Educational games for children 2 years old. Games that develop attention. Game “Where will the cat fit?”

Games for the development of thinking in preschoolers of the junior group of preschool educational institutions

Game “How a cockerel walks and fasts, how a dog runs and barks.”

Target: develop subject and play activity, outlook and creative thinking, speech apparatus and onomatopoeia.

: toy cockerel and dog.

Description: Children sit in a circle. The teacher shows a toy cockerel (dog), draws attention to how beautiful it is, shows how the cockerel walks (the dog runs), how it sings (barks). The “cockerel” approaches the child, the child reproduces the “cockerel” movements and onomatopoeizes.

Game "Prefabricated nesting dolls".

Goals: develop the ability to distinguish between the top and bottom of an object, coordinate small movements hands; enrich lexicon.

Game material and visual aids : two- or three-seater nesting dolls with bright colors.

Description: the teacher invites the children to look at two- or three-seater nesting dolls and explains that they need to be disassembled and reassembled correctly: put the smaller one into the larger one, observing correct position(head up). Next, look at the nesting dolls together with the children and ask leading questions: “Show me where the head of the nesting doll is located? So this is top part nesting dolls. And where is Bottom part nesting dolls? Of course, where the pocket is on the dress.” Etc.

Game "Wonderful bag".

Target: develop imaginative thinking and memory.

toy horse, bear, cat, bunny, bag, pictures of animals.

Description: The teacher puts toy animals in a bag. The child takes out a toy and reads a poem about this animal: if he finds it difficult to complete the task, then another child reads the poem. Etc.

Game "The toys ran away."

Target: develop memory, attention.

Game material and visual aids: toys.

Description: pick up several items for the game, for example: a car, several cubes, doll furniture. Consider them with your child and determine how you want to play with them. Explain that you need to build a house for Katya’s doll and put furniture there. Invite the child to go to another room. Arrange all selected items in different places. Call your child and tell him that all the toys have run away and you cannot find them. Let the child remember what they were going to play and find your toys:

Game "Tour of the House".

Target: develop speech, memory, attention.

Description: the teacher shows the doll, says that the doll Lyuba is tired of living in her dollhouse, she wants to go on a “trip” around the room.

Invite the child to show Lyuba everything that is in group room, name each thing and tell what it is for. Doll Lyuba is a curious girl and loves to ask questions. You can play for several days.

Game "Correct the mistake."

Target: develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Description: Draw a child a picture with a deliberately incorrect detail in the plot, for example: a tree with green leaves, flowers, a rainbow and a snowman. Invite the child to find and show the mistake and justify his opinion.

Game "Pick up the lid".

Target: develop skills in classifying and comparing objects.

Game material and visual aids: pans different sizes with their corresponding lids.

Description: The teacher tells the child that the pot lids are mixed up and offers to help him choose the right size lids.

Game "Find the house".

Target: develop matching skills.

Game material and visual aids: cards with images of hares: 3 with small hares and 3 with large ones; cards with images of houses: 3 small houses, 3 large ones.

Description: The teacher tells the child that the “bunnies” went out for a walk and got lost. Invites the child to help the “bunnies” find their “houses”: small - small, large - large. (Arrange cards with pictures of houses in a chaotic order.)

The game “One goes there, the other comes here.”

Target: develop the skill of comparison, the ability to systematize objects according to characteristics.

Game material and visual aids: 4 circles cut out of paper with a diameter of 3 cm, 4 circles with a diameter of 6 cm, boxes for large and small circles.

Description: come up with a plot for the game, for example: grandma was baking pancakes - large (circles cut out of paper with a diameter of 6 cm) and small (circles cut out of paper with a diameter of 3 cm). The big ones are for mom and dad, and the small ones are for the kids. But all the pancakes got mixed up. We need to help grandma arrange them on plates: distribute large circles in big box, small - to small.

Game "Close the felt-tip pen."

Goals: develop the skill of systematizing objects by attribute, fine motor skills; help you remember colors.

Game material and visual aids: felt-tip pens with caps that match the color of the refill.

Description: remove the caps from the markers, mix them. Invite the child to cover each marker with its own cap. Name the color of the cap and felt-tip pen. (The color of the cap matches the color of the refill.)

Game "Correct Carrot".

Goals: help learn colors; develop the skill of classifying objects by color.

Game material and visual aids: carrot figurines different colors, cut out of cardboard.

Description: cut the figures into two parts. Invite your child to “treat” the bunny with carrots. The child notes that green and blue carrots are not real, the bunny does not eat them. Therefore, you need to collect all the orange figures.

Game "Green Sun".

Target: develop attention.

Description: draw a green sun. Show the picture to the child. Ask if you did everything right? When it turns out that the sun of this color does not look like the sun at all, invite the child to find and give the teacher a yellow pencil to correct the mistake.

The game “What kind of car is the same road.”

Goals: develop attention; help learn colors.

Description: draw some small cars different color. Invite your child to color the paths underneath. (The color of the road must match the color of the car.)

Game "The ball is missing."

Target: form color perception.

Game material and visual aids: multi-colored plastic balls.

Description: The teacher invites the child to play with colorful balls: look at them, name the color of each ball, roll them, throw them in a box, etc. Hide one of the balls unnoticed. Draw the child's attention to the fact that there are fewer toys. Ask if he remembers what color the lost ball was. “Find” the ball and show it to the child. If he named the color correctly, praise him, otherwise, name the color of each ball again.

Game "Pick up clothes".

Target: develop color perception and fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: clothes for a doll, doll.

Description: The teacher demonstrates the doll, says that the doll has been capricious in the morning and cannot choose a dress for itself. Offers to help the doll get dressed. The doll is capricious: “I want a yellow dress!” Invite the child to find a yellow dress among the clothes. Looking at the dress, the doll changed her mind: “No, I don’t want a yellow dress, I want a blue sundress!” Etc. When the doll finally chooses clothes, invite the child to choose socks and a scarf of the same color.

Game "Pick up a thread."

Target: develop the skill of matching objects.

Game material and visual aids: deflated multi-colored balls, threads of the same colors as the balls.

Description: Show the child the balls and offer to match each of them with a thread of the same color. After successfully completing the task, inflate the balloons and play with them.

Game "Correct Me"

Target: develop color perception, attention, memory.

Description: the teacher demonstrates the drawing, in color scheme which is a deliberate mistake, for example: a tree with blue leaves, a purple apple or a green sun. Invite the child to explain what is wrong in the picture. Draw the picture again without coloring it, let the child do it on his own.

Game “Drowned? We'll get it!"

Goals: develop observation, fine motor skills; promote the development of skills in classifying objects by properties.

Game material and visual aids: objects that sink in water (pebbles, spoons, screws, etc.); objects that do not sink in water ( plastic toys, ball, wooden planks, etc.); container with water; two empty buckets.

Description: Place a container of water in front of the child and lay out all the items. Offer to observe how this or that object behaves in water. Throw objects into the water one by one. Ask the child, when taking objects out of the water, to place them in different buckets: those that sink - in one, those that do not sink - in another.

The game “Either he sinks or he doesn’t.”

Goals: develop observation skills; introduce the properties of objects.

Game material and visual aids: paper different types: notebook sheet, album sheet, paper napkin, cardboard, sheet from a glossy magazine, newspaper sheet, container with water.

Description: Place a container of water in front of the child. Remind how sinking and non-sinking objects were taken out and laid out. Offer to see how paper behaves in water. Dip the prepared samples into the water one by one, commenting on what is happening. Show your child how to wet paper you can “sculpt” figures.

Game "Who is faster".

Target: help to master the category “long - short”.

Description: tie strings to two cars - short and long. Give the child a car with a short string and ask them to see whose car gets to the owner first if everyone wraps their own string around a pencil. Exchange ropes and repeat the game. By placing the strings side by side, you can clearly show what is “long” and what is “short”.

Game "Think and Put".

Target: develop ideas about the location of objects in space (inside, above, below, below, above, between, left, right).

Description: invite the child to put an object in a certain place, for example: “Put this piece of paper under big book. The book is on the table”, “Put the notebook between the coloring book and the album”, etc.

Game "Near, in front, near."

Target: develop ideas about the location of objects in space, speech, imagination.

Game material and visual aids: several toys.

Description: invite the child to ride on the “bus”. Let him choose a comfortable place for himself. Place toys around the child. Together with your child, come up with names for stops or remember familiar ones: “The one sitting behind you is wondering what the stop will be now? Look who’s asking this?”; “Whoever is sitting next to you wants to know where this bus is going? Who is sitting next to you? Etc.

Game "Accommodating Guests".

Target: develop ideas about the location of objects in space, speech, attention.

Description: It's the doll's birthday. She invited guests and prepared a meal. Now we need to think about how to accommodate the guests festive table. The teacher reasons with the child: “You can’t put a bunny next to a wolf, he will offend the bunny, let’s put him next to a cockerel, they are friends, do you remember the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, where the rooster saved the hare from the fox? And we will place the wolf between the fox and the bear, they are all predators. The chicken will sit next to its mother, the hen, and the hen will sit next to the rooster. There will be a hare on one side of the rooster, and a chicken on the other, etc.” Repeat the placement order again. When guests arrive, instruct the child to seat them correctly.

Game "Right hand, left foot."

Goals: develop attention, sensory sensations; introduce the concepts of “right - left”.

Description: invite your child to tie a bell to his right hand and do some fun exercises. If the phrase “Right hand” is heard, you need to raise it up right hand with a bell and ring it. If the phrase “ Left hand", you need to raise your free hand and wave it. To complicate the game, you can repeat the same phrase several times in a row, tie a bell to your left leg, and include the phrases “left leg” and “right leg” into the game.

Game “Based on the Three Bears.”

Target: develop matching skills.

Game material and visual aids: toys that replicate fairy tale characters (large, medium, small bears).

Description: Remind your child of the tale of the three bears. Offer to invite fairy tale characters to visit. “Arrived” guests should be seated at the table. Remember who was sitting on which chair. Give the child three plates of different sizes and offer to distribute them to the bears, without indicating which of them gets which plate. Watch the child. If he fails to complete the task, explain that papa bear eats from a large plate, mom eats from a medium plate, and cub eats from a small plate. Let the child independently arrange the cups in front of the bears according to their sizes.

Almost every child is different at 2 years old physical activity. He does not sit still, he really likes to jump, run, dance, play with a ball - in a word, all outdoor games appeal to the young explorer. But we should not lose sight of intellectual development, which is also gaining momentum. Formation is actively underway logical thinking, vocabulary is growing. And at this stage it depends on the parents how fruitful this process will be.

Development of speech skills

The vocabulary of children aged 2-3 years is already quite diverse. Two-year-old children are able to ask the question: “What is this?” when pointing at an object with a finger. They understand the speech of an adult addressed to them. They work well with previously learned words in combination with new ones.

In general, throughout preschool period The baby's vocabulary is growing. For example, by the end of the second year of life, a child’s speech contains about 200 words, and after half a year - 400. Upon reaching three years old The word count is approaching 1000.
The grammatical form gradually becomes correct and understandable, but sometimes errors may occur.

How to organize classes correctly

For the right speech development Children aged 2-3 years can be given special “speech tasks”. They can be simple or complex.
Simple: Repeat a specific sound.
Difficult: “Go to dad and ask him to give you a typewriter.”
Such tasks make the child need to ask questions “where?”, “where?”, “which?”.

Arrange at home puppet show. Details for it can be purchased at the store or made yourself. First, the parents act as the puppeteer, and then they need to switch places.

Speech development activities

Invite your child to complete the phrase: “There is a white one in the kitchen...”, “Our cat loves...”.
It is necessary to encourage a 2-3 year old child to actively participate in discussions of all the events of his life, ask him questions about what he saw on the street, what he played. It doesn’t matter that at first the baby will answer in monosyllables, over time his answers will become more detailed.
Such discussion contributes to the development of vocabulary and teaches students to share their thoughts. And as a result, it is easier to find mutual understanding with such children in the future.

Speech breathing training. Very suitable for such training bubble blowing out the candle flame, musical instruments, which you need to blow.

Classes for children 2-3 years old to develop motor skills

The development of gross and fine motor skills is closely related to the development intellectual abilities and the development of the child as a whole. There are many games that can keep a 2-3 year old child occupied. Here are some of them:

  • Walking up the steps. At the age of two or three years, children usually move up the steps at a side step, holding onto a support. You need to complicate the task a little and teach your baby to walk up the steps without support.
  • Ball games. At this point age stage Children are not always able to catch the ball well and throw it accurately at the target. Training is very helpful in developing accuracy, dexterity, and strengthening the hands and fingers.
  • Finger games. This is very effective way for the development of fine motor skills. The principle is very simple: reciting rhymes is combined with various movements of the fingers (bending, straightening, light rubbing).

  • Modeling, drawing, applications.
  • Unfastening and fastening buttons and zippers.
  • Games with lacing. This could be simple shoe lacing or special games in which you need to thread the lace through holes.
  • Pouring water through a funnel.
  • Games with cereals.
  • Games with clothespins.
  • Collecting water with a sponge, squeezing the sponge.
  • Games with small beads. You need to teach your child how to collect beads with tweezers.
  • Games with a variety of sorters, inserts, pyramids.

Development of logical and mathematical thinking in children 2-3 years old

Performing simple mathematical and logical exercises and tasks leads to the formation of logical thinking. The sooner you start studying with your child, the easier it will be for him to learn the necessary concepts.

What a 2-3 year old child should be able to do:

  • Ability to navigate daily time. By the age of three, a child should already have formed the concepts of “morning,” “evening,” “day,” “night,” “today,” “tomorrow,” and yesterday.” Before your baby falls asleep, you can talk to him about what he did in the morning and what he plans to do tomorrow.
  • Ability to navigate in space. You can play this game with your child: ask him to find an object or toy that you have hidden, using the hints: “Under the table”, “Behind the chair”. It is also useful to look at the pictures and ask the child questions; “What is under the bed?”, “Where is the bunny sitting?” etc. It is also necessary to teach such concepts as “left”, “right”, “below”, “above”.
  • Knowledge of numeracy skills. First you need to learn simple counting, for example, counting steps and fingers.

  • Ability to assemble a whole from parts. Puzzles or pictures cut into several parts are very suitable for training these skills. At first there should be few parts. And gradually you can complicate the task using puzzles with large set details.
  • Sorting skills. To develop these skills, you can take buttons that differ in size, color, and shape. And then invite the child to put only red buttons in one pile, only oval ones in another, and only small ones in a third.
  • Ability to understand the concepts of “little-many”.
  • Ability to compare. Nowadays there are a lot of games on the following topics: “Where is whose house?”, “Who is eating what?”, “Where is whose baby?”

Activities to develop attention in children 2-3 years old

Attention in children aged 2-3 years is not well developed. And for further successful development and learning it needs to be trained. To develop concentration and the ability to notice little things and details, the following exercises are suitable:

  • Construction of a tower or house according to a drawn model.
  • Notice objects with one characteristic on the street or at home. For example, only soft, only green. There is no need to prompt the child; he will cope with the task on his own.
  • Searching for a specific item. This game can be played at home or on the street. It is necessary to invite the child to find, for example, a gray car in a parking lot, or a bird on a branch. This game helps develop concentration.

Classes on studying the properties of objects

People encounter different things throughout their lives. And knowing their properties, it is easy to decide on their use. In order for a child to learn the properties of objects, they need to be memorized. Simultaneously with familiarization with the properties of objects, abstract thinking, touch and smell develop, and the baby learns comparison. The child learns the definitions of objects (wide - narrow, short - long, low - high); the sense of touch develops (smooth - rough, cold - hot, soft - hard); the sense of smell is improved (finding differences in the smells and tastes of different products).

Activities for developing the intelligence of children 2-3 years old

A child of two or three years old shows interest in almost everything, and the era of questions about everything in the world begins. If earlier baby discovered the world through the properties of objects, and visual-effective thinking prevailed in him, now the baby is trying to think figuratively, and visual-figurative thinking begins to appear. It is very important to support here young researcher, explain the incomprehensible and make sure that interest in everything new does not fade away.
A huge role in the development of intelligence is played by a child’s acquaintance with the world of art:

  • Draw more together, listen to classical music, go to theaters, museums, and various exhibitions.
  • It is also very important to introduce your baby to the world around him. It will be interesting for a little person to hear about animals, birds, insects, and the peculiarities of their behavior. Children are always attracted to meteorological phenomena such as rain, snow, frost, and rainbows.
  • IN game form you can introduce children to such topics as: transport, hospital, shop, family, sea world, city, professions, structure of the human body, home appliances, furniture.

And so that the classes are not spontaneous, but systematic, you can draw up a plan where you indicate what topic you will study with your child.

Video “activities with a 2-3 year old child at home”

Why does a child need to play?

Dear moms and dads, don’t forget that play is a growing need. child's body. The game develops cognitive mental processes: perception, memory, thinking, attention, imagination, speech; curiosity and mental capacity; primary intellectual skills. Children of this age actively explore the world according to the principle: “What I see, what I act with, that is what I learn.”

Children experience simple shapes visually effective thinking, the most primary generalizations directly related to the identification of certain external and internal signs items. It is by playing with a child that you can develop all the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge.

Games for children 2-3 years old to develop tactile sensations.

The first game " Guess without looking" or "Magic bag"

Required equipment: the most diverse various items, differing in size, shape and material from which they are made.

  • Ask your child to close his eyes and guess what is in his hand. Let him comment on his feelings.
  • You don’t have to close your eyes, but hide the object in an opaque bag, ask the child to put his hand in there, feel the object and guess what it is.
  • Let the child guess the object by feeling it with both his right and left hands. This will allow you to develop tactile sensitivity in both hands equally.

Second game "What is the difference?"

While walking, collect a variety of items in a bucket: stones, branches, leaves
trees, cones. At home, empty the contents of the bucket and look at everything carefully, comparing the items with each other.

When looking at objects, explain to your child that the stone is heavy and the leaf is light.

Weigh objects in your hands and feel them. This way the child will be able to get acquainted with the concepts of “heavy”, “light”, “hot”, “cold”, “smooth”, “rough”, “prickly”.

Third game "Guess what it is?"

Required equipment: cans of cereal.

  • The child’s task is to lower his hands alternately into containers with different cereals. Be sure to name the cereal and compare the sensations.
  • After some time, when the child has a good understanding of the grains, ask him to identify them at random with his eyes closed.

Game four "Touch and Tell"

Required equipment: thick paper, various cereals, pieces of fabric different textures, glue.

  • It is necessary to cut out small squares from paper (with a side of about 10 cm). Glue cereal, pieces of fabric or textured colored paper onto the squares.
  • You don't have to cut out just the squares. Make circles and triangles as well. Keep this didactic material in a separate box.
  • Let the child take the card, touch it and talk about his feelings.
  • Help him by using as many definitions as possible.

Also great rump drawing game, semolina is very suitable for such a game.

Experiments and experiments for children from 2 to 3 years old.

"Water Transformations"

The game introduces the properties of such a substance as water.

Required equipment: shaped molds and ice molds.

  • First, tell your child that water placed in the freezer freezes and turns into ice.
  • Then demonstrate it clearly.
  • Show your child the ice figures, draw his attention to the fact that the pieces of ice repeat the shape of the vessels that you filled with water.
  • Watch the ice melt.
  • By adding paint to water, you can get multi-colored ice and make beautiful patterns out of it.

"The Invisible Letter"

The game will introduce your child to the properties of a substance such as iodine.

Required equipment: paper, lemon, iodine.

  • Write on paper lemon juice child's name or draw a simple picture and let dry.
  • Then dilute iodine in water and wet a sheet of paper with a brush - the design will appear.

"Poured and poured"

The game promotes the development of coordination of movement, expands the understanding of the properties of the substance - water.

Required equipment: container with water, one large and one small glass.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Show how you can scoop up water in one glass and pour it into another.
  • Give your child freedom of action.

"Wring out the washcloth"

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills.

Required equipment: two containers, a foam sponge.

  • Fill one container with water. Show your child how you can use a sponge to transfer water from one dish to another.
  • Offer to try to do the same yourself.


The game will introduce the concept of volume and promotes the development of coordination of movements.

Required equipment: a bowl of water, two or three jars, wooden sticks.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Place a teaspoon, a tablespoon, a ladle, a strainer, and a sponge nearby.
  • Invite your child to scoop water from the basin with different objects and pour it into different jars.
  • Compare which jar contains more water.
  • You can measure the depth of water in jars the way sailors once did: by lowering a wooden stick into the jar.

"Through the Sieve"

The game introduces the purpose of objects and the properties of the substance - water.

Required equipment: glass, sieve.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Let the baby pour water from a glass into a sieve.
  • Explain to him why the water flows away.

And for variety, you can put different objects in the water and use a sieve to catch them.

"Swim or sink"

The game promotes the development of observation, fine motor skills, and the development of object classification skills.

Required equipment: objects that sink in water (pebbles, spoons, screws, buttons), and objects that do not sink in water (ball, wooden planks, plastic toys), a container with water, two empty buckets.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of the child and lay out all the items. Let the baby throw objects into the water one by one and watch them.
  • Then take the items out of the water and put them in different buckets - in one, everything that did not drown, in the other - what was at the bottom.

DIY games for children.

Do-it-yourself games for children are very simple to make, they can always be made from available materials, and the ideas presented will help the development of your little one.

A selection of DIY games for children:

1. “Pictures with lacing”

For this game you can use pictures - sun, cloud, flower, car.

In order to make such a toy you will need: white and multi-colored plastic; awl or screws; scissors; fishing line; yellow lace.

Once you make the game, show your child how to weave the lacing correctly. Your baby will love these educational games.

2. “Windler games”

I think you all understand perfectly well that it is useful to constantly teach your baby new skills, new movements of hands and fingers. This has a beneficial effect on the child’s speech formation, and on development in general.

The next game is designed to teach the baby to coordinate the movements of both hands even better.

During this game, the child learns to wrap a rope or ribbon around a stick or ball. Generally speaking, winding on a stick is much easier, so it’s better to start with it. A drumstick, pencil, or even a stick from the street will do. You need to tie a small piece of string, thick yarn or ribbon to it.

In order to increase the child’s interest in the game, you can attach a small soft toy. With each new turn, the toy will crawl closer and closer to the baby. It will be very exciting!

3. “The game of making soap foam”

For this game, prepare a whisk. Then, together with your child, pour water into a bowl and add a little shampoo. Show your baby how to get a rich foam by whisking vigorously. Usually kids are simply fascinated by this educational game; it’s almost like a magic trick - water turns into foam. My daughter loves this game. 🙂

And after playing with the whisk, we begin to blow soap bubbles through the straw. Usually, for the first time, it is difficult for babies to understand that they should not drink water through a straw, but rather blow it out, so if you have never tried to create a storm in a glass before, first experiment with ordinary water and make sure that the baby does not drink the water. And only then move on to playing with soapy water. In this case, the bubbles are even more spectacular than with a whisk.

4 . “We transfer the pieces of foam rubber using clothespins”

For this game, cut a foam sponge into small pieces in advance. Together with your baby, imagine that these are pies, cookies or potatoes - in general, something edible. Mashenka has lunch soon, so we need to put all the food on her plate. True, the food is hot, so to avoid getting burned, you need to use a clothespin. My daughter loves to cook and feed her toys, so this game really captivates us.

5. “Playing with tweezers”

This game is similar to the previous one, only here we will use tweezers instead of clothespins. First try practicing with sponge pieces. When this works out well, you can also transfer small beads with tweezers. This task is, of course, more difficult, but a two-year-old child can already do it.

I would like to note that games with clothespins and tweezers wonderfully develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, and hone tool skills.

6. “Playing with nuts”

For a change tactile sensations, and also to enrich knowledge about the world around us, it is interesting to play with nuts. To do this, buy 4-5 types of nuts in shell (5 pieces of each type). We played with walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, and peanuts.

Nuts can be used in role-playing games, distributing nuts to toys, while pronouncing and remembering their names.

Also, you can sort nuts by type, again repeating the names (Katya the doll loves walnuts, and Olya is peanuts).

Finally, you can place the nuts in a small, opaque bag and feel the nuts out of the bag.

7. « Lay out the pasta"

I propose another game that can be made in 2 minutes using available materials. This game helps improve motor skills and, of course, accuracy.

So, the child’s task is to carefully lay out the pasta along the drawn paths. Buttons will also work. If you use materials of different colors, then for each track you can define its own color, thereby adding color sorting.

Tip: to make the activity more interesting, place small toys along the edges of the paths, and explain that your mission is to build a pasta bridge for the toys, otherwise they will never meet.

8. “Playing with a pipette”

Another one simple toy, which is always at hand and which can capture children's attention for a long time, is a pipette. If your baby is not yet familiar with this device, then it is better to start with larger bulbs and dispensers, and at the same time simply pour water from one dish to another. Well, when the child already understands the sequence of actions (press - lower the pipette into the water - unclench his fingers, etc.), then you can already offer more complex problems. For example, pour water into the cells using a small pipette.

Lego pieces or mini bathing mats are ideal as cells. It is advisable to tint the water for this developmental activity with gouache, this will make it easier to see which cells are already filled and which are not yet.

For those who have already gotten the hang of it, we can offer an advanced option - alternating the color of the water when filling the rows of cells.

9. “Playing with kinetic sand”

Recently kinetic sand has become quite popular and, in general, deservedly so: it is an excellent alternative to ordinary sand in the cold season, captivates children for a long time, and develops motor skills and imagination with a bang.

Despite the fact that kinetic sand looks similar to wet river sand, its properties are significantly different. It is less crumbly and has a sort of cohesive mass (at the same time, it is not as flexible as play dough or plasticine). In addition, kinetic sand has “fluidity”. So, a tower made from it, after standing for a few minutes, will slowly begin to creep away, while a tower made of ordinary sand can stand for at least the whole day until someone destroys it. However, all this does not mean that kinetic sand is worse or uninteresting to play with!

In the game we use ordinary sand molds, build castles for princesses and zoos for animals, but most of all, perhaps, we love to cook various pies and sausages with our hands, decorate them, cut them with a toy knife and treat them to everyone.

Educational cartoon for kids. Learning colors.

Of course, there are a lot of educational games for children that you can play with your child at home, I told you about those that my child loves.

And also, during the breaks between games, we came across one very educational cartoon “Little Kids”, take a look, maybe your little one will learn from it. 😉

It's time to finish my article. I would be very glad if you share your ideas for activities with our children in the comments. And remember, everything depends on yourself, on your desire, on your imagination. Good luck to you!! While playing, develop yourself!!

Sincerely, Tatyana Kashitsina.

Physical activity of a child at 2 years old pleases every parent. The baby is constantly on the move, he jumps, climbs, chases a ball around the house, dances to cheerful music, clearly demonstrating his beautiful physical fitness. The intellectual development of a 2-year-old little man moves at the same rapid pace. His vocabulary expands, logical thinking is formed, memory and attention are strengthened. The pace at which the baby will absorb new knowledge depends on the efforts of the parents.

At two years of age, a child’s development is aimed at understanding the world around him and his own capabilities.

How to develop logical and mathematical thinking?

Logical and mathematical developmental exercises lead to the formation of logical thinking. Classes consist of:

  • The concept of space and time. Invite your child to find the toy you have hidden. Help him by directing his search: “let’s look under the bed, in the closet drawer, behind the chair, maybe our bunny is hiding there.”
  • Ability to navigate the time of day. Closer to 3 years, the child must learn the difference between day and evening, morning and night, and distinguish between concepts such as today, tomorrow, yesterday. When rocking your baby to sleep, talk to him about what he did in the morning and what he did in the evening.
  • Sorting games. Take different buttons or pasta, cut out circles and squares from colored paper (the main thing is that they are not the same in size, color and shape). We sort by similarity. You can take pictures of vegetables and fruits and remind your child that the rabbit loves vegetables, and the monkey loves fruits. We put pictures in front of the animals.
  • Simple account. Start learning not with numbers, but with concepts that are accessible to your child. Count on your fingers, on the steps of the stairs. If the child is already showing his age on his fingers, offer to show him how old he will be.
  • We put together puzzles and pictures. Choose simple games of 2-3-4 parts for exercises. The process is complicated for a 2-year-old baby, it develops slowly, so the mother should help the baby at first.

Puzzles for kids should be very simple so that the baby can assemble them without outside help
  • “A lot is a little” - at 2 years old a child is ready for this concept (see also:).
  • Orientation in space. The child learns such concepts as right - left, higher - lower.
  • Comparison. Games with images in books or special pictures, allowing the child to compare actions and objects: “who eats what”, “where is whose tail”, “where is whose house” (we recommend reading:).
  • Finding a figure based on two characteristics. Place colored ones in front of your baby paper mugs so that among them there are two yellow ones, a large one and a small one, or two red squares of different sizes. Ask your child to find each pair: two yellow circles or two red squares.

Studying the properties of objects

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One of the most important skills for a child. A person is constantly surrounded by some objects. Knowing their properties, he easily finds use for them. The skill allows children to develop abstract thinking, teaches comparison, and develops the sense of touch and smell. The learning process consists of memorizing:

  • concepts about objects: long - short, high - low, wide - narrow;
  • warm - cold, smooth - rough, hard - soft (develops the sense of touch);
  • heavy - light;
  • identical - different (for 3 years);
  • taste and smell (helps to become aware of the sense of smell);
  • color characteristics of objects (helps you remember color names and teaches you to distinguish colors) (we recommend reading:);
  • geometric figures and shapes (useful for spatial thinking) (we recommend reading:).

How to develop speech?

The first block of recommendations presents cognitive exercises that contribute to the general development of speech skills. The classes do not require special knowledge from adults, the main thing is your love and patience. Obviously, it is important for a 2-year-old child to do something interesting, otherwise he will not perceive the information positively. When starting to learn, remember that speech is at the core full development children. Parents should:

  1. Read children's books with your baby and look at the pictures in them. Be sure to discuss the events taking place in a fairy tale or story and conduct a detailed analysis of them. Ask your little listener leading questions and praise him for the correct answers.
  2. Organize a puppet theater. Buy attributes for family children's performances in the store or make them yourself. You will stage the first performance, then involve the little one in the action. Show how to control the dolls, entrust the little treasure with the role of puppeteer.
  3. Develop speech breathing. Teach your child to hold his breath while exhaling. Soap bubbles, playing the pipe, and blowing out candles are suitable for training. In the summer, invite him to blow dandelions. Breathing exercises help saturate the body with oxygen, activate the heart, nervous system, brain.
  4. Offer speech games. Complete phrase game: you tell your child the beginning of a phrase, and the baby finishes it. For example: “You have green in your room...”, “Our cat likes to sleep...”.

Shared reading and looking at pictures contributes to the child’s development

Children aged 2 years, whose vocabulary already has certain words, even if they are a little distorted, will benefit from games and entertainment aimed at consolidating and expanding speech skills. Proceed as follows:

  • Ask your daughter or son simple questions about what they see in the window or what is happening on the street. It doesn’t matter that the answers will be monosyllabic, the main thing is that the child wants to answer.
  • Try to discuss with your child all the events happening in his life. Be interested in what he plays, how he ate, what toy he likes and why. Questioning will help expand your baby’s passive vocabulary and teach you to share his thoughts with you - this is an excellent foundation for future mutual understanding.
  • As a rule, by the age of 2, children are well aware of the fairy tales that are often read to them. Invite your child to tell them together: you start - he continues. For example: “The mouse waved its tail and what did the egg do? It broke. Right!". Be sure to praise your treasure for every correct answer.
  • Enrich your baby's vocabulary with adjectives. Frequently ask questions that begin with the word “what.” Your task is to encourage the child to come up with or remember the definition of an object or thing you said. It’s very good if he can remember at least one adjective on his own.

How to develop attention?

We keep the game content of the classes, but direct them towards training attention. The ability to concentrate, notice details, and think about a task will help your treasure in a school setting. We offer to keep your child busy:

  • Searching for something. The search can be carried out at home, on the street, from the window. Ask your child to point out the blue car in the parking lot or find the squirrel in the picture. The game does not require any additional attributes and can be played anywhere, you just need to interest the baby. Helps develop concentration.

During a walk, you can ask your child to find and show some thing, object, car, flower.
  • Lay out mittens, saucers, cups, and patterned hats. Select items so that each set contains the same elements of the design. The child’s task is to find a similar pattern on objects.
  • Construction of a house or tower according to a drawing. Buy the game in the store. Select the product with the simplest two-piece design. The lesson is designed for a three year old child.
  • Find in the room or on playground in the yard there are objects with one characteristic: soft, hard, white, round. There is no need to rush or prompt the baby; let him consciously make a choice,
  • We expand the search value of the previous game. The child’s task is to find things with two identical characteristics: large and round, small and soft.

Developing gross and fine motor skills

Child psychologists strongly connect motor skills with general development child. Every movement of the baby works on his intellectual and speech abilities. A child of two years old can be occupied with:

  • Finger gymnastics: modeling, appliqué, drawing.
  • A game with an insert frame.
  • Unfastening buttons, buttons, zippers. If you wish, let him learn how to fasten buttons and zippers.
  • We learn to take off and put on clothes (hats, socks, mittens).
  • Pour the water and pour the cereal using a funnel, kettle, jug, watering can (buy children's dishes).

Sensory boxes with cereals, pasta and legumes - great helper in the development of fine motor skills (more details in the article:). Games can also be played in a single color - to consolidate it
  • Hand washing. We teach the baby to wash his hands on his own. Training is gentle, without coercion. At the same time, we show how to open and close the tap and squeeze it out of the bottle. liquid soap, soap their hands.
  • Pour soapy water into a glass and give the baby a whisk to whisk the water.
  • We fill the saucer with water, put round balls (kinder containers) into it, give our son or daughter a spoon and ask us to catch the objects. Place the removed item in a glass without water.
  • We use a pipette or an enema to collect water: draw and pour.
  • We collect water with a sponge and squeeze out the sponge.
  • We take paper and a bottle. The child should crumple the paper tightly and push the resulting lump into the neck of the bottle.
  • Games with clothespins and lacing.
  • We make patterns from pasta, sticks, and beans.
  • We teach a child under 3 years old to connect dots on paper with lines. We use tasks in children's books and magazines.
  • We shift small items(beads, peas) with tweezers.
  • Selection of caps for bottles and jars. We teach them how to twist and unscrew them.
  • We play pyramid folding, use sorters and insert frames.

We continue to get acquainted with the world around us

In addition to certain exercises that help intellectual development child, his knowledge of the world around him should be expanded. Naturally, the information received must be accessible to the developing consciousness and correlated with age-related capabilities. We talk more about things we already know, watch a video, and start with animals:

  1. We study the details of animal life. Where they live, what they eat, what their body parts are called (horns, tail, hooves). We tell you what a person gets from a cow or sheep (milk, wool). Let's find out what their cubs are called.
  2. Let's get acquainted with the life of birds. We find out where they live, what they eat, and the names of their chicks. We pass on knowledge through a conversation with the child, telling him that there are domestic and wild birds. What benefits do birds bring to humans, how do they live in the forest.
  3. Expanding knowledge about insects. An ant builds an anthill, a bee flies among flowers and collects pollen to make honey, a caterpillar eats leaves. The story about insects should be constructed in a positive way. Parents explain to the baby that all insects are alive, that they have children, that they, like us, breathe, they have their own purpose in the world around them.
  4. We are watching natural phenomena(snow, rain, rainbow) and explain their appearance. Why does it rain, where do snowflakes come from?
  5. We study trees and flowers characteristic of the family’s area of ​​residence. While walking in the park, name the trees you see. When you see a flower bed, show your son or daughter some flowers and tell them what they are called.
  6. We remember the names of fruits, mushrooms, vegetables, berries that we encounter in Everyday life. We check whether the baby remembers the names, offering to choose a pear or an apple.
  7. We understand the concepts of material, explain what the objects around us are made of (wood, metal, paper, glass, stone).

It is necessary to encourage the baby’s curiosity, providing answers to his questions whenever possible. If parents cannot explain a phenomenon, it makes sense to promise the child to return to the issue later, but just not forget about it.

The child will be interested in learning the names of plants that are encountered during a walk.

Expanding the range of concepts

The time has come to expand on topics that are understandable to children in a simple form. We give their simplest concepts without overloading the child’s attention with details. Make a note of future lessons for yourself day by day so that you strictly adhere to your planned plan. What topics to take for classes:

  • shop;
  • doctor, hospital;
  • family;
  • transport;
  • marine world (seas, oceans, ships);
  • railway (trains, rails, driver, carriage);
  • aquarium (fish, life underwater world, observation of the inhabitants of the aquarium);
  • city.

We supplement knowledge of the world with information about a person and his activities, explore the world household appliances, get to know the professions. Take the following topics for discussion:

  • Human labor activity. We teach you to understand what a person does: mom sweeps the floor, washes the dishes, dad repairs the faucet. We educate respectful attitude to someone else's work.
  • We study man. We teach parts of the body, talk about health and personal hygiene, and explain its meaning.
  • Introducing home household appliances, explaining its purpose. We talk about the correct handling of it, with cutlery, and point out the dangers.
  • Let's get acquainted with professions. We combine the topic with the study of other topics. For example, transport - driver, hospital - doctor.
  • For parents planning to take their baby to kindergarten, it is worth preparing him for new circumstances by playfully reproducing the situation of parting with his mother, sleeping in another house, meeting a teacher.

Days of introduction to professions are often held in kindergartens and schools, but nothing prevents parents from discussing this issue with their children even earlier

What helps intellectual development?

Our world is multifaceted, it contains music and painting, theater and ballet. Art is an important developmental tool for developing the intellectual abilities of children. The child needs to know and feel.

At the age of 2 to 3 years, the child begins to actively learn the world. What happens around him is very important to him. The baby will copy and repeat any actions or words of the parents, playing with toys, and often using objects from the adult world. Therefore, it is at this age that you need to help the baby form inner world and teach your child how to handle various items and even help parents. Of course the most good material These are toys for learning, but the baby himself may not be able to cope yet, so in games he needs reliable helpers - these are parents and older brothers and sisters.

What games are recommended to play with a 2-3 year old child?
For harmonious development the child has all cognitive processes, as well as skills and abilities, it is necessary to ensure it various games and toys. Logic, memory, thinking, fine motor skills fingers, as well as knowledge about colors, shapes and figures - this is all that needs to be helped to learn and develop for the baby.

Water coloring books and games about flowers.
Why water coloring books? They will help expand the child's horizons, introduce him to primary colors, and they are also very comfortable and are the most suitable option coloring books for this age. Coloring pages can be found on any topic. Animals, plants, fruits, vegetables, any household items.

Games about shapes and sizes.
Such games will introduce your child to the basic geometric shapes. It will also teach you to distinguish objects by size. They will also help consolidate knowledge about colors, since, as a rule, all figures are made of different colors.

Games for the development of logical thinking.
The main thing here is to choose games according to age. Examples of games: puzzles, find a pair, find the shadow of a figure, who lives where, whose children are where.

Games for speech development.
You can use cards with letters and words. Also pictures depicting objects, animals, actions. You need to ask the child to name the object, and also describe and tell in detail what is shown in the picture. Learn little poems or nursery rhymes. Children's books by age: “Kolobok”, “Turnip” - these are those fairy tales that children by the age of 3 should recite by heart.

Games with numbers.
A child at this age should know the numbers one and two, but if the material is easily digestible, more is possible. You need to teach your baby to distinguish where and how many objects are located. Ask to postpone required quantity, for example cubes. To do this, you need to place two boxes in front of you, from which it is easy to take items out.

Games that introduce you to the world around you.
Such games are “Where, whose house”, “Who makes the sound”, “Where, whose mother”. You can find about sounds on the Internet. And games in which you need to select and study pictures are best purchased in a store so as not to damage your eyes.

Games with objects.
These can be any not too large objects. The child's task will be to sort them by common feature. For example, color or shape. Or which item is extra.
Many of these games can be combined into one more complex one. Unless, of course, the child has already mastered them separately. It is very important to remember that you had to teach your child a lot.

What children from 2 to 3 years old should be able to do.
In order to assess how correctly a child is developing, you need to know what he should be able to do at the age of 2-3 years:
Fulfill complex requests that consist of 2-3 actions. For example: go to the closet, open the door, take a jacket and close the door.
Be able to speak simple phrases and understand parents.
It is advisable to be able to undress and dress yourself. This is easy to teach by showing it a few times.
Go to the potty on your own and wash your hands.
Cut paper with scissors. This is not dangerous.
Build simple buildings from cubes or construction sets;
Assemble a pyramid from 8 parts;
Assemble a logic cube by correctly selecting the parts for the holes.

The main thing is not to rush the child. If he doesn't understand what you want from him, come up with an easier task. And then add one more point. Don't forget that many things are new to the child.
Help your child in everything, and be sure to show patience, because he may not always succeed in everything the first time.