Beautiful sun with your own hands. Do-it-yourself sun: MK for making crafts for kindergarten with step-by-step photos and videos. DIY tools and materials for making the sun

Paper craft for children 5-8 years old "Sun from paper strips"

Master class with step-by-step photos for older preschoolers and younger students "The sun that changes its rays"

Paper craft for preschoolers and younger students.
Drankova Elena Alexandrovna, teacher of additional education
Place of work: MAU DO TsDOD "Rainbow" city of Perm
This work is intended for teachers, parents and children of primary school age.
Purpose: for the organization of children's leisure.
Target: creation of crafts "The sun that changes its rays."
- teach your child to play with handmade crafts.
- teach how to bend strips - rays in different ways: “curl forward”, “curl back”, “droplet”, “wave”, “accordion”, “triangle”, “elongated curl”.
- develop motor skills of the hand;
- develop imagination.
Required material:
- color cardboard A4,
- fluorescent paper,
- scissors,
- glue stick,
- markers.

Lesson progress

Today we will not be easy to make the sun, but we will come up with different rays for the sun. Let's play the game "Make different rays of the sun."
This game will help your child learn to fantasize, develop fingers and creativity.
- Why are we going to use fluorescent paper? Because it bends and smoothes well. We will make one sun, but we will play with it and bend the rays. Today I wanted the sun to have straight rays, and tomorrow I will curl the rays onto a pencil.
You can come up with different stories with your child, why did the sun spread its rays today? He must be in a good mood or it's his birthday today.

Stages of work

1. We cut out a circle with a diameter of 8 cm from yellow cardboard, 20 strips of fluorescent paper 1 cm wide, 12 cm long. The diameter of the circle and the length of the rays can be chosen in any size.

2. Turn the circle over with the reverse side and glue the rays.

3. Now you can start the game: you can choose one way to bend the rays and leave the sun like that, or you can change the rays in different ways.

1 way: take a simple pencil and bend the rays forward at the same distance. You get the same curls.

2 way: bend the rays onto a pencil at different distances: we twist some rays completely, others only at the end. It turns out that the rays alternate: some “curls” are small, other “curls” are long.

3 way:
We curl some rays forward, others back. We get a "curl forward", a curl "back".

4 way:
we bend it with a “droplet” and glue it on a drop of glue, so that later it can be easily glued.

5 way: bend the rays "accordion".

6 way: bend the rays into rings.

7 way: bend the rays on the pencil "elongated curl". “Elongated curl” is done like this: wrap around a pencil.

Cut out the eyes, draw a mouth and bangs.
The sun is ready! Try to come up with your own interesting way of bending the ray. You can tear off the rays if they are wrinkled or torn and glue new rays.

With a small child, the number of rays should be small.

Shrovetide is not far off, which is famous for its traditions, fun festivities for a whole week and eating delicious pancakes. At this time, people say goodbye to winter and joyfully meet spring. Therefore, as a craft for Shrovetide, you can make an original sun from a disk and colored paper.

Necessary materials:

  • double-sided yellow sheets;
  • felt-tip pen or marker for drawing a face;
  • an unnecessary disk for the base of the craft;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Stages of creating crafts for Shrovetide:

Our sun will be yellow and orange. Therefore, for the middle we use a dark shade of paper. We draw a circle that will be half the diameter of the disk. Then cut it out along the contour with scissors.

We apply glue to the central part of the disk and apply a cut out circle of colored paper to it. We get such a sun that needs to dry out a little.

In the meantime, let's move on to the manufacture of rays. We will make them from bright yellow paper. We mark out a 10 x 1 cm markup on the sheet with a ruler and a simple pencil. Cut out at least 28 pieces.

Then we bend each strip and apply glue to their edges, which will help them connect. So we get volumetric rays of the sun, which we will later attach to the disk.

Apply glue to the tip of the strip and stick it on the back of the disc. We will do the same with the second strip, and with the third. You can also use double-sided tape or glue from a heat gun to make the craft quick and neat.

We continue to glue the yellow rays of the sun one by one along the contour of the disk, which has a rounded shape.

As a result, we get a lot of pretty rays around the sun.

Finally, let's draw a cute happy face on the orange part of the craft, where there will be big eyes, a nose, eyelashes, freckles and a smile. If you have difficulty drawing, you can search magazines or the Internet for a cartoon face and print and cut it out.

A beautiful craft in the form of a bright sun made of colored paper and a disk is ready! It is perfect for decorating any corner in the children's room for the Maslenitsa holiday, because it can be hung by one of the rays or glued on an additional cord.

Kids in the middle and older groups of the kindergarten should be able to work with scissors, glue and paper. In this they are helped by joint crafts with educators. The circle is one of the easiest shapes a child can master. Therefore, the first lessons of applied art usually include work with round figures, for example, the image of the sun. In the master class below, we will look at how you can make the sun quickly and easily with your own hands, using various techniques available to the smallest needlewomen.

How to make the sun with your own hands from the palms in a master class

One of the most popular crafts for kindergarten is making panels from circled and cut out palms on paper. This technique not only teaches children how to use paper and scissors, but also helps to build good relationships with other kids in the group, because the sun is made from the palms of the collective.

Necessary materials:
  • colored paper in yellow, orange and red;
  • printed image of the sun (optional);
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • double-sided tape or stapler;
  • film for lamination.
Operating procedure.

We trace children's palms on sheets of colored paper and cut out 45-50 blanks of different colors. We place the blanks in the film for lamination and cut along the contour, avoiding the occurrence of air bubbles between the film and paper. We connect the palms into long rays, overlapping them and fastening them with a stapler or tape, 4-5 blanks each. We arrange the rays in a circle in the shape of the sun, fixing them in several places.

When all the rays from the palms are connected, we glue the printed image of the sun to the center. You can draw the face yourself on a plain paper mug using markers or colored pencils.

The craft is ready!

Let's try to collect with the child a simple pasta sun

An unusual and very easy-to-make panel can be made using figured pasta. This work will help the kid learn to carefully lay out the elements of the picture, comparing materials of different shapes and textures.

Necessary materials:
  • figured pasta: rings, bows, etc.;
  • gouache;
  • PVA glue;
  • tassel;
  • white and colored paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • cotton pads;
  • large beads.
Operating procedure.

Cut off a sheet of colored cardboard of the required size. If there is no colored cardboard, you can use white by sticking a sheet of bright paper on it. In the center of the base, we outline a circle and apply a sufficiently large amount of glue to this area. We fill the center of the sun with figured pasta of a round or hexagonal shape, tightly stacking them in relation to each other.

We cut yellow or orange paper into equal strips about 0.5 cm wide and tightly wind them onto a pencil, forming spirals. We glue blanks in the form of rays of the sun, with the exception of its upper part - we will decorate it differently.

We cut and glue cotton pads, as shown in the photo below. For crafts, you will need to make 5 of these flowers.

We fasten the flowers on the head of the sun in two rows, glue a bead in the center of each. We cut out blanks for the eye, nose and mouth from colored paper, glue them together and make out the face of the sun. At the ends of the rays we glue the pasta in the form of bows and paint them with multi-colored gouache. The sun from pasta, if desired, can be placed in a frame.

Let's make a funny craft in the form of a sun with pigtails

The sun with pigtails is a very fun and easy craft to make. She will teach kids to work with threads, weave simple braids and evenly distribute elements around the perimeter of the product.

Necessary materials:
  • disposable paper plate;
  • yellow and orange yarn;
  • colored paper;
  • hole puncher;
  • stapler;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • additional decor: eyes for toys, ribbons.
Operating procedure.

Using a hole punch, we make several holes around the perimeter of the plate, located at the same distance from each other. This operation must be carried out by the teacher. We cut the yarn into segments of equal length and fold them into identical bundles according to the number of holes in the plate. We drag each bunch of threads into a plate (this can be easily done with a crochet hook), braid a three-piece pigtail and tie it with a thread. Weave all the pigtails in this way and slightly trim them with scissors. You can alternate pigtails of yellow and orange. We make fluffy bangs from scraps of yarn. To do this, cut the orange threads into segments 8-10 cm long, fold them into a bundle and tightly tie the thread in the middle. We fasten the bangs to the plate with a stapler or a small piece of tape.

We make out the face: glue the eyes, draw cilia, lips, cheeks and nose. You can paste the finished image printed on a color printer.

Optionally, we tie multi-colored bows from ribbons to pigtails, attach a loop at the back to hang the panel on the wall.

Video on the topic of the article

You can find other options for crafts for kindergarten in the form of the sun in the video tutorials below.

Outside are wonderful spring days, bathed in playful sunbeams. Why don't we give ourselves a positive mood and put a paper sun in a house or apartment, making it with our own hands?

For this you will need:

You can also create a sun from a foam ball, wire with colored pile and yellow paint. Just paint the styrofoam ball yellow. After the paint dries on it, make holes with an awl at the same distance from the center and place a wire with a pile of yellow, golden or orange in them. Hang the sun on a thread anywhere in the room!

There is an idea to make the sun from thin ribbons and a cardboard circle. Such a sun is so light that at the slightest movement of air it will rotate or oscillate, developing with its ribbons-rays.

Recently, I saw several options for the sun, which the children of the kindergarten made. I really liked the idea, so I want to present it in my article! The meaning of making all three suns is cutting out of colored paper, both a circle and rays. Rays can be in the form of triangles and rectangles. Some of the kids drew or glued the details of the face, and some filled the solar circle with small pieces of napkins, gluing them with glue.

For those who like to draw, you can offer an interesting way to depict the sun. Draw a circle with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints - the face of the sun, and stamp the rays with a fork, after dipping it into the paint.

Simple crafts on a variety of topics can be an exciting activity not only for kids, but also for adults. And if you do not know what to do with your child while sitting at home in rainy weather, then we will help you with this. For example, make a sun with your baby, which will give warmth and charge you with positive even in the most cloudy weather.

What can you make a sun?

Here it is already necessary to give free rein to your imagination, since this simple craft can be made from many different materials. And most importantly, this material is not necessary to buy, you can make the sun from improvised means. It can be paper, both newsprint and colored paper, cardboard, thread, old discs or records, disposable tableware, or eventually balloons. Your craft can be anything, it all depends on your desire and inspiration.

So, we bring to your attention several master classes on how to easily make crafts for the sun for your child.

How to make a sun out of colored paper?

At the first stage of our work, we should prepare all the necessary material and tools: bright yellow paper, scissors, glue, thick thread, paints.

Now you can get to work.

How to make crafts the sun from disks?

This craft is pretty easy to make too. To do this, you will need sheets of paper of several colors, 2 disks, scissors and glue.


  1. We fold sheets of colored paper into an accordion (the width of the strip should be slightly wider than 1 cm).
  2. Round off the corners on both sides with scissors.
  3. We fold the fan in half and glue it so that it does not diverge.
  4. You will need 4 of these fans. We glue the fans together.
  5. We seal the holes on the disks with pre-cut circles and make out the face of the sun.
  6. We glue the discs on both sides of our rays and put them under the press (for reliable fastening). The miracle sun is ready!