Layout of geometric shapes made of paper. Diagrams of geometric figures. How to make volumetric geometric shapes from paper, reamers for gluing: a cube, a cone, diagrams and templates for cutting a cylinder, pyramid, triangle. How to make a paper cylinder

Many drywall constructions use the design approach of circles and semicircles. For such a solution, drywall is most suitable.

Arches, beautiful ceilings, partitions and decorations on the walls are made of drywall in a semicircle.

To create a semicircle of drywall with your own hands, you should know that not every sheet is suitable for such purposes. has the meaning. With a large radius (the sheet is not strongly curved), you can take - 12 mm, but if the radius decreases - 9 mm.

GKL types for a semicircle:

  1. Drywall for ceiling.
  2. GKL for leveling walls, as well as for creating partitions.
  3. Sheets intended for the production of arches. These sheets are slightly different in composition as there is fiberglass inside.
  4. Moisture resistant green drywall.

See in the video: varieties of drywall.

Drywall has become famous for its advantages. It is environmentally friendly and contains no toxins. It doesn't burn.

How to make a semicircle from GKL?

Ways to create a semicircle

If a semicircle with a radius of about 1 meter, then it is simply cut out to the frame. If the radius is smaller then there are other methods to create a curved structure.

How to cut drywall? There is nothing easier, it is worth taking a knife and making an incision along a flat line, after which, lightly tapping on the edge of the incision, break the drywall. On the other hand, you should carefully cut off the cardboard on which there will be two GKL helmets.

When working with this material, it is important to remember that this is a fragile material. He might burst. Therefore, it should be handled very carefully. When bending, you need to control your strength.

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Dry method for creating a semicircle

First, there must be a template for this design with dimensions.

Secondly, you should have self-tapping screws for GKL.

One end of the drywall sheet is fixed on the template. After that, bend the sheet according to the template itself and fix the second end with self-tapping screws.

Wet way to create a semicircle

For this method you will need water, a sponge, a special roller. Basically, a sheet is prepared in this way to create an arch or a built-in niche. Often a semicircle is prepared for a multi-level ceiling.

  • first you need to make a frame with the desired bend radius;
  • a special needle roller should be walked along one side of the sheet;
  • wet the GKL with a sponge;
  • allow 10 minutes for soaking. Drywall should not get wet through;
  • wet drywall should be bent and fixed to the template with adhesive tape;
  • the wetted structure should be left overnight to dry.

After drying, drywall will take the form of a template.

notch method

The third method is to make a semicircle of drywall. For him, you will need a knife, ruler, pencil.

  1. On one side of the drywall sheet, you need to draw lines (across) every 5 cm.
  2. Make cuts on one side of the fold.
  3. Notches should be done from the convex side.
  4. The depth of the serif should be slightly more than the middle of the sheet.
  5. The serif side is cracking down.
  6. To fix the structure, the serifs are filled with putty.

A semicircle of plasterboard on the ceiling looks great and fashionable. If you add a backlight, it becomes individual and conducive to comfort.

Plasterboard wall in a semicircle

To create such a wall with your own hands, you should make a little effort and have a little knowledge.

To make a straight line of a semicircle, you need to use a thread and a pencil (a kind of compass).

  • for the durability of the drywall construction, a galvanized profile is required;
  • to bend the GKL to the desired radius, you need a template;
  • with a small bend radius, water will be required for the wet method;
  • the height of the wall to the ceiling will be easier for the installation of the structure.

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To create a semicircular wall, you need to assemble a set of tools and materials:

  1. Drywall. It is desirable that it be 9 mm thick (ceiling plasterboard).
  2. Galvanized profiles.
  3. Fasteners - self-tapping screws, dowels.
  4. "Finish" - putty.
  5. Primer for interior work.
  6. Electric drill.
  7. Scissors for cutting metal.
  8. A set of spatulas.
  9. Roller and brush.

Drywall tool
  • The hammer is normal.
  • Plumb and level.
  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Meter, pencil.
  • Thread, marker.

Installation work

To create a semicircular wall, follow the step-by-step algorithm:

  • After that, wires are hidden in the wall, if necessary, soundproofing material is laid and the other side of the wall is sheathed.
  • The design is sheathed from the center to the edges. First, whole sheets are fixed, then segments.
  • The ends of the drywall construction are sealed with reinforced corners.
  • Serpyanka tape is glued to the joints. A thin layer of putty is applied to all joints after the sickle. After drying, the surface is sanded and puttied. The final step will be grouting the surface with sandpaper or a special mesh.
  • The entire semi-circular drywall surface should be primed for further decoration (wallpaper, paint, tiles).

When making a semicircle of drywall with your own hands, you should act carefully, strictly following the installation instructions.

Love Mantula

Hello dear guests!

Graduation party is approaching. I want to invite you to see how to make for boys hat - cylinder. This accessory can be used both for a scene and for dancing. For those who are interested, I post mine. Master Class.

We'll need: drawing paper, scissors, glue, compasses, ruler, black paint, brush, white tape.

We start manufacturing with the so-called pattern of our hats.

For the pattern, you need to know the circumference of the head. Further, according to the formula r \u003d c / 2p (where r is the radius, c is the circumference, p is the number pi (=3,14) find the radius r1. Radius r2 = r1 + margin width hats(I took the width = 4 cm).

The gluing area is highlighted in pink in Figure 2. Height cylinder you can take whichever is convenient for you, I took 17 cm and also 1.5 cm for gluing, a total of 20 cm.

We glue the cone and bend the upper part for gluing inward, and the lower part outward.

Then glue the bottom.

We put fields on top hats and glue.

It turned out like this hat. It remains only to paint it, you can open it with varnish and put on a white ribbon. I dyed hat in classic black and attached a white ribbon.

Thank you for your attention!

How to make a paper cylinder

This refers to a geometric figure, not a hat model. I needed a cylinder as a model for a modeling lesson, and I didn’t make it to specific sizes, so the main goal was to make a fairly large model very accurately and efficiently. And one more thing - although it says "made of paper", in fact it is better to make three-dimensional models from thin cardboard. I took the cover from the sketchbook.

Let's get started. This is a drawing of a pattern of the side of the cylinder.

If you are making a cylinder with students, then you need to draw their attention to the fact that we place the drawing exactly on the edge of the sheet. Children automatically try to immediately start drawing in the center, and, of course, they then do not have enough paper for the bottoms. And yet - two narrow strips along the edges of the wide one - these are valves with which the parts are fastened. I had no idea that second graders might not be aware of the need for these valves - some just tried to glue them back to back! Or they made paper slips.

But we will provide valves. But, before cutting out the pattern, we will once again draw the lines either with a sharp pencil or with a pen with some pressure - then it will be easy to bend along these lines and the fold itself will be of high quality, clear.

On both sides, the bent valves are often incised. We turn the part into a pipe. Do not glue immediately, first fold and release several times - then the cardboard will acquire a certain bend, get used to it and the tube will look high quality.

Now we need a bottom and a tire. At the lesson, I looked at how the children solved this problem - the hit of the season was such - randomly cut out two crooked circles and be surprised that they do not fit the size of the holes :-((.

So, no need to cut these circles in advance! Let's do it easier. We take two pieces of cardboard, thickly spread with glue and apply to the ends.

Now put a small load on the upper "platform" and dry it a little. After making sure that the glue has set, cut the protruding edges close to the cylinder body.