Ural dumplings New Year's scenes scripts. Scenario of the New Year's holiday “New Year's Express. Video presentation “Interesting facts about dumplings”

1. Fire
2. Snow Maiden
3. Hare 1
4. Hare 2
5. Squirrel 1
6. Squirrel 2
7. Snowflakes 1
8. Snowflakes 2
9. Snowflakes 3
10. Fox
11. Blizzard

Decorations: poster hut, curtain (white).
gifts: carrots, nuts, mouse,

Fire (comes out): In a big icy hut,
On a snowy edge,
Where does the Snow Maiden live?
There is a mystery which year.
I want to know the secret
I'll hide here and keep quiet.

(The Snow Maiden comes out of the house, sings and dances to the music.)

Snow Maiden: Winter has come again,
Snow and Blizzard called,
My house is in the clearing
He grew up again on his own.
Only there is no stove at home -
The heat causes me a lot of trouble.

Fire (angrily): Now I know the secret -
The Snow Maiden melts from the fire! (hides)

Snow Maiden: I have many friends,
I'll call them soon!
Hares, squirrels and foxes
Come running and have fun!

(Animals run in and dance to the music.)

Fire (angrily): I don’t like fun,
I’ll disperse everyone with heat in an instant.
(Waves a red cloak at the animals and immediately hides.)

Hare 1: Oh, how painful it is!
Hare 2: Help!

Fox: Save my fluffy tail!

Squirrel 1: Who stopped us from dancing?
Squirrel 2: Who offended us now?

Hare 2: I didn't see anyone!

Fox: I didn’t see anything!

Snow Maiden: Something is wrong here, friends!
Someone wants to interfere
It's fun to celebrate the holiday!

Fox: We need to call the snowflakes,
Light white fluff.

Squirrel 2: The wind carries them everywhere.
Squirrel 1: Maybe I met one of them
A stranger on the way.

Hare 1: Well, Snow Maiden, call me!

Snow Maiden: Hey, snowflake friends,
Fly here quickly
Please give us some advice.

(Snowflakes fly in and dance.)

Snowflakes (in chorus): We came to your call,
What did you want to know?

Lisa: Someone wants to interfere
The children and I are celebrating the holiday.
On the way to us here
Have you seen a stranger?

Snowflakes 1: We flew along the roads,
Snowflakes 2: We didn’t see anyone,
Snowflakes (in chorus): After all, it’s cold Winter
All the roads are covered!

Hare 2: But someone was stopping us,
Hare 1: I didn’t let you have fun!

Snowflakes 1: Invite the blizzard to visit,
Snowflakes 2: Our old friend.
Snowflakes 3: Maybe she knows something
Snowflakes (in unison): He will solve this mystery!

Snow Maiden: Blizzard! Snowstorm! Come!
Find out what happened!

(Blizzard flies in to the music and dances.)

Blizzard: Why were you screaming in the forest?

Squirrel 1: We called you for help!
Hare 2: Someone wants to interfere
Let's celebrate the holiday with the children!

Blizzard: I flew over the fields,
Coppices, meadows.
There are no traces of anyone anywhere!
Apparently, you imagined everything!

Fire (joyfully): The blizzard didn’t find out either,
Who is causing the trouble?

Blizzard: Feel free to come and visit!

Fire (angrily): I’m about to burst from anger!

(The animals carry gifts from under the tree to the music).

Squirrel 1: We are gifts for kids
We collect slowly.
Squirrel 2: Here are the nuts. (shows)

Hare 2: Here's a carrot. (shows)
Hare 1: We arrange everything cleverly.

Fox: I caught a mouse under the snow!

Snow Maiden: What did you say, little fox?
No no no! No mice needed!

Lisa: Sorry! I thought everyone was happy
They will be my gift.

Fire (angrily): Oh, that's it! Now everyone will be hot.

(Fire throws off the black blanket and begins to wave a red cloak at the Snow Maiden to the music, the animals scatter)

Snow Maiden: I'm afraid of fire, I'm afraid!
I will melt, I will melt.

Squirrel 2: We will protect the Snow Maiden,
And we won’t give you any offense!
Squirrel 1: Hey, snowflakes, fly
And put out the fire instantly.

(Snowflakes fly to the fire to the music, the fire waves its arms,
snowflakes run away and sit down.)

Snowflakes (in chorus): We can’t cope with the fire,
We will melt, we will die.

Fire: You won’t destroy me,
You can't extinguish me!
I will melt the Snow Maiden,
I'll quickly turn it into water.
You won't be able to attend the holiday!

(Blizzard with a white blanket, Squirrel, creeps up to the Fire from behind,
Hare and Fox with snow.)

Fire (turning around): What other misfortune is here?

(The Blizzard throws a white blanket over the Fire and blows and spins
around, animals throw snow at him.)

Fire: What's happening to me?
I go out and the smoke comes out! (runs away)

Blizzard: We defeated the fire together,
The Snow Maiden was released.

Snow Maiden: Thank you, dear friends!
Now I'm in a hurry for the holiday
And you better get ready,
Go to the children's Christmas tree.
(Artists bow + applause.)

It's time to celebrate the New Year
Light up the Christmas tree in the hall!
Grandfather Frost is waiting for us
He brings the New Year with him.
HEY! Grandfather Frost, where are you?

Santa Claus: (from behind the door): Snow Maiden, I’m hurrying to you!
(Santa Claus sings a song and enters the hall, addresses the characters
fairy tales.)

Santa Claus: It’s time for us to go to the children’s Christmas tree
The kids are waiting impatiently
All of us. Let's hurry up.

Animals (in unison): How to get there?

Santa Claus: Let's decide!
Now I'll wave my wand,
Everything will be plunged into darkness.

(Santa Claus waves his magic wand, the hall goes dark and again
the light comes on).

Santa Claus: We are now in a spacious hall
What, guys, weren't waiting for us?
Then let's have fun
The Christmas tree is spinning around!
(All children join hands and dance around the tree.)

Scenario "New Year's Express"

(2016 meeting).

Song of the presenters.




taka-taka-taka-taka-taka-it’s time to start the year

The arrows converged for a moment, which means exactly twelve,

Stop time, let me catch my breath a little.

This is how life flies by on the highway,

Time to stop at an unfamiliar station.

And something will happen... what we have dreamed about for a long time,

And this happy year will begin with a clean slate

Chorus: taka-taka-taka-taka-taka-ta


taka-taka-taka-taka-taka-tock the wheels are knocking madly



taka-taka-taka-taka-taka-taka, it’s time to start the year.

1. Hello...hello...darlings...it turns out how difficult it is nowadays to find the appropriate address to greet people.

2. Yes, it seems like we’ve already lost the habit of being away from our comrades, but we’re not quite used to ladies and gentlemen yet...

1. Ladies and gentlemen... Madame and Monsieur are somehow not our thing, and gentlemen and madams seem out of place... (What other options will there be?)

2. But in order not to rack our brains for a long time, we will turn to you, which may be quite banal - hello, dear friends!

1. Hello everyone, for whom the New Year continues to be one of the most, and maybe one of the most, favorite holidays.

2. We have the honor of spending this evening with you.

We are lucky because we are celebrating the New Year on the Golden Express.

1.And our today’s “Golden Express” will be a kind of fabulous train that will allow us to make an amazing journey through different countries and eras on this New Year’s Eve.

2. Our New Year’s program begins with a brilliant singer.

1 . So, meet Verka Serduchka on stage.

Song Verka Serduchka to the tune of the song “New Year”.

2. Yes, we have a wonderful New Year's Eve ahead of us. (dreamy) How many of them have there been in your life?

1. I'm 18!

2. But, probably, in the life of each of you there was the most unique New Year's Eve, which you will remember for the rest of your life.

1. But, whenever, wherever and with whom the New Year is celebrated, of course, the undeniable fact remains that to a greater extent, people create their own holiday.

2. Well, for our part we will only contribute in every possible way...

1. Don’t interfere with this!!!

1. We greet with thunderous applause and sing along to the song “Oh, winter is good and the soul sings.”

Performance of the song “Oh, winter is good and the soul sings.”

2. New Year is the most fun, bright and joyful holiday! Both adults and children love it, and everyone celebrates it in their own way...

    Do you know that before the New Year a sociological survey was conducted on the topic “Where do Russians celebrate the New Year?”

    And where is?

    The following answers were received to this question:

Under the Christmas tree – 8%
Under the table – 20%
With mayonnaise – 32%
Under the thumb of the wife – 17%
Under the supervision of grandparents - 23%.

    But some Russians are celebrating the New Year far from their homeland.

    So, welcome the New Year in Thailand.

Scene “New Year in Thailand”.

    Well, that’s nothing, but the children are so unlucky.

    What else is this?

    So you need to go to bed at 10 o'clock.

    Let's listen to what they themselves say. So, New Year through the eyes of a child.

Performance. Children's miniature.

    So, next stop... (Music from the 60s)

    It was a time of radical, new, exciting discoveries and trends.

2. Yes, yes, yes... it was the distant 60s.

    At this time, dudes appeared.

    Yes, they stood out bright: , whipped coke on the head,beads and headbands of bright colors.

    They listened and danced boogie-woogie and rock and roll.

    So, welcome! The group "Factory" is styling and healing!

Performance by the group "Factory" - teachers.

  1. Our express continues to move.

  2. And, here they are, the 80s!

  1. For the first time, a patient received a permanent transplant.

2. This is how people in the hospital celebrate the New Year.

    Like this?

    And so, let's look. So, miniature “In the hospital”.

Scene – miniature “In the hospital”.

    Our New Year's golden express is rushing at incredible speed...

    And now we are already in the 90s.

    Well, it's not so lost after all. More and more stars appeared on the stage, like mushrooms after rain.

    Denis Maidanov gained fame in the late 90s.

    Meet! Denis Maidanov with the song “Hot Sun”

Performance by Denis Maidanov with the song “Hot Sun”

    Another undoubtedly bright and colorful character of that time was Verka Serduchka!

    Verka Serduchka, this plump woman with a harsh voice and rude manners, became a widely known character after appearing on the Ukrainian talk show “", where Serduchka acted as a conductor of a sleeping car.

    Meet a sultry woman, a poet's dream... Verka Serdiuchka!

Verka Serduchka's performance with the song "Dolce Gabbana"

    Dear friends, our miracle express took us back to the 2000s.

    But in Russia- .

    And new Russian pop stars!

    So, welcome! Mysterious and sultry Shura!

Shura’s performance with the song “Do Good”

2. So we arrived at the stop called “New Year”.

2. As it is not, it is.

1. Interesting, I’ve never heard of this one.

    It turned out great. Is it true?

    Exactly. It’s a pity to throw away food, so people eat up the remnants of the New Year’s feast.

    We greet the song about food with thunderous applause.

Performance Song about food.

    Listen, it’s true, you need to finish the salads, the dumplings outside the window will be stored right up until Christmas.

    You know, Ural dumplings came to visit us today.

    Feed us or what?

    Yes, no, show your skit.

    Meet “Ural dumplings”.

Performance of the Ural dumplings. Scene "Henpecked".

The sounds of gypsy music are heard. A gypsy camp enters the stage.

    What is this?

    What would a holiday be without gypsies?

Performance by a gypsy camp.

    Our musical journey has come to an end.

    Tired old year!
    You've been with us too long!

    We will remember you now
    And we take you to the gate.

    Take the trouble with you
    And sadness and loss,

    So that we don't have them
    In the coming year!

    And without whom is not a single New Year complete?

    Without Santa Claus.

    Well, so, do you want Santa Claus to come?... No problem. You don't even need magic words here. All you need is your great desire! Let's call him together!

(Guests call Santa Claus 3 times.)
(Appearance of Santa Claus accompanied by music and song).

(To the melody of the song “Conversation with Happiness” from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”)

New Year in the middle of winter
Knocked on the door.
So we met -
I believe and I don't believe.
Let's remember the past year
Warm, kind words,
May happiness come to us
Together with the New Year.


Don't count how old you are
You have been given a ticket to childhood.
On this night everyone is the children of the Earth,
Queens and kings.
The door to the fairy tale is still open,
Hurry up, the night is short,
Your happiness is in your hands,
Only in yours, people!

On New Year's Eve
The stars shine brighter
And they dream of helping
Everyone in this world.
Turn to Heaven
With a secret request,
Believe in miracles again
Into the magic of the Universe.

Father Frost: Oh, hello, good people! Have they already called me, or are these hallucinations from last year? I still hear in my ears: “Santa Claus! Santa Claus!”

    Dear friends! Did it seem to me or, in fact, is there something missing from our holiday?

    Let's check. Are there any guests?


    Music plays?


    Is Santa Claus present?


    Where is the Snow Maiden?

    That’s right, that’s what we miss about the Snow Maiden.

    And where can you get the Real Snow Maiden on New Year’s Day? You do not know? No? And I know. Now together we will choose the best of all possible Snow Maidens among the ladies present at the holiday.

    To do this, we will need contenders for the title of “Miss Snow Maiden 2016”.

(They call 3 guys from the hall dressed as Snow Maidens, among them Yulia Anatolyevna and Irina Valerievna).

    Dear friends! We are starting... no, not KVN, but the most grandiose show in the world - the New Year's show of the new collection!

    Chic fashion show “Golden Express”.

    Ladies and Gentlemen. We have a difficult task ahead of us. With the help of applause, choose “Snow Maiden 2016”!
    First they choose among the guys. Applause. Then among Yu.A. and I.V.

Loudest for I.V.

Yu.A: so unfair. I can also sing.

2: Let's organize a song competition for our Snow Maidens. Which one of you can sing better?

I.V.: Come on. What is there to be afraid of, everyone is our own.

Speech by Yu.A. with the song “Clock” by Valeria.

New Year's song-remake for the role - a cool song based on Valeria’s song “The Clock.”

I'm glad to be the Snow Maiden

But no near.

What about a holiday without Santa Claus?

Not joy, but simply tears.

Maybe someone will agree

Become my grandfather?


Call me your granddaughter,

And then hug me, just don’t deceive me.

With you, grandpa, we’ll go under the tree,

And we’ll sing a song about the Christmas tree together.

The men are all in good shape.

Well, who wants to become a grandfather?

Or maybe this one or that one?

Oh, I can't wait for an answer.

Where are you, my dear Frost,

Come quickly!

Chorus: Call me your granddaughter.

And then hug and wipe away the tears.

After all, it’s time for us all to celebrate the New Year soon,

And we must congratulate the guests on the holiday.

Let's hold hands under the Christmas tree, friends,

And then we’ll play pranks, we can’t live without jokes.

And the little clock will strike the New Year,

We drink champagne and dance in a circle.

I.V.: Step aside, beauty, now it's my turn.

Speech by I.V. with a song. (to the music of the song "Wonderful Neighbor" )

The snow today is white-white,

It's light all around,

I put on my mittens

I feel warm in a winter coat.

I'm getting ready for a winter holiday:

There will be games, there will be laughter,

There will be fairy tales, there will be dancing

A joyful holiday for everyone!

The Snow Maiden is chosen with applause.

We chose I.V. Yu.A. leaves pouting.

D.M.: Well, you made me laugh.

The New Year is already trembling

At our doorstep!

It's snowing outside the window

And it spins strictly!

Let the silver sparkle

On a fluffy Christmas tree!

Let there be goodness in our hearts

It will light up loudly!

Snow Maiden: Walked along a forest path

Sang songs

Suddenly behind a veil of snow

The Christmas tree sparkled

The mischievous breeze.

So, I think you have

New Year's celebration.

D.M.: And our Christmas tree doesn’t burn at all. Let's light it up.

Repeat all together, Christmas tree, burn. Three four….

The light goes out. A Christmas tree appears (L.Yu.)

    So our Christmas tree is somehow magical.

    Yes, as long as it’s not a magical head, otherwise there’s enough magic.

    We'll check it now. Let him sing. Everyone sings and let her sing.

Christmas tree song.

D.M. Everything we did turned out true, like in a fairy tale.

Along the lunar sparkling path,
Silver light flows!

Snow Maiden: May the year bring only joy,
And happiness for many years!

D.M.: Give gifts to each other
And these warm words:

All together: "Happy New Year,
Merry Christmas to you!"

Song "New Year's toys!"

One summer I dreamed of New Year.
On green grass
The Snow Maiden is coming.
And come to me with a bouquet of daisies
Grandfather Frost showed up
And he presented me with such a magical casket.

They started a merry round dance,
How funny are the forest people?

Everything takes away time; an unexpected dream has disappeared.
But sometimes he comes to me again.
And one day, among forgotten things,
I accidentally picked up the casket -
This means that the New Year's fairy tale is not over.

Chorus: New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it,
And my funny little animals turned the house upside down.
They started a merry round dance,
How funny are the forest people?
And I couldn’t believe that everything would go like a fairytale dream.

New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it,
And my funny little animals turned the house upside down.

New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it,
And my funny animals turned the house upside down

1: Ladies and gentlemen…. Madame and Monsieur... Let it sound banal, dear friends! Our New Year's trip has come to an end.

    Happy New Year!

    We wish you happiness, fulfillment of your cherished desires, good health, and success in the new year.

Together: Happy holiday, dear friends. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

9th grade students, getting ready for the New Year party, came to pick up a classmate who was constantly conducting experiments in physics. A short circuit in the circuit collected by the mountain physicist sends the children into the incredible world of the future, where yesterday's classmates suddenly turn into unfamiliar characters from a fairy tale land...



New Year tree scenario

"Incredible adventures for the New Year"

Music from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” is playing. On stage, a student assembles an electrical circuit on a table. Classmates enter.

1 student. What are you doing here, it’s time to go to the Christmas tree, but you still won’t part with your physics? Finish up, let's go, we're late!

2 schools Wait, I’m almost finished assembling, I’ve connected everything, all that remains is to connect, I just need you to help me, tighten the terminals harder, otherwise there’s no contact, and I’ll close the circuit.

The guys help him, clamping the wires. The circuit closes, there is a crackling sound, popping noises, everyone starts shaking, and they all fall to the floor. The song “The January Blizzard is Ringing...” from the film “I.V. is changing his profession.” The guys get up from the floor and look around.

3rd school What's happened? Where are we?

4-school addresses student 2. It's all you and your chain! Where are we?

Lesson 2 Wait, guys, let's figure it out, I think I know how to get out of here.They begin to walk along the edge of the stage, bumping into an invisible wall. One of the fellows sticks his head out, the dwarf pushes it back from the side of the hall.

Dwarf. With a rag in his hand, he rubs the “screen”.There are all sorts of people walking around here, spoiling the LCD screen, it’s completely smeared, you can’t wipe it off!

5 student. Look, I think I've found a way out.Everyone runs to her. Only two people enter the hall.

5 lessons Where are the others? Are they stuck?Looks around.

2 student. I don't know, but something strange is happening. Look how huge the screen is, is that a TV? Maybe there is a remote control for it? They are looking. Found!

5 students. This is the remote control! We won't raise him!They examine the huge remote control.I'll try to turn it on.

A gnome sits on the stage - their classmate. The guys start screaming and waving at her - reactions no.

2 schools She can’t see us, let’s switch channels, maybe we’ll see something interesting.

He clicks the remote control. The missing classmates appear on the scene. The guys are happy, but have difficulty recognizing them - these are 35-year-old accomplished businessmen... A scene from “Ural Dumplings” - “From Mud to Rhinestones.”

5 student. No, did you see that too? Maybe we're both hallucinating? I want to go home, I want to eat! Where should we eat?

The gnome on the stage begins to gesture with it, but the students do not pay attention to it, in the end, the gnome blows his whistle and points to the tablecloth near the Christmas tree.

2 schools Bite me bee, this is a self-assembled tablecloth! No, really, she is!He touches it, the tablecloth unfolds.Great! So, what should we order?

5 student. Let me! I'd like a kebab, please, maybe dumplings, cutlets, cake, ice cream...

2 schools Won't you burst, baby?

5 students. I haven’t had a drop of poppy dew in my mouth since this morning!

2 schools Well, okay, I guess the same for me!Knocks on the tablecloth.

Tablecloth. Why are you hitting the top of the head?! Look, what did you want! Maybe we should give you a bath and put you to bed. I'm also a foodie! Nobody wants to pay, give everything for free!

5 students. Surprised. You're a self-assembled tablecloth, what money!

Tablecloth. The country has long had a market system, you have to pay for everything! Well, okay, in honor of the New Year, here you go!Throws candy.At the expense of the establishment! He leaves, grumbling: Parasites!

2 schools This is how we ate. Listen, it's still a dream. Now I’ll call the guys, and everything will fall into place.He takes out his phone.Charging has ended.

5 students. Me too.

The dwarf from the stage begins to gesture to them, cannot stand it, and blows the whistle. The guys turn around. The gnome points to the remote control. Students turn on the TV. They switch. The gnome shows channel numbers.

2 schools Turn on STS or TNT!

5 students. It looks like it won’t work, she has her own channels here. How does this gnome, or rather, gnome, look like ours (calls a classmate)just as beautiful, but persistent!

The gnome shows the channel names alternately 5TV, 6TV, 7-8TV, 9TV, 10 TV.

2 schools We give up, show us your 5TV.5th grade performance.

2nd school Well, if you don’t eat, then at least drink! Let's go and look, maybe we'll find some water. River!They approach the stone. There's something written here. They are reading. Whoever drinks some water from the river will turn into... It's erased here! Who will it turn into?

Stone comes to life, two witches come out from under it and begin to sing the song “Witch’s Water” (from the film “Sorcerers”)

5 students. Wow! What else needs to happen? Look, if we're 30 years ahead in time, I wonder where the rest of our classmates are? Look, our photocopy…………..wants to show us

The gnome gestures, the guys turn on the TV. Scene “Snoring Beauty” from “Ural Dumplings”. The guys leave.

Two other students appear in the hall.

3 schools Look, there’s some kind of chest, let’s see what’s in it.They approach the chest and touch the lid. The lid flips back, revealing two identical girls in Russian sarafans - two from the casket with identical faces.

1 school Oh, these are ours...... Girls! Hugs them

Two from the casket. (together ) Hands off! What does the new owner need?

3 schools He sits down in surprise.Wow! Am I dreaming? He pinches his cheeks.

1 school If these are not our girls, then they are two from the casket. Or two from the casket identical in appearance. Only I didn’t notice this before, that they are similar!

3 schools Come on. Well, girls...

Two from the casket. (interrupt) What does the new owner need?

3 schools Indeed, two from the casket! We would like something to chew, we’re really hungry.

Two from the casket. Will be done!They stand opposite each other, start throwing candies to each other, the candies fly past the guys.

1 school Hey Hey hey! You are doing something wrong, on the contrary!

Two from the casket. Ah-ah-ah-, now.They start throwing candies in the opposite direction.

3 classes. Enough, enough! Go to your chest!

Two from the casket. Whatever you say, new owner! I'm also the boss! We are our own masters, and this is just for fun! We need to buy some groceries at Magnit, some variety for the New Year. Together: Aha! They turn and leave.

1 lesson (I saw a gnome) Look, ...... ours ! They start shouting and waving their arms. The gnome doesn't react.

3 schools Listen, we are somewhere in the wrong place, i.e. not in the normal world, or someone is playing a prank on us.A whistle sounds. The guys jump in surprise.Wow! She is showing us something.Gestures. A whistle sounds. The guys saw the remote control.

1 academic room ( sits down on a chair).I give up, it's the remote control, switch it.

The gnome shows channels. Stops at 7-8 TV. Performance of 7-8 grades.

4 and 6 units appear. They are happy to meet and hug.

4 schools Listen, as we understand, we are somewhere in a fairy tale, or maybe a portal opened for the New Year, I heard about this on TV. We need to figure out how to get back, because New Year is coming soon, we have to celebrate the Christmas tree, and in general...

6 schools That's where we came from(points to screen)that means you have to get there.They approach the screen and stumble upon an invisible barrier. A whistle is heard, the guys are thrown towards the tree by a wave. The gnome rubs his hands with satisfaction (that's right!). He takes a rag and spray, sprays it on the screen, and wipes it off the stage.

Dwarf. Again they got dirty like a kindergarten! Well, okay, I’ll show them something else that’s comforting, otherwise the poor fellows are depressed.Waves the 6TV card.

5 students appear on stage, call their classmates to follow them, the guys climb onto the stage through an imaginary narrow slot in the screen.

2 schools After all, it all began here, and here it must end. We need to look for our physics devices and reassemble the circuit.

1 class. Again through electric shock? Well, no, I don't agree. Fairy tales end well anyway, so let's wait.

3rd school We have no time to wait, they are waiting for us at school for the Christmas tree, especially since we are the organizers. Listen, our gnomish commander must be here somewhere. They are looking. She's nowhere to be found.

2 schools ( Starts screaming). People! Aw!!!People! Turns around, no one is around. Where is...? Guys!The music of the Flower Waltz from “The Nutcracker” is heard. Music, I hear music. People! People! Finally!Girls of grades 7-9 come out with boys and dance a waltz.

2 schools Guys, I'm so glad to see you all. Finally we are together!

1 school ….., what, were you sleeping or what?

2 schools In terms of? And our adventures, the self-assembled tablecloth, two of the caskets are identical in appearance?

3 schools We have a Christmas tree, a school Christmas tree, you see, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden came to us.

Del Moroz and Snegurochka enter the stage. Everyone applauds them.

Father Frost . To your holiday tree
We came from afar.
The two of us walked for quite a long time
Through the ice, through the snow.
All the days passed without knowing laziness,
We didn't go astray.
Then they sat on deer...
Then - in a minibus.

WITH: Our journey ends here,
And we are together
This Glorious New Year
Let's meet with honor.

D.M: You can't wait, I know
Everyone will receive gifts.
But the clock reminds
That the Christmas tree is in a friendly flock
It's time to celebrate the New Year!

WITH: Let's form a friendly round dance,
Happy New Year to everyone!
Round dance, songs: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “At the edge of the forest”

D.M: Well done boys!

There's a fun fight under the clock
I'll untie my bag!
In a few minutes
The New Year's clock will strike!
Let's say together: "One, two, three -
Our Christmas tree, burn!"

The Christmas tree is lit

Chiming clock

D.M: You sang songs, you danced -
Santa Claus is pleased with you!
Now it's time to part,
But don't be upset!

WITH.: You collect rain and firecrackers,
Poems and songs, ringing laughter.
And here we are for the year, gifts and toys
Let's save up so that there are enough for everyone!

Both: We wish you health and joy,
May life be without grief and worries!
We wish you all a Happy New Year!
Let the New Year be happy!

2 lessons I don’t understand anything. Maybe it really was a dream?He looks around, a gnome appears on the stage, shakes his finger, shows cards with the names of channels, and runs away.1 student shakes his head, looks around, no one is there.Well, thank God, it was a dream. Happy New Year!

All. Happy New Year!

The New Year's song from the "Star Factory" sounds - "Everything is covered with white snow...", everyone dances.

Teacher: Trushalieva S.R.,

9th grade students

MBOU secondary school in the village of Lukov Kordon

Characters: Father Frost Snow Maiden Magpie Baba Yaga Kikimora Devils Fox Alice Cat Basilio Old Cooperator Grandmother Granddaughter Bug Mouse Act one Characters: Father Frost Snow Maiden. Father Frost.
It's New Year's Eve, my head is spinning. We must be on time, do everything, provide for it, in order to celebrate this holiday without worries and without hassle. I will use the old method: I will write an order for a year. Hey! Snow Maiden, hurry up, Stop entertaining the animals, We have a lot of things to do, New Year will be soon!
Snow Maiden.
Did you call, grandpa? What's happened? Should I make some tea? Father Frost.
Where have you gone? I have no time to drink tea. Get to work, I will dictate the order. From now on, don’t loiter around without anything to do, My strict order to you!
Snow Maiden.
Don’t grumble, because you’re kind, say what you’re thinking. Father Frost. What I say, write in detail. Here, take a sheet of paper and a pen!
Snow Maiden.
Hey, grandpa, I forgot that I took the courses with a computer, and I’ll tell you without forcing, I passed everything with straight A’s. Father Frost.
Stop bragging, sit down and be patient, listen, delve into the essence of everything and write.
Snow Maiden.
Don't write, but type! Father Frost. Have it your way, go ahead! Dial my order right away.
Santa Claus dictates an order to the Snow Maiden.
Father Frost.
Order. Paragraph 1. All honest people must celebrate the New Year together. Paragraph 2. Masks, dresses for the carnival, Make a super-unprecedented celebration of the holiday for everyone, So that there is success in the year! Paragraph 3. Everyone wants to Dance and sing, Smile and joke, Laugh and dance in circles. Note: He who does not want to want everything must endure it all. Paragraph 4. I order all the evil and terrible wickedness to engage in education, that is, to re-educate! Become a decent people, Or I won’t allow anyone to celebrate the New Year, I’ll freeze, I won’t forgive! Paragraph 5. My New Year's order Print it out at this very hour. Call the Snowman, let him prepare for the journey, My order to everyone. Snow Maiden.
Don’t worry, grandfather, I’ll fax the order quickly. And the Snowman has long been accustomed to dumping your commands on the pager. So you better get some rest, watch TV “From Dusk Till Dawn.”
The Snow Maiden and Father Frost leave the stage.
Act two Characters: Magpie Baba Yaga Kikimora.
Magpie appears on the stage near the hut on chicken legs.
I am the white-sided magpie, I love the dense forest, I show interest in everything in the blink of an eye! And at the same time, she is a master at spreading rumors everywhere. They say you couldn't find a chattier bird in the whole world. I love both the heat and the cold, I am as light as the breeze, And besides, and besides, I am the most curious of all forty. I won’t yawn anywhere, I like to be on time everywhere, and be the first to arrive for the New Year’s holiday! P
Baba Yaga appears, dressed in an old woman's outfit, with a broom.
Baba Yaga.
Who is squealing and squealing here, disturbing my peace! Right now I’ll come with a frying pan and fry this bird. It will be a joy to profit from it.
A magpie runs away, squeaking and chirping.
Baba Yaga.
I am called Baba Yaga, Here I hold power firmly, And everyone will be my servant Forever and indefinitely. I live, I do what I want, knowing no barriers anywhere. I’ll erase, smear, trample, After all, I’m an evil woman. All the devils are true friends, They are remembered with trembling in the heart, That only I will order them, They will do everything, fulfill it!
Kikimora comes out from behind the scenes, dressed in green rags.
I am the forest Kikimora, I don’t know the word “honesty”. I have no other joy than doing dirty tricks on people! I am a forest girl, I am smart and good, With the devil, with Baba Yaga, We are in the same company. I am the forest Kikimora, I suffer alone day and night. It's hard to choose and decide at whose expense I can live sweetly!
Baba Yaga greets Kikimora and they hug. Magpie flies in again, all wet and out of breath.
Let me, grandma, sit down. I brought you news. Santa Claus faxed his New Year's order.
Baba Yaga.
I was scared, I had no urine, a white light brightened. In my life I have never listened to an order. Baba Yaga is no match for following someone's orders!
Would you like to go to the New Year's holiday? So today it was ordered to educate your “evil spirits”! The devils are in a “trance” for two hours and trembling with horror.
Baba Yaga.
Yes, my grandfather gave me a problem! Well, you’ll have to withdraw a pack of bucks from the bank’s stash, and start a showdown!
Baba Yaga, Kikimora and Soroka leave the stage.
Act three Characters: Butterfly Agya Devils Fox Alice Cat Basilio Kikimora.
A rejuvenated Baba Yaga appears on the stage, beautifully combed, in a short skirt, with bright makeup, and shiny jewelry. The hut on chicken legs turned into an ICHVP (Individual Damn Profitable Enterprise), with the sign “Butterfly Agya”.
Butterfly Agya.
Here is my residence, And in it I am Butterfly Agya. I want to get into the new century and I’m constantly busy. But things are a blockage, a whirlpool! All these fairy-tale people are trying to get involved in crime, I don’t need such an ending. Everything must be done according to the mind, Everything is hidden, who is who to whom, What was given, what was taken, stolen, sold, I didn’t know, I didn’t think, I didn’t guess. How can I force my servants not to blurt out what they think? I’ll hold a meeting and wipe them down with sand.
Butterfly Agya goes backstage. The employees of her ICHVP come out: Devils, Kikimora, Alice the Fox, Basilio the Cat. They sit on chairs and quietly communicate with each other. Butterfly Agya appears. The employees express their surprise; at first they simply do not recognize the transformed Baba Yaga.
Butterfly Agya.
How's my appearance? What, good? So don't rush into thinking. I gathered you all here, For the “company” to be successful, To get into the new century, You need to become modern. Remove the tails of all Devils, cut off the horns, and remove the hooves.
Oh! Yagushechka, wait, you have become very cool. How can we live without this, Tempt, choke, rot?
Butterfly Agya.
Primitive, strangle, crush!.. You just need to seduce, And with a smile, seduction, Receive rewards!
Not for our brains...
Butterfly Agya.
But my order is only this: Change your image urgently And arrive for the New Year holiday Renewed!
Butterfly Aga's cell phone rings and she answers.
Butterfly Agya.
Hello, who? Ah, Kashcheyushka, Kashchey! I'm withering from such speeches, I'm going crazy to pay taxes! It would be better if you came to visit us, that’s a different conversation. Jeep or Opel? What color? No, no, not black - blue. OK! I’ll hold a meeting and come on a date.
Butterfly Agya approaches Kikimora.
Butterfly Agya.
And you, my joy, need to lose a little weight, change your dress, change your makeup, I’ll give you 100 bucks, so be it. But this debt belongs to you And is now tied to me with one string. That's it, you're free - march home!
Butterfly Agya approaches Fox Alice and Cat Basilio.
Butterfly Agya.
To you, Alisochka, my light, I have no complaints. You were always in shape, Seductive, sweet, And use your brains. I don’t need to teach you. And don’t scold the cat, so, rein it in a little, Dress it up a little more decently. There will be a great couple and you will get to the holiday without difficulty then! Act four Characters: Old man-cooperator Fox Alice Cat Basilio Grandmother Granddaughter Bug Mouse Butterfly Agya
The Old Man comes onto the stage with a bag with “$” written on it.
Old man.
I earned money in my garden bed. I worked day and night until I sweat! We need to invest them in business in order to live better.
The grandmother comes out and pushes and pulls the old man by the sleeve.
Give me, my dear, for boots, for a sheepskin coat, for perfume. Old man.
Leave me alone, old man, my answer to you is no and no.
Grandfather, we need a computer, To live like people, cool, I’ll connect to the Internet.
Old man.
Wait, it's not time - no!
The fur is peeling off - look! Grandfather, buy me Pedi Gris.
Old man.
I was daydreaming, my answer is no!
I’m completely emaciated, I’ll at least eat a piece of salt. Grandfather, at least give me some salsa for the holiday. Old man.
They gnawed my entire barn, go away, I won’t give you any bacon!
Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox appear on stage.
Fox Alice.
Grandfather, there is a case, of course, yes! This is the Pole of Miracles.
Cat Basilio.
Business is true, grandfather, believe me! Give me your bag quickly, You will receive interest, Not in rubles, but in dollars. Fox Alice. In cents!
Butterfly Agya appears. She smiles mysteriously at her grandfather and beckons him with her finger. The grandfather with a bag of money goes to her as if spellbound.
Cat Basilio.
What a great job!
Fox Alice.
She threw us like crazy!
Cat Basilio.
Without a word, she swung her skirt And stole all the money... Act five Characters: Santa Claus Snow Maiden Old man-cooperator Butterfly Agya
On stage is Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. A dejected Old Man approaches them.
Father Frost.
The magpies brought your troubles to me. He himself is largely to blame, Who did he get involved with, stupid brother?!
Old man.
I'm punished, don't blame me, Everything inside has sunk, If you can, help me, Take the money from Yaga.
Father Frost.
I won’t promise in vain, it’s time to start the holiday. Look, the kids are tired of waiting, Let’s shout a friendly “Hurray!” They will come to us themselves and give us all the money.
Butterfly Agya appears with her company. They are all festively dressed, just as Agya told them to be.
Father Frost.
I didn’t even have time to say “they’ll come,” and they were right there. You're not recognizable from the outside. What do you want to tell me? Butterfly Agya.
We carried out the order. Grandfather, will you let us in for the holiday?
Father Frost.
To be decent, it’s not enough to change your image, you need to look into yourself, to remove the rotten essence.
Butterfly Agya.
Grandfather, forgive me, don’t blame me, There was no time to breathe. Give us time, we will come to you, Believe, in righteous footsteps! Take your bag, just take us with you!
Father Frost.
I don’t want to spoil the holiday, So be it, I’ll grab you, So that the people will think, And everyone will see the vice in themselves. And in diligence, in work, Could we eradicate the evil thread of “evil spirits”! Snow Maiden. Stop reading morals, grandfather, it’s time to start the holiday! Father Frost.
Let’s shout together: “One, two, three, Our Christmas tree, burn!!!”

Scene from


    5 20 , on the street that morning. Nothing is visible.


    Misha, Misha! You're not sleeping, are you?


    Well, sleep, sleep.(Grandmother strokes the cat).

Oh, Barsik, Barsik, Barsik, Barsik! Good cat Barsik. Do you want to eat? Why are you silent, Barsik!


    Edik! Edik! What time do you have to go to practice?


    Well, sleep, sleep.

Misha! Misha! Edik and I are not disturbing you, are we?! What about Barsik?!

Misha! Should I make pancakes?


    I won't make any noise with the mixer. What am I, a catechumen, or what?!(Granny rattles the pan with a whisk, imitating whipping pancakes).


    I'm not a mixer. Well, won't you have pancakes?!


    What are you going to do?


    Will you have a chop?


    What are you going to do?


    Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor! Lord, my God, Igor, Igor!

Hello! Ambulance, a man is feeling unwell, I call him, but he doesn’t respond, maybe this is a lethargic dream?!


    Better already, sorry!

Igor! Igor!


    Are you day or night today?

But not to me!

(Cell phone rings).


    Whose is this?! Is someone's phone ringing?!

Whose phone is it, is someone’s phone blinking?! Whose phone number?!


    Marina, why are you crazy? You decided to wake everyone up with your sigh?! Turn it off, me too. You have no mind at all, or what?

We need to remove the trash.


    Marina, you've made a mess. Everything needs to be removed.

What will you make pancakes with: condensed milk, raspberries, maybe gooseberries?!


    Igor! Go get some gooseberries.

Igor! Igor! Igor! Igor!



    Misha, wait. Here are the keys to the garage, here is the sled, and here is the money for the train to the garage. Here's your trash.

(Gives Misha a bag of garbage).


    Igor! Igor! I can’t go to the garage, I have to make pancakes. Now you need to fry pancakes. Why fry them, they will make crackling noises and wake everyone up. I’d rather heat up yesterday’s pancakes in the microwave for you. Wait a minute.


    Oh, that's it!

Igor! Igor! Igor, get up! Wake up Marina.

Marina! Marina, wake up Edik!

Edik! Edik, wake up Barsik!

Barsik, sleep!

Get up, everyone, get up.

(Everyone gets out of bed.)


    How did grandma sleep?!


    Well, get up, get up. While the pancakes are warm. You eat, eat, and for now I’ll lie down. I've been struggling with your pancakes all morning.(Goes to bed).


Scene from “Ural dumplings” “MARCH 8”

    If a woman goes to bed late and gets up early, she slowly turns into a grandmother.


    No, don't, grandma, you'll make noise with the mixer.


    Grandmother! Well, I don’t need pancakes, you’re making noise.




    I do not want anything!


    No, I will not!


    To the garage for gooseberries!


    Shut up, Edik!

(Gives Misha a bag of garbage).

You'll throw it out the window from the train.

Open your eyes, Misha, otherwise you will fall under the train again.


Scene from “Ural dumplings” “MARCH 8”

    If a woman goes to bed late and gets up early, she slowly turns into a grandmother.


    Barsik, answer her something already!


    By 12 o'clock. Baba let me sleep!


    Misha, you are a hero, your homeland will never forget you!


Scene from “Ural dumplings” “MARCH 8”


    Mom, he’s on silent on purpose so that he doesn’t bother anyone.

(Grandmother hands the phone to Marina. She takes a bag of garbage and starts rustling).

We need to remove the trash.


    Mom, let me sleep.(I put a pillow on my head.)


    Yes, with gooseberries! With gooseberries!

(Igor presses the pillow harder to his head. Misha stands up).

Misha, where did you jump?!


Scene from “Ural dumplings” “MARCH 8”

    If a woman goes to bed late and gets up early, she slowly turns into a grandmother.


    Misha, don't talk to grandma!


    Yeah, what, what?




    I am in the morning, why did you jump up so early, mom?! Lie down, get at least a little more sleep!

(Grandma sits down on Igor’s bed.)

But not to me!

(Cell phone rings).

Open your eyes, Misha, otherwise you will fall under the train again.


    Take grandma with you, take her somewhere far away.

(Places pancakes and turns on the microwave).


    Mom, let me sleep!

(The alarm clock is ringing).


    Yes, let's all get up, let's get up!

(Everyone gets out of bed.)


    Slept well until 5 20 .