To arrange a child in a kindergarten without a residence permit: a reality or an impossible task. Registration for kindergarten: is it necessary and how to make temporary registration for admission

Good day, my daughter is 4 years old and she is enrolled in a kindergarten, but from the beginning of the 2018 training period, it turned out (according to the children) that the teachers beat the pupils and forbid them to talk about it at home. A collective complaint was filed...

Do I need to register a child in St. Petersburg to attend a kindergarten, if there is a registration in the region?

Good afternoon The child went to children. kindergarten in St. Petersburg at the place of residence. We are renting an apartment, registration at all fields. areas. In the kindergarten today they asked to provide registration at the St. Petersburg (place of residence) for the child in view of some kind of inspection of the kindergarten ....

08 October 2018, 17:57, question #2128241 Anatoly, St. Petersburg

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Loss of queue in kindergarten when moving to another city

Hello! Please tell me whether we legally lost the queue for kindergarten when we moved to another city for permanent residence. The child stood in line for 2.5 years just like that, in another city I had to get up again at the end of the line at 2.5 years. Actually,...

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What is the procedure for providing the children of a serviceman with a kindergarten during the transfer?

Hello. The husband was transferred to a new place of service. Children at the old place of residence were provided with a kindergarten. The head of the kindergarten said that the transfer between kindergartens in different regions is impossible. We took documents from the garden, ...

Registration of a child in a kindergarten with a residence permit in another city

Hello! I register the child in a kindergarten in Rostov-on-Don at the place of residence, and the child is registered in the Rostov region, the city of Taganrog ... The education department said that they would not take it without a temporary residence permit. Is it legal? Thank you!

04 July 2017, 15:22, question #1686523 Tatiana, Rostov-on-Don

How to get to the desired kindergarten if there are no places?

Hello! our child is 2.5 years old, initially we stood in line at one kindergarten, our turn has not yet come up; we carry the child for several hours a day. But recently we moved, changed our place of residence to another area where there is a d / garden ....

289 price

issue resolved

Registration of a grandson in a kindergarten at the place of residence of the grandmother

I am a grandmother and I want to take my 4-year-old grandson, who lives in Moscow, for the summer or for 4-5 months. Parents - very even for! A boy in Moscow goes to kindergarten. I have the following questions: 1. Is it possible to legally register my grandson in kindergarten ...

How to get into the garden at the place of residence, a child from a large family

Good afternoon, tell me please, we have built a full-fledged kindergarten in the yard. We the large family, 4 children, all minors. first child second grade, second baby goes first grade next year. the third goes to the garden and 4 11...

How long do you have to wait for a place in a kindergarten when you change your place of residence?

tell me please. we go to the middle group (4-5). we changed our place of residence. in preschool education we were offered to pick up documents from the kindergarten and stand in line. and wait about two months until they give us a new kindergarten? why so long to wait? and ...

A place in the kindergarten is not according to the registration, but according to the actual place of residence

Is it possible to get a place in a kindergarten not by registration, but by actual place of residence? We also have a problem. We have built a house, but we are still engaged in decoration and we do not have an address, soon we will go to the garden. what to do? go by registration very far to travel, or ...

How to make a claim for refusal to transfer the queue to a kindergarten at the place of residence of a serviceman?

The family of a serviceman is registered with the unit, we actually live, of course same, in another place.according to the operation of the federal law on the status of a military man, they expected to join the queue for a kindergarten at the place of residence.refused to motivate_...

BUT the head of one kindergarten said in a personal meeting that registration is not needed, since we are still citizens of the Russian Federation, while the head. warned another that it was necessary. On the Internet, I found legal advice on the topic, which says that there is no registration for admission to doshk. The establishment in the law "On education" is not provided. In the doshk department. education has not yet called.

- Good afternoon! Tell me, please, is it necessary to register in Moscow, if we are citizens of the Russian Federation, to enter a kindergarten? Or where can I get reliable information? The commission accepted the documents without registration, but warned that they would not take them to kindergarten without it.

To arrange a child in a kindergarten without a residence permit: reality or an impossible task

It does not matter if the owners of rented housing do not register you. If you rent housing legally, that is, a lease agreement has been drawn up, it can serve as a document on the basis of which your child can be placed on a queue for kindergarten on an equal basis with others. If you decide to use this option, in addition to the above documents, you will be required to provide a copy of the apartment rental agreement. In this case, you also have the right to apply for a place in a kindergarten without a residence permit.

A couple of years after the birth of a child, parents begin to think that it is time to send the child to kindergarten. It is understandable, mom wants to go to work, and it’s time for the baby himself to socialize. And here, many are faced with the question: what to do if the registration of the parents and the child does not match the address of residence, you see, almost half of the country lives in such conditions. In this article, we will talk in detail about whether it is possible to enroll a child in a kindergarten without a residence permit, and how to do this without violating the law.

Registration for kindergarten: is it necessary and how to make temporary registration for admission

  1. general developmental.
  2. Compensatory– designed for children with physical or mental health problems.
  3. Wellness. In the work of such institutions, the main direction is the implementation of preventive and health-improving measures.
  4. Combined. Combining the advantages of general developmental and health-improving exercises. In such institutions, groups of a compensatory type are often present.
  5. Child Development Centers. Carries out work on programs of physical and intellectual development in combination with corrective and recreational activities. In such institutions, children are part of the day.
  1. Employees will check the lists of those admitted to kindergartens. If one of the children was enrolled in the kindergarten illegally, the lists will be reviewed, and the child with a residence permit will be enrolled.
  2. If there are special good reasons, the child can be admitted to kindergarten in excess of the established limit in the direction of the department of education.

How to arrange a child in a kindergarten without a residence permit

  1. In case of refusal to put the child in the queue at the MDO, the legal representatives have the right to demand a justification of the reasons for such actions;
  2. When registering a child via the Internet, by registering in an electronic queue, within a month from the date of registration, it is necessary to submit the original documents to the head of the MDOU or to the inspector of the Commission for the completion of preschool institutions (who exactly depends on the region in which the family lives);
  3. We are all humans. Even the heads of kindergartens. Sometimes it’s enough just to talk heart to heart, explain the situation or provide a little help (paint the corridor, buy toys) so that the issue of queuing is resolved as soon as possible.

Even when submitting documents for queuing, many parents face the problem of registration. Taking into account the fact that almost half of the country's residents do not have the same place of documented and actual residence, the issue of registration when applying to a kindergarten becomes very relevant.

How to get a place in kindergarten

You can also approach the head of the kindergarten and talk about the current situation, clarify what options exist for admitting a child to a kindergarten. Sometimes managers can accept a child, regardless of the place of registration, if there are empty places in their institution, the financing of a kindergarten directly depends on the number of pupils, so the mutual benefit in this event is obvious.

In some regions of the country, the procedure has been simplified and you can apply electronically using the public services website. However, it is worth noting that after submitting the application within a month, it is necessary to provide all original documents to the education department or kindergarten.

To Kindergarten NOT by REGISTRATION, but by place of residence

“Article 52.3. Compensation for not providing a child with a place in state, municipal educational institutions that implement the main general educational program of preschool education In order to material support upbringing and education of children who are not provided with a place in state, municipal educational institutions.

From January 1, 2014, on the basis of the Decree of the Orel City Administration No. 6025 dated December 29, 2013. "On the consolidation of municipal educational institutions implementing preschool education programs for the territories of the city of Orel"
"To carry out the admission of children to municipal educational institutions that implement pre-school education programs in the city of Orel, taking into account the pre-emptive right to assign pre-school institutions to the corresponding districts of the city of Orel in accordance with the application."

How to arrange a child in a kindergarten without a residence permit: do I need temporary registration

To get started, you just need to talk personally with the management children's institution, having found out the position of representatives of the administration of the kindergarten regarding the lack of registration of the baby in this area and the reality of getting a place for your child. Subject to availability no right to refuse.

Not only the rules for determining children in kindergartens are clearly spelled out, but also a list of papers that need to be provided. When applying to a municipal kindergarten, you must indicate exactly the address where the baby actually lives(not registered!).

Temporary registration of a child: what is needed, how to do it, documents

If in the room where the child is registered, his parents are already registered, then the written consent of the owner of the apartment will not be required when it was required when registering adults. But just like that, at will, nevertheless, it will not work to enter the child, albeit temporarily, into someone else's apartment, the personal presence of the owner of the premises in which the family lives is necessary.

It is quite simple to issue a temporary registration of a child; according to the law, this procedure takes no more than 3 working days. But there are situations when this period can be extended. up to eight days, in the event that not all the necessary documents were collected.

Can a child go to a kindergarten not at the place of registration

Good afternoon. Regarding your question, it can be noted that the refusal of the head of the kindergarten was illegal, since she relied on the law, which does not say anything about registration and registration of the child in the kindergarten at the place of residence. According to the Law of Ukraine "On preschool education» Article 18 specifies the powers of the main governing bodies of the preschool education system. These powers include: creating good conditions For kindergarten, their licensing, state certification, social protection and the creation of working conditions for employees and children in kindergartens, accounting for preschool children, and more. Also, article 19 of the same law specifies the powers of the executive branch and local governments in the system of preschool education. But even in these powers there is nothing like what the head of the kindergarten relied on.

They came to enroll the child in kindergarten. After a conversation with the head, it turned out that they could not accept the child, no matter how much she wanted, although they had 75 free places (this figure was given to us by the head). She explained her refusal by the fact that we did not come by registration and that now there is a law in which the education department decides which kindergarten the child will go to. I had a question, can I really enroll a child in a kindergarten that will be convenient for me to take him, even if not by registration? How to act in this situation.

Certificate of registration at the place of residence of the child - form No. 8 and its receipt

For a kindergarten, for a school and many other institutions, including those not related to the educational process, a certificate of registration of the child may be required.
It is legally stipulated how and where the corresponding document is issued, what Form No. 8 is and how it differs from other forms. Consider the features of obtaining in 2018.

The body where you can get a certificate is the Federal Migration Service (UFMS, passport office) in the territory of residence and stay of the child. For children who, due to their age, do not have a passport, the registration stamp is issued as a separate independent document and additional paper is issued on a government letterhead.

12 Jul 2018 222

Do I need to register for kindergarten? Does registration affect kindergarten?

On the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 293 and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" No. 273, all preschool institutions introduced a requirement from 08/01/2006 availability of registration in the area where the institution is located for priority enrollment.

With the adoption of these regulations, certain houses are attached to each preschool educational institution. Children registered at the place of residence in this territory must be provided with places Firstly.

The right to enroll in a queue for attending a kindergarten near the place of residence is given by a document called.

How to get a certificate of the place of registration of the child in the form No. 9,.

How to choose a DU?

How to determine a kindergarten at the address of registration? It is worth starting the procedure for registering in a kindergarten with a choice the most acceptable option. In many large cities there is a network of various institutions for preschool children of various types:

  1. general developmental.
  2. Compensatory– designed for children with physical or mental health problems.
  3. Wellness. In the work of such institutions, the main direction is the implementation of preventive and health-improving measures.
  4. Combined. Combining the advantages of general developmental and health-improving exercises. In such institutions, groups of a compensatory type are often present.
  5. Child Development Centers. Carries out work on programs of physical and intellectual development in combination with corrective and recreational activities. In such institutions, children are part of the day.

All system preschool institutions established to provide preschool education children under 7 and solving the problem of parents' employment.

The working hours of most gardens coincide with the working hours in many organizations (from 7 am to 7 pm on weekdays). DOEs differ in the number of pupils in each group, as well as in their equipment. There are groups for children of the same age and different ages.

In every district of the city there are lists of houses attached to certain remote control.

Currently, registration in kindergartens is based on an electronic queue.

Lists of houses can be found on the websites of kindergartens or by contacting them directly, in the Departments of Education of each district and on their websites. Parents should familiarize themselves with these lists and choose the remote control that is most suitable for them.

In kindergartens attached to the territory, if the child has a residence permit, the child falls into the “A” list. This means that it must be accepted first of all, as soon as space becomes available.

It is advisable for parents in advance choose several suitable DUs and apply in them for admission. As soon as a place becomes free in any of them, the administration will send them a notification, and you can register the child's admission.

Find out on our website about how to register a child (including a child) or, as well as whether it is possible to register a child, for example.

If there is no registration

Is registration required for kindergarten? And what if it's not there?

The absence of registration in the territory attached to the kindergarten does not mean at all that only children with a document are accepted into it. If the family lives near the DU, but does not have registration, Enrollment is possible, subject to availability..

When organizing admission to the DU, first of all, children from the “A” list are enrolled in it. In addition to those registered in the given territory, it includes preferential categories.

Beneficiaries include children:

If after the enrollment of children from this list there are vacant places, the enrollment from list "B" begins.

In this list for enrollment.

Timed device

Is it suitable for kindergarten? Normative acts of children's institutions and Federal laws require the provision of places for children living in the assigned territory.

Wherein it does not matter whether the child has permanent or temporary registration. Any document on registration in this area gives him the right to be included in the "A" list, which means that he will be enrolled in the garden in the first place.

If parents rent housing in the area where the remote control is located, they need to issue a temporary registration of the child for kindergarten. How to make a temporary registration for a child for kindergarten?

It can be carried out by agreement with the owner, on the basis of a notarized apartment lease agreement.

The parent makes a temporary registration for himself. And on the basis of it receives registration for the child. Certificate of temporary registration a minor is presented when registering for a queue in a kindergarten.

If registration in rented accommodation is not possible, you can use the services of intermediaries. Currently, there are many organizations providing temporary registration services.

Such firms negotiate with the owners of residential premises, who, for a certain fee, agree to the registration of strangers in their apartments.

Contact only trusted organizations that provide services by registration. Eat the risk of acquiring a "fake" Registration Certificate and instead of solving problems, acquire new ones.

You can learn about how a child is from our article.

If there is no place

Situations when there is a residence permit in a certain area, but it is not possible to get a place, are not uncommon.

The heads of the Department of Education explain this by a large number of submitted applications.

But are required by law to provide and, therefore, you need to defend your rights.

First you need to talk directly with the head and inform about your intention to contact the controlling organizations. It is possible that the preschool administration, bypassing the law, accepted children without registration in this area to some places.

If it is not possible to achieve a solution to the problem in this way, it is worth contact the regional department of education. The development of events in this case can be of two options:

  1. Employees will check the lists of those admitted to kindergartens. If one of the children was enrolled in the kindergarten illegally, the lists will be reviewed, and the child with a residence permit will be enrolled.
  2. If there are special good reasons, the child can be admitted to kindergarten in excess of the established limit in the direction of the department of education.

If you receive a denial of admission after contacting the Department of Education, do not stop and write a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office.

To contact this organization, ask the management of the DU or employees of the education department to provide you written refusal and attach it to the complaint. After the intervention of the Prosecutor's Office, the problem with the admission of a child to a kindergarten by registration will most likely be resolved.

If even after applying to the Prosecutor's Office it is not possible to get a place in a kindergarten near the house, you will have to visit another DU located in the distance or to consider the issue of placement in a private kindergarten.

At the same time, you can again get on the waiting list for the desired kindergarten. If a place in it becomes free within a year, it will be possible to transfer the child at any time.

To avoid problems with enrolling a child in preschool educational institution upon reaching a certain age, it is worth starting the problem of queuing parents in advance.

The government is taking steps to ensure access to pre-school education for all children in need, but in some densely populated cities the problem of lack of space is still relevant.

The earlier you get in line for enrollment in a preschool educational institution, the more likely you are to get a place by a certain age.

Helpful Hints

In Russia, there is an acute problem of lack of places in preschool institutions. Without a residence permit today, kids are not enrolled in kindergarten in absolutely any region of the country. Not so long ago, Moscow stopped enrolling children with temporary registration. Consider the advice of human rights activists on how to act in this situation.

How is queuing and allocation of seats

In 2011, in Moscow, there was a division of those awaiting admission to kindergarten into two groups:

  • for those with a permanent residence permit;
  • for those registered in the capital temporarily.

For the second group, the number of places in preschool institutions is limited. According to the Moscow Department of Education, in 2016 they were allocated no more than two thousand. In a city of many millions, this is extremely small. Only families with benefits will be able to arrange a child in a preschool educational institution, if there is a temporary residence permit.

  1. Children raised by a single father or mother can apply for a quick place in a preschool institution. Make sure the parents are employed.
  2. The beneficiaries include those families whose parents study in Moscow, but have a permanent residence permit in another city.
  3. Children of law enforcement officers and the judiciary. Children from military families are also conventionally included in this category.
  4. Adopted children (as well as those under guardianship) can also apply for a place in a preschool educational institution out of turn. Children whose parents have the status of an orphan or have lost their breadwinner are equated to that category.
  5. Specialized educational institutions in Moscow accept children with disabilities for temporary places.
  6. If the parents in the family have a disability group, then the child can also be placed out of turn in a preschool institution.
  7. Those participating in the resettlement program may also apply for an extraordinary place in a preschool educational institution. Please note that concessions apply only to internally displaced persons.

If you live in Moscow and do not yet have a permanent residence permit and benefits, then the chances of getting a place are very small. At the same time, it is possible to arrange a child in a preschool educational institution only for the time that registration is valid. If the period of temporary registration has expired, then the child cannot go to kindergarten, his place passes to another waiting list. If you want your child to go to kindergarten regularly before entering school, try to get a registration for 5 years, and a month before the end of its term, contact the landlord for an extension.

Another difficulty may arise if the temporary registration address does not match the place of actual residence. This often happens if the registration was made by relatives living on the other side of the city. In Moscow, as in another metropolis, it is quite problematic to take a child to another area, so rent an apartment only under a rental agreement, it will need to be submitted to the education department.

In densely populated areas, with a large number of applicants for places in a preschool educational institution, it will be more difficult to arrange a child. First of all, they suit children with permanent registration and benefits, which are enough in Moscow. The distribution of places among babies with a temporary residence permit occurs according to the residual principle.

Where can I apply

In the meantime, there has been a confrontation between the contenders in Moscow for 5 years now. It was aggravated by the introduction of the second stage and the division of the territory. Human rights activists first of all canceled the unpopular decision of the authorities by appealing to the Constitution. However, we faced a problem - preschool education in our country is not compulsory. Most often, children with temporary registration are advised to look for a place in a private garden, since a municipal place may not be given until the school itself.

Concerned parents take all measures to arrange their children in kindergarten. In 2015, several thousand applications were recorded:

  • to the prosecutor's office;
  • Department of Education;
  • the president;
  • regional OSIP.

As a rule, the answer of any of these services is standard - there are no places, wait for your turn, but it's worth trying your luck. In any case, you will attract attention to yourself and, perhaps, you will be able to arrange your child in kindergarten faster.

On the one hand, the approach to the formation of queues is clear. Temporarily registered in Moscow, as a rule, come to work or to study. They can leave at any time and the place will simply be unclaimed, which will lead to the need to perform additional work to form a queue. At the same time, it is important for those wishing to work to send the child to a preschool institution as soon as possible in order to go to work.

Lawyers have recorded several cases when the prosecutor's office satisfied the demands of parents, recognizing as illegal the movement of residents of the capital with temporary registration to the end of the queue. In order to provide Muscovites with gardens, employees of the Department of Education added those who had them to the lists before visitors. This was considered illegal, so the queue was made separate.

There is an unspoken rule that first you need to provide jobs for Muscovites, and then deal with those temporarily residing in Moscow. As practice shows, this is how it happens. Without benefits and a permanent residence permit, it is almost impossible to send your child to a municipal kindergarten.

Unusual Arrangements for a Seat

Most often, users on the Web recommend purchasing a permanent residence permit in one of the many "rubber" apartments in Moscow or asking relatives to register not for a while. In this way, it is easiest to arrange a child in any metropolitan kindergarten. However, this method cannot be called viable. Such a registration can cost up to 150 thousand rubles, while the migration services have the right to challenge it. Relatives are also not always ready to register another person on a permanent basis, as they are afraid of increasing utility bills and attempts to take away living space.

For those who do not have benefits, but have temporary registration, you can try to go one more way - to get a petition from the employer. This measure is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who are employed at an official place of work, who have excellent relations with superiors and perform their job duties well. Please note that the petition includes some features:

  • issued on stamped paper (or a standard company letterhead with details);
  • has a handwritten signature of the head;
  • stamped.

With signed by CEO your company paper should get an appointment at the Department of Education in Moscow. You need to sign up there in advance, so first agree on the date of admission, and then prepare the application.

After your paper is accepted, it will take from one to two months for its consideration. The chances of a positive outcome of the case are minimal, but they are. Specialists of the Department of Education noticed that most often they go towards those who work in the public sector or large companies. If the application helps you get a place for your child in preschool, you will be able to choose a priority kindergarten that is geographically convenient.

A change of job is also often used in order to arrange a child in a preschool in Moscow. To do this, one of the parents with temporary registration:

  • looking for a job in law enforcement;
  • trying to get a job in a kindergarten.

These methods are one of the most reliable, as in this case, vouchers are issued almost immediately. However, work in the judiciary or the police often requires special education, and there are now almost no vacancies left in preschools. Mothers are even ready to do hard and hard work, if only their child could get a preschool education.

Where can parents go for support?

There are several groups of activists in Moscow who are ready to help parents with temporary registration to defend their rights. One of the most famous is RDDDO (Accessible Preschool Education for Russian Children). The leader of this movement builds the protection of the rights of preschoolers on violations of the Federal Law "On Education", according to which:

  • accessibility of kindergartens for every child is guaranteed;
  • places are provided from the age of two months;
  • there should be no exceptions for children without registration or in poor health;
  • parents are assigned the right to choose the form of education (no one has the right to impose on you a specific kindergarten, short stay group or five-day institutions).

The website of this movement has collected many appeals from parents with temporary residence permits. Each appeal is carefully considered by lawyers. They give advice based on the situation. Activists of this movement help collect documents for the prosecutor's office, draw up lawsuits and prepare for court hearings.

It is with the help of the support of human rights defenders that sometimes amazing results can be achieved: to attract public opinion and reveal little-known facts. With the help of activists, almost all residents of the capital with temporary registration learned about the shortage of children in a number of preschools in Moscow. This is the situation in the following areas:

  • Zhulebino;
  • Mitino;
  • Dmitrovsky.

Children who do not have a permanent residence permit could go there, but according to the decree of the authorities of the capital, vouchers are not issued for those in the second register. Many parents try to achieve the realization of their rights through the heads of preschool educational institutions, but it is impossible to go to an understaffed kindergarten without a permit from OSIP.

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