Didactic games for the speech development of children in the senior group


1. Games for the development of the phonetic and phonemic side of speech

"Let's play a fairy tale"

An adult invites the child to remember the fairy tale "Three Bears". Then, changing the pitch of his voice, he asks to guess who is speaking: Mikhailo Ivanovich (low voice), Nastasya Filippovna (medium voice) or Mishutka (high voice). The same remark is pronounced alternately in a voice of different pitch, in three options:

Who was sitting in my chair?
Who ate from my cup?
Who slept in my bed?
Who was in our house? And so on.

"Broken phone"

Purpose: to develop auditory attention in children.

Game rules. It is necessary to convey the word so that the children sitting next to them do not hear. Who incorrectly conveyed the word, i.e. ruined the phone, transplanted to the last chair.

Game action: whisper the word into the ear of the next sitting player.

Game progress. Children choose a leader with the help of a counting rhyme. Everyone sits on chairs lined up in a row. The leader quietly (in the ear) says a word to the person sitting next to him, he passes it on to the next one, etc. The word must reach last child. The host asks the latter: “What word did you hear?” If he says the word proposed by the presenter, then the phone is working. If the word is not right, the driver asks everyone in turn (starting from the last one) what word they heard. So they will find out who messed up, "spoiled the phone." The offender takes the place of the last in the row.

"Traffic light"

An adult gives the child two circles - red and green and offers a game: if the child hears the correct name of the thing shown in the picture, he must raise the green circle, if the wrong one is red. Then he shows the picture and loudly, slowly, clearly pronounces sound combinations:

Baman Paman Banana Banam Vitamin Mitanin Phytamine vavan davan
Bavan vanan witanin mitavin phytavin album aybom anbom
Avbom cage kietta cleta
Tlekt squirrel

2. Games for the development of the lexical side of speech (the formation of a dictionary)

"Moving to a new apartment"

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish between objects that are similar in purpose and similar in appearance, to help remember their names; activate the appropriate vocabulary in the children's speech.

game material:

1. Subject pictures (paired): a cup-glass, a mug-cup, a butter dish-sugar bowl, a teapot-coffee pot, a pan-frying pan, a scarf-kerchief, a hat-hat, a dress-sundress, a sleeveless sweater, trousers-shorts, socks- golfs, stockings, socks, gloves, mittens, sandals, slippers, sandals, satchel-briefcase, chandelier-table lamp.

2. Boxes for folding pictures.

Game progress: 6 children play. The teacher gives each child 2-3 pairs of pictures, for example: a cup-glass, a scarf, a satchel. He says: “Children, we got a new apartment. We need to collect all the things and pack them for the move. First I will pack the dishes. You will help me. Give me only the thing that I name. Be careful - many things look similar. Do not confuse, for example, a mug with a cup, a teapot with a coffee pot. I will put the collected dishes in a blue box.

The teacher names one item from each pair, for example a coffee pot. If the child is mistaken (presents a teapot), the picture remains

him. By the end of the game, the children should not have a single picture left. The winner is the one with the remaining pictures. Then, in order to activate the corresponding vocabulary in the speech of the children, the teacher offers one child to take out the collected pictures from the box and say what he got, and the rest to name the object paired with the presented one.


Didactic task: Exercise children in the classification of vegetables (according to the principle: what is edible for them - the root or the fruit on the stem).

Game rules. You can answer with only two words: tops and roots. Whoever made a mistake pays a fant.

Game action. Playing phantoms.

Game progress. The teacher clarifies with the children what they will call tops and what - roots: "We will call the edible root of the vegetable roots, and the edible fruit on the stem - tops."

The teacher names some vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it: tops or roots. The one who makes a mistake pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

The teacher may suggest another option; he says: "Tops - and the children remember vegetables that have edible tops."

"Fruits vegetables"

Purpose of the game: differentiation of similar concepts.

Game progress. At the beginning of the game, the facilitator reminds the children which plants we call fruits and which plants we call vegetables. For fruits, the picture "Garden" is selected, and for vegetables - "Garden". These pictures are laid out on different edges of the table. Object pictures depicting fruits and vegetables lie on the table in a pile depicted down. In turn, the children take one picture from the pile, name it, and also explain to which group it belongs. The explanation should be complete: "A tomato is a vegetable because it grows in the garden." If the child gave the wrong answer, the picture returns to its place, and if the child correctly named the picture and attributed it to the desired concept, he takes it for himself. The game ends when the children have all the pictures. The one with the most pictures wins.

The game "Fruits-Berries" is played in the same way, only before the game these concepts are clarified and other pictures-symbols are selected: a bush for berries and a tree for fruits.


Purpose: differentiation of the concepts of "clothes" and "shoes".

Game progress. The following game situation is created: “Katya’s doll has a housewarming party. She needs to pack her things for moving to a new apartment. Help her put her things in the right place so that it is easy for her to find all her dresses and shoes in a new place. We will put clothes in one box, and shoes in another. Then the child is given two sets of subject pictures and two boxes, each with its own symbol: a dress for clothes, boots for shoes.

Lotto "In the world of plants"

Purpose of the game: Consolidation of generalization words: flowers, trees, vegetables, fruits, berries; activation of the dictionary on these topics.

Description of the game. Lotto consists of six large cards, in the middle of which there is a plot picture depicting a given group of plants in nature. Along the edges are subject pictures related to any one generic concept, for example, flowers or trees. In addition to large cards, there are small cards with the same subject pictures.

Game progress. The game is played according to the general rule of the lotto game. When all the small cards are distributed, each player must name the whole group of his words - the names of plants - in one word.

"Flies, not a bird"

Purpose: differentiation of the concepts of "birds" and "insects".

Game progress. The host makes riddles about birds and insects, Children solve riddles and explain to which thematic group this animal belongs. If the answer is correct, the facilitator gives the child a chip or symbol of the animal. The one with the most chips wins. Before the game, the leader reminds the children of the identification signs of birds: they have feathers, beaks, claws, wings, build nests and hatch chicks, they can sing, they are big. Insects are small, have six legs, do not hatch chicks, they do not have feathers.

*** *** In the dark dungeon Red paws Red maidens. They pinch at the heels Without a thread, without a knitting needle (Goose) Knit knitting. (Bees in a hive) *** *** Appeared in a yellow coat Black, agile, Farewell, two shells. Shouts "krak", (Chicken) Worms are the enemy. (Rook) *** *** A bird flew, Not a beast, not a bird, Not a feather, not a winged one, But a nose like a knitting needle. The nose is long, (Mosquito) The voice is thin. *** Whoever kills her, A flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up: Human blood Didn't want to sleep anymore. Shed. Moved, startled, (Mosquito) Soared up and flew away. (Butterfly) *** *** Many craftsmen Chattering white-sided, They cut down the hut without corners. And her name is ... (magpie). (Ants) *** *** A little boy Zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu, In a gray Armenian coat I'm sitting on a branch, Drifting around the yards, I keep repeating the letter Zh, Collecting crumbs, Knowing this letter firmly, Spends the night in the field, I buzz In spring and summer. Stealing hemp. (Beetle) (Sparrow) *** *** In a clearing near the Christmas trees, On a pole a palace, A house built of needles. There is a singer in the palace, He is not visible behind the grass, But his name is ... (starling). And it has a million residents. (Anthill)

"Blurred Letter"

Purpose: To exercise in the compilation of common exercises.

Material. Teddy bear.

Organization. Educator:

The little bear received a letter from his brother. But the rain blurred some of the words. We need to help him read the letter. Here is the letter: “Hello, Mishutka. I am writing to you from the zoo. Once I did not listen to my mother and climbed so far that ... I wandered through the forest for a long time and ... Coming out into the clearing, I fell ... I fell into a hole, because ... It was so deep that ... Hunters came and ... Now I I live in… We have a ground for… There are many in the ground for young animals… We play with… They are looked after… They love us because… Soon we will have a trainer from… I hope to get into… It’s great to be able to… Wait for the next letter from … Goodbye. Toptygin".

Reading the letter, the educator encourages the children to complete the sentences with intonation.

"Living Words"

Objective: To exercise in the preparation of proposals for the block diagram.

Organization. Each child draws a word. Educator: - Let Slava depict the word "bear cub"; Anya - the word "loves." What is the third word? (Honey) We read the sentence: "The little bear loves honey." Let's swap the second and third words. What happened? (The bear cub loves honey). Now let the first word be the last. What will happen? (Honey loves a teddy bear). Let's replace the word "honey" with another. Katya will now be the word "tumble". Read the sentence (The little bear loves to tumble). And now? (The bear loves to tumble).

Make up your own sentences with the word "bear cub". (Teddy bear cub, Teddy bear loves raspberries, Teddy bear sleeps ...)

"Complete the offer"

Game rules. You need to find and say such a word to get a complete sentence. You only need to add one word.

Game progress. The teacher says a few words of the sentence, and the children must complete it with new words to make a complete sentence, for example: “Mom bought ... - ... books, notebooks, a briefcase,” the children continue.

"Come up with an offer"

Didactic task: To develop children's speech activity, speed of thinking.

Game rule. It is possible to transfer a pebble to another player only after he has come up with a sentence with the named leading word.

Game progress. The children and teacher sit in a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game:

“Today we are going to come up with proposals. I will say a word, and you will quickly come up with a sentence with this word. For example, I will say the word "close" and give Dasha a pebble. She will take the pebble and quickly answer "I live close to the kindergarten." Then she will say her word and pass the pebble to the person sitting next to him. The word in the sentence should be used in the form in which it is proposed by the guesser. So in turn, in a circle, the pebble passes from one player to another. If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them.

“Who will notice the tales more?”

Didactic task: To teach children to notice fables, non-logical situations, to explain them; develop the ability to distinguish between real and imagined.

Game rules. Whoever notices a fable in a story, a poem, must put a chip in front of him, and at the end of the game name all the fables noticed.

Game action. Using chips. (Whoever noticed and explained the fables more, he won).

Game progress. Children sit down so that chips can be put aside on the table, the teacher explains the rules of the game:

- Now I will read you an excerpt from Korney Chukovsky's poem "Confusion". There will be many fables in it. Try to notice and remember them. Whoever notices a fable, puts a chip, notices another fable, puts a second chip next to it, etc. Whoever notices more fables wins. You can put a chip only when you yourself noticed the fable.

First, a small part of this poem is read, slowly, expressively, places with fables are accentuated.

After reading, the teacher asks the children why the poem is called "Confusion". Then the one who put aside fewer chips is asked to name the noticed fables. Children who have more chips name those fables that the first responder did not notice. You cannot repeat what has been said. If the child has put more chips than the tales in the poem, the teacher tells him that he did not follow the rules of the game, and suggests that he be more careful another time.

Then the next part of the poem is read. It is necessary to ensure that children do not get tired, because. The game requires a lot of mental effort. Noticing by the behavior of the children that they are tired, the teacher must stop the game. At the end of the game, praise should be given to those who spotted more tales and explained them correctly.

"Where is the beginning of the story?"

Purpose: To teach to convey the correct temporal and logical sequence of the story using serial pictures.

Game progress. The child is asked to write a story. Based on pictures. Pictures serve as a kind of plan for the story, they allow you to accurately convey the plot, from beginning to end. For each picture, the child makes one sentence and together they are combined into a coherent story.

"Find a place for the picture"

Purpose: to teach to follow the sequence of the course of action.

Game progress. A series of pictures is laid out in front of the child, but one picture is not placed in a row, but is given to the child so that he finds the right place for it. After that, the child is asked to compose a story based on the restored series of pictures.

Sets of serial pictures for uploading

"Fix the mistake"

Purpose: to teach to establish the correct sequence of actions.

Game progress. A series of pictures are laid out in front of the child, but one picture is not in its place. The child finds a mistake, puts the picture in the right place, and then makes up a story through the entire series of pictures.

"Which picture is not needed?"

Purpose: to teach to find unnecessary details for this story.

Game progress. A series of pictures are laid out in front of the child in the correct sequence, but one picture is taken from another set. The child must find an unnecessary picture, remove it, and then make up a story



The child is invited to repeat similar words, first 2, then 3 in the named order:

cage whip film

When perceiving words, knowledge of concepts is not necessary. The peculiarity of this and subsequent selections of words is that they are available in terms of sound composition, do not contain hard-to-pronounce sounds.

"Looks like it doesn't look like"

From every four words named by an adult, the child must choose a word that is not similar in sound composition to the other three:

Scoop-gnome-wreath-skating rink

"Catch the Sound"

Highlighted in the sound stream of the vowel sound (A, O, U, I, S, E).

An adult calls and repeats a vowel sound many times, which the child must distinguish from other sounds (clap his hands when he hears). Then the adult slowly, clearly, with pauses pronounces the sound sequence, for example:

A - U - M - A - U - M - I - C - S - O - E - R - W - F - L - C - Z - F - X - S - A

Lotto "Name the picture and find the vowel sound"

Purpose: to teach children to find a given sound in a word at the stage of pronouncing the word out loud by the child himself.

Description of the game. Children have cards with drawn pictures (four in each card). The host calls any vowel sound, the children pronounce the names of their pictures aloud and find the right one. If the picture is named correctly, the presenter allows you to close it with a chip, the one who closes his pictures first wins.

The same lotto set is used to recognize consonant sounds in a word. The game is played in the same way: the presenter calls an isolated consonant sound (in the words-names of pictures from this lotto, sounds can be distinguished: P, K, K, L, L, M, Sh, S, S, T, B, N, F, D , W, P, B), and the children should name the desired picture.

"Who can find twenty objects whose names contain the sound C"

Purpose: strengthening the ability to highlight a given sound in a word according to the presentation, developing visual attention, teaching counting.

Description of the game. A plot picture is given, on which there are many subject pictures, including those containing the sound C in the name (there should be twenty such pictures)

Game progress. Children are given to look at the picture and name the necessary objects. Whoever names the most items wins. Children put chips on the found pictures, and the host then checks the correctness of the task and determines the winner.

Lotto "Name the picture and find the first sound"

Purpose: to teach children to find the given first sound in a word at the stage of pronouncing the word out loud by the child himself.

Description of the game. Children have cards with drawn pictures (four on each card). The host calls any vowel sound, the children pronounce the names of their pictures aloud and find the right one. If the picture is named correctly, the presenter allows you to close it with a chip. The one who closes their pictures first wins.

"Close the Chain"

Rule: the first word is matched with a word that begins with the sound that the first word ends with, the third word must begin with the last sound of the second word, and so on. Games can be oral, with the ball shifting, or you can perform a board game with pictures and practice children in laying out the chain without first speaking out loud, only by presentation.

To eliminate mistakes and teach children to act according to the rule, to control the course of the game on their own, the chain should be made closed. If all operations are performed in the required sequence, the chain closes, i.e. the beginning meets the end. You need to start playing from the picture marked with a special icon. Systematic games help in solving problems mental development children, because such a valuable quality of memory as recollection is improved, voluntary attention is significantly improved, and speed of thinking develops. The speech of children becomes more clear, correct, expressive.

"Find a place for the chip"

Purpose of the game: to teach to determine the place of a given sound in a word (beginning, middle, end), based on loud pronunciation.

Description of the game. For the game you will need cards, each contains a subject picture and a diagram: a rectangle divided into three parts. In the upper right corner is given a letter denoting a given sound. In addition to subject pictures, chips are prepared according to the number of cards.

Game progress. Several people can play, but not more than the number of cards. All cards and chips are on the table. The players take one card at a time, consider and call aloud a picture, a letter and determine the position of a given sound in a word - the name of the picture, putting a chip in the appropriate place according to the scheme. Then take the next card. The game continues until all cards have been analyzed. The winner is the one who managed to correctly analyze the most cards.

Pictures for the game: zebra(b), bus(s), robe(l), stork(s), heron(c), beehive(y), turkey(k), elk(o), bison(r), pen (h), newspaper(t), clock(s), cat(w), finish(w), sun(c).

"Go around and don't get lost"

Purpose: to teach to determine the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end) by presentation.

Description of the game. The game consists of playing fields (a separate field for each sound), on which pictures and diagrams are placed. Labyrinths are laid from picture to picture: they start from each section of the schemes and go to the next pictures. Only one maze will lead to the next picture: the one that moves away from the correct position of the given sound (the sound is given by the letter located in the corner of the playing field). If the player correctly determines the place of the sound in each picture, he will go through the maze from picture to picture and return to the beginning movement (you need to move clockwise from any picture). The winner is the one who returns to the beginning on his playing field first.

Lotto "Paronyms"

Purpose: development of the ability to distinguish words - paronyms by ear.

Description of the game. The game consists of large cards, on which several pictures are drawn, the names of which can form pairs of words - paronyms, but paired pictures are not on the same card. The leader has small cards with written words.

Game progress. The facilitator says the word aloud. The child who has this item on the card must raise his hand and say the name of his picture. If the answer is correct, the presenter allows him to close this picture with a chip or card - the name given word(in this case, the children will practice global reading). If he made a mistake, and in fact the pair word was named as the leader, the player receives a penalty point. The winner is the one who quickly closes his pictures and receives less penalty points.

Cards with words for the game: cancer, poppy, roof, rat, brand, T-shirt, tub, coil, box, bun, shower, ink, bow, bandage, soup, tooth, smoke, house, nut, jackdaw, bank, folder, bream, forest, tower, arable land, whale, cat, duck, fishing rod, mouse, bear, horns, spoons, ball, shawl, tin, six, llama, frame, ears, ducks, sleds, tanks.

"To each sound its own room"

Purpose: to teach to carry out a complete sound analysis of a word based on a sound scheme and chips.

Game progress. Players receive houses with the same number of windows. Residents - “words” should settle in the houses, and each sound wants to live in a separate room.

Children count and conclude how many sounds should be in a word. Then the host pronounces the words, and the players name each sound separately and lay out the chips on the windows of the house - “populate the sounds”. At the beginning of the training, the facilitator speaks only words suitable for settling in, i.e. those in which there will be as many sounds as there are windows in the house. At subsequent stages, you can say a word that is not subject to “settlement” in this house, and the children are convinced of the mistakes through analysis. Such a tenant is sent to live on another street, where words with a different number of sounds live.

"Who will be invited to visit"

Purpose: to teach to determine the number of sounds in words spoken aloud by the child himself.

Game progress. Four players play, each player has a house of some kind. On the table are subject pictures with images of various animals (according to the number of players), as well as a stack of cards with images down. Children choose their own desired pictures of those that lie with the images up - "find the owner of the house." Then each in turn takes one picture card from the stack, calls the word aloud and determines whether it is necessary to “invite this picture to visit your house or not.” If in the word - the name of the picture, open child, as many sounds as in the sole - “the owner, then you need to call for a visit, and then the player gets the right to additional moves until an inappropriate picture is encountered. If the number of sounds is different, the picture is placed at the end of the stack. The winner is the one who called his guests first. One set includes four pictures with each number of sounds. Picture material for the game: pictures - “owners”: cat, wolf, wild boar, dog; pictures - "guests": three sounds - wasp, catfish, beetle, cancer; four sounds - goat, owl, beaver, mole; five sounds - jackdaw, giraffe, marmot, bear; six sounds - cow, chicken, rabbit, crow.

"Solve the puzzle"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish the first syllable from a word, to compose words from syllables.

Game progress. Children are given cards with two pictures on them. The word was "hidden" on the card. It must be compiled by highlighting the first syllables from each word - the name, and then adding a word from them, for example: chamomile, plane - dew. The one with the most words wins.

Pigeons, crayfish - mountain
Bottle, rowan - borax
Balls, basins - mint
Ship, lark - leather
Crackers, balls - land
Chamomile, basins - a company
Phone, raspberries - theme
Stocking, home is a miracle
Wagon, mountain ash - Varya
Pencil, bank - boar
Banana, butterfly - woman
Kolobok, brand - mosquito
Girl, shovel - business
Chanterelles, the plane is a fox
Fur coat, rocket - Shura

2. Games for the development of the lexical side of speech (enrichment of vocabulary)

"Collect Five"

Purpose: to teach to attribute single objects to certain thematic groups.

Game progress. For the game, you need to prepare a set of subject pictures, consisting of several thematic groups (clothes, dishes, toys, furniture, etc.). Several people play, according to the number of thematic groups. The pictures are face down on the table. Everyone takes one picture, names it and the generic concept to which this picture belongs. Thus, it is established which group each participant will collect. If identical groups are selected, one more picture is opened. Then the host shows the players one picture at a time, and they should ask themselves this or that picture: “I need a doll because I collect toys.” The winner is the one who first collected his group of pictures (the number of pictures in each group must be the same, for example, six pictures).

Purpose: expansion of the verbal vocabulary on this topic.

Game progress. The host reads a poem by G. Sapgir to the children.

The wind brought the spring song
The song was barked by a hunting dog,
The wolf howled this song at the edge,
The frogs croaked a song together.
The bull mumbled this song as best he could.
The lynx purred
Catfish mumbled.
Owl croaked,
Already hissed
And the nightingale sang this song.

"Relay race"

Purpose: activation of the verb dictionary.

Game progress. The players stand in a circle. The leader has a relay race. He pronounces a word and passes the baton next to standing child. He must choose the right word-action and quickly pass the wand on. When the baton returns to the leader, he sets a new word, but passes the stick in the other direction. If someone finds it difficult to name a word or chooses the wrong word, he is given a penalty point. After a player has scored three penalty points, he is out of the game. The one with the fewest penalty points at the end of the game wins.

The course of the game: the dog - barks, bites, runs, guards, whines, howls; cat - purrs, hunts, plays, dozes, meows, scratches.

"Vice versa"

Didactic task: To develop children's intelligence, speed of thinking.

Game rule. Name only words that are opposite in meaning.

Game actions. Throwing and catching the ball.

Game progress. Children and teacher sit on chairs in a circle. The teacher pronounces a word and throws a ball to one of the children, the child must catch the ball, say the word opposite in meaning, and again throw the ball to the Teacher. The teacher says: "Forward." The child answers “Back”, (right - left, up and down, under - above, far - close, high - low, inside - outside, further - closer). You can pronounce not only adverbs, but also adjectives, verbs: far - close, upper - lower, right - left, tie - untie, wet - dry, etc. If the one to whom the ball was thrown finds it difficult to answer, the children, at the suggestion of the teacher, say the right word.

"Who Knows More"

Didactic task: To develop the memory of children; to enrich their knowledge of subjects, to educate such personality traits as resourcefulness, ingenuity.

Game rule. Recall and name how the same item can be used.

Game action. Competition - who will name the most how the item can be used.

Game progress. Children, together with the teacher, sit on chairs (on the carpet) in a circle. The teacher says: - I have a glass in my hands. Who will say how and for what it can be used?

Children answer:

- Drink tea, water flowers, measure cereals, cover seedlings, put pencils.

“That’s right,” the teacher confirms and, if necessary, supplements the guys’ answers. Now let's play. I will name various objects, and you will remember and name what you can do with them. Try to say as much as possible. The teacher selects in advance the words that he will offer the children during the game.

"Say Different"

didactic task. Teach children to choose a synonym - a word that is close in meaning.

Game progress. The teacher says that in this game, children will have to remember words that are similar in meaning to the word that he will name.

"Big" - the teacher offers. Children name the words: huge, large, huge, gigantic.
"Beautiful" - "pretty, good, beautiful, lovely, wonderful."
“Wet” - “raw, wet”, etc.

"Choose a Word"

Didactic task: To develop children's ingenuity, the ability to select the words they need in meaning.

Game progress. The teacher, turning to the children, offers them questions, for example: “Remember what you can sew?” Children's answers: “Dress, coat, sundress, shirt, boots, fur coat, etc. "Darn - socks, stockings, mittens, scarf." "Tie - laces, rope, scarf, ties." “To push - a hat, a scarf, a hat, a panama hat, a peakless cap, a peaked cap, a Budyonovka.” “Put on a coat, dress, stockings, fur coat, raincoat, skirt, sundress, tights”, etc.

"First Grader"

Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children about what a first grader needs to study at school, to cultivate a desire to study at school, composure, accuracy.

Game rule. Collect items on a signal.

Game action. Competition - who will quickly collect everything necessary for the school in a portfolio.

Game progress. There are two briefcases on the table. On other tables are study supplies: notebooks, primers, pencil cases, pens, colored pencils, etc. the game is played by two players; at the command of the driver, they must select the necessary educational supplies, carefully place them in the briefcase and close it. Whoever does it first wins. In order for the game to continue, the children who completed the task choose other participants instead of themselves. The rest act as fans and objectively evaluate the winners.

The game fixes the name and purpose of all items. The teacher draws the attention of the children to something. That not only must everything be folded quickly, but also neatly; rewards those who accurately followed these rules in the game.


Didactic task: Develop auditory attention, activate vocabulary, thinking; develop ingenuity.

Game rules. Only those words that end in -ok can be “put” in the box; who called the word, passes the box to another child.

Game actions. Imitation of movement, as if an object is lowered into the box, whoever makes a mistake by naming an object with a different ending pays a phantom, which is then won back.

Game progress. The players sit at the table. The teacher puts a basket on the table, then asks:

Do you see, children, this box? Do you know what you can put in a container? In this container you will put everything that can be called a word ending in -ok. For example: a lock, a scarf, a stocking, a sock, a lace, a leaf, a lump, a bun, a hook. Fungus, boxes, etc. Everyone puts in the box what he wants, according to the rule, and passes it on to his neighbor, who also puts something from the things whose name ends in -ok, and passes the box further.

"Find the extra picture"

A series of drawings is selected, among which three drawings can be combined into a group according to a common feature, and the fourth one is superfluous.

Offer the child the first four drawings and ask the extra to remove. Ask: “Why do you think that? How similar are the drawings that you left?

"Name three things"

Didactic task: Exercise children in the classification of objects.

Game rules. Name three objects with one common word. Whoever makes a mistake pays a fant.

Game progress. Children, the educator says, we have already played different games where it was necessary to quickly find the right word. Now we will play a similar game, but we will only select not one word, but three at once. I will name one word, for example, furniture, and the one to whom I throw the ball will name three words that can be called one word furniture. What items can be called, in one word, furniture?

- Table, chair, bed.

- "Flowers" - says the teacher and after a short pause throws the ball to the child. He replies: "Chamomile, rose, cornflower."

In this game, children learn to attribute three specific concepts to one generic one. In another version of the game, children, on the contrary, learn to find generic concepts using several specific concepts. For example, the Teacher calls: "Raspberries, strawberries, currants." The child who caught the ball answers: "Berries." More difficult option the game will be such when the teacher changes the task during one game: he calls the species concepts, and the children find

Generic, then names generic concepts, and children indicate specific ones. This option is offered if the children often played in various games for the classification of objects.

3. Games for development grammatical structure speeches

"Let's write a letter to the doll"

Purpose: to teach to determine the number of words in a sentence, based on auxiliary means.

Game progress. For the game, you need to prepare long strips for sentences, and short strips for laying out words. The host pronounces a sentence, the children lay out a long strip - “write a letter to the doll.” The second time they listen to the same sentence and put it under long stripe as many short stripes as there are words in a sentence. Then the second and third sentences are analyzed in the same way.

After "writing" you can ask someone to "read" the first sentence, the second, and so on, in order to develop involuntary memory.

"Say a word"

Purpose: to consolidate the use of nouns in the genitive plural in speech.

Game progress. Familiar lines of poetry are read aloud to children without finishing the last word. (This word is in the genitive plural). Children add the missing word and get a chip for each correct answer. Whoever gets the most chips wins.

*** *** I give you my word of honor: He said: “You are a villain, Yesterday at half past five. Eating people, I saw two pigs. So, for this my sword - Without hats and ... (boots) Your head with ... (shoulders) *** *** Wait, isn't it for you Ant, ant Last week. Doesn't regret... (bast shoes) I sent two pairs of Excellent... (galoshes) *** *** Robin Bobin Barabek. Where is the killer, where is the villain? I ate forty ... (man) I'm not afraid of him ... (claws)

"Who do I see, what do I see"

Purpose: distinguishing in speech the forms of the accusative case of animate and inanimate nouns, the development of short-term auditory memory.

Game progress. It is better to play this game on a walk so that there are more objects for observation in front of your eyes. Multiple people can play. Before the start of the game, they agree that they will name the objects that are around. The first player says: “I see ... a sparrow” and throws the ball to any player. He should continue: “I see a sparrow, a dove” - and throws the ball to the next one. If someone cannot continue listing objects that can be observed in this situation, he leaves the game. The next round begins, a new proposal is drawn up, and so on.

"Hide and Seek"

Purpose: to teach to understand and correctly use prepositions with spatial meaning in speech (in, on, about, in front of, under).

Game progress. Visiting children Bear and Mouse. The animals began to play hide and seek. The bear leads, and the mouse hides. Children close their eyes. The mouse hid. Children open their eyes. The bear is looking for: “Where is the mouse? It's probably under the car. No. Where is he guys? (In the cockpit) Etc.

"Explain why..."

Purpose: to teach correctly, to build sentences with a cause-and-effect relationship, the development of logical thinking.

Game progress. The facilitator explains that the children will have to complete the sentences that the facilitator starts by using the word "because". You can choose several options for the same beginning of the sentence, the main thing is that they all correctly reflect the cause of the event described in the first part. For each correct continuation, players receive a token. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Unfinished suggestions for the game:

Vova got sick ... (he caught a cold) Mom took an umbrella ... (it's raining)
The children went to bed ... (late) I'm very thirsty ... (hot)
The ice on the river melted ... (warmth) The trees swayed violently ... (wind blowing)
It became very cold ... (it snowed)

"One and Many"

Purpose: to learn to change words by numbers.

Game progress. “Now we will play such a game: I will name one object with a word, and you will name the word so that many objects turn out. For example, I will say "pencil" and you should say "pencils".

Words for the game:

book pen lamp table window
city ​​chair ear brother flag
child man glass tractor lake
name spring friend seed watermelon

“Now let’s try the other way around. I will speak a word denoting many things, and you - one.

Words for the game:

claws clouds waves leaves
flowers saws well done stems

"Add Words"

Purpose: to teach how to make common sentences.

Game progress. “Now I will make an offer. For example, "Mom sews a dress." What do you think, what can be said about the dress, what is it like? (silk, summer, light, orange). If we add these words, how will the phrase change?” Mom sews a silk dress. Mom sews a summer dress. Mom sews a light dress. Mom sews an orange dress.

Suggestions for the game:

The girl is feeding the dog.
The pilot controls the aircraft.
The boy is drinking juice.

"Untangle the Words"

Purpose: to learn how to make sentences using these words.

Game progress. The words in the sentence are mixed up. Try to put them in their places. What will happen?

Suggestions for the game:

  1. Smoke, goes, pipes, out.
  2. Loves, teddy bear, honey.
  3. Stand, vase, flowers, c.
  4. Nuts, in, squirrel, hollow, hides.

"Find the mistake"

Purpose: to teach to find a semantic error in a sentence.

Game progress. “Listen to the sentences and say if everything in them is true. How should the proposal be corrected?

  1. In winter, apples bloom in the garden.
  2. Below them was an icy desert.
  3. In response, I nod my hand at him.
  4. The plane is here to help people.
  5. I soon succeeded in my car.
  6. The boy broke the ball with glass.
  7. After the mushrooms, there will be rain.
  8. In the spring, the meadows flooded the river.
  9. The snow covered the lush forest

"Correct or not?"

Purpose: to learn to find grammatical errors.

Game progress. "Do you think it's okay to say that?"

  1. Mom puts a vase of flowers on the table.
  2. When they want to buy something, they lose money.
  3. Under the house on the edge live grandparents.
  4. There is a beautiful carpet on the floor.

“Why are the sentences inaccurate? - the teacher additionally asks the children.

4. Games for the development of coherent speech

"Guess it"

Purpose of the game: to teach children to describe an object without looking at it, to find essential features in it; recognize an item from a description.

Game progress. The teacher reminds the children how they talked about familiar objects, guessed and guessed riddles about them and suggests: “Let's play. Let the objects of our room tell about themselves, and we will guess from the description which object speaks. You must follow the rules of the game: when you talk about the subject, do not look at it so that we do not immediately guess. Talk only about those objects that are in the room.

After a short pause (children must choose an object to describe, prepare for an answer), the teacher puts a pebble on the lap of any player. The child stands up and gives a description of the object, and then passes the pebble to the one who will guess. Having guessed, the child describes his object and passes the pebble to another player to guess.

Item Description Plan

He is colorful round shape. You can throw it up, roll it on the ground, but you can’t play it in a group, as you can break the glass

"Draw a fairy tale"

Purpose: to teach how to draw up a drawing plan for the test, use it when telling.

Game progress. The text of the fairy tale is read to the child and offered to write it down with the help of drawings. Thus, the child himself makes a series of consecutive pictures, according to which he then tells a fairy tale. The story should be short.

Of course, you can help the child, show how to schematically draw a person, a house, a road; to determine together with him which episodes of the fairy tale must be depicted, i.e. highlight the main plot twists.


Purpose: to teach how to write a description of a picture based on fragments of this picture.

Game progress. An adult asks the child to look at a large picture, as well as small subject pictures next to it. “The photographer took many pictures of one leaf. This is the overall picture, and these are parts of the same picture. Show where these fragments are in the big picture. Now tell me what this picture is about. Do not forget to describe those details that the photographer took separately, which means they are very important.

"What Doesn't Happen"

Purpose: to teach to find and discuss errors when looking at absurd pictures.

Game progress. After examining the absurd pictures, ask the child not only to list the wrong places, but also to prove why this image is erroneous. Then you get a complete description of the picture, and even with elements of reasoning.

"How do you know?"

Purpose: to teach to select evidence when compiling stories, choosing essential features.

Game progress. Before the children are objects or pictures that they have to describe. The child chooses any object and names it. The host asks, “How did you know it was a TV?” The player must describe the object, choosing only the essential features that distinguish this object from the rest. For each correctly named sign receives a chip. Whoever collects the most chips wins.

"And I would..."

Purpose: development creative imagination teaching free storytelling.

Game progress. After reading the fairy tale to the child, invite him to tell what he would do if he got into this fairy tale and become one of the main characters.


1. Games for the development of the phonetic and phonemic side of speech

"Make a Word"

Purpose: to learn to distinguish the first sound in words and make words from the received sounds.

Game progress. Children have one card each, the leader has letters. He calls the letter, and the children ask themselves the necessary letters and superimpose them on the necessary pictures. When all the letters are collected, the child must read the resulting word. If he finds it difficult to read the word himself, an adult helps him, and thus teaches him the initial reading.

"Solve the puzzle"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to select the first syllable from a word, to compose words from syllables.

Game progress. Children are given cards with three pictures each. A word is hidden on the card. It must be compiled by isolating the first syllables from each word-name, and then adding a word from them.

Cards with subject pictures for the game:

Ear, bell, skis - injections
Crowbars, balls, sofa - horses
Kettlebell, slippers, rocket - guitar
Owls, shovel, car - straw
Cucumber, cannon, pencil - edge
Houses, chamomile, weight - roads
Pencil, seal, balloons - Katyusha
Wasp, titmouse, thimble - aspen
Nuts, owls, cabbage - sedge
Crow, rose, plate - gate
Wasp, chickens, threads - perches
Banana, hare, fish - bazaars
Owl, balalaika, pencil - dog

"From syllables - a sentence"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish the first syllable from a word, to compose words according to the first syllables, and from them - sentences.

Game progress. The child is given a rebus card on which the whole sentence is encrypted. Each word in this sentence is placed on a separate line. The child selects the first syllables of each picture related to one word, makes a word out of them and memorizes it. Then, on the next line, he analyzes the next group of pictures, makes up the second word from the first syllables, and so on, until he deciphers all the words. Then he calls the received words in order, forming a sentence.

2. Games for the development of the lexical side of speech

"The Fourth Extra"

Purpose: to teach to establish the similarity and difference of objects according to essential features, to consolidate words-generalizations.

Game progress. Four pictures are laid out on the table, three of them belong to one thematic group, and the fourth to some other group. The children are given a task: look at the pictures and determine which one is superfluous. Turn the unsuitable picture over, and name the rest in one word. ”Each participant eliminates the extra picture in turn. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his version is offered to the next player. For each correct execution they give a chip. The one with the most chips wins. Some pictures for the game:

  1. Shirt, shoes, pants, jacket.
  2. Apple, gooseberry, currant, raspberry.
  3. TV, wardrobe, chair, bed.
  4. Cuckoo, owl butterfly, magpie.
  5. Plate, bread, saucepan, spoon.
  6. Chamomile, birch, spruce, poplar.
  7. Tomato, cucumber, carrot, plum.
  8. Cap, beret, hat, sock.
  9. Axe, saw, pen, planer.
  10. Bear, fox, teddy bear, hare.

"Is this true?"

Purpose: development of auditory attention, activation of the verb dictionary.

Game progress. Children are read a poem containing ridiculous situations. Children should answer the question: “Is this true? - after each sentence and prove why they think so. A correct answer gets a token. Whoever gets the most chips wins.

Is this true?
They collect cheese from the bushes.
Cows are grazing with hares.
Oxen are being milked in the meadow.
The bear starts dancing.
Pumpkins began to sing songs.
Mowers mow the forest.
There is dew on the snow.
Is it true that once
Did the umbrella save us from the rain?
That the moon shines for us at night?
What don't kids like candy? L. Stanchev

"Find the extra word"

Purpose: to exercise on the development of thought processes of generalization, abstraction, selection of essential features.

Game progress. Ask the child to identify the word that is superfluous. Read a series of words to your child. Each series consists of 4 words. 3 words in each series are homogeneous and can be combined according to their common feature, and 1 word differs from them and should be excluded.

List of word series:

  1. Old, decrepit, small, dilapidated.
  2. Brave, wicked, courageous, courageous.
  3. Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.
  4. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread.
  5. Hour, minute, summer, second.
  6. Spoon, plate, saucepan, bag.
  7. Dress, sweater, hat, shirt.
  8. Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo.
  9. Birch, oak, pine, strawberry.
  10. Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.

3. Games for the development of the grammatical structure of speech

"Pick up the number"

Purpose: to teach to determine the number of words in a sentence by ear.

Game progress. The facilitator says the sentence aloud, and the children count the number of words and raise the corresponding figure. Initially, sentences without prepositions and conjunctions are used for analysis.

Suggestions for the game:

  1. Alyosha is sleeping.
  2. Petya feeds the chickens.
  3. The doctor treats a sick child.
  4. Mom bought Natasha a beautiful doll.
  5. A strong athlete easily lifted a heavy barbell.

"Why do we need these things"

Purpose: to teach how to use complex sentences of the goal in speech.

Game progress. Various objects lie in front of the players: a ball, pencils, a book, a doll, a truck, a skipping rope and other toys. Children should choose any object for themselves, but explain what it is for. In the sentence, the union must be used to: "I took a pencil to draw."

"Make a Phrase"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to form sentences from words.

Game progress. Have the children come up with sentences using the following words:

funny puppy full basket
ripe berry cheerful song
thorny bush forest lake

4. Games for the development of coherent speech

"Make up two stories"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish the plots of different stories.

Game progress. In front of the child, two sets of serial pictures are mixed up and asked to lay out two series at once, and then make up stories for each series.

"Search for missing parts"

Purpose: to teach how to write a description of a picture based on fragments of this picture.

Game progress. “The photograph has deteriorated, some fragments have been erased from the big picture. It's good that the small pictures survived. Substitute each fragment in the right place and describe the picture that the photographer shot.

Card file of didactic games

for the development of coherent speech

One and many game.

Purpose: to exercise children in the formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

To teach the ability to listen to a peer and respond in time when it comes to the same subjects.

Game material: 1. Paired pictures with images of toys, on one of which one object is drawn, and on the other several of the same objects: balls, tumblers, pyramids, horses, trucks, hares.

2. Type-setting canvas.

3. Pictures with images of young wild and domestic animals.

Description of the game. The teacher shows the children pictures depicting a cub or chick of wild and domestic animals and clarified their names. Then he offers to play a game: “Everyone will receive a picture of a cub or chick. The one in front of whom the chip is laid out must say what many of these cubs or chicks are called.

Pictures and words for the exercise can be:


baby camel

Lion cubs



baby rabbit


baby penguin

Game "Generalizations"

Target. To consolidate general concepts in the speech of children.

Equipment. Lotto.

Description of the game. We offered the children a loto, which consists of several cards, divided into 6 cells. On one of the cells of the big card there is a strawberry, on the second - a cucumber, on the third - a chamomile, on the fourth an apple, etc. Various berries, fruits, vegetables are depicted on separate small cards. Showing the children a small card, they asked: “Who needs this card?” The children answered accordingly: “I need this card. I pick vegetables”, etc.

Correct layout: berries on a card with strawberries, vegetables on a card with cucumber, etc. The game was played until all cards were closed. The winner is the one who closes his card first, while not making a single mistake in the answers.

Riddles game

Target. Expand the stock of nouns in children's active vocabulary.

Equipment. Toys.

Description of the game. We put several toys on the table in front of the children: a frog, a rooster, a goat, etc., and expressively read a riddle rhyme. We also offered guessing riddles without presenting toys. The one who guesses the riddle is considered the winner.

bulging eyes sits,

He speaks wonderfully

Jumping like a flea

Floats like a human. (Frog.)

On the head is a red comb,

Red beard under the beak

Patterns on the tail

Spurs on legs. (Rooster)

Shaggy is coming, bearded is coming,

He waves his horns, shakes his beard,

He taps his hooves. (Goat)

The grain crumbled by night,

Looked in the morning - there is nothing. (Stars)

The tablecloth is white, dressed the whole field. (Snow)

Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer

And there are no seeds. (Sun.)

The game "Who is it? What is this?"

The purpose of the game: to introduce children to the concept of "word", denoting a living or inanimate object.

Equipment. animated and inanimate objects(table, book, toys, birds, fish, etc.)

Description of the game. We told the children that: “There are many different objects around us. And we can ask about every subject. I will ask you, and you will answer me with one word: “What is this?”. They showed various objects, for example: a book, a table, etc. “How can you ask about these items?” - "What is this?".

Then they asked: “And now I will ask you differently. Who is this?" and pointed to animated objects: a bird, a fish, a nanny, etc. and asked the children: “How can I ask? (Who is this?)” They called different objects, and the children posed the question “Who?”. Thus, we gradually brought the children to the concepts of "living - inanimate."

Then they invited a girl, put a doll next to them and turned to the children with the question: “How is Natasha different from a doll?”. The children named the differences and together came to the conclusion that the girl was alive, and the doll was a toy, inanimate. Next, they compared a toy - a bear and a bear depicted in the picture. Thus, they found out that the bear is an inanimate toy, and the picture depicts a living bear. We summed up that all the words denoting inanimate objects answer the question "what?", And the words denoting living objects - "Who?".

A game " Miscellaneous meaning»

Target. Expand the stock of nouns in the active vocabulary of children, learn to find words that sound the same, the ability to explain the meaning of similar words.

Description of the game. First, the children answer the questions: “Who has?”, “Where what?”, It was necessary to determine what objects words are used for, for example, a pen - a person, a door, a bag, a suitcase; tongue - in a person, in a boot; peephole - in a child, at the door, at the potato; neck - in a child, in a bottle; leg - at a chair, at a table, at a mushroom, at a child. Then we read the poem, the children were asked to listen carefully, to find words that sound the same, but have different meanings.

a) In a foreign country, in a wonderful country,

Where not to be you and me,

Boot with black tongue

In the morning she laps milk.

And all day in the window

Peeping potatoes

The bottle neck sings

Gives concerts in the evening.

And a chair with curved legs

Dancing to the harmonica. (I. Tokmareva)

b) There are many keys:

The key is a spring among the stones,

Treble clef, curled,

And a normal door key. (D. Lukic)

The game "Search for missing parts"

Purpose: to teach how to write a description of a picture based on fragments of this picture.

Description of the game. “The photograph has deteriorated, some fragments have been erased from the big picture. It's good that the small pictures survived. Substitute each fragment in the right place and describe the picture that the photographer shot.

Purpose: expansion of the verbal vocabulary on this topic.

Description of the game. The host reads a poem by G. Sapgir to the children.

The wind brought the spring song

The song was barked by a hunting dog,

The wolf howled this song at the edge,

The frogs croaked a song together.

The bull mumbled this song as best he could.

The lynx purred

Catfish mumbled.

Owl gurgled,

Already hissed

And the nightingale sang this song.

A game "Collect Five"

Purpose: to teach to attribute single objects to certain thematic groups.

Description of the game. For the game, you need to prepare a set of subject pictures, consisting of several thematic groups (clothes, dishes, toys, furniture, etc.). Several people play, according to the number of thematic groups. The pictures are face down on the table. Everyone takes one picture, names it and the generic concept to which this picture belongs. Thus, it is established which group each participant will collect. If identical groups are selected, one more picture is opened. Then the host shows the players one picture at a time, and they should ask themselves this or that picture: “I need a doll because I collect toys.” The winner is the one who first collected his group of pictures (the number of pictures in each group must be the same, for example, six pictures)

A game "The Fourth Extra"

Purpose: to teach to establish the similarity and difference of objects according to essential features, to consolidate words-generalizations.

Description of the game. Four pictures are laid out on the table, three of them belong to one thematic group, and the fourth to some other group. The children are given a task: look at the pictures and determine which one is superfluous. Some pictures for the game:

1. Shirt, shoes, pants, jacket.

2. Apple, gooseberry, currant, raspberry.

3. TV, wardrobe, chair, bed.

4. Cuckoo, owl butterfly, magpie.

5. Plate, bread, saucepan, spoon.

6. Chamomile, birch, spruce, poplar.

7. Tomato, cucumber, carrot, plum.

8. Hat, beret, hat, sock.

9. Ax, saw, handle, planer.

10. Bear, fox, teddy bear, hare.

A game "Living Words"

Objective: To exercise in the preparation of proposals for the block diagram.

Description of the game. Each child draws a word. Educator: - Let Slava depict the word "bear cub"; Anya - the word "loves." What is the third word? (Honey) We read the sentence: "The little bear loves honey." Let's swap the second and third words. What happened? (The bear cub loves honey). Now let the first word be the last. What will happen? (Honey loves a teddy bear). Let's replace the word "honey" with another. Katya will now be the word "tumble". Read the sentence (The little bear loves to tumble). And now? (The bear loves to tumble).

Make up your own sentences with the word "bear cub". (Teddy bear cub, Teddy bear loves raspberries, Teddy bear sleeps...)

A game "Let's write a letter to the doll"

Purpose: to teach to determine the number of words in a sentence, based on auxiliary means.

Description of the game. For the game, you need to prepare long strips for sentences, and short strips for laying out words. The host pronounces a sentence, the children lay out a long strip - “write a letter to the doll.” The second time they listen to the same sentence and put as many short strips under the long strip as there are words in the sentence. Then the second and third sentences are analyzed in the same way.

After "writing" you can ask someone to "read" the first sentence, the second, and so on, in order to develop involuntary memory.

A game "Say a word"

Purpose: to consolidate the use of nouns in the genitive plural in speech.

Description of the game. Familiar lines of poetry are read aloud to children without finishing the last word. (This word is in the genitive plural). Children add the missing word and get a chip for each correct answer. Whoever gets the most chips wins.

I give you my word of honor: He said: "You are a villain,

Yesterday at half past six. You eat people

I saw two pigs. So, for this my sword -

No hats and ... (shoes) Your head with ... (shoulders)

Wait, isn't it for you Ant, ant

Last week. Does not regret ... (bast shoes)

I sent two pairs

Excellent ... (galoshes)

Robin Bobin Barabek. Where is the killer, where is the villain?

I ate forty ... (man) I'm not afraid of him ... (claws)

A game "Hide and Seek"

Purpose: to teach to understand and correctly use prepositions with spatial meaning in speech (in, on, about, in front of, under).

Material. Truck, bear, mouse.

Description of the game. Visiting children Bear and Mouse. The animals began to play hide and seek. The bear leads, and the mouse hides. Children close their eyes. The mouse hid. Children open their eyes. The bear is looking for: “Where is the mouse? It's probably under the car. No. Where is he guys? (In the cockpit) Etc.

A game "Who do I see, what do I see"

Purpose: distinguishing in speech the forms of the accusative case of animate and inanimate nouns, the development of short-term auditory memory.

Description of the game. It is better to play this game on a walk so that there are more objects for observation in front of your eyes. Multiple people can play. Before the start of the game, they agree that they will name the objects that are around. The first player says: “I see ... a sparrow” and throws the ball to any player. He should continue: “I see a sparrow, a dove” - and throws the ball to the next one.

If someone cannot continue listing objects that can be observed in this situation, he leaves the game. The next round begins, a new proposal is drawn up, and so on.

A game "Explain why..."

Purpose: to teach correctly, to build sentences with a cause-and-effect relationship, the development of logical thinking.

Description of the game. The facilitator explains that the children will have to complete the sentences that the facilitator starts by using the word "because". You can choose several options for the same beginning of the sentence, the main thing is that they all correctly reflect the cause of the event described in the first part. For each correct continuation, players receive a token. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Unfinished suggestions for the game:

Vova got sick ... (caught a cold)

Mom took an umbrella ... (it's raining)

The children went to bed ... (late)

I'm very thirsty ... (hot)

The ice on the river has melted ... (warmly)

The trees swayed a lot ... (the wind blows)

It became very cold ... (it snowed)

A game "One and Many"

Purpose: to learn to change words by numbers.

Description of the game. “Now we will play such a game: I will name one object with a word, and you will name the word so that many objects turn out. For example, I will say "pencil" and you should say "pencils".

Words for the game:

book pen lamp table window

city ​​chair ear brother flag

child man glass tractor lake

name spring friend seed watermelon

“Now let’s try the other way around. I will speak a word denoting many things, and you - one.

Words for the game:

claws clouds waves leaves

flowers saws well done stems

A game "Add Words"

Purpose: to teach how to make common sentences.

Description of the game. “Now I will make an offer. For example, "Mom sews a dress." What do you think, what can be said about the dress, what is it like? (silk, summer, light, orange). If we add these words, how will the phrase change?” Mom sews a silk dress. Mom sews a summer dress. Mom sews a light dress. Mom sews an orange dress.

Suggestions for the game:

The girl is feeding the dog.

The pilot controls the aircraft.

The boy is drinking juice.

A game "Correct or not?"

Purpose: to learn to find grammatical errors.

Description of the game. "Do you think it's okay to say that?"

1. Mom puts a vase of flowers on the table.

2. When they want to buy something, they lose money.

3. Grandparents live under the house on the edge.

4. There is a beautiful carpet on the floor.

“Why are the sentences inaccurate? - the teacher additionally asks the children.

A game "Find the mistake"

Purpose: to teach to find a semantic error in a sentence.

Description of the game. “Listen to the sentences and say if everything in them is true. How should the proposal be corrected?

1. In winter, apples bloomed in the garden.

2. Below them was an icy desert.

3. In response, I nod to him.

4. The plane is here to help people.

5. Soon succeeded me by car.

6. The boy broke the ball with glass.

7. After the mushrooms there will be rain.

8. In the spring, the meadows flooded the river.

9. Snow was covered with a lush forest

A game "Come up with an offer"

Game rule. It is possible to transfer a pebble to another player only after he has come up with a sentence with the named leading word.

Description of the game. Children and teacher sit in a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game:

Today we are going to come up with suggestions. I will say a word, and you will quickly come up with a sentence with this word. For example, I will say the word "close" and give Dasha a pebble. She will take the pebble and quickly answer "I live close to the kindergarten." Then she will say her word and pass the pebble to the person sitting next to him. The word in the sentence should be used in the form in which it is proposed by the guesser. So in turn, in a circle, the pebble passes from one player to another. If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them.

A game "Complete the offer"

Didactic task: To develop children's speech activity, speed of thinking.

Game rules. You need to find and say such a word to get a complete sentence. You only need to add one word.

Description of the game. The teacher says a few words of the sentence, and the children must complete it with new words to make a complete sentence, for example: “Mom bought ... - ... books, notebooks, a briefcase,” the children continue.

A game "Untangle the Words"

Purpose: to learn how to make sentences using these words.

Description of the game. The words in the sentence are mixed up. Try to put them in their places. What will happen?

Suggestions for the game:

1. Smoke, goes, pipes, out.

2. Loves, teddy bear, honey.

3. Stand, vase, flowers, c.

4. Nuts, in, squirrel, hollow, hides.

A game "Blurred Letter"

Purpose: To exercise in the compilation of common exercises.

Material. Teddy bear.

Teddy bear received a letter from his brother. But the rain blurred some of the words. We need to help him read the letter. Here is the letter: “Hello, Mishutka. I am writing to you from the zoo. Once I did not listen to my mother and climbed so far that ... I wandered through the forest for a long time and ... Coming out into the clearing, I fell ... I fell into a hole, because ... It was so deep that ... Hunters came and ... Now I I live in… We have a ground for… There are many in the ground for young animals… We play with… They are looked after… They love us because… Soon we will have a trainer from… I hope to get into… It’s great to be able to… Wait for the next letter from … Goodbye. Toptygin".

Reading the letter, the educator encourages the children to complete the sentences with intonation.

A game "Fix the mistake"

Purpose: to teach to establish the correct sequence of actions.

Description of the game. A series of pictures are laid out in front of the child, but one picture is not in its place. The child finds a mistake, puts the picture in the right place, and then makes up a story through the entire series of pictures.

A game "And I would..."

Purpose: development of creative imagination, teaching free storytelling.

Description of the game. After reading the fairy tale to the child, invite him to tell what he would do if he got into this fairy tale and became one of the main characters.

The game "Which picture is not needed?"

Purpose: to teach to find unnecessary details for this story.

Game progress. A series of pictures are laid out in front of the child in the correct sequence, but one picture is taken from another set. The child must find an unnecessary picture, remove it, and then make up a story.

A game "Is this true?"

Purpose: development of auditory attention, activation of the verb dictionary.

Description of the game. Children are read a poem containing ridiculous situations. Is this true? - after each sentence and prove why they think so. is this correct?

They collect cheese from the bushes.

Cows are grazing with hares.

Oxen are being milked in the meadow.

The bear starts dancing.

Pumpkins began to sing songs.

Mowers mow the forest.

There is dew on the snow.

Is it true that once

Did the umbrella save us from the rain?

That the moon shines for us at night?

What don't kids like candy? L. Stanchev

A game "Pick up the number"

Purpose: to teach to determine the number of words in a sentence by ear.

Description of the game. The facilitator says the sentence aloud, and the children count the number of words and raise the corresponding figure. Initially, sentences without prepositions and conjunctions are used for analysis.

Suggestions for the game:

1. Alyosha is sleeping.

2. Petya feeds the chickens.

3. The doctor treats a sick child.

4. Mom bought Natasha a beautiful doll.

5. A strong athlete easily lifted a heavy barbell.

A game "Find the extra word"

Purpose: to exercise on the development of thought processes of generalization, abstraction, selection of essential features.

Description of the game. Ask the child to identify the word that is superfluous.

List of word series:

1. Old, decrepit, small, dilapidated.

2. Brave, evil, brave, courageous.

3. Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.

4. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread.

5. Hour, minute, summer, second.

6. Spoon, plate, pan, bag.

7. Dress, sweater, hat, shirt.

8. Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo.

9. Birch, oak, pine, strawberry.

10. Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.

A game "Make a Phrase"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to form sentences from words.

Description of the game. Have the children come up with sentences using the following words:

funny puppy full basket

ripe berry cheerful song

thorny bush forest lake

A game "Relay race"

Purpose: activation of the verb dictionary.

Description of the game. The players stand in a circle. The leader has a relay race. He utters a word and passes the baton to a nearby child. He must choose the right word-action and quickly pass the wand on. When the baton returns to the leader, he sets a new word, but passes the stick in the other direction. If someone finds it difficult to name a word or chooses the wrong word, he is given a penalty point. After a player has scored three penalty points, he is out of the game. The one with the fewest penalty points at the end of the game wins.

Dog - barks, bites, runs, guards, whines, howls; cat - purrs, hunts, plays, dozes, meows, scratches.

A game "Say Different"

didactic task. Teach children to choose a synonym - a word that is close in meaning.

Description of the game. The teacher says that in this game, children will have to remember words that are similar in meaning to the word that he will name.

"Big" - the teacher offers. Children name the words: huge, large, huge, gigantic.

"Beautiful" - "pretty, good, beautiful, charming, wonderful."

“Wet” - “raw, wet”, etc.

A game "Who Knows More"

Didactic task: To develop the memory of children; to enrich their knowledge of subjects, to educate such personality traits as resourcefulness, ingenuity.

Game rule. Recall and name how the same item can be used.

Description of the game. The teacher says: - I have a glass in my hands. Who will say how and for what it can be used?

Children answer:

Drink tea, water flowers, measure cereals, cover seedlings, put pencils.

That's right, - the teacher confirms and, if necessary, supplements the guys' answers. Now let's play. I will name various objects, and you will remember and name what you can do with them. Try to say as much as possible. The teacher selects in advance the words that he will offer the children during the game.

Game "Body"

Didactic task: Develop auditory attention, activate vocabulary, thinking; develop ingenuity.

Game rules. Only those words that end in -ok can be “put” in the box; who called the word, passes the box to another child.

Description of the game. Imitation of movement, as if an object is lowered into the box, whoever makes a mistake by naming the object with a different ending. Game progress. The players sit at the table. The teacher puts a basket on the table, then asks:

Do you see, children, this box? Do you know what you can put in a container? In this container you will put everything that can be called a word ending in -ok. For example: a lock, a scarf, a stocking, a sock, a lace, a leaf, a lump, a bun, a hook. Fungus, boxes, etc. Everyone puts in the box what he wants, according to the rule, and passes it on to his neighbor, who also puts something from the things whose name ends in -ok, and passes the box further.

A game "Find the extra picture"

A series of drawings is selected, among which three drawings can be combined into a group according to a common feature, and the fourth one is superfluous.

Offer the child the first four drawings and ask the extra to remove. Ask: “Why do you think that? How similar are the drawings that you left?

A game "Name three things"

Didactic task: Exercise children in the classification of objects.

Description of the game. I will name one word, for example, furniture, and the one to whom I throw the ball will name three words that can be called one word furniture. What items can be called, in one word, furniture?

Table, chair, bed.

- "Flowers" - says the teacher and after a short pause throws the ball to the child. He replies: "Chamomile, rose, cornflower."

In this game, children learn to attribute three specific concepts to one generic one. In another version of the game, children, on the contrary, learn to find generic concepts using several specific concepts. For example, the Teacher calls: "Raspberries, strawberries, currants." The child who caught the ball answers: "Berries."

A game "Tops-roots"

Didactic task: Exercise children in the classification of vegetables (according to the principle: what is edible for them - the root or the fruit on the stem).

Game rules. You can answer with only two words: tops and roots. Whoever made a mistake pays a fant.

Game action. Playing phantoms.

Description of the game. The teacher clarifies with the children what they will call tops and what - roots: "We will call the edible root of the vegetable roots, and the edible fruit on the stem - tops."

The teacher names some vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it: tops or roots. The one who makes a mistake pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

The teacher may suggest another option; he says: "Tops - and the children remember vegetables that have edible tops."

A game "Where is the beginning of the story?"

Purpose: To teach to convey the correct temporal and logical sequence of the story using serial pictures.

Description of the game. The child is asked to write a story. Based on pictures. Pictures serve as a kind of plan for the story, they allow you to accurately convey the plot, from beginning to end. For each picture, the child makes one sentence and together they are combined into a coherent story.

A game "Make up two stories"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish the plots of different stories.

Description of the game. In front of the child, two sets of serial pictures are mixed up and asked to lay out two series at once, and then make up stories for each series.

A game "How do you know?"

Purpose: to teach to select evidence when compiling stories, choosing essential features.

Description of the game. Before the children are objects or pictures that they have to describe. The child chooses any object and names it. The host asks, “How did you know it was a TV?” The player must describe the object, choosing only the essential features that distinguish this object from the rest. For each correctly named sign receives a chip. Whoever collects the most chips wins.

A game "First Grader"

Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children about what a first grader needs to study at school, to cultivate a desire to study at school, composure, accuracy.

Game rule. Collect items on a signal.

Description of the game. There are two briefcases on the table. On other tables are educational supplies: notebooks, primers, pencil cases, pens, colored pencils, etc. At the command of the driver, they must select the necessary educational supplies, carefully put them in a briefcase and close it. Whoever does it first wins. In order for the game to continue, the children who completed the task choose other participants instead of themselves. The rest act as fans and objectively evaluate the winners.

The game fixes the name and purpose of all items. The teacher draws the attention of the children to something. That not only must everything be folded quickly, but also neatly; rewards those who accurately followed these rules in the game.

A game "Vice versa"

Didactic task: To develop children's intelligence, speed of thinking.

Game rule. Name only words that are opposite in meaning.

Game actions. Throwing and catching the ball.

Description of the game. Children and teacher sit on chairs in a circle. The teacher pronounces a word and throws a ball to one of the children, the child must catch the ball, say the word opposite in meaning, and again throw the ball to the Teacher. The teacher says: "Forward." The child answers “Back”, (right - left, up and down, under - above, far - close, high - low, inside - outside, further - closer). You can pronounce not only adverbs, but also adjectives, verbs: far - close, upper - lower, right - left, tie - untie, wet - dry, etc. If the one to whom the ball was thrown finds it difficult to answer, the children, at the suggestion of the teacher, say the right word.

A game "Why do we need these things"

Purpose: to teach how to use complex sentences of the goal in speech.

Description of the game. Various objects lie in front of the players: a ball, pencils, a book, a doll, a truck, a skipping rope and other toys. Children should choose any object for themselves, but explain what it is for. In the sentence, the union must be used to: "I took a pencil to draw."

Lotto "Name the picture and find the first sound"

Purpose: to teach children to find the given first sound in a word at the stage of pronouncing the word out loud by the child himself.

Description of the game. Children have cards with drawn pictures (four on each card). The host calls any vowel sound, the children pronounce the names of their pictures aloud and find the right one. If the picture is named correctly, the presenter allows you to close it with a chip. The one who closes their pictures first wins.

The game "Name the animals in pairs."

Equipment. Object pictures depicting animals and their cubs (squirrel - squirrel, hare - hare, wolf - cub, bear - cub).

Description of the game. We offered the children a riddle: Tail with a fluffy arc, do you know such an animal? Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed, he can climb trees, he builds his house in a hollow to live warm in winter.

Who is this? (squirrel)

What is a baby squirrel called? (squirrel)

And in which animals do the names of cubs differ from the names of adult animals? (A cow is a calf, a horse is a foal, a sheep is a lamb, a dog is a puppy, a pig is a pig).

Game "Two brothers IK and ISCH".

There lived two brothers. One was called IK, he was small and thin. And the other was called ISCH, he was tall and fat. Each of the brothers had his own dwelling. IK had a house, ISCH had a big house. What kind of house did brother IK have? (Small.) And what kind of house did brother ISCH have? (Large.) IKA had a nose, but ISCHA?

The conclusion is made: if “ik” is heard in the word, it means that the object is small, and if “seek” means the object is large.

Didactic games on the formation of word-formation of verbs, we carried out in the following sequence.

1. Differentiation of perfect and imperfect verbs:

a) the formation of perfective verbs with the help of prefixes:

C- (play - play, sing - sing, eat - eat, do - do),

On- (draw - draw, prick - prick, write - write),

Po- (lunch - dine, sow - sow, supper - dine),

b) the formation of imperfective verbs with the help of productive suffixes -iva-, -yva-, -va- (fasten - fasten, wash - wash, push - push).

2. Differentiation of reflexive and non-reflexive verbs.

3. Differentiation of verbs with the most productive prefixes: -v-, -vy-, under-, from-, at-, y-, re-, for-, from-, on- -you-:

In - out, in - out

Flying in, flying out, flying in, flying out

Enters - leaves, swims - sails,

Runs - runs away, drives up - drives off,

Arrives - leaves, closes - opens,

Arrives - flies, pours - pours,

Comes - leaves, pours - pours out.

The game "Whose tails?"

The teacher tells the fairy tale "Tails".

Once the animals woke up in the forest and did not find their tails. They thought that during the night the wind had torn off the tails and blown them through the forest. So the animals went through the forest to look for their tails. (Let's help them.) But the tails hid in the forest, and in order to find them, you need to be able to name them correctly and answer the question: “Whose tail is this?” For example, the tail of a hare should be called a "hare's tail".

Here is a gray, fluffy tail of a squirrel hanging on a tree. Whose tail is this? (Squirrel.) The squirrel has found its tail. And under the oak lies the brown tail of a bear. Whose tail is this? (Bearish.) Let's give the bear its tail In the thicket of the forest, a wolf's tail was found. Whose tail is this? (Wolf.) And here you can see the red, fluffy tail of the fox. Whose tail is this? (Fox.) And on the stump - a thin, small tail of a mouse. Whose tail is this (Mouse.)

All the animals found their tails and were very happy.

Now remember what the tails of pets are called.

The tail of a dog is dog-like.

The tail of a cat is feline.

The tail of a cow is cow.

The tail of a horse is equine.

The tail of a bull is bullish.

Game tricks aimed at consolidating the concepts of "color", "shape", "size", "taste". the main task at this stage, teaching children the correct agreement of adjectives with nouns and pronouns in gender, number and case. The main attention was directed to the semantic compatibility of words, to the designation by a word, both of a sign of a given object, and of common signs by which objects can be grouped. In individual lessons with the help of the games “Describe vegetables and fruits”, “Describe an animal”, “Guess what kind of fruit it is”, etc. we practiced the skills of using adjectives, matching adjectives with a noun in gender, number, and case. These games and such games as "Who will be the first to know?", "Who will collect toys sooner?", "What is the same color?", "Vegetables", "Guess what it is?", "Find 2 words of the enemy", etc. We also included in the frontal classes. Children brought their favorite toys to these classes, described them, and guessed riddles.

Game "Pick up pictures"

Target. Practical assimilation of words denoting a sign of an object.

Game progress. The teacher reads the words, the children selected the appropriate pictures;

Tall, thin, spotted ... (giraffe)

Shaggy, clubfoot ... (bear)

Hungry, gray, angry ... (wolf)

Small, fast, agile ... (squirrel)

Predatory, strong, striped ... (tiger)

Gray, prickly ... (hedgehog)

Bright, warm ... (sun)

In this game, we not only consolidated the assimilation of adjectives, but also guessed riddles, and also developed thought processes.

Game "Find two words - "enemy"".

Target. Practical assimilation of words - antonyms.

Equipment. Cards with printed words, pencils.

Game progress. We offered the children to choose 2 words from 3 words - “enemy”, the unnecessary word had to be crossed out, while explaining why?

Friend, sadness, enemy.

Tall, big, low.

Night, day, day.

Long, big, short.

Big, low, small.

White, long, black.

Heavy, long, light.

Short, small, long.

Good, light, bad.

The game "Catch - tell."

Purpose: to teach children to use the verbs of the 3rd person singular of the present tense correctly.

Equipment. Ball.

Description of the game. Children become in a circle. The leader, throwing the ball to the children, calls the animal. The one who catches the ball throws it to the leader, naming some action of this animal.

Sample: Cow - mooing; frog - croaks; cat - meows; wolf - howls; dog - barks; the tiger roars.

The host calls any profession. The one who catches the ball calls what a person of this profession does.

Sample: Doctor - treats; artist - draws; cook - cooks; fireman - extinguishes; carpenter - planing.

The host calls the name of the child. The one who catches the ball calls some action of it.

Sample: Seryozha - rolls; Lyuba - plays; Dima is jumping.

The game "How does one move?".

Purpose: to teach children to use the verbs of the present tense (past, future) correctly.

Equipment. subject pictures.

Description of the game. We showed pictures of animals, birds, insects and asked children how they move (for example: a butterfly flies, a sparrow jumps and flies, a frog jumps, etc.) For the correct answer, children receive pictures.

- "Who eats how"

The cat laps milk; a dog chews on a bone; a cow chews hay; the hen pecks at the grain.

Pigeon cooing, crow croaking, cat meowing, sparrow chirping, magpie chirping, pig grunting, rooster crowing, owl hooting, sheep bleating, hen clucking, frog croaking, cow mooing, goose chirping, wolf howling, horse neighing, duck quacking, bear roaring , the dog barks. This lesson aroused particular interest, the children actively and vividly imitated the voices of animals.

Task: Think of as many words as possible that answer the questions: “What are they doing?”, “What are they doing?” on the theme "Spring".

The sun (what is it doing?) .., birds…,

Snow.., grass..,

Icicles.., trees..,

Kidneys .., children ...

Task: Think of as many words as possible that answer the questions: “Who?”, “What?” on the theme "Spring".

Melting (what?) .., turning green ...

They run... they fly...

Disappearing... appearing...

The game "Cold - hot."

Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children with adverbs - antonyms with the meaning of the mode of action.

Equipment. Ball.

Description of the game. Children sit in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the children in turn, while pronouncing some kind of adverb. The person who received the ball must quickly pick up an adverb with the opposite meaning, for example: “cold - hot”, “quickly - slowly”, “quietly loudly”. If the person who receives the ball does not immediately respond, he leaves the circle.

The game "House".

Purpose: to teach children the correct use of pronouns and prepositions in speech.

Equipment. Chairs according to the number of children playing.

Description of the game. Children sit down or stand near the chairs, located in a circle at an equal distance from each other, remember each of their chairs - "house". The teacher takes turns asking questions.

Question. Who is sitting by the window?

Answer. I am sitting near the window.

Question. Where is your house?

Answer. My house is at the door. Etc.

Then, at the signal of the teacher, the children begin to move in a circle or inside it, trying not to hurt each other. At the signal of the teacher "Run home!" children run to their "houses". The one who unmistakably found his "house" is considered the winner.

We repeated this game several times, each time changing the “houses” so that the children could use different prepositions to indicate the location of the “houses”.

Game "Find the flag"

Target. Teach children to correctly understand and use adverbs of place in speech.

Equipment. Checkbox.

Description of the game. Children hide the flag. The driver is shown landmarks and direction, for example: “Go to the door, turn right”, go to the table, turn left. Seek!" When the driver finds the flag, he tells where he found it.

Game "Guess"

Target. To form the ability to use a simple common sentence with a direct object, let's give an example:

Equipment. Vegetables, fruits, whole and slices; spoons according to the number of children.

Description of the game. Children sit in a semicircle. On the table in front of them are vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrot), on another plate are fruits (apple, pear, lemon). First, we clarified what lies in front of the children, then cut it into pieces, according to the number of children. Then one of the children was asked to close their eyes, while other children were asked: “Vegetables or fruits?”. So in turn, the children approached the table and put a piece of an apple, pear, etc. into their mouths. The child must say what he ate: “I ate a lemon”, “I ate a pear”, etc.,

We included similar games in frontal classes, and in our work we used fairytale heroes, literary characters who helped us create an emotionally positive attitude. The participants of the frontal classes were Dunno, Petrushka, Carlson, the penguin Lolo, Sunny Bunny. The game situation was created by us by introducing a fairy-tale hero.

Game with Petrushka

Target. Teach children to use the prepositions "on, in" in speech.

Equipment. Parsley.

Description of the game. The teacher informs the children: “Petrushka came to visit us today. He wants to play with you. Parsley will hide, and you are looking for him.

The teacher hides Petrushka. The children look for him and say: “Parsley is on the chair. Parsley in the closet. Parsley on the shelf”, etc.

Game "Sunny Bunny"

Target. Teach children to use the prepositions "on, in" correctly in speech.

Equipment. Mirror.

Description of the game. The teacher shows the children a sunbeam and reads a poem - a counting rhyme about a sunbeam.

Bunny jumping on the wall

And winks at me.

Jumped to the picture

Lingered on a shoe

Danced on the ceiling

Lurked in a corner.

Here he is hiding in the bed,

He plays hide and seek with us.

One two three four five,

We're going to look for him.

The teacher tells the children: "Look for a bunny, and if you find it - answer where he hid."

Children answer: “The Bunny is on the shelf, the Bunny is in the corner”, etc.

Game "Help the Dunno".

Target. Train in the correct use of prepositions in sentences.

Equipment. Suggestion cards (handkerchief lies on/in/pocket; children play above/under/tree; etc.)

Description of the game. The teacher offers to evaluate the sentences written by Dunno. Children identify Dunno's mistakes, replace the incorrectly used preposition with the correct one.

Lolo penguin game.

Target. Teach children to use the preposition "for" in speech.

Equipment. Subject picture depicting a penguin.

Description of the game. The teacher informs the children: “A little penguin came to visit us, to see how you can play here, because he himself loves to play very much. He wants to play hide and seek with you." The children hide in the room. The teacher, together with the penguin, searches, and when he finds the child, he says: “Olya hid behind a chair”, “Sasha hid behind a closet, behind a door”, etc.

Game "What do you like?".

Target. Teach children to make a common sentence, use the preposition "with".

Equipment. subject pictures.

Description of the game. The teacher informs the children: “Today Carlson flew to visit us. You all remember what a sweet tooth he is. He will tell you what he loves and ask you questions. And you do not yawn, answer him in unison.

“I love bread with jam, and you?”;

"I love blueberry pie, do you?"

"I like to play with the ball, how about you?"

Children answer in turn: “I like bread with cheese, with sausage, with butter”, etc.

Game "About Because and Why".

Purpose: to teach children to use the union “because”, to compose a complex sentence.

Description of the game. The teacher reads to the children N. Rybakov's fairy tale "About Because and Why."

“They lived - they were Why and Because. They see - a log is rolling.

- Why is it rolling? – asked Why.

“Because it is round,” answered Because.

- Why don't we make something round? – asked Why.

Then they began to plan, saw, Because and Why, and they got a round wheel. They sat down and rolled on the ground. They roll and roll and see: a bird is flying.

Why is she flying? - asked Why.

“Because she has wings,” answered Because.

Why don't we make wings? – asked Why.

They made then Why and Because the wings, and the plane turned out. And they flew on to be surprised.

“Here, guys, that’s why everything is done in the world, that there is a reason.”

Then we asked questions about the fairy tale (why? ..), the children answered (because.)

Game "Finish the sentence"

Target. Teach children how to write complex sentences.

Equipment. subject pictures.

Description of the game. We showed the children two pictures of fruits and vegetables and started the sentence, and the children had to finish and repeat the whole sentence.

Lemon is sour, and watermelon ... (sweet).

The melon is sweet, and the radish ... (bitter).

The fish is salty, and sugar ... (sweet).

Grapes are sweet, and onions ... (bitter).

Hot pepper, and honey ... (sweet), etc.

In parallel with the work on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, we carried out work on the development of higher mental processes in children: memory, attention, thinking. Practically at all stages of frontal studies, our goal was the development of these functions.

Didactic games have a great influence on the development of speech of preschoolers. The didactic game contains great opportunities in the education and upbringing of preschoolers. It can be used as a form of education and as an independent play activity, as well as as a means of education, various aspects of the child's personality.

Game "Professions"

Task: to teach children to make sentences about people familiar to the child of the profession.

Equipment: plot pictures depicting people of certain professions: a seller, a cook, a teacher, a driver, a policeman, a builder, a hairdresser, an artist, a fireman, a doctor.

Description of the game. The child must make a proposal based on the picture about the duties of a person in this profession. For example, "The driver drives a car"; "Builder builds a house"; "The teacher teaches children at school."

Game "Finish the sentence"

Objective: to teach children how to compose simple sentences by pictures.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Description of the game. An adult places pictures in front of the child and begins to say a sentence, and the child must finish it the right word based on pictures.

For example: "The cat catches (the mouse)"; "The girl throws (the ball)"; "The dog gnaws (a bone)"; "Mom baked (a cake)."

Game "Fix the offer"

Task: to train children in the transformation of a deformed phrase, to develop a linguistic flair.

Equipment: deformed phrases prepared in advance by adults, in which the words are nouns in the nominative case, verbs are in the initial form.

Description of the game. The teacher reads the words, and the child must rearrange and change them in such a way that a normal sentence is obtained.

For example: “Mom, vase, sweets, put” and “Mom puts sweets in a vase”; "fly, on, glass, sit" in "A fly sits on glass"; "I, book, read, interesting" to "I read an interesting book."

Game "My family"

Task: to teach children to make sentences about family members from pictures.

Equipment: plot pictures depicting family members in various situations.

Description of the game. The adult shows the picture and asks the child: “Who is this? What is he doing?" The child must answer in a full sentence.

For example, “Mom does laundry (cooks food, sews a skirt, irons a shirt, etc.). Dad cleans the carpet (he fixes the faucet, plays chess, watches TV, reads the newspaper, etc.).

The game "Where is the toy hidden"

Task: to develop in children the skills of orientation in space, to teach them to understand verbal instructions and the meaning of adverbs of place.

Equipment: toys.

Description of the game. The adult hides the toy somewhere on the playground or in the room and gives the child verbal instructions on how to find it.

For example: stand facing the closet, take three steps to the left, look for the doll on the shelf, between the bear and the matryoshka. Or go straight to the tree, go around it and behind it under a bush you will find a car. The child must perform the given actions, find the hidden object and answer with a full sentence where the toy was: “The doll was on the shelf between the bear and the matryoshka. The car was under a bush.

Game "Little right word"

Task: to introduce children to the knowledge of simple prepositions in speech.

Equipment: objects surrounding the child (toys, dishes, furniture), plot pictures.

Description of the game. The adult gives the child small instructions, intentionally skipping prepositions. He must guess from the meaning what little word is missing here.

For example: “Put the doll (in) the stroller. The book is (in) a box. The cat hid (under) the bed.” As you practice, you can invite the child to make sentences with a small word in the picture.

Game "Make up a story"

Task: to develop coherent speech of children.

Equipment: a series of pictures connected by a single plot.

Description of the game. An adult offers to consider plot pictures, put them in order and come up with a story based on them. On initial stage an adult can ask the child leading questions - start a sentence, and the child will finish it. Also, an adult helps the child with the use of initial, introductory and final turns, inventing a name for the compiled story. As the training progresses, the child can become more independent: work without leading questions, show imagination, explaining the reasons for this or that omission of heroes.

Game "One - many".

Description of the game. The teacher shows a picture of one object and invites the child to find a picture of the same object, but in large numbers.

Pictures: ball - balls, house - houses, bucket - buckets, etc.

The teacher shows a picture and calls: a ball.

- And you, - the teacher asks, - what is in the picture?

Child's answer: I have balls in the picture.

Thus, it is proposed to name all the pictures (5-6 pictures).

Game "Catch and call".

Teacher: I will throw the ball and name words that mean one thing; you, throwing the ball, will tell me a word that means many things.

The teacher throws the ball to the child, calling the word "house"; the child returns the ball, calling the word "home". Teach your child to combine movement with a word. The teacher calls from five to eight words.

Game "Play with the word"

The formation of the plural form of words using pictures that depict one object (car, desk, pine, mountain, oak, birch). At the same time, such pictures are selected that make it possible to form the plural form of words with the ending "s".

Game "Change the word".

The teacher calls the word in the singular and throws the ball to one of the children, who must name the plural form.

The game "Guess whose things are."

Children are offered pictures showing: a grandmother in a scarf, a mother in a bathrobe, a girl in a fur coat, a man in a hat, etc., as well as pictures depicting individual items (a scarf, bathrobe, hat, fur coat, etc.). First, the children look at the pictures. The teacher names one of the items. And the children name who owns this item (This is a grandmother's scarf; This is a mother's dressing gown; This is a girl's fur coat, etc.).

The game "Guess whose tails it is."

One picture shows images of animals without tails, the other shows images of tails. The teacher shows a picture of a tail and asks who the tail belongs to. The game "Whose beak?" is played in a similar way.

The game "Who needs these things."

Children are offered pictures showing a teacher without a pointer, a painter without a brush, a hairdresser without scissors, a hunter without a gun, a fisherman without a rod, a seller without scales, etc., as well as images of objects. Children look at the pictures and call who needs what (a teacher needs a pointer, a fisherman needs a fishing rod, etc.).

Game "Gifts"

Answers to questions on the picture (who gives what to whom?). For example: Grandmother gives her granddaughter a ribbon; Dad gives mom flowers; Mom gives her daughter a doll.

Game "Guests".

The picture shows a table with plates with various treats (apple, fish, carrot, bone, mushrooms). The teacher explains: "The bear cub is waiting for guests. On the plates, he prepared treats for his guests: an apple, fish, carrot, bone. What do you think, who is the treat prepared for?

Game Big Little.

Purpose: to reveal the ability of children to form with the help of suffixes of diminutive nouns.

Equipment: Pictures of large and small objects.

Description of the game.

Red circles - big and small. The teacher offers to name what is on the card: a small circle, a large circle.

The teacher asks the child to name the mugs without the words "big" and "small".

This? - points to a small circle.

Child's answer: circle.

And this? - the teacher points to a large circle.

Child's answer: circle.

Teacher: Help me, please, I need to make out the pictures.

Place small objects in the pictures under the circle, large objects - under the circle.

The teacher places a tray with pictures of large and small objects in front of the child and monitors the child's progress in completing the task.

Under a small circle there are drawings: a Christmas tree, a ball, a ball.

Under the large circle are drawings: a Christmas tree, a ball, a ball.

The teacher suggests naming large objects first, and then small ones.

Child's answer: Christmas tree, ball, ball, Christmas tree, ball, ball.

The game "Echo" in the formation of compound words

leaves fall - leaf fall

walks by himself - self-propelled

snow falls - snowfall

honey wears - honey plant

water falls - waterfall

calls in vain - empty call

the stars are falling - starfall

mowing hay - haymaking

planting gardens - gardener

goes everywhere - all-terrain vehicle

breeds lion - arborist

base for oil - tank farm

transports timber - timber truck

goes to nuclear

energy - nuclear-powered ship

he flies - the plane

dust sucks - vacuum cleaner

carries water - a water carrier.

Game "Name how many".

The pictures are upside down, the child does not see them.

Purpose: To reveal the ability of children to coordinate numerals (2 and 5) with nouns in gender, number, case.

Description of the game. In front of the child are pictures that are upside down. The teacher offers to name what is on the card.

- This is ... (the child randomly names any object).

The teacher turns the picture over and offers to name what is on the card (ball). So all the pictures are turned over sequentially.

Teacher: Name the objects that are drawn on the cards.

The child calls: ball, Christmas tree, bucket, car.

- There are 4 cards in front of you, but I also have a fifth one, look, - the teacher offers the child a card with the image of two circles. - What's on the card?

Child's answer: Mugs.

Teacher: how many circles?

Child Answer: Two.

The teacher puts a card with two circles in front of the pictures.

Teacher: Name the objects, adding the number 2.

Sample: two balls, two Christmas trees: continue.

The teacher changes the first card to a card with the image of five circles, after inviting the child to close his eyes.

Teacher: Open your eyes and see what has changed.

Child: New card.

Teacher: Count how many circles are on the card.

The teacher offers to name the same pictures, but add the number 5.

Sample: 5 balls, 5 Christmas trees.

Modern didactic games for the development of coherent speech

Purpose: to find errors in the description and correct them.
Dunno comes to visit the children with his puppy friend. Dunno wants to show how he learned to tell. Talks about the puppy, making mistakes and inaccuracies in the description, for example: “The puppy has a red nose and big paws. He yells "Meow!" Children should notice all inaccuracies and mistakes and correct them.

Purpose: to classify objects by color, shape, quality, material; to compare objects, to compare; select as many items as possible that fit the given definition.
Children are offered to tell Dunno what happens:
green - cucumber, crocodile, leaves, flowers, spruce, paint, war machine, threads;
wide - river, road, ribbon, boulevard, street;
new - a fur coat, felt boots, a dress, a coat, toys, a house, a car, a magazine, furniture;
small - kitten, mouse, fox, brother, hamster, boy;
delicious - candy, pie, jam, juice, tea, cake, cake;
fluffy - squirrel, cat, fluff, tree, hair, jacket, scarf, fox;
cold - tea, snow, milk, ice, weather, wind, winter, room, gloves, sun, ice cream, icicle, compote;


It was a clear frosty day, snow in the sun ... (sparkled, sparkled, shimmered, shone).

Kolya really wanted the slide to turn out. He worked ... (tirelessly, tirelessly, in



Description of the game. The teacher pronounces one word (verb), for example, “cooks”. Children come up with sentences with this word, for example: “Grandma cooks delicious pies”, “Mom cooks delicious”, “Katya cooks soup”. Who has the most interesting offer, he gets a chip, a badge. The one with the most chips wins.

Teremok game.
It stands in the field of a teremok, it is not low, it is not high. Who lives in a teremochka, who lives in a low one?
We get a subject picture - for example, an iron. Children name an object.
Q. I am an iron! There is no one! I will live here. (first player knocks) who's there?
D. It's me - a table lamp. Let me live?
1st player: We'll let you in if you tell us how we are alike! Children help to find similarities: you have a posting and I have. You have red and I have, they need a table, etc. Children along the chain find common features.

Interview game.

First, introduce the children to the new words.
Interview - a conversation intended to be broadcast on radio, television or in a newspaper.
A reporter is someone who asks questions.
The respondent is the one who answers the questions.

We need to teach children to speak boldly into the microphone. To do this, ask the children to take turns saying something into the microphone, at least count to 10 forward and backward. Then the roles are distributed among the children. Possible topics are discussed. The tape recorder is set up.

Reporters start asking questions. Then the conversation is collectively listened to and discussed.
Possible topics: discussion of going to the theater and watching a play; discussion of a holiday, an exhibition of drawings, an interesting book, the most interesting event of the week.
Game options: 1) the teacher interviews the children, 2) the children interview the teacher, 3) the parents interview the child, 4) the child interviews the parents.

Game "Pictures-riddles".

One leader is selected from a group of children, the rest sit on chairs, they must guess. The teacher has big box, which contains small pictures with the image various items(you can use pictures from the children's lotto).
The driver approaches the teacher and takes one of the pictures. Without showing it to the other children, he describes the object drawn on it. Children offer their versions.
The next driver is the one who first guessed the correct answer.

Let's make up a story.

An adult reads sentences, children insert the subject, predicate, explanatory words, etc. The stories of Suteev, Bianchi can be taken as a basis.
For example:
"She sat on the threshold and meowed plaintively ... (who?). The cat sat in front of a cup of milk and greedily ... (what did she do?). The cat caught in the garden ... (whom?). The cat's wool ... (what?), claws...(what?) The cat was lying with the kittens... (where?) The kittens were playing with a ball... (how?).

12. Distribution of offers.

The adult says: “The gardener is watering ... (what? where? when? why?). Children go ... (where? why?), etc. We must pay attention to the correct construction of sentences.

13. Complete the offer.

Ask the child to complete the sentences: "Children water the flowers in the flower beds, because ...". "Not a single leaf was left on the trees, because..." "In winter, the bear sleeps because..." etc.

14. "I was in the circus..."

To play, you will need cards with letters and syllables. You can play both together and with a group. The participants in the game are given cards with letters, or all the cards are stacked on the table and the players take them in turn.
The first player takes a card with a letter or a syllable and says: "I was in the circus and saw..." He must name something that starts with the letter on his card. You can name more than just nouns. For example, the letter "K" can be used to name a clown, a tumbling gymnast, and a red curtain.
If you use cards with syllables, then it is not necessary that this syllable be at the beginning of the word.
Options: "I was at the sea ...", "I was in the forest ...", "I was in the theater ...", etc.


Take a disposable cardboard plate, draw it into sectors. In each sector, write prepositions - "on", "in", "under", "above", "with", etc.
You can play like roulette - throwing a ball on a plate. And you can make an arrow in the center of the plate and rotate it. The meaning remains the same - on which pretext the ball or arrow falls, with that pretext you need to make a proposal.

Homemade alphabet.

Take a thick album or office folder. On each sheet, draw the letters of the alphabet. Although later on for each letter you will need more sheets. Cut out pictures from old magazines, pictures from different boxes are also suitable - in general, any pictures, stickers. Together with your child, stick pictures on the page with the letter on which the word begins. Under each picture, make a caption in block letters.
Later, when the child has mastered the letters, complicate the task - cut out words from magazines. With a certain letter, with a certain syllable.


Game with words for any number of participants. Choose a few consonants and write them down on a piece of paper. Think of words that would include all these letters. Letters can be interchanged, other consonants can be added to them. For example, let's take the letters "s", "l", "m". We make words with them: plane, oil, salami, thought.
Whoever comes up with the most words wins.

Add a letter.

At least two players. Think of singular nouns. The first player names any letter from the Russian alphabet. The next in turn must add his letter at the beginning or at the end, having in mind any word with such a combination of letters. Players continue to lengthen the letter combination in this way in turn. The one who names the whole word wins.
Another option is for older children. The one who names the whole word or the one who cannot add a letter, meaning some word, loses. The player can "bluff", i.e. add a letter for which he does not know the words. In this case, two options are possible: the player following him can either ask the previous player to say the word, and if the previous one cannot do this, he loses, or the next player himself continues to bluff further until one of the following players finally asks for the word.
This option is difficult, often the player cannot add a letter to a letter combination from a well-known word.


One says, "Our ship is going to... like India.

What will we take with us? "Someone asks:" What letter? ". "On the letter "K"! ". The first one starts and says: "We take a cat!" The other: "Cacti!". "Pots!". If a lot of words have already been said for this letter, you can continue like this: "The first deck is already occupied. Let's fill in the next one, with the letter "P".

Another option is Travel.
Prepare sets of cards with letters. One identical for each. We draw a steam locomotive with wagons. On each trailer we write a large letter of the alphabet. (You can draw other transport).
We set a task. For example, today we are going to the sea. We take our places. Who will go with us? What will we take with us? One says: "A giraffe will go with us" and puts a card with the letter "Ж" on the trailer with the corresponding letter.
The next one says: "And I'll take the TV with me" and puts a card with the letter "T" on the trailer with the letter "T".
And so on, until you run out of letters or words. Only nouns need to be named. At the same time, we will explain to the child what a noun is - This is a word about which you can say "WHAT is this?" or "WHO is this?"

Who is friends with what letters.

The game is not only for memorizing letters and developing speech, but also very informative. Each player must have a picture of an animal. Can be different. For example, mom has an elephant, dad has a crocodile, and a child has a hedgehog. Mom says: "My elephant is friends with the letter "X" because he has a trunk." Dad says: "And my crocodile is friends with the letter" R "because he lives in the river." The child says: “My hedgehog is friends with the letter “I”, because he has needles.

Continue the row.

In order to build sentences in accordance with the norms of the native language, the child does not need to invent suffixes and prefixes, learn grammar rules - he learns them in the process of communication.
This exercise is aimed at developing the ability to change words by analogy, that is, to detect certain grammatical patterns. Changing words according to the model, by analogy, the child discovers both language rules and exceptions to them.
For example: a fox, a bear, but a hedgehog; sugar bowl, bread box, but salt shaker, butter dish.
Another outstanding German scientist Wilhelm von Humboldt, the founder of linguistics, wrote: “When mastering a language, each child vaguely relies on analogies, which is more noticeable in creatively developed children. It is only important to find the spirit of these analogies, and this is a critical point in any language learning real mastery of the language and real enjoyment of it begins.
The ability to use analogies will serve as a support for your child when learning foreign languages.
Tasks for the exercise "continue the row" parents and educators can easily come up with themselves. Here are some examples of tasks:
People - people, children - ...
Son - daughter, grandson - ..., nephew - ...
A team of horses - equestrian, a team of dogs - ..., a team of deer - ...
Tundra - deer, jungle - ..., desert - ...
Sleepers - wooden, rails - ...
The passenger entered the car, the passenger goes to ..., the passenger leaves ..., the passenger stands next to ...
Boat - boat, boat - ..., ship - ..., steamer - ...
A pilot is an airplane, a helicopter pilot is ..., an astronaut is ...
Sugar - in a sugar bowl, butter - in ..., bread - in ..., salt - in ...
Spoon - spoons - many spoons, fork - ... - many ..., knife - ... -
a lot of …

Snow com
Players take turns adding words to the suggested beginning of a phrase.
Game options:

"Let's go on the road"
Host: "I'm going on a trip and put in a suitcase ...".
Child: "I'm going on a trip and I'm putting soap in my suitcase."
The next player repeats the phrase and adds what he still considers necessary, etc. Other situations are played out according to the same principle, for example:

"Cooking breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner"
Presenter: "We are preparing breakfast, let's make a menu."
Child: "I usually have a sandwich for breakfast."
Next player: "I don't have a sandwich for breakfast, I prefer...". Next" "I do not like, neither a sandwich nor ... I prefer ...", etc.

"We're setting the table"
Leading: "Let's set the table for dinner. I'll put a bread box on the table."
Child: "Let's set the table for dinner. I'll put a bread box, a napkin holder on the table."
The next player repeats the phrase and adds what else he considers necessary, etc.

"Let's go for a walk"
Leading: "We are going to the forest. I will put on rubber boots".
Child: "We are going to the forest. I will put on rubber boots, I will take a basket."

"Waiting for guests"
Host: "Guests will come to us today. Let's make an entertainment program. We can arrange attractions."
Child: "Guests will come to us today. Let's make an entertainment program. You can arrange attractions, show tricks."
The next player repeats the phrase and adds what he still considers necessary, and so on.

A story to be continued.

Have the children complete the story. The first player says the first sentence, the second repeats what the first said and adds his sentence, etc.

What are the words.

Read to the child a poem by M. Plyatskovsky "What are the words."
There is a sweet word - candy.
There is a quick word - rocket.
There is a sour word - lemon.
There is a word with a window - wagon.
There is a prickly word - a hedgehog.
There is a word wet - rain.
There is a stubborn word - goal.
There is a word green - spruce.
There is a book word - page.
There is a forest word - a titmouse.
There is a fluffy word - snow.
There is a funny word - laughter.

Then you name a word (for example, house, thunderstorm, joy) and ask what it could be. Each player comes up with their own definition.

"Similar words" are synonyms.

The selection of synonyms helps to learn the different meanings of the same word, teaches you to choose the most accurate words, to avoid repeating the same words.
The adult explains that the same thing can be said in different words. Such words are called close in meaning.
Adult: "I'll start, and you continue. Winnie the Pooh is funny (funny, funny, funny, comical ...).
Donkey Eeyore is sad (sad, joyless, distressed...)".
Adult: The hare is cowardly. How else can you say? (Fearful, timid, shy ..)
Adult: "The hare is running away from the fox. How else can you say?" (Escapes, blinks, flees, flies at full speed, blows his legs).

Multiple words.

Adult: "Sometimes we call different objects with the same word. For example, onion is a vegetable plant, onion is a weapon.
What is the meaning of the word needle? (Sewing needles, conifer needles, hedgehog needles).
Discuss what meanings the words can have: pen, spout, tongue; strokes, runs, flies, rushes; ruddy, expensive, strong, fresh.

Read and discuss the poems with your child.
B. Zakhoder
(from the songs of Winnie the Pooh)

going forward
And it's snowing
Although we are completely
Not on the road at all!
But only here
Say from-
Say from-
Why are your feet so cold?

The pin has a head.
(V. Lunin)

The pin has a head, but without hair, alas!
The teapot has a spout, but no head.
The needle has an eye, but it does not hear,
The shoes have a tongue, but the shoes are silent all the same.
There are holes in the road, but no chin and cheeks,
There is a mountain foot, but something is not visible feet.
The mountain ash has hands, but the poor thing has no hands,
With a white eye, the potato, not seeing, looks around.
The key is silver in the thicket, to which there is no lock,
Across the field, having no legs, the river runs lazily.
The comb has teeth, but it cannot eat,
After the month, the month passes, and not the moon after the moon.
The stream has sleeves, although the stream is not dressed,
The folder is worn under the arm, but not under the cat.

(A. Usachev)

Cranes have noses
Ships have noses
The teapot has a spout, only a very small one.
An unusual beast - Nosuha,
Nosuha has nose to ear.
A huge rhinoceros
He wears a horn instead of a nose.
The goblin's nose is a knot,
And the pig has a piglet.
But the pig and the sailor
Wipe your nose!

Who is carrying what.
(M. Yasnov)

Semyon carries a briefcase in his hand,
Pavlusha - deuce in the diary.
Serezha boarded the ship -
He is on naval duty.
Andryusha walks in strong men -
He carries a backpack on his shoulders.
Peter beat the bully Misha -
Michael is losing.
Stepan does not close his mouth:
He's been talking nonsense all day!

(V. Orlov)

They say: the clock is standing,
They say the clock is running fast
They say the clock is ticking
But they are a little behind.
Mishka and I watched together
And the clock is in place.

On the contrary (antonyms).

Many words have opposite meanings.
An adult begins a phrase, and a child finishes it, for example:
sweet sugar, and pepper ...,
the road is wide, and the path ...,
plasticine is soft, and the stone ...,
tea is hot and ice cream...,
jelly is thick, and fruit drink ...,
a sheet of emery is rough, and a sheet of paper ...
The hare runs fast and the tortoise crawls...
It's bright during the day, but at night...

Another variant:
Porridge is boiled thick and ... (liquid). Animals are brave and ... (cowardly). Carrots can be eaten raw and ... (boiled). Apples can be small and ... (large).

Read to your child D. Ciardi's poem "The Farewell Game".

Here's the farewell game...
us a book
It's time to close;
We all hope
What with her
You became
A little smarter

you learned a lot
funny words
And more
All sorts of things
And if you
memorized them,
Not in vain
Your day is wasted!

And you and me
The turn has come
play the game
"Vice versa".
I will say a word
And you answer:...
I will say the word CEILING,
And you answer:...
I will say the word LOST,
And you will say: ...!
I will tell you a word
You will answer:
I will say, -
Well, answer: ...!

Rhyming game - tell me the word.

Realizing the rhythm and rhyme of a given line, children begin to understand poetic speech better.
The adult offers: "I will read you a poem, but I will not specifically say some words, but you try to tell me them." An adult reads a poem and does not finish one word in a line. The child suggests a rhyme. In case of difficulty, the words in the line are finished by an adult. The poem should be read until the child learns to independently pronounce the words correctly.
A very scary story.
(Daniel Kharms)

Eating a bun with butter,
The brothers walked down the alley.
Suddenly on them from a nook
The big dog barked loudly.

Said the younger: - Here's the attack,
He wants to attack us..
So that we do not get into trouble,
We will throw the bun into the dog's ... mouth.

Everything ended up great.
The brothers immediately became .. clear
What's on every walk
You must take with you ... a roll.

Mouse cones
(A. Kondratiev)

Once upon a time there were two serious cones on a pine tree.
Lived under a pine tree two cheerful mice.
And the mice screamed:
- Hey, get down bumps!
You know about us only by hearsay.

The cones answered:
- Stupid mice
Why is it bad for us to hang
Here on our tower.

Better we invite you:
Get in, let's hang out.

But what kind of game of rhymes does the poet Vadim Levin offer. It's called: "Add two lines."
The host comes up with the first two lines of the poem, and the rest of the participants in the game finish it, for example:

Hippo at the zoo
I swallowed a hedgehog and now

Ending options:

He has a stomach ache.
The poor hippopotamus is crying.

He raised a terrible cry -
I'm not used to spicy food.

Drinking castor oil all day
And roars ... like a hippopotamus.

Behemoth laughs with might and main:
Hedgehog inside tickles him!

Suggest your ending.

Try adding these couplets:

Akim ran along the river
Akim was completely dry.

Purpose: to use in speech verbs in an indefinite form, constructions of a complex sentence.
Material: pictures with images of objects (real objects) used when washing, dressing, etc. (soap, Toothbrush, nail brush, towel, toothpaste, hair clip, hair band, scissors, vase, tray, mugs, spoons, plates, socks, shoes, etc.), doll.
Children are introduced to the doll. They examine pictures (objects) with them, call them. Then the doll shows the pictures one by one, and the children, without naming them, say what this or that object is for (to brush their teeth, to wash their hands, to comb their hair, etc.). In the future, one of the children (with tied or eyes closed) guesses the object by its function and names it.

(According to the story of N. Nosov "On the hill")
Choose the most suitable figurative words and expressions.
An adult makes up unfinished sentences. The child must complete the sentence using figurative turns of speech.

It was a clear frosty day, snow in the sun ... (sparkled, sparkled, shimmered, shone).
Misha sat on a sled and rushed off the mountain ... (with a bullet, a whirlwind, an arrow, so breathtaking, with lightning).
The sled turned over, and the boy ... (flopped, flopped, flew head over heels, flew upside down, fell into the snow).
Kolya really wanted the slide to turn out. He worked ... (tirelessly, tirelessly, in the sweat of his face).

Purpose: to get acquainted with phraseological units.
An adult names phraseological units (one leg here, the other there; burn with shame; count the raven; fool your head, etc.).
Asks questions like: What does this expression mean? When do they say so? In what way can it be said? Offers to choose a picture that fits a particular expression. (Pictures reflecting the figurative and literal meaning of phraseological units are selected in advance.)

Purpose: to get acquainted with figurative expressions, to find semantic inaccuracies, errors.
The children are told that Dunno, who now goes to the School of Merry Men, wrote to them in a letter that he had learned to make sentences. They read the sentences that Dunno came up with, ask questions:
- "Masha spent the whole day tirelessly lying in bed." Why are you laughing? Did the stranger make a mistake? How was it to be said?
- "When Olya saw what a gift they brought her, she even pouted her lips with joy." Where is the mistake? How to say right?
“Ah, lion, you are so brave! You have such a hare soul!” How to say?
- "The old man with a stick rushed along the path, and Sasha wandered into the sandbox." Is everything right here? How to say?

Purpose: to teach children to make sentences on a given verb.
Equipment. Checkboxes, icons.
Description of the game. The teacher pronounces one word (verb), for example, “cooks”. Children come up with sentences with this word, for example: “Grandma cooks delicious pies”, “Mom cooks delicious”, “Katya cooks soup”. Whoever has the most interesting offer gets a chip, a badge. The one with the most chips wins.
Note. It is possible to take not only a verb as the basis of a sentence. The teacher can name any part of speech (adjective, adverb, etc.) depending on the purpose of the lesson.
I, beloved, dear, cheerful, sad.
The ball is rubber, round, large, red.
House - wooden, brick, panel, high, low, old, abandoned, empty, new, two-story, multi-story.

"Where is the beginning of the story?" Purpose: To teach to convey the correct temporal and logical sequence of the story using serial pictures. Game progress. The child is asked to write a story. Based on pictures. Pictures serve as a kind of plan for the story, they allow you to accurately convey the plot, from beginning to end. For each picture, the child makes one sentence and together they are combined into a coherent story.

"Find a place for the picture" Purpose: to teach to follow the sequence of the course of action. Game progress. A series of pictures is laid out in front of the child, but one picture is not placed in a row, but is given to the child so that he finds the right place for it. After that, the child is asked to compose a story based on the restored series of pictures. Sets of serial pictures for uploading

"Fix the mistake" Purpose: to teach to establish the correct sequence of actions. Game progress. A series of pictures are laid out in front of the child, but one picture is not in its place. The child finds a mistake, puts the picture in the right place, and then makes up a story through the entire series of pictures.

"Which picture is not needed?" Purpose: to teach to find unnecessary details for this story. Game progress. A series of pictures are laid out in front of the child in the correct sequence, but one picture is taken from another set. The child must find an unnecessary picture, remove it, and then make up a story.

"Guess it" Purpose of the game: to teach children to describe an object without looking at it, to find essential features in it; recognize an item from a description. Game progress. The teacher reminds the children how they talked about familiar objects, guessed and guessed riddles about them and suggests:

"Let's play" . Let the objects of our room tell about themselves, and we will guess from the description which object speaks. You must follow the rules of the game: when you talk about the subject, do not look at it so that we do not immediately guess. Talk only about those objects that are in the room. After a short pause (children must choose an object to describe, prepare for an answer), the teacher puts a pebble on the lap of any player. The child stands up and gives a description of the object, and then passes the pebble to the one who will guess. Having guessed, the child describes his object and passes the pebble to another player to guess. Item description plan It is multi-colored, round in shape. You can throw it up, roll it on the ground, but you can’t play it in a group, as you can break the glass

"Draw a fairy tale" Purpose: to teach how to draw up a drawing plan for the test, use it when telling. Game progress. The text of the fairy tale is read to the child and offered to write it down with the help of drawings. Thus, the child himself makes a series of consecutive pictures, according to which he then tells a fairy tale. The story should be short. Of course, you can help the child, show how to schematically draw a person, a house, a road; to determine together with him which episodes of the fairy tale must be depicted, i.e. highlight the main plot twists.

"Photographer" Purpose: to teach how to write a description of a picture based on fragments of this picture. Game progress. An adult asks the child to look at a large picture, as well as small subject pictures next to it. “The photographer took many pictures of one leaf. This is the overall picture, and these are parts of the same picture. Show where these fragments are in the big picture. Now tell me what this picture is about. Do not forget to describe those details that the photographer took separately, which means they are very important.

"What Doesn't Happen" Purpose: to teach to find and discuss errors when looking at absurd pictures. Game progress. After examining the absurd pictures, ask the child not only to list the wrong places, but also to prove why this image is erroneous. Then you get a complete description of the picture, and even with elements of reasoning.

"How do you know?" Purpose: to teach to select evidence when compiling stories, choosing essential features. Game progress. Before the children are objects or pictures that they have to describe. The child chooses any object and names it. The host asks, “How did you know it was a TV?” The player must describe the object, choosing only the essential features that distinguish this object from the rest. For each correctly named sign receives a chip. Whoever collects the most chips wins.

"And I would..." Purpose: development of creative imagination, teaching free storytelling. Game progress. After reading the fairy tale to the child, invite him to tell what he would do if he got into this fairy tale and became one of the main characters.

"Make up two stories" Purpose: to teach to distinguish the plots of different stories. Game progress. In front of the child, two sets of serial pictures are mixed up and asked to lay out two series at once, and then make up stories for each series.

"Search for missing parts" Purpose: to teach how to write a description of a picture based on fragments of this picture. Game progress. “The photograph has deteriorated, some fragments have been erased from the big picture. It's good that the small pictures survived. Substitute each fragment in the right place and describe the picture that the photographer shot. Thus, a feature of the didactic game for the development of speech and its final end is the result, which is determined by the didactic task, game task, game actions and rules and which the educator foresees using this or that game. Mastering the skills of sound-syllabic analysis is of paramount importance for the correction and formation of the phonetic side of speech and its grammatical structure, as well as for the ability to pronounce words of a complex syllabic structure.

Didactic game "Train" Objectives: To teach children to answer questions. Equipment: a toy train with five or six cars, toys (wolf, fox, hare, dog, cat, etc.), nameplates of toys attached to the train cars. Speech material: let's play; the train is running. A dog, a cat, a hare, a fox, a wolf go to visit the doll. Show the dog (cat...). Where is the fox (wolf, hare...) going? True False. Game progress: Children stand or sit in a semicircle in front of the teacher. The teacher takes out toys from a beautiful box, names them together with the children, and gives a toy to each child. An adult shows the children a train, to each trailer of which is attached a sign with the name of an animal (DOG, CAT, WOLF, FOX ...). The teacher says to the children: “Let's play. A fox, a hare, a wolf... go to visit the doll. Where is the fox (wolf, hare, etc.) going?” The child who has this toy comes up to the train, finds a car with the FOX sign, "seats" the toy in it, and together with the teacher reads the sign in conjugated-reflected form. The game continues until all the children have placed their animals on the wagons. After that, the train leaves.

Didactic game "Carousel" Objectives: To teach children to answer questions. Equipment: carousel image on cardboard, photographs of children, nameplates for children. Speech material: names of children. This is a carousel. Let's play. Who is this? This is Olya .... Where is Olya (Katya ....)? Olya (Katya...) is skating. Game progress: Children stand in a semicircle near the teacher. The teacher fixes on the table or on the board an image of a carousel made of cardboard. It is desirable to fix the carousel in such a way that it can be rotated. A sign with the name of the child is inserted into each “seat” of the carousel, and photographs of children are laid out on the teacher’s table. The teacher says: “This is a carousel. Let's play." Then he asks one child to take a tablet with his name, read it, match the photo to the tablet and put it on the “seat” of the carousel. In the same way, children place all the photos in their places in the carousel. After that, the carousel can be started. After the carousel stops, the game can be continued, only this time the teacher distributes tablets with each other's names to the children, helps each child to read the name. Then the child points to the person whose name is written on the tablet, and puts the tablet next to the photo. When labels are matched to all photos, the carousel starts again.

Didactic game "Draw a path" Objectives: to teach to understand and carry out instructions, to develop fine motor skills. Equipment: a sheet of white cardboard with slots on both sides for houses and signs. On one side, houses with opening windows are inserted into the slots (in each window there is an image of a toy: a doll, a cat, a fish, a bear, etc.), and on the other side, in a random sequence, plates with the names of these toys are inserted into the slots. speech material. Here is the house. What's there? Open. There is a doll (fish, cat, bear...). Draw a path. Show the doll (cat, fish, etc.). Game progress: Children stand near the blackboard. A sheet of cardboard is fixed on the board, on which, on one side, there are houses with opening windows, and on the other, in a random sequence, plates with the names of toys. The teacher says: “Let's play. Here is the house (points to one of the houses). What's there? “The teacher asks the child to go to the house and open the window. The child independently names who “lives” in the house (for example, “There is a doll”). Next, the teacher asks the child to find the appropriate plate, while he points to the column where the names of the toys are written. After the child has correctly shown the sign, the teacher asks him to draw a path: "Draw a path." The child draws a path with a felt-tip pen from the house to the corresponding sign. The teacher reads the name of this toy with all the children. Then the children open other windows and pick up signs with the names of the inhabitants of the house, draw paths.

Didactic game "Family" Objectives: to expand the vocabulary, to learn to answer the questions of the teacher. Equipment: flannelograph, cardboard house with windows, slots are made under each window, into which you can insert signs, pictures of family members. Speech material: This is a house. Mom lives here (dad, girl, boy, grandmother, grandfather). Who is this? Where does mom (dad, etc.) live? Game progress: A cardboard house with windows is attached to the flannelograph. Under each window there is a sign with the name of a family member. The teacher distributes pictures of family members to the children, asking: “Who is this?” The pictures show grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, girl, boy. Then the teacher points to the house and says: “We will play. This is a house. Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, boy, girl live here. Where does mom live? The child who has a picture of the mother comes up to the flannelograph and attaches this picture to the window, under which the corresponding plate is attached. Then the teacher reads this tablet together with the children. The game continues until all family members have taken their places in the house.

Didactic game "Mishkin's House" Objectives: to expand the vocabulary, to learn to answer the questions of the teacher. Equipment: teddy bear, toy furniture (table, chair, wardrobe, sofa, bed, sideboard), cardboard or plastic house with windows, door, removable roof or sliding walls, handkerchief. speech material. This is a house. A bear lives here. What is there? What is this? Table, chair, wardrobe, sofa, bed, sideboard. Set up a table (chair...). Game progress: Children are arranged in a semicircle around the teacher's table. There is a cardboard house on the table and a teddy bear next to it. The teacher points to the house and says: “This is the house. A bear lives here. Children repeat the phrases after the teacher. The teacher points to toy furniture covered with a scarf: “What is there?” He takes off his handkerchief and names each piece of furniture, the children reproduce the words conjugated-reflected. The teacher brings the bear into the house through the door, points to the window: “Look. What is there? The teacher removes the roof of the house or pushes the walls apart: "Look." Each child takes turns approaching the house and looking inside. Inside the room are signs with the names of the furniture. The teacher offers the child to take one of the plates and pick up the appropriate piece of furniture. When the child picks up a piece of furniture, the name is repeated with all the children. Then the adult, pointing inside the house, says: "Put a chair (table, wardrobe, etc.) here." The game continues until the children put all the furniture in their places in the room. The teacher says: “The house is beautiful. The bear will live here.

Didactic game "Field of Miracles" Objectives: to expand the vocabulary, to learn to answer the questions of the teacher. Equipment: a top with an arrow, subject pictures according to the number of children (for example, a jacket, pants, a fur coat, a coat, a hat, a scarf), a set of plates with the names of objects. speech material. This is Yula. I will spin the top. What do you have? Jacket, pants, fur coat... Find the picture. Show the jacket (pants ...). Game progress: Each child has a set of subject pictures on the table. The teacher has a top on the table, to which an arrow is attached. Around the top are 5-6 tablets with the names of objects. The teacher says to the children: “Let's play. I will spin the top." After the top stops, the teacher shows the sign pointed to by the arrow and reads the sign together with the children. The teacher asks: “Where is this picture? Show". Children must choose the appropriate picture from the set and raise it so that the teacher can evaluate the correctness of the choice. Then the teacher fixes the picture in the typesetting canvas and a sign under it. Next, the teacher calls one child to spin the top. The game continues until all the cards have been read. This game can be carried out on other thematic material, the number of plates can be increased at the discretion of the teacher.

Didactic game "Lotto" Objectives: to expand the vocabulary, to learn to answer the questions of the teacher. Equipment: five subject pictures depicting domestic animals (for example, a horse, cow, goat, pig, dog), a large lotto card on which the names of subject pictures are written. speech material. Who is this? Horse, goat, pig, dog, cow. There is no dog. Game progress: The child is sitting at the table. In front of him is a large lotto card with the names of pets written on it. The teacher says: “We will play”, shows the picture and asks: “Who is this?” The child names the picture independently or conjugated-reflected. The teacher asks to find the name of the picture on the loto card: “Where is the horse?” The child must find the appropriate plate and read it. The teacher gives him a picture that the child puts on the plate. In the middle of the game, the teacher shows a picture, the name of which is not on the big lotto card. The child must identify and say that this picture is superfluous: "There is no dog." Then the game continues.

Didactic game "Doll book" Objectives: to teach to carry out instructions, to answer the questions of the teacher. Equipment: a doll with a bag, a set of signs, a homemade book with a picture of a boy (girl) who performs various actions. A strip of thick paper is glued under the drawings so that you can insert a plate. speech material. The doll has arrived. The doll will play with the children. This is a book. What's there? What is the boy doing? The boy runs (walks, stands, fell). Walk, run, jump, crawl. Game progress: Children stand in a semicircle near the teacher. The teacher shows the doll and says: “The doll came to visit. The doll will play with the guys. Then the teacher points to the bag that the doll “holds” and asks: “What is there?” Children repeat this question after the teacher. The doll "takes out" signs with the names of actions from the bag (go, run ...), gives instructions to the children. The teacher, together with the children, reads each tablet, fixes it in a typesetting canvas. Children do the right thing. Then the teacher looks into the bag again, takes out a book from it and asks: “What is this?” Children alone or together with the teacher say "This is a book." The teacher opens the book, shows the children the picture on the first page and asks the children: “What is the boy doing?” The child must answer (for example: “The boy is running”), take the appropriate plate from the typesetting canvas and fix it in the book. Similarly, work is carried out with subsequent images.

Didactic game "Closet with things" Objectives: to teach to carry out instructions, to answer the questions of the teacher. Equipment: a wardrobe from a set of toy furniture with shelves and opening doors, a set of clothes for a doll, plates with the names of clothing items. speech material. The doll is inaccurate. There is a dress, pants, jacket, T-shirt, hat. Put down the T-shirt... Hang up the dress... Game progress: There is a closet on the teacher's table, and doll clothes are scattered around it. The teacher tells the children: “The doll is sloppy. The clothes are scattered. Clothes should be put in the closet. The teacher opens the cabinet doors and shows the children that there are signs with the names of clothes on the shelves and on the hangers. Then, he asks one of the children to take, for example, a dress and hang it in the closet (“Nikita, take the dress. Hang it in the closet”). The child finds a hanger with a sign "dress" attached to it and hangs the doll's dress on this hanger. In case of difficulty, you can take a hanger with a sign from the closet and pick up the appropriate item for it. Then other children hang or put the doll's things in the closet in the same place in the same way. During the game, you can clarify the meanings of the words “put-hang” (“Put down the T-shirt. Hang up the dress”). A similar game can be played on the topic "Utensils",

Didactic game "Spread fruit" Objectives: to expand the vocabulary. Equipment: pictures of fruits (grapes, lemon, apple, plum, pear) or small models, tray, flannelgraph, toy baskets or cut out of cardboard. Each basket is attached to a plate with the name of a particular fruit. Speech material: apple, plum, pear, lemon, grapes. What is this? Whats up? Put it right. Take a pear... There is a pear (apple...). Game progress: Children sit at their tables. The teacher shows a tray with models or pictures of fruits on it. The adult shows the children all the fruits in turn and asks about each of them: “What is this?” Children name fruits. Next, the teacher puts the baskets on the table (or attaches images of the baskets to the flannelgraph). He distributes dummies or pictures of fruits to children: "Masha, take a pear." After the child has chosen the picture correctly, the teacher offers to put it in a basket with the appropriate inscription. The child reads the inscriptions on the baskets and puts the picture of the fruit in the right basket. The teacher, together with the children, reads the word attached to the basket and clarifies: “There is a pear (apple) here.” In the same way, other pictures depicting fruits are laid out in baskets. A similar game can be played on the topic "Vegetables".

Didactic game "Do as we do" Objectives: to teach to carry out assignments, to activate the vocabulary of children. Equipment: small toys (bunny, bear, wolf, dog, hedgehog), signs with the name of actions. Speech material: hare, bear, wolf, dog, hedgehog, jump, run, stand, walk, dance, right, wrong. We have guests. Who is this? Game progress: Children sit at their tables. The teacher informs the children: “Guests have come to us. Who is this?" The adult shows each toy, the children name it. Then the teacher puts the toy on the table in front of the children. Next to each toy, the teacher puts a sign on which some action is written. Then the adult says: “Let's play. Guys, get up. Come to me". After the children have stood in a semicircle near the teacher, an adult takes a toy (for example, a bunny) and shows the children his sign. Children perform the appropriate action.

Didactic game "Draw a picture" Objectives: to teach children to answer the questions of the teacher, to develop coherent speech of children. Equipment: flannelgraph, images of objects (house, tree, grass, sun, girl, boy, ball) cut out of cardboard and pasted on flannel, plates with the names of these objects. Speech material: house, flowers, grass, ball, sun, girl, boy playing. Let's make a picture. Where are the flowers?... Take the flowers... A boy and a girl are playing ball. Game progress: Children stand in a semicircle near the flannelograph. Tablets with the names of the drawings are attached to the flannelgraph, and the drawings themselves lie on the table not far from the flannelgraph. The teacher tells the children: “Let's make a picture. What is written? For example, the teacher points to the “flowers” ​​sign attached to the flannelgraph. After the tablet is read, the teacher removes it from the flannelograph and attaches the corresponding drawing to the place of this tablet, i.e. flowers. Next, the child reads any of the remaining tablets, finds the desired image and replaces the tablet with a picture. This is how the picture gradually emerges. After the picture is fully assembled, the teacher, together with the children, once again clarifies the names of various objects, includes words in sentences, demonstrates them on tablets or writes them down on the board. The sentences are read by all children. Depending on the level of speech development, the text may be larger or smaller. For example. "Spring has come. The sun is shining. Grass and flowers grow. A boy and a girl are playing ball. Then the text is read by the teacher together with the children. In the next lesson, you can invite the children to pick up sentences from the text to the picture on the flannelgraph (The sun is shining ...).

Didactic game "Fox Birthday" Goals; to activate the vocabulary of children, to teach to understand questions and answer them. Equipment: toys (fox, cat, wolf, bear, hare, dog), animal nameplates, toy table and chairs. Speech material: fox, bear, cat, wolf, hare, dog. Fox has a birthday. The guests came to the fox. Fox can't read. Help the fox. Who is this? Game progress: There is a toy table and chairs on the table in front of the children. On each chair is a sign with the name of a particular animal. The fox appears. The teacher tells the children: “The fox has a birthday. The guests came to the fox. Further, the teacher points to chairs with signs, says: “The fox cannot read. Help the fox. Look who's here." Children look at and read the signs. Behind the screen on another table are the animals that came to the fox for his birthday. Children together with the teacher name animals. Then the teacher offers the children: "Let's put the animals in their places." He suggests that one of the children take a sign, find the appropriate toy and place it on a chair. The game continues until the children have put all the animals at the table. Then it is clarified once again who came to visit the fox, what the guests did at the birthday party.

Didactic game "Shop" Objectives: to activate the vocabulary of children, to learn to understand questions and answer them. Equipment: three shelves, natural or drawn on paper, toys or pictures depicting toys (there may be pictures depicting dishes, clothes, etc.), plates with the names of toys. Speech material: matryoshka, shovel, car, doll, fish, pyramid. This is a store. I will be a seller. What toy do you want? I bought a bunny... Game progress: There are shelves with toys on the table. If they are not available, you can attach a sheet of paper to the board, on which three shelves are drawn, to which pictures of toys are attached. Next to the shelves on the table are tablets with the names of toys. An adult points to the shelves and says: “We will play. This is a store. I will be a seller. Sasha, what toy do you want? The child goes to the shelves, takes one of the plates with the name of the toy he wants to buy. Depending on the speech capabilities, some children may be limited only to the name of the toy, others may use the phrase "I want (buy) a doll." The child gives the tablet to the adult. The seller takes a toy from the shelf, asks the child to say what he bought. The game continues until all the toys are "sold out".

Didactic game "Colorful flags" Objectives: to teach to understand and carry out instructions, to expand the vocabulary of children, to activate the speech of children. Equipment: five flags different color(red, blue, green, yellow, black), color nameplates. Speech material: green, blue, red, yellow, black. Who has this flag? Show checkbox. I have a blue (green...) flag. Walk around. Game progress: Children sit at their tables. Each child has two flags on the table. different colors. The teacher shows a sign with the name of one color or another, reads it with all the children and then asks: “Who has such a flag? Show". If the children memorized the color designations in writing well, only tablets can be offered, and then, after selecting the appropriate flag, read them with the children. Children should raise the flag and say what color it is (“I have a blue flag”). At the end of the game, the teacher offers to take flags of a certain color and go around in a circle with them.

Didactic game "Garden" Objectives: to teach to understand and carry out instructions, to expand the vocabulary of children, to activate the speech of children. Equipment: a large map depicting a garden (an empty circle is drawn on each “bed”, and the name of a vegetable is written under it), small pictures depicting potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes. Speech material: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes. This is a vegetable garden. Cabbage, onions grow here ... What is there? What is this? Where does... grow? Game progress: The teacher has a large picture of a vegetable garden on the table. In the envelope, the teacher has small pictures depicting vegetables. He says: “This is a garden (points to a large picture). Cabbage, beets grow here ... ”Then the teacher takes out a small picture from the envelope with an image of, for example, a cucumber and asks the children:“ What is this? Where does cucumber grow? One of the children goes to a large picture, finds an empty circle, under which is written "cucumber" and puts the image of a cucumber on the empty circle. Then the teacher invites one of the children to get a picture of another vegetable from the envelope, name it, and then find the garden bed on which it grows. Children are asked questions: “What is this? Where does it grow? The game continues until all the empty circles in the picture of the vegetable garden are closed.

Didactic game "Find the mask of the animal" Objectives: to teach to understand and carry out instructions, to expand the vocabulary of children, to activate the speech of children. Equipment: animal masks (cats, dogs, squirrels, foxes, wolves), signs with the names of animals, a basket. speech material. Here is the basket. This is a cat, dog, squirrel, wolf. Take this mask. Who are you? I am a fox (wolf...). Put on your masks. Let's dance. Game progress: Masks are laid out on the table by an adult. The teacher shows the children a basket with signs, which he holds in his hands and says: “We will play. Here is the basket. Here are the signs. Anya, take the sign. The child takes the tablet and reads it together with the teacher. Then the adult offers: "Take such a mask." The child takes the mask, calls it ("It's a wolf") and sits on his chair. At the end of the game, an adult asks each child a question: “Who are you? “The child, on his own or with the help of a teacher, says: “I am a fox ...”, puts on an animal mask. Then the children lead a round dance.

Didactic game "Postman" Objectives: to teach to understand and carry out instructions, to expand the vocabulary of children, to activate the speech of children. Equipment: envelopes according to the number of children, a postman's suit, toys (ball, fish, doll, car, boat), signs with instructions. Speech material: fish, doll, car, boat, go, give, take, take away, show, names of children. What's there? Game progress: Children sit at their tables. The “postman” enters with a bag (a teacher or teacher dressed as a postman) and says: “Hi! The bag is heavy. What is there? The “postman” takes out one toy from the bag, asking the children: “What is this?” Then the "postman" takes the envelopes out of the bag and shows them to the children. Children, having read the name on the envelope, point to the child to whom the letter is addressed. The “postman” gives the envelope to this child, he opens the envelope and takes out a sign with an instruction from it, for example: “Take the boat.” The tablet is read, then the child completes the task. The game continues until the "postman" distributes all the "letters" to the children.

Didactic game "Find the picture" Objectives: to activate coherent speech, to expand the vocabulary of children. Equipment: pictures of dishes (five pictures for each child), plates with the name of dishes. Speech material: cup, spoon, plate, saucer, teapot, pan. Show a picture. Who has this picture? Walk straight. Game progress: Children stand in a line; Each child has five pictures of dishes in their hands. The teacher stands at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the children. An adult says: “We will play,” shows the children a sign with the name of the dishes: “Read.” Children read the tablet together with the teacher, then the adult asks: “Who has such a picture? Show the picture." If the child correctly showed the picture, he takes one step forward. The one who showed incorrectly remains in place. The first person to reach the teacher wins.

Didactic game "Guess" Objectives: to expand the children's vocabulary, to activate children's speech, to learn to understand questions and answer them. Equipment: schematic (black and white) pictures with images of animals or pictograms, which show the features of the appearance of animals (beak of a goose, mouth of a wolf, horse ears), plates with the names of animals. speech material. Watch carefully. Do so. Who does it look like? Who is this? This is a hare, wolf, horse, goose, bird. Game progress: Pictures or pictograms (which is preferable) with images of animals are displayed on the typesetting canvas. The children's tables are labeled with their names. First, the teacher clarifies the names of the animals: pointing to a particular picture, he asks the question: “Who is this?” Children find the necessary plate on the table and read it together with the teacher. Then the teacher reproduces the position of the fingers of both hands, conveying certain features of the animal, for example, he folds his fingers, depicting the beak of a goose, or makes movements with two fingers, demonstrating the ears of a bunny. Children are invited to reproduce the movements of the fingers: “Do this”, and then point to the plate with the name of the animal: “Who is this?” Children by imitation reproduce finger movements, point to the appropriate plate and read it.

. Didactic game "Lotto" Objectives: to teach to understand and carry out instructions, to consolidate the thematic vocabulary of children, to activate children's speech. Equipment: bingo cards featuring four images of familiar items with captions; pictures with images of the same items. Speech material: say with your hand, speak orally, the names of the objects depicted in the pictures, well done, made a mistake, repeat. Game progress: The teacher distributes lotto cards to the children, clarifies what is drawn in the pictures. Then he shows the children a picture and asks them to name what is drawn there. Children find this image on the loto card. The child who first correctly identified the word on the card is given a small picture, with which he closes the corresponding image on the loto card. When all the pictures have been distributed, the children count who has more pictures closed on the loto card.

Didactic game "Show" Objectives: to teach to understand and carry out instructions, to expand the vocabulary of children, to activate the speech of children. Equipment: toys familiar to the child or other objects thematic group. Speech material: read, names of objects, instructions like: "give the ball, show the doll, take the fish." What did I say? Game progress: Toys are laid out on the table. The teacher gives the child the instruction: "Give me the doll." When tasks with toys are completed, you can offer tasks using words denoting parts of the body: “Show your nose (arms, legs, eyes, mouth, ears ...” Children who complete the task correctly receive chips or small toys. At the end of the lesson, the number of chips or toys for each child is counted.

tatiana shevlyakova
Games for the development of coherent speech in the preparatory group

Connected speech is development speech abilities, the culture of speech communication, the formation of the prerequisites for reading and writing.

1. Find a place for the picture. Target: Learn to follow the sequence of the course of action, compose a story with sequential developing action.

move games: A number of pictures are laid out in front of the child, and one is removed and offered to find its place. After that, they are asked to write a story. (You can complicate it by removing 2 or 3 pictures).

2. Good-bad. Target:Introduce contradictions of the world.

move games: The teacher sets the topic of discussion. For example, rain. Children pass the ball in a circle and reason, etc.

3. Write a story. Target: Learn to write a story about people of different professions.

move games: The teacher gives a picture, for example, a doctor. In a circle, children pass and make up story, in sentences do not repeat.

4. Understand me. Target: Learn to compose short story about the subject.

move games: The child takes a picture out of the bag and, without showing it to anyone, talks about it. Children have to guess what is being said.

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Synopsis of the GCD in the preparatory school group for the development of coherent speech "Three Bears" Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 37 "Crane" of the combined type The city of Drezna of Orekhovo-Zuevsky.

GCD on the development of coherent speech using elements of mnemonics in the preparatory group "Sly fox, where are you?" Synopsis of GCD on the development of coherent speech using elements of mnemonics in the preparatory group. Topic: "Sly fox, where are you?" Age.

Synopsis of GCD on the development of coherent speech in the preparatory group “Retelling the story of V. Kataev“ Mushrooms ”. Purpose: to teach how to compose a retelling based on plot pictures. Tasks: expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Mushrooms"; learn to educate.

Synopsis of the GCD on the development of coherent speech in the preparatory group "New Fairy Tale" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Svetlyachok" in Tsimlyansk Synopsis of the GCD on the development of communications.

Summary of GCD on the development of coherent speech in the preparatory group "Amazing Journey" Chernova Albina Nikolaevna Educator MDOU"Kindergarten No. 7 with. Belovskoye» of the Belgorod district, Belgorod region Synopsis of the GCD for development.

games and game exercises for the development of coherent speech
Junior group
Execute the command!
Tasks: To develop attention, the ability to highlight the named signs.
Game progress: The teacher proposes to determine a group of children to perform any exercise, movement, action. The basis for the allocation of such a group are common features in the clothes of children, in the appearance of their toys.
- Now I will give commands, but not all children will carry them out, but only those about whom I will tell. Be careful!
Let only children in white socks come up to me!
Jump up, blue flag kids!
Spin around, red flag girls!

Guess the toy!
Tasks: To form the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features.
Game progress: The teacher offers three or four toys to the attention of the children. The children name them. Then he says that he will talk about the toy, but he will not tell about which one. Children should listen to the description and name the toy.
At first, the teacher should indicate a small number of signs (one or two), if necessary, their number can be increased to three or four.
Tell me what
Objectives: Learn to identify and name the signs of objects.
Game progress: The teacher takes out objects from the box, naming them, and the children point to any sign, for example:
- It's a cube.
- He's blue.
If the child is at a loss, the teacher helps: This is a cube. He ... (what?).
- 1-
Who will see and name more?
Tasks: To develop attention, the ability to highlight the named signs of a toy.
Game progress: - Olya doll is our guest. She loves being praised, talking about her. Now it will be necessary to say what Olya has - what dress, socks, shoes, hair, eyes. Olya will hand out colorful flags. Whoever collects flags of all colors first will win. I say: "Oli blonde hair". Olya gives me a blue flag. And now you tell about Olya.
In case of difficulty, the teacher tells the children what else can be said: "Tell me about Olya's eyes, socks, etc." During the game, the teacher must monitor the correct agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number.
So that the child is not limited to naming any one sign or action of the object, you need to interest him by "rewarding" for each successful answer. different items- "prizes". The desire to get an object that he does not yet have encourages the child to search for the right word or phrase. You can give out pyramids without rings to children before the start of the game. For each correct answer, the child receives another ring to collect the pyramid.
What messed up Pinocchio?
Tasks: To teach children to find errors in the description and correct them.
Game progress: - Pinocchio came with his friend duckling. He wants to show how he learned to tell. Let's listen.
Pinocchio: The duckling has a blue beak and small paws. He yells "Meow!"
- Did Pinocchio tell everything correctly? What did he mess up?
Children notice inaccuracies in the description, correcting Pinocchio, give correct names individual features of toys.
Arrange the pictures
Objectives: Learn to set the sequence of actions and correctly name them.
Game progress: Children are given two pictures depicting two successive actions (the girl is sleeping and doing exercises; the girl is having dinner and washing the dishes; washing and hanging clothes). Children must first name the first action, show the first picture, then the second action and the second picture.
- 2 -
Who can do what?
Tasks: To teach to select verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals.
Game progress: The teacher calls or shows the animal, the children call its actions. For example, yes.
Squirrel - jumps, jumps, gnaws nuts.
A cat - meows, purrs, scratches, drinks milk, catches mice, plays with a ball. The dog barks, guards the house, gnaws bones, growls, wags its tail, runs.
Bunny - jumps, runs, hides, gnaws a carrot.
Who will name more actions
Tasks: To teach children to select verbs denoting actions, processes.
Game progress: The teacher asks questions, and the children, answering them, select verbs. For each correct answer, a colored ribbon is given. At the end of the game, the winner is the one who has collected ribbons of all colors.
What can you do with flowers? - Tear, sniff, watch, water, give, plant.
What does a janitor do? - Sweeps, cleans, waters flowers, cleans the paths from snow, sprinkles them with sand.
What can you do with the ball? – Play, throw, catch, kick.
Where to do what
Tasks: To activate the use of verbs in speech that correspond to a specific situation.
Game progress: The teacher asks questions. Children, answering them, selects verbs of a certain lexical-semantic group. The game is played in the form of a competition.
What can you do in the forest? - Walk, pick mushrooms, berries, hunt, listen to birds, relax.
What can you do on the river? - Swimming, diving, sunbathing, boating, fishing.
What are they doing in the hospital? - They listen, prescribe medicines, treat, give pills, put mustard plasters, give injections.
What are they doing in the store? - Buying, selling, weighing, wrapping.
- 3 -
Say what you do and what you will do
Objectives: To learn to select verbs to denote real and intended actions.
Game progress: The teacher shows a picture and asks to name the actions of the hero of the picture. Then he offers to say what the hero of the picture will do next. For example: A girl feeds a doll. Feed and put to sleep.
Add a word
Tasks: To learn to select verbs to denote actions following the name.
Game progress: The teacher starts the sentence and asks the children to complete it correctly.
Olya woke up and ... (began to wash).
Kolya got dressed and ... (ran for a walk).
He froze and ... (went home).
The bunny got scared and ... (ran away, hid).
Ira was offended and ... (cried).
In this exercise, you should pay attention to intonation. The teacher uses the intonation of an unfinished sentence.
How the teddy bear rode the car
Tasks: To learn to identify and highlight the verb series that forms the plot.
Game progress: The teacher tells and dramatizes the story with the help of toys:
The bear cub decided to go for a drive. He sat down and went. He was driving and driving and suddenly he hears: “Ssss!” - The wheel is off. The bear stopped, got out and began to pump up the wheel: “Ssss!” Pumped up and drove on.
After the dramatization, the teacher asks the children to name everything that the teddy bear did: he decided to ride - sat down - went - hears - stopped - went out - began to pump up - pumped up - went. - 4 -
Name it and tell me what it is
Tasks: To teach to distinguish an object and its main feature using two sentences connected by a chain pronominal connection.
Game progress: The teacher brings a box of toys. Children should take out a toy, name it and say what it is.
- It's a ball. He is round.
Explain Pinocchio
Tasks: Learn to connect two sentences through a chain link.
Game progress: Pinocchio, naming objects, is mistaken. The kids correct him.
Look at my beautiful red apple. (Pulls out a turnip.)
- It's a turnip. She is yellow.
Who called?
Tasks: To teach an elementary description containing the name of the object, indicating one of its features.
Game progress: Children with toys in their hands participate in the game. The leading child must recognize by voice who called him, name the caller and say what is in his hands.
For example:
- This is Dima. He has a brown bear.
The game can be played without the use of toys. In this case, the driver must name one or more details of the appearance of the calling child.
For example:
- This is Sveta. Sveta has a pink dress and a beautiful bow.
- 5 -
Who has what animal?
Tasks: To teach in a different way the description of toys together with a teacher or another child.
Game progress: The teacher and the child describe different animals. The teacher starts:
- I have a duck.
The child names his toy:
- I have a chicken.
- The duckling is yellow.
And a yellow chicken.
The duck has big red paws.
- A chicken has small legs.
First, for comparison, toys are taken that are similar in appearance, differing in a small number of features. Then you can take completely different toys: a frog and a gosling, a bear and a hare, a chicken and a goat.
Get in the circle!
Tasks: Teach collective description toys.
Game progress: The teacher brings new toy. Children should gradually form a circle around her, holding hands. It is done like this. The first child (in case of difficulty - the teacher) calls the toy: "This is a horse." The second takes the first by the hand and begins to describe the horse: "It is gray." The third continues the description, also becoming a circle. When the circle is formed and the description is over, the children begin to dance around the toy.
Who knows, keep going!
Tasks: To teach how to compose a story according to a given scheme together with the teacher.
Game progress: The teacher begins the phrase, and the children finish it in different ways.
- Mom bought Alyosha ... She was ... Alyosha wanted ... Then he came ... They became ...
- They grew in a flower bed ... They were ... Tanya took ... and became ...
- Sveta got sick ... He came ... He ... Sveta ...
- The puppy decided ... Then he came ... and asks ... The puppy answers ... Then the kitten said ... And they became ...
- 6 -
Objectives: To teach collective storytelling.
Game progress: The teacher tells the children that they will play wagons. "Cars" - children cling to each other along the following rules. Only the one who listened attentively to what his comrade stopped on and correctly continue the story will be able to cling. The teacher starts:
Oh - I lived in the forest ...
1st child: Cowardly bunny.
2nd: Once he went for a walk.
3rd: Suddenly he saw a big snake.
4th: The bunny got scared and ran away.
To help the children, the teacher repeats the last word or the entire sentence of the previous child, thereby keeping the next narrator's attention on the story's storyline. If in this case, too, the pause is prolonged, the adult prompts the beginning of the phrase: “He lived ... Went ... Suddenly ... And then ...” The children who made up the story form a “train” that “rides” through the group.
multi-colored chest
Tasks: To learn to focus on the ending when agreeing words in gender.
Visual material: Box. Object pictures illustrating nouns of the middle and feminine gender (egg, ring, dress, apple, towel, button, nesting doll, pyramid, shovel, etc. - according to the number of children). Game progress: There is a box on the teacher's table. It has pictures. The teacher reads the poem.
I put pictures
In a multi-colored box.
Come on, Olya, take a look,
Take out the picture, name it.
In the course of looking at the pictures, the teacher asks questions: “What egg? What matryoshka? The interrogative pronoun agrees with the noun and helps the child to correctly determine its gender.
If the pictures show two or three items, the game gets new meaning: this is an exercise in the formation of nominative plural forms of nouns.
- 7 -
Tasks: Focus on the ending when agreeing in the past tense with the noun in the gender of the verb.
Visual material: Wooden tower. Toy animals: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.
Game progress: The teacher puts (builds) a tower on the carpet. Near the tower he sits down the animals. Children are grouped side by side. The teacher tells a story, encouraging the children to take part.
- There is a teremok in the field. She ran to the tower ... Who? That's right, mouse. (Children prompt, focusing on the meaning of the verb and its ending.) Who lives in the tower? Nobody here. The mouse began to live in the tower.
I galloped to the tower ... (Frog.) Etc.
When telling, the words ran, ran, galloped, galloped, stomped. After reading the fairy tale, the teacher draws the attention of the children to these words: “Who galloped to the tower? Who came running? Who stomped?"
O - Listen to how we say: the frog jumped, and the bunny jumped; the fox came running, and the wolf came running.
Tasks: Exercise in the formation of plural forms of nouns in the nominative and genitive case.
Visual material: Pictures depicting objects in the singular and plural (matryoshka - nesting dolls, bucket - buckets, pyramid - pyramids, ring - rings, etc.). Game progress: The teacher distributes pictures to children, leaving paired ones. Appeals to children:
- A game of attention. I will show the pictures, and the one who has the same toys should quickly say so. For example, I have a bucket. And Vera has a bucket. Faith should quickly say, "I have buckets" or "I have many buckets." Be sure to name the toy.
The one who hesitated, give his picture to the teacher. If the child quickly and correctly names the toys, the teacher gives his picture to him.
At the end of the game, the losers (who do not have pictures in their hands) are given comic tasks: jump on one leg, jump high, sit down three times, etc. The educator comes up with tasks together with the children.

8 -
Bear, lie down!
Tasks: Exercise in the formation of verb forms in the imperative mood.
visual material: Teddy bear- "Talking toy.
Game progress: A teddy bear comes to visit the children. Children surround him.
- The bear cub knows how to carry out orders. You can ask him: “Bear, lie on the barrels”, “Lie on your back”, “Lie on your tummy”. And he can also sing. Ask: "Bear, sing." This is how the bear sings. Liked? (Words are accompanied by actions with a toy.)
At the request of the children, the bear performs various tasks. If the child is silent, the teacher asks leading questions.
O - Do you want the bear to lie down? On the tummy or on the back? Let's ask together: "Bear, lie on your tummy."
You can give other tasks to the bear: “Go (from the hill)”, “Jump”, “Dance”, etc.
got lost
Tasks: Learn to correlate the name of the animal and its cub.
Visual material: Toy house. Animals (toys): duck - duckling, chicken - chicken, goat - goat, cow - calf, horse - foal. Game progress: The teacher arranges in different places toy rooms: duck, chicken, goat, etc. There is a toy house on the carpet: “Who lives in the little house?”
- Let's get a look. "Quack-quack-quack" - who is this? Duck? (Takes it out of the tower.) Big and small? Small? These are ducklings guys. Little duckling. And his duck is his mother. Help the duckling find its mother duck. Vasya, take the duckling. Look for duck. (The child walks around the group, looking.)
And whose voice is this: “Pee-pee-pee”? Who is this? (Pulls out a chicken.) Who is the mother of the chicken? How does a chicken cackle? How does the chicken respond? Look, Olya, for a chicken, for the mother of a chicken. Etc.
When the children find mothers for all the babies, they plant the toys in pairs. Children examine them, call them: duck - duckling, chicken - chicken, etc. Animals are put in a car (or train) and taken away to visit other children.
- 9 -
Whose voice?
Tasks: Distinguish animals and their cubs by "voices". Match their names correctly.
Visual material: Toys: mouse - mouse, duck - duckling, frog - frog, cow - calf.
Game progress: Animals come (come) to visit the children. Animals want to play. You have to guess whose voice it is.
- “Moo”, oh - who is mooing like that? (Cow.) And who is lowing thinly? (Calf.)
- "Kwa-kva" oh - whose voice? Is it a rough voice? And who croaks thinly? (The frog.) The frog is big, croaks in a rough voice. And her cub croaks thinly. Who is the frog's baby? (Frog.), etc.
After playing, children can play with toys. To do this, you need to correctly call the animal: "Frog, come to me", "Duckling, come to me."
House for animals Tasks: To intensify the use of the names of baby animals in the speech of children.
Visual material: A tray with toys depicting baby animals: squirrels, hares, ducklings, mice, etc. - by the number of children. Construction material.
Game progress: The teacher brings in a tray of toys. Children surround him.
Oh - Animals came to visit us. Today we will build a house for them. Want to? Choose for whom you will build a house, and ask correctly: “Please give me a duckling” or “Please give me a squirrel”.
O - Whom to give you, Olya? And you?
The child receives a toy if he names the cub correctly. If necessary, the teacher suggests the word or its beginning, asks to repeat the name.
Building material is laid out on the carpet. Children build houses for their animals, play with them.
- 10 -
Tasks: Exercise in the formation of forms of the imperative mood of verbs. Activate the use of the names of baby animals in speech.
Visual material: Toys: squirrel and kitten.
Game progress: A meow is heard.
- Who is meowing? Where is he? (Goes out into the dressing room with the children.)
- Guys, we have guests! Look, they are very small. It's not just a squirrel and a pussy. This is a kitten and a squirrel.
Animals want to play with you. They can be given orders. If you ask correctly, the squirrel will jump. "Squirrel, jump!" That's how it jumps! And you can ask a kitten: “Kitten, sing!” This is how a kitten sings. Who do you want to ask? About what?
After the game, the animals say goodbye to the children and leave (leave).
friendly guys
Tasks: To consolidate the ability to correlate the names of animals and their cubs. To intensify the use of these names in the speech of children.
Visual material: Toys: squirrel and fox.
Game progress: The teacher explains the rules of the game to the children:
A - Now let's play the game "Friendly guys". Get in pairs. Now line up in two columns. The first column - squirrels, the second - foxes. Here are your houses (the teacher puts chairs at different ends of the hall, on which he puts a squirrel and a fox). When you hear dance music, you will dance and run - frolic on the lawn. At the command "Wolf in the forest!" run to your moms. Those who gather sooner will win. The game is repeated three or four times.
- 11 -
Two brothers
Tasks: To form the ability to correlate and use specific pairs of verbs in speech.
Visual material: Toys: cubs Shustrik and Myamlik.
Game progress: The teacher tells the children the following story:
- Once upon a time there were two brothers in the forest - two little bear cubs. Their names were Shustrik and Myamlik (shows toys).
Shustrik was cheerful, obedient, always had time to do everything on time.
Myamlik is very slow. He did not have enough time even for his favorite games, so he was always sad, and his parents considered him naughty.
The words of the educator are accompanied by fast movements of Shustrik and Slow movements of Myamlik.
Early in the morning Shustrik woke up and quickly got up, and Myamlik was still only ... (gets up - the children add). Shustrik got dressed, and Myamlik ... got dressed. (He made the bed - makes, washed - washes, brushed his teeth - cleans, had breakfast - has breakfast, came to school - goes to school, had lunch - dine, did his homework - does his homework, got ready for a walk - gets ready, went to bed - goes to bed, etc.) d.). Tell Myamlik how to become cheerful?
Note. In the content of the game, you can use various plots: “On a walk”, “In the forest”, “On the river”, “On the morning exercises”, etc.
- 12 -
Add a word
Tasks: Learn to complete sentences with a missing verb, find the right word according to the meaning of the statement.
Visual material: Gena doll.
Game progress: The game begins with an introductory conversation about how children help their parents, what they can do.
A - Gena came to visit us. He also loves to help his family: grandma, grandpa, dad, mom, brother and sister. And what Gena can do, we will now guess.
A - I know how to clean the bed ... (children pick up the verb, answer in chorus).
I know how to floor ... (sweep).
I can dust ... (wipe).
I know the dishes ... (wash, rinse).
I know how to make a bed ... (make).
I know how to flowers ... (water).
I help the table ... (set).
I help the plates ... (arrange).
I help the forks ... (lay out).
I help the crumbs ... (sweep).
I help the room ... (clean up).
When the game is repeated, the children move from choral answers to individual ones, supplementing Gena's statements.

13 -
Say the opposite
Tasks: To learn to select single-root and heterogeneous verbs - antonyms (words with the opposite meaning).
Visual material: Cipollino.
Game progress: The teacher tells the children a story about Chipollino.
Oh - Chipollino came to kindergarten. He likes everything here: doing exercises, playing with children, sculpting from plasticine, singing and dancing, having dinner and going to bed.
Why was he sad? Yes, because he does not know how to select “words-on the contrary”, words with the opposite meaning.
Let's help Cipollino, children? I will name the words, and you and Chipollino come up with words with the opposite meaning.
Educator: Children: Educator: Children:
enter - exit speak - be silent
run in - run out to put up - quarrel
run - run away put on - take off
bring - take away dress - undress
fly in - fly away scream - be silent
come - go heat - cool
swim - swim away laugh - cry
close - open praise - scold
get up - go to bed smile - frown
Tasks: Exercise in the formation of the second person singular and plural forms of verbs.
Visual material: Dolls, invisibility cap, screen, musical instruments (toys), doll furniture.
Game progress: Invisible comes to visit the children. He says that he has a cap of invisibility. When he puts it on, everyone stops seeing him. The invisible man puts on a hat and immediately hides behind a screen, then tells the children what he loves and knows how to do (dance, sing, read poetry, run, jump, play on musical instruments, sit, stand, walk, etc.) The invisible person behind the screen performs one of the above actions. Children guess what he is doing by asking him questions: “Are you sleeping?”, “Are you doing exercises?” etc. The one who guessed correctly wins; he also gets the right to be the new Invisible.
- 14 -
Olya's helpers
Tasks: Exercise in the formation of forms of the third person plural of verbs.
Visual material: Doll Olya.

- Children, the Olya doll came to us with her assistants. I'll show them to you, and you guess who these helpers are and what they help our Olya do. Here comes the doll (points to its feet). What's this? These are legs. Yes, Olya's assistants are legs. What are they doing? (They walk, jump, run, jump, dance, ride, slow down, drive). Hands ... (take, lay, hold, wash, dress, draw, cut, stick). Teeth ... (chew, bite, gnaw). Eyes ... (look, close, open, blink, squint). Ears ... (listen). And how can I say kindly about them? (Legs, handles, eyes, teeth, ears).
Children, now I will read a poem, and you will tell who Olya's helpers are (the teacher reads E. Karganova's poem "Olina's helpers").
Olya runs happily
To the river along the path
And for this we need Our Olya ....
(with an intonation of incompleteness, the teacher encourages the children to prompt) ... legs.
Olya takes berries
Two, three things.
And for this we need Our Olya .... pens
Olya gnaws nucleoli,
shells fall,
And for this we need Our Olya .... teeth
Olya looks at the cat
On fairy tale pictures.
And for this we need Our Olya .... eyes.
After reading the poem, the teacher turns to the children with questions: “Who are your helpers? What can they do?"

15 -
Who's doing what
Tasks: To consolidate the ability to correctly form the forms of third person, singular and plural verbs.
Visual material: Toys: a cat, a dog, two hedgehogs.
Game progress: The teacher examines toys with the children, offers to describe them appearance(cat - gray, fluffy, soft, small; dog - white, furry, large; hedgehogs - prickly, gray, small). What do you think the cat does when we stroke it? (purrs, rejoices, arches back.)
What does she do when she sees a mouse? (Quietly sneaks up, runs, catches, jumps).
What does a cat do when it sees not a real, but a toy mouse? (Running, playing, jumping, grabs, drags, rejoices).
What else can a cat do? (purring - “meow-meow”, lapping milk, hunting).
How much interesting words you said about the cat! (Repeats these glory).
- What does the dog do? (Barks, bites, runs, walks, sits, sleeps, looks, eats).
What does a dog do when he sees a cat? (Wants to catch, runs after the cat, barks, catches).
And when a dog is given a piece of meat, what does it do? (Jumps, serves, eats, rejoices).
- What can hedgehogs do? (They run, curl up in balls, swim).
How do they give their voice? (Hedgehogs snort - “fyr-fyr”).
The answers are accompanied by the movements of the toys. After organized play, children receive toys for free activities.
- 16 -
All the way around
Tasks: Learn to select verbs with the opposite meaning.
Visual material: Toys: two monkeys.
Game progress: The teacher addresses the children:
Today we will play stubborn and obedient children. Listen here (the story is accompanied by the movement of toys). The mother monkey had two daughters. The eldest was called Novice, and the youngest was Stubborn. Stubborn liked to do everything in reverse. If the Acolyte collects toys, the Stubborn scatters them. If the sister closes the door, the Stubborn (with the intonation of incompleteness, the teacher encourages the children to answer) ... opens. (Bring it - take it away, sew it on - tear it off, clean it - get it dirty, shut up - talk, hang it - take it off, etc.). The theme can be continued with a poem by V. Berestov "Naughty Doll":
She is asked to dance
She crawls under the bed.
What an upbringing!
Just a punishment!
All play - they lie,
All lie - she run.
What an upbringing! Just a punishment! - Children, with whom would you like to play - with the Novice or the Stubborn? But what to do Stubborn? (Children answer). Now I will read a poem in which the writer invites stubborn children to improve (she reads a poem by E. Karganova “Do the reverse”).
If you are very stubborn,
Do the opposite -
Moms don't help you
And you help! Here.
- 17 -
Name what Umeyka did Tasks: Learn to compose (distribute) sentences with homogeneous predicates.
Visual material: Paper, scissors; toys, etc. (at the discretion of the teacher).
Game progress: Umeyka comes to visit the children, who knows how to do everything (a pre-prepared child, you can from the older group). The teacher gives him a task so that no one hears: "Come to the table, take the paper, cut off the strip and give it to Serezha." The child begins to perform the task, and the children at this time carefully follow him. The winner is the one who correctly listed all the actions performed by Umeika. The winning child gets the right to replace the guest.
Umeika's tasks can be very different: run to the door, jump and run back; come to the table, take the book and give it to Vadim; take the car, put it in the garage; leave the room and enter back; go to the cube and jump over it; take the ball and throw it up.
Who will name more actions
Tasks: To activate the use of verbs in speech, to consolidate the ability to form various verb forms (infinitive, third person).
Visual material: Pictures: dress, plane, rain, snow, doll, dog, sun.
Game progress: Neumeyka comes and brings pictures, and the children must pick up all kinds of words denoting the actions of the depicted object or phenomenon. For example:
What can be done with the dress? (Wash, iron, put on, sew up, get dirty, clean ...).
What can be said about the plane, what does it do? (Flies, takes off, rises, sits down ...).
What can you say about rain? (It goes, drizzles, pours, drips, whips, makes noise, knocks on the roof ...).
What can you say about snow? (Walks, falls, spins, flies, lays down, shines, melts, shimmers, holds together ...).
What can be done with the doll? (Laying, feeding, rolling, treating, taking for a walk, learning to dance, dressing, dressing up, bathing, rocking ...). What is the dog doing? (Barks, gnaws a bone, wags its tail, jumps, whines, runs, guards ...).
What can be said about the sun? (Shines, warms, rises, sets, bakes, rises, falls, shines, smiles, caresses ...).
Such a game can be played on different topics: “Household items”, “Natural phenomena”, “Seasons”, “Animals and birds”, etc.
- 18 -
Who will say more about the profession
Tasks: To teach to correlate the actions of people with their profession, the corresponding verbs with nouns (builds - builder, teaches - teacher, etc.).
Game progress: The teacher clarifies the children's understanding of the words profession, action. Appeals to children:
- Children, I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. I tell you how to behave, play with you, draw, read, sing, walk, put to bed ... And what do you think, what is the profession of Irina Vladimirovna, who prepares dinner for us? Correct cook. What other professions do you know? (Children call). Every adult has his own profession. It works and performs some actions. What does the chef do?
- The cook cooks, bakes, fries, grinds meat, cleans vegetables ...
- What does the doctor do?
- The doctor examines the sick, listens, treats, gives medicine, makes injections, operations.
What does a tailor do?
- A tailor cuts, basts, irons, tries on, sews.
The teacher also names the professions of a builder, teacher, watchman, shepherd, shoemaker, etc., and the children name the actions that people of these professions perform.
The game is held at the end of the year with the appropriate readiness of children. Otherwise, it is organized in older groups.

19 -
Masha has lunch

Visual material: Toys: dog, cat, chicken, doll; table, tablecloth, chairs; cup, bowl, saucer, crock. Game progress: The teacher addresses the children:
- Masha came from a walk (shows the doll to the children) and really wants to eat, it’s time for her to wash her hands and have dinner (undresses the doll and puts it at the table).
Then the teacher reads the poem by S. Kaputikyan “Masha is having lunch” and, using toys, plays out the performance. (The machine room has a wall with a door).
Dinner time has arrived.
Mashenka sat down at the table.
- Woof woof woof!
The dog comes to the door. What is the dog doing? (Barks).
– Who is it there?
- It's me,
Your faithful dog,
Your Arapka, black nose.
Day and night
I guarded the house.
Worked out, chill.
Isn't it time for lunch?
- Go, Arapka,
My paws.
The dog walks, washes its paws and approaches the house.
- Meow meow!
- Who is it now?
Does it scratch at the door to us?
Suitable cat. What is the cat doing? (meows).
- This is your cat Murka.
Murka is a gray skin.
I guarded your cellar,
Moved all mice.
Rats chased out of the basement,
Worked out, tired.
Isn't it time for lunch?
The cat sits on the porch.
- Where-where, where-where.
Who else is in a hurry to get here?
The chicken has arrived. What is a chicken doing?
- 20 -
The hen came out speckled.
- I'm coming to you straight from the shed.
I didn't eat, I didn't drink
I laid an egg for you.
Isn't it time for lunch?
The doors were unlocked and...
The doll comes to the door and opens it.
Masha calls everyone to the table.
Dog Arapka,
scratchy cat,
Chicken grouse.
The toys go through the door and sit down at the table.
No one is denied
I'll give everyone lunch.
The teacher arranges the dishes.
Doggy - in a bowl,
In a saucer - pussy,
Laying hen
Millet in a skull
And Masha - in a plate,
Deep, not shallow.
Whose voice
Tasks: Learn to form verbs from onomatopoeic words.
Visual material: Toys: cat, dog, chicken, cockerel; automobile.
Game progress: Toys come to visit the children. (The teacher shows, and the children name the toy). Here... a cat, here... a dog... etc.
In the course of the following dialogue, the teacher encourages the children to pronounce onomatopoeia and the verbs formed from them:
- Cuckoo! Whose voice is this, who sings like that? (Cockerel). How does a cockerel crow? (Kukareku).
Where-where, where-where! Who is this? (Hen). How does a chicken cackle?
Woof woof woof! Who is this? (Dog). How does a dog bark?
Meow meow! Who is this? .. (Cat). How does a cat meow?
Woof woof woof! Whose voice? (Dogs). What is she doing? (Barks).
Meow meow! Whose voice? (Cats). What is the cat doing? (meows).
Where-where, where-where! Whose voice? (Chickens). What is a chicken doing? (cackling).
Crow? Who is this? (Rooster). What is the cockerel doing? (Crows).

21 -
Can't read
Tasks: To learn to form verbs from onomatopoeic words, to activate the use of verbs of motion (flew away, ran away).
Visual material: Toys: chicken, duck, crow, rooster, sparrow, cow, pig; Masha, mother (dolls). Game progress: The teacher reads the story to the children, accompanying the reading with actions with toys.
- Once upon a time there was a girl Julia. She decided to teach the chicken to read. She called him to her and said: "Read - pa-pa." Chicken: “Pee-pee-pee,” and ran away. Julia called the duck: "Read - ma-ma." Duck: "Quack-quack-quack" - and left. Julia went out into the garden. He sees a crow flying. “Magpie-crow, let's read,” and the crow: “Kar-kar,” and flew away.
Julia met a big rooster in the poultry yard. "Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb, let's read," - and the rooster: "Crow-y, crow-y ..." - and walked away. Julia saw a small sparrow nearby, went up to him with a book and asked: “Do you want me to teach you to read?” And the sparrow: “Chick-chirp, chirp-chirp,” and jumped on.
Yulia went to the field where the shepherd grazes cows. She went up to the cow and whispered softly in her ear: "Let's read with you." And the cow: "Moo-mu-mu", - and passed by. Julia went up to the piglet. “I want to teach you to read. Come with me,” she said. Piglet: "Oink-oink-oink", - and did not answer anything else.
Yulia suddenly felt lonely and sad, and burst into tears and ran home to her mother. Mom hugged, reassured her daughter and said: “The chicken squeaks -“ wee-wee-wee ”; the duck quacks - "quack-quack-quack"; crow croaks - "kar-kar-kar"; the cockerel crows - "crow-y"; the pig grunts - “oink-oink-oink”, and only children read.
- Let's play. I am a girl Julia. And you are chickens. "Chickens, read - pa-pa." How did the chickens respond? They squealed: “Pee-pee-pee.” And they ran away (children run away).
And now you are ducks. Ducks go waddling. How do they quack? .. (Quack-quack.) Can't ducks read? Run away?
Now who are you? Kar-kar! Show how crows fly and croak. Crows can't read! Have you flown away?
And who is this? Crow! What does the cockerel do? .. (Crows.)
Show how the cockerel walks importantly, raises its legs high, crows. Can't read cockerel? No? Did he leave?
And who is jumping: chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp! What does a sparrow do? .. (Tweeting.) A sparrow cannot read. Chick-chirp! And at ... (jumped).
Mu Mu! Who goes? What is she doing? .. (Mooing.) A cow cannot read. It is important for ... (walked).
Oink-oink! Who is this? What are the pigs doing? .. (Grunt.) The pigs are at ... (running).
Now I will know if you were careful. Remember who Yulia met, whom she taught to read? .. (Chicken, duck, crow, rooster, sparrow, cow, piglet.)
Whose voice is this: “Pee-pee-pee”? What is the chicken doing? .. (Squeaks.)
And who is this: "Quack-quack-quack"? What is the duck doing? .. (Quacks.)
Quack-quack-quack. Who is this? .. (crow). What is she doing? .. (Caws.)
Crow! What does the rooster do? .. (crows.)
Chick-chirp. This is ... (Sparrow.) What is he doing? .. (Tweeting.)
Cow: “Moo” - what is she doing? .. (Mooing.)
Oink oink oink! This is ... (pig). What is he doing?.. (Grunts.)
The game is accompanied by displays of toys.
Tasks: Exercise in the understanding and use of verbs derived from onomatopoeia.
Visual material: Toys: ladder, rooster, cat, dog; dolls Borya, Tanya and Nina.
Game progress: The teacher reads a poem, accompanying the reading with the actions of toys. Children are included in the reading, answering questions from the text.
There is a ladder in the yard.
There are five steps on the ladder.
Let's count guys!
A rooster jumped up on the top step,
He flapped his wings and sang loudly.
How did he sing, guys? ..
(Here and below, after the questions, the answers of the children.)
The cat jumped onto the second step.
He sits - licks his tongue, purrs.
How does she purr?
And the dog jumped on the third step.
His tail taps on the steps.
Growls at the cat.
How does he growl, guys? ..
And Boris climbed the fourth step.
He sits - looks down, dangles his legs.
How does he move his legs?
And Tanya sat down on the bottom step, sang a song:
"We sit on the stairs and we sing songs."
How does she sing guys?
And suddenly the wind roared.
How does he make noise?
It rained frequently.
How does it sound guys?
The rooster jumped off, flapped its wings,
Hid under the porch.
And the dog got there.
The cat - that deftly jump-sniff Into the open window.
And Borya and Tanya are sitting, they don’t want to get off the ladder,
They cry. How do they cry?
Nina went out on the porch,
She removed the guys from the ladder and led them.
They stamped their feet on the porch.
How did they stomp, guys?
The guys went into the house - the ladder was empty.
E. ShabidOrchestra
Tasks: Learn to form verbs from the names of musical instruments.
Visual material: Toys: bunny drummer, drum, balalaika, accordion, spinning top, pipes, bells, tambourines, rattles.
Game progress: The teacher reads a poem by E. Moshkovskaya “What gifts are there”, accompanying the speech with actions with toys.
Bunny made from plush.
He has a big ears
And a special talent:
This bunny is not a know-it-all
This bunny is a musician.
- Bunny brought with him a lot of musical instruments, and what they are called, we will now guess.
Oh she calls, she calls
Makes all toys happy.
But only three strings
She needs music. Who is she? Guess it.
This is our ... (balalaika).
The one who guessed first gets a musical instrument. This child will play with the bunny in the orchestra.
- Listen to more riddles about musical instruments:
You will take it in your hands
You stretch, then you squeeze
loud, elegant,
Russian, two-row.
Will play, just touch.
What is her name? .. (Accordion.)
He sings very cheerfully
If you blow into it.
Everyone plays it
And guess right away.
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So she always sings
Not a stick, not a tube,
And what is this? .. (Pipe.)
Bunny brought a musical top. (The teacher shows a top, along with a hare, approaches the children with it and launches it.)
musical top
Sings and buzzes
musical top
Runs in circles.
He's spinning, spinning
Turns smart!
And all of a sudden,
No matter what - stop.
Volchek stopped near Serezha.
- Do you want to play with the wolf?
And here are some more toys: bells, tambourines, rattles.
Children, what are they doing? .. (They ring.)
Rattles? .. (Rattle.)
Drum?.. (Drumming.)
Pipes? .. (Puffing.)
Children who answer correctly receive toys.
The orchestra will be big
Play well, children.
Tasks: To consolidate the ability to correlate the name of professions and their corresponding actions.
Visual material: Pictures (photographs) depicting people of different professions (farmer, baker, pharmacist, tailor, salesman, postman, etc.). Game progress: The teacher turns to the children and offers them pictures depicting people of different professions.
- Plows, sows, harvests bread - who? .. (Grain grower.)
And who bakes bread for us? .. (Baker.)
Who dispenses medicines? .. (Pharmacist.)
Who sews clothes for us in the cold and heat? .. (Tailor.)
Who sells it, finally? .. (Seller.)
Comes to us with a letter
Straight to the house - who is he? .. (Postman.)
When you become adults, each of you will have your own profession. All of them are honorable, be it a grain grower or a baker, a pharmacist, a tailor or a salesman, a postman or a builder. But whoever you become, the main thing is to work well and honestly.
Tasks: To teach to correlate objects and actions that are performed with it.
Visual material: Olya doll, basket, pipe, hat, candy (chocolate), toys: birds, beetle, fish, dog. Game progress: The teacher addresses the children:
Our doll Olya has a birthday today. She came to us with her gifts. Gifts were given to Olya by her friends. (All gifts are in the basket.)
Vova bring a gift that you can blow. What did Ole Vova give?
After the children answer, the pipe is taken out of the basket and placed on the table. Further in the game, excerpts from the poem by E. Moshkovskaya "What are the gifts" are used. The game is accompanied by actions with toys.
Kolya brought a gift that you can wear. What can you wear?
Petya brought delicious gift which everyone likes.
This gift can be eaten and the gold paper will remain.
Sasha brought a gift that can fly in, sit in a cage and sing.
And Vitya brought a gift that can crawl.
And Tolin gift knows how to swim and row with his fins.
Then Misha brought a gift that walks!
Who wags and barks his tail,
And everyone wants this gift.
Now Olya is interested to know what relatives and friends give you on your birthday. What do you do with your gifts?
Tell me a word
Objectives: Learn to pick desired shape verb, focusing on the rhyme and meaning of the poem.
Visual material: Umeyka doll.
Game progress: The teacher addresses the children:
- Umeika wanted to read poetry to you, but on the way to kindergarten, he lost his last word on the way. Let's help Umeika find the right words, kids?

Your voice is so good
You are very sweet ... (sing).
S. Marshak
Bunny drumming loudly
He is a serious matter ... (busy).
I. Tokmakova The phone rings again,
From him in the ears ... (ringing).
A. Barto Runaways are jumping -
Sunny Bunnies.
Where are the bunnies?
You don't find them anywhere... (didn't find them).
A. Brodsky
I sewed a shirt for Mishka,
I'll sew him pants.
We need a pocket for them ... (sew).
And candy ... (put).
Z. Alexandrova
And now you yourself read the poems of Umeike.
What would happen if…
Tasks: To be able to independently form the forms of the subjunctive mood of the verb, to distinguish them in speech.
Game progress: The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from K. Chukovsky's poem "Fedorino Woe".
The sieve jumps across the fields,
And a trough in the meadows,
Behind the shovel broom
Walked down the street.
Axes, axes
That's how they roll down the mountain.
The goat was scared
She widened her eyes:
"What's happened? Why?
I don't understand anything."
But, like a black iron leg, It ran, the poker jumped. And knives rushed down the street: “Hey, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold!” And the pan on the run Shouted to the iron: “I run, run, run, I can’t resist! "Here the kettle runs after the coffee pot, Chattering, chattering, rattling ... Irons run, grunt, Through puddles, jump over puddles.
And behind them are saucers, saucers - Ding-la-la! Ring-la-la! Rush along the street - Ring-la-la! Ring-la-la! On the glasses - ring! - they stumble, And the glasses - ring! - break. And the frying pan runs, strums, knocks: “Where are you going? Where? Where? Where? where?” And behind her are forks, Glasses and bottles, Cups and spoons, Jumping along the path.
And behind them along the fence Grandmother Fedor is jumping: “Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh! Come back home! ”But the trough answered:“ I’m angry with Fyodor! ”And the poker said:“ I’m not Fedora’s servant!
A chicken ran past and saw the dishes: “Where-where! Where are you from? It wasn't easy for you to live! -ka you in the tub -Cockroaches are swarming there, That's why we ran away from the woman, like from a toad, And we walk through the fields, Through the swamps, through the meadows, And we don’t return to the slut-marah!
The teacher asks:
- Why did all the things run away from Fedora? What would happen if the children scattered all the toys, broke them? (Children's answers.)
Tasks: Enrich speech with single-root names.
Visual material: Goose, goose, goslings (toys or pictures).
Game progress: The teacher examines toys (pictures) with the children.
This is ... (goose). He is winged, loud-mouthed, his legs are like flippers.
And this is the mother of gu ... (son). A goose and a goose have children gu ... (syata), goslings. One - gu ... (hay), and if there are many - goslings, many goslings.
One who is intimately familiar with goslings,
They know: goslings walk in single file.
The one who is closely acquainted with the gander,
They will never go barefoot.
V. Berestov
Show how goslings walk in single file. Their necks are stretched out, they slap with flippers, waddle. They go in single file for mother goose and father goose.
naughty doll
Tasks: To activate the use of verbs in speech.
Game progress: The teacher reads a poem by V. Berestov and offers to say that she mixed up the doll, what she did wrong.
To our doll every hour We repeat twenty times: “What kind of upbringing! Just a punishment!”
They ask the doll to dance, The doll crawls under the bed. What kind of upbringing! Just a punishment!
All to play - she is lying down. All lying down - she is running. What kind of upbringing! Just a punishment!
Instead of soup and meatballs, give her candy. What an upbringing! Just a punishment!
Oh, we suffered with her. Everything is not the same as with people. What kind of upbringing! Just a punishment!
hare drummer
Tasks: To form the ability to single out single-root words in speech (drum - drumming, grumbling - grumbling).
Game progress: The teacher reads a poem by V. Berestov and asks a question, how can you call a hare who grumbles and does not want to drum without a carrot.
By the ears of a hare Carry to the drum. The hare grumbles: - I will not drum! Not in the mood. There is no setting. No preparation. I don't see carrots.
That's when I become an adult
Tasks: Learn to understand the play on words, develop a sense of humor.
Game progress: The educator reads a poem by V. Prikhodko cheerfully, with enthusiasm, trying to make the children understand the humor of this poem.
That's when I become an adult
And I want to swim
I'll get myself into a big bath,
I'll open both taps.
I rub my stomach and back
And freckles on the nose
Wrap myself in a sheet
And I'll take you to bed.
That's what mom
Tasks: Learn to distinguish between the verbs to put on and put on.
Visual material: A doll dressed in a shirt, dress, socks and shoes on her feet.
Game progress: The teacher introduces the children to the doll.
The doll has just woken up. She needs to be dressed up. What to wear? What to put on? (Dresses, puts on shoes.) Whom did we dress? What they were doing?
E. Blaginina's poem "That's the kind of mother" serves as an illustration for the game.
Mom sang a song
Dressed my daughter
White shirt.
White shirt -
Thin line.
Mom sang a song
Shoe my daughter
Fastened with an elastic band
For every stocking.
Light stockings
On my daughter's feet.
Mom sang a song
Mom dressed the girl
Red dress with polka dots
New shoes on legs...
That's how mom did it.
Dressed up my daughter for May.
That's what mom -
Golden right!
Vacuum cleaner
Tasks: To teach to correlate objects and its characteristic actions (functions).
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to listen to the poem
V. Prikhodko and name what subject (what) it says.
Fathers, how much dust!
Where were you before?
You completely forgot me...
Okay, okay, don't be scared.
All clear.
Amazingly dirty!
Just great!
For me, this is a joke.
One more minute -
It's already clean.
How about here?
Are you tired of wonder?
No, for how long?
Well, am I not a miracle?
By the way,
I'll look again
Under the bed.
Then I'll walk across the carpet.
On the shelf of the book wipe -
And again I freeze in the corner.
Tasks: To consolidate the ability to correlate the word and expressive movement.
Game progress: The teacher reads a poem by V. Prikhodko "Wasp". They are asked to characterize the wasp (say what it is); portray a friendly wasp.
When my mother and I cook cherries.
Probably the wasps can hear it.
And wasps fly to our window.
They want our jam.
In the kitchen where the jam is boiling
Wasp pandemonium.
They need an eye and an eye.
From them we close the pelvis.
And I'll take the jam in a spoon,
A little drop on the palm
And I will shout: - Here you are, wasp,
Landing strip.
Pleasant little sweetie
Try the jam from the palm of your hand.
Clings, and the mustache will bend,
And the red juice will start to suck.
A long minute passes
And for some reason I'm not afraid
After all, it will not sting unnecessarily
Feeling no enmity?
It tickles my skin.
Say it like you want to
- Befriend me
And never
Don't touch our nest.
Used Books:
- Development of speech of children 3-4 years old. Authors-compilers: O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunin.
Moscow. Publishing Center "Ventana-Graf". 2015