Lesson on the formation of coherent speech. Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson on the development of coherent speech for children of the senior group with ONR. Collective description of the puppy

Theme: "Spring"


Teach children to write a descriptive story based on diagrams


1. To form the skill of compiling a descriptive story on the topic "Spring" (based on diagrams), the skills of coherence, deployment, continuity of the statement.

2. Expand and activate vocabulary on the lexical topics "Spring", "Behavior of birds, animals in spring".

3. Improve the psychological base of speech, increase the amount of short-term linear memory up to seven elements.

4. Develop general motor skills.

5. Cultivate kindness, responsiveness.

6. To form the right attitude towards the objects of nature.


Schemes for compiling descriptive stories (sun, sky, trees, snow, earth, birds and animals), paper lilies of the valley; record player; music disc; contour images of snowdrops for each child.

Organizing time:

L: Listen carefully to the riddle.

The snow is melting again.

The day is coming

The night is waning.

The snowdrop is blooming.

When does it happen? (Spring)

L: How many spring months? What are their names? Which month is the coldest (warmest)?

What do you know about spring as a season?

D: In spring, the sun warms and the snow melts. Icicles appear on the roofs. Birds come from warmer climes. In the forest, on thawed patches, the first flowers appear - snowdrops. Buds swell on the trees and leaves appear.

L: You named the signs of spring. Signs are a distinctive property, a sign by which you can recognize someone or something.

Main part

1. Drawing up proposals for schemes

L: Today I came to you with a bouquet of lilies of the valley - these are also spring flowers, they are not simple, but with surprises - diagrams that will help us compose a story about spring. Here is our first assistant the first lily of the valley surprise. (The speech therapist places the “sun” diagram on the board). What will we propose?

D: About the sun.

L: What is the sun like?

D: Round, yellow, beautiful, cheerful, bright.

L: How does the sun shine and warm in spring?

D: In spring, the sun shines brightly, but it does not heat as much as in summer.

L: Now look at the diagram. What are we going to talk about now? (The speech therapist places the “heaven” diagram on the board).

D: About the sky.

L: What can you say about the spring sky?

D: The sky is blue in spring, but sometimes gray, gloomy.

L: What can you say about snow in spring? (The speech therapist places the “snow” diagram on the board).

D: The snow darkens, melts, turns into water.

L: What can you say about plants, their clothes? What trees become at the beginning of spring, what at the end? (The speech therapist places a “tree” diagram on the board).

D: First, buds appear on the trees, and then the first leaves.

L: What are we going to make a proposal about now? (The speech therapist places the "land" diagram on the board).

D: About the earth.

L: What can you say about the earth in spring?

D: The earth is freed from snow, grass and flowers appear.

Holding a dynamic pause

The music is quiet.

L: Guys, let's play. Together we will recite a poem and perform rhythmic movements.

The sun warms up. Snow melts in the fields. The birds are flying. Snowdrops are blooming. Children raise their hands up, spreading their fingers like rays. They lean forward, simultaneously waving their arms to the sides. Perform sharp flapping arms like wings. Squat down, hands in front of you, fingers clenched into fists. They straighten up, slowly raising their hands up. They join hands in the form of a flower bud.

L: While we were playing, a new lily of the valley appeared with a scheme. (The speech therapist places the “bird” diagram on the board). Who are we going to talk about?

D: About birds.

L: What changes occur in the life of birds in the spring?

D: Birds come to us from warm lands and begin to make nests.

L: Why do birds build nests?

D: To lay eggs and hatch chicks.

L: How can people help visiting birds?

D: They build birdhouses for the birds.

L: What do animals do in spring? (The speech therapist places the "animals" scheme on the board).

D: Squirrel and hare change coat color. Bear and hedgehog come out of hibernation.

2. Development of the psychological base of speech

The speech therapist collects a bouquet of lilies of the valley diagrams and invites the children to place them on the board in the same order. The children are doing the task.

3. Drawing up a descriptive story according to the schemes

L: Look carefully at the diagrams and tell us about spring, i.e. make up a story.

Children make up a story-description according to the schemes.

Sample story.

In spring the sun shines brightly, but it does not heat as much as in summer. The sky is blue in spring, but it can be gray and gloomy. The snow darkens, melts, turns into water. Grass and flowers appear. Buds first appear on the trees, and then the first leaves. Birds arrive from warmer climes and start making nests to lay eggs and hatch chicks. Squirrel and hare change coat color. Bear and hedgehog come out of hibernation.

Squirrel and hare change coat color. Bear and hedgehog come out of hibernation.

Summary of the lesson

L: Children, what do you remember, did you like?

Now it's time to part. You all answered the questions well. We tried to speak correctly, beautifully, were active. In parting, I want to give you snowdrops. You paint them at home and tell your parents about spring - a wonderful time of the year, its signs.


Lukina T. A.

The author is pleased, it's not difficult for you - click "I LIKE" . Also join our speech therapy group at

Neganova Svetlana Faritovna
Job title: Teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MADOW №3
Locality: r.p. Priyutovo Republic of Bashkortostan
Material name: Article
Subject:"The structure of the lesson on the development of coherent speech"
Publication date: 22.04.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

combined type kindergarten No. 3 "Alyonushka" r.p. Priyutovo

municipal district Belebeevsky district

Republic of Bashkortostan


on the topic of:

The structure of the lesson on the development of coherent speech.


teacher speech therapist

Neganova S.F.

Connected speech is the highest form of mental activity.


coherent speech determines the level of speech and mental development of the child "(L.S.

Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, A.A. Leontiev)

Mastery of coherent oral speech -

the most important condition for successful preparation for schooling.

The main form of speech therapy classes for the development of coherent speech are

frontal, which are held once a week. Frontal lesson on

the development of coherent speech is a kind of result of the work carried out jointly with

educators of the weekly work group for each declared lexical topic.

The speech therapist conducts a frontal session at the end of the week, assesses speech activity

children, checks their orientation in the lexical material and notes the progress and

difficulties. In frontal classes, a demonstration is widely used.

material: plot pictures and series of plot pictures, subject pictures,

basic picture and drawing plans, schematic drawings.

Types of classes for the development of speech

1 - compiling a retelling of the text

2 - compiling a story based on a plot picture or a picture of a famous


compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures

4 - compiling a descriptive story

5 - compiling a retelling with elements of dramatization

6 - writing a creative story

The main objective of these classes is to teach children independent


It is important to teach children how to use practiced speech operations in similar situations.

or new situations, creatively use the acquired skills in various ways


The lesson planning process begins with the definition of the goal and objectives that

must be clearly articulated.

It also follows:

select lexical and grammatical material, taking into account the topic and purpose

classes, stage of remedial education, individual approach to

speech and mental abilities of children (it is allowed

non-normative phonetic design of part of the speech material);

Outline the main stages of the lesson, showing their relationship and

interdependence, and formulate the purpose of each stage;

Emphasize the presence of a learning moment and consistent

consolidation of new material;

Include in the lesson a variety of gaming and didactic


Provide techniques that ensure, with individual

approach to children, involving them in active speech and cognitive


Include regular repetition of learned speech material.

The structure of classes for teaching coherent speech to children with general underdevelopment

speech is based on typical methods for preschool education Tiheeva

E.I., Ushakova O.S., Zhukova N.S., Chirkina G.V.

The structure of frontal lessons includes three basic parts.

I. Organizing moment

This part of the frontal lesson helps the speech therapist set up children for work,

activate their vocabulary and attention. Also in this part you can

invite children to remember and consolidate what they have learned in previous lessons

speech material. A conversation is used with the inclusion of preparatory

exercises, methods and techniques that mobilize cognitive potential:

ritual greetings.

Use of concentration exercises, cohesion games


Emotional mood.

Ball games.


II. Main part of the lesson

This part of the lesson consists of several sub-parts, among which you can

highlight the following:

Introduction to the topic.

The teacher should motivate children to include upcoming activities

using a problem or game situation. The speech pathologist guides the children to

lesson objectives: For example, children find a letter and find out that autumn invites

for a visit. In this part, it is advisable to use guessing and guessing riddles.

about the characters. And also include exercises For example: When retelling by children

V. Bianchi's story "Tails" you can play the game "Guess whose tail ?, whose head?".

The child is given the task: "Animals have lost all their tails. What

Acquaintance with the text of the story or the content of plot pictures.

Teaching children the ability to correctly answer questions on the content

text . Modeling a connected story.

This subpart is the most informative. Speech therapist introduces children to

small texts of literary works (various Russian

folk tales or fairy tales and stories of children's writers), offers children

consider plot pictures or a series of plot pictures. And then -

asks children to answer a series of questions on the content of the read text

or paintings. The speech therapist should gradually teach children to give complete

answering questions using the technique of repetition at the beginning of the answer part of the question.

At this stage, you can apply the plot modeling technique with

using a visual diagram.

Glukhov V.P. for its compilation uses blocks placed on a tripod -

squares denoting individual fragments of the story.

Tkachenko T.A. uses reference signals in its methodology, it is

schematic pictures.

T. V. Bolsheva suggests using

mimic tables and mimic tracks.

Vocabulary work.

The teacher-speech therapist draws the attention of children to unfamiliar words in the text,

explains their meaning. Here you can use the method of research

words. (how to get information: think for yourself, ask an adult,

Fitness minute.

For most children, a decrease in working capacity is characteristic. Under

the influence of physical exercises improves the performance of various

mental processes - memory, attention, perception, thinking. Children with

perform exercises with pleasure, imitating the listed actions in

according to the text read by the teacher.

Knowledge update

The speech therapist reads the text with the setting of children for retelling and for independent

drawing up a visual diagram; Draws children's attention to sequence

story in the picture, uses the "Entering the picture" technique, descriptive schemes


Compilation of an oral coherent monologue statement by children.

The speech therapist invites children to independently compose a retelling, a story in a series

paintings or a story based on a plot picture, with obligatory visual support.

There is also a series of frontal lessons in which children compose a retelling

in the footsteps of a read fairy tale, with elements of dramatization and the use

various items. These activities are very popular with children. They help everyone

the child, if desired, to take part in a familiar fairy tale and play in his own way

the chosen role of a fairy-tale character. It is very important with what mood the speech therapist

listening to children's stories. Joyful, interested, enthusiastic mood and

the attitude of adults surprisingly helps the most shy and underachieving

pupil. And vice versa - a displeased, tense expression on the face of the teacher

can paralyze the performance of the most capable child.

III. Summing up the lesson

After completing all the tasks and exercises of the main part, the teacher together

with children analyzes the stories of children, notes such qualities as completeness,

sequence of content transfer, semantic correspondence to the text,

painting and series of paintings. Especially draws the attention of children to the successful

the use of means of figurative expression, the manifestation of elements


In conclusion, the children discuss with the teacher the results of the work and the difficulties

that arose during the performance of tasks. The speech pathologist may ask questions such as:

did you learn something interesting today?”, “What was the most difficult for you?” Also

it is imperative to praise and thank all the children for their participation in the work.


Teaching children coherent speech on the topic: "Pets".

Fairy tale dramatization.

Program content:


1. Exercise children in the use of nouns in the instrumental case.

2. Development of speech breathing, general and finger motor skills.

3. Enrichment and activation of the children's verbal vocabulary.


1. Refinement of children's knowledge about pets and their characteristic features.

2. Development of coherent speech. Learning to dramatize a fairy tale.

3. Development of attention, memory, logical thinking.

Educational: education of love and respect for pets.


1. Animal masks.

2. Object pictures depicting pets for children.

3. Puppy toy.

4. Doll Tanya.

5. Demonstration pictures depicting pets for a speech therapist.

6. Massage ball.

7. Musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading fiction on the topic.

2. Examination of paintings and illustrations depicting domestic animals.

3. Making masks for staging.

4. Acquisition of visual and didactic material on the topic.

5. Selection of musical accompaniment.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Didactic game "Remember and name."

3. Riddles.

4. Fizminutka "Cat".

5. Introductory conversation.

6. Reading a fairy tale.

7. Questions for children after reading a fairy tale.

8. Physical Minute. Didactic game: "Big - small."

9. Re-reading the tale.

10. Staging a fairy tale.

11. The result of the lesson.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

One - two - three - four - five - start playing in a circle.

(Soft lyrical music plays.)

It's a new day. I smile at you, and you smile at each other. And think how good it is that we are together again today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy. Now you will take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness and beauty. And exhale through your mouth all the resentment, anger and grief.

(Children breathe in and out three times.)

And now let's wish each other good morning, and a small ball will help us do this. We will pass it to each other with our right hand, holding it with our thumb and little finger - like this.

(Children wish each other good morning.)

Good morning children. Come to the tables. But sit down in your seat when you hear the name of the pet. Listen carefully.


George, when did you take your seat? (When I heard the name of a pet.)

1. Didactic game "Remember and name" - to clarify the knowledge of children on the topic "Pets".

What other pets do you know? (Enumeration.)


2. Puzzles - exercise children in compiling descriptive riddles, activating the verbal dictionary of children on the topic, developing visual gnosis, fine motor skills of fingers.

To remember all the pets, let's make riddles. But today I will not make riddles, but you to each other. Each of you has pictures of a pet on your desk. One of you, whom I will name, will have to take his picture, stand up and tell us what the animal depicted in your picture can do, and the rest of the children should listen carefully and try to guess. For example: this pet can run, meow, lap, jump, scratch. Who is this? (Cat.)

(One child makes a riddle, and the rest guess, the speech therapist puts up a picture + finger gymnastics for the correct answer.)

  • Dog + image of a dog from the fingers: the palm is extended to the left, all fingers are straight, except for the index finger - it is bent.
  • Cow + image of a cow from the fingers: the thumb and little finger are straight, the remaining fingers are bent into a fist.
  • Horse + the image of a horse from the fingers: the index and middle fingers run straight on the table, the rest are gathered into a fist.
  • Pig + image of a pig from fingers: alternate connection of the thumb with all fingers in order, forming a circle.
  • Sheep + image of a sheep from fingers: image of a spiral with each finger in turn.
  • Rabbit + image of a rabbit from fingers: ears above the head with two hands and one.
  • Cat + image of a cat from fingers: claws exercise.

3. Fizminutka "Cat" - coordination of speech with movement, development of both motor skills .

Careful like a cat

From sofa to window

I'll walk on my toes

I sit down and curl up in a ball. (Movements are made according to the text.)

And now it's time to wake up

Straighten up, stretch.

I can easily jump off the couch

I will arch the back.

And milk from a saucer

I lick my tongue.

4. Introductory conversation - introduce children to the topic of the lesson.

- Guys, let's remember why a person gets pets? (Children's answers.) Well done, everyone said correctly. What do you think, which pet, in your opinion, is the most necessary and why? (Children's answers.) Each of you expressed his opinion and all your answers can be considered absolutely correct. But in order to find out the exact answer to this difficult question, I suggest you listen to a little fairy tale.

5. Reading a fairy tale.

6 . Questions for children after reading a fairy tale- to clarify the knowledge of children.

What is this tale about? (Children's answers.) Yes, that's right, this tale tells us about the dispute of domestic animals, which could not decide which pet was the most necessary. Who came to grandmother in the village? What animal did Tanya see first in the yard? (Dog.) Why did the dog consider itself the most necessary pet? What did the dog say? (I'm the most needed pet.) Who then got into the argument? (Cat.) The cat also considered itself the most necessary pet. Why? Who's next to fight? (Cow.) And why did the cow consider itself the most necessary pet? Who else considered themselves the most necessary pet? (Goat.) Why did the goat consider itself the most needed pet? Who then entered into the dispute? (Rabbit.) Why did he consider himself the most needed pet? Who else got into the fight? (Sheep.) The sheep also considered itself the most necessary pet. Why? Who else haven't we named? (Pig.) And why did the pig consider itself the most necessary pet? Who resolved the pet dispute? (Horse.) What did he say to the animals? Do you think the horse is right? Did the animals agree with him?

Did you like this fairy tale? Do you want to become the main characters of this fairy tale and show a small performance for our guests?

George, you will have the role of a horse. Who will you be? (Horse.)

Lisa, you will play the role of a cat. Who will you be? (A cat.)

Masha, you will play the role of a dog. Who will you be? (Dog.)

Maxim, you will have the role of a rabbit. Who will you be? (Rabbit.)

Anton, you will have the role of a sheep. Who will you be? (Sheep.)

Vlad, you will play the role of a goat. Who will you be? (Goat.)

Masha, you will have the role of a cow. Who will you be? (A cow.)

Tanya, you will play the role of a pig. Who will you be? (Pig.)

7. Fizminutka.Didactic game: "Big - small": children stand with their eyes closed, speech therapist calls pets. If the speech therapist named an adult pet, the children stand on their toes, hands up. If the speech therapist named the cub, the children squat. (First the leader is a speech therapist, then one of the children.)

Do you remember who you will be? I invite each of you to take the mask of your hero and sit down again.

8. Re-reading the tale.

Now listen carefully to the tale again and memorize the words that you will have to say as the main characters of this tale.

(Rereading the story.)

9. Staging a fairy tale.

- Ready to perform? Well done! Be calm, confident in your abilities, I will help you. I will be the storyteller, and you do not forget to enter on time.

Dear viewers! Before you perform the actors of the preparatory compensatory group "Fidgets", offering you the "Tale of Pets".


10 . Outcome.

What interesting things did you find out? Did you enjoy acting as actors? Answer the question: who is the most necessary pet? Thank you to our guests for your attention and patience. Thanks to the actors for a wonderful performance. Thank you very much. Lesson completed.

A story about pets.

In the summer, Tanya went to her grandmother in the village. One morning she looked out of the window. And this is what she saw and heard.

A dog sat near the booth and said to his puppy:

I'm going to work, and you be obedient and don't go anywhere from home.

What is your job? the puppy asked.

The most important, - answered the dog. - I guard the house, the yard, the mistress and all the animals in the yard. I make sure that the bad boys do not climb into the garden, and the fox does not get into the chicken coop. I am the most needed pet.

Nothing like that, - the cat sitting on the porch did not agree. - The most important job I have. I catch mice in the basement and in the attic. I am the most needed pet.

No matter how it is, - the cow stuck its head out of the barn. - What would you do without my milk, cream, cottage cheese, sour cream and butter? I am the most needed pet.

By the way, my milk is both healthier and fatter. And I also give wool and goat down, - the goat was indignant. - I am the most needed pet.

Well, if we talk about fluff, then it’s better not to find ours, - the rabbit fussed in the aviary. - And I also give meat, and fur coats and hats are sewn from my skins. I am the most needed pet.

I also give a skin and a lot of wool,” the sheep bleated. And my meat is fatty and tasty. I am the most needed pet.

What disgusting, - a grunt was heard from the pigsty. - I give most of all both meat and fat. I am the most needed pet.

A horse came out of the stable.

Well, what do you say that you are the most necessary animal? the cat asked.

No, I think that we are all needed by people, we are all useful. For this, people keep us, and feed, and take care of us.

And that's right, agreed the cow.

And all the animals nodded their heads in unison. The girl was glad that the dispute ended so well, and the little puppy learned that all pets are needed by a person.


  1. Kartushina M.Yu. Abstracts of logorhythmic classes with children 6-7 years old. - M., 2007.
  2. Ovchinnikova T.S. Outdoor games, physical minutes and general developmental exercises with speech and music. KARO. – 2006.

Tatyana Agafonova

Subject: "My favorite stories".

Target classes: children's speech development, through the composition of fairy tales by illustrations, by name, by a set of pictures with characters from fairy tales.


Develop children have creative thinking, imagination when compiling fairy tales according to illustrations, according to the plot, according to the name of the fairy tale, according to a set of pictures with the characters of fairy tales.

Learn connected, consistently state the course of a fictional fairy tale, using the beginning, the main part, the ending of Russian folk tales.

Continue to teach children to retell the fairy tale in roles, consistently, expressively.

preliminary work:

Reading, telling Russian folk tales.

Examining illustrations for fairy tales

View cartoons on the topic of Russian folk tales.

Conducting didactic games: "Learn a fairy tale by riddles", "Basket of fairy tales" etc.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment, announcement Topics:

Guys, do you like fairy tales? Today we will not only remember our favorite fairy tales, but also find out if you know Russian folk tales well. And most importantly, we will learn to compose our own fairy tales.

There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

Aladdin Lamp,

Take us to the fairy tale.

crystal slipper,

Help on the way!

Cipollino boy,

Bear Winnie the Pooh.

Everyone is on the road for us -

A true friend.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give us warmth.

May goodness forever

Evil wins!

(Yu. Entina)

A game: "You to me - I to you".

(Children stand in a circle. The leader from the middle of the circle throws the ball to the children, naming any character in Russian folk tales. The children take turns answering in which fairy tale this hero occurs.) For example: Fox - a fairy tale "Kolobok".

Masha - ...; Bear -…; Snow Maiden -…; Frog -…; Mouse - ...; Emelya -…; Hare-…

2. Main body:

- Fairy tales are different: folk and author's.

Guys, why do you think fairy tales are called folk (because they were made by the people).

Right. People composed fairy tales and passed from one person to another. Therefore, fairy tales are called folk and belong to oral folk art.

Fairy tales teach us that good will always be rewarded and evil punished (justice, the brave will win (courage, the patient will wait (endurance, good work will be appreciated (diligence, truth will triumph, etc.)

A game: "Know a fairy tale by a riddle"

Guys, let's play a game. I will give you a riddle about a fairy tale, and you will guess the name of the fairy tale.

The mouse lived in a teremka, and found friends for itself.

He was lying on the window, suddenly rolled down the path.

Rolled, rolled and did not return home.

Heals all animals and birds,

He rushes to their aid...

Three brothers, twins,

Crocheted tail and heels.

Near the forest at the edge they made

Three huts.

Lives in Prostokvashino

He is waiting for Uncle Fyodor.

I would have sat on a stump, I would have eaten a pie, And the big-eyed one looks, there is a pie, she does not order.

Everyone knows this tablecloth,

How do you spread it

Full of food.

The stove is going through the village

Well done sits on the stove

He arrived at the palace

He sends a bow to the king from the oven.

A game: "Basket of fairy tales"

Guys, here in my basket I have plot pictures from different fairy tales. Let's check, now, can you guess the fairy tales from the pictures?

3. Physical Minute:

One fungus, two fungus

The goblin walked along the path,

I found a mushroom in the meadow. (Walking in place.)

One fungus, two fungus,

Here is the complete box. (Squats.)

Goblin groans: tired

From the fact that he sat down.

Leshy stretched sweetly, (Sipping - hands up.)

And then leaned back

And then leaned forward

And reached the floor. (Tilts forward and backward.)

Both left and right

Turned around. Well, fine. (Turns of the body to the right and left.)

Leshy performed a warm-up

And sat down on the path. (Children sit down.)

caregiver: Do you all know the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear? Let's play theater.

caregiver: And now we guys will learn to invent different fairy tales.

caregiver: I have a ring in my hands. I will pronounce the words, and whoever has the ring will begin to tell the tale.

Ring-ring you roll through the porch,

The porch suddenly ends, the fairy tale begins.

(The one who turns out to have a ring from the children begins to tell a fairy tale, in order to continue the fairy tale, the children play the ring again).

caregiver: - Well done, they came up with a good fairy tale.

And now, with the help of pictures, everyone will make a fairy tale in their book.

(Children cut out pictures of fairy tale characters, stick them in their book, drawing the plot of a fictional fairy tale with pencils or felt-tip pens).

Related publications:

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Abstract of a speech therapy lesson on the development of coherent speech for children of senior preschool age with OHP “Russian folk tale processed by A.N. Afanasyev "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster"

Subject: Retelling and staging of a Russian folk tale in the processing of A.N. Afanasyev "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster".
Target: Teaching children to retell.
Learning tasks:
Learn how to make common sentences.
Learn to form words from words of objects signs with the help of a suffix.
Learn to agree nouns with adjectives in gender, number, case.
Development tasks:
Develop an active subject and indicative vocabulary.
Develop memory.
Develop general motor skills.
Educational tasks:
Cultivate interest in the holidays.
Cultivate the ability to listen to each other.
Corrective tasks:
Eliminate agrammatisms in a common sentence.
Preliminary work: A conversation about the profession of an actor in the theater.
Vocabulary work: bast, hut, krinka, back streets.

Course progress.

I. Organizational moment. (Children with a speech therapist enter the group)
- Guys, what unusual thing did you notice in the group? (attributes and costumes of the heroes of the fairy tale are laid out on the chairs).
- Guys, today we will participate in a performance based on the Russian folk tale "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster" and here costumes for the performance are prepared for you. But first, like all theater actors, we must get acquainted with the script and rehearse.

II. Main part.

Reading a fairy tale.

Guys, listen to the Russian folk tale "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster" in the processing of A.N. Afanasiev.

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox had an icy hut, and the bunny had a bast; spring came red - the fox melted, and the bunny stands in the old way. The fox asked the bunny to warm up, but the bunny was kicked out. The dear bunny is walking and crying, and the dogs are meeting him: “Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! What are you crying about, bunny? And the bunny says: “Leave me alone, dogs! How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, she asked me to come to me, and she kicked me out. - Don't cry, bunny! the dogs say. "We'll kick her out." - "No, don't kick me out!" - "No, we'll kick you out!" They approached the hut: “Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! Come on, fox, get out!" And she told them from the stove: “As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!” The dogs got scared and left.
The bunny is crying again. A bear meets him: “What are you crying about, bunny?” And the bunny says: “Leave me alone, bear! How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an icy one; she asked me to come, and she kicked me out. - Don't cry, bunny! - says the bear. "I'll kick her out." "No, you won't get kicked out! They drove the dogs - they didn’t kick them out, and you won’t kick them out. - "No, I'll kick you out!" Let's go chase: "Come, fox, get out!" And she from the stove: “As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!” The bear got scared and left.
Again the bunny comes and cries, and the bull meets him: “What are you crying about, bunny?” - “Get off, bull! How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an icy one; she asked me to come, and she kicked me out. "Come on, I'll kick her out." - “No, bull, you won’t drive it out! The dogs drove - they didn’t kick them out, the bear drove them out - they didn’t kick them out, and you won’t kick them out. - "No, I'll kick you out." They approached the hut: “Come, fox, get out!” And she from the stove: “As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!” The bull got scared and left.
Again the bunny comes and cries, and a rooster with a scythe meets him: “Kukureku! What are you crying about, bunny? - “Get off, rooster! How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an icy one; she asked me to come, and she kicked me out. - "Let's go, I'll kick you out." "No, you won't get kicked out! Dogs drove - did not drive out, the bear drove - did not drive out, the bull drove - did not drive out, and you will not drive out. - "No, I'll kick you out!" We approached the hut. "Kukureku! I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut the fox! Come on, fox, get out!" And she heard, she was frightened, she said: “I'm getting dressed ...” The rooster again: “Kukureku! I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut the fox! Come on, fox, get out!" And she says: “I put on a fur coat.” Rooster for the third time: “Kukureku! I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut the fox! Come on, fox, get out!" The fox ran out; and the rooster began to live with the bunny and live and make good.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and a glass of butter for me.
1. Why did the fox kick out the bunny?
2. Why did the bunny cry?
3. Where did the bunny go when they kicked him out?
4. Who tried to help him first?
5. And after the dogs, who wanted to help the bunny?
6. And after the bear, who wanted to help the bunny?
7. Then after the bull, who wanted to help the bunny?
8. What did the fox answer to everyone?
9. Who was the fox afraid of?
10. Did good or evil win in the fairy tale?
Dynamic pause.
In the morning the children went to the forest (walking in place)
And they found mushrooms in the forest, (measured squat)
Bent over, collected, (forward bends)
Lost along the way. (spreading arms to the sides)
Mom went farthest, (walking in place)
Found the most mushrooms.
One - fungus, two - fungus, three - fungus, (forward bends)
That's full of boxes. (stretching arms forward).
Theatrical game.
Children, I suggest you feel like real actors.
Now we will distribute the roles, and when I tell the tale that you have just listened to, you will portray the characters. (distribution of roles).
Playing out history. (The author is an adult). (Beating can be repeated by changing roles and inviting the child to be the author).
Retelling the story with reference pictures.
Children are offered a series of pictures of a fairy tale, but in a chaotic manner.
Guys, look, the pictures are messed up, break up into pairs, which of you can put them in order (offer each pair a set of pictures).

Children lay out in order and tell a retelling of a Russian folk tale using reference pictures.
III. Summary of the lesson. Evaluation of children's activities.
What did you learn new today? Thank you guys for your recaps.