Developing classes for children of 1 year of study. Methods of early development of children. The basis of the methodology is the freedom of the child

Your baby is already a year old. How much happiness he gave you in the first year of his life. He taught you to be patient, wise, merciful. 12 stages of infancy have been passed, and one can only be surprised at the fabulous metamorphoses that have occurred to the child during these 12 months.

The helpless silly child, who could only call for compassion with his cry, turned into an active, mobile, talking, curious baby with his own interests in the world around him. And you clearly begin to understand - this tiny little man does not live by bread alone. Knowledge of the environment is the essence of his spiritual, emotional and spiritual-cognitive existence: opening his eyes every morning, the child is ready for new achievements. The kid does not know how to live differently, his activity in the search for the unknown and the development of the environment has no boundaries. It is aimed primarily at you, because the baby cannot carry it out without your participation. Let the period of infancy be over. There is still so much new and beautiful in communication, contacts, playing with the baby. You need to give the baby the joy of early childhood, which the child enters after a year.

The main topics of the section
Children 1-2 years old:

1) Quarterly development of a child older than a year- motor skills, sensory development, emotional and social development games and exercises for each month, as well as tips for caring for a child

2) Development program for children 1-2 years old- four blocks: mathematics, logic, children's creativity, general development.

2) The main stages of child development 1-2 years- information that will allow you to better understand your baby.

3) Helpful information- everything about the health, nutrition of the baby, about his interaction with the environment.

Each block involves studying the material using several methods at once: puzzles, presentation, Smart Notebook. This approach allows you to make the learning process interesting for each child, since you can offer the child material in several forms (or use all at once). In addition, training according to our methodology makes it possible to connect several forms of information perception at once: visual, auditory, figurative. This leads to the fact that the child memorizes the material easier and faster. I recommend the topic "Logic" to start mastering after a year and a half. But the most important criterion for postponing or continuing education on one of the topics is the desire of the child, if he doesn’t like something and is not interested, you don’t need to force it, just take another topic.

The main stages of child development 1-2 years

Your baby goes through three important milestones in their second year of life.

Knowing about the developmental features of a child of this age, you will be able to help him move to a new level in a timely manner.

The first stage is 55 weeks.

(baby just over a year old)

Your child is going through a new stage in the development of thinking, he begins to develop his own methods for solving the processes taking place around him, learns to achieve results by influencing the world around him.

An assistant appears in your house, who starts vacuuming, washing dishes, doing laundry, he can bring something and carry it. There is a persistent desire to do some actions on their own. Each kid has his own - someone starts building towers, someone wants to undress and dress himself, and someone wants to eat or wash.

The child becomes more unpredictable, because sometimes you cannot understand what exactly he is trying to do at the moment. His games with toys become more complex, he sort of remasters them, discovering new qualities and functions.

In order to understand and assimilate new discoveries, the baby needs time. If up to a year, the time of adaptation to a new stage was not long, but now, due to the depth of changes, it increases and can last 4-5 weeks.

The child becomes more capricious, restless, constantly requires your attention. He again does not like strangers, and he hides from them. Some kids do not want to get away with it, they want to do everything with their mother. They become very jealous, and fight if it seems to them that their mother does not pay enough attention to them. During the transition period, sleep may be disturbed and appetite worsened. Sudden mood swings are also possible, he can be mischievous and go into a rage. In addition, your child suddenly starts doing things again that were characteristic of him at an earlier age.

Your main task in such a difficult time is to remain calm and help the baby calm down. You just have to be there so that he feels that the world around him is changing, but his mother is always with him, she loves him, understands, and will protect him if necessary. Feeling safe, the child will more easily and calmly move on to the next stage of development.

Second phase child development from 1 to 2 years- 64 weeks.

(child is slightly older than 1 year 3 months)

The second stage of child development is again associated with the development of thinking. It becomes more complex, mature. The child begins to think, create his own small programs, make changes to them and evaluate the results. He comprehends the basic principles of life. This is a very difficult and interesting period in a child's life.

On the one hand, the baby becomes more understandable, you see what he wants, it is clear to you what he is doing. Now, before doing something, the child begins to think and reflect.

And on the other hand, you will now need three times more patience in relation to the baby. Since, in order to learn the principles of life, he is constantly experimenting, including with you (And what will mom do if I draw on the wallpaper, turn over the garbage, tear the book, scatter everything around, I won’t go to bed, I won’t eat other options, I think that every mother has something to list). Why is he doing this? By no means is it intended to annoy you and piss you off, although that's exactly what it can show. In fact, the child is studying the reaction of the world around him to his actions. He learns what is good and what is bad, studies your character, finds out how his behavior affects the course of events (when he is obedient and not obedient).

Your competent behavior during this period will further facilitate the relationship with the child. It is at this time that you need to accustom the child to the rules of behavior, teach him to understand your prohibitions, show him the boundaries of what is permitted. As in the previous stage of development, during the transition period, the baby becomes more vulnerable, he is alarmed by the next changes and wants his mother to be there. You need to be patient with this. It may seem that the child should already behave better, and by demanding more adult behavior from him, you may encounter even more resistance from him. As a result, unnecessary quarrels may arise. Therefore, it is very important to know about the reasons for such behavior, it will help you to assess the situation with greater understanding.

After the transition period has passed, you will see that the child has become more active, more wise. He begins to play more on his own, more calm, observant. Now for him the most interesting occupation is to study and inspect everything new.

In order for you to help your child get used to the new stage faster, I will list the main “laws of life” that he masters during this period:

- “mine is yours” - learns that there are things that belong to him, and there are things of strangers, the fact of the presence of the latter is very upsetting for many. You need to explain to the child what “alien” is and teach him to share, change, return “not his own”. (Use for example role-playing games with his toys);

Rules of conduct, you must explain to the baby in a soft but categorical form what is possible and what is not. In order not to confuse the child, things and actions belonging to the category of "impossible" must be determined once and for all. Those. if you forbid something, then you should always forbid it, and if today it is possible, but tomorrow it is impossible, then very soon you will encounter such a phenomenon as hysteria, as the child will protest: why is it impossible today, if yesterday it was possible;

Will, the child increasingly has a desire to do everything in his own way, you must teach him to understand that everything is not always possible at once, and that others also want something (again, role-playing games with his toys will help);

Help, the child learns to demand and ask, and, based on your reaction, develops tactics of behavior, so help him choose the right option for asking for help;

Thrift and accuracy - learns to handle objects carefully, you must demonstrate the correct techniques with your behavior (put things in their place and his, take the mug carefully so that the water does not spill);

Negotiations - learns to negotiate, so far only at the level of "yes" and "no", your respect for his opinion helps to increase his self-esteem;

Requests - likes to fulfill simple requests, involve him in household chores and praise him if he does something good.

Third stage child development from 1 to 2 years- 75 weeks.

(child is almost 1.5 years old)

From about 71 weeks, your baby begins to prepare for a new stage in his development. The world around him begins to change again, and in order to cope with new impressions and emotions, he again needs a reliable and faithful support. Again, there is an increased need for a mother. A period of irritability and capriciousness begins, which lasts 3-4 weeks.

What will happen in the perception of your baby after he calms down. You will notice that the child began to think and act differently, as he discovered a new world for himself, he learns the world of the system.

The self-consciousness of the child develops, he is aware of his own "I". The kid begins to understand that he, mom and dad, is a family, that you have a house, that other people have a different house, that he has things and he manages them. The sphere of interests of the child characterizes his inclinations. Someone begins to draw with enthusiasm, another to dance or listen to music. This is an excellent time to discover your child's uniqueness and individuality, in order to help him further develop his abilities. Your main task is to give the baby as much information as possible about the diversity of the world around him.

You will also notice that the child has become less self-centered, he learns to pity others, to show compassion for them. Fantasy is actively developing, the baby is engaged in natural science, begins to independently build and design. He still checks the boundaries of what is permitted in everything, which will require special patience from you.

Many babies during this period pay special attention to small details and like everything to be in its place, this is a very convenient time to get to know.

Another important moment of this phase of the child's development is related to the fact that he has an understanding that if he stops seeing something, this does not mean that it ceases to exist. People and objects cease to disappear without a trace after he loses sight of them. The kid realized that objects can move (and not disappear), and begins to look for them.

So they blew out the first candle with the baby on his birthday. A personality is formed. The second year of life is a serious stage. Already from this age it is necessary to pay due attention to development. The child no longer only eats and sleeps, he actively learns the world around him. How to develop a child at 1 year old in such a way that he is interested, that he listens to you with pleasure, repeats game actions? What at this age the kid will really perceive with enthusiasm? Let's take a closer look.

Features of the development of a child from 1 year

During the first year of his life, the baby has already mastered many lessons, but he still has much more to learn. There are a lot of discoveries, emotions, skills ahead. Parents should be the first helpers along the way. At this age, on the way to everything unknown and new, the child may have certain fears and doubts. The question of how to develop a child at 1 year old is faced by many mothers, fathers, and grandmothers.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. Be always there, help the baby, devote more time to developing games and activities. Children at this age have natural wisdom, they have an irrepressible craving for knowledge. In many ways, they simply begin to imitate adults, so set examples that will encourage the baby to learn something new.

Many children by the age of one already begin to walk, after two months they move quite quickly and even run. The growth of the organism during this period slows down a little, all resources are spent on the development of all systems. In this period, it is necessary to focus on sports developmental activities for children 1-2 years old to form dexterity, proper coordination of movements. Exercises on the Swedish wall, ball games, simple gymnastics, exercises, swimming in the pool or bath are suitable. Do not limit physical activity at this age. The kid should run around freely, show a craving for research, get to know the world around him, and communicate with people.

Start with your baby as early as possible

How early should you start developing comprehensive knowledge in a child? The debate on this issue is endless. Someone claims that the baby should gradually learn everything himself, all the necessary knowledge will come to him gradually. Opponents of this point of view object that development should be started from the first year of life, as soon as the baby has an interest in the world around him. Supporting this theory, teachers create books, manuals that develop pictures for children from 1 year old.

The only unequivocal opinion is that children under the age of five are like a blank sheet of paper. Their active brain is ready to memorize huge amounts of information. So why not take advantage of this fact? In addition to self-care skills, help your child to better understand the world around them, teach them to distinguish colors, shapes, and plants. Feed his brain with useful information.

Development centers for children from 1 year old

Many parents who are interested in early education are familiar with the Montessori system. She reveals the secrets to parents on how to develop a child at 1 year old. This system was created at the beginning of the 20th century by the Italian teacher Maria Montessori. Its supporters appeared in many other countries.

What is this system? At the beginning, Maria Montessori paid more attention to those children who lagged behind in development, but over time, her methods began to be applied in the upbringing of completely healthy children. Psychologists and teachers use this technique to teach a child to make independent decisions, to be independent in actions and judgments, but at the same time to comply with generally accepted norms and rules.

It should be noted that in such groups, children do not have ordinary toys (dolls, cars, pistols). But you can see educational toys for children from 1 year old - these are puzzles, cubes, sorters, musical instruments. The Montessori system makes it possible for the child to develop self-service skills, he learns to eat, drink, play, dress.

At home, parents must adhere to these principles, and then there is a guarantee that the baby will become a self-sufficient person. From childhood, he will be instilled with the skills of proper communication in society. Such a child can easily cope with any situations and get out of them with dignity.

In Moscow, there are development centers for children from 1 year old that work according to this method, these are Montessori Garden, Steps, Early Development Club and some others.

Games for children 1 year old

It is in the second year of life that the baby begins to settle into social society. Learns to play with mom, sister or brother. Growing up, he finds friends on the playground, the social circle expands. He enjoys looking at new people, listening to them, watching the games of others, trying to participate.

Games for children 1 year old should be quite diverse. Develop motor skills. Under the supervision of adults, set several tasks: sorting something small, you can take large beads, nuts, chestnuts, pompoms. Items can be of different colors, textures. Let the child arrange them in the desired cells or trays.

Oversleeping, transfusion develops spatial thinking in the baby. In the bathroom, give the child the opportunity to play, let him pour water from one container to another. You can also play with kinetic sand or with any grits. This will develop perseverance, concentration. Everyone remembers the "silent kid" who got to the bag of flour.

Buy educational pictures for children from 1 year old. They will allow you to learn to recognize various objects. Draw more often with the baby, give him the opportunity to create on his own. Let him not succeed in a masterpiece, but the process itself will give him great pleasure. Let him draw with anything - pencils, paints, chalk. Do not forget about outdoor games, do physical exercises, show how to walk in place, squat, throw balls.

What to play?

Often, parents cannot understand what kind of toys at this age to buy for a baby, and offer him everything in a row. You don't have to do that. At this age, the child is not able to make an independent choice and does not pay long attention to one thing. It is best to purchase educational toys for children from 1 year old, which will help the baby not only play, but at the same time think, think, make decisions.

These can be cubes, various pyramids, large puzzles, a constructor, sorters with animals, vegetables, fruits, a large magnetic, plastic or wooden mosaic. For general development, different baby dolls, dolls, cars are suitable. Sometimes an educational cartoon for children from 1 year old can throw the idea of ​​a new toy. Toddlers love to play with characters from their favorite stories. At the same time, they develop their imagination and come up with the plots of the game themselves.

Get creative

As soon as the baby learned to sit, took a vertical position, he realized that he had a huge, interesting world in front of him. It became even more interesting to him when he took the first steps. A mother must constantly look for sources of knowledge for her child. Creativity can be a great help.

From an early age with children, you can not only draw. Engage in modeling, make applications, assemble a designer, learn together to make images from a mosaic, allow him to participate in the process, encourage his impulses of creativity.

Similar classes are practiced in Moscow by developing circles for children from 1 year old. "Mosaic", "Rainbow", "Anthill" are very popular with mothers. A lot of safe material has been created for the unthinking, and this allows them to develop their creative abilities: kinetic sand, finger paints, safe plasticine. Many practice modeling from dough, which is tinted with food paints.

We develop fine motor skills

The nerve endings that are responsible for the coordination of the fingers are located in the brain, in close proximity to the center responsible for speech. Therefore, any finger games will help the baby start talking faster.

How to develop the motor skills of a 1 year old child? Give the baby a light massage of the palms, fingers, while diluting the mechanical strokes with various nursery rhymes, songs. See how he likes it.

You can give assignments. Play with beads. Try to teach your baby to throw them into the neck of a plastic bottle, and then take them out. In no case do not leave him alone with small objects, he may accidentally swallow them.

Make the tasks harder gradually. A curious activity for children will be pushing pasta and other thin objects into the holes of the colander.

Buy a developing table for children from 1 year old, it provides games for fine motor skills.

At this age, children love to play with dough. Let your baby "help" you in the kitchen. Let him play with the dough and mold anything out of it, imitating you, roll balls, pancakes. All these entertainments are not only interesting, but also very useful.

Choosing a development table

A developing table for children from 1 year old is usually equipped with a set that will allow the baby to fully develop. The kit includes the following items:

  • levers and multi-colored buttons, when pressed, music sounds;
  • details reproducing the voices of animals, the sounds of musical instruments;
  • light elements;
  • moving figurines.

All this diversity allows the child to develop hearing, taste buds, touch (listening, biting, touching beautiful buttons). At first glance, it may seem that the baby does not understand anything. However, at this age, the “accumulative effect” works perfectly, and soon the child will repeat without errors all the actions that the elders showed him.

Since it is easier to develop a child at 1 year old with improvised means, we advise parents to buy such a table. It will allow you to develop fine and gross motor skills, master the size of different objects, distinguish between the voices of animals, develop speech, hearing, have fun and play at the same time.

Cartoons. Communication with peers

In the second year of life, the child is just beginning his acquaintance with the outside world, so watching TV should not take him much time. You can watch cartoons at this age for a very short time, and, of course, the plots must be appropriate. Limit screen time, don't let watching become the only pleasure and entertainment. Choose an educational cartoon for children from 1 year old wisely and with the right approach. Modern rental offers a huge number of children's cartoons, both Russian and foreign. Give preference to our "cartoons", their kind and informative stories will interest the baby. The generation of "Pokemon" and "monsters" has already led our society to the fact that children simply moved to live in gaming networks. It's time to stop this. From an early age, begin to limit your baby's views and strictly control his tastes in the future. For children of 1 year old, such educational cartoons as “Leva the Truck”, “Tini Love”, “Aha-Aha Turtle”, “Aunt Owl” are perfect. Useful at this age are displays that will help you remember colors, numbers, letters, names of objects and animals.

Do not forget that the harmonious development of the child can only occur in communication with peers. Do not close the baby in the apartment, do not limit his communication with mom, dad, grandparents. The child should get used to society, the process of learning about the world around him goes much faster this way. Playing with peers, the baby learns something useful and new. Visit playgrounds, development centers, game rooms with him.


Conducting developmental classes for children 1-2 years old, no doubt you need to read books to them, show pictures. At this age, children absorb all the information provided like a sponge. Although their speech is not yet developed, everything new is accumulating in the brain. Soon the acquired knowledge will pour out. You need to tell the kids, show, explain absolutely everything. Toddlers are very interested in looking at books that they have already encountered in their lives. Therefore, they begin to love them at an early age.

Basically, books for one-year-olds are somewhat similar. They do not abound with text, the main thing in them is colorful, beautiful pictures. There is an acquaintance with the outside world: family, toys, animals, seasons, colors, plants. How to choose a specific book? Listen to your own opinion. According to the content, based on your artistic taste, you can choose anything. As for the technical points, then:

  • Illustrations must be of high quality. The text is as small as possible.
  • Preference for short poems, fairy tales. The child will not be able to listen for a long time if the text is very large, he will quickly lose interest.
  • The book must be completely secure. Do not buy dubious publications that have a pungent smell, washed out colors. This can harm the baby's health.

It is difficult to single out the “best” educational books for a child of 1 year old. The modern market is overfilled with this product. You can give preference to our old, well-established fairy tales, which were loved in every family. But not the fact that the same thing should please your baby. Modern children differ in many ways from older generations in their development, so watch your child and note for yourself what he prefers.

It would seem that quite recently, parents brought from the hospital a small bundle, in which there was such a long-awaited baby. He still couldn't do anything on his own. And after twelve months, adults see a small personality in front of them: the baby already knows how to walk or is trying to take his first steps, pronounces individual words and shows character. After all, a one-year-old child is already a person, with his own desires and requirements. Doctors do not tire of repeating that each child is individual and the pace of development of babies may vary. But the World Health Organization has developed norms and standards within which the baby should fit at the age of one. Let us consider in more detail what a child should be able to do at twelve months. What are the signs that you need to see a doctor.

Features of the physical development of boys and girls

By the year the baby makes a big leap in physical development. Some children begin to walk on their own, others fearfully master the first steps. At the same time, babies continue to actively crawl, for them this method of movement is more familiar and faster. It is on all fours that the child fully feels his body and can control it.

Experts point out that parents should not worry if the baby does not walk on its own even in a year. But the baby must confidently stand and walk at the support, hand in hand with adults. If at twelve months the child does not try to perform these actions, this is an occasion to consult a doctor for advice.

By the age of one, babies are very inquisitive, they know how to sit down and get up, they can climb onto a sofa or bed and get off it. Many parents notice that by the age of one, children are very interested in music, they have an excellent sense of rhythm and, to the sounds of songs, they begin to sway from side to side. Despite the fact that each baby is individual and the timing when he masters new skills and abilities may differ, there are generally recognized norms for the physical development of children. A child develops according to age if by twelve months he can:

  • sit independently, confidently holding your back;
  • actively crawling: Doctors warn that some children skip the crawling stage and immediately begin to sit down and then stand up. This is also considered a variant of the norm. Such babies can master crawling after they take their first steps;
  • climb on the bed, climb the stairs;
  • to stand up independently, stand with and without support;
  • walk with support or hand in hand with an adult;
  • drink from a cup with the help of parents and make attempts to perform this action on their own, eat from a spoon with mother's help;
  • shift objects from place to place, collect your toys, point to an object of interest to the child.

Some children are already walking on their own by the age of one. But experts point out that if the child did not go by himself at twelve months, this is not a reason to panic. Normally, babies begin to take their first steps by themselves by 1.2 years.

By the first anniversary, a baby has an average of 8 teeth. But this figure is approximate: some children erupt 4-6 milk teeth, while others can boast of having as many as 12 assistants to chew food.

Sleep and rest time at twelve months

The daily routine of the child also changes: the baby is more awake than sleeping. Night sleep takes 11 hours, and during the day the baby rests only 3 hours, which are distributed over two daytime sleeps. Some children already at this age switch to one daytime sleep. Dr. Komarovsky explains that this is not a deviation from the norm, but the individual needs of the body. The fact is that babies who go to sleep late at night wake up later in the morning, so they don’t need rest in the morning. The body has enough daytime sleep in the afternoon.

If the child is active, has a good appetite and develops according to the norms, then one daytime sleep is enough for him. Dr. Komarovsky recommends listening to the needs of the baby and not forcing him to sleep twice a day.

Height and weight of the baby depending on gender - table

Height and weight are the main indicators that confirm that the child is developing according to the norms. From birth, every month, the doctor and nurse evaluate the baby's gain in centimeters and grams. A lack of body weight in children under one year old can signal anemia, problems in the digestive and endocrine systems, as well as disorders of the central nervous system.

Experts draw the attention of parents to the fact that a constant lack of weight, which leads to a lack of body weight in the child, can cause a lag in the physical and mental development of the baby.

Basic reflexes, skills and abilities of a child at 1 year old

For children of different ages, there are parameters of psychological, mental and speech development. Every mother compares her child with others. And if her baby is lagging behind according to some criteria, he immediately rushes to the doctor. Experts warn that the pace of development depends on the temperament of the crumbs, as well as on the genetic predisposition. Therefore, the doctor at the appointment evaluates the skills that the baby has acquired by the year, his height and weight, and explains to the parents whether it is worth worrying or whether there is time to wait a little for the child to master new skills.

Psychological and emotional development of a one-year-old baby

It is at this age that the baby begins to show character. Some parents are perplexed: only yesterday the child was completely obedient, did not throw tantrums, and today he simply cannot be recognized. Child psychologists explain this behavior as the first psychological crisis. The baby is exploring the boundaries of what is permitted: the baby can ignore the word “no” and throw a tantrum on every occasion.

Psychologists explain that parents should not allow a small child to manipulate themselves. At this age, children understand that crying can achieve what they want. Adults must clearly define the boundaries, if something is forbidden to the baby, you need to stand your ground, even when he cries and hysteria. Over time, children understand that a parental ban cannot be canceled with tears.

This behavior can last up to six months. At this time, parents need to be patient in order to explain to the baby why certain things are not allowed. In a year, he already understands well what can and cannot be done. Can recognize praise and also reacts when scolded for wrongdoings. The child understands when he is asked to bring or serve something. Distinguishes between parents and acquaintances: joy appears on the face at the sight of mom and dad.

At the age of twelve months, communication is important for a child. He learns to communicate with his peers. The kid is no longer so afraid of strangers, but the mother remains the most important person for him. The presence of mom calms the baby, he feels safe. Child psychologists recommend parents to teach children to communicate in the company of peers. It is at this age that it is possible to explain to the child that toys can be shared, that peers cannot be offended. Early development schools are great for social adaptation, where the baby will study in a group with other children.

How to determine if the psychological development of a child is normal - video

Learning to speak: baby's speech development

Children at twelve months old can pronounce the simplest words: mom, dad, woman, give, am, lala and others. The baby's vocabulary already has 10-20 words, although the child does not pronounce many of them completely, they lack some sounds. But he tries to repeat the words after his parents, and over time, the vocabulary will expand.

Some children do not speak in a year, or their vocabulary is limited to two or three words. If the doctor does not see any developmental abnormalities, this situation may be due to the genetic predisposition and temperament of the child. But parents should pay attention to the development of speech, read more fairy tales to the baby, often talk to him. During the game, you can explain each action and name objects.

The child with the help of words is already trying to tell something to the parents. For example, when he sees a car, he can say “bee-bee”, or ask him to give an object or toy of interest to him: “give”. The kid is trying to voice his requests and discontent. At this age, his facial expressions and intonation are well developed: what the baby cannot express with the help of words, he tries to say with the intonation of his pronunciation.

How to develop a baby's speech

  • read stories and fairy tales every day;
  • look at pictures and illustrations in books, while naming each object, animal, etc., clearly pronouncing the name;
  • explain to the baby all actions and situations: for example, while bathing, you can tell him that this is water, and this is soap, etc .;
  • the occasion of children's songs: a child at this age loves music very much, this also develops a sense of rhythm;
  • develop fine motor skills: scientists have proven that such activities directly affect the mental development of the baby, including the formation of speech.

How to help a baby learn to speak: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

Development of motor skills of the child

  • collect your toys in a place: in a play corner or a toy basket;
  • pick up objects with two fingers;
  • play on your own for half an hour;
  • collect the pyramid;
  • put a cube on a cube;
  • play with the ball: tries to throw it into a box or basket.

If parents notice that the child does not show interest in toys, the ball, cannot hold objects in his hands, this is a reason to seek advice from a pediatrician and a neurologist. One of the reasons may be hyper- or hypotonicity of the muscles. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and give recommendations.

Joining the Beautiful: Musical Development

According to psychologists, attention should be paid not only to the physical and mental, but also to the musical development of the child. At the age of twelve months, he already has a sense of rhythm, he is interested in moving to music, listening to children's songs and funny notes. Many children love playing toy musical instruments: they like to play sounds, to make sounds. Music has properties to relax and soothe: the sounds of nature have a positive effect on the nervous system of the child.

Musical development is simply necessary for children. Music affects the active processes in the brain, and also has a positive effect on the development of thinking, memory and attention.

Often, doctors recommend using music as a healing therapy. For example, neurologists prescribe children with hyperactivity to turn on the sound of water, the sounds of dolphins in order to calm the nervous system and relax the baby. Psychologists recommend turning on music to the child every day. It doesn't have to be classical, it can be children's songs or nature noises. The main thing is that the baby likes music. But do not overload your baby's hearing: 10-20 minutes a day is enough to listen to music.

Norms and terms of child development - video

Necessary activities: how to develop, what to teach a child at this age

A child cannot develop independently, he needs help, prompting, and most importantly, creating comfortable conditions. Doctors warn that parents should pay equal attention to physical and mental development so that the baby develops harmoniously.

Sports are a must

From birth, doctors insist that in order to strengthen the muscles of the crumbs, it is necessary to do massage and gymnastics. Although a child is already more independent in a year, you should not give up physical exercises. After waking up, it is recommended to do gymnastics, which will cheer you up, set you up for an active pastime. In the evening you can have a relaxing massage.

  • walks in the fresh air, games on sports grounds, as well as exercises with the ball are obligatory;
  • if possible, you can install a sports complex for the baby at home. Doctors are only for if the child is introduced to sports from an early age. This perfectly strengthens the muscles, is the prevention of problems with the spine;
  • useful swimming in the pool. You can work with an instructor or on your own. Hydromassage is also very useful for the general condition of the body, as well as strengthening the muscles of the whole body;
  • Fitball exercises are not only popular with children, but also useful for training the vestibular apparatus.

Fitball exercises for a one-year-old baby - video

Development of fine motor skills

The development of fine motor skills plays a huge role for a child at the age of one year. It is at this time that the baby becomes more active and inquisitive. And the task of parents is to direct his interest in the right direction. Today, adults can enroll a baby in classes at children's development centers, where experienced teachers will work with them. Also, parents can independently develop a training program in order to perform various exercises with the child at home.

There are author's methods that are developed for children of different ages. Parents can engage in one method or choose individual tasks that are interesting to the baby. The most popular today are the methods of Maria Monessori, Glenn Doman and the Nikitins.

Fine motor skills exercises - video

Teachers and child psychologists say that at twelve months you can do with a baby:

  • modeling: plasticine, salt dough, or a special mass for modeling perfectly develop imagination, thinking and fine motor skills;
  • sand and water games: children are interested in learning different shapes. Liquid can be poured from one container to another. And from the sand to make different figures or castles. Today, there is a special kinetic sand on sale that does not leave stains and you can play with it at home when it’s cold outside and you can’t go to the sandbox;
  • exercises with a business board: hard or soft development boards, rugs or books will definitely interest the child. Details and elements that are fixed on business boards perfectly develop fine motor skills, patience, logic, thinking and attention;
  • drawing: the development of creative abilities affects speech development. You can begin to introduce the baby to the brush and paints, if the baby is not interested in this way of drawing, it is recommended to try finger paints;
  • construction toys: for children of this age, there are large blocks on sale that they will not be able to swallow.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that children must be dealt with. But there are certain rules: classes must be held in a playful way, and also only if the child wishes. If the baby is naughty and does not want to do the exercises, it is better to postpone the classes to a later time or another day.

Early child development: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

One year old baby care

Cleanliness is the key to health. This phrase is familiar to everyone since childhood. A one-year-old baby requires special care, because he still cannot perform many actions on his own.

Water procedures

Water procedures are obligatory: in the morning it can be a light shower, during which the mother washes the child, brushes her teeth, ears and nose. In the evening it is better to take a bath and for at least 30-40 minutes the baby can swim and play in the water.

Pediatricians and dermatologists warn that when bathing a child, you need to use special shampoos or soaps designed for children of this age. Adult shower gels can cause an allergic reaction, irritation, or excessive dryness of baby's delicate skin.

How to bathe a baby - video

How to properly dress a child

Another important point is the right choice of clothes:

  • things should be made from natural materials to allow the skin to breathe and not cause allergic reactions;
  • you should not dress the baby too warmly: in children, thermoregulation is different from adults, so the child should be dressed according to the weather;
  • clothing should be comfortable: it cannot be too tight or loose. A small margin is allowed so that the baby can move freely.

Walks in the open air

At any age, a child is useful for walking on the street. Pediatricians recommend walking even in bad weather, the exceptions are severe frosts, below -15 degrees, and showers. The rest of the time you need to be outside for at least two hours a day. In good weather, it is recommended to spend one of the daytime naps in the fresh air. This is very beneficial for the baby's health.

Do not forget about the fresh air in the room where the child sleeps. The room should be frequently ventilated and wet cleaned at least twice a week. If there are indoor plants in the nursery, make sure that they cannot cause allergies in the baby, otherwise the flowers should be removed from the room.

Baby and walks - video

Baby food at twelve months

At the age of one year, the child already eats not only breast milk or formula, but also many solid foods in the form of purees or juices. The baby takes food 4-5 times a day, with an interval of 3-4 hours. Children at this age have an average of eight teeth, so chewing skills are actively developing. Parents should help the child learn to chew, for this you can not grind the dishes into mashed potatoes, but leave small pieces. On sale there are special cereals for training the chewing reflex.

The nutrition of the baby should be balanced, the menu includes:

  • meat and fish purees;
  • vegetable dishes;
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese and kefir, yogurt;
  • yolk;
  • butter and vegetable oil are added to dishes;
  • fruit purees and juices;
  • porridge.

All dishes are steamed or boiled. It is strictly forbidden to give a child at this age smoked and fried foods, because the unformed gastrointestinal tract is not able to eat food prepared in this way. Pediatric gastroenterologists warn that it is too early to transfer children to a common table.

Pediatrician's advice on nutrition for a 9-12 month old baby - video

Children develop every day. A child in a year is very inquisitive, strives to learn as much as possible new things, and also repeats everything after adults. Experts do not stop repeating that it is necessary to deal with the baby. A properly planned daily routine will allow you to allocate time in order to have time to walk with the baby, conduct developmental activities, eat on time, and also leave time for rest. Attention should be paid not only to mental development, but also not to forget about physical exercises. The child must develop comprehensively.

Early development is one of the most popular phrases in the discussion of children and their achievements to a certain age today. Every mom wants her child to be the smartest, most developed and stand out from their peers. How to achieve this? How to unleash the natural intellectual potential of the crumbs and not harm him with excessive loads? How to organize classes on early development in children up to a year correctly and by what method?

What is "early development"

Many are familiar with the phrase "early development", but not everyone clearly understands what it is. A huge number of myths hovers around a variety of techniques. Raising a child in this vein has both fans and those who are sharply negative. In fact, everything is not as difficult and scary as it seems at first glance.

Early development is an integrated approach to raising a child, when games, activities and communication in the family are aimed at maximizing the mental and physical potential of the baby. Moreover, these classes should not be started from 3-4 years old, as was customary before, but right from the first months of life.

Myths about the early development of babies up to a year

  1. It is difficult for children under one year old to convey any information, so some classes and techniques are simply meaningless.
  2. This is fundamentally wrong! Yes, children of the first year of life are more based on feelings than on reason, but they can be taught many things. Classes will greatly contribute to psychomotor development, which, in turn, will have a great effect on the physical and intellectual skills of the child.
  3. Early development is dangerous for children under one and a half to two years of age.
  4. Again, this is not entirely true. Any danger can be associated with a mother's fanatical desire to develop her child by any means and give him encyclopedic knowledge. Overloading, indeed, can be dangerous for the crumbs. But if classes are not imposed on the baby by force and do not take a lot of time, then they will not bring anything but good.
  5. Early development is very difficult.

There is nothing complicated! You just need to play with children, as mothers do every day. Only games and activities should be chosen such that they not only allow you to have fun, but also teach something to the baby, and also develop his psyche, motor skills, sensory skills, and allow him to learn about the world around him.

What method of early development to choose for a newborn

Methods of early development are very diverse, among them it is not easy to choose one. But this is not required. You can get acquainted with all and choose what is most interesting and comfortable for both the child and the parents.

You can develop your baby using one method or make a “hodgepodge” of several. Some mothers prefer to independently choose activities and games for the crumbs based on the materials studied. The main thing is to focus on how the child reacts to classes.

If the baby likes it and takes part in educational games with pleasure, then everything is in order and you can continue learning. But in the case when the mother sees that the child is having a hard time, he cannot understand the meaning of the lesson or is bored, which he is not interested in, then development methods should be more carefully selected.

When it comes to the development of newborn babies, there are several main methods:

Early Montessori Development

The motto of this technique is "Teach me so I can do it myself!". But in the case of babies, the approach is slightly different. For children of the first year of life, the development of sensory is important - the development of the sense organs, which helps a person to perceive and evaluate the world around them. In many ways, this is exactly what Montessori classes for babies under the age of one are aimed at.

It is not at all necessary to look for and buy special Montessori materials and training manuals that will help organize classes with the baby. All auxiliary educational "toys" can be made independently or purchased at a regular children's supermarket

Classes for this system can be the following:

"Letters and Numbers"

You will need large (from the palm of an adult) letters and numbers from textured and bright fabrics (felt, terry cloth, velvet). They need to be sewn in the form of pillows and filled with various fillers - synthetic winterizer, cereals, paper, sawdust, foam balls, fur, etc. It is necessary to give these pads to the child and each time clearly pronounce the name of the letters and numbers.

Feeling them, the baby will develop fine motor skills, color perception, and in the future it will be much easier for him to learn the alphabet, reading and counting, because the letters and numbers will already be familiar to the child.

Such classes with a newborn can begin from the first or second month of life. Just put a letter or number in your baby's hand. You can do this several times throughout the day. Further, when the child himself reaches for objects and picks them up, you can put him on his tummy and lay out educational material around him.

This will also contribute to physical development, because in order to get to the most interesting letter, he will have to stretch or try to crawl a few centimeters.

Games with semolina

You don't need to prepare for this activity at all. It is enough to put the baby on the floor, put a tray or lay newspapers in front of him and pour semolina in an even layer. Now you can draw patterns on it, feel it, pour it around, try it on your tongue, write letters and numbers with your finger.

Glen Doman Method

This technique is based on a combination of the physical and mental development of the child. In the case of children, one is inseparable from the other, therefore, it is necessary to harmoniously combine classes that are aimed at the psychomotor development of children under one year old, as well as the disclosure of their intellectual potential.

Doman in his research found that the more a child moves, the more successfully he masters any new knowledge and skills. The potential of the brain and body of the baby is huge, you just need to help him realize himself.

Any lesson according to the Doman method should last only a few minutes, the child should in no case get tired

The technique is based on the demonstration of cards on which various images, letters, numbers, photos are applied. Cards are shown in several pieces in turn, the names of the objects depicted in the pictures are carefully pronounced. Such classes are held several times a day, and the rest of the time should be occupied by active outdoor games aimed at physical development. Thanks to such activities, children easily learn the alphabet, counting, names of household items, world attractions, foreign words.

Of course, you should not start dealing with cards from birth. This is too early. It is better to start classes from 9-10 months of age. To begin with, you can put household items (a chair, a table, a plate, a glass), animals (a cat, a dog, a hare), toys (a ball, a pyramid, a typewriter) on the cards. With age, you can expand and complicate the areas of study, enter the alphabet and numbers, words in Russian and foreign languages. Great importance should be given to the physical development of the child, choosing outdoor games with the ball, walking more on the street, actively teaching the baby to crawl and walk.

Drawing technique by Maria Gmoshinskaya

"Baby drawing" is a very popular technique that has been known and practiced in European countries for decades. According to this method, children begin to draw from the age of six months or even earlier, provided that the child sits well. For this, fingers, palms, legs and bright safe non-toxic paints are used.

Such classes very well help to develop the child creatively, positively influence the psycho-emotional development of the personality, and also contribute to the development of fine motor skills and sensory skills.

You can entertain and educate a child with the help of "baby drawing" 2-3 times a week

For the lesson, you will need non-toxic high-quality paints of several bright colors, which should be special, liquid enough to paint without adding water (you can use SES, Stilla), as well as:

  • convenient containers for paints (stable jars with a wide mouth);
  • a large sheet of drawing paper (the more the better);
  • oilcloth to spread it under the "artist" and his creation.

Before starting work, you need to spread an oilcloth on the floor, lay out the paper in such a way that it does not curl into a tube, you can press down the ends with something heavy. Arrange jars of paint nearby. Then you need to show the baby what to do. To do this, dip your finger in paint and draw something on paper. Then the child will act on his own.

No need to try to teach him to draw something specific, you can not suppress impulses of self-expression. Let the baby draw what he wants, with any colors, using all parts of the body. If you want to set an example, then you can draw something next to the child, but do not force him to do the same.

Method Cecile Lupan

Cecile Lupan's technique for children of the first year of life is based on the development of the child's basic feelings, the formation of his physiology and psycho-emotional background. At the same time, she does not insist on the use of any special methodological materials and devices.

All classes can be carried out in a daily environment with familiar objects. You can start developing a child according to the Lupan system from the first month of life.

The physical development of the child is based on daily gymnastics, active bathing with a circle around the neck, massage, as well as games that stimulate motor skills - crawling and walking.

  • Hearing you need to develop by constantly talking with the baby, turning to him, you also need to actively use songs, poems, fairy tales.
  • Vision develops with the help of bright rattles, hanging toys for the crib and stroller. For babies from six months old, you can use cards with various objects (images must be color and black and white). Also in the crib, you can fix a small mirror so that the baby can see himself in it.
  • Touch develops with the help of objects that are different in shape, texture, size. You can buy various toys or make bags of different fabrics with your own hands, filling them with various fillers (sugar, fur, shreds, cotton wool, peas, etc.).
  • Smell can be developed by letting the child sniff various sachets of natural herbs (here you need to be careful, if the baby is allergic or asthmatic, then it is better not to conduct such classes). You can also just bring the child into the kitchen during cooking or in the bathroom to allow him to smell the soap or shower gel.
  • Taste develops as they grow older with the introduction of new food. You need to try to feed your baby as varied as possible. Of course, it is not necessary to fanatically shove everything that comes to hand into the child. But it is necessary to diversify the diet with new dishes from permitted products.

Whether or not to engage in early development with a child, each mother decides for herself, but it is definitely worth paying attention to popular, trusted methods. With a reasonable approach, they will bring a lot of benefits to the baby, and give mom more reasons to be proud of her baby.

A child aged 1 to 3 years is classified as a toddler. During this period, there is an active formation of all organs and systems. But along with the rapid pace of physical maturation, the psycho-emotional development of babies is being intensively improved. In order for a small person to successfully master speech, object and play activities, dexterity of movements, the basics of creativity and creative thinking, it is not enough just to follow the right one and provide good nutrition. For children, additional developmental activities are necessary.

For children of the 1st year, the most important thing is the game

Of course, you can find the most suitable studio that provides specialized with a young child. And you can independently compose a set of exercises and conduct workouts at home.

Directions for the development of children from one to 3 years

The main types of exercises for conducting classes with a small child

Classes with a child of 1 year are aimed at the possibility of transmitting information in a playful way. It is very important to interest children in involvement in the process of cognitive activity. If the proposed games do not seem interesting to the baby, then the mother will not wait for any concentration of attention. As props, you can use any materials at hand: bright mittens, color pictures, soft toys, plastic dishes.

Educational Montessori toys

    1. Modeling lessons can start from 1.5 years
  1. Developing activities with children on the street. Do not forget about the optimal combination of business with pleasure. During a walk in the fresh air, you can do a lot of exercises to improve various skills and abilities. On the street it is easy to find objects for observation, imitation and examination with children. And at the same time, teaching a child to respect nature is doubly useful.

Role-playing games children play from 2 years old

Parents should be aware that all games are held with mandatory commentary on the process. Mom should tell the baby what is happening now and why it is being done.

It is important not only to provide sensory perception, but also to conduct a speech association. For example, if a child holds a soft object in his hands, it is advisable to report this. Thus, they will be held with maximum benefit for children.

Precautions for the organization of gaming activities

We must not forget about the safety rules. All items used for games should not have sharp corners, small parts, toxic substances in the composition. It is better if these are specialized toys for children.

Drawing develops imagination and motor skills

Also, the place for games must meet the basic requirements:

  • remoteness from wires and power supply;
  • lack of glass doors, corner tabletops, piercing and cutting objects;
  • flat surface for movement.

If the mother can answer a number of questions in the affirmative, then the organization of gaming activities was as safe as possible. Does the item pose a threat to the child? Can I safely leave the baby with this thing alone? Is it possible to leave the room for a short period of time without fear for the health of the child?

Tests for children 2-3 years old

What will be the future of children, largely depends on the parents.

And you should start building a path to a bright life for your child here and now. Mom is not just the acquisition of female happiness, it is also a long and tedious work, a huge supply of patience and a lot of effort invested. But at the moment when the time comes to reap the fruits of their efforts, rejoicing in the significant successes of their child, not a single mother will remember the time spent and sleepless nights.