Planning educational work on the topic of clothing. Work plan for the week in the senior group on the topic: "Clothes. Shoes"

Theme: "Ice - water"

Goals. The development of ideas about the melting of ice, about the transformation of ice into water, about winter

and fly. Formation of the action of "transformation". Developing the ability to transform. Develop logical thinking, the ability to establish causal investigative links. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena. Continue to develop children's speech, expand their lexicon to improve the grammatical structure of speech.

I Creation of motivation for GCD.

Educator. Guys, last time we talked about transformations. Who can tell me what can transform? What are the transformations?

Children. Small to big! Brother Ivanushka has turned into a kid!

Educator. Very good. And we also turned a plasticine cube into a ball. What was the first plasticine?(Solid.) That's right, hard, and then you crushed and crushed it with your hands and what did it become?(Soft.) What else is soft?(Plasticine. Pillow. Toys.) What is solid? (Pebble. Wood.)Do you think solid things can turn into something? Let's see.

The teacher distributes ice packs to the children and says: “Well, what do you have, touch, feel.(It's ice.) What ice to the touch?(Hard, cold.)The ice is cold, but what about your palms?(Warm.) The ice is cold, the palms are warm. Let's see what happens from cold ice in warm hands! Let's warm the ice!

Children warm ice in their palms, water appears.

II Implementation of activities.

Educator. Where did the water come from?(Ice turned into water.)Did the ice stay the same?(Pieces have become small.)What does ice become?

Children. Ice turns into water.

Children. You need to draw an arrow.

The child (optional) goes out and draws an arrow.

Educator. Well done. We have drawn an arrow and the picture shows that the ice turns into water. And when does the ice melt?(When it is warm.) When can you see ice?(In winter.) And what happens in winter?(Snow, cold, ice.)And when there is no snow and ice?(In summer.) Right! It's warm in summer, but in winter...(Cold.) In summer it rains, you can swim, and in winter ...

(In winter, snow, ice on the river.) When does ice appear on the river?(When it's cold.) When does ice turn into water?(When it is warm.) So: when it's cold - ice, when it's warm - water.

The teacher demonstrates pictures depicting the same landscape in different time year: winter and summer. (In the first picture there is a river, the sun, the river bank in flowers, children are swimming in the river. In the second picture there is a frozen river, it is snowing, the river bank is in snowdrifts, the children are skating on the ice of the river.) He asks: “What is shown in the first picture?(Winter.) And on the second? (Summer.) What's on the river in the first picture? Why do kids ride?(On ice.) What is in this picture

river? (Water.) Do you think the children in the second picture are cold? Are they cold? That's right, they're warm. Why is it warm?(Because the sun is shining.)Is the first picture cold or warm?(Cold.)

In conclusion, the teacher invites the children to play the already familiar game “On the contrary” and says “Big”.(Small.)

- Heavy. (Easy.)

- Cold. (Warm. Hot.)

- Winter. (Summer.)

- Warm. (Cold.)

- Ice. (Water.) And so on.

Alina Chuprova
Calendar-thematic planning "Shoes"


GROUP: II junior.


TARGET: Give a concept « Shoes» ; about its diversity, purpose.

WINTER EVENT: Exhibition shoes.

Tasks for the week, taking into account the integration of educational regions:

Continue to teach children to participate in joint outdoor games and exercise on a walk; circle, find your place in constructions; pin throw and catch the ball. To consolidate the ability to roll plasticine straight and in a circular motion. Give Usage Ideas shoes. Improve constructive skills, build new buildings using previously acquired skills. To consolidate the skill of carefully gluing finished forms. To develop the dialogical speech of children; develop the ability to solve riddles. To form the ability to color without going beyond the contour. Fix the names of items of clothing and shoes. Continue to form interest in books, look at drawings in familiar books. To consolidate children's knowledge of what people need shoes distinguish between masculine, feminine and childish shoes. Bring up careful attitude to the work of adults. Train your memory with poetry. Continue comparing the two groups items: where more, where less; compare objects by length and indicate the results in words. To consolidate the ability to compose a short story together with the teacher, to answer questions with a complete sentence.

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children


TUESDAY 5.11.2013 Morning: Morning exercises. Looking at pictures shoes.

Di "Show and name".

Di "Collect a picture".

Strengthen the ability to glue ready-made forms on a sheet of paper Timofey T., Dasha S. Conversation: "What serves what?".

Application: board - printed games, colored paper, glue, picture pictures shoes.

Ask your parents to bring shoes for the design of the exhibition.

Individual conversation with the mother of Polina L. "Adaptation of the child in kindergarten"

Invite parents to my mother's school.

FEMP "Comparing objects by length"(- conversation, - teacher's story, - show, - explanation, game "Colorful balls").

Construction "Shelf for shoes» from large building material (- conversation, - examination geometric shapes(cube, plate, - teacher's story, - show, - explanation, game "Who what shoes);

Musical and artistic activity plan of the muses. leader.


Tree watching. Sweep the path leading to the site. P / s "Birds in the nest", "Find where it's hidden", "Find your home".Exercise in catching the ball Anya B., Lisa T. A situational conversation about the structure of a tree, to cultivate a respect for nature. remote material: buckets, rakes, panicles.

work before bed. Reading a fairy tale of the choice of children.

Continue to consolidate the skill of carefully placing shoes next to the beds in the bedroom.

Evening: Wellness gymnastics after sleep, walking on "massage" tracks.

Breathing exercises Game - situation "Brave Tailors" To consolidate the ability to use a handkerchief role-playing game "House. Family"(show, explain, talk).

Application: clothes, shoes, chairs, a wardrobe with clothes, shelves with shoes.

Walk Observation of plants and shrubs (any tree and shrub is a living being). Cutting and tying branches of trees and shrubs.

P. /i "Catch the bird", "Multicolored Leaves", "winding path". To fix with Danya M., Yaroslav D. to run at the signal of the teacher, without looking back.

Mode Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Interaction with parents/social partners


subgroup Individual Educational activities in regime moments

WEDNESDAY 11/6/2013 Morning: Morning exercises Examination of fashion magazines. Di "Whole and Parts".

Strengthen the ability to properly carry a chair (Timofey T., Kirill N.) Situational talk: "Peculiarities appearance clothes, its details.

Application: fashion magazines; di "Whole and Parts". Invite Nikita N.'s mother to fix the name shoe house.

Consultation with Pope Slava B. « Physical activity in a child's life

Remind parents to make a preschooler's portfolio.

Communicative activity (speech development): "Solving the Riddles".

(- a surprise moment; - a poem; - a conversation; - riddles, a show, personal example, a game: "What's extra?")

Motor activity according to teacher's plan


Watching the cat Collect fallen leaves

P / s "Sun and Rain", "From bump to bump", "Swan geese" Exercise Ksenia F., Artem Z., in walking on the balance beam. Observation of people who got off public transport

Remote material: dolls dressed according to the season, buckets, rakes, panicles.


To consolidate the skill of the ability to unbutton buttons on shirts

Evening: Wellness gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths. Breathing exercises.

Di "What is blue?" Fix the rules of behavior in the group with Nikita N., Yaroslav D. Role-playing game "Family" (We buy new shoes for our daughter) (show, explain, talk).

Application: shoes, dolls, bags, purses.

Walk Watching sparrows. Note the characteristic features of a sparrow.)

Sweep the sand in the gazebo

P / s "Running - catch-up", "Cat and Mice", "Sparrows and the Car". Exercise Ksyusha P. in jumping rope.

Mode Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of the development environment for independent activity children

Interaction with parents/social partners


subgroup individual educational activity in sensitive moments

THURSDAY 7.11.2013 Morning: Morning exercises.

Di "Who cleans what?"

Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"

Fix jumps in place on two legs with Slava B., Timofey T.

The teacher's story about the profession of a shoemaker

Application: D/i "Who cleans what?";

fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"

Consultation with the grandmother of Artem O. "Role morning exercises in a child's life.

A conversation with the mother of Angelina B. about the girl's clothes on the street.

Conversation with the mother of Kirill N. about behavior at the table.

productive activity (application) By teacher's plan

Communicative activity (LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS) "Our legs are walking..."(- conversation, - poem - show, - experience, - game « Shoes» )


Watching the rain

P / and Cat and mice ", "Sparrows and a cat", "Get in the circle" Sweep the table, benches Strengthen the ability to march with Nikita N, Theme Z. Situational talk: about the change of weather (show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature).

Remote material: dolls dressed for the weather, buckets, rakes, panicles.

work before bed Reading p. n. With. "Fox with a rock"

To form elementary knowledge of behavior in the bedroom.

Evening: Wellness gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths. Breathing exercises. Di "Pick up your clothes and shoes» Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly with Lisa T., Dasha K.

Role-playing game "Repair shoes» (show, explain, talk).

Application: fabrics, shoes, tools.

Sky Watching Walk (features of the autumn sky)

Collection of colorful leaves

P / s "Bird in the Nest", "Find your home", "At the bear in the forest".

To consolidate with Lisa T. the ability to catch the ball with two hands.

Mode Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents/social partners


subgroup individual educational activity in sensitive moments

FRIDAY 8.11.2013 Morning: Morning exercises D / and "Colored Drops". Conversation: "Decorations for shoes» To fix the concept of circle, square, triangle with Lena M., Slava B.

Video viewing "How do they do shoes»

Application: desktop - printed games, video. Consultation for parents: "Crisis of three years"

Talking to parents about the benefits of daytime sleep.

Advice for parents: "Moving games with children in the family"

Communicative activity (speech development): memorizing a poem "At Masha's..."

(- a surprise moment; - a riddle; - a conversation about shoes; - show, - personal example, - game "Who what shoes» )

Musical and artistic activity plan of the muses. leader.

Motor activity in the air teacher's plan.


Watching the clouds Sweep the table and benches in the area

P / s "Sun and rain", "From bump to bump", "Swan geese". Strengthen the ability to walk in circles with all children. The teacher's story about clouds and clouds. remote material: buckets for collecting leaves, shovels, rakes, cars.

work before bed Reading p. n. fairy tales "The Man and the Bear"

To consolidate the skill of the ability to remove pantyhose before going to bed

Evening: Wellness gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises. Di. "Wonderful bag". Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly with Kirill N., Ksyusha P. Role-playing a game: "Hospital"

(show, explain, talk).

Application: tools, medicines, pills, clothes and shoes according to the weather.

Walk Watching the Wind (learn to determine the direction of the wind)

"Cleaning in the gazebo"

P / s "Catch me", "Cat and Mice", "At the bear in the forest". To consolidate the skill of walking on the balance beam with Timofey.


“Mashenka has new boots on her legs.

Tanechka will dress up in a brand new dress.

Katya has hats, shoes and slippers.

Here the trousers flew right into Petya's hands.

Phys. minute:

A game "Let's go for a walk"

Improvisation of movements.

"We take off our slippers,

We put on hats

Scarves, pants,

Boots, coats,

Putting on jackets

Ready for a walk!”

We don't go to the street

Neither summer nor winter.

But without us, not a step

When you come home


We always walk together

Similar like brothers

We are at dinner - under the table,

And at night - under the bed.


Two brothers

Can't part:

Morning on the road

At night, on the doorstep.


Not boots, not boots, legs are very warm.

We run in them in winter: in the morning - to the kindergarten, and then - home.

(felt boots)

Thematic project: « Shoes»

What they know What they want to know What needs to be done to be known

I have boots.

Kirill N. What is shoes?

Danya M. Let's ask the teacher.

Mom bought me new sandals.

Timofey T. What is a man's shoes?

Anya B. Let's ask the adults.

Yaroslav D.

The boots have a lock.

Cyril T. What are bast shoes?

Sasha A. Let's read it in the book.

Mom has beads on her shoes.

Lisa T. What are the parts shoes?

Dasha S. On TV.

Nikita N.

I have red shoes with flowers.

Angelina B. What are varieties shoes?

Polina L. I'll ask my mother.

Topic: “Clothes. Shoes. Hats"
PURPOSE: To acquaint children with the types and details of clothing, shoes and hats, to connect clothing with the seasons.

Group, subgroup
Organization of developing
environment for self
children's activities (centers
activities, all rooms
Work with
Give advice
fasten with
name children
types of clothing
spring, winter,


activities in
regime moments
Conversation: "Tramp
weather wind
children's performances
about the relationship
weather events and
Fashion magazines.
Solving riddles about
At the center of activity
place illustrations with
various decorations.
Didactic game: "On the contrary."
Pictures with clothes
(dress long short).
Develop the ability to compare
objects by size (length,
width), match
adjectives with nouns
gender, number, antonyms.
Didactic game:
Develop auditory
attention (to a word,
clothes, children
They say -
1. Development of speech. Conversation: "What are fabrics for"
Tasks: To acquaint children with the properties of tissues, to help determine their features; give an idea of
the history of the needle, to teach to understand the meaning of objects, to orient in the past and present, to develop a logical
thinking, ingenuity; give an idea of ​​the need for human creation of household items.
2. Physical culture. According to the plan of the physical education instructor.
3. Drawings: Abstract on drawing "Model House". Program content: Introduce children to work
fashion designer. To teach children to create their own models of clothes, using the proposed templates, create
own design in the design of clothes. Develop aesthetic taste, a sense of beauty. Bring up
interest in the world around us, draw the attention of children to the fact that art surrounds us everywhere. Delivers
joy to people.
Didactic game: Riddles game.
Develop coherent speech, thinking.
For the purpose of cultural education
hygiene skills and abilities
improve skill quickly
undress and dress neatly
pack your things.
Work. action: rake
heaps of snow. form
ability to shovel snow.
Suggest to children
stick and puck games,
big balls.
work with girls.
exercise in
jumping ability
on one leg.
Didactic game:
"Riddle Game"
Develop a connected
speech, thought.
Outdoor games:
"Hunter and Hares".
develop accuracy,
speed, attention.
people: what are they
dressed? people now
wear winter
Learn to reason.
AG "Sewing on
different sewing
typewriters "(ddd)
PG "On Monday
I cut." Development
fine motor skills

II half of the day Improving gymnastics after sleep.
Artistic word:
Winter morning from frost
Birch trees are ringing at dawn.
All lakes are mirrors
From green glass.
V. Suslov
P / game: "Homeless Hare" - development
running, ability to jump on two legs.

"Speech therapy
work with children
task of a speech therapist.
I / r according to PHYSICAL:
jump over
snow path.
Didactic game:
"How We Dress"
Consolidate knowledge
children about clothes.
Sign: in September
and the leaves on the trees
don't hold on.
Self service
continue work on
fixation in children
habits of giving
help to peers.
Game moments:
ribbons, flags,
tubes for
wind definitions,
search tubes
sun in the sky.
Work. assignments:
collect snow in heaps.
Outdoor games: "Trap",
"To the named tree - run."
Develop speed, attention,
dexterity, memory.
work with children:
exercise children in
throwing ability
ball to each other
Listening to a fairy tale:
perception of the story.
Storyline game:
children's verbal communication
gaming activity.
harmonize their
actions with actions
Ask to sew
theater for
playing out
nursery rhymes:
"Bunny coat"



Joint activity of an adult and children
taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup
Conversation: "The invention of the needle." introduce
children with the evolution of the needle from antiquity to
our days.
In order to educate cultural behavior
remind children how to behave
meal time at the table.
Individual work
with Tolya, Ruslan.
Didactic game:
"What, what?"
train children in
activities in
regime moments
Didactic game:
"Learn from what
dress made and
costumes, who are they
did where they from
Organization of developing
environment for self
children's activities (centers
activities, all rooms
Illustrations from
image of clothing.
Album sheets, patterns,
stencils (clothes),
colour pencils.
Working with parents
Suggest show
children like
1. Speech development: Topic: “Clothes for Katya?”
Target: O.O. "Knowledge" to expand the horizons of children with knowledge about the history of clothing, to introduce professions
people who make clothes, enrich knowledge about the properties of materials, fix the names of fabrics, develop
the ability to establish causal relationships.
2. Music lesson. According to the plan of the musician.
3. Sculpting: Summary of the modeling lesson “Girl in winter clothes”
Program content: Arouse in children the desire to convey the image of a girl in a stucco image. Form skill
select parts of a human figure in clothes (head, fur coat expanding downwards, hands, transfer them in compliance with
proportions. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate an interest in modeling.
Observation of an inanimate object
viewing birch. birch very
beautiful, white trunk, she is slender.

I / R in PHYSICAL: jumping
on two legs
moving around
II half of the day

prevention of flat feet.
"Speech therapy hour"
work with children
speech therapist's notebooks. AG,
DG, PG with everyone
Celebrate the state of the weather with the children
I/R with Andrey,
Round dance: "In the field
birch stood.
Artistic word:
“... Birches, white birches,
And you live like a people.
Me your sighs, your
And your joys are near."
Chukovsky K. "Miracle
Shoe classification
by seasons.
Didactic game:
P / game: "The sea is worried" -
development of coordination
movement, imagination.
Work. errands: rowing
snow around the birch.
game situation"Away
near Moidodyr» Form
habit of following
the purity of your body. Learn
children to wash after sleep,
without spilling water on the floor.
Outdoor games:

In the evening. develop ability
observe, analyze and draw conclusions.
Mark, Gleb.
Fasten with children
count to 5 and back.
“It happens - it doesn’t happen” (with
ball). Develop
connected conversational
Reading the story of Ushinsky K.D. "How
the shirt has grown in the field. Give
concept of vegetable
the origin of the fabric.
clothing, items
pictures on the topic
D/a: "Atelier" Treniro
to classify
rip clothes according to the season
no sign. Develop
ability connected opi
depict an object
married in the picture.
Designations: AG - articulation gymnastics, PG - finger gymnastics, DG - breathing exercises.

Joint activity of an adult and children
taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup
D / s: "We'll dress the doll for a walk."
Develop the ability to find shades
darker or lighter.
D / and "Finish
offer". Exercise
in agreement
numerals with
activities in
regime moments
Name clothes and shoes
on children. Anchoring
knowledge about clothing
parts. Activation
"Owl". Develop
attention, speed of reaction.
"Looking for a wand" develop
navigate in
S.R.I. "Atelier": the plot
"Selection of material". Learn
children need to be prepared
walking conditions for the game,
allocate roles,
substitute items.
Desktop games.
Organization of developing
environment for self
children's activities (centers
activities, all rooms
For the purpose of cultural education
hygiene skills and
ability to follow up
so that children carefully
wash hands with soap and dry
wiped off with a towel.
conversations with parents
at their request.
Working with parents
ask parents
help make
attributes for the plot
role play:
1. Development of speech.
Theme: "Clothes"
Purpose: Expanding and clarifying children's ideas about clothes.
To form children a clear, differentiated idea of ​​​​the various types of clothing, their purpose and

application, properties and qualities various materials. Activate the vocabulary of children with words - names: clothes,
types of fabrics, professions related to tailoring.
2. Application. On this topic: " Winter clothes, shoes and hats.
Tasks: To consolidate the ability to stick objects over the entire area, use glue.
3. Physical education According to the plan of the physical education instructor.
Snow watching. form
ideas about the dependence of seasonal
changes in living and inanimate nature,
expand vocabulary, develop
connected conversation.
Outdoor games:
"Owl", "To the Named
run the tree." Develop
dexterity, thinking,
I/r with children,
practice jumping
through bumps,
moving forward.
II half of the day
Wake up. hardening. Gymnastics after
"Speech therapy hour"
work with children
speech therapist's notebooks.
Formation culturally
hygiene skills:
exercise "Cleaner"
(keep an eye on your outer
Read the poem:
"Even though it's cold in winter,
We don't want to go home!
Skis, sleds and skates
These are winter days!
The pond froze and became a skating rink,
The snowdrift became a snowman.
Holiday, tree, lights!
These are the days of winter!
Experience "Transfer
sun bunny"
Purpose: to show
example, how can
reflect repeatedly

Observation of the behavior of birds (sparrow
and dove). Refine and supplement
children's ideas about familiar birds,
their behaviour. Cultivate caring
attitude and interest in birds.
P / n: "Fishing rod"
develop the ability
high jump (with
Staging of nursery rhymes: "Zaikin's fur coat."
Usage finger theater.

Game exercise:
"Tell me which one?"
train skill
light and image
Learn with children
proverb: "Nightingale
the moon sings, and the crow
all year round croaks."
D / s: "Guess what
bird". Develop
ability to recognize
bird and according to the description.
clothing modeling
on dolls. learn to trace
along the contour (template),
fix names
parts of clothing.
appearance, cleanliness of clothes):
Portable material for games
In the snow. Experimental
with snow (change
forms). Story games By
children's choice.
P / n: "Paints" to develop
attention, run.
activities in the centers
activity. snow games
"Building a house".
Designations: AG - articulation gymnastics, PG - finger gymnastics, DG - breathing exercises.

Joint activity of an adult and children
taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup
Conversation: "How fabrics are woven and threads are spun."
form ideas about
the manufacture of fabrics. Conversation with a show

I/r with children.
Comparison of strips by
words: long
longer, short,
Briefly speaking.
activities in
regime moments
D / I "Call me affectionately"
The ability to pick up
words to decrease caress.
Form. Activation
Working with parents
Organization of developing
environment for self
children's activities (centers
activities, all rooms
Working in the corner
nature: shape
skill right
set arrows to
nature calendar.
Bring up
1. Speech development: Summary of the lesson: “Description of winter clothes”
Objective: To continue to consolidate writing skills descriptive story according to the scheme and model of the teacher. Expand,
to activate vocabulary on the topic "Clothes". Exercise in the formation of relative adjectives from
nouns and verbs with the help of prefixes (from the verb - to sew). Develop logical thinking, attention, memory,
fine motor skills fingers. Cultivate neatness, accuracy, respect for clothing.
2. Music. According to the plan of the music director.
3.Design: Origami "Sweatshirt and pants for Petya." Purpose: to teach children to fold clothes from paper.
observation of the length of the day,
repetition of signs, sayings and
proverbs. Solving riddles.
D / and "Think up yourself." P / and “Flying - not
flies”, “Owl”.
I / R in fine arts: fix
ability to draw a trunk
tree (Ruslan, Valera,
exercise on
clothes, shoes and
headwear (for
the basis of clues and
Labor activity
(collective) on collection
snow in heaps, to create
diy.Mobile game
"Hurry to places." Target:
to form a skill
act on a signal.
II half of the day
Wellness exercises after sleep
"Speech therapy hour"

walking along the massage paths with the aim
prevention of flat feet.
Didactic game: "Third extra"
Develop observation.
I/r with children:
practice jumping
on two legs.
Nosov N. "Patch"
Learn with children
I will accept: "If the cat
in winter by room
running, it will
Outdoor games:
"Running Traps"
develop running speed.
"Fishing rod" to develop
ability to bounce
two feet high.
P / and "Relay race in pairs." exercise children
in pairs running, to learn to run without touching
skittles. Develop attention, dexterity,
coordination of movements
respond to the actions of a friend.
D / and "Hot-cold". Teach children
use their knowledge of names in the game
trees, develop curiosity,
resourcefulness, activate speech.
D / and “Name three
Exercise children in
grouping of objects
on a given basis,
highlight the sign
to whom
drawing snowflakes.
Sensory games "Collect
beads”, “Identify by touch”.
Designations: AG - articulation gymnastics, PG - finger gymnastics, DG - breathing exercises.


Joint activity of an adult and children
taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup
Morning gymnastics. Five Minute
health: breathing exercises
("pump", "locomotive").
albums from
depicting the times
of the year
activities in
regime moments
A conversation about right
nail care. Target:
healthy lifestyle skills
Organization of developing
environment for self
children's activities (centers
activities, all rooms
Organization of labor
activities. "Beautiful
serving a table"
continue to teach children
serve yourself
Work with
1. Speech development: Summary lesson

Comprehensive thematic planning of work on the topic “Clothes, shoes»

Approximate planning of work on the topic “ Clothes, shoes»

Senior preschool age.

Developed TyulyakovaS.A., Nikandrova the preschool department of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of School No. 297 of the Pushkinsky district of the city.WITHPetersburg

Purpose: to form cognitive interest children to items of clothing, shoes, hats, to develop in children a sense of responsibility when using these items for their preservation.


To acquaint children with the history of the origin of things.

To expand children's ideas about the work of adults in the manufacture of clothing, hats, shoes. Learn to appreciate their work.

Distinguish by seasonality, place of application, accessories. Distinguish details, find similarities and differences.

Learn how to take care of your own clothes and shoes.

To develop the skills of children in various types of children's activities.

Development directions

Cognitive speech


Artistic and aesthetic

Physical development

Educational areas



Reading thin. literature



Artistic creativity

Physical training


Types of joint activities

1.Conversations with children about the need for clothing, hats, shoes

2. Finger game "Two girlfriends"

3. Dramatization by E. Levchuk "Forest Studio"

4. Fairy tale conversation

"Cinderella" - be able to negotiate the need for a certain outfit for different places

5. Excursion to the shoe repair shop

- Teacher's story:"The fabric of its properties and qualities", Experiments

From the book. O. Dybina "Unexplored nearby"

Journey into the past of things

"Clothes, shoes, hats"

O. Dybina

KN "What was before"

"What are the hats?" - I. Nikitina

« Game tasks in notebooks"

"Clothes and fashion" - encyclopedia ed. Machaon Prince. "Questions and answers"

Children's encyclopedia

"Miracle Everywhere"

N. Nuzhdina

Thread sections, hat.

"Boots" from kN. "Smart Activities"

"Riddles-savvy" - A. Soboleva


S. Mikhalkov

"About Mimosa"

L. Pirogova

"Clumsy Handyman"


Integrated activities: reading, discussing, memorizing poetry, listening to music,

Excursion to shops

"Clothes, shoes, hats"

Visiting museum exhibitions

"Old costume, national costume, military uniform.

D / and "Atelier"

"Shop, supermarket, atelier"

Stories, viewing illustrations, paintings, photographs, conversations about people's professionsmaking clothes, hats, shoes

Manual labor: making costumes for theatrical activities, headwear for role-playing games

Acquaintance: special clothing for people of various professions

Compliance with hygiene rules, care of clothes and shoes

Looking at photographs, illustrations and stories about various life-threatening situations (a helmet at a construction site, closed clothes and shoes in the forest ...)

Games: "Question-Answer",

"Fix the mistake"

Productive activity:

Making games "Pick up a couple" "Decorate clothes".

Drawing illustrations for a fairy tale

"Magic Tree"

inventing new fairy tale based on her

Creating a game

children's hands

"Smart Activities"

from scraps of fabric + button meadow

Listening to music:

"Motley cap" op. I. Solovieva, Mus. G. Struve

"Green Shoes" Aldonina, music. Gavrilova

"Boots" - Russian. folk song.

Musical mysteries.

Listening and playing the song

"Galoshes", and poems "Gloves" - S. Marshak


"it's good in our light room"

Round dance game "Ai Doo-Doo"

Chastushki - from the loto I. Lopukhina

Physical culture leisure: "Strong, courageous, dexterous."

Speech with the movement of I. Lopukhin

"Masha to our baby"

N. Nishcheeva "Helpers"

Individual conversations, instructions about seasonal clothes, clothing for classes and recreation, children's shoes, personal items.

Finger gymnastics "New sneakers" - N. Nishcheeva

Making patterns for dressing and undressing for a walk with children.


"Summer Walk"

Conversation with children

"About Sunstroke"

Creation of conditions for selfwarmactivitieschildren

Books to read and review:

Children's encyclopedia"Miracle everywhere" N. Nuzhdina Sections-threads, hat.

Book. N. Konchalovskaya "It's in the Hat"

N. Yurieva "Boots" from the book. "Smart Activities"

"Riddles-savvy" - A. Soboleva, N. Nosov "Patch" S. Mikhalkov "About Mimosa", L. Pirogova "Clumsy handyman", S. Piero "Cinderella"

Center for role-playing games: creation of a subject-developing environment and joint production of attributes. Exhibition of costumes "Yesterday - Today", making the game "Lotto" - (clothes with pictures and poems). Acquisition of scraps of fabric of various textures. Making fabric dolls and amulets dolls.

Center for building and constructive games: creation of games "Dress the doll", "Little designer"

Center for Productive Activities: materials and tools for drawing, modeling, appliqué and art work, fabrics, buttons, threads, ribbons, braid.

Interaction with family

Creation of a sliding folder "Clothes of a child in a group and on the street." Development of weekend itineraries "For a walk with the whole family"

Competition with parents "Our craftswomen", workshops on making costumes for the holidays. Collection of threads, buttons, ribbons, flaps, fabric.

Individual consultations “Child’s clothes in a group” “Convenience and safety of shoes” “Sequence of dressing and undressing children’s clothes”

Objective of the project:- the child should have formed the cognitive interest of children in clothing, shoes, hats;
- Responsible for your belongings;
- learn to distinguish by seasonality, place of application, belonging;
- learn how to take care of your wardrobe and shoes,
- expand the child's vocabulary on the topic "Clothes and shoes"
Final event: 09.10.2015

Monday (05.10.2015)

NOD №1. Lesson on physical culture(gym)
According to the plan of the teacher in physical culture.
NOD №2. Artistic creativity. Application "Decoration of clothes for a doll"
Program content:
1. With children, learn to cut a circle from a square, lay out finished figures on paper.
2. Teaching children to carefully paste, cut with scissors along the curve.
3. Carefully and carefully treat the materials of labor in order to use them in further classes.
Color base in the form of a dress; finished squares; glue; glue brush; stands for brushes; oilcloth; napkin.
Kutsakova L.V. "Classes in the design of building materials in senior group».

Morning: Reception of children.
Morning gymnastics.

Purpose: to explain to the children that they should develop the habit of washing their hands quickly and correctly, dry them with a towel and fold it.
Walk: card file of walks (walk number 1)
Purpose: to cheer up children and muscle tone.
The mobile game "Find your color" Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space by color modules, to judge other children honestly. Bring joy to children.
Walk: card file of walks No. 1.
Didactic game "What kind of object?" Purpose: To teach children to correctly name an object and tell about it, what it is made of, tell what it is used for, who uses it most often.

Plot - role-playing game "Going for a walk"
Purpose: to learn with children how to choose clothes according to the seasons, to teach them correctly, to name what parts clothing consists of, what the concept of “clothes”, “shoes”, is caring for others.
Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (for summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small wardrobe and a high chair.
Children need to be helped to choose the necessary equipment, attributes for games, try to organize outdoor games themselves. Remind the safety rules to follow playground and for children to follow.

The content of working with the family:
Consultation "Home Library" Objectives: to update and supplement the ideas of parents about the importance of reading to children. Offer a selection of literature about clothes, shoes. Teach parents how to organize a discussion literary works, combining reading with other methods of education and upbringing (organization of observations, experimentation, drawing) to remind parents that it is very important to read to children. Offer to find together literature about clothes, shoes.

Tuesday (06.10.2015):

Direct educational activities:
NOD №1. Cognition (formation complete picture world) "Name and description of clothes"
Program content:
Children must describe demi-season clothes; why they need these clothes, to consolidate the concept of “clothes”; develop speech and attention.
NOD №2.Music. According to the plan of the music teacher.
Kutsakova L.V. "Moral and labor education in kindergarten".
Educational activities in regime moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning gymnastics.
(Complex №3 gym)
Watering indoor plants.
The goal is to teach children to look at the signal drawings when they water the plants, which tell how much water each plant needs. Learn to water plants carefully.
Card file of walks walk number 2.
Reading poems about autumn:
A mournful wind drives
I flock clouds to the edge of heaven,
Broken spruce groans,
The bare forest whispers deafly. (N. Nekrasov)
Windy, windy
The whole earth is ventilated!
Wind leaves from twigs
Dispersed around the world ... (I. Tokmakova)
Evening: Gymnastics after sleep "Invigorating"
The mobile game "squirrels in the forest" Purpose: to teach children to play the game according to the rules, to tell how to lead the player and the driver. Move more with kids.
Walk No. 2 (file cabinet)
Independent activities of children:
Plot - role-playing game "Shop"
Purpose: children must independently perform actions regarding the role so that children can develop the plot of the game based on the knowledge and observations gained from their lives, help each other, replenish the vocabulary of children: enter the words “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, "dishes".
Equipment: all the toys that can be bought in the store, which are in the window, money.
Children's games in board games of a didactic nature of their choice and desire.
The content of working with the family:
Round table"Let's know together."
The goal is to organize the exchange of experience and the addition of parents' ideas about the observations of clothes and shoes that can be carried out during walks with children, at the time of returning from kindergarten. To acquaint parents with the methods of observation, discussion of what they saw.

Wednesday (07.10.2015):

Direct educational activities:
NOD №1. Artistic creativity. Drawing on the theme "Ball" The goal is to learn how to draw objects round shape; learn to paint the ball with two colors; learn to paint over a drawing with a brush in one direction (top to bottom, left to right); make strokes in one direction.
NOD №2. Physical Culture. According to the plan of the teacher in physical culture.
Komarova T. S. "Children's Artistic Creativity".
Educational activities in regime moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning gymnastics.
(Complex №3 physical hall)
Didactic game "Three Bears" Tasks: to teach children to compare familiar objects in size (large, smaller, small), use these concepts in their speech.
Conversation on the topic "Care for clothes and shoes"
Goals - to form self-service skills: to teach children how to clean clothes, put shoes in order; to cultivate independence, accuracy, thrift; that children take care of themselves, their clothes and shoes.
Mobile game "Cat and Mice" Tasks: development of dexterity, attention, speed and reaction.
Didactic games: “Name it in one word. Purpose: to fix such words as: "hat", "hat", "jacket", boots.
Card file of walks: walk number 3
Independent activities of children:
Plot - role-playing game Stepashka's birthday.
Purpose: to teach children how to properly arrange serving for the holiday, find out what tableware exists, cultivate attentiveness, caring, responsibility, desire to help, expand their vocabulary: " holiday dinner”, “name day”, “serving”, “dishes”, “service”.
Equipment: plates, forks, spoons, knives, cups, saucers, napkins, tablecloth, table, chairs.
The content of working with the family:
Home library. The goal is to encourage parents to read books to their children. fiction O kindergarten.

Thursday (08.10.2015):

Direct educational activities:
NOD №1. Cognition + (FEMP)
"Counting to five" Purpose: - to teach children to count to five,
- the teacher explains the problem, and the children must solve it on their own, without the help of the teacher.
NOD №2. Physical culture on fresh air. According to the plan of the teacher in physical culture.
V.P. Novikov "Mathematics in kindergarten."
Educational activities in regime moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning gymnastics.
(Complex №3 gym)
When the child washes his face, remind him to wash thoroughly.
hands. Purpose: to explain to the children that they should develop the habit of washing their hands quickly and correctly, dry them with a towel and fold it.

Reading a poem:
Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, autumn, will ask you:
What did you bring as a gift? (E.Blaginina)
Didactic game "Name three objects" Tasks: to teach children to group objects according to their characteristics.
Evening: Gymnastics after sleep "Invigorating"
Purpose: to improve the mood and muscle tone of children.
Didactic game "Children on a branch" Tasks: add the names of plants and their fruits to the children's speech, expand their vocabulary so that children respond with common sentences.
The mobile game "Catch - Catch" The goal is to teach children to catch the ball, to help children learn the rules of cultural and constructive interaction with their comrades in the game. Continue hardening using natural factors.
Walk No. 4 (file of walks)
Independent activities of children:
Children games with toys. Then observe how children treat them, who should make a remark and explain why, cultivate frugality.
Plot - role-playing game "Building a house"
Purpose: to tell children what construction professions exist, what equipment builders use, to teach children to build a simple structure, to be friends with each other, to expand children's knowledge about the features of the work of builders, to introduce the words “building”, “mason”, “crane” into children's speech ”,“ builder ”,“ crane operator ”,“ carpenter ”,“ welder ”,“ construction material».
Board game"Paired pictures" The goal is to develop observation, attention, together with children to learn to see the similarities and differences in objects, to activate the dictionary.
The content of working with the family:
Child-parent creative workshop. The goal is to update and supplement the ideas of parents about children's creativity, to introduce modern materials, organization requirements various kinds productive activity. Enrich experience joint creativity parents and children, to talk about its educational value.


Direct educational activities:
NOD №1. Communication (speech development).
Program content: if the child wants to express his point of view, then listen to whether you agree or not with his answer.
Learn from children what they have learned about autumn clothes and footwear, from which the footwear and its components are made. To learn how to compose stories correctly, use simple and complex sentences, cultivate a desire to carefully handle shoes.
NOD №2. Music.
According to the plan of the music director.
Gerbova V. V. "The development of speech in kindergarten."
Educational activities in regime moments:
Morning: Reception of children.
Morning gymnastics.
(Complex №3 gym)
Canteen duty. The goal is to teach attendants to clear the table, put things in order, do everything neatly, talk about their work and share the results.
Didactic game "What is it?" The goal is to teach how to create images in the imagination based on characteristic features objects, to notice the unusual in the most ordinary things; develop fantasy.
Evening: Gymnastics after sleep "Invigorating"
Purpose: to improve the mood and muscle tone of children.
Didactic games: "Who will come up with more words" The goal is to activate the dictionary, expand one's horizons.
"Search" The goal is to exercise children in the use of adjectives that agree with nouns.
Walk No. 5 (card index of walks)
Independent activities of children:
Games for children to develop attention, concentration, imagination.
Independent play activity in Group. The goal is to encourage children to find games of interest, to behave correctly in controversial situations.
The content of working with the family:
Consultation for parents "How to form a conscious attitude towards health in children" The goal is to systematize the ideas of parents about the culture of health, its components formed in the family, about the methods and techniques for organizing this aspect of education.