Parent meeting in the senior group on the topic: “The development of speech of older preschoolers. Parent meeting in the senior group "development of speech of senior preschool age"

Parent meeting

"Speech development of older children preschool age»


introduce parents to playing tricks aimed at the formation of phonemic perception, linguistic guessing, sound analysis and synthesis skills;

warn typical mistakes allowed by parents when teaching children to read at preschool age;

involve parents in joint activities with children in literacy.

Assembly progress.

Good evening, Dear Parents! Thank you for taking the time to come to our meeting dedicated to the education of our children.

First, I suggest you complete a small task: trace the outline of your hand with a pencil, write the name of your child one letter on each finger, and then decipher the letters, noting the qualities of his character. In the center of the palm, draw a symbol - who is the child in the family for you (sun, flower, bunny, bell).

After coming home, talk to the child, show your creativity and tell about your feelings for him. They need it!

Children are the most precious thing in our lives. These are our bunnies, suns, flowers. You have such a treasure - one and only. And you trust us with your sun. And it turns out that we have the best, most beloved and only 20. You and I have one goal - to make the life of your children more interesting and richer and to help develop all the qualities necessary for a child for school. Dear parents of our students! We are very glad to see you at the parent meeting of our group, because we understand that this common goal of ours cannot be achieved without an alliance with you, without your support and help.

Main part

To begin with, I would like to say a huge “thank you” to the parents who work with their children at home. It is quite clear that not all parents of preschool children are different reasons concerned about preparing their children for school.

I think no one will object to the fact that speech is of great importance in the overall development of the child, in the formation of his successful personality, his future.

Speech development is the most important acquisition of a child in preschool age. Fine developed speech helps to more easily perceive the knowledge gained in kindergarten, at school, at home, helps in communicating with peers and adults.

Unfortunately, not all children develop speech in accordance with age norms, many have difficulties in mastering certain categories of speech, violations in the formation of speech components. I bring to your attentionmost actual problems , characteristic of many children of senior preschool age:

1.Poor vocabulary;

2. Insufficiently formed phonemic hearing and phonemic perception:

Phonemic hearing - the ability to hear and distinguish sounds in the flow of speech, in words similar in sound, but different in meaning (heron-drop, tower-arable land);

Phonemic perception - sound analysis, which underlies the mastery of the process of learning to read and write: it is the ability to determine the presence or absence of a sound in a word; the ability to determine the position of a sound in a word; the ability to determine the sequence of sounds and their number in a word. 3. Grammar and pronunciation errors;

4. Inexpressive, intonation-slightly colored speech;

5. Unformed connected speech (monosyllabic, consisting of one simple sentences; inability to build a plot or descriptive story for a given topic, retell the text).

As part of our meeting, I plan to dwell in more detail on the final correct sound design of speech.Preparing children for literacy occupies a special place in the development of children's speech.

Diploma - this is the mastery of the ability to read and write texts, to express one's thoughts in writing, to understand when reading not only the meaning of individual words and sentences, but also the meaning of the text, that is, the mastery of written speech.

How a child is introduced to literacy largely depends on his success not only in reading and writing, but also in mastering the Russian language as a whole.

The complex process of acquiring literacy is divided into several stages, most of which are at school. But in order to make literacy training at school more successful, it is necessary to form part of the skills in kindergarten.

A preschooler who begins to study the basics of literacy should have a pronounced cognitive activity. Such a child likes to communicate with an adult, often asks questions about the environment, shows interest in learning. cognitive activity The child must be encouraged in every possible way. After all, it is the basis for learning. Do not leave any questions of your child unanswered, pay more attention to the phenomena of the surrounding life, read more. It is at joint reading books (as opposed to watching videos), the necessary spiritual contact child with an adult. This emotional communication with a loved one is extremely important for a preschooler and will bring invaluable benefits in his development.

An important point to start teaching literacy is that the child's oral speech should be developed accordingly age norm. Therefore, if your baby has speech defects, they must be eliminated. Oral speech disorders that interfere with literacy training include: omissions, substitutions and rearrangements of syllables and sounds in words; defective sound pronunciation; fuzzy articulation of sounds; incorrect agreement of words in a sentence; errors in the construction of the phrase. If you notice similar speech features in your child older than three years old, seek help from a specialist in the development and correction of speech - a speech therapist.

The age of 5-7 years for most children is the most favorable for the active development of perception, attention, memory, thinking. A child at this age is physiologically ready for developmental learning, he has a desire to learn. This does not mean that all children will master reading skills to the same extent, but it is already necessary to start practicing with them.

Where to start? Unfortunately, many adults begin teaching their child to read by learning all the letters with him. At the same time, the child remembers the letters as they are called in the alphabet, that is, with the overtone of vowels: “ef”, “pe”, “ka”, etc. This is the wrong approach: it can lead to difficulties for the child to read syllables and words together, as well as to “mechanical” reading - in this case, errors may occur when reading and writing. When introducing your baby to the world of reading, you must first of all remember that written language is a reflection of oral speech. Therefore, acquaintance with letters and folding them into syllables and words into initial stage learning is not the most important thing.

At the initial stage, you should draw the child's attention to the sounding word. With the help of speech games, playing with words and sounds, the child learns the following: when we speak, we pronounce different words. Words sound because they are made up of sounds. The sounds in the word are in order. There is a sound at the beginning of the word - it is the first, there is the last one - at the end of the word, the rest - in the middle, one after another. If this order is violated, then the word "breaks". He will not be recognized.

K.D. Ushinsky said: “Only one who understands the sound-syllabic structure of a word can consciously read and write.”

And now let's remember:

1 . We hear and pronounce sounds.

Sounds happen :

Vowels . Name these sounds.(A U I O E S) . (There are only six vowels) . Why are these sounds called vowels?rule : "The vowel sound flows freely and like a song is sung" . These sounds are pronounced easily and freely. The air coming out of the mouth meets no obstruction. Denoted by a red circle or square.

A, O, U, Y, E - denote the hardness of consonants;

I, E, Yu, I, E - denote the softness of consonants, or two sounds when they are after a vowel, or at the beginning of a word.

The letter E stands for sounds [Y] [E].

The letter Yo stands for the sounds [Y] [O].

The letter Yu denotes the sounds [Y] [U].

The letter I denotes the sounds [Y] [A].

Consonants - these sounds are pronounced with noise, the air coming out of the mouth meets barriers in the form of a tongue, lips, teeth.

The consonant sound can be :

-solid, if it is followed by a, o, y, s, e, or at the end of a word. A solid sound is indicated by a blue square or circle;

- soft sound, if it is softened by the vowel i, e, u, u, e, or b(soft sign) . Y, Ch, U - always soft. A soft consonant is denoted by a green square or circle.

Consonants are voiced and voiceless.

voiced consonant sound because the voice works. How to check it? Apply back side palm to throat and say"MMM" , you feel your throat trembling - this is a voice working. Or you can close your ears with your hands and listen to how the voice sounds. We denote a voiced sound with a bell.

Voiceless consonant sound because the voice is not working. How to check it? Put the back of your hand to your throat and say"F-F-F" Feel if your throat is trembling, if your voice is working. Or you can close your ears with your hands and listen to the sound of a voice. We do not designate a deaf sound with a bell.

2. We see and write letters.

The method of teaching children to read in kindergarten provides for naming letters according to their sound designations: p, b, k ... This greatly facilitates children in mastering the reading skill. In order for the child to better learn the graphic image of the letter and to prevent dysgraphia at school (dysgraphia is a violation of writing), the following tasks are recommended:

What does the letter look like?

In a row of letters, circle the given letter.

Laying out letters from counting sticks, from a rope, sculpt from plasticine ...

Circle the letter by dots, shade the letter, add the letter.

3. Syllable - this is when two sounds are added together - a consonant and a vowel.

Word - consists of syllables.

Offer - consists of words.

However, without your active participation, dear parents, this and so, in general, a difficult process runs the risk of being delayed. You all know that a preschooler is a “playing person”, and now I will reveal the deep pedagogical meaning of some seemingly simple games that do not require significant financial investments and time from you. Nevertheless, it is these games that will help your children, with your help, consolidate the knowledge gained in kindergarten, “just talking” on the way home. Your attention will be offered didactic games aimed at the formation of phonemic perception, language guessing, sound analysis and synthesis skills. You can also take part in games and support your child.

Game 1. Name objects with one generalizing word.

Cow, goat, horse, pig, sheep(Pets)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday(days of the week)

Fox, wolf, bear, elk, hare(wild animals)

Beets, carrots, turnips, onions, radishes(vegetables)

Chamomile, poppy, bluebell, dandelion, tulip(flowers)

Butterfly, beetle, mosquito, grasshopper, ant(insects)

Day, night, morning, evening, midnight, noon(parts of the day)

Starling, swallow, nightingale, rook, cuckoo(migratory birds)

Pears, apples, peaches, plum, tangerine(fruits)

Boots, felt boots, shoes, slippers, boots(shoes)

Game 2. "Name the first sound in the word"

Target: development of the skill of determining the first sound in a word.

Game progress: the adult calls the word, the child must highlight the first sound in the word with his voice and name it exactly as the sound sounds in the word. For example: cat - in the word "cat" the first sound [k], whale - in the word "whale" the first sound [k, ], garden - in the word "garden" the first sound [c], hay - in the word "hay" the first sound, etc. As a complication, you can ask the child to characterize this sound (vowel-consonant, soft-hard), as well as name the last sound in the word.

Game 3. "Find words with the right sound in the text" .

Target : improve the ability to highlight words with a given sound.

Game progress : It is necessary to find and name words with sound"X" . The text is being read

Game 2 "First - last."

Target: development of phonemic hearing, the formation of skills to distinguish the first and last sound in a word.

The child calls the first sound in the name of the picture, and the parent calls the last sound in this word.

Game 3. "Pick up a word"

Target: learn to choose a word with a given sound.

Game progress: the adult asks to pick up a word with a given sound, the child calls one or more words. For example: “Tell me a word with the sound [w] - school, pencil, tinsel. “Tell me a word with sound [b, ] - bandage, child, squirrel. As a complication, you can ask to name words with a given sound in a certain position (at the beginning, middle and end of a word). For example: “Tell me a word with a sound C at the beginning of a word” - an airplane, a catfish, a trail, a bag, etc.

Game 4. "Catch the sound"

Target: developing the skill of highlighting a given sound in a sound range.

Game progress: adult offers to perform certain action when the child hears a given sound among others pronounced

adult sounds. For example: “Clap your hands when you hear the sound [a], then the adult slowly and clearly says: O, A, K, U. A, B, L, O, A, etc.

Game 5

Target: development of the skill of synthesizing syllables according to a given principle.

Game progress: an adult suggests replacing a certain sound with a given one and pronouncing the resulting syllable. For example: “Replace A with O”, then the adult slowly and clearly pronounces the syllable KA, the child “in his mind” changes A to O and pronounces KO, ZA - ZO, LA - LO, etc.

Game 6

Target: measuring the length of a word; dividing a word into syllables.

Game progress: an adult offers to compare any animals or objects that differ significantly in size, the names of these animals or objects should also differ in length, but vice versa. For example: “Who is bigger the elephant or the chicken? (child's answer) Now let's find out which word is more "elephant" or "chicken". The child slams the words. One clap per syllable of a word.

Game 7

Purpose of the game : develop a linguistic guess, name as you can more options words. The adult calls the first syllable of the word, and the child (parent) calls the continuation of the word. For example:






D - K

Game 8

Target: develop auditory attention. Task: the teacher reads a poem, intentionally making mistakes in words. Children (parents) need to correctly name the words.

Dropped the doll from my hands

Masha rushes to her mother:

There creeps greenonion

With a long mustache (beetle).

The hunter shouted: “Oh!

doors are chasing me!" (animals).

The snow is melting, the stream is flowing,

The branches are fulldoctors (rooks).

In the meadow in spring

Increasedtooth young (oak).

In front of the children

Rat painters paint (roof).

Dragged a mouse into a mink

Huge breadslide (crust).

Atstoves I sit with a fishing rod

I don’t take my eyes off the fish (rivers).

Sound analysis of the word.

Target: the formation of the ability to consistently reproduce the sounds of a word, distinguish between vowels and consonants, determine the hardness-softness, deafness-sonority of the sounds heard.

There is a picture of a cat on the board.


The teacher asks a question : What do you see in the picture? (A cat.)

Who or what can we designate with this word?(The toy is a plush cat. A pet.)

Playing the sequence of sounds in the word "cat". Children take turns independently calling one sound at a time, then repeat the sounds in chorus with the whole group. Also selectively characterize each sound:

[k] - consonant, solid, deaf;

[o] - vowel;

[w] - consonant, solid, deaf;

[k] - consonant, solid, deaf;

[a] is a vowel.

At the bottom, under the picture, the sound scheme of the word is laid out:

How many vowels in a word, so many syllables.

Drafting a proposal plan.

Target: The formation of children's grammatical ideas about the structure of sentences and how to design it in writing.

The teacher invites the children to make sentences with the word "cat". Selects any sentence with a preposition. For example:

The cat is walking on the roof.

Children bend their fingers on their hands, count the number of words in a sentence. Label the words with cardboard strips.

The first word is indicated by a corner, since the first word in a sentence is written with capital letter, long words we denote by a long strip, the preposition by a short one. A period is placed at the end of a sentence.


It was difficult, right? And this is despite the fact that you and I are adults with a huge vocabulary And creativity. And for our children who do not read much and sit a lot in front of the television and computer screen, this task often becomes overwhelming.

After analyzing everything I said, you will think “teaching a preschooler to read and write is so difficult…” Well, you are right. However, our with you teamwork will greatly facilitate this process for our children.

And remember the main thing:

- when talking with a child, pay attention to your speech, speak in a calm tone;

- communicate with the child more often;

- read and discuss books read more often, ask your child detailed questions about the text and ask them to answer with a full answer.

All this plays important role in the development of the child's speech, he learns new words, turns, develops hearing. After all, it is from you, first of all, that the child learns to speak, it is you that he imitates in his communication.

Topic: "Development of children's speech"

Preliminary work:

Questionnaire for parents;

Meeting agenda:

Goals and objectives for the year.

Features of the development of children from 5 to 6 years old. (Educational games). presentation.

Diagnosis results

Survey results

Speech development tools

"What should children know and be able to do by the end of the senior group"

"Making a memo on the development of the speech of a child 5-6 years old."

(give to parents)

Organizational questions.

We teach independence.

We strictly follow the rules. We are not late.

Sports uniform.

We do not allow children to play in the corridor.

Payment must be made on time by the 10th.

Preparation for the new year. Present.

Information about competitions is posted on the door.

Make changes to social passports.

Information about poems that can be taught.

Information about works for retelling.

7. Presentation"How we live in kindergarten!"

Meeting progress:

Good evening dear parents! I am glad to see you all today at our parent meeting.

2. Goals and objectives of the Program implementation;

Program Goals- creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities according to age and individual features preparing for life in modern society, to learning at school, ensuring the safety of the life of a preschooler.

Particular attention in the Program is paid to the development of the child's personality, the preservation and strengthening of children's health, as well as the education of such qualities in preschoolers as:


Active life position;

Creativity in solving various life situations;

Respect for traditional values.

The goals of the program are implemented in the process of various types of children's activities: gaming, communication, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.

To achieve the goals of the Program, the following are of paramount importance:

health care, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development every child;

Creation in groups of an atmosphere of a humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils, which allows them to grow up sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

Maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;

Creative organization of the educational process;

Variability of use educational material, allowing to develop creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

Respectful attitude to results children's creativity;

The unity of approaches to the upbringing of children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution and the family;

Compliance with the work of kindergarten and elementary school continuity, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of preschool children, ensuring the absence of pressure on subject education.

Taking care of the health and comprehensive upbringing of children, teachers, together with the family, should strive to make the childhood of each child happy.

Program objectives:

1. Creation of conditions for the protection of life and strengthening of physical and mental health children.

2. Facilitating the provision of cognitive, speech, socio-communicative, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of children.

3. Ensuring continuity in the work of the preschool department and elementary school, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of preschool children.

Facilitate the provision of advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the upbringing, education and development of children.

It is devoted to the topic "The development of the speech of our children." Why was it decided to draw your attention and involve you in the problem of the development of the child's speech? There is not much time left before school - 1 year. You all know that when entering the 1st grade, the child undergoes an interview, testing with a school psychologist, teachers. What he first of all pays attention to: the child’s speech, how he argues, explains, proves, how he builds sentences, whether the words in the sentence agree, how rich and varied the child’s speech is.

Figurative speech rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions in children is a very rare phenomenon. Children learn native language imitating the speech of others. Unfortunately, many parents in our time often forget about this and let the process of speech development take its course.

Think back to when your child was very young (about 1 year old). How did we feel about speech? Waiting for the first word to be spoken? When he starts to speak actively, how quickly will the vocabulary replenish? Yes?

And now, how often do we think about how a child's speech is developed? How smoothly, logically does he express his thoughts, reason? Does it bother us now?

If “yes”: (We are very glad that you are concerned about this issue, this problem, and therefore we decided to devote our meeting to the development of children's speech).

If “no”, we don’t think: (It’s a pity, therefore, the issue of the development of children’s speech should be given close attention. Do you agree?).

1. Results of the survey.

As can be seen from the questionnaires, some children spoke at the age of up to a year - 1.5 years, which is physiological norm. Some began to speak in the period of 2 - 3 years. Many children today have a delay in speech development.

How would you like your child to speak by the time they enter school? (The teacher writes down on the board the characteristics of speech named by the parents: competent, understandable, expressive, meaningful, rich ...)

This is the ideal. But what actually happens?

In our modern time, our children spend little time in the company of their parents (more and more at the computer, at the TV or with their toys) and rarely listen to stories and fairy tales from the lips of mom or dad, and only developing at home speech classes– is generally a rarity.

Look, we have a contradiction: we strive and want the child’s speech to be (the teacher reads the words from the 1st column), and we have (the teacher reads the words from the 2nd column).

2. What interesting things do we do in kindergarten so that the speech of our children develops normally?

  1. First of all great attention devoting to storytelling:
  2. - writing creative stories
  3. - compiling stories based on a picture, based on a series of pictures
  4. - retelling
  5. It is very important to learn poetry with children - this contributes to the development of expressiveness, trains memory. Speaking to each other (“Competition of readers”), children at school will no longer be complex in the classroom.
  6. What helps to improve sound pronunciation is tongue twisters, tongue twisters.
  7. Children are very fond of guessing and guessing riddles, then the lesson teaches children to draw conclusions, analyze, develop thinking. At the same time, be sure to ask the child “how did you guess?”, “Why”.

8. And scientists have also proven that through the game the child learns knowledge faster.

And at home? The survey showed that at home you and your children are mainly engaged in the development of speech: learning tongue twisters, poems, trying to learn letters. But you admit that you do not have the experience, knowledge to competently and intelligently deal with children. And also some parents do not have enough time to communicate with the child, play, work out with him.

What to do at home:

  1. First of all, when talking with a child, constantly pay attention to your own speech: it should be clear and intelligible. Always speak in a calm tone. Do not forget that the child first of all learns to speak from you, so watch your speech, make sure it is correct.
  2. Secondly, communicate with your child as often as possible. And if you notice that the child has problems with speech, do not be afraid to contact specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist).
  3. Read to your child often. Reading at night plays an important role in the development of a child's speech, he learns new words, turns, develops hearing. And remember that your pronunciation should be crisp and clear, expressive and be sure to discuss what you read.
  4. Think about how often you say these phrases to your child:
  1. - You can do a lot!
  2. - I will help you.
  3. - I rejoice in your success.

4. Task for parents and children.

Of course, all children love fairy tales: listen, retell, dramatize. We suggest you - compose your own fairy tale with your child, write it down in a notebook or notebook, and the child will be an illustrator of these compositions. It will turn out a wonderful book - yours and your child.

"Just a Bit of Science"

The system formed in Russia over many decades preschool education is currently undergoing major changes. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO) has been developed and entered into force. These changes were necessary in connection with the understanding of the importance of preschool education for the further successful development and education of each child, ensuring quality education for preschool children.

The requirements of the Standard for the results of mastering the program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education. At the stage of completion of preschool education, the child should have a good command of oral speech, express his thoughts and desires, use speech to express his thoughts, feelings, desires, highlight sounds in words. Speech development is still the most relevant in preschool age.

The main goal of speech development is the formation of oral speech and the skills of verbal communication with others on the basis of mastering the literary language.

Tasks of speech development in GEF DO:

mastering speech as a means of communication and culture (this means that it is necessary to form the oral speech of children at such a level that they do not experience difficulties in establishing contacts with peers and adults, so that their speech is understandable to others),

enrichment of the active vocabulary (occurs at the expense of the main vocabulary of the preschooler and depends on our vocabulary and the parents' vocabulary, favorable conditions are created to expand the children's vocabulary with a complex - thematic work planning),

the development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech, (our connected speech consists of two parts - dialogue and monologue. building material for her is vocabulary and mastery grammatical structure speech, i.e. the ability to change words, combine them into sentences),

development of speech creativity, (the work is not simple, it assumes that children independently compose the simplest short stories, take part in composing poetic phrases, come up with new moves in the plot of a fairy tale, etc. All this becomes possible if we create conditions for this),

acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature, g The main problem is that the book has ceased to be a value in many families, children do not acquire the experience of home reading - listening, the book should become a companion of children),

development of sound and intonational culture, phonemic hearing, (the child learns the stress system, pronunciation of words and the ability to speak expressively, read poetry)

formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Thus, it can be concluded that, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the priority areas of the preschool education system is the development of speech in preschool children. Therefore, determining the directions and conditions for the development of speech in children are among the most important pedagogical tasks.

Game "Speech development"

Great importance for the development of the speech of a preschooler, it has an enrichment of the vocabulary based on knowledge and ideas about the surrounding life and in the process of observing nature. nature has unique opportunities for the development of children's speech (the teacher invites parents to answer questions, pick up epithets for words).

Game "Name the object"

Here, of course, everyone knows what happens to us.

Throwing the ball in various ways, the teacher asks a question, to which the adult who caught the ball must answer and return the ball to the captain of the ship. The teacher, in turn, throws the ball to the next parent, waiting for a response from him.

1. What is round? (ball, ball, cheese…)

2. What is long? (scarf, coat, lace…)

3. What is smooth? (glass, mirror…) etc.

At preschool age, children actively learn the world, as a result of which perception is formed, speech culture develops. Well-developed speech helps a preschooler to better convey his thoughts, emotions, feelings, explain his own position. Speech development is not a separate process, on the contrary, the development of fantasy, imagination, the formation of arbitrary memory, the ability to listen carefully to works of fiction, to concentrate and answer questions about the text - All this contributes to the formation and development of speech.

Artistic texts are good helper parents and teachers in the development of the child's speech. Tell, read fairy tales, poems, stories to children.

And well-known fairy tales can be lost.

An important role in the development of children's speech is played by the development of intonational expressiveness of speech. Children master intonation expressiveness by the age of five. But, as a rule, in kindergarten, when learning poems, songs, dramatizations, we are faced with the monotony, inexpressiveness of children's speech.


The famous Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov said: “The hands teach the head, then the wiser head teaches the hands, and skillful hands again contribute to the development of the brain.

The motor centers of speech in the human cerebral cortex are located next to the motor centers of the fingers, therefore, by developing speech and stimulating the motor skills of the fingers, we transmit impulses to speech centers, a number that activates speech.

(the teacher offers parents to massage the fingers) (Sujok)

Stage 1.- Massage. Massaging your fingers to activate the work of internal organs.

Large - responsible for the head;

Index - stomach;

Medium - liver;

Nameless - kidneys;

The little finger is the heart.

1) rub the fingertip, then slowly lower to the wrist.

2) rub your palms, clap.


1. Finger game "Bear" (with a scarf).

(slowly push the handkerchief with one finger, into a fist)

The bear climbed into his lair,

He crushed all his sides,

Hey, get help

The bear seems to be stuck!

(pull out handkerchief forcefully)

When conducting finger games, remember the following principles:

Before playing with a child, it is necessary to discuss its content, while immediately practicing the necessary gestures, finger combinations, and movements. This will not only prepare the baby for correct execution exercises, but also create the necessary emotional mood.

· Perform the exercise together with the child, while demonstrating their own passion for the game.

· When playing the game repeatedly, children often begin to pronounce the text partially (especially the beginning and end of phrases). Gradually, the text is learned by heart, the children pronounce it in its entirety, correlating the words with the movement.

· Having chosen two or three exercises, gradually replace them with new ones. You can leave the most liked games in your repertoire, and return to them at the request of the baby.

Do not put several complex tasks in front of the child at once (for example, show movements and pronounce the text). Children's attention span is limited and impossible task can "beat off" interest in the game.

Never force. Try to understand the reasons for the refusal, if possible, eliminate them (for example, by changing the task) or change the game.

· Encourage children to sing along, "don't notice" if they do something wrong at first, encourage success.


word game"Why"(teacher plays with parents)

Determine what words the words consist of: dump truck, vacuum cleaner, plane, meat grinder, centipede, sandal, juicer, leaf fall, snowfall, motocross.


Dear parents, please answer next questions or underline the answer.

1. Full name your child................................................ ................................................. ......................... 2. How many children are brought up in the family?.................. ................................................. .............................. 3. Does the child attending kindergarten have their own room or play area? ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ................. 4. Are there any play corner: fiction; . . works folklore. 5. Write the names of fairy tales .............................................. ................................................. ................................................. ............ poems .................................. ................................................. ................................................. ...................... riddles .............................. ................................................. ................................................. ............................. that your children know. 6. Do you read to your child every day? What time of day? .............................................. ...........

7. Do you draw the child's attention to the bright illustrations of books, their content and meaning? ...........

8. Does your child ask questions after reading or looking at books? Do you ask questions after reading? ................................................. ................................................. ...

9. How often do you buy art books to your child .................................................. ........ 10. Who in your family visits the library? ............................................... 11. Do you take children's books from the library for your child? ............ 12. Which of the following do you think is important for your child: instilling love and careful attitude to books; computer game; watching TV programs (what kind)? 13. How much time per day does your child spend in front of: TV; ............................................... computer;. .............................. tablet; ................................................. by phone ................................................. .... 14. At what age did your child first speak? ………………………………………………………

15. Are you satisfied with your child's vocabulary? ………………………………………………………..

16. Is his speech sufficiently developed? ................................................. ......................

17. Do you work at home on the development of the child's speech? How?............................................... ....................... …………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………..

18. Does your child have problems with sound pronunciation? .............................................. ............................................

parent meeting in senior group

Topic: "Development of children's speech"

Goals and objectives of the meeting:

To reveal the importance of speech in the comprehensive development of the child's personality.

To expand the idea of ​​parents about the speech development of children 5-6 years old.

Introduce speech games for use at home.

To involve parents in the issue and problem of speech development of children in modern conditions.

Used literature: L.V. Minkevich "Parents' meetings in kindergarten" senior preschool age.

Preliminary work:

Questionnaire for parents;

Making invitations with children in the form of applications;

Handouts (reminders);

Parenting advice.

Meeting agenda:

Goals and objectives for the year.

Natalia Yeltsova
Parent meeting in the senior group using ICT on the topic "Development of coherent speech of preschoolers"

Target: level up pedagogical competence parents on the development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age.

Form: workshop.

Preparatory stage:

1. Distribute invitations to meeting.

2. Arrange tables and chairs to create an open center groups.

3. Prepare memos for parents"Little tricks" By ".

4. Prepare a presentation ". Tips for those who are not indifferent parents».


1. introduction teacher.

2. Presentation (view and discuss).

3. Carrying out by the educator practical activities With parents on their mastery of techniques development of coherent speech children through exercise.

4. Blitz survey for parents"Speech develop Let's not forget about the game!.

5. Presentation of an exhibition of visual material, a series of plot pictures based on development of coherent speech of preschoolers meetings.

6. Bottom line meetings.

7. Reflection.

Meeting progress:

Introductory speech of the teacher.

- Hello dear parents! We are very glad to see you at today's meeting. Let's talk today about your children, about the role played by development of coherent speech in the formation of children's speech readiness for school. Many of you have wondered what indicators of speech development of the child of senior preschool age? (Answers parents) .

Svyaznaya speech is an indicator of speech child development. After all, a six-year-old child is able to independently give descriptions various items, compose a story from a picture, from a series of paintings, independently arranging the pictures in a logical sequence. But do not forget that in order to build coherent story meaningful question children need new speech means and forms, and they can learn them only from the speeches of others. How to contribute development of coherent speech and facilitate the learning process preschooler useful skills you will learn by watching the presentation.

Presentation " The development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Tips for those who are not indifferent parents».

I present to you the presentation The development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Tips for those who are not indifferent parents» (see Attachment).

Discussion and analysis of the presentation. Answers on questions parents.

Carrying out practical activities by the educator with parents on their mastery of techniques development of coherent speech children with the help exercises:

caregiver: Dear parents, imagine that you are children, and I am your mother. I will offer you assignments and exercises for development of coherent speech while you fulfill them. So, let's begin!

Exercise 1. Pick up epithets and definitions for the word. For example: elephant - … (big, gray, fat, kind); ball - … (round, football, leather); cake - … (sweet, fruity, chocolatey, delicious) etc. (Answers parents) .

Exercise 2. Learn from the description. For example: clubfoot, loves honey and raspberries, sleeps in a den. Who is this? Bear; branched, tall, green, prickly. What is this? Spruce; old, brick, two-storey. What is this? House; formidable, large, with a shaggy mane. Who is this? A lion.

Exercise 3 “And if…”. Offer dream: “And if I had a flying carpet…”, “And if I had walking boots…”, "What if I had a time machine...", “And if I had an invisibility hat…”.

Exercise 4 "Call it your way". Name a poem, a fairy tale, a cartoon in a new way. For example: how can you name a fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"? ("The Adventures of a Little Girl", "On the Road to Grandma", "How to distinguish a grandmother from a wolf" etc.).

Exercise 5 "Other Characters". Tell a story by changing the roles of the characters. For example, Russian folk tale "Three Bears": the girl is evil, Mikhail Ivanovich; Nastasya Petrovna; Mishenka - kind.

Exercise 6. Think of a continuation of the fairy tale. For example, what do you think happened after the fox ate Kolobok?

Blitz survey for parents"Speech develop Let's not forget about the game!

1. What games are speech development can be arranged with a child if you are busy with business in the kitchen, while cleaning the apartment?

2. What finger games You know?

3. What articulation exercises do you know?

4. What toys does your child have the most?

5. What are you guided by when buying toys?

6. Are there handmade toys in your family?

7. Name your favorite childhood toy.

8. How do you think different toys can contribute speech development?

9. What games speech development can be arranged for a large groups of children?

10. What can a child do while waiting for a doctor's appointment, at a hairdresser's, etc.?

Discussion and analysis of responses parents.

Presentation of an exhibition of visual material, a series of plot pictures based on development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Review pedagogical literature on this topic meetings, familiarity with benefits - "helpers" contributing the development of coherent speech of the child.

Outcome meetings:

- Expensive parents, it depends on you, to a greater extent, how your child will grow up. Kindergarten and we, educators, can only help you with advice and recommendations. But you need to remember that your real actions, your behavior, have the greatest influence on the formation of a child's personality. try be an example for your children.


- Thank you all for your open statements, we give reminders "Little tricks" By development of coherent speech of preschoolers and invite you to tea.

Reminder for parents

"Little tricks" By development of coherent speech of preschoolers».

Take care of your child every day. Duration of classes - from 20 (children under 6 years old) up to 3 minutes (children from 6 years old) in a day.

Not try speed up the natural child development.

When communicating with a child, watch your speech. Don't talk to him

in a hurry, when reading, do not forget about expressiveness. Explain to the child incomprehensible words that are found in the text.

Encourage the baby, praise more often, rejoice in his success,

cheer him up if things don't work out.

Pay Attention to and Eliminate Flaws child's speech. If the child is in a hurry to express his thoughts or speaks quietly, remind to him: You need to speak clearly, clearly and slowly.

Never leave your child's questions unanswered.

Purpose: increasing the level of pedagogical competence of parents on the development of coherent speech of children of senior preschool age.

Form: workshop.

Preparatory stage:

  1. Distribute meeting invitations.
  2. Arrange tables and chairs so that the center of the group is open.
  3. Prepare memos for parents "Little tricks" on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers.
  4. Prepare a presentation “The development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Adviсe caring parents».
  1. Introductory speech of the teacher.
  2. Presentation (viewing and discussion).
  3. Carrying out practical activities by the educator with parents to master the methods of developing coherent speech of children with the help of exercises.
  4. Blitz survey for parents “We develop speech, do not forget about the game! ".
  5. Presentation of an exhibition of visual material, a series of plot pictures on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Review of pedagogical literature on the theme of the meeting.
  6. Summary of the meeting.
  7. Reflection.

Meeting progress:

Introductory speech of the teacher.

Hello dear parents! We are very glad to see you at today's meeting. Let's talk today about your children, about the role played by the development of coherent speech in shaping children's speech readiness for school. Many of you have wondered what are the indicators of the speech development of a child of senior preschool age? (Answers of parents).

Coherent speech is an indicator of the child's speech development. After all, a six-year-old child is able to independently give descriptions of various objects, compose a story from a picture, from a series of paintings, independently arranging the pictures in a logical sequence. But do not forget that in order to build a coherent story, a meaningful question, children need new speech means and forms, and they can learn them only from the speech of others. You will learn how to promote the development of coherent speech and facilitate the process of mastering useful skills by a preschooler by watching the presentation.

Presentation “Development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Advice for caring parents.

I bring to your attention the presentation “The development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Tips for caring parents "(see appendix).

Discussion and analysis of the presentation. Answers to parents' questions.

Carrying out practical activities by the educator with parents to master the methods of developing coherent speech of children with the help of exercises:

Educator: Dear parents, imagine that you are children, and I am your mother. I will offer you tasks and exercises for the development of coherent speech, and you will complete them. So, let's begin!

Exercise 1. Pick up epithets and definitions for the word. For example: elephant - ... (big, gray, fat, kind); ball - ... (round, football, leather); cake - ... (sweet, fruity, chocolate, delicious), etc. (Parents' answers).

Exercise 2. Learn from the description. For example: clubfoot, loves honey and raspberries, sleeps in a den. Who is this? Bear; branched, tall, green, prickly. What is this? Spruce; old, brick, two-story. What is this? House; formidable, large, with a shaggy mane. Who is this? A lion.

Exercise 3. "And if ...". Offer to dream: “And if I had a flying carpet…”, “And if I had walking boots…”, “And if I had a time machine…”, “And if I had a hat- invisible ... ".

Exercise 4 Name a poem, a fairy tale, a cartoon in a new way. For example: what is the name of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"? (“The Adventures of a Little Girl”, “On the Road to Grandma”, “How to Tell a Grandmother from a Wolf”, etc.).

Exercise 5. "Other characters." Tell a story by changing the roles of the characters. For example, the Russian folk tale "Three Bears": the girl is evil, Mikhail Ivanovich; Nastasya Petrovna; Mishenka - kind.

Exercise 6. Think of a continuation of the fairy tale. For example, what do you think happened after the fox ate Kolobok?

Blitz survey for parents “We develop speech, do not forget about the game! »

  1. What speech development games can be organized with a child if you are busy in the kitchen while cleaning the apartment?
  2. What finger games do you know?
  3. What articulation exercises do you know?
  4. What toys does your child have the most?
  5. What are you guided by when buying toys?
  6. Does your family have handmade toys?
  7. Name your favorite childhood toy.
  8. How do you think different toys can contribute to the development of speech?
  9. What speech development games can be organized for large group children?
  10. What can you do with your child while waiting for a doctor's appointment, at the hairdresser's, etc.?

Discussion and analysis of the answers of parents.

Presentation of an exhibition of visual material, a series of plot pictures on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Review of pedagogical literature on the topic of the meeting, acquaintance with manuals-"helpers" that contribute to the development of a child's coherent speech.

Summary of the meeting:

Dear Parents, it depends on you, to a greater extent, how your child will grow up. Kindergarten and we, educators, can only help you with advice and recommendations. But you need to remember that your real actions, your behavior, have the greatest influence on the formation of a child's personality. Try to be an example for your children.


Thanks to everyone for your open statements, we give the “Little Tricks” memos on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers” and invite you to tea.

Reminder for parents

"Little tricks" for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers.

Take care of your child every day. The duration of classes is from 20 (children under 6 years old) to 3 minutes (children from 6 years old) per day.

Do not try to hasten the natural development of the child.

When communicating with a child, watch your speech. Don't talk to him

in a hurry, when reading, do not forget about expressiveness. Explain to the child incomprehensible words that are found in the text.

Encourage the baby, praise more often, rejoice in his success,

cheer him up if things don't work out.

Pay attention to and eliminate the shortcomings of the child's speech. If the child is in a hurry to express his thoughts or speaks quietly, remind him to speak clearly, clearly and slowly.

Never leave your child's questions unanswered.

Soldatkina S.V. (St. Petersburg, Russia, Kindergarten No. 84 of the Krasnoselsky district)

Form of carrying out: Game-journey of the island of speech development!

Purpose: Attracting parents of pupils to cooperation: jointly solve the problems of speech development of children.


  • To reveal the importance of speech in the comprehensive development of the child's personality.
  • To expand the parents' understanding of the speech development of children 4-6 years old.
  • Introduce speech games for use at home.

Preliminary work:

  1. Making a memo on the development of speech of a child 4-6 years old “Playing, we develop the speech of children!”
  2. Recording children's sayings in Everyday life.
  3. Video recording of a conversation with children "My family" .
  4. Creative workshop. Drawings of children on the topic: "What did the bee dream about?" , manufacturing "Wonderful flower" for parents.
  5. Design of a mini-exhibition of printed board games for the development of speech "Let's play!"
  6. Preparing a parent meeting presentation.
  7. When preparing this event, use ICT technologies.


1. Introductory remarks by the educator.

Presentation of the presentation “Coherent speech of older preschoolers. What is she?

2. Consultation of a speech therapist “Causes of speech impairment? What to do?"

3. The game is a journey "Islands of speech development!" .

4. Getting to know children's reasoning "Kaleidoscope of emotions" . Discussion.

5. Introduction to video recording of children's stories "My family" . Discussion.

6. Summing up.

Invited: teacher-speech therapist.

Introductory speech by the educator.

Good evening dear parents! We are grateful to you that in the modern world of employment you took the time to come to our meeting. This means that we all understand the seriousness of this topic and we are all united by the desire to help our children achieve excellent results. So, the topic really deserves attention!

The topic of our meeting today "The development of speech of older preschoolers" .

Part 1: "A Bit of Science"

The system of preschool education that has been formed in Russia for many decades is currently undergoing major changes. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education has been developed and entered into force (FGOS DO). These changes were necessary in connection with the understanding of the importance of preschool education for the further successful development and education of each child, ensuring quality education for preschool children.

The requirements of the Standard for the results of mastering the program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education. At the stage of completion of preschool education, the child should have a good command of oral speech, express his thoughts and desires, use speech to express his thoughts, feelings, desires, highlight sounds in words. Speech development is still the most relevant in preschool age.

Tasks of speech development according to GEF DO:

  • Mastering speech as a means of communication and culture. It is necessary to form the oral speech of children at such a level that they do not experience difficulties in establishing contacts with peers and adults, so that the speech of children is understandable to others;
  • Enrichment of the active dictionary at the expense of the basic vocabulary fund of a preschooler, which depends on our dictionary, the dictionary of parents and educators;
  • The development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech. The building material for it is a dictionary and the development of the grammatical structure of speech, i.e. the ability to change words, combine them into sentences;
  • The development of speech creativity. This work assumes that children independently compose the simplest short stories, take part in composing poetic phrases, and come up with new moves in the plot of a fairy tale. All this becomes possible if we create the conditions for it;
  • Acquaintance with children's literature, its different genres. It is a pity that the book has ceased to be a value in many families, children do not acquire the experience of home reading, listening, storytelling. The book must become a companion of children;
  • Development sound culture speech, which is a big problem for our children;
  • Formation of sound-letter analysis as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

Thus, we can conclude that, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the priority areas of the preschool education system is the development of speech in preschool children. Therefore, determining the directions and conditions for the development of speech in children are among the most important pedagogical tasks.

What are these tasks?

Development of free communication with adults and children:

  • To develop the ability to play and business communication with peers, the desire to participate in joint collective activities.
  • Develop the ability to take into account the mood in the process of communication, emotional condition interlocutor.
  • To develop monological forms of speech, to stimulate the speech creativity of children.
  • Expand children's ideas about the rules of speech etiquette and promote the conscious desire and ability of children to follow them in the process of communication.

The development of the components of children's oral speech in various types children's activities:

  • Continue to develop coherent monologue speech: teach children to compose narrative stories from toys, pictures, from personal and collective experience.
  • Stimulate and develop children's speech creativity.
  • Develop the ability to participate in group conversations.
  • Develop children's vocabulary by expanding their understanding of phenomena social life, relationships and personalities.
  • Develop the ability to notice mistakes in the speech of peers and kindly correct them.
  • Maintain interest in storytelling on your own initiative.

Practical mastery of the norms of speech (mastering speech etiquette):

  • Stimulate the desire to independently fulfill the basic rules of speech etiquette.
  • To expand children's ideas about the culture of speech communication.
  • To develop the ability to observe the etiquette of communication in the conditions of interaction between children and adults.

Part 2. Speech therapist consultation

Causes of speech disorders? What to do?

Speech impairment is a fairly common phenomenon among preschool children. According to world statistics, the number of speech disorders in children is steadily growing, in this regard, the relevance of the problem of their detection and correction becomes undeniable.

To prevent general underdevelopment of speech in children, it is important to develop general speech skills and work must be planned in the following areas:

development correct breathing, development of small and general motor skills, development of articulatory motor skills, development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing

Development of articulatory motor skills:

Many parents are unaware of the hard work that children do when they learn how to make sounds. But this is preceded by articulatory gymnastics. It strengthens the muscles oral cavity. Simple exercises can be done at home with parents.

Development of correct breathing:

Improper mouth breathing greatly interferes with the production of sounds, such children often experience colds and oxygen enters the body only 75% of its normal volume.

Using a simple breathing exercises you can teach your child to breathe properly.

Development of fine motor skills:

Benefit finger gymnastics obvious. Domestic physiologists confirm the connection between the development of hands and the development of the brain, and the famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky argued that "A child's mind is at the tip of his fingers" .

Currently, there is a lot of talk about the relationship between the precise movement of the fingers and the formation of a child's speech. Therefore, it is very useful to give a child a massage of the hands, as well as finger games and finger gymnastics.

Development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing:

Hearing is an indispensable condition for the formation of speech. The child begins to speak due to the fact that he hears the speech of others. But even with normal hearing in children, there is a violation of sound pronunciation. This is caused either by impaired motor skills of the articulatory apparatus, or underdevelopment phonemic perception, or a violation of both motor skills and phonemic perception.

Part 3. Let's, dear parents, now turn into children for a moment. We hand over to you invitation cards on a journey through the islands of speech development. They were made for you by our children. Our ship is called « Happy childhood» , and the journey will take place on "Islands of Speech Development" . In order for our statements to bring practical benefits, we bring to your attention some games that you can play with your child in free time. Even if it's time from kindergarten to home. These games require only time and desire to communicate with your child. Let's play! 1. Island of development of speech hearing. We will learn to compare words in meaning. A game "Find the mistake" or "Fix the mistake" For example, Butterflies have round wings, while dragonflies have transparent wings. , "The titmouse has a black tail, and the bullfinch has a red breast"

An adult reads the words of a poem, and the child finishes the last word, which fits in meaning and rhyme:

Not a bird on the branch -
small animal,
The fur is warm, like a heating pad,
His name is... (squirrel).

Don't be afraid - it's a goose
I myself his... (I'm afraid).

Always dirty
Rescues... (water).
The ox is afraid to enter the house:
- It will bend under me ... (floor).

Chizhik whistled:
- Phew, wow, wow!
I am dewdrops in the morning ... (I drink!)

2. An island of guessing riddles and writing your own. Let's come up with a riddle together according to the description of any object. For example, a chair, a flower, the sun...

Can play the game "Guess a riddle!" Several people come up with a story and with the help of cubes and toys depict it. Another subgroup must guess and then tell the proposed subject situation. Thus, the child not only creates and plays out his own plot, but also guesses and shows someone else's plot, telling its content.

3. Fantasy Island.. Now let's play a game "It's the other way around!" The game is built on the reception of inversion - to any object (subject, phenomenon) assigned opposite functions. Let's take a multi-element object and describe it according to the principle "It's the other way around" . Let's take a topic "Kindergarten" . “Our kindergarten is a tall, tall skyscraper, there is one group in it, only adults go to it ...” Please continue. Each adult - one sentence.

Children are very fond of listening to fables, shifters, composing them themselves, fantasizing. We recently read the story of N. Nosov "Dreamers" . The children were asked to imagine: “I flew to the moon yesterday and…” . What did you see there?

You can offer to fantasize uncontrollably on some topic, using any methods of fantasizing. You can offer any ideas, even the most crazy ones. "Invent a fantastic plant, please!" Each person present receives one proposal. The story can be written down.

"Composing fairy tale endings" . The teacher does not read the fairy tale to the end, and those present compose the end of the fairy tale, each his own. In conclusion, introduce the end of this fairy tale.

4. Island development and vocabulary enrichment. We offer you strips of paper from 10 colored squares arranged in two rows. The teacher points to the uppermost square. What does he look like? What happens in the same color? The teacher comes up with the first sentence, and the rest is composed by the parents based on their color associations. It can be complicated: inventing color associations with mood.

Can you suggest a game? "Conversation of Colors" . For example, “I am white paint. I am snow, I am a cloud… And you?”

May I ask: "If you could become invisible, what would you use this property for?" , "If I were a wizard, what would I do?" , “If I were taller than the house, what new things would I see around?” , “If the toys come to life and talk, what can they say?”

5. Island of word creation. The focus is on methods that will arouse interest in the topic and the desire to compose, leading tasks: the development of speech and the development of creative imagination.

Let's play a game "Find the word!" For example, a guest nail, cane, bone, etc. Now the word is a dot and you are ... (daughter, barrel, line, shirt, two leaves) etc.

And here is the game "Choose epithets for words"

Snow (white, fluffy, loose, cold, wet, creaky, etc.)

Wind (strong, cold, affectionate, penetrating, etc.)

Child (cheerful, kind, joyful, etc.)

6. Island of finger gymnastics. Offer parents to perform any finger gymnastics: O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefyodova "Finger gymnastics" ,

When conducting finger games, remember the following principles:

  • Before playing with a child, it is necessary to discuss its content, while immediately practicing the necessary gestures, finger combinations, and movements. This will not only prepare the child for the correct exercise, but also create the necessary emotional mood.
  • The exercise should be performed together with the child, while demonstrating their own passion for the game.
  • When playing the game repeatedly, children often begin to pronounce the text partially (especially the beginning and end of phrases). Gradually, the text is learned by heart, the children pronounce it in its entirety, correlating the words with the movement.
  • After choosing two or three exercises, gradually replace them with new ones.
  • Do not give your child several difficult tasks at once (for example, show movements and speak text). Children's attention span is limited, and an impossible task can "beat off" interest in the game.
  • Never force. Try to understand the reasons for the refusal, if possible, change the game.
  • Encourage children to sing along, encourage success.

7. Island "Reading" . We want to invite you, dear parents, to get acquainted with the memo "How to Read to Children" (distribute memos to parents, after announcing them):

  1. Before listening to a work of art, it is necessary to remove from the child's field of vision all interesting toys, entertaining household items - everything that can interfere with the child's listening to a story or fairy tale.
  2. The artistic text should be selected in accordance with the age and individual abilities of the child.
  3. Acquaintance with a literary work occurs by ear, so an adult should Special attention pay attention to the ability to read expressively, to make logical stresses in right places, take breaks.
  4. Show your child colorful illustrations that will help them understand the text better. At preschool age, everything is taken almost literally, which means that when choosing a book, pay attention to ensuring that the illustrations are as realistic as possible.
  5. While reading the work, it is advisable not to be distracted by extraneous matters. Remember that children are able to actively and productively engage in one activity for about 15 minutes. Find this time for your child!
  6. Island "Creative Workshop" . Parents are encouraged to draw pictures on the topic "What did the bee dream about?" (ant, elephant, mosquito...). At the end of the work, each parent receives a drawing of his child on this topic, compares his own and children's work. At the end of the meeting, a general exhibition of parental and children's drawings is arranged.

Unfortunately, the game is leaving the life of the child for the sake of early learning, but along with it, childhood also leaves - the happiest and most carefree time in a person's life. We must understand and remember: if we take away a game from a child, then we steal the world of children's experiences and relationships. This goes for all kinds of games! Let's play!

Part 4. Listening to children's reasoning "Kaleidoscope of emotions"

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there were children!

We lived together, it was interesting. The world around children is very diverse! Here is nature and bright toys, and interesting books, the work of people living nearby! Educators always support the individuality and initiative of children, give them the opportunity to express their feelings and thoughts, adults always respect the feelings and emotions of their pupils. This is how we live! Listen!

Educator: "Attention, my friends!"

Kostya, 5 years old: "We are not your friends..."

caregiver (surprised): "Then who?"

Kostya - "We are your children!"

At all times, humanistic relations between children and adults, reliance on feelings, emotional responsiveness are very important. Then morality is born. I want to talk about the thoughts of children - serious and funny, sad and funny, our stories ...

A new school year has come... Climbing up from a walk to their third floor, two boys turned to the second. Confused One of them was more agile, figured it out and quickly ran into the group. And the second did not go all summer and, of course, got confused. When the lost ones were in the group, we, as always, discussed the situation. At the end of the conversation, I urged the children not to leave friends in such situations, but to act together, in a comradely manner. The children listened in silence. Suddenly Nadyusha (5 years) says, addressing the first boy who came running: "Yes, you simply have no conscience!" We didn't have anything to sing like Melania (5 years) she asked: "After all, if there is no conscience, then soon, maybe there will be no heart?" Then we, adults, thought ... This is how our children reason ...

One day I go to work on the second shift. The second teacher with children on the pavement compete in running, jumping in pairs. Someone is already running, the mood is great, children love such events. And the twin girls, Diana and Milena, are crying, tears are flowing. I come up and ask: "What happened?" She was sure that they had fled and fallen, she had already prepared words of consolation. Milena, stuttering: "Diana ran and lost!!!" I, surprised: "What are you crying for?" The girl, continuing to cry: "So I'm worried about her !!!" Great! We miss these relationships so much! These tears caused a lot of pleasant emotions!

We had an educational project in the group " amazing world theater". The children learned a lot, attracted the attention of children to the theater, aroused interest and a desire to learn as much as possible. Once we talked about what a poster is. I told the children that our performance will also have a poster, we will create it together. I say that the same performance is played by different artists. I can see on the poster who plays Lisa, for example. I have already seen Olesya, Marina too. But I have not seen Melania yet. (This is all an example for children). I'll take a ticket to the play where she plays. I look, Melania straightened her shoulders, so proud and says: "Melania Mikhailovna Ivanova." I say: "For young artists, only the name and surname are indicated on the poster." She: "Well, okay, let it be simple - Melania, good girl!" That's it! Melania was then 4 years old. These are our artists! We walk in the evening. It's windy. The children ran and decided to sit on the veranda. Olesya (4.5 years) suddenly reads the lines: "Wind, wind, you are mighty, you drive flocks of clouds ..." Dasha (4 years) listened to the end and said: "You know, my mother also read this story to me when I was little!" First, thanks to the parents for the fact that the children know such literary works. Secondly, children something have us, it turns out, already big!

Children spend most of their time in kindergarten, we help them deepen their interest in the social world, expand their understanding of the environment, introduce them to optimal forms of behavior, and develop their communication skills. The children talk and talk...

At the music lesson, they began to talk about Victory Day. Many listen very attentively, someone has not penetrated yet. A Stas (5 years) very imbued. Wet eyes when we sing songs, read poetry. Yesterday we were going for a walk, he very seriously asked me: "Here in the city, what, was there also a war?"

I answered positively. Stas thought, then said: “I don’t understand how we children all survived?” We talked for a long time...

We went on an excursion to Victory Square. Previously, they talked a lot about the Siege of Leningrad, about its breakthrough. The children froze in front of the grandeur of the monument. The teacher led the story. Suddenly Artyom (6 years) looked attentively at the huge torn ring and said in surprise: “How did they tear it apart, is it made of stone?” We talked for a long time.

After sleep, as usual, someone is already dressed and playing in a band, someone is just waking up, and someone is getting dressed, there are more of them. I comb girls. Suddenly Nika (6 years) he says to me: "Do you know that there is a war in Ukraine?" I say, "Of course I know." Silence. Vlad (6 years), sitting in bed, sadly says that it is a pity, he has many relatives in Ukraine. Again silence. Nika says life-affirmingly: "Don't worry, Vlad, because Ukraine is already coming to us!" This is how our children reason... They know about the events taking place in the world.

We always have something to discuss. We often laugh and grieve together, rejoice and grieve, talking about our actions.

Here is a story, for example. We often talk about friendship, mutual assistance, good deeds, gifts for friends. Once on the site Ksyusha (55 years) long building a hill of snow. Built. The children rode under her strict guidance. Today Ksyusha stands on sports complex, watching the slide. I pass by, she says: “What a good hill I built,

I did this for all the children!” I praise: "Well done, Ksyusha!"

Suddenly I see children crowding around the hill, pushing. I go, I look Sofia

(5 years) chest protects the slide, children around. I ask: "Sofia, why?" Answers: “Ksyusha asked not to let anyone in!” And such stories happen in our Kingdom!

Again Vlad with Nika. They are 6 years old. In the evening they were alone. Nika continues to take off her clothes in the locker room, Vlad is already playing in the band. Suddenly Nika asks loudly: "Vlad, how old is your dad?" Vlad quickly replies "Thirty, what about yours?". Nika, without hesitation, replies: "Nineteen." I don't interfere, I want to know what's next? I see Vlad thinking. I am waiting. He says to no one: “Of course, you can get married at nineteen ... But at twelve you still have to study at school ...” That's it! I had to intervene, to reason again. It's nice when there are worthy interlocutors!

Came from a walk, undress. Diana (5 years) in new clothes and shoes. Says to me "Look, I have boots with fur!" I show her mine. I say: "I also have fur!". Lisa (5 years) listened to us attentively looked at her boots and says thoughtfully, bewildered, shrugging her shoulders: "But I don't laugh ...." That was laughter!

We are learning a scene from "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse". Diana (55 years) repeats his role. She is in character. She is a mouse. At the end he says: "That's it, I won't play!" Why me?". She "I don't want this cat to eat me!"... That's it! After agreed!

Now, when the children have matured, when I read them a work, I tell them about the writer, the poet, and I always show his portrait. Children love it, they ask a variety of questions. One day we studied professions and, of course, read "What to be?" V.V. Mayakovsky. I showed the portrait and called his difficult name several times, and at the end of the lesson I decided to ask who wrote these wonderful lines? The children have forgotten. I decided to remind: "Vladimir Vladimirovich ..." I did not have time to finish how Igor (5 years) joyfully with wide open eyes says: "Putin!!!" Pause... Everyone thinks... Suddenly Marina (55 years) comes up to Igor, leans down and clearly says: "What are you, Putin - this is the president! And they ask us about the writer!" There is another topic for discussion. We examined two portraits. We found out what happens when the names and patronymics are the same, but these are two different people.

Speech development is directly related to artistic and aesthetic. We understand that the enrichment of the dictionary with nouns denoting emotions and feelings, the formation of verbs, adjectives and adverbs from them expands the child's ability to express their own feelings and thoughts. This is important, because children often cannot explain this or that act, which leads to difficulties in communicating with children and adults.

Studied exotic animals. Then they painted. Well done guys, you did it. I go to Iqbal (5 years) there is no animal in his drawing, the whole sheet is blue-yellow. Water and land. I ask: "Who have you, Iqbal?" He quickly replies: "Crocodile!" I: "And where he?" Iqbal pointing to the sea: “Wow, there, in the sea, he is still very small!”

Speech develops. Children begin to adequately express their feelings, to believe in themselves.

Yaroslav (5 years) never once in the last academic year showed interest in assignments, did not agree to be on duty in the dining room. This year he volunteered himself, very unexpectedly. The teacher's assistant left for food, did not leave the necessary plates. I thought, remembering what kind of plates to give Yarik. He carefully looked at me and, begging directly, said: "Svetlana Veniaminovna, well, get together, concentrate ...." Well, why not get together here? The child so wants to prove himself, to be useful.

One day they sat down for dinner. They are silent. They don't start eating. And I spun and do not wish them the usual: " Bon appetit!". Diana (6 years) turns to me and so gently, quietly says: "Thank you, Svetlana Veniaminovna!". Well done, helped out!

We're going to exercise. I remind you that you need to build on growth. Look, Danny (4 years) stood among the first. He is not tall, stands at the end. I come up, show him where to stand, he rests, says: "And my mother said that I'm great!" Like this!

One afternoon the children were playing. I sat on a chair next to Melania, she was drawing. Noticing me, she began to ask me questions about whether I have pets, what kind, what are their names. Suddenly he asks: "Svetlana Veniaminovna, do you have a brother?" I say: "No, unfortunately I don't have a brother." Melania looked at me and happily advised: "So you ask your mommy to give birth ..." That's how simple it is when you are 4 years old! There was nothing to do but pat her on the head and smile....

We talked with children about mothers - what is the name, what is she, your mother? I'm talking to Fevronia (4 years). She answered, it seemed to me that there was little information. I ask: "Fevrosha, tell me, what kind of mother do you have?" She looked so surprised and touchily says: "No, I have only one mother!" That's how important it is to ask the right question so that it is unambiguous.

We walk. I decided to check if the children know their home address. I started asking. Came to Adele (5 years). They were swinging with Arisha. I asked. Adele thought, raised her eyes to the sky and said: "Ask your mother, she knows for sure." Logically...

Drawing a bear. I, doing the show, called it differently: "Mishka, Mishenka, Mikhailo Potapovich ..." named Misha. Portraying his hero, Nadyusha (4 years), quietly, quietly, as if to himself, says: "My mother also calls my beloved daddy Misha" ..

Matvey (4 years) took a piece of paper to draw. I sat and thought. I took a pencil and drew the whole circle in circles. I ask: "What is it?" The girls joined in. Matvey proudly says: "Spider web!" Girls, surprised: "Some kind of kalyaka-malyaka you did!" He is touchy: "And my mother always tells me that it's beautiful!"

Before dinner, we talked about the professions of parents. Igor (5 years) willingly, with great pleasure, he began to talk about the fact that dad was drawing a drawing of a house that would soon be built. In general, the boy very often talks about dad, we even hear appeals, expressions that clearly come from dad. I say "How nice that dad is such an authority for Igor!" Igor thought, paused, then, seriously, he says, "My dad is not an authority, my dad is a builder!"

Exploring the Cosmos... On the board are pictures depicting a starry sky, a portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin. Arkhip (4 years) sitting at the table, turning to the blackboard, carefully watching. The children are already having lunch. I urge him to turn to the table. He suddenly says quickly, quickly, "When I grow up, I will be like him (nods at Gagarin) and I'll fly over there (nods at the sky)". Who knows who knows...

We have breakfast. Poor eating oatmeal. I praise those who eat, I persuade those who eat badly, I talk about the benefits. I stop my gaze on Fevronia (4 years) I'm surprised she hasn't started eating yet. Understood each other at a glance. Fevrosha gathered all her artistry, bent her head to her shoulder, clapped her eyes: “Svetlana Veniaminovna, I don’t eat, because I already ate at night.” s, and we are eating!"

Morning. We are on duty. Igor (5 years) he himself volunteered to help, while there is no assigned duty officer. He asked me to tie an apron behind him. I tie it up, he tells me that he will not wear a hat. I wonder why? He says that he is not very comfortable in it. I explain that the cap is needed so that the hair does not fall into the plates. Igor got up, tugged at his hair and said: "No! They are firmly attached to me!" ...

Coming from a day trip. I'm with the last pair. Hand in hand with Arkhip (4.5 years). He wasn't there yesterday, he was at the dentist. I ask, how are you, did he cure the tooth? No, he answers. I wonder why? Arkhip calmly answers like this: “Yes, they tore it off me!”

Gathered for evening walk. We checked that everyone had mittens. We go down the stairs, I look, at Maxim (4.5 years) bare hands. Stopped. I ask if he has gloves? Looks and is silent. He rarely talks to us, and here he still feels guilty. I asked five times. Everyone is looking at Max. Olesya couldn't resist (55 years): "Yes, Maxim, wave your head, yes or no !!!", while showing him how to do it herself. Maxim waved ... and we ran to the group ... for mittens ...

We are happy to tell you, mothers and fathers, grandparents of our pupils, about such small stories from our life. We reason, live some events together with the children. We remind you that feelings are the highest product of the development of emotions!

Part 4. Bring to the attention of parents a video of the reasoning of children "My family" . The recording was made in advance with the permission of the parents. Why is the speech of children in everyday life much richer and more interesting than the answers to questions from an adult? Reflections from teachers and parents.

Part 5. The final part of the meeting - a quick survey for parents “We develop speech, don’t forget about the game!” - "Wonderful flower" (made by children). Parents are given flowers reverse side which parents write answers to questions:

  1. What speech development games can be organized with a child if you are busy in the kitchen while cleaning the apartment?
  2. What finger games do you know?
  3. What toys does your child have the most?
  4. What are you guided by when buying toys?
  5. What was the last book you read with your child?
  6. Name your child's favorite book.
  7. How do you think toys can help develop speech?
  8. About what (last thing) did your child fantasize?

Discussion and analysis of the answers of parents.

At the end of the meeting, we thank the parents for the time spent together.

We hope that our meeting is the key to the success of our children.


  1. Glebova SV Kindergarten - family: aspects of interaction. Practical guide for methodologists, educators and parents. Voronezh, 2007.
  2. Sinitsina E. Games and exercises with words. Moscow, 2000.
  3. Ushakova O. S. Methods of speech development for preschool children. Moscow., 2004.
  4. Pilipenko O.P. The problem of speech creativity of preschoolers in scientific research. Educator. No. 5 2015.
  5. Kharchenko V. \What is your name, grass? preschool education №9 2015
  6. Games and game tasks from the technology of play and imagination "Awaken the magician in you" HER. Kravtsova.
  7. Joint plot construction in the game-invention. N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkov.
  8. Finger gymnastics, Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A., Moscow 2003