Beautiful congratulations to the newlyweds from their father. Congratulatory words from the father of the bride. Interesting toasts for a wedding celebration

How quickly time flies... Your children have grown up and are already leaving their parents' nest and getting married. Traditionally, this celebration is not complete without congratulatory speeches uttered by guests. Congratulations on the wedding from parents sound especially touching and solemn.

It happens that such words are difficult to find. To make this task easier for you, we have selected suitable texts on the basis of which you can compose your congratulations on your wedding day from your parents.

Always take care of each other
Appreciate, please, love!
Trust each other in everything,
Protect from all adversity.

You have woven destinies together,
Now you are one forever.
May life shower you with happiness,
All bad weather will disappear from the path.

We congratulate you with all our hearts,
We wish you lasting prosperity!
And, of course, naughty girls -
Healthy, strong kids.

Our dear children!
Be the best in the world.
Got married - don't fight
Fall in love more deeply every day.
We wish you happiness, children.
And congratulations again.
May your union be
An example of family ties!

Be happy, dear children,
Let trouble pass by!
From now on you will only be together forever
Carry love through the years!

Cherish each other from now on,
Forgive everyone from the heart!
May the groom be a faithful husband,
And the wife will be caring!

Please us with grandchildren soon,
To have a complete family!
Let them shout in unison today
Again: “Bitter” all your friends!

Wedding congratulations to the newlyweds from parents

The words of congratulations on the wedding from the parents will be remembered by the young couple for the rest of their lives. Therefore, the most important, the most important words What you want to say to your children needs to be carefully thought out. Remember that the main thing in parental wedding congratulations is not the form, but the sincerity of the words.

People don't meet by chance -
It means that heaven has connected you.
Today we wish the young people
So that their fire of love does not go out!

Guard your feelings carefully,
Carry tenderness through the years,
Raise your children together
And never part!

What could be more beautiful in life -
Her hand in his hand...
Let the fire of love never go out
In your family hearth!
Two hearts merged together
And two hands merged into one.
Let the union be indestructible
For the rest of my life!

Big road, not a path
You walk hand in hand.
And may your walk be light,
And fewer pebbles along the way.
Breathe with joy alone
And if trouble suddenly happens,
You divide it in half:
It's easier to deal with then.
And life gives you as a reward
Flesh is flesh, blood is blood,
Living joy and joy -
You will repeat yourself again in children.

At the wedding, parents can say their words of congratulations both before going to the registry office and after the wedding ceremony. Traditionally wedding congratulations from parents are also heard at the festive table.

Dear children! Congratulations today
Congratulations on the birth of your family, we would like to see you!
We hasten to give you our wishes,
May you remember us with good memories.
We are releasing you like chicks from a nest,
We hope your flight will be long!
May heaven bless you today
And protects you from losses and adversity!
Try to create your own cell!
Don't be afraid - dream and... follow your dream!
The main thing is together! The main thing is nearby,
To celebrate the golden age of weddings!

On this solemn holiday
You need to wish for a lot:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Life is good, interesting and friendly.
The most important thing is that trouble
I always avoided your house,
So that you always have the main guest
There was family happiness!

Your advisor and your companion
May wisdom and fidelity always be there.
Trust, tenderness - all feelings are wonderful
May you never run out.
Let children grow up obedient, sensitive,
Let them not cause you troubles and troubles.
Let your years pass in minutes,
Your life goes on without worries.
Let never friends or acquaintances
Your home is not bypassed.

And most importantly, be in love,
Love each other with all your soul!
You will live together for a very long time until old age,
May everyone come to you again every year -
Happiness, luck, family joys...
As they say: advice and love!

Wedding congratulations from parents

Parental words of congratulations on your wedding day can not only be read aloud, but also written on beautiful postcard. Or you can engrave your parents’ wedding congratulations on a gift for the newlyweds. We have selected suitable verses for this occasion.

On this holiday, beloved children,
Please accept congratulations from us:
Be the best couple in the world,
So that the fire of passion does not go out.

Let separation not hang over you,
Happiness should illuminate your home,
And, of course, granddaughter and grandson
Don't forget to donate soon!

We congratulate you on your wedding day!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you
Live happily and not know troubles,
Raise nice kids.

Always be each other's support,
So that there are no disputes between you,
Only awe, loyalty and love
You were warmed again and again!

Our dear children!
You are now one family,
You are responsible for each other,
You are the crew of the ship.
Your ship has already been built,
The wind beats in the sails,
And none of you are free
Make decisions yourself.
We wish that on the ship
There was a supply of provisions,
So that on damp, evil everyday life
The light of love in you has not gone out.
There are no complaints about the table,
The wine just let me down
We were told in confidence:
It's too bitter!

How can parents at a wedding congratulate the newlyweds in prose?

Words of congratulations from parents can be heard at a wedding not only in poetry, but also in prose. You can also prepare interesting presentation, including photographs of the newlyweds and wedding congratulations from parents.

Dear children! Today is a particularly special day for the two of you, because you have become spouses. Please accept our my sincere congratulations and good wishes, warmth and happy days. Keep your hearth so that you can live comfortably and happily. Plant many beautiful trees and raise children to be proud of. Let your union be strong and become the key to your success in life!

Our beloved children, dear newlyweds! On this joyful day, we wish you happiness and joy throughout your long family life! Let her be like wonderful holiday, A Honeymoon never ends! Let the sonorous voices of children sound in your home. And your home will be filled with joy, laughter, smiles. Respect and take care of each other! Remember that living life is not a field to cross! Prosperity and happiness to your family!

For the parents of the newlyweds, the wedding is touching and important event, because it is on this day that their children become independent and independent, so to speak, “leave their parents’ nest.” There are no closer and dearer people in the whole world than mom and dad. Therefore, the most sincere, most sincere, kind, gentle and beautiful, of course, will be wedding congratulations from parents.

Let's look at the main points that parents should pay attention to when preparing for wedding wishes, and also give examples of possible congratulations.

Regulations for wedding congratulations

Of course, you can wish your children happiness and love for several hours, but keep in mind that wedding congratulations from parents to the newlyweds should not be long - no more than 3-4 minutes, so carefully consider the most important, warmest and important wishes. Your words and phrases should be bright and memorable so that the attention of all guests is drawn to your speech. To add emotionality to your congratulations, you can use sayings or aphorisms.

First of all, wedding congratulations from parents should be short and understandable to everyone. Therefore, when preparing for, use simple sentences, easily perceived by listeners. Can you also remember some funny story from the life of your children and tell your guests about it, succinctly including it in your congratulations. Don't talk about anything that might trigger or offend your son or daughter.

The wedding day will be very exciting, so in order not to get confused and forget your prepared speech, it is better to write it down and take it with you. Before congratulating you, re-read your intended words again and leave them next to you. It’s better to read wedding congratulations to the newlyweds from their parents than to tell them poorly and be overwhelmed by emotions. When making a speech, be sure to look at the newlyweds.

Wedding Wishes Form

Usually, wedding script The moment to start congratulating the newlyweds is not clearly defined, since the presenter independently determines when to give the floor to the mother-in-law and father-in-law, as well as the mother-in-law and father-in-law. Most often, wedding congratulations from parents are the first to be said. After their speech, the newlyweds are congratulated by their grandparents, sisters, brothers and other guests.

Be prepared for the toastmaster to prepare a special ceremony based on your wishes for the children. Usually, wedding congratulations from parents are accompanied by quiet, soulful music or lighting effects. The form of your parting words and wishes may be different. For example, you can express yourself in poetry or prose. It can also be wedding congratulations to parents in their own words. Choose the option that is most convenient for you. In fact, it is not so important which way you decide to congratulate the bride and groom, since the main thing in congratulations is not its form, but the sincerity of your words. All parents are proud of their children, so say yours parent speech so as to show how proud you are of your heirs. Choose the most tender and touching words addressed to the newlyweds - and none of those present will remain indifferent to the solemn event.

Wedding congratulations from parents - poems

If you are artistic and feel relaxed in front of large audience listeners, congratulations in verse are the most suitable option for you. We offer several examples from parents.

Today is your special day,

Save this moment for a long time!

Let the family be joyful,

Let the path of life be easy.

Keep affection, faith, tenderness,

from the first meetings.

And your rings are gold,

Manage to save forever!

We congratulate you with all our hearts!

We wish you a bright path,

Good health and understanding.

We wish you grandchildren

Children are our weakness

And we ask for very little,

About five kids.

Let the house be full of laughter,

Let your eyes sparkle with happiness.

Let the sun shine in yours,

And love will never fade away.

This is a happy day,

We especially want to say

Warm and kind words give.

Wish you bright happiness,

Great love and warmth.

The first daughter, and the second son,

Friendly and strong family.

Be the closest for many years,

Know no troubles and separations!

Wedding congratulations in prose

Wedding congratulations in prose from parents consist of the most tender and affectionate words addressed to children. You can start your congratulations with memories from the newlyweds’ childhood, or you can go straight to the wishes themselves. We offer several possible wedding toasts.

Dear children! The day has come when you have grown up, created your own young family and are leaving our parental home. We wish you Great love, mutual understanding and mutual respect. Appreciate each other throughout your life. Remember: with today, you are one, you are a family, now you are not closer than a person on Earth than you are to each other. Live together, look in the same direction as your other half, help and rescue. Well, we will be there and will always support you on the path of life.

Beloved and dear children! Today is your most long-awaited, most important and happiest day in your life - your wedding day. Remember it every minute and remember it when you feel sad. We wish your family to be the happiest and most friendly in the whole world; be sure to appreciate and respect each other. We wish the bride to become a caring homemaker, best friend And happy mom. We would like to wish the groom to become a strong “wall” and support for his family! For you, our dears, be healthy and love each other, and the rest will work out! Bitterly!

Our dear children! Today is your day, your family's birthday. We wish you to be with her throughout your life and save her until your golden wedding. Share all your joys and sorrows with each other, and let nothing lead you astray from the path of life. Keep and protect your love, appreciate, understand and respect each other. We wish you that your family becomes stronger and stronger with each passing year. So that your home is filled with children's laughter and joy. For you, beloved ones! Bitterly!

Our dear (names of the bride and groom). On this special day, we want to wish you a long life together in great love and crazy happiness. We wish you prosperity, goodness, good luck in life. Let every day lived together be unforgettable and interesting. Appreciate, respect and always help each other out, because there is no greater happiness in the world than strong and Friendly family. We want to hear from you children's laughter soon. We love you very much, our dear children. For your new family. Bitterly!

Congratulations from the bride's parents in verse

Today you are wonderful, my daughter,

A tear rolls down from happiness.

After all, you now have your own family,

The one you've wanted for so long.

So be a wonderful wife,

Caring and gentle.

And always take care of comfort in your family,

And be a friend to your spouse.

How quickly the years have flown by,

And you have grown up, my daughter.

It’s as if yesterday I led you to school by the hand,

And today you have a veil,

The beginning of a new life.

May your life be full of love,

Happiness and warmth.

The house will be filled with children's laughter,

Together with your spouse you will walk to the golden wedding.

Congratulations from the bride's parents in prose

Dear daughter! We never noticed how you grew up and became yourself beautiful bride. We remember you as a little girl, who, it seems, just yesterday had her hair braided, and today you already have a veil on your head. And on this significant day, we wish you endless happiness. We want the fire of love to always burn in your home. So be yourself best wife and a friend for your spouse, help him, share with him both joy and sorrow. Appreciate and respect each other.

Our dear daughter! Today is the most important day in your life. So let your whole life be as happy, bright and unforgettable as today. Know that for us you will always be the most beloved and precious daughter. Therefore, we wish your family to be as friendly, reliable and strong as ours. Our dear, become one with your spouse, go through life only together, help and help each other out. Be the most beloved and faithful wife.

Congratulations to your son from your parents

A wedding greeting to a son from his parents can be said first by the father and then by the mother. Since dad is the head of the family, his congratulations should be more precise and brief compared to congratulations from mom. Every child knows how much a mother loves, so children also know that words cannot convey all her feelings and emotions.

Congratulations from the father of the groom to his son

Dear children, the day has come when you leave your parents’ home and begin your life journey together. I can't promise you that it will be easy and carefree. But by walking together, you can cope with everything difficult situations. May your faces always have the same smile as today. My son, be a strong and reliable support for (name of the bride), love and respect her all your life. Good luck to you, dear children.

My son, today you created your family. Remember, you are now completely responsible for her future. So let her be the happiest in the whole world. Let your family be replenished with children, because happiness lies in them. Love each other.

Congratulations from the mother of the groom to her son

My son, you are the most precious thing I have. But today I’m letting you go to another house - to yours. new house, I pass you on to your dear wife so that she can love and appreciate you, as I did. After all, a husband is trusted friend, who should always be there, and his wife is his faithful support. I’m giving away my son, but promise me that I’ll soon become a grandmother. I wish you love, happiness and a long, long life family life.

My beloved son, today is your most important day - the birthday of your family. I can tell you for sure that there is nothing more expensive in family life mutual love and children. So let children’s laughter sound in your family, created together with (name of the bride), and you will always enjoy each other, understand and respect each other. May your love never fade, but only shine brighter and brighter every year. Good luck to you, dear children.

As you can see, wedding congratulations can be different. Listen to our advice, choose beautiful words or poems from this article, and, of course, express only the most real and sincere emotions addressed to children - and they will remember your words in for a long time.

Our beloved children! Please accept sincere congratulations from your parents on the most wonderful holiday in your life - Happy Wedding Day, Happy Marriage Day, Happy Unity Day of souls and hearts!!!
Today you are setting off on a great journey that will last a lifetime!
May God protect you on this long road! It will lie in the magical lands of love and among trials!
We wish you a lot of strength and passion, joy and understanding to overcome everything together with honor!
Treat each other with care! Quarrels do not harden, but make the union vulnerable, undermine it!
Union of 2 hearts is similar delicate flower. Raise it with trembling hearts, very carefully!
We wish you, our dear children, to always remain so young and beautiful in appearance and in soul!
Be healthy and rich, raise kind children, let them give you happiness! And we, your parents, will give you our love and support!


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Create a postcard

Happy wedding!

Our dear children, congratulations on this important step in life - you have started a family! Let your family grow and multiply with sons and daughters. Live together, appreciate and understand each other. We wish you harmony and undying love. May the sparkle in your eyes and the tenderness in your heart not fade after many years. Walk through life hand in hand with dear love. And may your hearts always sing along to each other and beat in unison.


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Create a postcard

Newlywed children, live sweetly! Bitterly!

Dear children, our young ones! How you pleased us with the fact that you decided to unite your hearts and destinies together to create a strong family.
We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding! Remember this bright and happy Day!
Carry all the joys of your wedding day throughout your life!
Let your family become an inexhaustible source of purity, beauty, happiness and strength!
May good luck and good fortune accompany you! Have fun and laugh!
Support each other on your path, no matter what: in joys and trials!
May fate give you only clear days, if a cloud appears in the horizon of your marriage, know that love conquers everything!
Give us grandchildren, and we will raise and marry them!!! Treat us parents with respect!
I wish you earthly love and fabulous passion throughout all the years of your life!!! Live long, long and sweetly!! Bitterly!


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Create a postcard

Happy wedding!

Our beloved children, we congratulate you on your Family’s Birthday! You are the most beautiful and harmonious couple in the Universe! May the day you met be blessed! We wish you to be like two swans, swimming through life side by side, warming each other with warmth. We love you very much and we are infinitely happy looking at you, keep your love.


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Create a postcard

Happy wedding!

Our dear children, we congratulate you on your Family’s Birthday! We are very happy for you and at this solemn hour we want to wish you endless family happiness. Live in harmony and take care of each other. Let your love warm the family hearth all your life, save it until old age. Let your home be filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. May your path in life be strewn with rose petals. We love you very much!


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Create a postcard

Happy wedding!

Our beloved children, there is no greater joy for parents than to see their children whose eyes are shining with happiness! Congratulations on the most wonderful day of your life, your wedding day! We would like to wish that this radiance never leaves your eyes, that every year your love only becomes stronger. We wish your young family health, prosperity and well-being. May peace and harmony always reign in your home, and may your union be eternal!


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Create a postcard

Happy wedding!

Our dear and beloved children, we congratulate you on your wedding day! Live in love, happiness and harmony. May every day bring you new wonderful moments of joy. Enjoy every minute spent together and never tire of surprising each other. We wish you a long, happy family life and the speedy birth of your precious babies. Advice and love to you!

Congratulations on your wedding day from your parents in your own words

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Create a postcard

Pure congratulations from the parents!

Our children, dear and beloved! Accept from us, from your parents sincere congratulations With all my heart, Happy Wedding Day!
Love connected you and brought you to the registry office so that you could live together in happiness and joy!
Bring your bright and sincere feelings throughout life!
Whatever happens on your family path, support each other and overcome difficulties with optimism!
Let there be only bright and happy days! Never be discouraged or sad!
Know for dark stripe Always light is coming, night is replaced by day!
The main thing is to love and respect each other, live with understanding, without quarrels and scandals, without reproaches and betrayals!
May fate give you fulfillment of your desires, all the best, children! Don't forget about us! Good morning!


What are the best wedding congratulations from parents? There is no clear answer to this question. What kind of congratulations the newlyweds will receive on their wedding day largely depends on the following: characteristic features close relatives:

Therefore, congratulations on your wedding day from parents can take on the following character: with shades of pessimism, full of humor and worldly wisdom, overly sentimental, conservative and lacking warmth.

It is important to consider the following information: what wedding toasts and congratulations from parents will be most acceptable, how to write a wedding congratulation correctly.

Congratulations from father

Fathers do not always have difficulties when it is necessary to publicly congratulate their child.

The advantage of dads is that they don't tend to spend a lot of time composing a speech.

They choose wedding congratulations in their own words: all that is required from parents is parting words and wishes for a long life married life, so you shouldn’t try to make beautiful and bright statements.

Father's speech at a wedding is usually laconic, but succinct

But it’s still worth considering what kind of wedding congratulations from parents can be in prose:

  1. Dear children, today is your wedding day. Please accept my sincere congratulations on your wedding. You can say and wish for a lot, but the most important thing is that love reigns in your marriage. Everything will not always be smooth and cloudless: you will encounter various kinds of difficulties and troubles. But try to overcome all obstacles together, holding hands. After all, this is the only way to preserve the wealth of relationships.
  2. While preparing for the wedding, the son said that he would soon marry the girl of his dreams. When we were introduced future daughter-in-law, my mother and I completely agreed with our son. But still you should not forget that real love is based not only on the ability to appreciate the merits of a life partner, but also on the ability to accept each other’s shortcomings. Therefore, show wisdom and forbearance so that your union is happy and lasting.
  3. Parents are not invited to the wedding, because it goes without saying: parents gave their children life and accompany them all their lives - in sorrow and joy. Today at my daughter's Wedding Dress, which emphasizes her slim figure. And you understand at such moments that this gentle girl Now another man will protect and protect. And how wonderful it is to realize that there is a worthy and faithful knight next to your loved one. I wish you many children who will delight and inspire you, just as you are doing for your parents now.
  4. Today congratulations are heard from the parents of the newlyweds. The whole earth now rejoices in the happiness of the young. My mother and I have seen a lot in our lives, but we never forgot about each other's needs and dreams. Secret happy marriage lies in the ability to read lips and eyes what cannot be said in words. Contribute to the personal growth of your life partner, spare no effort in helping to realize the true desires of your other half. Remember that the ability to give of yourself without reserve will help your couple grow spiritually. Be happy! For an example of congratulations from parents, see this video:

Congratulations from mother

Congratulating parents on their wedding day can cause a lot of difficulties if mothers take the issue too seriously.

Mothers at a wedding should try to cover everything in their congratulations.

Moms can make the following mistakes:

  1. The speech sounds too pretentious.
  2. The speech is based on the bitter experience of trial and error. When a mother wants her children to have as few problems as possible, this is a completely natural desire. But at a wedding it is better to refrain from emotional speeches in the dramatic genre.
  3. Too sentimental congratulations with a huge number of diminutive words can confuse the newlyweds.

It is worth considering what congratulations to parents at a wedding could be in prose:

  1. The other day I met a friend of mine who is soon getting her daughter married. I never thought that happiness brings people together so much, because our daughter also decided to start a family. Many congratulate the newlyweds and wish them every prosperity. But I would like to say the following: thank you, daughter, for making my father and me so happy. Today is your holiday, and we rejoice ten times more, because the happiness of children is the multiplied happiness of their parents. The most best kids in the world - it’s you, our relatives!
  2. Congratulations from parents always sound at the very beginning of the celebration. There is so much I want to say that I don’t even know where to start. My good, beautiful words are difficult for a person with an economic education. Therefore, I would like to raise a glass to the longevity of your love: never skimp on each other, give yourself without reserve, without counting profits and losses. A family is a project that requires lifelong investment. Enjoy the process if you want to be happy!

Original congratulations

Wedding congratulations from parents should not be strictly official: show your Creative skills! The bride and groom will appreciate original congratulations.

Children are always pleased to know that their parents are special.

Wit, for example, never goes out of style.

Therefore, on the wedding day, congratulations from parents can be as follows:

  1. Sing a song with your young friends. Let the song be in a modern style.
  2. Musical congratulations can be in the form of a dance or a skit. Re-watch comedy shows. Then choose the scene you like and try to make it a reality together with matchmakers, for example.
  3. Cool congratulations are also welcome. You can create a collage of childhood photos of your son or daughter. Write a funny story about your child's dreams and hopes. Such a congratulation will be moderately sentimental and moderately instructive, because these are the words that children need to hear from their parents.

How to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary?

On the wedding day, parents are interested in what words to say to their children, especially if we're talking about about the anniversary. For an example of happy anniversary greetings, see this video:
You can consider the following options:

  1. On your wedding anniversary, I would like to wish you to continue to love each other tirelessly. Let the most beautiful music of love warm your hearts.
  2. Let me give you parental advice: never listen to advice on what to do in marriage, even if the advice is given to you by those closest to you. Build your own family happiness without regard to anyone's experience. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my dears!
  3. A year has passed since your wedding. Please accept congratulations on chintz wedding from parents: they say that a year is too short to show the full power of feelings, but it is already enough to understand how ready you are to take into account the interests of your life partner. Chintz is very thin cloth, but very pleasant to the touch. Therefore, remember that it breaks where it is thin, but also do not forget that conservatism kills romantic relationship: work on the quality of your relationship, but also pay enough attention to the sensual side.

Perhaps there is no better advice: congratulate your children on pure heart! Adults know that best congratulations- these are sincere congratulations. Let your parental heart help you find the right words.