How can you help your child grow up? Akimova G.E. How to help your child: a guide for caring parents

Why is it considered that pregnant women should not cut their hair? There are two approaches to the ban on cutting hair: folk and scientific. Let's consider both.

Popular sign: why pregnant women should not cut their hair?

It is believed that when cutting hair, a woman shortens the life of her child. For example, he may be born dead or not live long after birth. People believed that it was in the hair that the vitality of the mother and child was recruited. Moreover, it was not allowed to cut a child under a year old: from this vitality subsided or "the mind was cut off."

Many ancient rituals are associated with hair. For example, at baptism, a lock of hair is rolled into wax, at a wedding, braids are braided for the bride, and at the funeral of her husband, the widow let her hair down. These and other signs about hair are associated with life and death. It was also believed that having human hair, any sorcerer could harm him.

There are other explanations why a pregnant woman should not have a haircut. For example, a woman's hair is considered her the best protection, something like a scarf or cape. To lose them is to lose protection. And even earlier, in ancient times, it was believed that hair could partially warm a woman and her child in very coldy.

Scientific substantiation of superstition

Why some doctors also do not advise pregnant women on certain deadlines cut hair? Are they superstitious too? Not at all. It turns out that there is a perfectly logical explanation why pregnant women should not cut their hair. The fact is that after a haircut, the hair begins to grow even more intensively, they will have to be cut more often. And for hair growth leaves the body a lot useful substances: vitamins, minerals, proteins that the fetus needs more.

Of course, if you consume these same vitamins, proteins and minerals in sufficient quantities, then there will be no problems. And if you don’t have enough of them in your body, and even the child takes everything that you have, then at the end of pregnancy you risk being left without hair and without teeth, with sore muscles.

Signs: what not to do when pregnant?

Folk omens did not come about by chance. For centuries, people have watched pregnant women, childbirth, the growth of the child, his character, etc. All this takes a long period, and therefore will accept associated with future mother and a lot of kids. And all these signs predicted some kind of danger that warned the woman and the child.

    Why is it impossible for a pregnant woman to look at terrible animals, the dead, freaks? It was believed that the child will be born ugly. How can this fact be explained medical point vision?

    The mood and condition of the mother affects the hormones that are transmitted through the placenta to the fetus. The child usually experiences the same emotions as the mother. And he from the very early term starts making faces. Therefore, various shocks and experiences can affect not only the character of the child, but also the appearance.

    Pregnant women should not step over products grown in the ground, for example, potatoes, beets, etc. This is rather just a tribute to the earth, its fruits.

    There should be no knots on a woman’s clothes: they do not let the child through external world. You can not sew, knit, weave, etc. All this is somehow connected with the umbilical cord, which can be wrapped around the child.

    Most likely, the fact is that a woman in labor cannot for a long time sit in one position, she should walk more, lie down, but not sit, because this increases the load on the fetus. And on long term the head sinks into the pelvis, so sitting a woman can harm the baby.

    The sign not to show the newborn up to forty days to outsiders is also quite understandable. It's not just about the "evil eye". It’s just that the child is still very weak, his immunity has not yet been formed, and strangers can bring an infection into the house. Yes, and unnecessary excitement, many new experiences for a child can be a heavy burden.

    You can not kiss newborns: they can become dumb. The explanation is quite simple: you should not expose the child to infections, you must follow the rules of hygiene so as not to infect the baby.

very stupid remarks

And there are some very stupid signs associated with pregnant women. Of course, at first glance, these signs seem very funny, but often it is quite possible to find a reasonable explanation for some of them. It might be worth listening to them.

  • A bath should not be taken by a pregnant woman;
  • You can not tell anyone about pregnancy;
  • Do not eat eggs with two yolks;
  • You can not eat secretly;
  • The name of the unborn child must be kept secret;
  • You can not play with the cat and touch it;
  • You can't sit on the porch;
  • A pregnant woman should not touch her face;
  • You can not sit cross-legged;
  • You can not refuse a woman when she asks for food;
  • You can not raise your hands above your head;
  • It is impossible to be interested in the sex of the unborn child before childbirth;
  • You can not buy things for the baby before the birth;
  • Pregnant women should not swear;
  • Can't be rocked crying baby in a cradle or stroller, only on hands;
  • Pregnant women should not wear gold or silver jewelry;
  • You can not photograph a pregnant woman or draw her portrait.

Superstition or scientific fact?

So to cut or not to cut your hair while pregnant? In most cases, all signs are prejudices. If a woman fulfills all the conditions of doctors, takes vitamins, leads healthy lifestyle life, is not upset and is not subjected to stress, then everything is possible for her, but in moderation. An exception is the use harmful products, smoking, alcohol, strenuous exercise.


Parent meeting on the topic:

"How to Help Your Child Learn"

Target : integration of the efforts of parents and teachers to form a successful learning activities students.


  1. expand the amount of knowledge of parents about the forms and methods of solving problems with children;
  2. develop a joint program of action to stimulate cognitive activity students;
  3. to identify the problems of interaction between parents and the child to overcome educational difficulties


In childhood, most people think that studying requires a lot of effort. Some students grasp everything on the fly, others do not. Some have a highly developed ability to listen, and they can perceive information quite well by ear. Others have developed visual perception- the material is better absorbed by reading. In this situation, someone may have difficulty learning. It turns out that more than two-thirds of the underachievers are potentially capable, but these abilities have not been developed according to different reasons. Probably, one of these reasons was the inability (and sometimes unwillingness) to provide timely support to your child in educational activities. Hence, academic performance sometimes does not correspond to the level of the student's own abilities.

The training is very difficult. Children begin to worry about grades. Someone skips training sessions, explaining this by the fact that no matter how hard he tries, he cannot fully assimilate educational material, someone sits whole evenings, memorizing homework. For some guys, teaching has turned into a heavy duty, and its formal sign - evaluation - alas, is often not encouraging. In addition, according to estimates, parents get some idea of ​​how their child learns, because the study of our children is what accompanies your, dear parents, life for a long time and in which you (to varying degrees, of course) are sure to participate. How many hopes, how many happy expectations were associated with studying in families!

Our task today is to identify together typical problems in the educational activities of children and work out practical techniques assist them in this activity.

Question for parents:

Why do we want our child to study well? (parents' answers to the question posed)

Standard answers - to be no worse than others, to go to college, make a career, etc. But this is for us. Let's listen to the children: is it easy for them to be students and what does it mean to study well? (performance by 3-4 students).

Based on the above, it follows:

In order to improve your academic performance, you must treat your studies responsibly!

Never justify your poor progress by reasons beyond your control: the tasks on the control were too difficult, the teacher was picky, etc.

Let's develop a program to stimulate the cognitive activity of students.

Take advice to help improve your academic performance.

  1. Take your homework seriously.
  2. Make a plan for studying subjects.
  3. Remember to take short breaks between subjects, especially if the task is large.
  4. Homework start with a difficult subject.

Tips for parents:

  1. Never call a child stupid, etc.
  2. Praise your child for any success, no matter how small.
  3. Every day, look through notebooks and diaries without complaints, calmly ask for explanations on this or that fact, and then ask how you can help.
  4. Love your child and give him confidence every day.
  5. Do not scold, but teach!

And now, dear participants, we will work in groups and try together to “get to the bottom” of the reasons for our children’s lack of interest in learning activities

An exchange of views on the question “Why are our children less interested in learning?”

Summing up the meeting.

Today we have seen that there are a lot of reasons for the “unsuccessful” educational activity of children. You can find out these reasons and get rid of them only with the support of teachers and you parents. Every child is unique.

Advice to parents “psychotherapy of poor progress” (based on the materials of O.V. Polyanskaya, T.I. Belyashkina)

  1. Rule one: do not beat the lying. A "D" is enough punishment, and you shouldn't punish twice for the same mistakes. The child has already received an assessment of his knowledge, and at home he expects calm help from his parents, and not new reproaches.
  2. Rule two: no more than one flaw per minute. To save a child from a lack, notice no more than one per minute. Know the measure. Otherwise, your child will simply “turn off”, stop responding to such speeches, and become insensitive to your assessments. Of course, this is very difficult, but if possible, choose from the many shortcomings of the child the one that is especially endurable for you now, which you want to eliminate first of all, and talk only about it. The rest will be overcome later or will simply turn out to be unimportant.
  3. Rule three: you will chase two hares... Consult with your child and start by eliminating those learning difficulties that are most significant for him. Here you will rather meet understanding and unanimity.
  4. The fourth rule: to praise - the performer, to criticize - the performance. The assessment must have an exact address. The child usually believes that his whole personality is being evaluated. It is in your power to help him separate the assessment of his personality from the assessment of his work. Praise should be addressed to the individual. A positive assessment should refer to a person who has become a little more knowledgeable and skillful. If, thanks to your praise, the child begins to respect himself for these qualities, then you will lay another important foundation for the desire to learn.
  5. Rule Five: Evaluation should compare the child's successes today with his own failures yesterday. No need to compare the child with the success of the neighbor. After all, even the smallest success of a child is a real victory over oneself, and it should be noticed and appreciated according to its merits.
  6. Rule six: do not skimp on praise. There is no loser who has nothing to praise for. To single out a tiny island, a straw, from the stream of failures, and the child will have a springboard from which to attack ignorance and inability. After all, parental: “I didn’t, I didn’t try, I didn’t teach” gives rise to Echo: “I don’t want, I can’t, I won’t!”
  7. Rule Seven: Estimated Security Technique. Evaluate child labour must be very detailed, differentiated. A global assessment is not suitable here, in which the fruits of very different efforts of the child are combined - both the correctness of calculations and the ability to solve problems. certain type, and spelling literacy, and appearance work. With a differentiated assessment, the child has neither the illusion of complete success nor the feeling of complete failure. The most business-like motivation of the teaching arises: “I don’t know yet, but I can and want to know.”
  8. Rule Eight: Set very specific goals for your child. Then he will try to reach them. Do not tempt the child with unfulfilled goals, do not push him onto the path of deliberate lies. If he made nine mistakes in a dictation, do not take promises from him to try to write without mistakes next time. Agree that there will be no more than seven, and rejoice with the child if this is achieved.

Parent meeting on the topic: "How parents can help their child study well"

Purpose: integration of the efforts of parents and teachers to form successful learning activities of students.

To expand the amount of knowledge of parents about the forms and methods of solving problems that have arisen with children;

Convince parents that adherence to the daily routine is the most important condition successful study child;

Develop a joint program of action to stimulate the cognitive activity of students.

Conduct form: round table.

Before parent meeting a survey of children and parents:

Is it easy to be a student?

For learning to be successful...

What makes a lesson successful?

Why do we want our child to study well?

What makes you successful at home?

Parents are surveyed in advance.

1. Do you support your child in learning activities?

2. Do your children talk heart to heart with you, do they consult on problems?

3. Name the most favorite and most difficult subject for your child.

4. Do you often discuss with your child his studies?

5. Name what subject in school years was the most beloved by you and your husband (wife)?

6. Name what during last week Did you and your husband (wife) read?

7. What did your child read during the last week (or what did you read to him)?

8. Do you discuss with your child the books, newspapers, TV shows you read?

9. Do you punish your child for school failures?

10. Does your child like to study?

Proceedings of the meeting

    Introductory speech of the teacher:

Hello dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to our meeting. Today we invite you to enter into a dialogue about the problems of younger students. How to help children study well? We will try to answer these and other questions at today's meeting.

    Parent workshop-game "Basket of feelings"

Each of us, meeting something new on our way, does not always immediately cope with the difficulties that arise. So do our first graders.

As soon as your child crossed the school threshold, in your soul. Feelings and emotions have firmly settled in your heart, which filled your entire existence (just like your child). Put your hand in the basket and take the "feeling" that overwhelms you.

(Parents name the feelings they experience. The task allows you to identify difficulties and problems in families, discuss these problems during the meeting).

And now let's watch a video about what feelings overwhelmed your children when they went to grade 1.

(A video recording of children's statements about the feelings they experienced when going to grade 1 is turned on)

    Lecture "How to help a child study well."

Almost all preschoolers want to go to school. They want to learn, work, imitate adults. But schooling is one of the most difficult moments in the lives of children, both socio-pedagogically and physiologically. These are not only new conditions of life and activity, but also new contacts, new relationships, new responsibilities. The whole life of the child changes: everything is subject to study, school. This is a very stressful period, because the school sets a number of tasks for students that are not related to their experience, requires maximum mobilization of intellectual and physical strength. The specific volume of loads increases. It is this load that is the most tiring. Adaptation of the child to school does not happen immediately. This is a rather long process associated with a significant stress on all body systems. Not a day, not a week is required in order to get used to the school for real. Most children are basically ready for school. The desire for novelty, readiness to fulfill the tasks facing him help the child: accept the requirements of the teacher regarding his behavior, relationships with peers; obey the new daily routine, the schedule of classes, despite the fact that the implementation of many rules is quite difficult. “Children are active beings... And if this is the case, then an organizational environment should be created for them, but not one that threatens them with a finger, reminds them of the consequences, reads morality, but one that organizes and directs their activities” (Sh. Amonashvili). Educational activity is collective in nature, which is why the child must have certain communication skills with peers, the ability to work together. Wherein positive emotions, which the child experiences when communicating with peers, largely shape his behavior, facilitate adaptation to school. One of the main tasks that the school sets before the child is the need for them to acquire a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. Despite the fact that the general readiness to learn (the desire to learn) is almost the same in all children, the real readiness to learn is very different. Therefore, in a child with an insufficient level of intellectual development, voluntary attention, will and other qualities needed in training, there will be difficulties. But many parents know from experience that over time, starting from grade 2, interest in learning disappears. Why is this happening? One of the significant reasons is that every year more and more efforts are required to complete all school assignments. Most children cope with growing demands. Some people have knowledge gaps. Still others do not succeed, although they try. Noticing the first warning signs. Parents should immediately consult with the teacher what to do. If the gap grows, children lose interest in learning and interest in school in general due to failures. When such difficulties arise in studies, it is very important to create an atmosphere of optimism. It is necessary to tell the child: “You can do it” and together with him think about how best to learn the material. This is much more useful than scolding him for bad grades. At the same time, it may be necessary to take specific measures: to repeat the basics, to work out additionally. Most children experience joy from overcoming difficulties, a sense of satisfaction from the fact that they coped. If the child cannot concentrate his energy on studying, special exercises. But they must be reasonable. No need to endlessly repeat the same poorly learned task. The child must simply cope with the program, and school requirements are such that any healthy child with a certain diligence, he can fulfill them. Of course, I would like the child to develop his abilities at school as much as possible. But still there will be children who, with all their efforts, do not become the best students in class. Their abilities and talents lie, perhaps, in those areas which school lessons they just don't touch. What are you parents to do? Never make excessive demands on children. The child does not understand the requirements that you present to him. He is constantly told that he must be smart, correspond to some parental desires, often not taking into account either their age or individual capabilities. From an early age, a child is included in the world of value orientations adopted among adults. Prestigious attitudes and expectations must be present in all parents. But for proper development a child is detrimental to both an overestimated and an underestimated level of claims. An overestimated one suppresses, extinguishes the natural curiosity of children, and an underestimated one does not stimulate their development. And if you take into account emotional condition children, then in both cases children experience discomfort, they develop a sense of anxiety, self-doubt and parental love, an acute lack of affection, warmth, attention. Therefore, together with the teacher, you need to try to determine in which areas the children could achieve more, to help them establish themselves in this field. Everyone should be commended. Even the most modest success. If children completely lose interest in learning, become stubborn, then mostly from that. That no one noticed and appreciated their small successes, the backlog was not noticed and eliminated in time, and they were constantly reproached for their failures. They do not feel well at school, even if the teacher is attentive to them. They constantly compare themselves with their classmates, it seems to them that due to poor academic performance they are less respected. Parents should find all ways for self-affirmation of the child. And here success in other areas, for example, in housework or in the garden, will help. And how often children who had difficulties in their studies later showed themselves perfectly in their professional activities. Quite often, the recognition of successes in the practical field contributes to the awakening of interest in theoretical knowledge. It is normal if the child does not show the same interest in all subjects. Can't endure complete absence the child's interests. Parents always have the opportunity to convince their children that the knowledge acquired by the child at school can be useful to them at home. Children realize the necessity and usefulness of learning even when we connect school knowledge with professions that are interesting for children or with their favorite activities. When children do household chores, they deserve praise and respect. At the same time, you have the opportunity to point out to children that learning is not particularly interesting items they can be just as diligent. Therefore, it is necessary at home to give credit to any success in learning. In addition, the attitude of parents to learning, their example (training courses) also plays a decisive role. Patience, kindness and attention are needed. And this should continue throughout life, because our willingness to discuss with children their problems is a prerequisite for their retention of their curiosity. Our patience, goodwill each time anew will inspire confidence in children. To family relationships were a stimulus to knowledge. You should think: how to create in the family an atmosphere conducive to learning, full of optimism and patience, but at the same time consistent exactingness? How can you help your child study well?

Parents help in three ways:

Parents organize the daily routine;

Check homework;

Teach children to be independent.

Compliance with the regime helps the child cope with the academic load, helps to strengthen his health, protects his nervous system from overwork. For 20% of children, poor health is the main reason for poor academic performance. primary school.

When planning academic work the student and his other duties at home, free classes, parents should keep in mind that everything should be assigned certain time. Of course, sometimes you have to ask your son or daughter to help with something when this help is needed, regardless of the usual daily routine. But you can’t do this all the time, regardless of what the child is doing now. It often happens like this: as soon as a schoolboy has laid out his books, sat down for lessons, as he is sent to the store. The boy began to read an interesting book - they asked to water the flowers, the girl sat down at the embroidery, she just started working - she was sent for a walk with younger brother.

Depending on the type nervous system a child, such switching may occur faster or slower. Children with a mobile type of nervous system cope more easily with the task of switching from one type of activity to another, while slow ones experience special difficulties. The younger student, by virtue of his age features still not able to quickly switch from one thing to another. In order to quit one thing that he has set himself up for and start another, the child has to overcome the natural inner desire to insist on his own and not fulfill the requests of his parents. As a result, there is a general discontent, a feeling of chagrin.

Sometimes the inner reluctance associated with the difficulty of switching manifests itself in rudeness. At the suggestion of a mother or father to carry out an unexpected assignment, the child suddenly says: “I will not go anywhere. Always, as soon as I start something interesting, they will definitely force me to do something else. Parents should give the child time to rebuild, to prepare psychologically for a new business. For example, a daughter is reading a book, and she needs to be sent to the store. The mother says to her daughter: “Galya, as soon as you finish reading the page. You will have to go to the store. So I gave you money." Or to a son: “Finish with examples. We'll set the table in 10 minutes."

Any unreasonable switching of the child from one thing to another (if it has become common in the family) is harmful to those, the child is forced to quit the work he has begun without finishing it. If this enters the system, then the student will be brought up with a bad habit - not to finish the work he has begun.

All these facts are important to consider for parents of younger children. school age who begin to form an attitude towards their duties, lessons, public assignments, and work.

The regime provides for the mandatory stay of children on fresh air. Parents must not violate this requirement. Thus, parents should understand that their main task is to help a child of primary school age organize free time at home. An organized, diligent and attentive child will work well in the classroom.

Parents need to monitor the implementation of homework by schoolchildren. First of all. It is necessary to constantly monitor the records of homework in the diary. After that, it is important to check the fact of doing homework. And then check the correctness of its implementation. Adults noticed a mistake in the notebook - do not rush to show where it is. The child must be taught self-control. First you need to say: “You solved the example incorrectly. Remember how you tested the solution of such examples in the class. How can you check. Do you have a mistake or not? and only in last resort show where the mistake is made.

Often, parents, in addition to the tasks of the teacher, load their child with additional (necessary in their opinion) training sessions. For such parents, the child first performs tasks on a draft, then rewrites it in a clean notebook. If the teacher sets 2 columns of examples at home, the parents force them to complete 4 - it will be better to know! And all this is done at the expense of free time. The child overworks, gets tired quickly and often begins to learn not better, but worse. He loses interest in learning, which becomes hard uninteresting work for him. Dear Parents, if you give additional tasks to your child, then please coordinate with the teacher the number and content of them.

Sometimes children tend, having come from school, to immediately sit down for lessons. This desire is encouraged by some parents. In children, this desire is caused by their inability to switch from one type of activity to another. The correct daily routine requires that after school the child rest, take a walk, and only after that begin to do homework. In the first grade, children sit at lessons for no more than 1 hour. Sitting at the lessons for a long time does not mean preparing them well. Endless sitting at lessons is explained by the instability of children's attention, the inability to concentrate on one subject. For example, a child wrote a line and begins to remember what happened in class today, will return to writing again, get distracted again - start repairing a pencil ... This is reflected in the quality of the assignment. To accustom the child to perseverance, parents set a task for him - to meet a certain time, put a clock in front of him; he, looking at his watch, learns to distribute his studies according to time.

Not all children develop in the same way, some children, even in the 1st grade, poorly absorb the educational material, they begin to lag behind. This shortcoming could be overcome with time, but some parents, showing great impatience, sit with the child for hours, literally hammering the lesson into his head. Annoyed, they begin to shout at the child, calling him stupid. As a result, things go even worse, the child begins to hate teaching, and sometimes school, as the culprit of his failures. Patience of parents, friendly tone - important condition successful help to the child in learning.

the main task parents - to control when the child sat down for lessons, whether he did everything, to suggest where to look for the answer to the question, but not to give a ready answer, educating children to be independent.

    Never call a child stupid, etc.

    Praise your child for any success, no matter how small.

    Every day, look through notebooks and diaries without complaints, calmly ask for explanations on this or that fact, and then ask how you can help.

    Love your child and give him confidence every day.

Do not scold, but teach!

Rule one: do not beat the lying. A "D" is enough punishment, and you shouldn't punish twice for the same mistakes. The child has already received an assessment of his knowledge, and at home he expects calm help from his parents, and not new reproaches.

Rule two: no more than one flaw per minute. To save a child from a lack, notice no more than one per minute. Know the measure. Otherwise, your child will simply “turn off”, stop responding to such speeches, and become insensitive to your assessments. Of course, this is very difficult, but if possible, choose from the many shortcomings of the child the one that is especially endurable for you now, which you want to eliminate first of all, and talk only about it. The rest will be overcome later or will simply turn out to be unimportant.

Rule three: chase two hares... Consult with the child and start by eliminating those learning difficulties that are most significant for him. Here you will rather meet understanding and unanimity.

Rule four: praise - performer, criticize - performance. The assessment must have an exact address. The child usually believes that his whole personality is being evaluated. It is in your power to help him separate the assessment of his personality from the assessment of his work. Praise should be addressed to the individual. A positive assessment should refer to a person who has become a little more knowledgeable and skillful. If, thanks to your praise, the child begins to respect himself for these qualities, then you will lay another important foundation for the desire to learn.

Rule Five: Evaluation should compare the child's successes today with his own failures yesterday. No need to compare the child with the success of the neighbor. After all, even the smallest success of a child is a real victory over oneself, and it should be noticed and appreciated according to its merits.

Rule #6: Don't be stingy with praise. There is no loser who has nothing to praise for. To single out a tiny island, a straw, from the stream of failures, and the child will have a springboard from which to attack ignorance and inability. After all, parental: “I didn’t, I didn’t try, I didn’t teach” gives rise to Echo: “I don’t want, I can’t, I won’t!”

Rule Seven: Estimated Security Techniques. It is necessary to evaluate child labor very fractionally, differentiatedly. A global assessment is not suitable here, in which the fruits of very different efforts of the child are combined - both the correctness of calculations, and the ability to solve problems of a certain type, and the literacy of the record, and the appearance of the work. With a differentiated assessment, the child has neither the illusion of complete success nor the feeling of complete failure. The most business-like motivation of the teaching arises: “I don’t know yet, but I can and want to know.”

Rule Eight: Set very specific goals for your child. Then he will try to reach them. Do not tempt the child with unfulfilled goals, do not push him onto the path of deliberate lies. If he made nine mistakes in a dictation, do not take promises from him to try to write without mistakes next time. Agree that there will be no more than seven, and rejoice with the child if this is achieved

Parent survey:

    Do you support your child in learning activities?

    Do your children talk heart to heart with you, do they consult on problems?

    Name the most favorite and most difficult subject for your child.

    How often do you discuss their studies with your child?

    What was your and your husband's (wife's) favorite subject during your school years?

    What did you and your husband (wife) read during the last week?

    What did your child read during the last week?

    Do you discuss with your child the books, newspapers, TV shows you read?

    Do you punish your child for school failures?

    Does your child love to study?

Parent meeting on the topic: "How to help your child learn"

Tumgoeva Zarina Ayupovna, geography teacher

Target: integration of the efforts of parents and teachers to form a successful educational activity of students.


    expand the amount of knowledge of parents about the forms and methods of solving problems with children;

    develop a joint program of action to stimulate the cognitive activity of students;

    to identify the problems of interaction between parents and the child to overcome educational difficulties

Conduct form: round table

Questionnaire for children:

Is it easy to be a student?

    Is it easy to be a good student?

    Can I call myself a good student?

    Is it possible for me to become a good student?

    Why is it important to study well?

    For learning to be successful...

    What is the secret of my success? (successful students)

    What makes you successful at home?


Some students grasp everything on the fly, others do not. Some have a highly developed ability to listen, and they can perceive information quite well by ear. Others have developed visual perception - the material is better absorbed when reading. In this situation, someone may have difficulty learning. It turns out that more than two-thirds of the underachievers are potentially capable, but these abilities have not been developed for various reasons. Probably, one of these reasons was the inability (and sometimes unwillingness) to provide timely support to your child in educational activities. Hence, academic performance sometimes does not correspond to the level of the student's own abilities.

The training is very difficult. Children begin to worry about grades. Someone skips classes, explaining that no matter how hard he tries, he cannot fully master the educational material, someone sits all evening memorizing homework. For some guys, teaching has turned into a heavy duty, and its formal sign - evaluation - alas, often does not please. In addition, according to assessments, parents get some idea of ​​how their child learns, because the education of our children is what accompanies your, dear parents, life for a long time and in which you (to varying degrees, of course) are sure to participate.

    Is it easy to be a good student? (analysis of children's answers)

    Can I call myself a good student?

    Are there opportunities for me to be a good student?

Our task today is to identify together typical problems in the educational activities of children and work out practical methods of helping them in this activity.

- Why do we want our child to study well?(parents' answers to the question posed)

Standard answers - to be no worse than others, to go to college, make a career, etc. But this is for us.

Let's look at the data of the questionnaire of children : Why you need to study well?

For learning to be successful...

Based on the above, it follows:

    In order to improve your academic performance, you must treat your studies responsibly!

    Never justify your poor progress by reasons beyond your control: the tasks on the control were too difficult, the teacher was picky, etc.

- Let's ask today those who are conscientious about their studies, what is the secret of their success? (2 students share experiences)

Let's develop a program to stimulate the cognitive activity of students. Take tips to help you improve your grades.

    Take your homework seriously.

    Make a plan for studying subjects.

    Remember to take short breaks between subjects, especially if the task is large.

    Start your homework with a difficult subject.

And now, dear participants, we will work in groups and try together to “get to the bottom” of the reasons for our children’s lack of interest in learning activities

    An exchange of views on the question “Why are our children less interested in learning?”

    The main reasons are: insurmountable difficulties, decreased motivation.

- What contributes to the improvement of academic performance at home? (What techniques do parents use)

(children's answers)

Motivated children are independent children. They put in more effort to cope with a task, even an unpleasant one, because they themselves understand why they need it. The need for independence is one of the three main psychological needs human, as we have already found out in the first chapters.

But how can you help your child develop independence? The answer is paradoxical: by setting reasonable limits. Children need guidelines, frames within which they can freely turn around. First of all, it's clear detailed daily schedule in a certain suitable child rhythm for a healthy lifestyle. It should include time for homework and shared lunches or dinners with the family. Joint meals and joint leisure with parents are very important for the child.

You need to agree with the child, when and where he will do his homework, when to go to bed or sit down at the table. If the time for classes is set and it is constant, there will be no tense arguments, it's time to do homework, or you can watch another cartoon. At the same time, a simple and constant schedule is perceived by children more easily than numerous rules.

You need to install for the child following rules concerning the school:

school attendance is the responsibility of the child, as is the housework that you and the child have agreed on. Shirking is not welcome unless the child is sick. The child must get up on time in the morning and collect all the things he needs at school;

the question of doing homework is out of discussion. How and when they should be done, you can decide together with the child;

The child must report grades. You can always calmly discuss everything and, in case of failure, sketch plan to improve the situation.

If the rules are broken, you must respond consistently. If a child, for example, does not meet the time allocated for lessons, take appropriate measures. They should be reasonable, logical and understandable to the child. For example: “If you don’t turn off the computer in ten minutes and don’t sit down for lessons, you won’t go for a walk after lunch.” Remain firm in your decision, even if it is sometimes difficult.

To the best of their ability, children need to take responsibility for their own learning as early as possible, and they need to know that their parents will always support them. Independence does not mean that children should be abandoned to their fate. Help as needed, but as little as possible.

Explain to the child how he can plan his own learning by asking him leading questions: “In what subjects do you have assignments today? What do you want to start with? “How will you learn a poem?” Check assignments only when he finishes them..

Never prompt your child for answers. The experience of success from an equation that was independently solved after much torment remains in memory longer than the answer that mom suggested. Sequentially lead the child to the right way and encourage independent thought. Give him everything he needs, encourage him to use his own learning strategies, help him try new methods.

Give your child the opportunity to test their performance and challenge themselves.

At the same time, show him your trust: “I know you can do everything on your own.” Make high demands, but corresponding to the capabilities of the child, avoid underestimation and overestimation.

Faith in one's own abilities

Academic success depends not only on innate talent, but to a greater extent from confidence in their abilities. To achieve good results, children must believe in what they can do. They must feel that they can cope with the tasks assigned or independently chosen.

Already at the age of 10-12 years, children have a clear idea of ​​​​their mind and their shortcomings: whoever understands that abilities can be developed achieves best results learning. The child's opinion of his own intellectual development and talents can be changed. It is enough to explain to the child that the human brain is constantly improving in the course of learning, new nerve cells and connections between them are formed in it, which means the brain can be trained like muscles, and this training makes sense.

Help your child understand how his efforts lead to desired results, this will also contribute to the development of his dynamic self-image. Emphasize what he achieved through exercise, learning, perseverance, or the right strategies. There should be no phrases like: “I was just lucky” or “The assignments were easy”, and even more so such as: “German is such a subject where either you are lucky or you are not lucky” and “Either you are a mathematician or you are not”.

Encourage your child to set realistic goals, while assessing whether he can achieve them. This enhances the feeling of self-efficacy. Remind him of his past achievements, compare your child with him half a year ago, and not with other children.

Think about what your child thinks about school and certain “hated subjects”. Perhaps after several badly written control works he became convinced that he did not have the ability to English language or he is too stupid for mathematics, as a result of which there is no more sense try.

emotional development

The ability to deal with negative feelings not only plays important role in studies, but also in general helps a person to successfully go through life. If a child learns to overcome anger, irritation and fear x, he will develop into a happy, strong and motivated person.

Tips for parents:

    Never call a child stupid, etc.

    Praise your child for any success, no matter how small.

    Every day, look through notebooks and diaries without complaints, calmly ask for explanations on this or that fact, and then ask how you can help.

    Love your child and give him confidence every day.

    Do not scold, but teach!

Summing up the meeting.

Today we have seen that there are a lot of reasons for the “unsuccessful” educational activity of children. You can find out these reasons and get rid of them only with the support of teachers and you parents. Every child is unique.

(Based on materials from Internet publications)


Tips for parents “Psychotherapy of underachievement”

(Based on the materials of O.V. Polyanskaya, T.I. Belyashkina)

Rule one: do not beat the lying . A "D" is enough punishment, and you shouldn't punish twice for the same mistakes. The child has already received an assessment of his knowledge, and at home he expects calm help from his parents, and not new reproaches.

Rule two: no more than one flaw per minute. To save a child from a lack, notice no more than one per minute. Know the measure. Otherwise, your child will simply “turn off”, stop responding to such speeches, and become insensitive to your assessments. Of course, this is very difficult, but if possible, choose from the many shortcomings of the child the one that is especially endurable for you now, which you want to eliminate first of all, and talk only about it. The rest will be overcome later or will simply turn out to be unimportant.

Rule three: chase two hares... Consult with the child and start by eliminating those learning difficulties that are most significant for him. Here you will rather meet understanding and unanimity.

Rule four: praise - performer, criticize - performance . The assessment must have an exact address. The child usually believes that his whole personality is being evaluated. It is in your power to help him separate the assessment of his personality from the assessment of his work. Praise should be addressed to the individual. A positive assessment should refer to a person who has become a little more knowledgeable and skillful. If, thanks to your praise, the child begins to respect himself for these qualities, then you will lay another important foundation for the desire to learn.

Rule Five: Evaluation should compare the child's successes today with his own failures yesterday. No need to compare the child with the success of the neighbor. After all, even the smallest success of a child is a real victory over oneself, and it should be noticed and appreciated according to its merits.

Rule #6: Don't be stingy with praise . There is no loser who has nothing to praise for. To single out a tiny island, a straw, from the stream of failures, and the child will have a springboard from which to attack ignorance and inability. After all, parental: “I didn’t, I didn’t try, I didn’t teach” gives rise to Echo: “I don’t want, I can’t, I won’t!”

Rule Seven: Estimated Security Techniques . It is necessary to evaluate child labor very fractionally, differentiatedly. A global assessment is not suitable here, in which the fruits of very different efforts of the child are combined - both the correctness of calculations, and the ability to solve problems of a certain type, and the literacy of the record, and the appearance of the work. With a differentiated assessment, the child has neither the illusion of complete success nor the feeling of complete failure. The most business-like motivation of the teaching arises: “I don’t know yet, but I can and want to know.”

Rule Eight: Set very specific goals for your child . Then he will try to reach them. Do not tempt the child with unfulfilled goals, do not push him onto the path of deliberate lies. If he made nine mistakes in a dictation, do not take promises from him to try to write without mistakes next time. Agree that there will be no more than seven, and rejoice with the child if this is achieved.

Target: integration of the efforts of parents and teachers to form a successful educational activity of students.


  • expand the amount of knowledge of parents about the forms and methods of solving problems with children;
  • develop a joint program of action to stimulate the cognitive activity of students;
  • to identify the problems of interaction between parents and the child to overcome educational difficulties.


In childhood, most people think that studying requires a lot of effort. Some students grasp everything on the fly, others do not. Some have a highly developed ability to listen, and they can perceive information quite well by ear. Others have developed visual perception - the material is better absorbed when reading. In this situation, someone may have difficulty learning. It turns out that more than two-thirds of the underachievers are potentially capable, but these abilities have not been developed for various reasons. Probably, one of these reasons was the inability (and sometimes unwillingness) to provide timely support to your child in educational activities. Hence, academic performance sometimes does not correspond to the level of the student's own abilities.

The training is very difficult. Children begin to worry about grades. Someone skips classes, explaining that no matter how hard he tries, he cannot fully master the educational material, someone sits all evening memorizing homework. For some guys, teaching has turned into a heavy duty, and its formal sign - evaluation - alas, is often not encouraging. In addition, according to estimates, parents get some idea of ​​how their child learns, because the study of our children is what accompanies your, dear parents, life for a long time and in which you (to varying degrees, of course) are sure to participate. How many hopes, how many happy expectations were associated with studying in families!

Our task today is to identify together typical problems in the educational activities of children and work out practical methods of helping them in this activity.

Question for parents

Why do we want our child to study well? (Answers of parents to the question posed)

Standard answers - to be no worse than others, to go to college, make a career, etc. But this is for us. Let's listen to the children: is it easy for them to be students and what does it mean to study well? (Speech by 3-4 students).

Based on the above, it follows:

In order to improve your academic performance, you must treat your studies responsibly!

Never justify your poor progress by reasons beyond your control: the tasks on the control were too difficult, the teacher was picky, etc.

Tips to help you improve your performance.

Take your homework seriously.

Make a plan for studying subjects.

Remember to take short breaks between subjects, especially if the task is large.

Start your homework with a difficult subject.

Tips for parents:

Never call a child stupid, etc.

Praise your child for any success, no matter how small.

Every day, look through notebooks and diaries without complaints, calmly ask for explanations on this or that fact, and then ask how you can help.

Love your child and give him confidence every day.

Do not scold, but teach!

There are a lot of reasons for “unsuccessful” educational activity of children. You can find out these reasons and get rid of them only with the support of teachers and you parents. Every child is unique.

Advice to parents “psychotherapy of poor progress” (based on the materials of O.V. Polyanskaya, T.I. Belyashkina)

Rule one: do not beat the lying. A "D" is enough punishment, and you shouldn't punish twice for the same mistakes. The child has already received an assessment of his knowledge, and at home he expects calm help from his parents, and not new reproaches.

Rule two: no more than one flaw per minute. To save a child from a lack, notice no more than one per minute. Know the measure. Otherwise, your child will simply “turn off”, stop responding to such speeches, and become insensitive to your assessments. Of course, this is very difficult, but if possible, choose from the many shortcomings of the child the one that is especially endurable for you now, which you want to eliminate first of all, and talk only about it. The rest will be overcome later or will simply turn out to be unimportant.

Rule three: you will chase two hares... Consult with your child and start by eliminating those learning difficulties that are most significant for him. Here you will rather meet understanding and unanimity.

The fourth rule: to praise - the performer, to criticize - the performance. The assessment must have an exact address. The child usually believes that his whole personality is being evaluated. It is in your power to help him separate the assessment of his personality from the assessment of his work. Praise should be addressed to the individual. A positive assessment should refer to a person who has become a little more knowledgeable and skillful. If, thanks to your praise, the child begins to respect himself for these qualities, then you will lay another important foundation for the desire to learn.

Rule Five: Evaluation should compare the child's successes today with his own failures yesterday. No need to compare the child with the success of the neighbor. After all, even the smallest success of a child is a real victory over oneself, and it should be noticed and appreciated according to its merits.

Rule six: do not skimp on praise. There is no loser who has nothing to praise for. To single out a tiny island, a straw, from the stream of failures, and the child will have a springboard from which to attack ignorance and inability. After all, parental: “I didn’t, I didn’t try, I didn’t teach” gives rise to Echo: “I don’t want, I can’t, I won’t!”

Rule Seven: Estimated Security Technique. It is necessary to evaluate child labor very fractionally, differentiatedly. A global assessment is not suitable here, in which the fruits of very different efforts of the child are combined - both the correctness of calculations, and the ability to solve problems of a certain type, and the literacy of the record, and the appearance of the work. With a differentiated assessment, the child has neither the illusion of complete success nor the feeling of complete failure. The most business-like motivation of the teaching arises: “I don’t know yet, but I can and want to know.”

Rule Eight: Set very specific goals for your child. Then he will try to reach them. Do not tempt the child with unfulfilled goals, do not push him onto the path of deliberate lies. If he made nine mistakes in a dictation, do not take promises from him to try to write without mistakes next time. Agree that there will be no more than seven, and rejoice with the child if this is achieved.