Lesson speech development in the 1st junior group. The development of speech in the first junior group. Classes on the development of speech in the preschool educational institution. Summary of the lesson "Winter Landscape"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech

"Magpie-white-sided cooked porridge"

Program content:



Fix familiar nursery rhymes.

Reinforce the concepts of big - small.

Give an idea of ​​the names of the items of utensils - a pan, a plate, a spoon.


To develop the speech of children, the ability to imitate.

Develop an interest in playing nursery rhymes.

Develop fine motor skills.


To instill a love for oral folk art.

Cultivate a sense of kindness, responsiveness, desire to help.

Equipment: toys: magpie, goose, chicken, cockerel; dishes: saucepan, plate, table spoon, teaspoon; saucepans cut out of cardboard, on which double-sided tape is pasted; semolina.

Preliminary work: learning the nursery rhyme "Cockerel", learning the finger game "Magpie-white-sided cooked porridge ..."


In the group room, along the edge of the carpet, there are chairs according to the number of children. Children enter the group to greet the guests and sit on the chairs.

Educator:- Guys, look how many guests came to visit us. Would you like to visit Soroka-Beloboka today? (Yes)

Educator:- Guys, let's fly like birds and fly to Magpie-Belobok to visit. ( the music “Birds flew” sounds, children, imitating birds, wave their hands like wings and walk on the carpet)

(children sit on chairs)

Educator:- And here is the bird Magpie-Belobok. Let's say hello to her. Let's say: "Hello Magpie-Belobok!"

Educator:- Magpie-Beloboka

Jumped on the threshold

invited guests,

The guests heard

Be promised!

Educator: Do you hear someone coming? Who is it guys? (goose). Say "goose" all together. How does a goose cackle? (ha-ha-ha)

Educator:- And then someone else came. Who are these guys? (hen). Say "chicken" all together. (Children repeat after the teacher, the teacher asks 2-3 children to repeat the words individually). How does a chicken cackle? (Ko-ko-ko)

caregiver: - Look another guest has come. Who are these guys? (cockerel). (Children repeat after the teacher, the teacher asks 2-3 children to repeat the words individually). How does a cockerel crow? (Ku-ka-re-ku).

Educator:- Guys, let's show what kind of cockerel we have.

(Children get up from their chairs and show)

Our cockerel is loud, (stroke their neck)

In the morning he cries: (flapping arms like wings)
On his feet are his boots, (put foot forward, point at it with hands).
Earrings hang on the ears (touching their ears)

On the head - a scallop, (two palms together above the head).
That's what he is, a cockerel! (run hands over body from top to bottom)

(Children sit on chairs)

Educator:- It seems that all the guests have gathered. Now Soroka-Beloboka will treat. What will she feed? (children's answers)

Educator:- Magpie-white-sided will cook porridge, feed all the guests. And the porridge will be cooked in a saucepan, interfere with a large spoon. And when the porridge is cooked, he will put it on plates, give out small teaspoons to the guests, and they will eat delicious porridge.

Educator:- And what does Soroka-Beloboka cook porridge in? (in a saucepan) (the teacher shows the pan)

Educator:- And what prevents porridge? (spoon)

Educator:-What kind of spoon? (big) (the teacher shows a large spoon)

Educator:-What do they eat porridge from? (from a plate) (teacher shows a plate)

Educator:- What do they eat porridge with? (spoon)

Educator:- What kind of spoon - big or small? (small)

Educator: Yes, that's right, a small teaspoon. (the teacher shows a small teaspoon)

Educator:- Guys, let's help Soroka - Belobok cook porridge?

Educator:- Then we prepared our pots, took a large spoon and start cooking porridge.

Finger gymnastics "Magpie-Belobok".

Magpie-Beloboka (move finger across palm)

cooked porridge,

She fed all the guests.

I gave it, I gave it (bend fingers, starting with the big one)

I gave it, I gave it

And she didn't give it. (point to the little finger, stroke, tap on it)

He did not chop wood

Didn't turn on the stove

Didn't cook porridge.

Educator:- Now the meal is ready! (we connect two palms, like a plate). Eat guests porridge, it is very useful. Our children also eat porridge, so they are all so beautiful, healthy and strong.

Educator:- Magpie-Belobok, watered all the guests, fed them. Let's thank her and fly back to the kindergarten.

(the music “Birds flew” sounds, children, imitating birds, wave their hands like wings and walk on the carpet)

Educator:- Here we are with you and flew to kindergarten. Where were we? And who came to visit Soroka? What did Soroka treat the guests to?

Educator:- Let's cook a lot of porridge with you too. See how I cook. I take semolina and pour it neatly into a saucepan. That's how much porridge turned out. Get up, guys, and go to the table to cook porridge. (Children go to the tables and get to work)


    Akimov Yu.A. introduce preschoolers to the world around them. Junior group. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008

    Gerbova V. V. Classes on the development of speech in the first junior group of kindergarten.-M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010

    Gerbova VV Introducing children to fiction. Program and methodical recommendations. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005

Manakova R.S.

MOBU secondary school of the village of Amzya of the city district of Neftekamsk of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech

"To visit Mishka"

1 junior group (2-3 years old)


  1. Expand knowledge about the environment.
  2. To teach children to clearly, clearly, loudly pronounce familiar words denoting an object, its purpose (what this is for).
  3. Exercise children in the pronunciation of the sound "k". Encourage children to imitate the sounds of birds. Exercises for the development of auditory perception.
  4. Development of free communication with adults and children, mastery of constructive ways and means of interaction with others.
  5. The development of all components of children's oral speech: the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech - dialogic and monologic forms.
  6. Education of interest and love for reading, development of literary speech.
  7. Education of the desire and ability to listen to works of art, to follow the development of the action.


1. Visual


3. Practical


  1. verbal tricks (repeated pronunciation, explanation, instructions, question).
  2. Visual techniques (showing the position of the organs of articulation when teaching the correct sound pronunciation)
  3. Game techniques (can be verbal and visual).

Individual work with Yasmin, Yaroslav - the correct pronunciation of the sound “k”.



Educator: Guys, today we will go to visit Mishutka. Let's get on the train and let's go. Choo-choo-choo(children follow each other, the teacher is in front).

The song "Steam".The teacher sings, the children help.

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive
new, shiny,
He drove wagons
Like real.

Who is on the train?
Our kids
We went to visit
All kids to Mishka

Educator: We've arrived. Look, children, Mishka is sitting in the clearing and waiting for us. Let's say hello to Mishka: "Hello, Mishka, we have come to visit you!"

Bear: And I was waiting for you and prepared a surprise. Look what I have. What do you think it is? (box, sand, sandbox….)

Educator: Oh how beautiful. Guys, look at him. What's up, Mishka?

Bear: Sand, but it's not simple, it's magical. There are various toys hidden in it.

Educator: Guys, can we help Mishutka find them? Let's see what's there and tell Mishka how to play with toys.

Here's a wonderful box
He is a friend of all the guys.
We all really want
See what's there.

The teacher invites the child to look into the box and feel for the toy hidden in the sand.

Children take turns taking out a toy, show and tell how to play with this toy, what it is for.

The teacher asks leading questions, encourages the answers of the children, praises them. Summarizes answers (to coincide with toys games, songs, rhymes):

They eat soup and porridge from a bowl, feed our dolls.

They drink tea, coffee, milk, compote, juice from a mug.

Rattle can rattle(show, referring to Mishka and children).

You can shake the doll, put it to sleep, sing a song:

"Bye-bye, bye-bye, doll, close your eyes"

Bunny knows how to run and jump. What does a bunny have?

"Hare, bunny, little bunny, long ears, fast legs ..."

Bear. Look, Mishka, your friend, Mishutka. He is just as plump and clumsy and sucks his paw all winter.

How does he walk? Show me kids. What is his house like? What about the bunny?

Warm up:

The bear has a big house -children raise their hands

And the bunny has a small one - children squat

The bear is coming homechildren go imitating the bear

And behind him and a hare -children jump on two legs.

Brick - what? For what? What to build?(Children say: "path, garage, fence, house, etc.")

Bear says that he also knows how to build houses. Want to see what houses he built? Children - yes.


The bear shows the house.

Educator: Oh what a beautiful house. What colour? ( Red ) What does the house have?(Roof, door and window). Well done, Mishka.

And who lives in the house? Let's knock and say, "Knock, knock, knock." Who lives in the house?(Children repeat after the teacher)

(Heard: "Ku-ka-re-ku")Who's there guys? Who's screaming there? Cockerel-golden comb. Let's see(open the door and take out the cockerel).What kind of comb does he have? Let's show the cockerel(finger gymnastics).Here is his comb.

Our cockerel is loud
In the morning he shouts: "Hello!"

Let's fill the cockerel with grains. Peck, cockerel(children repeat: "Peck, peck").

Teddy bear shows another house(yellow) , the children say: "Knock-knock-knock, who lives in the house?"

Listen, who is this? Heard from the house ko-ko-ko. Who is this? Children say: "Chicken"(choral and individual answers, the teacher asks to repeat the sounds of imitation). Who else is squeaking? (Heard pi-pi-pi).

Children - "chickens". Let's see, open the doors. Right? Hen and chickens. What chickens? Yellow. What is the hen saying to them?(Co-co-co - don't go far). Make sure that all children clearly pronounce "ko-ko-ko." Let's feed them - the children show how. They feed the chicken, saying:

Pied hen - crumbs crumbled
Here are some patties: patties, patties.

The bear is still showing the house. What house?(Green like grass)Knock-knock-knock, who lives in the house?(Very loudly heard: "Ha-ha-ha-ha".)

Hey guys, who's there? - It's a goose.

Educator: how does he scream? Children all and individually: ha-ha-ha (open the door, look at the goose).

What goose? (White, and the beak is red).

How does he open his beak? Show with fingers(finger gymnastics).

The goose stands and cackles,
He probably wants to pinch.

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to return, let's thank the bear for the hospitality and say, thank you, Bear, for the toys. Guys, who did we see visiting the bear?

Cockerel - ku-ka-re-ku,

Chicken - ko-ko-ko,

Chickens - wee-wee-wee,

Goose - ha-ha-ha.

And now it's time for us

Let's go, kids!

Children get up like a train, wave to Mishutka: “goodbye”, leave.

The locomotive buzzed and the wagons drove.
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo, I will go far.


  1. From birth to school. Approximate basic educational program of preschool education, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.-3rd edition, corrected. and additional - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015.
  2. Valentina Gerbova - speech development classes in the first junior group of kindergarten. Lesson plans. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015
  3. We train fingers - we develop speech. O.I. Krupenchuk, St. Petersburg, Litera Publishing House, 2009
  4. Speech development in young children. E.A. Yanushko, M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009
  5. Cognitive-speech development of preschoolers in playing activities with sand "A fairy tale in the sandbox" Zhuravleva N. N. , Lebedeva L.V. , Kaushkal O. N. Publisher: Center for Teacher Education , 2014

Program content:

1. To teach children to write a story about a toy together with the teacher.

2. Continue to teach children with the help of analyzers to distinguish and name toys, their qualities.

3. To cultivate endurance, to form the ability to listen to the answers of their comrades.

4. Fix the pronunciation of the sounds "e - e - e". The sound combinations "pi - pi - pi", "woof - woof", "yoke - go", "meow".

5. Enrich the vocabulary of children with adjectives "big", "soft", "small", "fluffy".

Demo material

Toys - a dog, a horse, a cat, a bear, a hare, a chicken, a bee, a wonderful bag.


horse attributes.

preliminary work

Have a conversation, who recognizes the toy from the description. Consider the illustration with toys. Play the game "Find out and name."

The progress of the classes

Children sit in a semicircle, there is a knock on the door, the door opens - a bee flies in with a bag - "Zhu - zhu - zhu."

Bee:- Is this kindergarten?

Educator:- Yes!

Bee:- I flew to visit you, barely - barely flew. I'm tired of carrying the bag, and even cold, because it's winter outside, and in winter I'm sitting in my house. But I felt sad alone, so I flew to you to have fun, to remember the summer. In summer it is warm, light, green all around, there are a lot of grasses and flowers. Here I fly in the summer from flower to flower and read poems to myself:

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

I'm sitting on a flower

I'm sitting on a flower

And I repeat the letter "zh-zh-zh"

Well, guys, repeat w-w-w-w with me.

Children: W-w-w, w-w-w, w-w-w.

Bee:- So, children, well done, pleased me. For this I will feed you. But first, play with me. And our game is simple.

Educator: - Bee, what kind of game is this?

Bee:- This bag is not simple, there are a lot of toys in it. I will show the toy, and you, together with the teacher, tell us what you know about this toy.

Educator:- Guys, let's play?

Children:- Yes! (chorus)

Bee:- (takes out a toy - a cat). What is this toy?

Children:- Cat!

Educator:- Arina, tell the bee everything you know about the cat, and you guys, help.

Leading questions - children's answers.

Children:- The cat is fluffy, it has paws, a long tail, small ears, a soft skin and a mustache.

Educator:- Guys, let's repeat about the cat all together.

Bee:- Clever, Arina, knows a lot about a cat.

Educator:- Bee, and you listen to the nursery rhyme.

Like our cat

The coat is very good

Like a cat mustache

Amazing beauty.

Bold eyes, white teeth.

Here is our cat.

Bee:- Oh guys, look who it is? Fluffy, long ears.

Children:- Hare!

Educator:- Sasha. Tell the bee about the bunny, and you children, help

Children:- Bunnies have long ears. The tail is small, the coat is fluffy, the front legs are short, the hind legs are long. He lives in the forest.

Bee:- Guys, well - kA repeat all together.

Children:- (choir answers)

Bee: - What does the hare like?

Children:- Carrot!

Educator:- Bee, do you want to hear a verse about a bunny?

Lived, there was a bunny

Long ears.

Frostbitten bunny

Nose on the edge,

Frostbite ponytail

And went to visit

Warm up for the kids.

Bee:- Oh, smart little bunny! Guys, who is this?

Children:- Bear!

Educator:- Katya, tell the bee about the clubfoot bear, and you guys listen carefully.

(Guiding questions - children's answers).

Children:- He's big and chubby. Lives in the forest, collects cones. Likes honey.

Educator:- Guys, show me how big he is?

(children imitate, show the size, growth of a bear)

Kids, how does he growl?

Children:- uh-uh-uh-uh-uh.

Educator:- And let's show how a bear walks through the forest?

bear clumsy

Walks through the forest

Cones collects

And puts a pocket

Suddenly a bump fell

Mishka right in the forehead,

The bear got angry and kicked the top.

You see, bee, the kids are great, they know a lot about the bear.

Bee:- Look. Look, who is this?

Children:- Chick!

Educator:- Ksyusha, please tell us what you know about the chicken?

(Guiding questions - children's answers.)

Children:- The chicken is small, yellowish. He has wings, legs, beak, blue eyes.

Bee:- Guys, repeat again so that I remember how the chicken squeaks?

Children:- Wee-wee-wee.

Educator:- The chicken is small, he really wants to squeak quietly, we will help him in chorus! (choral answers).

Bee:- That's it - it's better, well done. Look at another toy, who is it?

Children:- Doggy!

Educator:- Masha, tell the bee and all of us about the dog.

(Guiding questions - children's answers.)

Children:- He has a tail, paws, ears, fangs and teeth.

Educator:- Bee, our dog does not bite, she is kind. She plays. Children, how does a dog bark?

Children:- Woof woof woof.

Bee:- Then I'll play with her too (stroking the dog).

The dog came to us

Squiggle tail,

The teeth are sharp, the fur is variegated.

There is a loud "Yoke-go, yoke-go."

Educator: Guys, have we forgotten anyone?

Children:- A horse! This is how she screams!

Bee:- Well - ka, well - ka show, everything, tell everything about her, everything, tell everything about her!

Educator:- Julia. Help me. Please tell me about the horse.

Children:- The horse has a mane, a long hairy tail, ears, legs.

Bee:- Julia, do you know the poem about the horse?

Educator:- Stop, stop, bee, we'll tell you a rhyme all together.

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I will stroke the tail with a comb.

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

Guys, and we still have small horses, let's jump too (the teacher distributes the attributes, the children go).

Hop, goop! The horse is alive

With a tail and a mane

He shakes his head

That's how beautiful!

Bee:- Guys, I really liked you, but I have to go home. Thank you very much! And here is a treat for you (the bee treats the children). I will not forget you, I will fly to you again. I flew, goodbye, w-w-w-w.

Topic: "Let's help the Cockerel to call the sun."

DOWNLOAD (mnemonic table)

Target: development of children's speech through small genres of oral folk art.


Educational: introduce children to the nickname.

Developing: contribute to the formation of intonation - expressive speech of children, develop attention, memory.

Educational: to cultivate responsiveness (desire to help the hero of the lesson).

Equipment and visibility:

toy bi-ba-bo Cockerel, grains, saucer, screen, mnemonic table for learning the incantation, tape recorder, audio recording of the words Cockerel, stickers "Sun", yellow hoop.

Lesson progress

  1. 1. Organizing time.

Hello guys! Let's greet you.

(I pronounce poetic lines and show movements, children repeat)

Hello palms,


hello legs,


Hello cheeks,


hello sponges,


Hello my nose

Hello guests! (spread hands, greet guests).

2 . Goal setting.

Oh guys, look what is this? (several grains on the floor). Let's collect grains. I wonder who came to us?

And also a note with a riddle. Listen carefully, try to guess it.

Tail with patterns

Boots with spurs

white feathers,

Red comb.

Who is that on the peg?(Cockerel.)

How does a rooster crow? Let's call him.

(Cockerel appears from behind the screen.)

Let's say hello to Rooster.

Hello, Petya-cockerel! (children repeat, the Cockerel crows)

Look how beautiful the Rooster is.

What is it with the Cockerel? (pointing to the head, scallop, beard, beak).

Let's tell Cockerel a nursery rhyme about him.

Cockerel, cockerel(hands down).

golden scallop(arms up to cross).

Butter head(show head).

silk beard(showing beard).

Don't let the kids sleep(hands on palms).

Cockerel, why don't you let the kids sleep?

Cockerel:- And this is me waking up the sun so that the children do not oversleep in kindergarten.

And why are you sad?

Cockerel:- I forgot the song that wakes up the sun.

What to do? Isn't the sun going to wake up today? Maybe we can help Rooster? But how? ... And let's introduce the Cockerel to a new song about the sun.

3. Physical Minute.

Children, do you know what the sun is like? Show. (large, warm)

Let's stand in a circle and show how the sun rises.

This is how the sun rises

Higher, higher, higher. (hands up, stretch)

By night the sun will set

Down, down, down. (squat down)

Good good,

The sun laughs. (clap hands, smile)

And under the sun we

It's fun to live. (Jump, hands on the belt)

4. Explanation of new material.

Now listen to the joke:

sun, sun,

Look out the window

Shine a little

I'll give you peas!

- Now we will repeat the joke. And miracle pictures will help us. Look. What do you see? Listen again as I speak.

Now together we will repeat together.

1. Sun, sun, look out the window.

2. Shine a little, I'll give you peas!

3. sun, sun,

Look out the window

Shine a little

I'll give you peas!

Ready to tell Cockerel? Let's try.

5. Fixing the new material.

Cockerel, now you try. (A phonogram sounds without the last line).

Did the Cockerel read the nursery rhyme correctly?

Who will help him?

Well, Cockerel, can you handle it now?

Cockerel:- I'll try. (the phonogram of the whole nursery rhyme sounds).

(The sun appears.)

Clap, kids!

6. Summing up.

Did we manage to help Petushka?

How can we help him?

Did you like the new song Petushka?

Cockerel:- Thank you guys, and I really liked the nursery rhyme. I promise I won't forget her. Goodbye my friends! (children say goodbye)

Guys, the sun wants to play with you. And you?

Russian folk game is being held "Carousel".

"Barely, barely, the carousels spun,

And then, then, then run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't run, stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two, that's the end of the game!"

Well done! The sun gives you its smile! (stickers)