Daughter's wedding wishes. Congratulations from the mother of the bride at her daughter's wedding

Congratulations on the daughter's wedding from her mother should be a parting word, a blessing for a long family life. Any mother dreams that her treasure, beloved daughter, be infinitely happy and marry a worthy person, becoming his wife forever. Prepare for this solemn moment in advance. And from us a selection of beautiful and touching congratulations!

Giving a daughter in marriage is always so difficult -
How to trust your angel?
But you, son-in-law, we can trust -
We see how much you love her!
So we wish you peace, peace,
Unchanging beauty of the soul,
Understanding, dear children,
Oh, the newlyweds are good!
Let the blush on the cheeks play
And the fire of love burns in the eyes!
Everyone dreams of a family
Your dreams have already come true!

I once told you:
"It doesn't matter before the wedding will heal,"
So the wedding date has come,
The groom is leading you down the aisle!

Be forever loved by him
Be forever young and desirable
Remembering unconditional love
Don't forget to give me grandchildren!

Daughter! We congratulate you
With your marriage!
And with a aching heart letting go,
Today we want to wish you:

Let your house be a full bowl
Let it sound cheerful children's laughter!
Be loved, our dear daughter!
Be the happiest on earth!

How quickly you became an adult.
The years have flown by.
I took you by the hand to school
It was like yesterday!

And today you put on a veil,
New life stepping on the threshold
Maybe I didn't do much
May God help you in your life!

I wish you true love for the rest of your life,
Be happy my children
Gently - gently hug you,
And I wish you a strong family!

I put an end to education!
Congratulations on your wedding day to your daughter.
I wish my daughter
Be happy - period!
Get a lottery win
I wish you son-in-law.
A wedding is a touching celebration
But we don't need to cry!
After all, today we celebrate the merging of hearts.
You are together forever and that means
A wedding is not the end!

My dear girl
Dear daughter!
Today you are the bride -
Beautiful, happy!

You take from me now
Tips, instructions
And wishes for love
Happy wedding day congratulations!

Manage to stay forever
You are loving and tender.
Carry love through the years
Be nice, be serene!

I wish the house had
Calm and cozy
And in the bank so that the accounts grow -
Ruble and currency!

For the light to shine in your eyes
So that only the sun in the sky,
So that you fall in love with your husband again,
So that love rules life!

What could be prettier for a mother
How happy is the shining daughter here?
Long forgotten lullaby song
But like before, I want to help me.

Save you from troubles and from misfortunes,
Protect sacredly with your love.
But now you have another happiness,
Now you and your husband, daughter, will live.

So let this life be a fairy tale
Blooms, sings, and pleases you!
May happiness be an endless sea
Which burns, beckoning with a star.

And you, my glorious son-in-law, remember the advice:
Take care of your daughter like a treasure.
Bread and salt, let prosperity come to the house -
And good luck, my loves!

Happy smile, white veil,
Dear girl, you are now a wife!
Your beloved son will be for us now,
Life will be beautiful, believe in the future!

We would like to wish you today
Kindness and patience, live - do not lose heart!
Go through life boldly, love dear,
Love for him and loyalty forever to keep.

The road will be long and difficulties will come.
Clouds will cover the sun, and rain and hail will fall.
But together you are stronger than bad weather and trouble,
He is protection for you, love and tenderness - you.

Sweet baby, sunny days!
Joyful moments, star lights!
May this happy day continue forever!
May your loved one always be by your side!

Congratulations on the daughter's wedding from mom in verse to tears

How long have you braided your pigtails,
Did your hand squeeze my hand?
Now quite an adult, you have become a daughter,
And soon you'll be a mom yourself.

For a mother, joy cannot be higher:
To know that a daughter is happy in her life.
I pray for one thing, let the Lord hear me:
Give my girl happiness, do not be sorry!

I wish you cute children soon
I will happily nurse them always!
May your husband warm you forever in his love,
Cause you deserve it, oh yeah!

My daughter, you have grown up
And today is your wedding.
I want your soul to sing
And you lived your whole life loving!

I wish my husband wisdom
To appreciate you, love, shore.
You were a good, faithful friend,
And I could make you happy!

So that you are a good hostess,
I gave birth with dad to our grandchildren,
Life was so interesting, bright!
And the wedding day is the best start!

Today I give my treasure
In the reliable male hands of the son-in-law.
So that my daughter is happy herself,
I cherish the dream on your wedding day.

Don't quarrel over trifles
You learn to give in to each other.
Yes, it may be difficult to rub in,
But you have to respect each other.

Carry your love carefully
Through the long and long years
Love each other more every day.
Now you are a family forever!

I have one treasure
I gave it to my son-in-law.
I want to be happy myself,
Your life was after the wedding.

I ask you never to swear,
And always give in to each other.
In situations, rub in rub,
It's better than disrespect.

You carry your love in your heart
Through longing, times and years,
And love each other, love!
May your love always be!

How long have you been on daddy's shoulders
Riding and laughing fervently?
Or warmed up in her mother's arms and quietly fell asleep?
You have grown beautiful with us.

We are very happy for you today.
Be happy always the way you are now
And this is our best reward.
We wish you to carry through the years

Love and happiness, tenderness and care.
And remember on the path of life -
Family is not only rest, but sometimes work.
Now you are together forever

Give birth to smart and healthy children.
And know that trouble will pass
When the family is ready to support!

There is a place in my soul with excitement,
Today my daughter is a bride,
And it's hard to convey
What does the mother of the bride feel?

I raised you for many years
Taught worldly wisdom
So that you become a glorious mistress
And she did everything in her life.

You flourished, you got better
What a bride you have become!
I didn't dare to say a word
When you are in the registry office "Yes!" said.

And in this wedding dress
You look young, carefree,
You outshine all your friends
And more beautiful than all the brides around!

Always live in harmony with your husband,
Keep family traditions
And if something is needed
You do not hesitate to come.

I bless you now
I wish you good luck!
Remember, my daughter
Your family is always with you!

And each house is a power in itself.
Everything is there. There is a routine
And its own law, and rules, and right.
Throw your whims at the threshold
And respect their habits any:
If there are lame - lean on a cane
And put on your glasses if you're blind.

You are given a hearth
From now on and forever!
Let it burn like a light in the eyes
Like a heart in a person.
Start a big fire
On a small light
And bake big bread
On a little flour!

You, my daughter, are leaving for a strange house.
And there are their own paths from the threshold.
To take a step, you look around, wait
And choose where to put your foot.
There are kind words - words-rays,
Be generous with a kind word.
And there are words that sound harsh.
Without weighing the word, it is better to remain silent.

You, my daughter, are leaving for a strange house.
May it grow closer every year.
And everything that will appear before you,
Let it be the sun for you and honey.
Do not succumb to even a petty quarrel.
A quarrel is sure to trouble.
Dissolve the insult, as you are in the water
Could dissolve a pinch of salt.

You, my daughter, are leaving for a strange house.
There, they will aim at you with an assessment.
And you - my fruit, did not grow beyond the boundary,
And you will appreciate me.
You merge with them, faithful friend
And a devoted husband's wife.
And no one can replace you
You will be surrounded by happiness.

So your wedding bright day has come
And I can't hold back my tears.
I congratulate you, my dear,
Anxiety and joy in the soul hidden.
May your family be strong forever,
May trouble not touch you.
No matter what obstacles you encounter in life
Love each other always.

A wedding is a unity of hearts, a family birthday, a celebration of love and just a happy event! But it is always hard for parents to let their children go free swimming. This is especially true for mothers who give their daughters in marriage. Conflicting feelings often make it difficult to control oneself, to cope with the organization of the holiday. But the parent still needs to bless the young, come up with a beautiful congratulation for her daughter on the wedding from her mother. Her parting words are very important for the bride, this is a very touching, tender moment. How to compose a congratulation, cope with excitement and perform well? This will be discussed further.

Mother's wedding duties

Parental duty - to help children with the organization of the wedding. The main maternal responsibilities at the daughter's wedding:

And remember, even if you are unhappy with your daughter's choice, do not judge, do not dissuade her, as you will only push her away.

Respect the choice of your daughter, just humble yourself and try to support her, she needs it.

Rhyme or prose?

Congratulations to parents should be sincere, go from the heart. It is necessary to choose such a form of wedding speech so that the parting words are original and beautiful. It all depends on how talented you are. The speech of the mother of the bride can be in the form of prose or poetry. Both options are good, the main thing is to relax and feel the atmosphere of the holiday.

If you find a beautiful rhyming composition on the Internet, then it will not be difficult for you to learn the words, read the work with the right intonation. But just in case, hide a piece of paper with the text in your pocket to peep if you get lost.

If you did not have time to learn the words, then rewrite them on a beautiful, artificially aged piece of paper and read with expression. As for the design, let it be a kind of message in the form of a scroll tied with a beautiful ribbon.

A beautiful congratulation can be written in your own words. You can take beautiful text from the Internet or write it yourself. Whichever option you choose, write it down on a piece of paper. Some mothers hope that beautiful words will come during the performance, but this is not the case. Under the influence of fatigue and excitement, you can lose your mind or become confused. So take the time to prepare, have a text of congratulations with you.

Rules for composing a congratulatory speech

Wedding congratulations are a serious part of the holiday program, and therefore you need to take a responsible approach to compiling it. Create text according to etiquette so that it radiates respect for everyone present.

The main components of the text of congratulations:

Your main task is to convey your emotions so that your congratulations touch the hearts of all those present. At the end, drink to the young and keep celebrating.

Many believe that the parting words of the mother of the daughter, voiced at the wedding, have great power.

After all, the mother has a lot of life experience, and therefore can give good advice. In addition, she knows her daughter best of all, she can guide her correctly.

Key points of advice:

  • Firstly, the mother, through her message, must convey a positive attitude, cheer up the bride.
  • Secondly, to advise how to live in harmony with her husband.

Parting words are often spoken with the icon of the Mother of God (or any other). Then the icon is given to the young as a talisman of family well-being.

Mother's advice to her daughter - video

Parents' words are a very touching and memorable part of the holiday program. For a successful presentation, follow these guidelines:

How to relieve anxiety?

A daughter's wedding is a very important event, and therefore excitement is a completely normal reaction. Someone is just worried, and someone is worried to such an extent that he cannot squeeze out a single word. Excitement can arise even if you have prepared congratulations on your daughter's wedding in advance. How to control emotions before a performance?

Congratulations in prose

A mother can beautifully express emotions in her own words:

Congratulations and a song from mother at the wedding - video

Rhyming congratulations

Very touching and tender congratulations on your wedding day sound in verse.

Well, dear, I let you go like a snow-white dove. Everything, fly.

Oh, I don't want to, I confess, but it's too late, you're already on your way.

Do not cry, I will calm my heart. I know you are in good hands!

That a strong male shoulder will cover you if fear overcomes!

I ask you, children, to swear less, do not be afraid to admit mistakes!

Quickly get used to each other and learn to respect and trust!

You are kind to each other, carry your love through the years!

Suddenly hard? Stop, smile. Understand, you will be together forever!

Daughter, how quickly you have grown up! How quickly childhood years flew by!

I took the baby with a bow to the first class, and it was like yesterday.

Today you are a beautiful bride, with a veil on your head.

Like a swan, tender, beautiful, and your lips smile.

I, children, bless you, I wish your union to be strong!

I tenderly embrace you, my dear ones, I wish the angel to light your path!

In a snow-white lace dress, and a braid crowned with a veil,

You seem to be all in a magical radiance, and your eyes burn with fire.

You look with a smile at him, at the one with whom life has connected you,

On such a faithful, beloved. You are destined to be together, you knew it!

I wish you health, a lot of happiness! Boundless, fiery love!

No bad weather will separate you, Lord, please bless!

Well, we will help you, relatives, and support you in case of adversity.

You are still so young, wisdom, patience and great happiness!

Everyone understands that mother's words are an important part of the solemn program. And therefore, the parent must carefully prepare for such a bright and wonderful holiday. Who, if not a mother, will choose the right words to calm and cheer up her child.

As for congratulations, you can write it yourself, order it from a professional, or find a suitable option on the Internet.

The main thing is to include your own emotions in this congratulation so that it sounds sincere and touches the heart of your daughter.

Mom is a close and dear person who gave the child not only life, but also her love and care. The daughter, whom her mother remembers as a baby, is on the verge of an adult independent life, and it is so important to express her sincere congratulations and give parting words on her wedding day.

  • Your speech may be addressed to your daughter, but be sure to mention your son-in-law, because now they are a couple, a single whole.
  • Say not only congratulations, encourage your child. Say that you will always be there, support and understand.
  • Try to avoid sentimental phrases, tears of happiness are wonderful, but the bride’s floating makeup will not add joy to her.
  • If you feel insecure in front of the audience, rehearse in front of a mirror. You can also prepare a joint congratulation with the father of the bride.
  • During the blessing, the text can be shared with the matchmaker, if, of course, you have a good relationship. The same applies to the end of the evening, if the ceremony of removing the veil and lighting candles is planned.
  • Parents are given the floor at least twice: during a meeting of the young with a loaf (blessing) and at a banquet. In the registry office, as a rule, you will be assigned the role of a guest.
  • Try to avoid verses - they are easy to forget and confuse words. Speak calmly and confidently, do not read from a piece of paper - it looks ridiculous. If something is forgotten - improvise, speak sincerely and from the heart.
  • Of course, you are very worried, but try not to convey the full range of emotions in your speech. You can tell a couple of funny stories from your daughter's life, but avoid situations that will make the bride uncomfortable in front of the guests. It is not necessary for everyone present to know compromising information on the bride.

Words of congratulations to the daughter on the wedding

Example 1. Daughter, I always knew that the day would come - and you would fly out of the nest and start building your new independent life. Years have flown by, you have grown up, and now we have your chosen one. So let your family be strong, your house rich and generous, and your life happy. Be happy, daughter, support your spouse, take care of the family hearth. And you, son, become the real head of the family so that your children are proud of their parents, as we are proud of you. Happiness to you, prosperity and warmth! Take care of your love! Bitterly!

Example 2. My dear daughter! For some reason, since childhood, we were sure that you would become an actress, because you were so good at trying on roles. And today you have a special, important role - you are a beloved wife. I am glad of your choice, because another real man has appeared in our family - your chosen one. I want to wish you, children, that you overcome obstacles together. Take care of each other, your feelings, do not hurt your hearts for nothing! I wish your life to be happy and filled with love! Meet all trials together, and happiness divided by two will increase tenfold! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Example 3. Dear daughter! More recently, you tried on my dresses and shoes and dreamed of becoming an adult soon! It was so fun to watch your first attempts at lip makeup, and now you can already teach me the art of makeup! You are already a bride, and the light of your happy eyes is blinding! As a mother, I cannot help but rejoice and be proud of you and your chosen one! Children, today is an amazing day - your family was born. While she is young and inexperienced, but soon she will get stronger, but you will have to work hard. To you, daughter, I wish female wisdom and understanding. You, son, strength and patience. Save your happiness so that even after decades you look at each other with love! Congratulations!

Example 4. Dear children! I can’t believe that this day has come, and you have become adults and independent. Daughter, as a child, you told me that you didn’t want to be a princess, they are lazy and stupid. But life has put everything in its place, and today the fairy tale begins, which you two will write. I wish you to keep love and multiply it. You will always have help and support. Let your home be warm and cozy, hospitable and generous! May you have wonderful children and wonderful friends! Appreciate every minute spent together, because time is so fleeting. Do not waste your time on petty grievances: unsalted borscht or an untidy jacket is not worth it! Love to you, mutual understanding and great happiness!

Example 5. Dear children! “Many seek, but few find” - this saying also applies to happiness. And today you have found yours. Try to keep it. Let the smile never leave your faces, and let your eyes shine with the fire of love and tenderness. Maintain your family hearth, take care of each other. May there be prosperity and prosperity in your home. Walk through life hand in hand, support each other, do not be afraid of adversity - they are short-lived. After the rain, there is always a rainbow and the sun. All difficulties will be overcome by the shoulder of a loved one, and if you need our help, dad and I are always there. I congratulate you with all my heart! Bitterly!

Words of blessing to the young from the mother of the bride

It can be held after a ransom in the parental home or before a banquet, when a loaf of salt is presented to the young.

Example 1. Dear children! I bless you to create a family, may happiness and prosperity accompany you. Take care and appreciate each other. Daughter, keep and take care of the family hearth. Son, be a support and support to your wife, do not let the light of happiness in her eyes and love in her heart fade away! Let your feelings illuminate your path, the house will be a full bowl, and all the troubles seem to be just pebbles on the path of life. Be happy and walk hand in hand towards your happiness!

Example 2. Dear newlyweds! Today you are embarking on a new unexplored path of family life. Daughter, our family has become even larger, because you have chosen such a wonderful man! Your happiness is very important for me and dad, and we want to wish you to live in love and harmony, to support each other. The warmth and light of love in the heart will help overcome all adversity. Strengthen your feelings, understand and appreciate your soul mate. Peace and happiness to your family! I bless you children! Long life, prosperity and well-being to you!

What you need to know about blessing the young

  • The bride is most often blessed with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, the groom - Christ the Savior.
  • It is not customary to hold icons with your hands, buy towels - they will be included in the dowry of the young.
  • Parents, according to custom, must cross the newlyweds before the ceremony, and repeat this ceremony when they meet near the banquet hall.
  • If one of the newlyweds has an incomplete family, godparents can bless.
  • Accepting blessings, the newlyweds must bow to their parents and kiss the icon.

A daughter's wedding is an important and disturbing event for a mother, but try to control yourself. Your child has matured and is ready to find his happiness - rejoice and be proud of him, and leave the tears for later!

A few more ideas for preparing words of congratulations for the wedding:

You will need

  • -prepared congratulatory speech;
  • -poems about daughter;
  • - author's wedding card;
  • - an album of memories.


Congratulations to parents on this most exciting moment. Words and poems spoken from the heart and a memorable gift that will leave memories of this day for a lifetime will help you make it unforgettable and unusual.

Sit down and think carefully about what you want to say and wish your adult daughter creating her family nest. Take a pen and a piece of paper and start writing down all the thoughts that come to mind, everything that you would like to say. Read and write a short congratulatory speech based on these sketches.

Go to the Internet and find verses on congratulatory portals that characterize your feelings for your daughter. And if there is a desire, then write them yourself. Buy a beautiful handmade wedding card and write down your invocation verses there.

Get a beautiful tender album in (just a photo album or a special album for scrapbooking). Take out all the photos that have yours. daughter and make a selection, from its early days to the present. If you have memorabilia (tickets to the circus, children's theater, your daughter's postcard collections, etc.), use them to decorate the pages of the album, also make commemorative inscriptions about childhood and youth. If you feel that you can not cope, order such an album from specialists. On the Internet, find many sites with the services of these specialists. But first, decide, look at what exactly you would like to do, in what style. To do this, visit scrapbooking sites, for example - http://scrap-info.ru/gallery/index.php?storytopic=67.

On the day, congratulate the young family and turn to your daughter with words, read poetry and give an album that will remind your daughter of her parents' home, of the warmth of the family hearth, which she must now create.

Give the young couple a gift that they can pass on to their daughter or son on the same day. Some kind of talisman, amulet, so that it becomes a family tradition. If you adhere to Christian traditions, buy a couple of icons with which to bless your daughter and her chosen one for a strong union.

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Congratulations on your daughter's wedding

Time flew by quickly
Childhood is gone.
And today, as I wanted
You are getting married, daughter.

You shine and shine
The groom shines with happiness.
Long life to you! Congratulations
We are with the wedding of you two.

May the luck be great
It rains on you.
We wish you love forever
And we are expecting grandchildren.

Bright days, warmth, prosperity,
Easy and straight roads.
May your life be sweet
And God bless you children!

Congratulations to daughter on her wedding day

I congratulate my daughter on the wedding,
I'll say a line of wishes.
So that everything was honey with my husband,
So that everything in life is sensible.
I wish you family happiness
I bless you for a long life!
I raised you, daughter, I am kind and fragile,
I hope in the family you will be with a baby,
Good, beloved, and gentle mother,
And you will achieve any goal stubbornly!

Congratulations to your daughter on your wedding

There are kind words - words-rays.
Be generous with a kind word.
And there are words that sound harsh.
Without weighing the word, it is better to remain silent.
And each house is a power in itself.
There's only one king has the right
To be king is your husband, your chosen one.

Beautiful congratulations to your daughter on the wedding

We raised you with soul
Like a priceless treasure, they took care of it.
When did you get big?
How quickly the years have gone by!

But you are in reliable hands, we believe
And your choice is to our liking.
May all doors open for you
Let the path to dreams be easy.

We want to babysit our grandchildren as soon as possible -
We will help you, encourage you.
Drive away sadness and boredom!
Love to you! "Bitter" young!

Touching congratulations to your beloved daughter on the wedding

You, my daughter, are leaving for a strange house.
There, they will aim at you with an assessment.
And you - my fruit, did not grow beyond the boundary,
And you will appreciate me.
You merge with them. faithful friend.
And a devoted husband's wife.
But, like a soldier, no, no, yes, look around -
Are you too surrounded?

Touching congratulations to the daughter on the wedding

Congratulations, daughter, you
With this holiday of love and happiness!
I wish you to live loving
A lot of affection, tenderness and passion.

Let the husband be caring and kind,
Never offends you
Let it close you from all the cold,
And let the soul do not have a soul in you.

Let your hearth be warm
Let it be comfortable in your home.
Give us grandchildren soon
We're ready to get laid.

Congratulations to your daughter on your wedding day

My dear daughter
I congratulate you
You are now with a good husband,
And I need a son-in-law.
Happy for you, for myself.
Suddenly, the family grew.
Friends appeared -
Cheerful matchmakers.
I relieve myself of responsibility
I entrust you to my husband.
Although he is young
But deal with you.
Be good my son-in-law
To be proud of you.
My daughter, don't let me down
Show me all your skills.
You have to try very hard
So that the husband does not take it into his head to wander,
To eat enough at home
And I didn't look to the side.
I wish you happiness and love
So that the family grows big.
We are ready for grandchildren
Don't drag this out!

Congratulations to the daughter on the wedding in prose

Our dear daughter, today you are the most beautiful bride in the world! We are happy to see your sparkling eyes, your smile, to see how touchingly you hold your husband's hand. We wish your family to be strong and friendly. Love, respect, take care of each other. Be a wise, patient, caring wife, and let your husband be a strong, loving, faithful spouse. Happiness to you!

Congratulations on your daughter's wedding in your own words

Dear daughter! Today is a special day for you - you create your own family. I wish you to carry your love with your husband through your whole life, to gain mutual respect, to keep patience. Advice and love, healthy and beautiful children!

Congratulations to your daughter on the wedding in verse

We put an end to education -
Congratulations on your daughter's wedding day!
Be happy, dear daughter!
After all, with a young handsome husband
You don't need anyone anymore
Blessed is this night!
Soon grandfather with a woman in his hands
Fluffy grandchildren will come
They will talk and sing.
And the two of you dance, sing,
Build a nest, like doves,
May there be peace, happiness and comfort in it!

Congratulate your daughter on your wedding

You, my daughter, are leaving for a strange house.
Take your patience with you.
It is like a key - reliable help,
You will open any entrance with that key.
Pierce with patience you and the abyss of waters,
You will penetrate the secrets of day and night,
Let your chosen one strengthen your union,
May he deliver you from adversity.
May the husband be dearer every year.
And everything he didn't give you
In the course of life, only loving,
Let it be the sun for you and honey.

Short congratulations to the daughter on the wedding

Daughter, my dear daughter,
Are you not closer to me in the world
Everyone else? And I cried
Just knowing about the answer
At your boyfriend's suggestion:
"Mom, I'm getting married."
And tears of happiness flowed like a stream!
Congratulations: happiness, peace be with you.

Sincere congratulations to the daughter on the wedding to tears

So your wedding bright day has come
And I can't hold back my tears.
I congratulate you, my dear,
Anxiety and joy in the soul hidden.

May your family be strong forever,
May trouble not touch you.
No matter what obstacles you encounter in life
Love each other always.

Cool congratulations on the daughter's wedding

Here, daughter ... You are getting married!
And the husband will be the main thing in life! ..
But do not forget the way to us already -
We will always help you!

What do we need from you two?
So that - not like those that drag out life -
In love and affection lived together,
They would sometimes give us grandchildren.