is busy with business, and they are trying to fool me!

Well, hi guys! You recognize me, right? Well, why did you decide to have fun here without me?

Teacher : Baba Yaga, next time we will definitely call you, but today, please, don’t bother us. After all, the kids really want to become real first-graders, students, and here you are ruining our event.

Baba Yaga : So don’t interfere directly! So just rip it off! Or maybe they don’t want to study at all? Yes, my sweets? So I would put these delicious ones straight into the oven. Okay, don't be afraid! In honor of the first of September, I decided to become the kindest grandmother and today I will only do nasty things, oh, what am I saying, gifts of course!

But first, I want to check if the guys are ready to become first-graders. And for this I have 3 tasks in stock.

Teacher : Only 3 tasks? I have very smart guys.

Baba Yaga: But this is exactly what we will check. I heard that in order to get straight A's you have to pay attention in class. Are you attentive? (Children answer). I know one interesting game. Now I will ask questions, and you will answer them. If this is about you, say “I”; if not, remain silent. It's clear? Then let's begin.

A game :

Who loves chocolate?

Who loves marmalade?

Who loves pears?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves books?

Who loves crumpets?

Who doesn't wash?

Who doesn't smile?

Who wants to study?

Who likes to work?

Who likes to fight?

And who likes to laugh?

Baba Yaga: Well done! All questions were answered. And now the second task. Riddle about an elephant. Can you guess it?

Teacher : Well, Baba Yaga, what kind of riddle is this if you immediately said that it was about an elephant? After all, a riddle is when you don’t know the answer.

Baba Yaga : So-so. And I have such a riddle, even several.

1) There is a cheerful, bright house,

There are a lot of agile guys there.

They write and count there,

Draw and read. (School).

2) Letters are all from A to Z

On the pages (ABC book).

3) Every student should

Take it with you to school (Diary).

Baba Yaga : Children, do you know how to behave at school? (Children answer)

Teacher : Yes, guys, we have rules of behavior at school. All of them must be fulfilled. Now, using the example of a task game, we will look at how to behave in class. Try to follow my commands silently. And you, beautiful grandma, can help the children.

The teacher asks you to stand up.

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

If you want to answer, don’t make noise,

Just raise your hand.

teacher : And again everyone coped with the task wonderfully.

Baba Yaga: But my great-grandmother said that every student should know “magic words.” Do you know these? (Children call magic words).

Teacher : Oh, I have a game with " magic words" for you. Let's play?

Game "Don't make a mistake, please!"

You only need to execute those commands that contain magic words.

- Stand up please!

- Hands up!

- Please clap!

- Please stomp!

- Bend over!

- Sit down quietly!

- Please sit down quietly!

Baba Yaga : What smart kids they are! Why do people like that even go to school? I'd rather take them to my place. Will you come to me? (Children answer).

Teacher : No, Baba Yaga, it’s not fair! Remember, you promised not to interfere with us, but you again did your own thing? Now I’ll call the director, let him sort it out.

Baba Yaga: That's it, that's it, I'm silent, there's no need to call anyone. Well, my dears, study well! And I’ll go and look for naughty and stupid children in other classes. (Goes to the door, stops) Oh, I completely forgot! They gave me an envelope and told me to give it to you. (Gives the envelope).

Baba Yaga: Goodbye! Call me if anything... (and leaves)

Teacher : Let's see what Baba Yaga brought us.

Envelope No. 1


I, the queen of the country of knowledge, hasten to congratulate you on September 1 and want to wish you to study only for five! I have the first task for you - “Say a word”

You need to quickly find the right phrase. The player who names the most correct phrases becomes the winner and receives a sweet prize. Little Red Riding Hood)


Dinner table)

Cellular telephone)

Boots (fast walkers)

Santa Barbara)

You (Tube)

Bosom (friend)

Alla (Pugacheva)

Seventeen Moments of Spring)

Invisible hat)

Soviet Union)


first (September)

Chupa Chups)

Carpet plane)

Father Frost)

Baba (yaga)

Tom Thumb)

Flower (seven flowers)

Envelope No. 2


Hello, dear students, first graders!

I, the queen of the country of knowledge, hasten to congratulate you on September 1 and want to wish you to study only for five! My first task for you is to finish drawing the sun.

Teacher : Today we have to revive the sun so that each of you will always feel warm from its light. And you will be the rays. The number of people in the team, the number of rays you will get. You will be divided equally into two teams. Each of you must draw one element of the sun, the quality and speed of completion will be assessed.

    Modern version– “They teach at school” (softly) – while the children are doing the task

(Children complete the task - we evaluate).

I would like to wish that this beautiful sun The result that each team achieved shined on you every day and brought you joy.

Appeal to teachers.

And now we turn to you,

Our dear teachers, Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Marina Aleksandrovna and Tatyana Anatolyevna, to those who lead us into the world of knowledge. Today a new school year begins for you. We wish you to always remain as kind, smart, strict, fair, cheerful and cheerful as we love and appreciate you!

It's a pity this wonderful holiday is ending!

But the call sounds and excites.

And the doors and classrooms are open.

The first lesson begins!

Line dedicated to the beginning school year considered closed.

Game program for first graders on “Knowledge Day”
The song “They teach at school” plays. The presenter comes out.
Ved. Hello, dear children and dear adults!
Today, September 1, the whole country celebrates Knowledge Day. For you, dear first-graders, this holiday is special because it is the first. Exciting discoveries await you in the land of knowledge. I congratulate you all on the beginning of this difficult, but very necessary and interesting path.
Let's congratulate each other on the very first Day of Knowledge with loud, stormy, incessant applause! (Clap our hands)
The bell rings.
Ved. The bell rang, let's start our lesson!
Answer me honestly, did you enjoy going to school today?
Will you be a good student at school or lazy?
Aren't you lazy? And not stupid? I'll check it now!
Come on, answer me in unison, in rhyme and with enthusiasm!

Who walks with a bag of books
Going to school in the morning? (Student)

Meets us with a bell
Our spacious, bright... (Class)

Should always be in order
Your school... (Notebooks)

Whether you are a good or bad student,
He will tell us honestly... (Diary)
If you barely know,
Then you'll get the number (Two)
If you know everything,
Your rating will be (Five)
Well done, kids! Sorry, I wanted to say: well done, students!
Let's check which of you will receive what grades! I have a lot of grades, both good and bad (I take out a bag, show them squares with numbers from 2 to 5, put numbers 2 and 3 in a secret pocket glued to the bag, I suggest to the bravest ones that they pull out a grade for themselves from the magic evaluation bag, the children pull out 5 and 4)
It turns out you will all good students with excellent grades.

Presenter: Guys, to get to the land of knowledge you need to pass several tests.

Here's your first test:
First, I'll check with you what you're going to first grade with.
Well, tell me, what should every student have?
Children: Briefcase.
Do you know what should be in every first-grader’s briefcase?
So I'll check this now. If I name those items that should be in your briefcase, you shout “YES” loudly and clap loudly, and if they shouldn’t be there, then shout “NO” and stomp loudly!
If you are going to school,
Then you take with you in your briefcase:
In a squared notebook?
New slingshot?
Broom for cleaning?
Diary for A?
Album and paints?
Carnival masks?
ABC in pictures?
Torn boots?
Markers and pen?
A bunch of carnations?
Colored pencils?
Air mattresses?
Eraser and ruler?
A canary in a cage?
An album to draw on?
Chewing gum to chew?
Covered textbooks?
Plates, forks, spoons?
A sofa to lie on?
Cardboard to cut out?
Presenter: Well done, guys! Everyone passed the first test. But the next test will be more difficult, let's see what kind of attentive students you make!
I will read you a fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood!
(to the children) Listen to the fairy tale, and where I make mistakes, you should clap your hands together.

"Once upon a time there was a girl and her name was Yellow Riding Hood... No? Which one, Blue Riding Hood?... Sorry. Once upon a time there was a girl, and her name was Little Red Riding Hood. Once my mother made dumplings... Oh, pies! Once my mother baked pies and asked Yellow Riding Hood... That is, Little Red Riding Hood to take them to grandfather... And to whom?... That's right, grandmother.
Purple Riding Hood is coming... Excuse me, Little Red Riding Hood is coming, singing songs, collecting flowers, and a crocodile is meeting her... That is, a hippopotamus... And who? That's right, wolf! The Wolf tells Red Beret... That is, it says to Riding Hood: “Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie”... No? What does he tell her? Oh yes. “Where are you going, White Panama”... That is, Little Red Riding Hood.
The elephant recognized... That's right, the wolf, where Red Kerchief is going... Riding Hood, and ran the short way. He ran as fast as he could to the hut where Baba Yaga lives... That is, grandmother, and knocked on the door. And the kikimora... No, grandma, she answers him: “Who’s there?” - “It’s me, postman Pechkin!”... That’s right. "It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!" And he hears in response: “Pull the string, my child, the door will open.”
The wolf pulled the string and ate the grandmother. And when Little Red Riding Hood came, he hid under the bed... And where did he hide?... He changed into grandmother's clothes?... And then what happened?... And he ate Little Red Riding Hood too?... What a glutton!
Then the police came... That's right, hunters. They ripped open the wolf's stomach and seven kids jumped out... That is, grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood. Everything ended well, the wolf married Little Red Riding Hood... And who, grandma or what?... In general, the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - a cucumber... And whoever listened - well done!

I see you know fairy tales well, and now the third test:
Let's see if you know the letters, I will ask riddles, and you will guess.
This letter is on parade
Stands ahead of others
Heads the alphabet.
What letter is this? (A) showing the letter

The white lamb was a darling, he ran fast and loved to run, so quickly give me the answer starting with the letter, what is his name? (B) showing the letter

She is third in the alphabet.
You'll notice it right away.
What kind of pinwheel is this?
Vanka-stand up, cheerful? (B) showing the letter
Birds love this letter:
Pigeon, jackdaw, rook, turtle dove.
Who can tell me
And name this letter? (G) I show the letter
Well, you know the letters, well done, and now the very last test will see if you can count
The problems are not simple mathematical ones, listen carefully, don’t miss anything and count accurately.
1.Under the bushes by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them? (four)
2. Six funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries
But one of them was tired and fell behind his friends
Now find the answer:
How many bears are ahead? (five)
3. Five pies were in a bowl.
Lariska took two pies,
Another one was stolen by the pussy.
How much is left in the bowl? (two)

4. Once to the bunny for lunch
A neighbor friend came galloping up.
The bunnies sat on a tree stump
And they ate two carrots.
Who's the smart one, guys?
How many carrots did you eat? (four)

Presenter: You have passed the fourth test to the land of knowledge, the door is now open for you. Congratulations on your first day of school!
The bell rings.
The bell is ringing, the bell is ringing, and our fun lesson is over, you answered perfectly, and now the guys are recessing and we will watch a puppet show at recess.


Target: Create a positive emotional mood at the beginning of classes, promote the creative inclusion of children in the educational process.

The game program is intended as a logical continuation of the Holiday of Knowledge on September 1 and is designed for students of primary and secondary school age.

Preliminary preparation:

  • training of presenters (they can be high school students or teachers);
  • decoration of the hall; recording soundtracks for competitions;
  • preparation of tokens with numbers (according to the number of participants);
  • if the school has such an opportunity, preparing small prizes (pens, pencils, etc. stationery);
  • preparing props for competitions (see script); training of assistants (explain the task to the guys).

Upon entering the hall, each participant receives a token with a number. Uplifting music is playing.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, boys and girls!

Presenter 2: Good afternoon, dear teachers and parents!

Presenter 1: We are glad to welcome everyone who has now gathered in this hall, everyone who has again come to the familiar threshold to joyfully or anxiously, embarrassed or excited to say: “School! Hello! It’s me!”

Presenter 2: Look how different you all are: fair-haired and dark-haired, frowning and smiling, thin and thin.

Presenter 1: But regardless of height, weight, hair color and others distinctive features When you entered, you all received a token with a number. By the way, show them.

Presenter 2: This means that you get a unique chance to participate in fun sweepstakes and competitions.

Presenter 1: You all probably know and love the popular TV game “Finest Hour”.

Presenter 2: So, our game is not at all similar to it. But we took from it one rule that we liked the most.

Presenter 1: The winner of each competition receives the honorable right to say in his own way the phrase “School! Hello! It’s me!” and address everyone present with congratulations or wishes.

Presenter 2: Let's first try to do this all together, in unison. You will have to very accurately repeat the intonation with which I will pronounce this phrase. (The phrase “School! Hello! It’s me!” is pronounced by the presenter several times with the most incredible intonations: sad, joyful, whispering, playfully, drawing out the words very strongly, “in a foreign way,” with an accent, etc. - so so that the guys find it funny).

Presenter 1: And so that you don’t forget that today is September 1, we are starting our funny competitions - lessons.

Presenter 2: And before the bell rings for the first lesson, we have a few minutes to get ready. The lucky owners of tokens No. 3, 71, 39, 94, 45, 10 are invited to the stage.

Participants in the competition are given chewing gum. At the leader’s signal, they must unwrap it and start chewing. The winner is the one who inflates the balloon the fastest. The winner says the phrase "School! Hello! It's me!" and greets the audience.

Presenter 1: The boys are ready for lessons. Now is the time to check how our teachers and parents prepared for the start of the school year. We invite three of our school's bravest teachers and three of our most determined parents. Introduce youreself. Throughout the entire school year, you have to talk a lot, explain, convince, and ask. Therefore, we suggest you check the strength of your lungs. Your task is to inflate as quickly and as much as possible balloon. The winner is the one whose balloon bursts first.

The conditions for the winner are the same. The bell rings.

Presenter 2: And here our first lesson begins. His teacher is teaching his Russian language lesson today ---

Teacher: Hello guys. Don’t be surprised that in our competition lessons, instead of the words “to the board,” you will hear “to the stage.” It will mean the same thing. Participants whose numbers are 6, 12, 24, 48, 52 are invited to the stage. I offer you two tongue twisters:

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack;

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

Whoever pronounces them faster and more correctly will win. And the grades will be yours, guys, applause for each participant. (Tongue twister competition).

The bell rings.

Presenter 1: And again the cheerful school bell calls us to class. To teach a math lesson, we invite a math teacher to the stage.

Teacher: I invite the guys whose numbers are 5,20,40,80,35,40 to the stage. Stand in a semicircle facing the audience. Helpers, please contribute the prize for this competition. You need to listen carefully to the conditions of the task and complete it along the way.

(Whoever grabs the prize correctly wins).

The winner gets the prize that he managed to take and is given the right to address those present and say, “School! Hello! It’s me!”

Presenter 2: Before the bell rings for recess, we will give you some homework. In the meantime, answer the question: “What is the most common way for students to communicate in a lesson when it is necessary to maintain silence?

Presenter 1: Of course, notes. They are written by boys and girls. They can be business, love or just about nothing.

Presenter 2: Therefore, we invite everyone sitting in the hall to practice the art of giving useless advice during our impromptu lessons, finishing this eight-line... (the eight-line is written on the poster):

If your teacher called you
Answer to the blackboard lesson,
And without knowing, you forgot
As Pushkin wrote about this.....

Presenter 1: And send your continuation on the notes, indicating the author, to us.

Presenter 2: But first, as an example, let’s turn to the work of the author of wonderful books of useless advice for children and adults, writer Grigory Oster.

Some of Oster's advice is read, for example,

The bell rings.

Presenter 1: The next lesson in our comic schedule is drawing. Conduct, we invite him to the stage...

Teacher: For an avant-garde painting lesson, I invite numbers 4, 45, 71, 83, 93 to the stage. Your task, guys, is to draw a composition from blots. Take a seat at a table that has everything you need.

Presenter 1: While the guys are preparing their works, we invite the physical education teacher to the stage....

Teacher: One of the important functional qualities of the body is speed, so numbers 7,14,21,28,35 are invited to the stage. Your task is to collect as many autographs as possible in the hall in one minute. On your marks! Attention! March!

After 1 minute the bell rings.

So, please, sprinters, show who collected how many autographs. The winner is...he is given the right to address the audience.

Presenter 1: During our impromptu sports break, we hope that the young avant-garde artists have finished their work.

Teacher: Yes, the artists coped with their task. Show me your work guys. And we will ask the audience to determine the winner with their applause. The winner was ___. Please, you have the floor!

The bell rings.

Presenter 2: Before the start of the next lesson, we want to remind you about the competition of notes with useless advice. We are waiting for your notes. And now everyone is off to a zoology lesson, which will be taught by...

Teacher: I invite to the stage the guys whose numbers are 9,10,42;15,26,61; 29,34,73. These are three expeditions whose return from Mars brought the discovery of three new species of animals. And after a short symposium they will need to be shown: carambo aphids on the hunt; sissybolt on the socket; Bibizyama on grazing.

Presenter 1: In the meantime, while the zoologists are conferring, we invite the school psychologist to conduct a session of student psychosound and mechanical therapy.

(Calm meditative music sounds. If the hall has lighting equipment, then the lights go out, and the presenter is illuminated by a spotlight. All text is played against the background of music).

Psychologist: Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing... After these words, you whistle quietly.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. But then it blew strong wind. Lightning flashed. After these words, all the girls say di-lin-di-lin-di-lin three times.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. (Whistling). But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed. Thunder struck. After these words, all the boys say in unison: bim-bom.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed. Thunder struck. Cool boys and girls from our school appeared. After these words, some of you will clap, some will scream, some will hoot, some will stamp their feet.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed. Thunder struck. Cool boys and girls from our school appeared. They began to choose a captain. (After these words, a captain is very quickly chosen in the hall, for example, Sasha) “Who will be the captain?” (After these words, the whole hall shows and says - Sasha). Sasha gets up and asks, “What will I do?”

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. (Whistling from the audience). But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed (girls). Thunder struck (boys; “bim-bom”). Cool boys and girls from our school appeared. (The whole hall - who knows what). They began to choose a captain. (Hall - "Sasha"). Sasha gets up: “What am I going to do?” Sit down, Sasha, and watch the end of our holiday together with everyone else.

Teacher: During the psycho-sound-mechanical therapy session, zoologists are ready to answer. Please, carambo aphid on the hunt, sissybolt on the nest and bibizyam on grazing. Please, audience, appreciate our participants with your applause. The winners are... You are given the right to address the audience.

The bell rings.

Presenter 1: Lessons are ending at our cheerful school.

Presenter 2: All that remains is to determine the winner of the useless advice competition. The winner is.... His word.

Presenter 1: All lessons in our cheerful school are over. Tomorrow you will meet with your teachers already school desks and together with them you will go further along the roads of knowledge and discoveries. May you always be accompanied on your journey by the good mood that we hope you all received today. All the best!