Beautiful prom nominations. Holiday "Square of Stars", dedicated to honoring the best students of the school"

These alumni nominations can be used both as a joke and as a serious one.

Although I love and strive to keep everything simple, today I made my life a little more complicated (I hope you don't).

I wanted to do something like that, and I wrote out the exact names of song hits from the ratings of popular radio stations for 3 recent years, and then she selected nominations for graduates for them.

Some of them are also suitable for students of other classes, i.e. they can be used throughout the school year.
How I did it, read below. But first, a couple of tips for teachers, parents and other adults who will select nominations for names:

  • The nomination is tied only to the title, but not to the text of the song - announce this to the children right away so that they do not look for a third meaning (we have already found the second one and wrote it here).
  • No matter how simple the names of the nominations may seem to you, they are the titles of hit songs that you and I do not know everything, but advanced young people usually know. And will react more vividly. So try it, take a chance, in the end)))
  • If you still want the classics, then look for it in these.
  • If you want to look into the future, read in geo style.
  • It would be just super-cool if, after the announcement of the nomination, the brightest moment from the hit song sounded while the graduate goes to the stage - then he will go to the music of his nomination!

And we went!

school hit parade:

Lost and not found

- to a student who always lost everything, in particular, diaries)))
The best day

- the most problematic graduate.
The play is over

- an active school artist from the graduating classes.
We will be together I know

- if someone remains to work at the school (counselor, laboratory assistant, etc.), then this is for him.

- a person “in himself” (from the word STRANGE) or someone who often wandered somewhere during the lessons.
We broke up with you

- to any graduate, but it is better to have one more unforgettable)))
one star

- a student-winner in anything, but a high level - the champion of the city, region, world.

Love saves the world

- almost always at school there is one good couple in love who really have feelings. This nomination is for both of them.
Around you the world is greener

- the kindest girl.
Uncle Pasha

- a boy named Pavel.
break up with her

- Misha (Masha), finally break up with the habit of biting your nails in class (shaking your leg, scratching your head, lying, etc.).

- a member of any quartet.
It doesn't happen

- a local prodigy.
City Boy )

- a stylish guy.

Plague Spring

- (I barely wrote this word!) to students who are blown away in the spring.

- able to play any keyboard instrument.
It was Love

- a girl named Lyuba.
Google my name

- high school celebrity
I'm diving

- a student who was always out of reach.
Fight club

- an amateur brawler or someone who was trained in combat sports.

Make it louder

- to the one whose music just screamed from the headphones, or to the student who always answered very quietly at the blackboard.

- who knows how to do tricks in the literal sense or figuratively.
I will not give up without fight

- the most stubborn.
Doll with a human face


Look at Gladkih Kristina,

How sweet, slender, beautiful she is.

And in addition to appearance

She is optimistic and cheerful.

She will support anyone with a joke,

She is talented, responsive, kind.

The soul of the company and the ringleader,

It will never be boring with her.

With data like hers,

She just needs to be an actress

She would play roles in performances and films,

And we would all be proud of her.

"Pride of the School"

Kalugina Valera has a gentle look,

As in the portraits of Italian masters.

And curls wave carelessly

Falls on the shoulders like a silk veil.

She is always responsible, hardworking,

And the ambulance is ready to provide,

And if necessary, then gracefully and beautifully

And the machine will be able to disassemble for speed.

She has a lot behind her shoulders.

Victories in regional, regional Olympiads.

And your TRP score

She passed the glory, as it should be.

"Pride of the School"

Tanya, dear Tatiana,

She matches Larina.

Also proud and silent,

And just like Larina, she is smart.

Tanyusha wants to become a teacher,

Dedicate yourself to the perky kids.

We are sure that she will teach them

Faith, truth and, of course, kindness.

We congratulate you on the last call,

We only want to pass the exam with “excellent” marks.

"Miss Kindness"

Always shy, quiet,

With a sweet smile and a long scythe.

We are talking about Anastasia Ponomareva,

Who is renowned for her kindness.

In any business - organizer, activist,

She has a talent for bringing people together.

So let the first path through life

It will be difficult and thorny

So as not to turn you to the side paths.

May conscience be everywhere for you

Your adviser and compass.

"For talent and optimism"

Our glorious Natasha

And beautiful and slim

All our guys know:

She wants to become a doctor.

But Natasha will treat

Neither you nor me

Will help animals

After all, they are our friends.

We are confident in Natalia and wish her victories,

And we are proud to have learned

She has been in our school for 11 years.


Violetta is a beautiful girl

Plus, it's a coquette.

Her talent sometimes sparkles,

Like a silver coin.

Violetta values ​​herself highly,

And the girl's plans

It's already far from here...

Let dreams swarm

What wonderful visions.

And life will lay down the plot

In a line of a poem.

"For the ability to conspire"

Vanya is a guy anywhere,

It combined both fire and water.

This little one is very hard,

And he is always serious.

He is a member of the spiritual

Yes, he is a star in his class.

We know what Vanyusha decided

Tie yourself up with the FSB.

And so we want to pass the exams for five.

Keep striving for the goal

Don't put your hands down

And then you will see, Vanya,

Nastya is friendly, likes to communicate,
She loves to joke and laugh.

Every concert for her is happiness.
And the beauty contest has been dreaming about her for a long time.
She would take all the prizes there,
But Nastenka is attracted to study,

As well as starting a family.

Be serious, be responsible
May your life path be happy.

And we just want to wish you happiness,

To overcome everything in the life of bad weather.

"Unrevealed Talent"

This guy is very kind

He is calm and simple.

And with the girls from the class

He will find a common language.

He has many talents

This guy anywhere:

Activist, athlete, artist,

Often jokes - a comedian. And if mother were too lazy to overcome, He would become a scientist ... or maybe not. May your dreams come true, May you achieve everything in life. You will conquer peaks And do everything in life on the "five"!

I can't believe graduation is coming soon. It would seem that quite recently, students studied letters, learned to solve problems, played hopscotch. And here is their graduation. I want to spend it in such a way that it will be remembered for long years so that there is something to tell your children later. A bright moment at the prom can be comic nominations given to students. Graduates are smart people, they will accept funny information with humor.

"Walking encyclopedia"
Of course, among the graduates there is one who can be called a "walking encyclopedia." He knows a lot and understands a lot, he has a huge store of knowledge. It is enough to contact him and the answer will be received. The winner in the Walking Encyclopedia nomination is the most erudite graduate.

"Shark Feather"
"I could talk to you, but I'm just a text." Abstracts, compositions, essays - this is my love. I know how to compose words in such a way that it turns out beautifully. So that beautifully folded lines delight everyone and everyone. I can speak sharply and succinctly, precisely and aptly. The prize in this nomination goes to the one whom we call the “feather shark”.

"Fly, doves fly"
This graduate (category winner) dreams of the most prestigious university, the most better education, about a teacher with a worldwide reputation. The palm in this nomination belongs to those who are not used to being content with little. Fly pigeons, fly, learn, try - and be lucky!

"Your Honor, Mrs. Victory"
Olympiads, competitions, blitz tournaments, wherever you can win, demonstrate your knowledge, skills - in this area, a graduate (category winner) has no equal. His motto is Victory. He is the main one in the nomination “Your Honor, Madam Victory”

"Just a darling"
This graduate (or graduate) is sweet and charming, calm and attractive. He used to smile at the sun and classmates in the morning. The teachers are delighted with him. He is just a darling and that says it all.

Where she is more tender flowers, the breeze is gentler, the birds sing more wonderfully. She walks out of the classroom with a flying gait. And where it appears, it becomes warmer and lighter. She is the winner in the nomination "Perfection itself".

“You can become famous for good deeds ... you can”
To do good to people is the true greatness of man. Be able to help, advise Hard time, lend a shoulder ... Undoubtedly, among you there is someone who knows how to do good. He has no equal in the category "Become famous for good deeds ... you can"

“And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the gambler on the pipe!”
A versatile personality ... In another way, you can say "jack of all trades." He also knows how to show a beautiful experiment in physics and write a satirical note in the wall newspaper, and weed out a bed in the school garden so that not a single blade of rubbish remains. And he can also bungled a birdhouse or play the violin. In general, a real leader in the nomination "And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the gambler on the pipe!"

“We all learned little by little, something, but somehow”
A fly in the ointment in a sweet barrel of honey. We all studied and studied well, but someone studied the way A.S. Pushkin noticed “somehow”. But he began to try, and will try even more.

"April 1st"
This is not a laughing matter for graduates right now. Exams are a serious test. But there was a lot of fun in the process of schooling. And this graduate is the main merry fellow, humorist, stand-up comedian. Laughter is his life credo.

"Barankin, be a man"
And he is slowly becoming one. I have already started preparing for my exams. Changed it appearance: the swirls are combed, the shirt is ironed, the boots are a feast for the eyes. It used to be that he was careless and carefree, forgot about homework. But that's all in the past.

1 led. Have you seen the night sky? No, of course you saw it. What a magnificent, bewitching picture! How brightly the stars shine! But if the stars are lit, then someone needs it.

2 led. They say every person is the whole world, the whole universe. One can argue with this. So let's dwell on the fact that every person is a star, and nothing less. And sometimes a parade of stars happens in outer space, and in this parade everyone shows all the best. We will see such a parade. So, attention! Stars on stage!

Music sounds, graduates come out,

The facilitator calls them by name (exit is accompanied by slides)

— Valetchik Victoria

— Sizikhin Nikolay

— Fedorenko Maxim

Tabanakov Pavel

— Turchaninov Yakov

— Ekaterina Khamitova

Oh, not to get lost in this outer space

— But who will open the cosmic gates for our stars

Who will give a ticket to open world the whole universe

- This is the chief astrologer, who knows every star by face and by name.

She, like a Grand Master, knows what needs to be done so that the achievements of the stars sparkle and the shortcomings disappear.

For any parade of stars, she can create a bright constellation

Meet the chief astrologer of the sky N.V. Korchagina

(congratulations to graduates, applause to graduates)

Vedas. 1 - Many nations have a belief that with the birth of a person in the sky, new star, apparently that is why the life of people is so similar to the life of the stars: some twinkle dimly, others burn evenly, others shine brightly.

Vedas 2 I would like our stars to increase their brilliance, it’s not for nothing that they say “Light your star”.

The right to light the stars is granted to the principal and head teacher

Beautiful, smart, charming

Modest, diligent in class

And in general, let's say decisively

very positive nature

Meet the star of the issue Valetchik Victoria

(certificate presentation)

My God, what a man!

Strong in sports, Mamma mia!

Plus, to add

The man is trying

Bring it all to the end

Difficult or easy

The main thing is that the goal is clear -

And you can come to her!
He is a guitarist and an athlete

And in the future, probably a businessman.

Fedorenko Maxim

Serious, solid person

and quite independent

He is a great guitarist and football player.

in general, life is an optimist

Tabanakov Pavel

Man is unique

Smart, intelligent

Doesn't interfere in class

Doesn't break the rules

He has a huge talent

He is very polite and humble

Meet the star of the release of Sizikhin Nikolai

Not everything is perfect everywhere

But how artistic

The school years were

very mysterious

Let the measure of joy, the measure of sadness

Going to school is also in moderation

And let only happiness be

Always immutable and immeasurable.

Khamitova Katya

Like a huge magnet

The army pulls him and beckons

The army is no joke

The account goes not for minutes

Hot boy, hot as fire

Such a daredevil, try, touch!

And you won't find a more romantic idea,

He dreams of serving landing troops or the marines!

Star Exit Turchaninov Yakov

You made your first discovery on the planet "Childhood" with a person who has the most beautiful title on earth - the first teacher. He opened the world to you, gave his love, warmth.

Each person remembers his first teacher, remembers him with tenderness and gratitude.

Unfortunately, Oksana Valerievna cannot be present today, but with her heart and soul she is in this hall and addresses you these words (slide)

Take the last parting words from the class teacher

The word class hand.

Dear dear teachers

Always in business, always in care.

You forced the graduates not in vain

"Move your brains", work.

Give advice to them

In such a beautiful, bright moment.

Teachers' speech

1. Applying to the institute

Holy remember, there is not here.

With ignorance of the material

vyprut with a bang and kaput

2. Do not think about sad things

Love and befriend

Lay down your fate brightly and completely

3. If you cannot pass the test

Swear abstract to learn

not dad's salary

take to exams

4. If somehow succeed

high post you take

try to be smaller

turn up your nose

5. when will you swim

in euros, dollars, rubles

try to remember anyway

about your teachers

song on the motive Lilac fog

We accompany you

and it looks like they did

tell a lot

ask a lot

one more time

and you will actually

prove what

could teach you

the last "I love"

you plucked from our lips

the last "I love"

we repeat again

the last "I love"

will hardly be forgotten

the last "I love"

oh, this is our love!

We release you

and shake hands

say goodbye for a moment

maybe forever

maybe in september

we will meet you again

we will remember you

all the long years

1st leader.

Former guys go out into the people,

Examinations humbled the ninth shaft.

Their maturity is confirmed by certificates,

And adult non-school outfits,

And their last high school ball.

Tell me yours response word, Graduates

Message to teachers:

We learned, you taught

now scolding, now praising

we were tolerated, we were loved

so many years of teacher

And now, even though it's too late

Thank you for everything

If something is to blame

we will be forgiven and we will forgive

Song to the motive "Goodbye, Moscow"

This room is getting quieter

and on the faces of many sadness

Goodbye sweet school

You always remember us.

We are grateful to the school

Here we lived as a single family

And learned and were careless

The years have flown by

We part with you

Tenderness remains in the heart

let's keep friendship

Goodbye, see you again

It's time to say goodbye to childhood

Here comes the time of miracles

Goodbye dear teacher

You forgive the unlucky rake

And we are grateful to our parents

Sometimes we studied together

As a family, we solved problems

And now they're graduating

We are grateful to all

We all grew up and matured

Let's keep friendship

We won't forget these years

Dear graduates!

Today in your life amazing holiday. You say goodbye to school, friends, with a tender and fluffy, like the sun, childhood. Childhood is impenetrable to evil and adversity walls parental love. Therefore, dear guys, dreaming about success, fame, making a career, do not forget to tell mom sweet Nothing, take care of the health of dad, grandma, grandpa, dry someone's tears.

Appeal to parents of graduates

Thank you, parents, for hellish patience,

Sorry for the terrible pain

Sorry for the scandals, screams, disputes ...

When we take the kids to school,

Then, dear ones, we will understand you to the end!

Mom, mom, we are already adults,

Look, we already said goodbye to braids.

Violent flowering of the spring garden ...

It was my sixteenth birthday.

Mommy, Mommy, why are you crying?

And you smile, you don't hide your tears?

I’ll rush off into a big life from the ball ...

Mom, Mom, but I'll be back!

Look, I'm a head taller than my father.

And he is a copy, they tell me, from the face.

And when you are young, time goes by so fast.

Forgive me if I'm very stubborn

Forgive and understand me, mommy, mom!

Thank you dear parents!

Forgive us if you have been offended by something,

For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,

For youthful pride and impatience,

For the gray hair on the temples of the father,

And for the wrinkles of his own face.

In the belt we will bow to you to the ground,

What would we be able to do without you?

Leading. The kindness of a beautiful parent

There is nothing holier in the world.

So that everything turns out great for us -

Give us parenting advice.

parents' speech

Let's go through the quiet corners of the school for the last time and remember school years marvelous…. (Showing a film about school life alumni)

Life is full of obstacles in our way.
It's not too late to look back, it's not too late to stay.
There is no strength at times. Just gotta go
Higher, further, into the light - through thorns to the stars.

At the end of the solemn part of the evening, I would like to wish all those present happiness.

2nd: What is happiness?

What is happiness?

It's very simple: it's when people light the stars,

This is when the world is warmer from you,

It is to know that we are all the grandchildren of Prometheus!

Lottery-forecast (may be held after the official part)

1. Chocolate

Since you got chocolate,

Then you will not be bitter - it will be sweet!

You have to, my friend, and henceforth

Studying, creativity to burn.

But you won't burn your wings,

Take care of your health!

3. Shampoo

Walking with a haircut will be beautiful,

Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane.

And you economic worries,

Lots of homework to do.

But in the family and in personal life

Everything will turn out great for you!

And great love is waiting for you

And kisses all year round!

6. Red pepper

Many adventures await you

And a lot of thrills

But everything will end well

It's no coincidence that red pepper!

7. Markers

Love will brighten your days

And they become bright.

All your life in winter and summer

Magically lit up with light.

Do you understand what the purpose of the gift is?

Life will be joyful and bright!

You are the darling of fate, which means

You are waiting for success and good luck.

Celebrating your good luck

Stock up on more tea!

10. Condensed milk

You are used to living in the thick of things,

Studying is your main destiny.

We do not promise you peace

We treat you with condensed milk!

11. Cookies

You have friends, familiar sea,

And everyone will be visiting soon.

Prepare tea and refreshments.

Here are some cookies to get you started!

You are a tough nut, which means

Good luck awaits you!

13. Calendar

I'll have to live, studying grief ...

Don't forget about calendar days!

You will be cheerful and energetic

And therefore all a year will pass Great!

15. Sharpener

This sharpener will help you

Sharpen your mind and humor too.

Career and success await you

And also jokes, humor, laughter.

16. Refreshing lozenges

Everyone will pay attention to you

Everywhere you will find understanding.

And your fresh breath

You will be prosperous.

17. Cream

You will enter the cream of society.

Perhaps you can find a sponsor.

Your life will turn out great.

You will be lucky. This is clear to everyone.

To the one who receives this candle,

You have to travel the world!

19. Napkins

Another day, another hour

Our prize would not please you.

But now the feast is waiting for you.

And on this day, and all year.

20. Keychain

And here is the drawing of our pinnacle.

Waiting for you, believe me, a new car.

The car will have a brand new lock.

And for the keys you need a brand new keychain.

21. Bear (soft toy)

Tired of you studying

So you want to play?

So it will definitely come in handy.

What I want to give you.

Remember childhood golden:

Kindergarten and potty…

Teddy bear is sacred

Don't drop it on the floor, my friend.

22. Chocolate coins

Fate will gild your pen,

Send a big paycheck

Or throw a wallet

And all this in the near future!

You are the luckiest of all - the ticket says so.

So get the former deficit.

Imagine 40 years ago

Everyone would be happy with a bag of coffee.

24. Banana, coconut

Eat bananas and coconuts

And expect rewards from fate!